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Re: Unpacking

Regina turned her head slightly as Ashley approached her, but looked back to the ground after a second, putting a hand to her face and walking back, seeming to be heading back for her quarters, "I-I'll be in my room," she said, sounding distraught, almost as if she was on the verge of crying over Daisy.
Re: Unpacking

'Crap. Good job Ashley.' she thinks to herself as Regina turns to leave. She sighs heavily, and follows after her to her room, wanting to try and fix some of the damage she'd just done. She'd had no idea that confronting the girl would lead to this.
Re: Unpacking

After following Regina back to her room, and walking in with her, Regina sat down on the bed, rested her elbows on her legs, and put her hands on the sides of her face, resting her head there, before looking over to the door, noticing Ashley had followed her. "Ashley..." she said her name as if a little surprised she was followed, and seemed to be looking for something else to say, but couldn't find the words, as she looked up her...
Re: Unpacking

(God damnit. Writers block and situations I avoid like the plague IRL.)

Ashley closes the door behind her and walks over to Regina to sit in front of her on the floor, folding her legs beneath her. She looks up at Regina for a second before speaking, her voice very small; "I'm sorry I put you through this, but I had to say something to her. I couldn't risk her coming after me in in the middle of the night with my mother around. The things she said to me weren't... wrong, I guess. I'm sorry I got you two into a fight... and maybe I could have been more diplomatic about it... but.. I don't know." She finishes, not knowing what else to say.
Re: Unpacking

Regina sighed, "Ashley... Daisy wouldn't attack you like that... She always talks about how she would kill herself if she did that to someone. To her, rape is a very violent, and terrible thing... She may act like a child... But she's a really sweet girl..." Regina sighed, and raised her right hand to the back of her head, and started scratching it, "Ashley... I don't have to know what you said to be able to tell that you hurt her feelings, and I'd appreciate it if you apologized to her. You don't have to have sex with her... I know that nobody really does, but it would make that much difference if you just... Tried to be friends with her... Instead of confronting her like that..."

Regina sighed again, and buried her face in her palms in frustration over the situation...
Re: Unpacking

"If she wouldn't attack me, then why did you warn me?" Ashley replies, her voice a little harsher than she wanted it to be. She sighed, before continuing in her quiet tone again; "I told her we could be friends... And if I see her again I will apologize to her, for hurting her feelings the way I did."
Re: Unpacking

Regina sighed, shaking her head, "I don't know, I was just worried for-" she heaved another sighed, only much more annoyed, and quickly took off her shoes, and socks, tossing them aside, before laying down in the bed, and yanking the covers over herself, "Never mind..." she said firmly, "Ashley, Morrigan will come over soon..." she told her, trying to hint at her that Morrigan was very similar to Daisy, in that she needed energy, energy which only Regina would give...
Re: Unpacking

Ashley just sits quietly for a minute, not moving or speaking, just thinking. Eventually, she speaks, her voice quiet; "I'll feed her. It's my energy you're going to give to her anyway. At least partially. Might as well get it direct. Just, could you do me a favor? Make sure you wake my ass up before it gets too late, I don't my mom to get too worried."
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Re: Unpacking

Regina turned to Ashley from where she was on the bed, "Ashley... C'mon..." she said, twisting her mouth, "You make it sound like you're just livestock around here... And you mean more than that to me... You don't have to go around, feeding anybody..." she said, not wanting to ever think of Ashley as simple food...
Re: Unpacking

Ashley smiles, though it's faint and a bit grim; "I know that, but I just made your life a little more difficult, and I want to at least try to make it a little easier in turn. Besides, it's not like it's not enjoyable.... But if you're really uncomfortable with the idea, I'll get out of your hair. It's up to you."
Re: Unpacking

Regina sighed, "Why can't she understand that I just want whatever she wants... I don't want her to feel obligated to do anything for me..." she thought, and after thinking for a moment, she raised a hand in a way that suggested she was bargaining with Ashley, "L-look, uh..." she swallowed a nervous lump in her throat, "If, uh... If it turns out to be a little awkward... Like, you don't like her, or anything... Don't be afraid to just... Just go ahead and... Well, you know..." she tried to explain, "Alright? If you don't feel comfortable with it... I understand..."

And, as if the timing couldn't have been better, a light, almost shy knock sounded on the door, when Regina clarified who it was, "That's... Morrigan..." she told Ashley, looking to her out of the corner of her eye.
Re: Unpacking

As Regina stuttered through her sentence, Ashley grinned and actually began to giggle towards the end. When she was finished, Ashley let out a little laugh, and said; "Honey, you and I need to talk in private about a few things some time, if you think a threesome's going to bother me. I'd be more worried about her being uncomfortable with me than me with her, if she's as shy as you say she is. The same to both of you though, if either of you don't want me here, I'll leave. I'll get the door."
And then she stood, smiling at Regina, trying to make sure she's comfortable, and knows that she's not doing this out of a sense of obligation, but because she wanted to. She turned and opened the door slowly, backing away along with it to invite the girl on the other side in.
Re: Unpacking

When Ashley opened the door, she saw a shy looking girl, with long, orange-blond hair, and a pair of glasses on. The nerdy appearence of her, in Ashley's mind, being the reason for her inability to get a date...

