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University Admissions, Grand Foyer


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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This room certainly lives up to it's name. The Grand Foyer is bedecked in the most luxuriant tapestries, gilded walls and scarlet velvet furniture strewn about all imbued with peace enchantments to give the area a rather homey feeling, despite it's magnificent style.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

It had been several days since the Dean had revealed that portals had begun to open across the world, the only hope to close them being the students and professor that had been briefed on the situation. Despite wanting to avoid sending untrained youths to what he believes is their death the wizened naga knows he has no other choice, and so gives them full access to the university's resources, hoping to limit their chances of failure.

Standing within the grand foyer are several warmages and the Dean himself, waiting for the students and professor Ramielle to turn up so that they may begin their journey. Servante, who has been waiting awhile now with a backpack full of gear and his rapier sits in one of the many lavishly designed chairs scattered around the foyer, a dark scowl already marring his otherwise handsome face.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Grave ran into the foyer, skidding as he turned around the corner, barely managing to maintain balance with the heavy backpack he was burdened with. It contained, aside of whatever he deemed necessary for long travel, several notebooks and a supply of pencils - there was no way in Hell the pyromancer was going to leave his research materials behind him, and he took a few fresh ones to write down whatever he came up with on the road. He also had a few books - advanced fire magics he had been learning recently but hadn't quite mastered yet, some reference materials on teleportation, and a fresh journal. Cynder wasn't someone who usually bothered to keep an account of how his days went, seeing as unless he was experimenting, there wasn't enough variety in them to warrant, in his opinion, writing all that crap down. As for the times when he WAS experimenting with something... Well, that's what he had his notes for, which ironically had yet to suffer a single singe mark despite the fact that he wrote them on site. He certainly had less luck than that. However, seeing as he was about to embark on a most likely dangerous journey, Grave decided to chronicle it, believing it might be worth the effort. "Alright, I'm here! Didn't miss anything?" He asked, a little out of breath after running so quick. Perhaps oversleeping and forgetting to pack his bags the day before hadn't been his best ideas.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

This morning when Toring had woken, he was looking at his packed bags when he realized he didn't know what to wear. He didn't have any clothing fitting for travel, except... except the ones he arrived in.
As such, when he stepped into the foyer, he wore a sleeveless brown leather jacket that had to be placed somewhere between a vest and a coat. The holes for the arms, trimmed with grey fur like the collar, were entirely too large even for Toring's frame, and the leather fell down on his thighs - in short, it seemed too big. Combined with the slightly too large axe hanging from a belt slung loosely around his shoulder and the bow seemingly crafted from a young tree on his back, the informed might get a hunch that these items were to be used in his were form. Underneath the vest, he wore a simple wool shirt that seemed to have been stitched back together many times and a pair of wide, brown, baggy pants that were slit on the sides from the knees downwards, held up by a belt without a buckle, while his feet were bare.

Toring looked around the hall and grumbled. He reached up and touched the braid that, tucked behind his right ear, held back the hair on that side. The braid was only used by his people if they went to war - but, given the involvement of evil dragons and life magic, that may just be the case. The large bag he currently held in his hand held some spare clothes (and his entire set of enchanted stretching pants), a removable fur lining for his coat, a quiver of arrows, a tent, a hunting knife, a dictionary for the most common languages and a stupid romantic novel that he would never read, like, ever, and the possession of which he would adamantly deny. Also, if bad came to worse and they would still be on the road when his heat set in, a pair of iron shackles enchanted in the same way as his pants, stretching to fit his bear form. They rattled when he plopped the bag down next to a seat across from Servante and sat down, giving everybody in the room a nod.
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Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Jess strode in rather late, though not the last person, to her surprise. she looked like she was geared out for one of her mini-vacations into the wilds, with a small backpack of gear and rough looking but comfortable clothes. She plops down on the nearest available seat, turning sideways so she could rest her head on one arm and her legs on the other. "So, do we know where we're going yet?"
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Calcius entered looking much the same as always - the hunting knife sheathed at his hip and small haversack slung over his shoulder were already part of his standard attire, along with the cloak and kilt that were just about the only things he wore. The few other possessions he had were in a small sack slung over his shoulder. He almost never carried his weapons with him - they were safely stored elsewhere, and could be conjured when needed.

Calcius slid over to join the others upon entering the hall. Rather than sitting down, he coiled his tail beneath him and positioned his torso atop it like a jack-in-the-box.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Professor Ramielle strolls into the hallway, looking herself for the first time in many hours. Observant onlookers would note that she seemed to lean a little heavily on her staff, and that she still seemed somewhat weary. White robes swished under a nondescript gray cloak as she moved forward. The professor gave the Dean a formal bow, deigning to stand. She had never fallen asleep while someone was speaking to her, especially the Dean, and she had no intention of starting.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Delilah skips in wearing the traveling clothes of her people. Bright red pants fall to her ankles but don't quite cover the orange boots she's also wearing. Her shirt is sheer yellow over an orange undershirt and her hair has been done up in pigtails. To the others she looks like she's going to a party, to other cave elves she'd look properly attired in dim colors for a long trip on the surface. Anyone who could sense such things could tell that they were covered in protective enchantments. She had a rather small bag slung over her shoulder which rattled ominously and also reeked of strange enchantments.

