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Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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For a brief moment the crew knew nothing. Suddenly the interior of the ship vanished, and a moment later, they found themselves on the surface of the planet, standing outside what appeared to be an access point to the ship. Half a moment later, Siphon himself appeared along with Aya, seeming to appear from a sparkling white light that snapped down from the sky.

The ship itself did appear to be much like Lilith's own, at least what they could see of it. More than 75% of it was buried beneath the sand, and it was a wonder any of it was still above from the looks of things.

Before any of them could say anything, Siphon spoke up with an almost apologetic look.

"Apologies for being outside, but the scanners were having difficulty penetrating the ship hull to determine what we'd be beaming into. Figured better out in the sand than to beam inside the sand and have your first breath inside that ship be a lung full of sand potentially. That and you know, beaming inside of a wall is not high on my list of things to do today, thank you very much."

Aya meanwhile had gone off to one side, investigating part of the ship that stuck out of the ground. While the others talked, she checked it out, stopping short when she realized parts of the ship had literally been scorched and damaged, and it didn't appear to have been from the re-entry. Which meant this ship had been shot down, or seen weapons fire prior to crashing.

"Hey, you guys should see this!"

Upon arriving by her, only a few meters away, they too would see the scorch marks that went along one side of the ship as far as the eye could see it into the ground anyway.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

There's an "Ah, crap!" from Jack, who has the heel of her hand pressed to her forehead. "Okay, do we have to go back the same way?" Clearly at least one member of Lilith's crew was "processing" the teleportation differently than the others. A nod from the Commander had James checking on the girl, who waved him off after shaking her head a couple of times.

"I'm fine. Shove off."

James backed off, shooting Lilith a look, which was returned with a slight shrug. Jack seemed to be getting better, so she wasn't going to push the issue.

"Makes sense," Lil says of Siphon's apology. She'll join the Alverans over near the side of the ship, studying the marks. "Definitely not my Normandy. We saw hell through the Omega-4 but not this bad. At least not on this side of the hull. Let's see if we can get inside and see what we can find." Provided the layout is the same, she'll head to where the airlock door is and see about either opening it, hacking it open, or just forcing the thing manually. If worse really comes to worse, it's possible Jack's biotics might be able to pull the doors open but that would involve tearing them off of the ship and that might lead to later problems.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Siphon paused a moment at Jack's exclamation, a look of concern on his face until she waved help off.

"Normally yes we would, but if you had that bad of an experience and would prefer, I'll have a jumper flown down before we get set to leave."

Moving by Aya to look at the ship, he let out a low whistle.

"Well, wherever this ship has been, she's been through some rough times. This must have been one hell of a firefight to leave these kinds of markings on the hull. Some of these areas look like plasma fires too, extremely hot ones. Could be post crash, but I doubt it given the patterns. Let's see if we can get a scan of them, or one of the sand, see if we can figure out what's been blocking sensors."

While Lilith set about on the hatch, Siphon began taking some readings, frowning several times. By the time Lilith had managed to get the hatch open, with a little bit of tinkering, he'd finished and made his way over by her.

"Looks like the weaponry used on the hull of this ship was plasma based, similar to our own weapons systems, but more sustained. This was a long duration beam that hit them, almost like a satellite weapon raked them, possibly while they weren't prepared for it. Best as I can tell from out here, several of the primary weapons relays of this ship are literally fused into the bulkheads, as are most of the engine relays. I doubt she'll ever fly again. What does bother me though is I can't scan inside the outer hull of the ship still, and there's nothing in the soil composition that should be reflecting sensor readings. Which means whatever is reflecting our scans is coming from inside the ship."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

((Just figuring Jack might not do well with the perception of the teleportation due to her biotics. None of the others have them but might give Kaidan the same issue in the future.))

"I'll be fine." Jack seems slightly more irritated at the perceived coddling than her pain. "If I can't limp off a headache, what good am I?" If he doesn't let the matter go, Siphon will get a subtle cue from James to drop it.

"I'm hoping this was ship-to-ship combat, given what we're looking at. And none of what you're saying really matches any weaponry that we use in our current...timeline." The last is something of a question, since she doesn't quite seem to know what to call their situation still. "I'd say it's possible this is the SRV-1 but the Collector's decimated my ship. It wouldn't be this whole." She shakes her head. "And our cloaking system doesn't do what you're getting. It essentially just hides our heat signatures. There's no bouncing back of signals."

