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Utley Library, Main Floor


Dec 14, 2008
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Utley Library is an older library lying just off of the main university commons. Most of the students do their work at the more modern Ryckman library about a block away. Utley Library still holds Blake’s collection of rare books, although the head librarian here usually doesn’t allow access to them without all kinds of extra work.
Re: Utley Library, Main Floor

Monica Aronoff is here , along with several other students. She smiles as the last person her group was waiting for arrives, “Great, we’re all here now. Everybody ready?” She gestures to the three of you, “Sarah, Clarissa, Lilliana, do you all know each other? I’m Monica, duh. And this is Brent, Shane and Cassie,” she says, indicating the three other people with her. Each of them nods to you as they are named.
Re: Utley Library, Main Floor

"Hi there..." Lilliana squeaks, her voice sounding slightly nervous. Glancing around her eyes survey the room looking nervously, or excitedly at the others in the room. "So why are we here?" she says, slowly walking toward Monica as if she felt more comfortable closer to her.
Re: Utley Library, Main Floor

"Not really, no," the blonde replied, looking the other students over out of curiousity.
Re: Utley Library, Main Floor

Clarissa assures herself that she won't get too drunk before offering a reply, "Err.. Hey, yeah I think I've seen some of you around." She checks out Brent (assuming that he is in fact male) but quickly realizes that she might get caught and looks away while blushing.
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Re: Utley Library, Main Floor

Monica laughs at Sarah's response, putting her hands on her hips, "Come on, everyone likes surprises." She grins as Lilliana approaches, "Well, let's just say that you've been noticed and if you play your cards right, tonight can be the best night of your life."

Brent (who, along with Shane, is male) doesn't seem to notice Clarissa's look. Lilliana notices as she steps forward that Brent seems to be watching Sarah closely, and that Shane is watching Clarisssa. Slightly nervously, Lilliana also realizes she's being watched by the dark haired student that Monica introduced as Cassie.

Monica tsks, "But we can't just walk you in like you are right now. It wouldn't be a secret, or a surprise." She nods and the three students with her each produce a blindfold from their pockets. "We've got to make sure you don't know where we're going," she explains.
Re: Utley Library, Main Floor

Even though she hadn't brought her weapon, her instincts tell her to reach for it. However, wanting to let go of her cautious personality a little, she nervously agrees to put one on and reaches out for any of them.
Re: Utley Library, Main Floor

She gave a look at the blindfolds. "Why do we have to wear those? I dunno about this..."
Re: Utley Library, Main Floor

Clarissa tries her best to convince both the other girl and herself, "C'mon, it'll be fun.." She is clearly unnerved by the situation.
Re: Utley Library, Main Floor

Monica sighs and crosses her arms over her chest, "Because it's a secret initiation. And it wouldn't be a secret if everybody on campus knew about it and where it was. Besides, blindfolds are fun." She laughs melodically.

She shrugs, "Look, it's up to you but this is a one time only offer. You can turn around and go back to your dorm and be bored all weekend."
Re: Utley Library, Main Floor

She sighed a bit, her red eyes closing. "Fine..." she muttered.
Re: Utley Library, Main Floor

Clarissa gave out a sigh of relief for at least she wouldnt be alone on this. She looks around the room before urging on the other girls to put on their blindfolds. She looks pleadingly at the final girl who was being introduced into this and then reluctantly puts on her blindfold and tightens it as much as she can in an attempt to retain some vision.

(Action: Generally memorize surroundings/Make the blindfold easier to see through)
I guess you could make those into checks...
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Re: Utley Library, Main Floor

A bit confused and nervous as to what is happening, Lilliana drops her arms and waits for the blindfold to be put on. It is obvious that while apprehensive, she is willing to go along with whatever is happening for now.
Re: Utley Library, Main Floor

Each of the girls is blindfolded and then spun in a circle a few times to disorient them. They are taken by the hand and led on a winding walk through the library. And then they hear a door open, feel a rush of cooler air and are carefully walked down a flight of stairs.

They can smell something like sceneted candles wafting up from below as they descend. Although the exact aroma doesn't register.

(Moving to the bomb shelter)