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Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)


Dec 6, 2009
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In a fairly large chateau in south central Tokyo lives Maria Genarro; her four daughters, Jessica, Raven, Karen and Shirori; as well her as her nieces, Valerie and Rina. It is usually a rather busy and lively household with a single mother and six teenage to early adult aged girls sharing a dwelling. On this particular day however, it has become slightly even livelier as Valerie has brought a new friend to her aunt's home and has requested for her live at her house with the other six women already living there....

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

"Alright Kari... this is my home. I know you like the place. Maria is a really good cook and dinner should be soon. And don't worry I'll talk to her a bit about you staying here like I said on the way over. I'll just tell her you're my girlfriend, and you need a place to stay and all. She won't mind regardless, but that'd definitely help I'm sure," Val told Kari as she rang the doorbell as they stood outside the large house.

They stood outside of the house waiting for only about 10 to 20 seconds before someone came to the door and they would hear it being unlocked, where Maria, Rina's aunt stood to greet them. "Oh Val honey, you're back, come on in. Who's your friend?" Maria said, looking curiously at Kari and asking who she was.

"Maria, this is my... friend Kari... well I call her Kari anyway. Marissa Karina LeBlanc. Kari is short for Karina. She um... well can I talk to you for a minute? Kari wait here a bit, I'll be back soon. Um... here come on in and sit down on the couch, you can watch some TV while we're talking," Valerie said as Maria answered the door, introducing Kari to her before coming on in, first leading Kari to the living room and gesturing her to the big sofa in there to sit down and relax on and turning on the TV to one of the anime channels they had before taking Maria to the kitchen to talk alone with.

There was a pretty big 60" hi def TV set with a small white box thing with some cords running to it sitting on the shelf next to the TV along with a dvd player and a couple of racks with dvds there. Aside from the sofa she was sitting on there were a couple of nice comfy chairs and a love seat as well, all of which were covered in a soft feeling dark blueish cloth, and there was a fireplace as well sitting in the corner of the room with several pictures of Valerie and some other girls as well as a couple with Maria. Along the walls were some paintings and portraits, some of which were again of Valerie and the ones on the fireplace mantle, while some were just of various landscapes and things like that, a couple of which might catch Kari's eye being one of the park she'd been living at in fact, and the second being one of a very well done painting of a garden with various plants in it which Kari hadn't seen before, but it was very well done nonetheless.


"Hey Maria, I uh... I hope you don't mind. But can Kari stay here please? She doesn't have anywhere else to go and... well I can't just let her go back out there on the streets alone. I found her sleeping in the park of all places, and I... kinda already invited her here," Val told Maria once they were alone.

"Hmm... well If she's a friend of yours then that's fine with me. But... what is she really to you hmm? You hesitated back there, now tell me the truth," Maria replied, giving Val a suspicious look, who cringed under the said look and caved.

"I uh... s-she's my girlfriend alright. We just... you know hit it off really good and... well she doesn't have anywhere else to go. And I was worried about her, so... you know," Valerie answered, looking a bit worried that Maria would decide to not allow her to stay.

"Oh of course she can stay Val, I'm not about to turn away someone who has no place to go at her age. I mean she's still in school by the looks of her, and I saw you two holding hands at the door. I'm not so old I can't be perceptive anymore you know," Maria told her with a kind smile, patting her shoulder. "Just don't forget about the rest of us okay, we need some loving too you know," she added before stepping over to Valerie and patting her on the head with the same kind smile.

"Oh thank you Maria, thank you so much," Val said, hugging Maria and kissing her right on the lips. "And you aren't that old Maria, you're still gorgeous I think... and... you were my first after all, so... don't down yourself like that okay," Valerie added, caressing Maria's cheek.


While the two of them were in the kitchen talking, Kari would see whatever anime was on at the time, an ecchi one that showed a young man tripping and falling over where he always manages to bump into a girl with his face either buried in her breasts or between her legs, and the girl this time was a hot blonde with what looked like a succubus tail.

As Kari watched the show for a couple of minutes while Valerie was gone, she would notice out of the corner of her eye another young woman come in from the opposite side of the living room where a set of stairs was leading up to the second floor. She had short red hair, was just an inch taller than Valerie was, and she had some fairly large breasts, about D to DD-cups. She was wearing a short skirted kimono and as soon as she came into the living room she noticed Kari sitting there on the sofa.

