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Useful Information (Combat, XP and KL Systems)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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So here is the information on how these systems will work. I will unlock this thread when everything has been added so you folks can comment and make suggestions before we officially start.

There is a CRITICAL HIT System in place.

Crit Strike Rule:

Start 10%

Every 3 levels +5% Crit Chance, caps at 50%. Crit hits will result in 2x the damage that would normally be done. The Critical Strike chance will be determined by a D1000 roll. At 10%, you must hit a 900 or higher to Critical Hit.

Corruption System:

A character can't pass out due to being raped or suffering orgasms. However, filling the sexual stamina bar up will result in that character suffering an orgasm.

Enemies too can reach their own peak, though they will suffer no ill effects from doing so as they are bred for this. If a monster reaches it's peak, there is a chance the victim will become pregnant. If a monster reaches it's peak at the same time his victim reaches her peak, it's an instant impregnation. Once an enemy has made you orgasm, it will let you go, waiting for you to recover and make a move so it may play with you some more. Note that some enemies won't let go until other circumstances are met, and some won't let go at all.

If your character is being raped by a female enemy, there are several things that can happen.

1. Enemy is using her tongue/mouth - Your character can suffer pleasure and orgasms, while the attacker takes no pleasure from this attack.

2. Enemy is using her pussy (imbued you with a penis or you started as a futa) - Your character can be forced to orgasm inside of her attacker, and the attacker can also be brought to orgasm. In this case two things will happen.

2a. The enemy CAN become pregnant, which can cause a new enemy to spawn on the battlefield if it's mother is not slain in time.

2b. If your character brings her attacker to an orgasm, she will suffer 2x the pleasure for that turn.

2c. If your charcter orgasms at the same time her attacker does, she will automatically impregnate her attacker AND suffer 2x the pleasure for that turn.

This makes being raped by a female enemy VERY dangerous, as you can quickly find yourself over run with enemies, or see replacements for already fallen demons.

Orgasmic Note: The Spider is the ONLY enemy that can impregnate you if only you Orgasm. You must be a Futa though for this to apply.

Corruption Levels (KL and KP)

Corruption points are gained every time your character is forced into some form of sexual act AND takes pleasure from it. Points are gained in the following increments and ways. Be sure to add in the previous notes to this final number. This number will not be reduced by deflection buffs. You can gain KP just from the penetration even if you don't take pleasure on the initial thrust.

1. Forced sexual act causing pleasure with no orgasm for you or the enemy - you gain the pleasure dealt to you as KP.

2. Enemy orgasms, you dont - you gain the pleasure dealt to you x2 as KP.

3. You orgasm, enemy does not - you gain the pleasure plus 50 in KP.

4. You orgasm, enemy orgasms with you - gain the pleasure, +50 for your orgasm AND multiply that x2 in KP. (Only applies when either you or your enemy is already pregnant.)

5. You become pregnant via enemy only orgasm - you gain the pleasure, +25 for impregnation in KP.

6. You become pregnant via double orgasm or impregnate your enemy via your orgasm only - you gain the pleasure, +75 (your orgasm and impregnation total) AND multiply the final by 2 in KP.

7. You impregnate an enemy via double orgasm - you gain the pleasure, +75 for giving up your seed to them, +50 for orgasming yourself AND multiply that final by 2 in KP.

You gain 50 KP per Orgasm a round, +25 KP for becoming pregnant, +20 Per Penetrated hole.

8. You have the option if you wish to 'help' yourself a little bit. If your character has been raped, and is close to an orgasm, but does not climax, you can choose, at a small price, to either masturbate and cause yourself to orgasm, or your ally can finish your bar off for you. If you choose to finish yourself off, you will gain 25 KP for bringing yourself to orgasm + the difference in pleasure required to fill the bar. If your ally finishes you off, you gain the same as before, AND they gain 2x the difference in KP that it took to get you to orgasm for falling into 'sinful' pleasures. Your ally can choose to finger you, eat you out, or if you are futa spelled they can either suck you off, or ride you off. If they choose to ride you off (or you choose to ride them if they ask for release), there is a chance you can impregnate each other. If you do impregnate her (or she impregnates you), then whoever was impregnated will remain pregnant, and it will protect her ONCE from either becoming pregnant from a creature, or protect her ONCE from giving up her seed to another creature. This is known as a "Protective Pregnancy".