"We'll, we're not gonna find out anything just standing around, are we?" Grunt shifts his shotgun and after a glance to Lilith, proceeds to the ship via the now open hatch. He'll wait for the others, but it's clear the krogan is eager to do something other than stand around and talk about what happened.

"I'll take point." Lilith will move up to the door that leads from the airlock to the ship proper, pausing and just listening for the moment, provided none of the ship's automated systems come online in the process. She'll hack through the interior door if need be but as soon as it's open, there's a bit of a shimmer and she'll fade out of sight, save a slight refraction in the air that gives her away to those who know she was just standing there, enabling her to enter the hall between the cockpit and the CIC without being detected. In theory.

((Layout of the current level that they're on. They'd be at the 'box' to the right of the 1 on there, with Lil heading straight on for the connecting hallway.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

There was a slight nod of the head from Siphon towards Jack as he let the matter go, content to accept her word that she was fine.

"Fair enough, let's get going then."

He paused his speech as they entered the ship, shaking his head.

"Well, if this is a different dimension's variant of your old ship, who knows what changes might have been there. For all we know this ship came from a reality in which it got shot down by the Ori, or the Replicators. At this point anything short of finding some kind of information log, or information from the main computer core is just speculation, a shot in the dark so to speak."

He'd watch as Lilith shimmered out and cloaked, keeping his eyes open for any automated defenses. While his weapon hadn't been drawn yet, there was something about his body language that told the other 'soldiers' if the need should arise, he'd have any threat targeted before it could blink regardless.

Fortunately, it seemed that wasn't needed. In fact, it appeared, at least in this area, that all automated defense systems were either offline, or had no power to them. The latter seemed more likely given that there were no lights either. Aya meanwhile had taken over the scanning, frowning at the readout.

"According to this, main power is offline, or at least what I think was the main power system. Still some intermittent readings, tough to pinpoint exactly, but I think they're coming from a a deck or two above us. Still some sensor refraction, but I am getting a bit better of an idea as to the layout of this ship. It's definitely bigger than what we thought, in fact ..."

She trailed off, blinking several times before shaking her head.

"I don't know, something just seems ... familiar about this but there's no reason it should. Probably just imagining it."

Siphon meanwhile had seen enough on the interior to hazard his own guess.

"Well, I can say this much with certainty. It's not the Normandy I knew. The interior support structure is quite different, and there's no dampening field generators in this area, where there should be."

Meanwhile Lilith found that no hacking of any kind would be needed with the next set of doors. In fact, the doors appeared to have been smashed outward away from her as if by some great force. It didn't seem likely the crash had done it either...
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Given there was no threat in the immediate area, Lilith will de-cloak, pushing herself up into a standing position and resting her sniper rifle on her shoulder. "Logs will likely be in the cockpit." She nods to the left, glancing that way to see if the doors there are still intact, given whatever rent open the interior airlock doors was looking to get out, at least that's the hope. "However, if we want to get things up and running, we'll have to get to engineering or the AI Core. Possibly both. If it's the same layout, or at least close, and the elevator isn't running, we can get to them through the ducts. Won't be fun but most of us should be able to make it."

"You makin' comments about my weight there, Lola? This is all muscle." James will curl an arm, though the effect is lost in his armor.

"If you and Grunt can fit, you can come with me. I'm not buttering up your ass so you can slide through the pipes." Jack snicker-snorts at that.

Grunt, meanwhile, has been studying the damage to the door, looking to see if something did, indeed, bust out of the ship or if they were pulled off to get in. He's also looking to see if they were done by hand or if it was something else, like a weapon or biotics.

Looks like she intends to head there first, forgoing the cockpit, since power is going to be necessary all around. If Siphon or Aya make any comments about automated defenses, she'll shake her head. "The Normandy--my Normandy--doesn't have any of those. We're a military vessel. The crew are the automated defenses."

"Every marine is a rifleman," James will state, followed by a quiet "Hoo-yah" from Lilith.

"Eyes open, though," she'll continue. "We don't know who or what we're going to run into here. And it might be pretty strong."

((Lil is currently heading for the elevator on the far side of the CIC (#2 on the map). If it doesn't work, she'll head to the left, which is where the maintenance shaft is. It's in the research lab, the room before the corridor that leads to #3 where it looks like there's a table.))
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Grunt could find no evidence a weapon had been used on the doors, they appeared to have literally been torn off by hand. Worse, it appeared whatever had torn them off had done so from the outside, trying to get past the doors, rather than trying to escape. Whatever had done this had incredible strength, or had been more than one being working in tandem.

