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Unlucky (plmnko)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Amanda's family had always been unlucky it seemed. Several unfortunate events had happened to them over her short lifespan. Today was no different. She had been stationed near her hometown, and as such, had been one of the first units called out to fight the monsters. Noone was prepared, her squad suffered horrible casualties. In fact, nearly right away a large explosion sent a large rock right for Amanda's head, knocking her out cold.

She hadn't been killed then and there, but had not been evacuated all the way out of the city as she was helpless. Instead, Amanda was moved to a first aid station North of the city proper. She wasn't really injured, just unconscious.

Amanda slept through most of the chaos, including the last, massive attempt to knock out the giant creature, though the station she was at was severly damaged. It was only well a small trickle of water dripped down onto her face, from a tipped over beaker on a medical stand above her, that Amanda woke up again.

A ghastly sight greeted her, she was in a small concrete building being used as a make shift rest center. There was nobody else inside with her, but out the broken out window she could see collapsed medical tents and several dead bodies. Not a thing moved that wasn't being pushed by the wind, the sky had a strange orange-blue texture to it.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

Where i am? said the young soldier disconcerted after look herself alone in an unknown placed. She take a moment to remember what happened, then suddenly the images of the incident come to herself. Its true we were fighting these creatures and then... an explosion". In the moment she check herself, could she have a permanent wound? At least this time she was lucky, her body was completely fine.

She get out the bed and look for someone and her equipment, then she noted the window and look through it an apocalyptic scene. No way, what happened ? How many time i was unconscious? She through to herself as she try to maintain the calm.

She try to find a radio, tv, cell phone or similar. All were useless. "i must go out of here, maybe there is still someone alive·" The frustration of dont know if her family was safe make her take that decision.

After take her weapon and belongings she try to find any clue of what happened.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

A basic check of herself and Amanda only found a small lump on her forehead, it was quite sore if touched, maybe requiring some minor painkillers if she wanted to avoid a headache. Of course she was in shock, too, but that'd wear off with time.

As she was getting up and about, Amanda very fortunately found something that would greatly help her. Her medical chart was posted by the bed, not only telling her that she was fine, but that most of her gear had been lost, and that what had been recovered was taken to the armory truck. She would not be getting her own weapon back, but nearby, on the ground, was a medic's standard issue pistol. He or she was no where to be seen, so it might as well be free to use, though there was no extra ammo in sight.

There was not much else in her small sheltered room, so Amanda had her pick of where to search around the destroyed camp. There were at least three tents fallen on the ground, it was kind of hard to tell, but also, off the right, were two flipped over military trucks. As she was making her descision, however, the soldier heard a strange howl, coming from off towards the city proper, which she could see was in a very sorry condition, fires everywhere. Something else was out there and alive, but it did not sound friendly!
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

Amanda take the pistol and prepare to go out. Just in that moment she heard a howl from the coming from the damaged city " It must be one of the creatures, i must be careful and do this quickly. This shelter willdont protect me with that broken window " With caution to dont make noise she open the door and using the tents and trucks to dont be seen, she try to reach the tents and take what she can before have company.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

Amanda came across alot of bodies as she worked her way along. They had not had the cover of the building liked she had, and thus had not survived. While disgusting, it did serve a purpose. The soldier found many medkits amongst the ruins. Five were found right away, easily stowed in her pack, a very good find. Unfortunately these people had had their weapons taken also, as they were already injured.

As she was crawling Amanda heard the howl again, this time closer. Whatever made it was drawing near, and she'd have to think of a course of action soon, her luck could not always be as good as it had just been.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

After notice than all were injured she decide to find if she can climb over the shelter and shoot from there when the creature reach the area or in case than she cant, take the most wounded inside the shelter and then shoot to the creature.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

Popping up, Amanda did not really have a clear view of anything. There were a few buildings and low laying areas in that direction, providing excellent cover for whatever was approaching.

Falling back to her backup plan, Amanda once again had little luck. There were no injured... only dead... There was one bright spot, however. As she looked for survivors, she found a small cave, offering an excellent hiding spot. She could of course make a run for the other cover still, as there was no way of seeing deep inside the cave for threats.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

There was not another choice, her low quantity of ammunitions will be not enought to resist inside the shelter if the monster find her.

Amanda decide to go to the cave, maybe she could find survivors or another weapon.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

Getting down into the darkness created quite a bit of noise, but fortunately the sound of sliding rocks seemed to be passed over by the approaching creatures. As Amanda was getting away from the entrance she heard something pass above, running over the debris, unconcerned with stealth. Though should couldn't see it, she heard as it passed up her hiding space and continued on to the other side of the camp.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

Amanda stay inside her hidding place a pair of minutes more with her gun ready in case than the unknown creature found her, she lookde inside her spot to found something and after the time passed she look outside and if she dont found any danger start to get out with caution, trying to dont be a easy target for any of the monsters.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

It was too dark to see very far into the cave, so Amanda did not find anything inside. Fortunately, nothing came out to attack her either. Silence came back upon the camp after a minute or two, only broken by Amanda's eventual climb back out. The creature had moved on, so despite the occasional sliding rocks, nothing heard the solider.

