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Valerie (Iggy)

Re: Valerie (Iggy)

The wererat looked on blankly at Valerie as the cat-girl hugged her and explained to her the defense of the mansion. She felt rather worhtless and insignificant at the mention of being merely one slave, but warmed up a little bit as she said she didnt think of her as a slave, but a pretty girl, bliushing at thte compleint and her cute little rat tail swishing hppily at the mention of cheese. She looked on in wide eyed wonder at Valerie for a few more minutes before looking to her with te4ary eyes, but tears of joy and gratitude rather then fear or sorrow. "Squeak...... Y-yes.... But no tea, please. Just milk. And...... And.......could you please......please c-call me....... Mimmie...... It was my true name, before I became a servatn of the castle..... And..... even if you do not think of me as a slave..... I will now pledge loyalty to you and your mistress. I will do whatever you asl. Even if you wish me to return to the castle to help you. Mimmie is SO HAPPY!~ SQUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEAK!~~~~" she cried out in joy as she leapt into Valerie's arms and returned the embrace stronger and snuggled into her arms.
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Valerie happily snuggled Mimmie.

"I'll be right back with your milk and cheese Mimmie~."

After a few minutes, Valerie returned later with an ornate gilded silver platter with a several valuable silver plates full of different cheeses like a sampler tray, and a large silver goblet of cool, refreshing, high-quality milk.

"I didn't know which cheese you liked, so I brought you a wide variety for you to choose from. I hope you don't mind Mimmie~."

Valerie sets the tray on the bed next to Mimmie and smiles gingerly at her.
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Mimmie's eyes grew wide as saucers and sparkly, with tears of joy beginning to form at the bottom as she saw the large ornate platter filled with cheeses and the huge silver goblet full of milk. "Squeak.............? This is all for me........? Mind.........? Mimmie has never been so happy in her life in a long time!!!!!! I get to eat all of this!? Mimmie can't believe it! It must be some kind of dream, SQUEAK!" she said happily as she promptly proceeded to quickly gobble and scarf down all of the cheese on the plate; or as much as she could; as fast as she could, stopping every so often to take the goblet and gulp down large swigs of the delicious milk.

Valerie has acquired the trait: Persuade lvl0 She can now at the cost of an attack or other action make a single d20 roll against a TN to try to persuade a non hostile character to join her or help her.
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Valerie giggles as she watches Mimmie adorably.

"Yup, it's all~ for you~<3."

Valerie lies down next to Mimmie and strokes her fingers through her adorable hair.

"When you're done, what would you say to me giving you a nice, relaxing bubble bath~?"
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Mimmie continued gobbling down the different types of cheese that were lined up the platter that Valerie had brought her and chugging down the creamy refreshing dairy beverage that she had prepared for her in the sliver goblet before finally getting full. "Aaaaaah~" she sighed out full and content from the feast her new maid partner had given her before letting out a small burp and covering her mouth shyly, "Oh, excuse me, Miss Valerie." She asked blushing from her lack of manners. "And..... A bath would be very nice....... thank you."
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Valerie smiles warmly and picks up Mimmie, crabling her lovingly in her arms.

"Let's get you cleaned up~<3."

Valerie carried Mimmie to a massive luxurious bathroom. She sits Mimmie down gently and turns on the hot, but not too hot, bathwater and pours in some herbal bath salts and bubble bath mixture into the water. After a short amount of time, the surface of the tub was overflowing with girly pink bath bubbles. Valerie approaches Mimmie on her knees and carefully removes the clothes she dressed her up in earlier, making sure not to touch her wounded areas too much. Valerie then giggles as she scoops Mimmie up into her arms and carries her over to the bath, and softly setting her into the warm tub.
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Mimmie blushed a deep bright crimson red all over as the cat girl lifted her up and cradled her like a baby before carefully and gently disrobing her and preparing her bath, with sweet smelling fragrances and the cozy looking bubbles before being once again cradled up and lowered softly into the wonderfully warm and scented bathtub that to her was fit for a queen, "Oooooh~~~ Ooouhh..... M-Mimmie...... Mimmie doesn't kn-know how to feel.... What to think anymore..... I.... I am so unused to such kindness..... Mimmie is used to being punished on a regular basis..... and after a while....... it actually started to feel nice...... But now..... she is being treated like a noble, or a family member..... I am used to servitude.... I..... I am happy to be treated so nice.... But to not be spanked,whipped or anything..... feels..... "odd"...... BUT! But, please d-don't think I do not like it, Miss Valerie! I will stay with you and be your friend forever! It's just all very new to me!" She cries out before sinking back down into the tub up to just below her eyeballs, feeling quite insecure and uncertain at the moment, blushing crimson red.
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Valerie giggles after listening to Mimmie and softly kisses her forehead.

"It's okay sweetie~. Take all the time you need to get adjusted."

Valerie started to light some herbal scented candles around the room to help Mimmie relax and then turned to Mimmie, smiling happily.

