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Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

"Never seen one with personal shields, but can't discount it, their tech is as advanced as my own people, maybe more so in some areas. Armor is thick, you'll need multiple rounds even with armor piercing ammo. Tough as nails too, quite difficult to kill. Not sure about any other weaponry, never seen them use anything but those gun things. Oh, and don't let it get close enough to melee with you, they're incredibly strong. I've seen them take on biotics enhanced people before. The biotic lost."

((I have an idea for something that'll bring up some of his past, probably that'll piss Jack off in particular, but has to be in a certain way for this to work. Quick question, with her biotics, how would she be effected if an Electromagnetic Pulse were to hit the area? Depending on that answer, I may have to rethink this.))
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

(Fairly sure Jack'd be okay with an EMP pulse. Maybe a bit of a head's up but as far as I know, that shouldn't affect her (or the others) in any way.)

"James, you heard the man. You see it, you hit it."

"Roger that."

"I'll see if I can do anything about disarming it, too." Lilith pulls something off of her belt and sets it on the floor next to her. It looks like a small disc of some sort. For the moment, she seems to be waiting for the Klarnell to show itself, trusting Jack, Grunt, and James to take care of the pets until that happens.

((Lil's general plan of attack, unless Siphon does something different, is to wait for the Klarnell to surface again and then use on it...hence the proximity mine she's intending to arm and throw when she sees it. Her order for James was to use in the hopes of weakening the thing's armor.))
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

((EMP would be coming from IT lol. It's using it to take out energy based weapons and cloaking devices, trying to level the playing field some. It doesn't realize their guns aren't energy based, at least, not all of them. It's also trying to use a neutralizer similar to the Ori Anti-Prior device, which will work on Aya, but not on Siphon, though it doesn't know that. He's immune to it thanks to exposure and his own continuing mutations, one of which is about to make itself known.))

From around the corner a flash of metal was visible for just a moment before a sudden wave of energy exploded out. Everything electronic, energy weapons, cloaking devices and the likes suddenly went dead, ceasing to function. Several moments later, the side wall exploded outward, a an armored hulk of a being came through, having smashed through and put itself in position to attack Siphon, Lilith and Jack, with both Grunt and James having their shots blocked by the three. If they fired, they risked hitting one of the three, unless their bullets could seek specific targets.

The moment the Klarnell set eyes on the group, it sneered in the direction of both Siphon, and Jack in particular. To their surprise, it actually spoke, first to her, and then to him.

"Well, well, well. I wondered if another variant of you might show up. This should be fun, or should I say, fun again. And ... YOU"

The last was directed at Siphon, as it seemed to recognize him. It seemed to showboat, trying to goad the man into a physical fight. When that failed, still before anyone would get a shot off on it, there was something else said by it, something in a language none of them would know, but seemed particularly for Siphon only.

They had no idea what was said, but whatever was said was done so with an arrogant sneer from the Klarnell, an air of superiority to it's demeanor. The effect on Siphon was almost immediate, and clearly not what the creature had been anticipating.

Whatever had been said seemed to snap something within Siphon. His eyes began flashing a bright red, bright enough to actually cast a glow through part of the hallway, actually causing a surprised step back from the Klarnell in the process. When Siphon spoke, it was seemingly a mixture of both him and Talvesh, and clearly in the same language that had been spoken. At the same time, the air around them, especially Lilith and Jack seemed to suddenly grow super charged with electricity, enough to make the hair on Lilith, and Jack, assuming she had any body hair, to stand bolt upright, and maybe even play tricks on their bodies thinking they'd brushed a partially live wire. Not enough to harm them, but enough to be unpleasant.

The result on the Klarnell though was far more damaging.

"Crel Tah Nah!"

A blast of energy erupted from Siphon's hands. Whereas before it had been something akin to an electrical shockwave, and only one handed, this time it seemed there was no holding back the raw power at his disposal. This was with both hands, and not a shockwave, but rather seeming like a stream of energy slamming into the Klarnell in seconds. They might catch a shocked reaction from the Klarnell just before it was hit, one that they might filter away as possibly important later.

"What ... impossible! GARGH!"

It was about then the blast slammed into the Klarnell, slamming it backwards, and up against one of the walls. The look of intense rage, and focus on his face suggested it would not be a smart idea to try to touch him right now. There was clearly no mercy being given here, a fact confirmed moments later as, with the stream still hammering the beast, he stepped to one side, and without turning to the others, he spoke only three words, leaving no doubt what he meant, or who he meant.