If by some stroke of misfortune, your character is forced to suck off a phallic appendage, and the enemy orgasms while their appendage is thrusting about inside your mouth, you will gain +30 KP for being forced to swallow demonic semen. Luckily, this can only occur with a handful of enemies, so if you avoid being captured by them, you can avoid swallowing their loads. Note that these enemies also can penetrate all of your holes and trigger an instance where the +30 is added on to whatever else you would have gained.

Corruption Levels are gained when your character reaches a certain number of KP. There are some potions in the game that might lower your KP ...

Level 1 - Gain 50,000 KP.

Level 2 - Gain 100,000 KP.

Level 3 - Gain 200,000 KP.

Level 4 - Gain 400,000 KP.

Level 5 - Gain 800,000 KP.

Level 6 - Gain 1,600,000 KP.

Once you have reached level 6, your character is fully corrupted, and becomes a sex slave to her attackers. An ally will turn on her former friend (YOU) at that moment, and must be killed to progress. Try not to let this happen.

Once a character reaches KL 4, enemies will solely focus upon her at the start of a fight, trying to finish her off.

Once a character reaches KL 5, anything she was weak to earlier (suffered a -10 roll against) she will become even weaker to, now suffering a -20 to her roll!

Enemy Classes:

Tentacle Monsters - The following normal enemies classify under tentacle rape: Karsetti, Demonic Jellyfish, Giant Kraken, Demonic Starfish, Lust Squid and Scylla's. Traps are: Tentacle Pit Trap, Life Rift and Death Rift. Bosses are: Kabraxis, Baalina, Thembrihkal.

Snake Class - This class contains Rigels, Medusa and Lamia's. Traps are: Drinking Worms, Dune Ampha. Bosses Are: Queen Leech

Slime/Tar Class - This class contains Slime Blob, Slime Girl, and both Male and Female Tar Demon types. There are no Slime Traps.

Bug Class - This class contains Demonic Bug, Drayne Hunters, Sucklers, Demonic Spiders, Crawling Horrors, Amphibious Draynes and Arachne. Traps are: Hugger Ambush. Bosses are: Drayne Queen and Tentacled Drayne Queen.

Plant Class:

Female Plant Enemies - They are the Lesbian Plant Trap, Alarune, Sylvari Female, Vined Doppelganger and Venus Suck Trap. Traps are: Mandragora Trap and Breeder Plant.

Male Plant Enemies - They are the Sylvari Male and Humanoid Plant. Traps are Plant Trap, Drainer Plant and Plant 42. Bosses are: Giant Plant.

Succubi Class - This class contains the Succubus, Supreme Succubus and Dark Elf. Traps are: Sexual Temptation. Bosses are: Flesh Teaser, Andariel, Black Jade, Flesh Dancer, Lilith, Lillandra, Red Vex, Stareye, Webwidow, Witchfire, and Witchmoon.

Demon Class:

Male Demons - They are the Demon Dog, Possessed Human, Possessed Ape, Tainted, Demonic Frog, Impregnator, Lust Demoness, Incubus, Werewolf, Tessa, Vampire Male and Demonic Komodo. There are no Male Demonic Traps.

Female Demons - They are the Lust Demoness, Suction Woman, Slurpers, Nelvoken Female and Vined Doppelganger. NO TRAPS. Bosses are: Blood Raven, Countess Andra, Vampire Female, Vaneera the Wild, Vampirya, Rreziki, Lian the Dragon's Petal, Darklotus, Vampyrate, Liara the Soulless, Ashlynn Spiderfriend, Mephista, Diabla.

Ogre Class: Giant Ogre, Giant Ogress and Red Oni. NO TRAPS

All other Creatures and Traps classify as OTHER and do not have any special things to them.

Special Notes:

1. Multiple penetrations - It is completely possible that you will end up in a situation where more than one enemy will be raping your character. In this case, two separate pleasure rolls will be done, which means you could orgasm twice as fast. Depending on how much pleasure you take, you could suffer two orgasms in a single turn, though this is unlikely to happen with higher stamina based characters. The first orgasm will always be centered vaginally, and a second in the same turn would be in her ass. However if you were dealing with a Male and Female enemy, then the enemy who brought you to the orgasm to begin with will be where your first orgasm is centered. If it was the Male, you'll have a vaginal orgasm. If the Female did, you'll spurt a load out of your dick. It is also possible to be raped by an enemy who can penetrate all three orifices, and even possibly take your cock too! In this case, you cannot suffer an orgasm from being forced to suck something off, but you would still have to free your mouth from whatever vile thing is in it. A single roll is done to see if you can free yourself from penetration. If you free yourself, you will shove the enemy off of you. Note: When dealing with female combos, you could find yourself gripped inside a woman while another enemy is raping your pussy from behind. Female enemies CAN futa themselves, and that always succeeds.