The doors Lilith checked at appeared to have been smashed down as well.

Siphon thought for a moment before responding.

"If we need to do both, and I suspect we might, then it may be prudent to split into two teams and try to cover ground quicker. At the very least see if we can get main power up, and life support operational. With that up, we won't need to worry as much about the outside forces. I brought something that should bring power back on line in the event there's literally nothing in the tank so to speak of, though my memory of exactly where everything is on this ship is a bit ... rusty."

((Leaving it open for two groups, probably have Aya with one and Siphon with the other if we do.))
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Examining the doors will cause the Krogan to snort. "Whatever did this was looking to get in, so either there's life on this planet that hasn't been picked up on or someone boarded and likely caused the crash."

Lilith and James will look to forcing the doors to the tech lab, if that's necessary. Otherwise, they'll slip through, weapons at the ready.

"If we need power, we'll have to hit engineering first. Then the second group can see if they can do anything with the AI core, if EDI doesn't come online when we get the power back on. If this ship has an EDI." She'll actually pause once they're in the lab and see if the AI's terminal exists in its usual spot, which should be along the wall. "As for splitting up, I don't know. This shaft will get us to the crew deck, where the AI core is. From there, we can take another shaft down to engineering. Guess it's more a matter of who gets to stay behind where."

She'll approach the ladder in the corner, taking a moment to peer down below the deck and to listen and make sure something isn't moving around beneath them before she attempts to head down, cloaking once again before she does so.

((Mostly using as a basis for the path, since it's the only non-elevator route I'm aware of through the Normandy. Honestly don't think Grunt or James will fit, just by virtue of size, so they might stay behind on the CIC deck.))
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Examining some of the damaged areas, Siphon sighed.

"I'm leaning more towards something, or someone boarded this ship and attacked them. Given the scorch marks we saw earlier on the hull, I'd say that's the best bet. Question is though ..."

He trailed off as an idea clearly struck him, groaning slightly.

"We've seen species that when they hibernate in a stasis unit can be undetectable. No life sign readings. We did pick up faint power earlier, and as of yet we haven't figured out from what, or where. We have to face the possibility that whoever, and I think that's likely now, whoever did this might still be around. Let's hope it's not a goddamn Wraith, or a bunch of them. If it is ..."

He trailed off again, and this time Aya finished the sentence.

"If it is, one shot likely won't be enough. They can regenerate wounds up to a certain point. If it looks like a half bug man, shoot repeatedly until it stops moving, and then a few more times just to be sure."

Siphon merely nodded before shrugging again.

"Best bet is to still try to split and cover ground. We'll keep in touch with the stone devices Aya and I have. Since this deck seems to be devoid of life other than ourselves ..."

Aya nodded.

"I'll stay with whoever doesn't go to act as one relay point. Good luck."

He'd follow Lilith down the shaft, sliding down fairly easy, coming up from the crouch he landed in swiftly. The faint shimmer of Lilith's cloak just before she became completely invisible told him which direction to follow her in, and follow he did. Those who accompanied the two down the shaft would note the sudden change in his posture, ever so slightly. He was a bit more tense outwardly, though it didn't seem unnatural for him. If anything, he seemed comfortable with it, and in tune with the area around them.

((I'll let you post up for them getting to the Engineering section before I have some revelations to unveil :p She's going to be glad to have Siphon along in a minute, not for protection, but for translation :D))
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

"James, Grunt, you heard the lady." Lilith's remark gets a snort from the Krogan and cock of the marine's rifle. "We've faced things that can regenerate. Hell, Grunt can regenerate. Fire usually works pretty good on things like that, so," she'll grin at Aya, "just tell the boys when you're going to cut loose."

Grunt lets out a low chuckle. "Might be fun to see if different pieces can regenerate."

"Don't make a mess of my ship," Lilith orders before she, Jack, and Siphon climb down into the ducts.

She doesn't stay cloaked for very long, either by choice or its a limitation of the ability. That, and since she's casting a light with her omni-tool, it kind of defeats the point of stealth anyway.

Working down through the ducts, they'll drop out in a small chamber on the ship, Lilith cloaking once again before she drops, making certain the area is all clear before giving the others an okay to join her.

"We're in life support," she'll inform Siphon. "On the crew deck. Once we're out of here, we can get over to the AI core and head down to engineering. Unless something's decided to bust a hole in the floor."