"Fire at Will."

Even as he spoke, it seemed portions of the creature's armor were literally melting away, the intense energy seeming to have a partial heating effect as well, leaving bare skin exposed to be shot at if they aimed in the right places.

In the meantime, the handful of predators that were left seemed to pause, and then bolt away. Had they been scared off by the sudden change in the fight, or had something ordered them away?

((It's ripe for the blasting. Siphon's VERY angry right now, and probably won't be talking very much for a while. He's also not going to be using THAT little ability anytime soon again, in fact, he probably won't even know HOW he did that. :p))
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

((Yeah, I don't think an EMP would effect Jack or their weapons. Omni-tools, maybe, and Lil's cloak, but I'm not 100% on shields. Likely wouldn't affect Jack's barrier or the boys' armor. I'm not sure about the anti-Prior device's effect on Jack.))

Lilith lets out a curse, obviously finding her cloak inoperable for the time being, though that doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent. What does get her moving is the explosion of wall. If the others would be friendly fire, they'll concentrate on the pets instead, Grunt likely still having better luck than James.

Not exactly having context for the Klarnell's glee, Jack just sneers at it. "Try anything, fucker, and I'll fucking end you."

Of course, it just had to go and goad Siphon. The display had James actually taking a step or two back in shock and the way Lilith is holding her rifle, there's a moment of debate on who her next target needs to be. Not that she'd truly turn on an ally but if Siphon needed some sense knocked into him, she wasn't above that.

As he declares open season on the Klarnell, Jack ceases holding back. Instead of the light show that she was originally throwing around, what seems to be happening now is a biotic wave that erupts along the floor, starting at her and slamming into the Klarnell. It likely has the effect of breaking off more of its armor, especially if it's been compromised. She'll do that as many times as necessary and not necessarily to create bigger targets for the others. Seems she's slamming this thing over and over with all she's got.

Lilith is probably the best suited for shooting at it right at the moment, especially when the holes in the armor aren't so widespread. There'll be a BANG from the rifle, the Klarnell will violently twitch, and one of the bullets will pop out. She's making very precise shots and when the opportunity arises, one of those shots is going to be at its head. Whether that puts it down immediately depends on the thing's physiology but she's not above concentrating her shots there until it stops moving. Or screaming. Or both.

When things calm down, there's an off-hand remark from James of "Remind me never to insult your mother." He'll go over to Aya, if Siphon is still pissed off and growly and check on her. "Hey, Firebug. You missed all the fun," he'll state quietly, looking to see if he can rouse her.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

((Anti-Prior device would NOT have any effect on her.))

The combined weapons fire, coupled with Siphon's seeming endless stream of energy took it's toll on the creature. It roared in pain, struggling to break free, and even trying to reach for something on it's left wrist. That was literally cut off before it could happen, as Siphon redirected one of the energy blasts to it's wrist, severing it and sending it's limb flying down the hall, towards the general area of where Jack had been prior to the Klarnell busting down the wall. This caused it to howl in agony, yet still he did not let up. Even after it was clearly dead, having ceased to move or scream in agony he didn't stop, not for a good fifteen or so seconds before finally he abruptly stopped. It's body hit the ground, the smell of electrically burnt flesh flooding the corridor as he walked over to check on Aya, getting there slightly after James.

There's a look from him towards James that's not entirely hostile, but clearly not amusement before something changes in his features, perhaps recognition the other man hadn't understood what had been said, and he simply shook his head, saying nothing for the moment. A glance over Aya assured him she was alright, just simply stunned, and after a moment, he placed one hand on her forehead, and an almost blue aura surrounded them both. This lasted several seconds, and when it died down, Aya sat up slowly, groaning.

The two locked eyes, and after a moment, she sighed.

"Go. Find out. Grunt I think it was? Would you please stay with him?"

Siphon meanwhile didn't need to be told twice. He stood, moving over to grab the device off the severed arm before making his way down the hall the predators had vanished down, seeming to be looking for where they'd come from. He moved carefully enough to be clear he was aware a threat might exist still, but with an air that suggested it would be the worst day of anyones life to get in his way right now.

After he had gotten out of range, Aya sighed, shakily standing on her feet on her own, unless one of the others helped her up, which would get a thanks from her. After a moments pause, she turned to Lilith and Jack, keeping James in sight as well.