"Um... who are you? You a friend of... Val's or something?" the girl asked curiously when she saw Kari. "I uh... I'm Karen," she said slowly, introducing herself as she came over and sat down next to Kari, extended a hand to shake Kari's in greeting.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

Kari gave an enthusiastic "Nice to meet you!" when introduced to Maria and then nodded, following Val into the living room and giving her an almost absentminded kiss on the cheek before sitting down.

Kari had seen TVs before, but mainly in shop windows, or the big ones on the sides of buildings, so she wasn't so surprised by it. The couch, on the other hand, did catch her attention as soon as she sat down. "Oooh... soft..." She whispered to herself and started to run her hands over the fabric, then resting her cheek on the armrest. The anime on the TV wasn't particularly interesting to Kari. "Seems rather contrived..." She thought to herself.

She was like this when the other girl walked in, head on the armrest and laying on her side such that the short school skirt wasn't able to hide her white panties to the girl's view. However, when she spoke, Kari jumped to her feet, a little surprised, but really just as curious about the girl as she seemed about Kari.

"Ah, yes. Kari, uhm, Marissa Karina LeBlanc, Kari for short." She said by way of introduction, sitting back down and taking Karen's hand. "That's a nice outfit." She said looking over Karen's kimono, not lecherously, but more admiring.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

The sofa was very soft to Kari, almost like a bed, and if the girl who introduced herself as Karen saw Kari's panties when she came in, she either didn't seem to want to mention it or didn't care about it one or the other. "No need to stand up hon, come on and sit back down," Karen told her when she got up, waving a hand at her as she sat and shook her hand. "Hmm... oh yeah it's one of my favorite around the house outfits. Not too revealing really and comfortable, good for sitting at a desk all day and drawing," Karen added as she sat there, running a hand down the cloth of her short skirted kimono as she stood up and twirled around to let Kari have a look, which blew her skirt up a little and gave Kari a better view of her nice legs.


"Oh Val you're one of the sweetest people I've met since Shinji died, and the first time I've really been able to cut loose with anyone since then too. I'm not saying you can replace him, never that. But you've given me back my appetite and a lot of confidence too. So thank you dear, I really appreciate it," Maria said after Val kissed her and caressed her cheek a bit, nuzzling her cheek against Val's hand. "So of course I'm gonna help you out some," she added, leaning in and kissing Valerie back.

"Alrighty come on, let's got tell Kari the good news then," Valerie replied with a bright and happy smile, practically skipping off towards the living room where they'd left Kari.


When they got back to the living room, Val saw Kari sitting there with Karen on the sofa she'd left Kari on. "Hey we're back Kari. And hey Karen, how's the manga drawing coming along?" Val said, announcing their return to the living room as Kari was admiring Karen's kimono, only a few seconds after Karen had said what she did and spun around for Kari to see every angle of her kimono.

"Oh hey Val. Kari here your friend or something?" Karen said, greeting Val in return and asking about Kari.

"Aye she's a new friend, who needs a place to stay. Speaking of which Kari, Maria said she doesn't mind you staying, so welcome to our home," Val said, answering Karen and then informing Kari that she wouldn't have any problems staying there with them all. "If you like Kari, I can give you a tour of our home," she added to Kari, offering a hand if she wished to go ahead and take said tour now though it wasn't necessary or anything, leaving Kari free to chat with Maria and Karen if she wished.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

"Maybe I'll try one on later." Kari commented as she watched Karen show off the outfit. For her, it was simply a matter of visualizing the outfit in her mind if she wanted to try it on, but Kari knew to keep a low profile around humans. Though if Val was right and they might be open to her true nature, Kari wouldn't have as much of a problem with it.

"Manga... those are those books I see people reading with pictures instead of words, I think..." Kari thought to herself, momentarily lost in thought. She still got Val's message though and hopped up to hug the girl. "If I'll be staying, I might as well get to know the place, right?" She asked by way of acceptance of Val's offer of a tour. Before leaving with Val, Kari would turn back to Karen. "We'll probably get more chances to talk later!" She said with a wave.

"She's cute." Kari said with a giggle once her and Val had left the room.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

"M'kay, I'll let you see my new stuff I'm working on if you want. You can be one of my sample readers," Karen said to Kari before her and Val set off for a quick tour of the place.