Delor was dressed much the same, though his clothes were of a masculine cut and done in shades of beige and brown. He gave the others a "What can you do" look and set his own rucksack on the ground.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Bibble wandered into the Foyer with nothing more then her normal leather attire and her toolbelt, and a small pack which, knowing Bibble, probably didn't have much more in it then more tools and the raw basics of trail rations and some chemicals for water purification etc. "So what's the plan." She had been admittedly surprised when the Professor had actually risen before her and wandered off but she supposed that it shouldn't be all surprising considering the alchemist had done some drinking of her own. One could say that Bibble travelled light until someone else tried to lift her pack and realised how much in tools and metal she had actually brought.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Lyinne crawled into the foyer dressed in her usual, but fresher, clothes. On her abdomen was a large, black sack carrying usual travelling supplies and tools. She also carried a book preservation kit, in case she found anything useful that was worth preserving. She went off to the side of the slowly growing group, keeping to herself as usual.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Toring grunts when Bibble asked the same question that was on everybody else's mind and lips. "We don't know yet," he grumbled as he got up. "I'm guessing they're waiting for everybody to get here before starting." His bare feet barely made a sound as he walked over to Jess's seat and sat down on the floor next to her, putting them face to face. "Hey there," he said in a more quiet tone. "Didn't see you these last few days. What were you up to?"
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

"Okay, first off, you may want to find a chair, before people start thinking you're a dog, and not a bear." Jess responds with a grin, before continuing in a blatantly sarcastic tone.

"And I've been terribly busy, for sure. Had to gather all the supplies I'd need. You know, like... A bedroll, a frying pan, spare clothing... Pretty well everything I take on my own trips. And then I had class. Oh boy, let the teachers know you're leaving to save the world, and they just load you up with the rest of the coursework for the year. I had to make extra room in my pack to fit it all!"
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Toring chuckled and changed his position, crossing his legs and straightening his back a bit. "Please. I've once seen a werewolf absent-mindedly trying to lick his crotch while in man-form. I'm pretty sure nobody would mistake me for one of those... of them," he quickly corrected himself, suppressing the racial slur his people used for other, "lesser" lycanthropes. Things that get hammered into your skull for 18 years are not that easily overcome. "And you didn't pack a tent? Oh well, I'm sure there'll be some space in mine," he said with a jesting tone and a wiggle of his eyebrows.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

"I certainly hope you don't mean that tent in your pants there, you may want to calm down a bit. Try licking it." Jess shot right back. "Besides, I do have a tent, I just don't think I'll be using it often, unless it decides to rain the entire time. Too much setup when you can just roll out under the sky, or sleep in a tree."
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

"This is me flaccid," Toring metaphorically swiped her shot out of the air. "And who knows where this trip will take us? We could even have to make a trip up north, homewards. You'll want a tent when these winds start blowing. Can freeze your pretty face right off your skull." Rib scratching ensued. "And somebody warm near you won't hurt either. Not to hook up with, just so your toes don't fall off."
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

The professor cleared her throat. "Jess... Bibble... I remember fragments only, but as I understand it you two looked after me during my... inebriation. Thank you."

Ramielle turns, asking one of the low-ranking warmages to fetch her some mild tea. She produces a parchment from her pack, unrolling it on the floor. An incantation projects it into a three-dimensional map of the world that takes up the entire chamber floor, with the professor standing on the University. "I've enchanted this map with a few illusions to make it more useful in planning. Obviously it shifts in scale as one moves out from the center, due to the curvature of the planet, but as we move the map adjusts nearby locations to more accurately reflect distances from our location."

The professor looks down with a small amount of self-satisfaction at the simple-yet-useful enchantment, a smile playing at her lips...

"So all we need now are locations. And maybe a little bit of luck."
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

The Dean slithered forward with a smile. "I believe this gentleman here can help you with that, Professor." He gestured to a smartly dressed Surface elf who worse his uniform with pride and a military attitude.

"We have determined the locations of quite a few of these... portals, Ms. Ramielle. There seems to be at least one located in each kingdom, and two or three located in each of the poles," he grimaced, "We can't be too sure because we were chased out. Thankfully they haven't appeared underwater, so you won't have to deal with any of the Merfolk Matriarchies. There seems to be two in the Halfling Clan country, Makers know why, and three have cropped up in the human Patriarchy. They also haven't appeared in the Tunnels of our pale Cousins, so no worries about that. Any questions?" He held out a map with the locations clearly marked in red.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

The professor looks briefly at the elf's map, and with a gesture the red marks appear on the large floor map. "Yes... yes, I would like to know the chronological order of the discovery of these portals. There may be a significance to which portals appeared first."
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Servante watches as the group slowly makes their way into the foyer, shaking his head at some of the more outlandish fashion choices made by his peers though even when Bibble enters the selkie keeps himself to himself.

"Wwhy don't you twwo get a room an be done wwith this nonsense," Servante mutters under his breath at Jess and Toring's display, his eyes rolling at the cheese bursting forth from the two.

"Wwait, wwhat about near wwhere my ki- my parent's kingdom is?" Servante bolts upright as the Dean asks if anyone has any questions, an obvious look of concern on his face. "There isn't one near there... is there?"
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

The Dean blinks at the map in the military man's hands with a frown, "It looks like there's one near the outskirts of your Kingdom and I've heard there was some sort of political upheaval there recently... well, more so than the usual political nonsense."