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Upon Diaga's request...

Upon Diaga's request...

  • Total voters


Dec 9, 2008
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Vote everyone if you wish. XD Not required but heh :p and comment if you like as well haha.
Re: Upon Diaga's request...

Updated story. Woo GO RAPE!
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Re: Upon Diaga's request...

Lol an ad in Dia's posts
Anyways I chose neutral since I am a guy and yes I want my char to be raped, but I know I shouldn't act of character and I want to move on/advance thru the game.
Re: Upon Diaga's request...

I am also neutral. But I pray that my character fails at her rolls.
Re: Upon Diaga's request...

Nice ads Diaga. XD Keeps me updated on your story hahahaha. :p

As for this poll, I voted Neutral as from a stand point of a player. While I wouldn't mind the rape (haha >.>) I would play to also win and being raped could hinder you significantly or it could just be a nice reprieve. ;P
Re: Upon Diaga's request...

Updated story.
Well I do want them rape. But I also want to win. I just pray my character loses at the rolls. I am not going to intentionally give in.
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Re: Upon Diaga's request...

OK, well I made my own story find it in your own time since I don't do ads.
But back to the main point Dia, is that you want her to be raped, you just won't do it directly
Re: Upon Diaga's request...

Correct. Didn't I make that obvious?
Re: Upon Diaga's request...

I chose other, because:

I WANT her to get raped due to her being my 'tough girl' and playing her humiliated is sorta fun
I DONT WANT her to get raped due to wanting to win the shoding game!
Re: Upon Diaga's request...

I am not! I'm a roleplayer that lieks raep and winning as well. Shame there isn't a game yet where you win by raping everything XD

hahahaha nice :p

Hmmmm >.> (maybe...naaaaaah)
Re: Upon Diaga's request...

I voted other, in that some raep is fine, but if she ends up the object of affection for a horse or furry i may need to eat my lunch twice, if you know what i mean. no offense to any others here, just not my bag o' tea
Re: Upon Diaga's request...

Id say im all for being forcibly taken, but im not into Guro and that stuff, so id rather hear things saying you feel overwhelming pleasure maddening driving your senses wild etc before fading to black then the words ((dead, time for a new character)) to be posted before things get nasty, at first i was very narrow minded only like the whole tentacle thing, and a bit of slime, now my taste is pretty diverse.
Re: Upon Diaga's request...

I voted "Don't want to be raped." It's more exciting to know that it is a possibility but to do everything I can to prevent it. That way if it does happen, it feels like more of a big deal. I suppose it's possible that Emily might "Give In" at some point, but it would have to be something more than just a standard rape.
Re: Upon Diaga's request...

Updated story.

No! Why is everyone going for other not rape?!? There's only 5 votes for wanting your character raped! Explain to me why! WHY!? *spazing out*
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Re: Upon Diaga's request...

I voted neutral, as it's a part of the game, but then again, you play to win the game!
Re: Upon Diaga's request...

Getting rid of ads since my signature now has it.
Everyone stop being neutral or I don't want my character raped. It makes me feel sad.
Re: Upon Diaga's request...

I voted for teh rape. Even if I'm RPing otherwise. ^^;