The camp up above was just as it had been before Amanda had hidden. Nothing was visibly changed by the monster rooting around in the debris, though the sheer volume made it hard to tell for sure.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

The soldier sigh in relief, her low quantity of munition make her an easy target, if she want to fight these creatures she need to find more or a melee weapon, but there are others things more important to do.

Amanda with caution try to return to the camp, maybe she could found information of what happened when she was unconscious or the last instruction than the diseased soldiers had before die, also a lamp, other weapon or munition to her gun could help her too before leave the area.

If she dont find anything she would go to her house, she started to believe than this was the end of the world and at least she want to rescue her family in the south of the city, for go there she could use the subway, trying to avoid the center of the city where the monster appear.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

Having a chance to look around without imminent danger pressing down on her, Amanda noticed a collapsed tent that had more debris then others. There were more papers then other types of debris scattered around it then others too, further setting it apart. From the closest ones to her, Amanda recognized them forms as standard record keeping files. This was probably an HQ tent of some sort next to her. She may be able to find some solid information, but it would take time and a lot of useless reading to sort for anything that could really help her right now.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

Maybe will take her time but it was better to know something than go around a infested city filled of monsters without know what its happening. Amanda put all the papers in her backpack and then she tried to return to the little small concrete building trying to don't be spot by any creature, she had her weapon ready just in case.

If she reach the place without any problem she will start to read all in call, trying to know all about the fight and what happened to the citizens
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

It was almost safe enough to move around normally, but it was still better not to risk it. Amanda was quickly back where she started. The building had been undisturbed by the passing creature.

Her chart was nearby, right where it should be. It looked pretty normal, though most was medical language which Amanda didn't really understand. The key bits of information seemed to be that she had an infection. There was a name by it, but it was just some long term that only a doctor would know what it meant. The medic seemed to think antibiotics would work, and there was a bottle of pills nearby that seemed to be what the sheet was talking about.

Her thoughts were interupted, however, when she heard the creature call again. Way closer then she heard it before. In fact, so close, it might be a bad idea to run. If it didn't know where she was now, it would soon!
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

The soldier girl wished that it was just a flu, then she takes the pills and eat one before store them in her backpack as also the files, she then hear the noises of the beast and she decide to stay inside the house and hide herself to try to avoid the fight or hit the creature before it find her, slowly she hide herself trying to dont be saw if the creature use the window and get her gun ready to shoot it
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

(Well, here's your first combat, I'd actually give you 50/50 odds here, though generally newbies utterly get raped (;)) by this monster)

In most cases Amanda's plan would have been good. However, she had no idea just how strong and agile this creature was. It came in rigth where she expected, but with a leap instead of a slow crawl. It was through and in the room before Amada could fire, skidding a short distance on the floor. Vaugly humanoid, the monster seemed to have extra joints, allowing it to hunker close to the ground on all fours, and obviously the ability to leap powerfully.

It senesed her fast and begun to turn to attack, giving the solider only a second to react. There may not even be time to bring the pistol around and fire before it clawed her or otherwise attacked.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

It was really an inexpected surprise for Amanda, her throughts were filled by spicy words toward the weird creature, without think twice she shoot toward the face of the humanoid when it was away of the entrance, then she will atempt quickly to go out of the room, trying to close the door behind her. She dont had to much bullets to waste in just a battle.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

The thing leaped again, hitting Amanda just as she was firing. The shot went wide, smashing into the ceiling near the far wall. Her head cracked back against the floor and the monster was ontop of her. It deliberately went for her arm with the gun, pushing it into a position where she couldn't fight back with it. As the solider's head cleared from being hit the beast used the chance to press tighter and rub itself against her, howling in her face almost as if it was gloating.
Re: Unlucky (plmnko)

It certainly was not her day. Amanda make a gasp when the creature jump over her and the hit on her head was the most little of her problems, the foul body of the creature was caressing himself using Amanda's body like if she was a plushie or something more lewd, the soldier was unnable to shoot, but she will not give up in this fight, her live was filled with difficulties and this was only just another bad moment. Using her militar training and a strengh that was more that someone could expect of the little girl, she try to turn to her side the grapple, she use her free limbs to break the balance of the monster in a sudden move and throw him to the side of her armed hand, he was using that hand to contain her and would be unnable to recover his balance, of course she combine this action with a surprise headbutt when she had the chance to do it.