"Now, would you like me to bathe you, or do you think you can manage~?"
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

"Thank you Valerie, b-but I think I can m-manage by myself, squeak." she said softly and shyly waiting for Valerie to give her some privacy before rising up out of the water. Once the catgirl left, the little rat girl would rise up and recline and soak in the tub, rubbing pleasant smelling soapy bubbles all over her lithe frame, before submerging herself once again. She would then rise up again and take the sweet smelling bath soaps and scrub herself all over good before taking a bucket; filling it up with the warm water and rinsing up good. She would then step out of the tub after draining the water, take a towel and dry herself off thoroughly before calling out for the catgirl, "Miss Valerie? Mimmie is all squeaky clean, squeak! Do you have a change of clothes for me, squeak?"
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Valerie smiles and gives Mimmie her privacy. When Mimmie called out for her, Valerie enters the bathroom and dresses her in a bathrobe and fuzzy slippers for the time being. Valerie then drains the tub before scooping up Mimmie in her arms, carrying her through the winding hallways. She eventually sets Mimmie down when they arrive in a massive walk-in closet that had walls of clothes that had almost every kind of outfit imagineable.

"Pick any thing you want to wear sweetie~<3."
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Mimmie stood in the massive closet looking around in shock, awe and wonder at the innumerable luxurious, extravagant, and elegant clothing adorning it's walls, her mouth hanging open in surprise before finally slowly turning around towards Valerie to speak, "Uhmmmmmm...... I....... I dont know what to wear, squeak. There's just too many nice things to choose from in here. Miss Valerie, what do you think I should wear, squeak?"
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Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Valerie turns to Mimmie and smiles.

"Well, I want you to wear whatever you want to wear. But if you want me to pick something out for you, I'll pick you out something nice."

Valerie looks through some of the outfits, trying to find something nice for Mimmie to wear. She eventually pulled out a nice outfit for the cute mouse girl. She pulls out a nice, adorable schoolgirl outfit and some matching bra and panties and hands them to Mimmie.

"What do you think?"
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

"Thank you so much, Mistress Valerie!" Mimmie cries out happily as she proceeds to promptly strip out of her previous outfit and cutely squirms into her newly presented out fit. Once she managed to get the white and pink trimmed undies on her and worm the dark blue shirt and slip the skirt on, she would fluff her cute brown hair out and twirl around cutely presenting herself to Valerie for her appraisal, "It's cute, squeak~ What do you think Mistress, squeak?~"
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

*Valerie giggles at Mimmie*

"You look absolutely adorable sweetie~<3. But you don't need to call mistress; just call me Valerie..."

*Valerie tenderly grabs Mimmie by the hand and walks through the house*

"So, would you like your own warm, soft bedroom to sleep in?"
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

"My........ own room? Oh...... ah....... R-really!? Urm......... Well........ Y-yes....... But maybe........ if it is okay....... I....... I th-think....... I would just like to lie and sleep with you, Valerie...... Y-you are the first being to really show true kindness to me....... You took me in after I tried to subvert you, hurt you and take you for a slave to my previous mistress....... You fed me fine food and fresh milk from fancy dishes, gave me a bath in a big tub and gave me nice new clothes...... I want to stay with you forever, Valerie....... Mimme will NEVER leave your side, squeak!!!!" She cried jubilantly before leaping into Valerie's arms and nuzzling against the Cat girls modest bust, snuggling her new dear friend with all her strength.
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Valerie smiles happily as the cute mousegirl thanks Valerie for everything. Valerie blushes as Mimmie glomps and snuggles her bosom.

"S...sure... You can sleep with me t-tonight~. D...do you n-need me to help you pick out some cl-clothes to sleep in...?"
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Mimmie continued to nuzzle into Valerie's perk boobs, moaning, sniffling, and cooing happily into the kind hearted cat girl who had done so much for her, "Yes please, Valerie~ Uhm, I think I would like something very soft, cute, and...... maybe something frilly if you have it. And pink, Mimmie likes pink! Please?" She said her voice muffled by Valerie's chest, the little ratgirl refusing to let go of her dear new friend.
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Valerie blushes, flattered by Mimmie's affection and carries her back to the closet and picks out a nice pair of pink, frilly, silk pajamas for Mimmie and carries her back to her room. She leaves Mimmie in the room to get changed into her PJs as she grabbed her nightwear and went to her bathroom to get changed, closing the door behind her. After Mimmie finished getting changed, she heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Are you finished getting changed sweetie~?"
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Mimmie quickly squirmed into her new comfy jahmies and fluffed her hair out once again before walking over to the bathroom where Valerie had went to change, "Yes, Miss Valerie. I can wait outside for you to get done changing out here, as long as you're nearby, Squeak." She said cutely as she waited outside of the door, playing with her thin wiry tail.
Re: Valerie (Iggy)

Valerie blushes as she opens the door, revealing herself wearing nothing but her green panties and her light blue, silk nighty with a few see-through bits, none of which showed off anything naughty.

"I'm f...flattered."

Valerie prances giddily towards her four-poster bed and hops up on the bed, her tail tantalizingly curling about.

"Ready to go to bed?"