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Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

There was a brief moment where everything seemed to pause, a visible struggle going on inside the two shared minds before there was a sigh.

"That's part of the problem. The fuckers time travel, so now is relative so to speak. In theory, since we don't exactly know how they do it, they could technically wipe out this crew millions of years ago, go home and then jump back in time to meet us here and wipe us out, and while millions of years have passed here, from their perspective only moments have passed. And this shit gives me a headache just trying to think about it, let alone explain it."

He began working at the console, but suddenly in the middle of it paused.

"Actually ... now that I think of it ... theoretically that also mean whoever they took as prisoner could still be alive. Which for them, is unfortunate, cold as that may sound."

He started to work again, sighing.

"Something you have to understand with this species. They take only female prisoners, keep them as personal breeders. They're big, incredibly strong, and damn hard to kill. Best that we've been able to tell, they come from somewhere in the future. So you can perhaps begin to understand the hatred I have towards a species who forcefully uses the women of other races to be essentially sex slaves."

Again he went silent, continuing to work on the console, though the two women might get the impression there was far more to his hatred for them than he'd told them. Something deeply personal.

He withdrew a small crystal looking device, connecting it to the machine. Clearly he was downloading the contents. Meanwhile, he moved over to one of the power distributors, another device seeming to simply appear from thin air in his hands. Quickly he connected it, a faint hum of power audible as some of the systems came back online slowly. He started to reach for one of the controls, then suddenly stopped and took a step back.

"Wait a second ... do either of you find it a bit odd that if Jack failed to destroy the ship and the technology in it that the Klarnell would leave it out like this for anyone to find? I find it odd they'd go to the trouble of slaughtering most of the crew, shooting the ship down and then seemingly taking none of the technology that drew them here. This ship seems to be more like your own from the way you both navigated it without issue ... Mind helping me to run some diagnostics to make sure nothing got booby trapped to blow up if it were re-activated, or trip some kind of alarm?"
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

"Personally, I'm a bit more interested in how we managed to hook up a time machine to the Normandy. Our tech's good, but it's not that good. And for that matter, why we'd do it."

She's content to let him work, given he has the most familiarity with the tech in use. As she listens to him talk, her lips purse into a thin line. He hears "Even Batarians aren't that bad" muttered quietly.

Her attention, and possibly his, are drawn to something of an electric crackle in the shadows of the engineering consoles. Lilith's footsteps pad closer and there's a quiet, cautious "Jack?"

"Not gonna happen. I wouldn't have let it happen."

"I know."

Jack's pacing. It doesn't matter that she's only taking a couple of steps to each side, it's the prowl of a caged animal. "Cerberus couldn't break me and I was just a kid. Purgatory had to keep me in stasis. You helped me bury the past--"

"And I am going to make sure it doesn't repeat itself. Jack, you know you can trust me. We've got each other's backs, right?" Lilith waited for the young woman's slow nod. "C'mon...you're the baddest bitch in the galaxy." Lil threw her a grin. "One of." That resulted in a little chuckle. "They don't know who they're messing with."

The Commander's words seemed to calm the other woman, at least to the point where her biotics weren't sparking any further. "Damn right."

Whatever set her off had calmed, though Siphon's pretty much assured that both women are going to probably do their damnedest to rip apart any Klarnell they happen to fight, Jack likely moreso than Lilith, though she seems to have more opportunity than the Commander might.

Crisis diverted, Lilith can now put her attention back on what Siphon was doing. Listening to his theory, she frowned.

"Well, if there wasn't any power getting to the drive core, then there would be nothing to overload."

"And I'm not Tali. Or Ken or Gabby," Jack cuts in. "I know my way around a few ships, but I'm pretty sure we need either EDI or the Commander's fingerprint or some shit to blow the thing up. My biotics are good, but I really doubt I could affect the core like that."

"I'll look," Lilith states, though he's going to have to give her something to look at. "Though my question would be why set the trap at all? What guarantee would they have that we'd even take the bait?"
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Siphon briefly paused at the sparking, but went back to work when it became evident Lilith had it under control.

As they both responded though, he slowly nodded his head.