The woman, who was Morrigan, as Regina didn't seem to correct herself, gave a bit of a start when she saw Ashley answer the door, and leaned back slightly, "S-should I go...?" she asked in a very quiet, and shy tone, feeling as if she was intruding on Regina and her date for the night.
Re: Unpacking

(No reaction from Regina?)

Ashley sighed and smiled, not surprised given Reginas description, and said; "No, come on in hun." And motioned her through the door before closing it. She turns to Morrigan, and says; "You're Morrigan right?"
Re: Unpacking

(Regina's just watchin'... Not sure of what to do.)

Morrigan, after hesitating to come in, looked with a confused expression from Regina, back to Ashley, before shyly replying, "Y-yes..."

Regina simply sat where she was, looking to and fro, from Morrigan, back to Ashley, as she watched their exchange.
Re: Unpacking

(Gonna make me do all the work aren't you? Got to try and not scare her but still hurry this along.)

'Well, this is awkward..' Ashley thought to herself, and after a second of silence said; "So... Morrigan... I know what you're here for.... And... Well... I know about your problem... And.. Uhhhh.... Oh, fuck it. Have you ever been with another woman? Not like Regina, I mean. A woman without the extra man parts. I'm sorry if I come on strong, but Regina and I talked about it for a bit, and if both of you are okay with the idea, I'd like to join you. It's up to you, and I understand if you're uncomfortable with the idea of doing... that... with someone you've just met, but I want you to understand that I want to do it. And I was probably going to do it again with Regina again at some point, and since she lends to you sometimes anyway, I figured you might as well get some direct for once...." She says, her words hurried after the initial stuttering. 'And you laughed at Regina. Good going, you probably just terrified her and Regina's going to tell you to get the hell out...'
Re: Unpacking

Morrigan, even before Ashley started, was blushing terribly, and blushed even more as she continued. When Ashley was done, Morrigan looked awestruck. She looked over to Regina, unable to decide what to do about this unforseen development, "R-Regina..." she called out her name in confusion...

Regina lifted her hand at Morrigan, "It's alright, don't be shy, Morrigan. You can trust Ashley, she's a real nice girl..." she tried to comfort her.

And, trying not to be rude, the blushing Morrigan turned to Ashley, and answered her question, shaking her head a little, "N-no, I... I've never slept with-I-I mean... Uh..." she stuttered.

Regina thought to herself, "What the hell am I supposed to do...?"

And, at the same time, Morrigan thought to herself, "W-what am I supposed to do...? Should I do something...?"
Re: Unpacking

'At least no one's angry yet... I never went for the shy types for a reason damnit...' Ashley thinks to herself, and then takes a step closer to Morrigan, wrapping her arms gently around the girls waist, figuring that she was going to have start things going if anything was going to happen. She was nervous as hell, but she figured that if she was nervous, then for Morrigan it must be ten times as bad. She pulls the girl in close, looking her in the eyes and smiling warmly; "Just relax.... And enjoy yourself. I don't bite." She whispers, and plants a gentle kiss on the girls lips. She keeps gently kissing her lips, her eyes closed, waiting for her to respond in some way.
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Re: Unpacking

Morrigan lets out a shy squeak as Ashley closes in, and kisses her, tensing up, and blushing wildly as their lips meet each other. Morrigan's breathing quickens, and she ends up not knowing what to do with her hands, leaving them slightly outstretched at her sides for a time, before slowly wrapping her arms around Ashley the same way Ashley held her.

As Morrigan started to lose a bit of tension, Regina slowly got up from her bed, smiling a bit, and slowly started to walk out of the room, "I'll leave you two alone..." she whispered...
Re: Unpacking

(I don't think so! I want my damned threesome! :p Jk. I don't think Regina would want it to happen in her bed without her though, that's just impolite. Even if it is her friends first time.)

Ashley smiles into the kiss, as Morrigan begins to shyly respond. She breaks off the kiss long enough to look at Regina and say; "You sure you don't want to join in? It's your room..." Before returning her full attention to Morrigna. She goes slow, opening her mouth slightly so her tongue can gently lick along Morrigans lower lips, asking permission for entrance, allowing the less experienced girl to determine how fast or slow it went. Her right hand gently reaches up to slide under Morrigans bra, gently grasping the girls breast and rubbing Morrigans nipple with Ashleys palm. Her other arm wraps further around her partner, drawing her close, pressing her body Morrigan.