And unless whatever came knocking busted these doors open, too, they'll need pried open, something that can likely be handled between Siphon's strength and Jack's biotics. Lilith takes point once again, always cloaking before she moves. It's a fairly straight shot from the room they're in now to the med bay and then the AI core beyond that. The other two can hear Lil's footsteps slowing, though, just taking in the ship, it seems, and what this Normandy went through.

When they reach the core, she'll pause. "EDI? Oh, I hope you're here. And you can tell us what the hell is going on."

The shaft that will take them to engineering is close to the door, so Lilith will take that, this one being a slightly longer haul, seeming like they're crawling the length of the ship. They'll come out on what looks like a lower area of the deck.

"Better not have messed with my stuff," Jack can be heard to mutter, the girl taking a marked interest in this area of the ship.

"Up the stairs and through the closest door," Lilith will inform Siphon. "That'll get us to the control panels and the drive core."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

The doors themselves seemed to have been warped slightly, allowing just enough room for them to squeeze through. This however seemed to be a result of a panel on the other side having exploded, likely causing the damage. Of course, EDI wouldn't respond, though that might be due to a lack of power than damage, or not being there.

Siphon paused as Lilith did, nodding.

"Alright, once we've got main power back online from Engineering we can sweep back here then. If this Normandy, assuming that's it's name, is anything like the one I knew then we can't even pre-set the systems, there will need to be power first."

After taking the needed shafts and listening to Lilith once more, Siphon nodded.

"Alright, let's do this then. With any luck this won't take terribly ..."

He paused as the device he was carrying let out a low beep.

"Interesting. I'm picking up faint power readings coming from beyond the doors you just mentioned, inside the core area. Something still has power in there."

((Hell, gonna have them enter now lol))

Withdrawing his pistol again, he slowly made his way to the door with the others. The door itself seemed to have been pried open already, or had locked open for some reason. Either that or the doors had been vaporized by something.

Either way, upon entering the room, two things stood out almost immediately.

The first was a large device of some kind, clearly not the main engine core, but a core for something else. Whatever it was, it was massive, but completely dead.

The second was a display screen that seemed to be drawing power from an unknown source, though it was what was being displayed that might draw their attention to it.

The screen was displaying what appeared to be random symbols to both Lilith and Jack, but evidently based on his reaction, not random at all to Siphon. He visibly stiffened, surprise on his face.

"This ... isn't possible. Those symbols are a collection of characters from at least five different species, including the Ancients. But where the hell is this thing drawing it's power from? The main power core is completely dead."

He shook his head muttering, "OK, I'm going to need a little help with this translation I think."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Lilith's eyes sweep over the room as they enter, her gaze lingering on several of the panels, her hand coming up to scrub through her hair. "It's unnerving when a ship like this is quiet." She'll follow Siphon over to the core and pay attention to the machine that's hooked up, including the screen itself.

"Maybe whatever it is pulled power from the core and stored it. Like a battery. Or maybe they've got one of the whatever you haves for hooking things up." She'll take a little longer to study what's on screen. "It's not Prothean, I can tell you that, and they're one of the oldest races in our galaxy. Lucky me, I can translate them.

"Because they fucked with your head," Jack chuckles.

"Fair trade-off at the time," is Lilith's counter. "You wanna get Aya down here or do you just need to pull the information. I'm a fair hand at getting into machines, but this is all new."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Siphon shrugged in response to the power, however he shook his head with a sigh at her question.

"No, I've already got the help. I guess you'll get to meet the literal other half of me in a moment."

He paused for a moment, his head dropping down slightly, almost as if bowing his head which might seem odd to them. However, after a short moment, when he looked up and spoke again, the voice was decidedly not Siphon's own, it was with a deeper flang to it, and there was no mistaking that whatever had just happened, they were now speaking with a completely different entity.

"The languages are a combination of Asgard, Nox, Kalverian, and an extremely old dialect of Ancient. In fact, each particular segment is one of the oldest known dialects of each language. This display appears to contain information regarding some sort of temporal/dimensional hybrid drive, as well as what appears to be some logs detailing various specifications, and records of events that transpired on this ship after the drive failed."