"Well, I can think of a few ways to blow up a ship without needing authorization codes or the like. The Klarnell have a tendency to try and salvage technology when and where they can, ships included, like most species would. So, if I wanted to blow the thing up and couldn't use the self destruct, the first thing I'd try is to remap the power relays, and disable the safety mechanisms manually. That way, when they tried to power up the engines, or specific systems, it'd cause a cascade overload all the way to the main power core, making the ship blow up. Could be set the moment main power is reinitialized too. That's what I'd have done in her position."

It was noticeable he mentioned her, despite the fact Jack was right there, it was as if he refused to acknowledge the woman in the video had anything to do with being like the one before him now. After a long moment though, he sighed.

"Somehow I doubt the Klarnell would try to blow it up. What they may have done though is rig some kind of temporal transponder that if anyone managed to reactivate the ship, and get it functional, they'd know and could show up. That however would be fairly obvious with the scans I'll have you run, something they wouldn't likely know about, or expect someone to try using. What I'm more concerned about on their part is activating anything and having a whole squadron of them show up. If there's anything rigged like that, I want to know about it before we trip it by accident."

He paused again for a moment, punching something into the self powered computer scanners. Finally he nodded.

"OK, what I'd like to ask you to do is run the program I've created to map out both the power relays, as well as search for any of the materials I've told it to flag as possible problems. I'd do it myself but ... well, the Normandy I knew didn't have an EDI core like yours, so it's something I'm not familiar enough with. I figure, and hope that between the two of you, you'll know enough about how the relays for EDI are SUPPOSED to look and be structured to notice anything unusual or incorrect. That will give us what we need to know in order to investigate and see if it's an act of sabotage, some kind of transponder device, or simple battle or crash damage. Basically, if that program finds nothing materials wise, I think we'll be alright."

He'd show her how to run the program if needed, then step back as he began doing something else. However, whoever wasn't using the console, either Jack or Lilith, might notice him pause several times, as if something had crossed his mind that was bothering him, or confusing him.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Lilith shakes her head. "This is what I have my engineers for. I know some of the Normandy's systems, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to flag any anomalies. It would be helpful if we could get EDI up and running. She's not the core, persay. She's...well, she's the ship. Weapons, diagnostics, life support. Not to mention she was installed in the Normandy while I was being rebuilt. Cerberus wasn't very forthcoming with specifics about her, even in her own files."

She will, though, take a look at what he's managed to pull up, cross-referencing a lot of the information with data that she's obviously got stored in her omni-tool. The statement of "Probably not going to be perfect, but it's the best I can do" is made.

While she's working, she'll also radio to James and Grunt. "Guys, I want you to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary just popping up on the ship. There's a chance what we're working with down here might trigger an alert to whoever attacked and bring 'em back. They show up, hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast, and don't stop hitting 'em until they're paste, you got it?"

"That's pretty harsh, Lola," comes back from James. "But you got it, Commander."

Since Lil is busy running the program, it's Jack that catches his change in mood. Of course, her question of "What's your damage?" could be taken several ways, but it's clear she's picked up on the fact that something's bugging him.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

He paused for a moment, as if seeming to decide if it was worth mentioning or not before speaking.

"The lack of bodies. If there was as big a fight as what that recording claimed, where the hell are the bodies from it? Granted, they'd be skeletal remains by now, but we should have seen something in the areas mentioned. To the best of my knowledge, the Klarnell have never removed the bodies of slain foes from the battlefield. They seem to enjoy leaving the bodies as proof of their deeds, as a warning to those who'd stand in their way. So where are the bodies of the men they supposedly slaughtered? Something's off, and I don't know if it's just me being paranoid because of the history Aya and I have with this race, or if I'm right to be concerned. The only logical reason I can think of for the lack of bodies is ..."

He trailed off as something clicked in his mind, and as it did, Jack might see a slight wince on his features.

"Their pets. The future predators. The predators might have been left behind, at least one if someone managed to escape detection and the Klarnell had to return or miss out. If so, they'd have eaten any bodies left behind to survive. And they might be able to survive out there even in that heat."