To continue with this branch, there are penalties to you if you are multiply penetrated and end up with an enemy blowing their load into your mouth. See the KL and KP system for more details.

2. KL lowering - There are potions that are capable of lowering a characters KP amount to the very start of their current level. You may only take one of these per character with you, and they do not have to be used on yourself, you may use them on your ally. If used at 50% or less of a current level, you will 'de'level to half. For example, if you were 49% of the way to KL 4 (sitting on 3 right now), you would remove all the KP towards level 4, and in addition unrank your KL to half way to level 3 (sitting on 2 after potion use).

4. Pregnancy - Lasts 20 turns for both Characters and demons alike, and can't be terminated in characters. The good news with that is that a baby born from a PC or ally NPC will vanish and not have to be fought. The bad news is that one born from a demon will mature instantly into an adult of your level and you will have to kill it. The child born will always be of the same species type as it's corrupted heritage, with their inherent skills. Bear in mind, plants can become pregnant, or implant you with seeds to impregnate you. When a situation arises where you might become pregnant (non dual orgasm), a 9+ on a D12 will result in impregnation. a 9+ will also suffice for you giving up your seed to the enemy, although in certain cases this number CAN be lowered.

5. Some enemies drain HP or MP when you orgasm. If this occurs, your loss is 1/10th of the total pleasure taken.

6. Enemy Castings + Special Abilities: When a FUTA Spell is cast, unless it was cast on the attacker herself it will go to a Magical Accuracy vs. Magical Defense roll. The same applies for special abilities. Note however some enemies can't miss with this spell at all.

7. If a female enemy suffers more than one orgasm in a single attack, you take 4x the normal pleasure while they remain the same. You also trigger the rules for simultaneous orgasm as well as single orgasm for yourself in KP gainage. This means too, you can orgasm more than once possibly, depending on your class. This is highly unlikely to happen due to the current system, but must be covered in the event a 'miracle' happens.

8. You do not lose a turn for having an orgasm as of this update.

Pregnancy Table:

Humans, Norn & Sylvari: 9+ For Pregnancy Checks.

Elves: 8+ For Pregnancy Checks.

Mathosians: 7+ For Pregnancy Checks.


Elf + Anything other than Mathosian: 8+ For Pregnancy Checks.

Mathosian + Anything other than Elf: 7+ For Pregnancy Checks.

Elf + Mathosian: 6+ For Pregnancy Checks. Most fertile species in the game.

When dealing with a situation where a Mathosian is having Sex with an Elf, or a Mathosian+Elf is having sex with an Elf or something dealing with those combinations, the 'dominant' fertility genes will kick in and determine which roll system should be used. Mathosian+Elf is the most dominant, followed by Mathosian. Elves don't ever use their own system when dealing with a Mathosian, or a Mathosian+Elf.

Combat System:

Grapple Attempts: Enemy Physical Accuracy vs. Your Evasion. Dice roll is the difference needed to make 1,000. IE: 450+D550=? vs. 495+D505=?.

Escape Grapples: Enemy Capture vs. Your Freedom. Dice roll is the difference needed to make 1,000. IE: 450+D550=? vs. 495+D505=?.

Penetration/Escape Penetration/Is Pleasure Taken?: Enemy Sexual Attack vs. Your Sexual Freedom. Dice roll is the difference needed to make 1,000. IE: 450+D550=? vs. 495+D505=?.

Run Away Attempts: Enemy Speed vs. Your Speed. Dice roll is the difference needed to make 1,000. IE: 450+D550=? vs. 495+D505=?.

Spell Castings (yours and enemy casts): Magical Accuracy vs. Magical Resistance. Dice roll is the difference needed to make 1,000. IE: 450+D550=? vs. 495+D505=?.

Physical Attacks (yours and enemy attacks): Physical Accuracy vs. Evasion. Dice roll is the difference needed to make 1,000. IE: 450+D550=? vs. 495+D505=?.