"How much has he told you about the Klarnell? Oh and James, that comment wasn't about his mother. It was even more personal, for both of us, and to be honest ... if not for the effect of that device on me, this room would be extremely hot right now."

It was clear she was beyond pissed, barely controlling her anger, but one other thing was clear too. Despite seeming to have been out cold, she'd very clearly been awake and fully alert the entire fight, simply paralyzed. Which of course now begged the question, what had it said to Siphon that would piss both him, AND her off so badly?
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

There's an agreeable snort from Grunt who will trail after Siphon, giving the man enough space but ready just in case there's something left over to jump out at him.

James is close enough, and gentleman enough, to help her up, supporting her, too, until she gets steady on her feet. Her thanks will get a soft "Ma'am" in acknowledgement from the marine.

"Just that it would probably be a bad idea to ask you about them because you have a tendency to react, well, like you said you might," Lilith states. "Also that they should be put down as hard and fast as possible and overall, they're scum." Siphon may or may not have used such words, but it's clear that Lil and her people know they're bad news. They probably just don't know about the 'let's piss off the Aleverans' part of it.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Aya sighed slightly, nodding her head.

"Before today, yes, asking about them probably would have gotten you a very icy stare from both of us. I was hoping at the very least, they were gone, or that we'd managed to convince them that our people were gone, and there were none left. I'll try to keep things as brief as possible, but there are things you must know, especially now if it seems they've found this galaxy."

She paused for a moment, seeming to collect herself before continuing.

"What you first have to understand and grasp is just how old the two of us are. We were born with a natural evolutionary mutation that, for lack of a better term, made us both immortal in terms of aging. In fact, when we were both born ... well, our race hadn't even gone through the split yet, but that's for another time. Eventually we made our way to this galaxy, the Pegasus Galaxy. About ... four million years or so ago, the first Klarnell came screaming through an anomaly, a literal rip in the fabric of both space, and time. They attacked one of our outposts without warning, or provocation, or at least none we knew of at the time. When all was done, we'd lost contact with everyone on that planet, and a ship was sent to investigate. Siphon and I were both present, in large part because of who was on that planet. Our two daughters."

For a moment, she stopped, her fists clenching, but she shook her head and pressed onward anyway.

"When we arrived ... it was to utter devastation. Bodies everywhere, all Atlantean. The worst part though was the realization that there were only male bodies, no female bodies at all. It wasn't until we came across a lucky group of survivors that had somehow managed to avoid capture or death that we learned what had truly happened. The Klarnell came through the anomaly, took every female they could find, and killed everyone, and everything else. Then they went back through the anomaly, vanishing. We were left to assume, since no bodies were ever found, that both of our daughters were taken as well. The worst part though was finding out much later on why they were taking women in such numbers. As it turned out, something happened to them, caused their own women to become sterile. For whatever reason, we don't know why, they blame humanoids for causing it. Unfortunately, they discovered that their males genetically are compatible enough with most humanoid female species to mate with them and produce offspring, so as such, they began capturing women for the sole purpose ..."

At this point she stopped, visibly shaken and angry, and leaving no doubt what unfinished part would have come next. The Klarnell were taking women for the express interest in producing rape children to restock their armies. While she couldn't finish the sentence to Lilith and Jack, she managed to look at James enough to answer the question he most likely still had regarding what had been said to Siphon.

"What that thing said to him James ... if it's true ... Then it raped one of our two girls. Worse ... it was one of her children. Which means ... they're still alive, or at least were when it came here. The thought our two girls are still out there somewhere, held by those things and being forced ..."

At this point she choked up, unable to say anything further. The implications however, were all too clear. What was also clear, was that if they came across any more of these things, there was a good chance Siphon was going to utterly annihilate them, piece by piece, and if she were able to use her powers again, Aya might not be far behind him. They'd seen first hand just what he was capable of, what the two beings in one body were capable of. Any doubts they might have had regarding the nature of his symbiosis probably had been answered by now as well, for Talvesh had also been part of that fight clearly, from the sounds and the way they'd spoken. It had also seemed to take the Klarnell they'd killed by complete surprise the presence of the symbiote, and the fact he'd been able to use his own powers where Aya wasn't. Which, against the Klarnell, gave him one hell of an advantage, and of course having the seemingly controlled rage he had made him even more dangerous. The real question was though, was he fully in control of his own powers, or would they need to watch for incidental friendly fire or bleed-off? For her anger, and clear sadness, Aya at least still seemed to understand with her own that it was a very real possibility, she'd admitted as much. But while she was an emotional wreck at the moment, barely keeping it together ... Siphon had seemed cold, collected, and outright murderous when it came to the Klarnell. It was probably a safe bet to say it was a good thing their little group wasn't Klarnell, or they'd have been in deep shit.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

There's a quiet "Dios" from James as Aya talks about their girls. Jack's gone unnervingly still, her arms crossed over her chest in more of a hug than for something to do with them. Lilith herself is quiet as well but not quite on the trigger that Jack seems to be.