Lilith might manage to discover that there was in fact one anomaly. A system tucked away near the outer hull on the opposite side of the ship seemed to be getting power from a power source not tied in to the main systems, but rather appearing to have been cobbled together and attached manually.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

"So there's a chance, if it picks up on us, it might come back, thinking there's fresh meat. What's it look like? What's it do?" Seems that with an enemy to focus on, Jack seems calmed down, at least partially.

"And I might have found the feeding zone." Lilith will report the site of the anomaly, proving she'd also been listening. "And if it is an animal, it probably dragged the bodies back to its lair, which is why we probably haven't found anything around the ship. Can have the boys and Aya go take a look while we head up to meet them. Unless you want to stick around down here to see if anything happens while they mess with it."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Siphon nodded to Jack, seeming to think that was a very good possibility.

"Assuming evolution of humans took place about the same way in your dimension, it'd be a bit bigger than a great ape, moves on four powerfully built legs, the front two of which have sharp scythe-like claws. They're incredibly fast, far faster than a humanoid. They're completely blind, but they make up for that by being able to hunt by echolocation, like a bat. Because of that, they can literally see sound, and sense body movement before it fully translates over, so they seem to be able to predict your moves, making them difficult to hit."

He paused as Lilith reported on the anomalous reading.

"That could be something the Klarnell left behind to allow it to sustain itself for long periods between food, and possible 'rescue'. Or it could be something one of the crew tried to cobble together as a last ditch fuck you to the Klarnell. Either way, we probably ought to see what we're up against."

He paused for a moment before shaking his head.

"Negative, we should group back together before we go in there. If there's even one of those future predators about, or heaven forbid more than one, we'll need all the firepower and the numbers to split their focus that we can get. Aya may have an ace in the hole, but using that ability takes a lot out of her, I'd rather keep that in our back pocket if we need it later. I'm not ruling out that somehow a Klarnell might still be on board this ship. We underestimated them before, I won't make that mistake again."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

"Yeah, well, it can't read minds," Jack counters.

Lilith elaborates with "Biotics don't telegraph their actions. It's all up here." She taps her head. "And even if something's fast or strong, you essentially take away gravity and it's a sitting duck."

"And then you slam it. Or give it a fast track to the upper atmosphere."

"So James, Grunt, and I can distract it long enough to give Jack a shot at it. Or Aya, but it sounds like Jack can handle a firefight longer than she can." She'll move over to the engineering doors and glance through before she heads out. "I want to see if we can maybe get into the elevator shaft. Might be faster than zig-zagging through the vents. If we can get the boys to get the CIC ones open for us."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

To that Siphon actually grinned at Jack.

"I think I love that idea."

He looked back at Lilith, smiling slightly.

"I'll be right up there with you folks distracting it. I have a few nasty tricks I can pull out if we need them too. Aya can handle herself with a weapon, but her particular talents ... well, let's just say that sometimes things combust into flames when she lets loose and leave it at that. So if I were you, if she does let a blast out, I'd not be near her. Anything with Mitochondrial cells, living or dead she can affect. Except for me anyway, but that's a story for another time."

At the mention of the elevator shaft though he'll actually stop for a moment.

"That's assuming the lift isn't between us and them. Course if it is, I could just blast a hole through it with this and make an opening to move through."

To that he indicated the pistol he had clipped to his belt.

"I'll hail Aya and see if they can get started on their end. It's certainly worth a shot, and it would save us time, not to mention provide a faster route out of here should the need arise."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

"Yeah. I don't relish the thought of running into one of those things in the maintenance tunnels," Lilith concurs. "And, well, it's not like the elevator's going to be needed any time soon. With any luck, it'll be up by my cabin. Guess we can only hope."

She'll see what she can do regarding getting the elevator doors open around in this area. "Eh, several of us can actually light things on fire, too. It's an application of the omni-tool. Hell, I can do it. So it's not really going to surprise us, especially knowing that she can do it. And sometimes, the more fire, the better. Krogan and vorscha teach you that." She chuckles.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

He grinned slightly, withdrawing the stones they were using for communications. He spoke into it, though his demeanor changed drastically after a moment, the two women likely noticing it.