Trap Evasion: Trap Sexual Attack vs. Your Sexual Freedom. Dice roll is the difference needed to make 1,000. IE: 450+D550=? vs. 495+D505=?.
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Re: Useful Information (Combat, XP and KL Systems)

Experience System - When an enemy is defeated, you gain experience. Killing an enemy the same level as you grants 100-600 XP (based on the Act you are in), to you, and your ally if you have one. Killing an enemy a level higher than you grants 200-1200 XP based on the Act you are in) , and killing an enemy 2 levels higher would grant 400-2,400 XP. (based on the Act you are in). See the experience required for level chart below for an idea on how often you can expect to level.

Defeating a Shrine Boss will net you 5,000 XP + Whatever the Minions would give. (Minion types are pre-determined, however their levels must be calculated at the time of spawning.) Shrines can't appear until after you have faced at least 1 enemy spawn.

Defeating an area Boss will net you 10,000 XP + Minion XP. (Minions are pre-determined.) Won't appear until 5 enemy spawns.

Defeating an Act ending Boss will net you 20,000 XP + Minion XP. (Minions are pre-determined).

Gaining a Level - When a character gains a level, they will be allowed to spend 10 stat points freely between their 5 stat classes, allowing for customization of a character to fit the players style as time progresses. You start out at Level 1. Note the numbers reflect how much more XP is required after a level to reach the next. A single stat may not go above 100 by point placement alone.

Experience Chart -

Level 2 - 3,000. Level 3 - 3,500. Level 4 - 4,000. Level 5 - 4,500. Level 6 - 10,000. Level 7 - 16,000. Level 8 - 32,000. Level 9 - 32,000. Level 10 - 32,500. Level 11 - 33,000. Level 12 - 33,000.
Level 13 - 33,000. Level 14 - 34,000. Level 15 - 34,000. Level 16 - 34,000. Level 17 - 35,000. Level 18 - 35,000. Level 19 - 35,000. Level 20 - 40,000. Level 21 - 45,000. Level 22 - 50,000. Level 23 - 55,000. Level 24 - 60,000. Level 25 - 65,000. Level 26 - 70,000. Level 27 - 75,000. Level 28 - 80,000. Level 29 - 85,000. Level 30 - 90,000. CAP

When you level, the experience bar resets to 0, placing you at 0/XP Needed.

Items Available in this game.

Health Potion - This potion will restore half of your maximum life. May only be used when you are not grappled or being raped. You may carry up to five of these at once per person. These start dropping on the first kill. You may use one potion per turn and still conduct an attack, and they can only be used when you aren't grappled.

Mana Potion - This potion will restore half of your maximum mana. May only be used when you are not grappled or being raped. You may carry up to three of these at once per person. These start dropping on your first kill. You may use one potion per turn and still conduct an attack, and they can only be used when you aren't grappled.

Full Health Potion - This restores 100% of your life. May only be used when you are not grappled or being raped. You may carry up to two of these at once per person. These don't start appearing until Tower Level 1. You may use one potion per turn and still conduct an attack, and they can only be used when you aren't grappled.

Full Mana Potion - This restores 100% of your mana. May only be used when you are not grappled or being raped. You may carry up to two of these at once per person. These don't start appearing until Tower Level 1. You may use one potion per turn and still conduct an attack, and they can only be used when you aren't grappled.

Rejuvination Potion - This restores 35% of both your life and mana at once. May only be used when you are not grappled or being raped. You may carry up to four of these at once per person. These don't start appearing until the Catacombs in Act 1. You may use one potion per turn and still conduct an attack, and they can only be used when you aren't grappled.

Full Rejuvination Potion - This rare potion restores 100% of your life and mana at once. May only be used when you are not grappled or being raped. You may only carry one of these per person at a time. These don't start appearing until the start of Act 2. You may use one potion per turn and still conduct an attack, and they can only be used when you aren't grappled.

KL Lowering Potion - This exceptionally rare potion will completely erase all KP gained toward your current level. May only be used when you are not grappled or being raped, and you may only carry one of them per person at a time. These can start appearing from the first enemy killed, though they are very hard to find.

Mervan Handgun - This lightweight handgun is prized by many for it's ability to focus damage into a bullet fired from it's weilder. You fire a bullet, and if it hits, the damage dealt is 500. Handguns deal physical damage, so watch out for immunes. The handgun can hold 15 rounds at a time. The handgun doesn't start appearing until the Valley of the Snakes in Act 2.

Handgun Bullets - These are the ammunition for the Mervan Handgun. You will not find any ammo until at least one member of your party has acquired a Mervan Handgun. These come in a 15 round speed loader clip. You can hold up to a dozen clips (12) at a time, not counting the one in the gun.

