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United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Home to the second largest, and oldest Sanctuary in the network, London has the second largest population of abnormals known in the world. Some rumors have been circulating around the abnormal communities of a virus spreading west out from the Himalaya's though, something that causes abnormals to go insane and kill, before dying painful deaths themselves.

((Bartnum, this would be your spot!))
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Douglas made his way though the Sanctuary in his human form, carrying a large crate full of parts and equipment he didn't recognise. Heavy lifting wasn't the most fulfilling of his duties, but there was some satisfaction to be had in the ease with which he managed it - the crate would have taken at least two humans to lift.

A couple of them were coming the other way and moved to give him a wide berth. They all knew Douglas and most were used to him, but a few were still wary - uncomfortable with letting such a dangerous abnormal wander freely.

He was perfectly fine with that, and he pointedly gave them a smile as he passed.
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

As Douglas made his way through, he was stopped by Declan as the man came out of one of the elevators off to the side.

"Ah, Douglas, good, I was looking for you. We've been getting word that there may be an issue near where we first found you. We think it may be Cabal related."
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Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

((Near where they first found him? Loch Fyne is several hundred miles from London.))

"The Cabal? I take it we'll need to go out there and foil their dastardly scheme, then? Well I need to drop this crate off first, so fill me in. What sort of issue is it?"

Unless stopped by Declan, Douglas moved to keep walking, now at a faster pace than before.
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)


Declan nodded.

"That would be good yes. Intel suggests they're trying to dump another shipment of Lazarus into the water, hoping to kill more abnormals and make them attack humans. We think they've decided to use it as a double edged sword. It kills abnormals, but it also makes them go ape shit. We think they're hoping to create an all out war between humans and abnormals so one side wipes out the other."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

"Hah, trying to make abnormals attack humans? They certainly picked an interesting spot to do it. I'm not sure my kind needs the help. Perhaps I'll prove it to them with a demonstration."

Douglas chuckles to himself as they reach his destination and drop off the crate.

"Shall we get going then?"
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Declan shrugged.

"They may not, but if that virus gets into a drinking supply from your people being infected and hunting around, or if they dump it into land or water that other abnormals frequent, we'll have a major outbreak of it in no time."

Nodding, Declan revealed he had two different side arms with him, and only now would Douglas realize he had Kevlar on.

"It'll be just the two of us for now. John should be joining soon, if he can finish up in Tokyo quickly."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Before leaving, Douglas picked up a pistol of his own. He still wasn't used to firearms and preferred to rely on his own body, but it felt best to be prepared.

"Ah, it'll be good to see home again. I'm ready when you are."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Nodding, Declan loaded the two of them into a van, and they headed out.

"We're going to head to the private field and take the chopper. We'll get there much faster than driving. How are you with flying?"
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Douglas cringed a little to himself. He wasn't great with flying. Land and water were his, but the air had always been foreign.

"I'll manage. Just so long as we're flying in a straight line."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Declan chuckled.

"Yeah, it'll be a straight line. I'm flying, and only Magnus is a better pilot than me."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

"Machines that fly. It still amazes me the things you humans think up. It amazes me more that some of those things actually work."

((I'm ready to timeskip, assuming nothing else needs to happen.))
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

((Nope nothing else.))

After a short period of time, Declan and Douglas were setting down near their intended target. Declan had set them down far enough to not be seen or heard coming in, and now they were on foot walking towards a nearby body of water.

As they got closer, they saw signs of a fire fight, spent bullet casings littering the ground, as well as human bodies.

"Wonderful, someone's already here."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

"Several someones, by the look of things. And they didn't even have the decency to clean up after themselves. Shameful."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Checking one of the casings, Declan nodded slightly.

"High Caliber weapon, fits with the Cabal. Looks like the victims never got a shot of their own off, no other bullets and no signs of a weapon on any of them. Be very careful, if they've already spread Lazarus here and we come across anything infected, remember it will be significantly stronger than normal. Likely entry point for them is up this way."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

"Hah, I was already the top of the food chain around here. Anything else would have to be significantly stronger just to stand a chance."

Despite his bravado, Douglas seems warier as the two continue.
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Declan nodded.

"Unfortunately that's what Lazarus does. Two of our men went to the Himalayas after the original outbreak, said they witnessed several of the Yeti display nearly double normal strength, and I bet you have a fair idea how strong they are."

As they moved along, tracks became evident leading towards the water, standard issue boot tracks for para-military. Still, there was no sign of whoever made them...
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

"Much stronger than your kind, I've heard. And it would only take a few of you to rival me in this form."

Douglas goes quiet as they find the tracks, watching their surroundings as the two continue.
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Declan nodded, eyes widening just a bit as they progressed deeper into the area, on full alert.

As they moved onward, they came across more bodies, though these looked like something had carved them up rather than shot them. Bending down, Declan shook his head.

"These aren't sword or blade marks, these look like claw marks. The Cabal might not be the only thing lurking about here it seems."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

"Don't remember anything around here that could do this. Bloody hell, I'm only gone a few years and some other bastard's moved in? Tan-fuckin'-fastic."
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