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United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

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Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Declan paused, then shook his head.

"I'm not sure. I can't think of any abnormal species native to this particular area that has any kind of claw like that. For that matter, nothing native to the UK has claws period. Which means this is either a new species, was brought here, or is something that came from outside the UK and somehow travelled here. Whatever it is, it's deadly."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

"How about something the Cabal brought with them? Because both the Cabal and a foreign abnormal independantly showing up at the exact same place at the same time and killing people this close to one another seems like a bit of a coincidence."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Declan nodded.

"I have to agree. Though why were there so many humans down here? That's what isn't adding up, this particular place shouldn't have had this many people at once. More bodies ahead."

Sure enough, there were more bodies up ahead, this time a mixture of human and some form of abnormal Douglas couldn't readily identify. It didn't really help that half the abnormal's face had been literally ripped off either.
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

"No idea, but I'm going to guess that's also the Cabal's doing. Seems like everything's pointing that way today."

"Wow. What happened to this poor bastard? Looks like he nutted something he shouldn't have."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Declan shook his head.

"I have no idea, but it looks like something tore his face clean off."

Looking around, Declan seemed to spot something and he frowned.

"Got a few more bodies over here, they aren't human. Abnormal of some kind, humanoid but ... well, I have no idea what the hell they are."

Sure enough, there were four more bodies, each one with strange blue markings on their bodies, and green, slitted eyes. Clearly abnormal, but nothing like anything Douglas would have ever seen before in any file. Whatever they were, it was safe to say they might have discovered a new species.
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

"Doesn't look like anything I've ever seen before, but then that's not really my field."

Douglas looks around before gesturing off in a direction.

"In fact, I think my field is actually over there."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Standing up, Declan motioned for them to continue onward, definitely not liking what he had seen so far.

Only a few minutes later, as they were nearing the water itself, did they discover the rest of the Cabal soldiers, or rather, what was left of them. Three of them had literally been cut in half the long way, while the other three had evidence suggesting they had been shot by some kind of energy device. A single case, filled with what they both recognized as vials of Lazarus lay there, opened but otherwise unharmed.

"Alright, this just officially went from strange to bloody weird as hell. I'd have said maybe the abnormal the Cabal brought with them turned on them but, how do you explain these holes in them? This looks like some kind of energy blast tore through this guy and almost instantly cauterized the wound."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

"Wow, something took these guys apart. Colour me impressed."

"Energy blast. Maybe some kind of abnormal power? Though an abnormal that could burn a hole through a human's torso AND strong enough to cut one clean in half... does something like that exist?"
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Declan shook his head.

"Definitely not. I don't even know of anything other than a Diuokon that could emit energy of any kind at all for an attack, and that's radiation. Well, check that, Tesla could manipulate electricity but that's it. Whatever this is, it's something new, possibly two different things. Wait, do you hear that?"

As he said it, a low clicking sound, almost like a hiss could be heard coming from somewhere, though at the moment neither could place exactly where. It did however sound like it was getting closer to them.
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Douglas heard the sound too - he began looking around for the source while cautiously backing a little closer to the water.

"In case whatever that is isn't friendly, we might want to grab the virus and be ready to head for the water. I don't fancy our odds against something that may or may not have just killed 6 armed men and walked away."

A faint black mist starts emanating from Douglas' skin - an indicator that he was preparing to change form.
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

"Agreed, this is not something the two of us can likely take down alone, not if it just took down all these people and is still walking about."

Grabbing the case, he carefully closed it, even as the sound drew closer. Suddenly, with little warning, part of the ground back the way they had come exploded upward, as a large insectoid type creature with scythe like fore-arms erupted out of the new hole. It's carapace showed signs of bullet wounds, and some kind of burn marks, yet the creature didn't even seem fazed by it. Turning towards them, it stared right at them, loudly hissing as it studied them, perhaps gauging the best way to attack.

As he backed closer to Douglas, Declan whispered, "it has no eyes at all unlike normal insectoid abnormals. This one must remain underground most of it's life, probably senses either vibration from movement or has a heat sensing organ, either way, it may as well be able to see us. Arms like those, I think we found what carved up those soldiers earlier, and it looks like whatever killed these guys tried messing with our bug here, and lost."
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Douglas continued to slowly back up, clearly still planning to run.

"Might be best to talk once we're somewhere it can't kill us. Fortunately I doubt it can swim."

At a word from Declan, he was ready to turn and bolt for the water.

((Not sure exactly how close to the water they are - safe to assume Douglas will go horse if they've got a bit of a run, and he'd let Declan ride.))
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

((Probably now within thirty five feet or so.))

"I have to agree, we need backup, and I doubt it will give us time to call for it."

As he spoke, he was already moving.

The bug let out a high pitched wail, arms coming up as it charged towards them, it's intent pretty clear.
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Douglas whirled around and broke into a run, his body still trailing black mist behind him. Upon reaching the water his body exploded into a slick looking cloud of the stuff, before coalescing into the form of a horse. His movement seemed uninhibited by the water as he made his way further out.

As soon as Douglas was deep enough he underwent a second change, his hindquarters reforming into a fishlike tail and fins appearing on his head, spine and forelimbs. He now stopped and waited for Declan, ready to swim the two of them away.
Re: United Kingdom (London, and the Sanctuary Included)

Declan made his jump into the water, making his way towards Douglas.

The bug however, went only a few feet into the water before stopping, letting out what sounded like a frustrated screech, before it abruptly turned around and went back to the shore. From there it simply stared out at them, seeming to dislike the water enough as to be kept at bay by it.

As he reached Douglas, Declan paused.

"Hmm, it doesn't seem to like the water. I just hope that it just hates water and not for some other reason."
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