Mervan Shadow Magnum - This is actually an energy pistol of sorts. This is the most powerful weapon in the game, dealing 1,000 damage. It has a 30 blast limit before a new energy cell must be found and put into it. This gun deals the highly sought after shadow damage, and cannot be found until you reach the Great Marsh in Act 3.

Mervan Energy Cell - This item is placed into a Mervan Shadow Magnum and allows it to function again. It carries a charge great enough for 30 shots. You will not find an energy cell until at least one member of your party has acquired a Mervan Shadow Magnum.

Map Piece - These will randomly drop off of an enemy, and will tell you how to find the exit portal of the area your currently in.

Portal Activation Key - These will ALWAYS drop off a defeated Boss Monster, as well as at least one other item. Bosses may drop up to three total items, while normal enemies only have one drop. The Activation key does not count in the item drop limit total.

Safe Rooms: These rooms allow for instant FULL regeneration of life, mana and sexual stamina. They will not allow for ammo recovery, or allow your KL meter to go down. However, they are 100% safe, you can not be accosted by a patrol at all here, and they are ALWAYS clearly marked. Safe rooms will always contain either a one use item, or as of Act 2, possibly a potion or other useful item.

Patrolling Enemies: Sometimes you will enter an area that isn't safe, but is empty at the moment. If your party lingers for more than one full turn, you run the risk of an enemy patrol spotting you. However, you will always know these areas as the enemy never bothers to conceal their footprints, and you may not be bothered by a patrol group after having defeated a different group. However, it IS possible to be accosted by a group of enemies when captured by a trap. They will not appear until after the last trap has fallen. This only applies in the case of traps that are not alive, so the Mandragora and Sexual Temptation would not count. With traps, if you linger more than 2 full turns you run the risk of being accosted by an enemy patrol. 7+ for this case to be accosted.

Life/Mana Regen.

Regen is 25% of your Max per non combative turn (Traps don't count). While in an active combat area, a character will regenerate 10% of their max mana/life per turn (the turn after losing some), provided they are not grappled or being raped. You may also find potions that you can magically store until you need them that will restore half, or even all of your Life or Mana. There is even a Full Restoration potion, but these are rare to find.

Item Drop System: Bosses can drop up to 3 additional at a time. Seal Guardians do not drop loot. Normal enemies will drop only one item.

Also, for Magnums and Handguns, when one has been found, the drop will become 1 of the weapon, and one ammo clip if you already have one. Item drops will always drop one for your ally once you have one.
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Re: Useful Information (Combat, XP and KL Systems)

4x Vit + 1x Energy = Sexual Stamina

Physical Accuracy Rating: This Stat is derived by taking your dexterity stat multiplied by 4, and your intelligence stat. The resulatant number is your accuracy rating, which determines if your attacks actually land.

Magical Accuracy Rating: This Stat is derived by taking your intelligence stat multiplied by 5. The resultant number is your Magical Accuracy Rating, which determines if your magical or elemental attacks actually land.

Evasion Rating: This Stat is derived by taking your dexterity stat multiplied by 3, and your intelligence stat by 2. The resultant number is your evasion rating, which determines if your able to avoid an attack.

Freedom Rating: This stat is derived by taking your strength stat multiplied by 2, your dexterity stat multiplied by 2 and your intelligence stat. The resultant number is your freedom stat, which is used to determine if you are able to escape a grapple. For enemies this is called the Capture Rating.

Sexual Freedom Rating: This stat is derived by taking your strength stat multiplied by 3 and your dexterity stat multiplied by 2. The resultant number is your Sexual Freedom stat, which is used to determine if you are able to escape penetration from your rapist, be it them penetrating you, or them having forced you into penetrating them. For enemies this is called the Sexual Attack Rating. This roll is also used to determine if pleasure is taken.

Magical Defense: This stat is derived by taking your intelligence multiplied by 5. The resultant number is your Magical Defense, which determines the likelyhood of an enemy special skill such as a futa spell, or a mating bind, or an instant orgasm trick actually affecting you. Note that some enemies have a futa spell that completely ignores your Magical Defense.

Speed Rating: This stat is derived by taking your intelligence stat multiplied by 2 and your dexterity stat multiplied by 3. The resultant number is your Speed Rating, which is used to determine when your turn in combat is, as well as your ability to run away from an encounter. When attempting to run away, everyone must outrun the enemies on the field of play for you to escape. If someone fails, she will be boxed in by the enemies, and the option will no longer be available for that fight.