"I can't imagine that would have been easy to hear. Especially given the timeframe you're working off of. But I guess they just proved that for all they've got, they're still dumb sons-of-bitches." She pauses, given what was revealed. "Eh. Just that you don't taunt folk with shit like that. Leads to a bad end." It's an instance of there not being much you can say to something like that, so she doesn't try. She's not unsympathetic but words in a situation like that just don't always work.

"That mean they're still alive?" The question comes from Jack, actually. "You mentioned stasis. What about them?"
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Aya sighed.

"It's a very real possibility. The problem with all of this is the bastards come from the future, so there's no real way to tell how long they've technically been prisoner. But if they took after both Siphon and my own genetic mutations ... they'll be ageless, immortal to time."

Siphon kept moving through the halls of the ship, seeming to be tracking something by some method unknown to Grunt. Eventually they reached what seemed to be a secondary computer center, but it was what was in the room that drew the most attention.

A single device that looked like a stasis unit, and some other device that looked like an alien computer of some kind, hooked up into the power systems of the ship. Siphon growled at the sight of it, and without turning, he called back to Grunt.

"Mind checking to see if the radios work? If so, have the others meet us here and be ready to book it on a moments notice. I'm going to try and hack that thing."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

"So what does that mean for their descendants?" It's Lilith that brings up that particular elephant, considering it was mentioned that the being they just fought at least shared some type of genetic material with one of the women.

"You think it's going to explode when you do? Shouldn't they stay near the airlock, then?" He starts looking around and the way his eyes are scanning the room, he's looking for a shortcut, so to speak. ((Pending on where they are in the ship, Grunt's looking for an alternative or close exit. If they're on the bridge, the windows. If they're somewhere more internal, he's making sure the way is clear if they have to run.)) Regardless, he'll at least try and radio Lilith.

"Commander, there's a," a pause as he looks at the machine, "I don't know what it is. Looks like a computer. Talvesh says he's gonna hack it and he might blow us up. Wants you here for the fireworks, though."

(Grunt did not see Talvesh, he was upstairs, so far as he knows, that's still Siphon's last name. Whether it reaches her is up to you. Presuming it does, but one never knows. If so, I can keep going if you want.)
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

There was a moment of horrified pause before Aya responded.

"Honestly ... I don't know. They might have traits of their mothers, they might not. We don't know enough about Klarnell physiology to be certain. If they do though ... we can expect Klarnell with the ability to create ice prisons, and possible low to mid level magnetic manipulation. Or they could develop entirely new mutations. Or they ..."

Aya suddenly froze, an alarmed look on her face as something clearly very disturbing came to mind. When she spoke, it was in an almost whispered hush, as if she were afraid even saying it might make it happen.

"Or they could gain the natural physiological evolution needed to begin the process of learning to ascend. If they do ... we are all doomed."

Siphon sighed, shaking his head back at Grunt.

"Possibly. If it does though, there will be a short charge up cycle, we'll have time to beam out. That'll be easier if we're all in one spot. Going to try to contact the ship once we're all here before I mess with it. If it does blow ... well let's just say that nowhere on the ship will be safe. Klarnell explosives typically take out about a four mile radius. Anyone on this ship would be killed if one went off, no matter where they were. We couldn't get far away fast enough, not even in a jumper. I doubt even my shield could withstand that kind of force."

((They're more internal to the ship I'm thinking.))

Shortly after any reply to Aya's last concern, Grunts voice would come through loud and clear. It seemed whatever had been jamming communications had ended when the Klarnell had died. Aya had said something about magnetic manipulation, was it possible the Klarnell itself had been creating magnetic interference that had jammed their communications?
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Lilith seems to be taking in everything Aya says with tactical calculation. "If that's the case, we might want to share a bit of intel. Figure out what it is that you can do that we can counter. If they decide to use it against us." At the mention of Ascension, the other woman's brows pinch. "What's bad about that? Outside of the doomed part?"