As he spoke, his eyes took on an almost glowing look for a moment, literally seeming to glow a red like color for a moment before dying down. Clearly, there appeared to be a second intelligent mind at play here.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Nothing quite odd about collecting your thoughts, though the glow of his eyes prompts a slight shift in posture from Lilith, a guarded soldier's stance. Thankfully, she's not quick on the trigger as a response to new stimuli, at least not things like this. She'll listen to what Talvesh has to say, though before she can inquire further, it's Jack that gets the inquiry out with a very eloquent "What the ever-loving shit was that?"
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

There was a short smile from Siphon, though the impression it wasn't him exactly smiling before he turned around to face Jack.

"My apologies. I am Talvesh. The host body you see before you, the man you know as Siphon and I share a symbiotic relationship. In effect, you could say we are two separate beings, two separate minds blended together into one body. It has been this way for many centuries. We did not expect to have you meet me under circumstances that were less ... favorable to a proper introduction."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Jack blinks. And listens. And blinks again. "That's fucked up." She'll give Siphon a slightly wider berth after that.

Lilith glances over at the other woman and then puts her attention back on the pair. "Sorry. The only instances we've really seen regarding two minds sharing one body hasn't exactly been good. Usually means someone's been indoctrinated and they're working on the side of the enemy." It's clear Lil doesn't think this way of Siphon, anyway, but offering an explanation. "That, and the eye thing is a little weird," she'll admit.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Talvesh shook his head.

"No need to apologize, we are somewhat used to it by now. If there's anything I can ..."

He had started to speak towards Jack on the last bit, but suddenly he trailed off as something on the screen caught his attention. Even with the symbiote in control, the look of surprise on his face was easily recognizable.

"This log entry, or at least the very last one ... It was written, and recorded by you."

This was said as he directly looked right at Jack.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

"Right now, you can keep the fuck away from me," is Jack's rather pointed response to his inquiry. It's not venomous or exceptionally angry, but given some of the off-hand comments Lilith has made about Jack's temper giving her space is probably the best course of action at the moment.

The declaration that Jack was the one making the log, though, gets the attention of both women. The supposed recorder's response is a succinct "What? Why?" She'll take a couple steps back toward the monitor but that's about it.

Lilith, on the other hand, looks troubled for an instant, then it's back to business. "What's the recording?" Seems she's saving more of her worry for when they find that out.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

There was a small pause as it seemed symbiote relinquished control to the host, confirmed a moment later when Siphon spoke again.

"It appears some of this in the early going was schematics and information about an experimental time shifting drive, and something to do with dimensional shifting. It's going to take a while to actually learn all of this, it's extremely complex, far more so than I'd have expected for a ship with the rest of it's tech. maybe it wasn't theirs."

He paused as he moved to another portion of the file, and as he read, his body stiffened as if someone had just taken a shot at him.

"Oh ... shit. The last recording made by you Jack ... it indicates the ship was attacked. They were boarded. I ... I think you'd better hear this for yourselves."

He pressed a few buttons, and a display came up showing Jack, although a rather banged up version of her. She spoke hurridly, as if expecting something to come after her.

"To anyone who gets this message, be warned. The experiments with the technology on this ship drew the attention of a very powerful race. Their ships shot us down, we crashed about six hours ago on some remote planet, I don't know where, or when the hell we are. Most of the rest of the crew are dead, our weapons were virtually ineffective against them, and they seem to be able to cloak just like the Commander could. Some of the crew were taken prisoner, Grunt told me some were taken through some swirling glass like anomaly that opened up inside the ship. That was before the last firefight where everyone else was killed. I'm going to try and destroy the ship, but if I don't, and this message happens to reach the past variants of myself, do yourself a favor, don't take the technology from the ancient globe. You'll know what I mean when it happens, if it happens. I ..."

She cut off as what sounded like doors being smashed apart sounded, and then the recording snapped off.

As unsettling as that was however, it was nothing compared to the sudden flare of Siphon's eyes burning bright red, and the unmistakable sound of intense hatred, and anger in his, no, Talvesh's voice, even as his weapon came out. It was only one word, but it was dripping with a malice that suggested a past history with the word, a nasty one at that, and with enough hatred to possibly cause them both to take a step back in shock.

Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Lilith watches the recording, framing Siphon's side with Jack easing closer to get a look at the screen from the other. Discourse regarding the contents of the recording, though, are put on hold given Siphon's outburst.

"Hey!" Lilith snaps, the sound of her voice surprised, but not startled. This is the tone of a woman who is used to giving orders in the middle of a firefight. "Dial it back, soldier. They're not here. Not now. Get it together. You wanna find these things, work on the screen. Rein in the temper tantrum and save it for the enemy."