"Something's jamming communications. It's not getting through. You care about the doors being left intact at all?"

Meanwhile, Aya and the others quiet time was officially over. As they stood there a hissing and clicking sound could be heard from somewhere down one of the corridors. Aya froze at the sound before whispering to the other, "we've got nasty company. Be ready for a fight boys."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

"At this point, not really." Lilith takes a couple of steps back, figuring he's probably going to do something or Jack will. Or both of them, so best she's out of the way. And yes, the biotic will help Siphon blast the doors open, if that's what he's planning on doing. Even if he gets them started, she can use her powers to work on rending the metal wider so they'll fit through.

While they're working on that, she'll give a bit of a "Hey" to get his attention though she's not inclined to make him stop what he's doing. "So how come I could raise James earlier? You think the comm thing is the thing's doing?"

James will nod and check the clip on his automatic, focusing on where the sound is coming from. Grunt, on the other hand, chuckles and brings his shotgun to bear. "Always ready for a fight."

"We'll make sure we keep between it and you," James will state after Grunts declaration. "Hey, Lola, we got company up here. Might wanna haul ass."

((Whether it goes through is another story, obviously, hence Lil's question, too.))
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Siphon shook his head.

"Doubtful those predators have the intelligence to activate a jammer. Your earlier signal might have drawn attention though. I think it's safe to say it's either an automated device hidden somewhere that activated, or, besides the predators, we aren't alone on this ship."

As he spoke, the air around them seemed to charge slightly, enough to make Lilith's hairs stand on end, and possibly Jacks. After several long moments, Siphon would glance in Jack's direction.

"You may wish to move aside. I've overcharged this particular ability, and I've no idea how it might affect your biotics if you're too close. Trust me, we don't want to find out if it will."

Once she had moved out of the way, his eyes began glowing again, and after a brief moment, he spoke one word, or rather, it seemed as if it were Talvesh.


A wave of energy, half electrical, half something else shot forth from his right hand, slamming into the doors that were locked before them. They were nearly blasted off their hinges right then and there, though somehow they managed to hang on, despite literally hanging. A small nod at Jack might be enough to get her into gear, and all it took were a few 'love taps' to finish the door off. Now they had access to the shaft, which saw the elevators fortunately at the bottom of the shaft. Only a maintenance ladder was present though, it seeming as if any cord or other devices had been severed, causing the lift to have smashed at the bottom of the ship.

Meanwhile it seemed no signal was getting through, as the others got no reply.

The sounds grew louder, and then suddenly around the corner came about a half dozen large bluish creatures on all fours, moving at incredible speed for the confines of the hall. The moment they set 'eyes' on the group they were moving, and both James and Grunt might catch three words from Aya as she withdrew the weapon Siphon had given her.

"Klarnell predator pets."

Then there was no more time for talking, as the first predator came in, trying to cut James in half, several others seemed to target Grunt, and the remaining of the group ignored the two men, seeming to be focused on Aya.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

"Neither one seems pleasant." She'll back up further, watching him as he initiates the ability. Jack will frown but also move away from him, though it's worth noting, she doesn't have much hair to raise.

There's a slight flinch from Lilith as he blasts the doors open because, well, explosion, though Jack doesn't seem phased. His invitation prompts a bit of a crackle down her arm as well and she lashes in the direction of the remnants of the door. To Siphon, it looks like purple energy explodes along the floor and slams into the doors, sending them crashing down into the shaft below. More than a love tap but it got the job done.

"Let's get moving, people." Lilith will let Siphon go first if he wants, since there's really only one direction to go. It's just a matter of who wants to take point up the ladder. Jack will go second and whichever of the two of them doesn't go first brings up the rear.

James answers the thing's charge with a full automatic spray as it lunges for him, his shield likely taking the brunt of the thing's initial attack. Any of the bullets that manage to connect with the thing, which is probably a lot, given the close range, also seem to ignite on impact, adding burn to the cut of the bullets. Grunt, on the other hand, lets out a laugh, calling "Come on!" and meets their charge, blasting at one with the shotgun before slamming into another with his bulk. Unlike the marine, he's in the thick of it where James is doing his best to keep close to Aya and keep the things away from her.

