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Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Siphon paused a moment, seeming to think of how to describe the Replicators.

"Not exactly synthetic. The Replicators were a nanite based race that were created, we think originally by an android girl from another galaxy. We think she created them to be playmates, but the people of her world were afraid of them, and rightly so. She couldn't completely control them, and before they shut her down, she sent a program code into them to replicate at all costs. Until we wiped them out, that's what they did, consuming entire planets of their resources, replicating more spider form replicators, and then moving onward. Immune to most forms of energy weapons, and had the ability to adapt to new ones given time. Damn tough to kill too. Took the Dakara Superweapon and some rigging of the Stargate Network to finally be rid of them all. I'd wager the Klarnell even would have trouble with them even with their future technology."

He paused for a moment, seeming to consider what she'd said.

"Don't take this the wrong way when I say this but ... I can't ask that of you or your crew. I won't stop you from coming along, but you have to be aware this isn't going to be risk free. Anyone that comes along has to be prepared they might not come back, and, no offense, but given what we're dealing with, I'd prefer to keep it a team with no possible targets for the Klarnell. I'll be damned if I'll risk giving them another breeder if it fails. I hate the fact the Klarnell force us into doing things like this but ... we have to be prepared for anything with them."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Lilith listens to him describe the replicators and there's a slight frown on her face. "Sounds a lot like the geth, at least as far as the replication and self-preservation. Granted, I have a feeling yours did it a lot faster, but that's the thing with AI's and self-preservation."

As he mentions the risks, especially about not coming back, she and Grunt share a look and then both of them bark out a laugh. "Suicide runs are our specialty. None of us were supposed to make it back through the Omega-four either, and we, well, mostly proved that wrong. I can ask. I'll leave Jack out of it. Tali, too. If you want a tank, I'll send Grunt." The Krogan snorts. "I think I'll be sending Grunt anyway," she amends. "If you want stealth, I can give you Thane. If you want just plain ornery, I can give you Zaeed. If you want a biotic, since that seemed to throw them for a loop, I can give you Kaidan. If you want to throw a machine at them, there's Legion, though it isn't exactly stealthy. My people are used to working in small, specialized groups and they know how to kick ass and follow orders. It's up to you what you think you need and I'll see if I can provide it."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Siphon thought for a moment.

"We'll need a stealthy enough team to get in and out since we'll be on their turf, and we have no idea what the environment is like just yet. With any luck, this device will have that information. But we'll also need enough firepower that if we do have to fight, we have a chance. You know your crew better than I do, but I have to stress this should be voluntary only. Even still ... it's going to take some time even for Talvesh and I to decipher all of this and make something that might work. And then, Aya and I will brief whoever is going on just what it is they'll be getting into, at least as much as we know."
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

"Well, that's what breathers are for," Lilith replies with a slight shrug as he mentions not being certain on the environment. "Tell you what, you work out the puzzle box and I'll talk to my people. Let them know what's going on and see who wants to help."

"This mean I'm not going?" Grunt grumbles.

"We'll see. You tend to stick out a little. We might need a little more subtlety than you can provide."

"I can be subtle," the Krogan mutters.

"Like a freight train, Grunt." Lilith pats him on the shoulder. "So, we getting out of here?" She'll put her attention on Siphon at that one.
Re: Unknown Pegasus Galaxy Planet

Siphon shrugged.

"Right now Grunt, unless I figure out how to make a device to do the things they can, no one is going anywhere for this. And depending on what we're working with, I may need someone capable of guarding our anomaly, so I wouldn't discount there being a spot for you just yet."

He paused long enough to disconnect the device from the floor, lifting it slightly to be sure it was in fact free.

"Interesting, has it's own power source too. And yeah, let's get the hell out of here and start back. Siphon to Nasara, four to beam and one piece of alien technology, potentially risk laden, beam it directly to the shielded lab on deck nine."

A moment later, they were in transit ...

((Will post on the Nasara in a sec.))