Grunt just snorts another affirmative and waits for Lilith to respond to the hail, which she does, after Aya's reply.

"Sounds like we don't want to miss it, then. On our way."

In short order, the group that had been converged on the CDC makes their way to Siphon's location.

"What's this about you blowing us up, now?" Lilith arches a brow at Siphon.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Aya responded as they walked.

"You may want to ask Siphon about counters. He came up with something during the War with the Ori, and most of their abilities function the same way. As for Ascension ... OK, picture it this way. You evolve to a point where your mind, and natural powers can't be contained any longer by a flesh and blood body. So, to get past this, if you know how to, you instead cast off your physical body, becoming a being made of pure energy, with nearly unlimited power. For all intents and purposes, nothing we could muster technology wise, save the Sangraal, which takes forever to build, can harm them. If the Klarnell learn to ascend, and manage to overthrow the Ascended Ancients, those of our people who managed to ascend ... they'd have no need for any of us any longer. They could just wipe us all out without a second thought. "

Siphon frowned slightly, sighing.

"This is a data storage unit the Klarnell use. It's been cobbled together somewhat, but often times they booby trap them to prevent their intel from falling into enemy hands. Now during my time away, which Aya will know what I mean, I learned a fair bit about this type of technology. I'm fairly confident I can disarm the trap, and gain access to whatever the Klarnell had here. On the off chance I'm wrong though, we needed to all be in one spot to make beam out easier. Of course, I'm not touching the damn thing until I can confirm we can reach the ship. Which, I'm operating on the hope that since Grunt was able to reach you, we should have no problem. I'm guessing the Klarnell had something on him that terminated once we turned him into swiss cheese that was jamming us."

"Or was the source of it itself."

Siphon clenched a fist before he responded.

"Either way, it's dead, we're not. And I damn well plan to keep it this way."

He pulled out the stone he'd used earlier, calling out to the ship in orbit. Moments later they got a response from one of the bridge officers, and Siphon made sure they were on standby to pull them out.

"If that lock wavers for even the slightest moment, seems like it's being lost or could be getting jammed, don't wait, beam us out. Not taking any chances here. Actually, stand by."

Muting the conversation, he turned to the others.

"If any of you want to return to the ship now, I'd suggest doing so. That way if anything happens ... well, at least the casualties will be kept at a minimum."

He turned to Lilith and her group more directly now, pausing before he added, "and you may want to consider it for your crew and yourself Commander. I don't want to be the cause of potentially harming or killing off any of the crew of your ship, can't imagine that would go over well with them. It's up to you though."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

"We can do that on the ride home, then, provided it takes longer than a half-hour this time around," the Commander replies with a bit of a chuckle. At the explanation, she frowns. "Right, so hopefully that hasn't happened. Or, well, one would think if it had, we wouldn't be standing here right now."

Lilith lets Siphon handle the transportation situation before remarking on the data unit. "Pity your stuff doesn't work off omni-gel. Slap some of that on there and it'll open right up." She chuckles. As he suggests transporting out, she inclines her head.

"James, Jack. Back to the ship. Grunt and I will stay down here with Siphon."


"Lieutenant..." She arches her eyebrows.

"Anything happens to you and I'm not around, Scars is gonna take it out on me."

"You'll like it, pretty boy." Jack smacks him lightly on the chestplate of his armor. "Come on. I'm all for getting out of here."

Seems like that's the plan, then, unless Siphon thinks it's better they all go.

"He has a point, though," Lilith will remark after her squad members have been transported out. "You get me killed, I will be severely pissed off at you." Grunt snorts, though it sounds more like a laugh than anything.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Siphon waited until they'd been beamed out to confirm orders with his crew before shutting down the stone.

He snorted at Lilith's words, actually making a laughing sound.

"I kill you, I'm going to be pissed at myself to say the least. Alright, let's see what secrets you have ..."

Wringing his hands and popping the knuckles, he began working on the device. Some time passed, and suddenly the device lit up like a christmas tree, a projection of some kind visible in the air of what appeared to be a map of some kind.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

"Well," Lilith quips, "it's not exploding." She'll take a moment or two to study the map, looking to see if anything looks familiar or if they're staring at another new part of the galaxy they haven't come across before.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

She found it was impossible to make heads or tails of. It didn't seem to be a star chart per se, but rather a combination of that and something else, spanning a vast amount of space. Aya was shaking her head, muttering to herself. She abruptly stopped as it seemed to be dawning on her what she was looking at, turning to Siphon with her eyes wide.