((Worth noting, for this combat, James is using until he needs to switch to his shotgun and Grunt is using . James' armor has a regenerating shield while Grunt has armor and just plain regenerates. Both will also activate , James' being heavy (takes more hits) and Grunt's being Improved (lasts longer).))
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet


The first dozen or so rounds managed to down two of the creatures, at which point things got even crazier.

The ones further away seemed to almost distort, becoming virtually impossible to hit. Aya blinked several times before her memory kicked back in. Cursing, she managed to get out, "If either of you have anything that works like a subsonic noise use it! They hunt by sound, they're hearing our moves before they ..."

She was cut off as some kind of energy bolt flew out of nowhere, striking her in the chest area. Almost instantly she collapsed, groaning before passing out. It had been some kind of stun blast that had hit her, extremely effective to say the least, yet there was no sign of what or whom had fired it.

Siphon only nodded as he began to climb, moving swiftly up the ladder. He wouldn't slow down until they were reaching the level they needed to get back to the others, though he would periodically check to make sure the others weren't too far behind.

((Two things: First, I don't off hand remember if the others were RIGHT by the elevator doors top side or not, so refresh my memory please. Second off, thought just came to me: Can Jack, with her biotics, see through cloaking devices?))
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

((They were wherever Aya was standing, pretty much. It's likely a safe bet that Grunt is *not* by the shaft, since he charged into the creatures. James might be, though there's plenty of room to move to either side. I think, though, they were more by the tech lab doors than the elevator shaft, so you should be good if he wants to blast them off the hinges. Also, Jack can't and unfortunately, neither can Lil, although both are used to looking for cloaked individuals in a fight, since they've dealt with them before. If you want to edit/tack on, feel free. Otherwise, I'll reply later.))

James lets out a curse as Aya is hit, though it doesn't appear that she's injured, just stunned. Unfortunately, with the other creatures bearing down on them, there isn't much time to scan for her attacker. "What I wouldn't give for EDI to be up and about right now. Hey, Lola! Move your ass!" Even if the send doesn't get through, it makes him feel better yelling at her. Of course, if the group is anywhere near the doors of the elevator, they can probably hear it without the need of the comms. It also serves to give Siphon an idea of the marine's position, which is, thankfully, not in front of the doors in case he wants to blast these ones open, too.

Grunt, meanwhile, is just laughing and yelling at the things to come at him. He doesn't seem to care that he can't shoot them. If they want to attack him, they're going to have to get in close, and shotguns spray, so at close range, unless they dodge completely out of the way (which means not being able to attack the Krogan) they're going to get blasted. And even if they do hit, there's still his armor to contend with. And after that, the fact that unless they're constantly savaging a wound, it's going to start to patch itself up.

As the three in the shaft get closer, they can hear the gunfire. "Jack, light up anything you see," Lilith orders. "I'll be in the doorway," she'll inform Siphon. Given that he's seen her , it's likely a clear bet what the Commander is going to be doing. And from the way he's seen her move through the ship, she's likely going to be cloaked before she even crests the doorway.
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Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

There was only a nod from Siphon before he blasted the hell out of the doors, seeming to charge his attack significantly further up than the previous one. This time the doors came exploding outward, slamming into the wall on the side as they exited the shaft.

As they exited, two of the predators broke off, darting past the Marines, using the wall to go after the trio. Lilith might get one of them, but Siphon was partially in the way of any shot Jack might have had.

And then suddenly the predator was in two pieces. It took a moment for Jack, and Lilith if she had been able to watch, to realize that a wicked looking blade had simply APPEARED in his hand, as if it had been pulled from the air itself. It was dripping with a dark fluid that likely was the blood of the now cut in half predator.

An energy blast came flying out of nowhere, exactly the same as which had struck Aya. This one came screaming at Siphon, but rather than dropping him, it seemed to impact some kind of shield which flared up brightly, causing him to whip around, eyes glowing red once more. When he spoke, it seemed to be half him, and half Talvesh.

