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University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

"P-political upheavval? Wwhat's that supposed to mean?" With nervousness coupled with confusion and anger in his voice Servante rises from his seat, his hands balled into fists. "Wwhat exactly is goin on there? Tell me noww."
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

The dean shook his head, "I'd gotten word of mouth from some of my former students, they said someone tried to usurp the Throne. I'm sure if they'd succeeded you would have heard about it by now. They would surely have wanted to, what is it you young people say, rub it in your face."
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Servante doesn't consciously pay attention to anything after 'usurp the throne', his expression turning to one of utter anger at the deans words. "Then wwhy the fuck wwasn't I informed of this before noww?!" The young selkie explodes with rage, his voice echoing around the foyer and no doubt pouring out of the doors. "Tell me, old man. Howw long did you knoww of this?" Servante asks as he walks up to the dean, prodding a finger into the naga's chest. "An wwere you evven goin to bother tellin me, or wwas you goin to wwait until wwhoevver these bastards are came to tell me personally?" Servante stands there, glaring at the old dean with his arms crossed against his chest waiting for an answer.
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Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

The professor moves forward to intervene, still recovering. "Easy, Servante, let the Dean explain." This was the worst disrespect she'd seen against the Dean, and it had to happen now, when she was weaker than she could ever remember being.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Even though the blow was merely a poke, it seemed to stagger the Dean. His whole body flinched for a moment before he forced himself to relax and face his irate student. "Young Servante, I was informed not two hours ago. Please be calm. I know how worried you are for your family. Ms. Ramielle, you must go there first. The 'Porters can get you close, but you'll have to trek the rest of the way. And for the sake of the Gods Servante, if something has happened you must keep yourself hidden until something can be done."
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Grave did not move to stop Servante, keeing himself out of the discussion. This was the first time he saw the Selkie lose his cool like that, though whether this was because he was worried about his family or his own skin, he wasn't sure. Probably the former, the pyromancer assumed. Cynder hoped this didn't turn out badly, but from the looks of it, it seemed that the group would have more than just portals and their creators to worry about. Everything else looked manageable, but this could pose a serious problem.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Bibble had kept to herself during this entire exchange, not having parents proper made it hard to relate but she made the attempt and moved next to Servante. "I'll go with him, anyone going anywhere alone is foolish and I have no ties here." She was telling the truth as far as logic was concerned but in honesty she was actually worried about Servante running off on his own, if they had gone after his family then he was an obvious secondary target. Couple that with the fact that she actually cared about his well being and her path was clear as day.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

"Calm dowwn!? You wwant me to CALM DOWWN!?" Servante's anger is turned towards Ramielle as she interjects, a finger pointed at the professor. "So wwhat are you goin to do if I don't, oh powwerful dragon? You goin to kill me?" Servante stops in front of Ramielle, his face inches from hers as he glares at the woman, though as the dean speaks again Servante's attention turns to him once more.

"No... no, these people can go to the portal. I'm going alo- wwhat?" Bibble's comment suddenly catches Servante off guard, and for a moment his anger leaves him. "No, it'll be too dangerous. I knoww the lay of the land, I can get in wwithout bein spotted. If wwhat he's sayin is true then there has to be people wwillin to help fight these bastards off. You don't havve to put yourself in danger."
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

"We're all going, Servante. Nobody is on his own here," Toring interjected in a soft baritone. To himself, he wondered if they would have to go up north. If so, a run-in with his clan would be... problematic. His father wouldn't approve of - well, pretty much anybody of his companions, least of all Servante. Seals - and by extension Selkies - were food, not friends.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Bibble snorts derisively at Servante's apparent chivalry before glaring at him with the gift all women receive at birth, the dreaded death stare. "You're not going anywhere alone and there isn't anything you can do to stop me. If you think for a second that I'm letting you walk blindly into what could most certainly be a trap then you have another thing coming. Did you stop to think that maybe you're also a target?"

Bibble crossed her arms and kept her gaze leveled at the Selkie, it was obvious to anyone that her mind had been made up and nothing anyone could say or do was going to change it.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Servante turns to Toring as he joins in on their 'debate'. "No. You lot havve the portal to deal wwith. This problem is mine to deal wwith." Though before the selkie can continue he is yet again interrupted by Bibble. "Yes, me bein a target has crossed my mind. Though I doubt they'd expect me to wwalk right into the capital and start a revvolt. Look, if this has happened then it's goin to be extremely dangerous. I can't promise that any of you wwill survvivve, let alone myself. And don't givve me that look. It's not goin to wwork." Servante stands there for several moments meeting Bibble's stare with his own glare, the selkie's arms crossed over his chest. Though after several minutes he throws his arms in the air and makes a growl of annoyance. "Fine. Do wwhat you wwant. I can see you're not goin to change your damn mind."
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Bibble brightened considerably and bounced a little. "Good! I'm So glad you see things my way~". Ahh the wonders of teasing the selkie with her own reputable stubbornness, few things brought her such joy, well, apart from beer, and books, and tinkering, and alchemy... Stopping her rampaging attention span the small alchemist stayed glued to Servante's side, knowing he would try to slip off without her and determined not to let that happen either.

"So! now that that's settled, when do we go?"
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

The professor folds her arms and regards the Selkie calmly. "Toring and Bibble are right. We're all going. And in case you've forgotten..."

Her eyes flare. "I'm not the children-killing variety of dragon. Undoubtedly that's about to begin in your homeland, if it hasn't already. Selkie children, dragged off in the night. So we all go."
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

Delilah gave him a broad smile, "There's a portal up there too! So not only do we get to help you and your family, we can do something about the portal on the way. Two rock geckos with one stone and all that," then she giggled, "Not to mention we have a better chance of surviving if we all go together, remember Servante, we're all needed to close the portals. If we lose you, we lose for good."

The dean nodded, "Delilah has a point. You're all going, and if you try to slip off in the night, young Selkie..." he turned to Toring, "You have permission to tie him to a tree." He turned to Bibble afterward, "You're ready to leave now, I'm assuming? Then step over to the 'Porters station and we'll get you started jumping."

((Alright, finish up what you want to do here and I'll get started on the next place we're off to with a surprise!))
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

"I will do so with gusto!" Bibble replied enthusiastically, grabbing Servante's hand and practically dragging the selkie after her. "Time's a wasting! Lets go!"
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

"The sooner we leave, the better." Grave nodded, agreeing with Bibble. Checking his belongings one last time, he followed the pair, muttering something under his breath.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

"Wwha- Dammit wwoman, let me go!" Despite his insistence on being released Servante seems to be either unable to pull himself free from Bibble's grip or it's all theatrics, and as the duo pass it the selkie picks up his bag as they make their way to the teleporters.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

"Now who needs to get a room?" Jess quips as she slides off her chair, leering at the selkie as she strode off towards the teleporters as well.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

"Now who... Damnit Jess!" Toring shakes his fist after her in mock anger before getting up, shouldering his hefty bag and plodding after her.
Re: University Admissions, Grand Foyer

The professor shakes her head, casting a look of "what can you do?" at the Dean, then takes up the rear, still leaning slightly on her staff.