"My god .. is that what I think it is?"

The voice that responded, to Lilith anyway, was clearly that of Talvesh, and not Siphon. Perhaps the symbiote had encountered something similar to this before and knew more? For Grunt of course, this would be his first realization Siphon wasn't exactly what he appeared to be.

"A temporal space chart. It appears to list anomalies within this galaxy, as well as the Milky Way, and on various worlds. This must be how they navigate the anomalies. It will take some time to fully decipher the exact data, but I believe between Siphon and I we can manage it. However, at first glance ... I believe this map represents any anomaly that has already opened ... and for us, will open in the future. It also appears to contain the specifications for a device, which, if I am reading correctly, may allow them to force open an anomaly at any given point and align it to us. But only an anomaly that would naturally open. Even still, with a map like this ..."

Aya sucked in her breath.

"They could use them to appear any time, anywhere an anomaly would open. They could travel through several just to reach where they want. My god, no wonder we could never pinpoint an exact time frame from where they came, time is essentially meaningless to them with that kind of knowledge."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Grunt will aside to Lilith when he hears Talvesh's voice. "How many people has he got in there?" to which the Commander will cuff the Krogan on the shoulder of his armor. With the butt of her pistol. He just chuckles, though he looks like he's expecting an answer. What he gets is "I'll explain later."

She'll put her attention on the chart. "So you essentially have their...road map, of sorts? And it's just a matter of figuring out when one of these things is going to open as opposed to when and where. I'd certainly say you've got a tactical advantage." She pauses after that observation, though, and frowns. "But why have it here? And why leave something like this...lying around, proverbially speaking. I know you had to hack into it and killing those things was no picnic but this is like leaving the launch code for the Normandy sitting on the arm of Joker's chair."

A great find, to be sure, but Lilith obviously seems a little suspicious of the gift horse.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

It was Siphon who answered, an amused smirk on his face.

"Because the bastard we killed was probably going to use it to get home. I'm willing to bet the anomaly the Ingrali detected earlier was a Klarnell ship dropping him off, possibly to retrieve something, or, more likely, they knew we were coming and thought they'd have an easy time getting you, Aya and Jack and have three more prisoners. Underestimated us you fuckers, didn't you. Now we know one other thing about them, they can be prone to being over confident in their technological superiority. However, I do agree we probably shouldn't risk moving it. Won't need to though, I have something back on the ship that should allow us to copy everything on this thing, minus any bombs and take with us. We can then hook it up to an independent system not connected to anything else, just in case they left some sort of computer virus. But to answer your first question slash statement ... if Talvesh and I are right, this map not only tells us the when, but also where. It's just a matter of figuring out how to fully translate this into something we can actually use. And once we do ..."

"Not without one hell of an army you won't."

"Smaller would be better, less chance of drawing attention. Can't believe I'm saying this but ... I almost wish we had the replicators around, be nice to see them kick the Klarnell's asses around, though risky I'll admit."

Aya actually laughed at that, failing to keep a straight face.

"That does hold a certain amusement to be honest, but yeah, really risky."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

There's a bit of an amused chuckle from Lilith as he talks about them being overconfident and, well, just listening to him. She doesn't say anything more than that, but he can probably read the sentiment clear, not to mention the caution in it.

"Or military grade explosives?" is what she finally remarks, given they seem to be discussing a strike of some kind.

"Or a Krogan," Grunt adds with a bit of a chuckle.

Lilith nods. "There is that. Not to brag too much, but," this time she'll pat Grunt on the chest, "the Alliance has a saying. 'I don't need an army, I have a Krogan.' His people, well, I wouldn't say single-handedly, but--"

"Mostly," Grunt will interject. "Completely. If you're talking about the Rachni Wars."

Lilith will nod. "Fought the Rachni almost to extinction."

"We did," Grunt interrupts.

"Almost. We'll discuss that little historical blip later." Grunt growls a little. "Anyway, I'm pretty sure if you're thinking of hitting them, Grunt's probably going to volunteer whether I give the okay or not. And Replicators sound...synthetic. And not pleasant. I'm envisioning husks and that's never good."