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RPG RPG Maker Vore [うんこモリモリ丸] Exorcism Shrine Maiden/蘇る退魔巫女 (RJ356908)

This game is great, I love the combat and how it's handled among a few of the many things.

That and the open world feel of it is nice ha ha.
I got impatient waiting for the english steam release so I emailed the publisher, OTAKU Plan. Their response:
"Thank you for reaching out. The translation is done, but we still need to fix the game program to let it be able to release on Steam. this will take a few months."
Kinda vague that it needs to be"fixed", afaik there wasn't anything in the game that'd be objectionable to steam's guidelines so they must mean fix in a literal sense. A few months... fuckin hell...
Mtool makes the UI all pixelated and garbage for me. Haven't worked out ways to resize the font in a way that doesn't either mess up the word wrapping, the resolution on certain text boxes, or cause other weird issues. Plus, if this publisher/translator is good, it'll top the machine translation. Some accessories and skills had utterly incomprehensible names.
I especially like the ease of purchasing. I've jumped through hoops a few times to pay for hentai on... I think it was fantia? in order to support the artist, but I've been holding on to my money until this steam release is out.
Just finished the game and I have a few questions regarding the plot.

When Miko investigates the Nayuta poster for the first time, it states that Nayuta after defeating the demon king, went on in search of her missing older sister. Does this mean that the bad ending where Setsuna got taken away by the demon king is actually canon or does this game take place during 1 and 2 and Nayuta is searching for the sister who ran away? Am I mistaken something here?
Just finished the game and I have a few questions regarding the plot.

When Miko investigates the Nayuta poster for the first time, it states that Nayuta after defeating the demon king, went on in search of her missing older sister. Does this mean that the bad ending where Setsuna got taken away by the demon king is actually canon or does this game take place during 1 and 2 and Nayuta is searching for the sister who ran away? Am I mistaken something here?

Nayuta "defeating" the demon king was always a cover story; the previous protagonist fulfilled her duty but disappeared afterwards. This gives both of them convenient alibis for posterity so that the truth remains hidden. True end from the previous game remains canon.
Rule #3 - Do not ask for links
Just q few questions, Is this game finished? If it is can I have it? or else the latest version please?
Well, since a link beggar bumped the thread, maybe I should send another question to the publisher about the game's release? It's been "a few months". I'll try and get a response tomorrow.
Otaku Plan still has the game listed on Steam as "coming soon." I think this is just a "it's done when it's done" thing.
Probably, but would be nice to know if it's coming sooner than later.

That said, having tried to translate this beast of a game, I can understand why it's taking so long
for what it is worth, back on March 22 (this year), the most brilliant and oh so creative Unko Morimori Maru said
" The English version is currently being translated. Sorry for the delay, but we still don't know when the delivery date will be. "

sigh, I am really looking forward to this.

(the quote is from )
I got so used to the janky mtool translation that I don't think I'll ever be able to take this game seriously with a proper English version.
Was looking back through unco's twitter and ci-en blog but I guess when they changed dlsiteblog to ci-en a lot of archival stuff was lost, I was trying to the initial concept arts for miko that noble 6 mentioned at the start of the thread. Their twitter media tab only goes back to 2017-ish

Also, as of now, it has been basically exactly 1 year + 1 day since the steam version was announced. Still eagerly awaiting
Eagerly awaiting the official English translation as well.

I just checked his ci-en and apparently he's working on an action game in Unity right now. He's apparently only releasing the demo version for ci-en supporters because it's an entirely new engine for him and he doesn't necessarily think it's appropriate or ready for lots of people to try playing it yet. Everyone else gets to wait until it's more refined.

Most recent article talking about it here:

I hadn't realized he was going with a Unity action game next. I vaguely remembered something being said about not doing another RPG Maker game next when this game was released, but I don't think there was any announcement about what exactly the plan was for the next one the last time I checked. But it's been quite a while since I looked into where things were so I guess I just missed out on hearing about it.
Yeah, apparently its been in development for at least 2 years now going by their twitter too, switching over to unity like d-lis did for night of revenge, you can probably expect it to be another 4 years like NoR too, looks really dynamic though.

It's also nice of them to package hi-res CGs of their previous games on their ci-en even if its little by little, especially since no one's made a gallery for this game in particular on exhentai despite it being years now
Sorry to bump the thread without any new information, but I wanted to get your opinions on whether I should still be asking the publisher about the steam version of the game. I get that we shouldn't bother Unkomorimori about it because it sounds like it's beyond his control (and he's working on his next game anyways), but it almost feels like he got ripped off by this H game localizing group. They didn't respond to my last question in April, but they've released 3 other RPGmaker games on steam since then while there's still no release date given for this one. Maybe they're only interested in localizing easy to re-work RPGmaker games, and bit off more than they could chew with Exorcist Maiden? They can work on more than one project at once but their upcoming releases are packed with new games while we get no communication on this one that's been listed since a year ago.

Pestering a game developer or publisher probably isn't going to get things done any faster, but man the lack of information is making this wait unbearable. They better not have abandoned it.
It would certainly be more assuring if they had a twitter of some kind, most i saw was a discord link on the steam page, which i didn't really feel like checking out. I'm assuming there's a lot of technical details too involving cg edits to cover up the naughty bits (to what end? who knows but its steam policy i guess), and then making a patch that undoes all of it. Their site has r-18 patches for every applicable game as far as I could see.

For the record, I've been waiting for MangaGamer to release Beat Valkyrie Ixseal since they announced it like last Sept, and as far as I've checked on their progress their approximate editing has been around 80% for awhile, so there is precedent for it. The other part is I'd imagine a probably small number of actual translators and editors, considering they just have an open request for more of them on their site.

For now I'd say just check out their discord if you're really curious.