"That was Klarnell weaponry." "Fuck."

More predators seemed to suddenly appear, four of them going after the Krogan simultaneously, from different angles.

Without turning, Siphon addressed Jack.

"Anything with your biotics that can create high frequency sound waves? I have a crazy idea."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

If she has the opportunity to take the shot, Lilith will. These things are clearly the enemy and there's no hesitation on her part. Worth noting, it's also a headshot, so there's likely little chance of it getting up again. And if shields reflect the blasts of whatever these things are using, then hopefully she and James will be all right.

"No." Jack spits back. "Just keep 'em the fuck off me. Or whatever the fuck that was." While she's talking, he catches that glow again and suddenly two of the pets go flying into the nearest wall.

There's also the sound of another shot and a "fuck" from Lilith, likely indicating she missed one of the not suspended ones with her rifle. He'll hear the weapon discharge the shot and, so long as nothing attack her or gets in her face, she's starting to potshot the ones that Jack has suspended. She'll also disappear into her cloak so whatever they are hopefully can't see her movements while she's lining up on ones that aren't pinned.

((Jack can grab two of the pets at the same time. General modus operandi is for her to snag them and then Lilith will shoot them while they're dangling/floating in the air. Given it's fairly obvious where the biotics are coming from, it might make Jack the next target of the Klarnell. It's likely also impossible for the pets to dodge Jack because there's no audio cues for them to read off of her. Yes, there's a bit of a light-show but it's impossible for them to predict which one she's going to send them at since it's all in her head. Also, if any of the pets get too close, Lilith will flashfry it with her omnitool's incinerate power. And if there's any question as to how strong Jack is, bear in mind that ))
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

There was some kind of reply from Siphon, but it wasn't clear if it were muttered and somehow Jack didn't catch it, or if it had been spoken in a language she didn't know. Regardless, he set about taking out any predator that came after her while she was distracted with those she held, keeping an eye open for any weapons fire.

It proved a smart idea, as suddenly an energy bolt came screaming down the hallway, aimed right at Jack! He moved his body in the line of fire just enough to block the shot, while not breaking her line of sight on her foes, unsure if he could distract her from the hold or not, and not willing to take that chance.

At the same time, he reflexively pulled his own weapon, firing in the direction of the weapons fire, and after a moment a loud electrical sizzle could be heard, followed by the sudden appearance of what had appeared to be a shoulder mounted weapon. He'd gotten a lucky shot off, and seemed to have hit the weapon itself, taking it out of the battle. There was also a crackling sound of energy from somewhere behind one of the walls further down, which brought a slight grin to his face.

"I think I took out it's cloaking device."

This was followed by an incredibly loud roaring sound, which caused Siphon to blink slightly.

"I don't think it liked that. Watch yourselves, it may or may not get physical."

More of the predators kept falling, and while the numbers seemed to be thinning out, there were still enough to take out that they'd have to be wary of making a mistake, or focusing too much on one thing.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Grunt doesn't seem to care. He has things to shoot and punch and throw and beat the ever loving crap out of. So long as he doesn't get too swarmed (which likely might not be happening now that Lil, Jack, and Siphon have joined the party) he'll gleefully continue to melee the creatures, interrupting with the occasional shotgun blast whenever he has the opportunity.

James takes the opportunity to catch his breath and make a headcount of friendlies versus non, though it's very brief. Similar to Lilith, he'll start shooting the pets that Jack has suspended or opening up on any of them that get too close to him or her. "'Bout time you guys showed up. Thought you were gonna miss the party."

"Shove it, loser. You sayin' you can't take out these things without help?"

"Hey, hey. Just wouldn't want to show you up is all."

"Oh, bite my ass and just admit you need the backup."

"Pass. I don't know where it's been."

Lilith, when she's visible, seems to be dividing her attention between shooting the pets and watching out for their master. Siphon can see her take her shots at the suspended creatures and while her rifle ejects the spent shell, her scope is very clearly trained on the spot where they saw and heard the crackle and roar come from. If the Klarnell shows itself, she's going to shoot it. "Shields? Armor? What's this thing got?"