"Heh, yeah she is cute isn't she. Karen's really nice too, and she loves people to read her manga and stuff, and to tell her it's good and that they like it," Val said to Kari as she finished saying what she did about Karen, grinning a bit as they went off through the first floor of the house.

Valerie shows Kari back to the foyer where they'd come in at and started off there, giving her a full tour of the first floor starting there. She showed her the small closet attached to the foyer where they and guests could hang their jackets, coats, and whatnot and leave other things at. Then she took her through to the dining room, the kitchen, then showed her the pantry attached to the kitchen, then she took her to the laundry room which had the house's main bathroom attached on the other side of it which had a large bath in it that could easily fit half a dozen or more, and also in the laundry room were the steps leading down to the basement, which was one large room really and where they kept some things at such as spare parts or extra things in case anything tore up upstairs.

She then took her across the hallway from the laundry room and showed her the room they'd converted into an exercise room for them all which had exercise bikes, weights to lift, and treadmills. Taking her out through one of the doors leading to the central hallway of the first floor, Valerie pointed out another bathroom as she lead her down to the next room which was a small library of sorts that they kept books and whatnot in, and there was another door across the room from the one they were standing in that led back to the living room where Maria and Karen were both still in from the sounds of it. Taking her to the western hallway, Val pointed out their office which had a couple of computers in it that they used along with a fax machine and printer all set up, which Valerie mentioned that Karen and Maria's oldest daughter Jessica both used for their work. Down the hall towards the stairs leading up was one of the guest bedrooms of the house, which was currently empty, then the den where there was a large poker table set up in one corner, a pool table in the center of the room, and a full on bar with half a dozen stools set up on the north wall with a cabinet full of various drinks, alcoholic and non alcoholic both.

Taking Kari upstairs, Val showed her the door next to the steps led to Maria's bedroom and that the one across the way on the opposite side of the stairs was her own room. Taking her down the central hall of the second floor, she pointed out at the ceiling down the way and told her the string hanging down led to the attic, which was mostly empty. Then she began pointing out rooms starting on the nearest room on the right and going counter clockwise around. "Okay sweetie, that first one there is Raven's, the next one is my sister... well half sister really... anyway that's Rina's room. Then there's one of our bathrooms up here, then the other guest room. And the last one on the left down the way is our main closet for the upstairs, then Karen's bedroom is the next one on the way back, then the another bathroom, then Shiori's room, and Jessica's room is the nearest one here on the left," Valerie said to Kari as she pointed to each door before taking her down the hall to the far end and pointed out the last 4 rooms. "Alright, starting over there on the right is our spare room which... doesn't have a whole lot in it really, but we figure that we'll leave it open in case one of us wants to turn it into something one day.... Hey, you could set up a table in there and do massages in there if you want to. Anyway though, then there's our storage room where we keep the Christmas tree and stuff, then Karen's workshop where she does all of her drawing and stuff for her manga... and then there's one last bathroom over there, but it just has a toilet and sink unlike those two behind us, they actually have showers in them. And mine and Maria's bedrooms both have small bathrooms attached to them too with just a toilet, sink, and mirror. That one there is more for the guests to use than anything when they're staying in this guest room," Val went on to say, giving a bit of a long winded explanation of the second floor before starting back towards her bedroom.

"And this love is my bedroom, where you'll of course be staying... if you want to that is. I've got a computer in here, a TV, my big king sized bed.... Yeah Maria's late husband was pretty loaded, and he left her a lot of money when he died, his insurance made sure that Maria and her children would all be well taken care of for pretty much the rest of their lives. But she still works as a nurse at the hospital and all of her daughters have jobs and whatnot that they do, not because they need the money or anything, but more to simply have something to do," Val said while letting Kari have a look around her room.

Kari would see Val's bedroom had dark red paint on the walls, a nice computer desk with of course an equally nice computer set up, a chair and all the other accessories for a computer. Sitting next to the big computer on the desk was a laptop computer. The bed was a 4 poster that had dark red sheets and a dark red blanket on, and it was complete with drapes and everything that hung down around it. Valerie had a decent sized TV set, not quite as large as the 60' one in the living room downstairs but a 40' one with a dvd player and a game system hooked to it. Over to the right as they came in was the door to Val's bathroom, and over on the wall around the corner of the wall was a small closet that some of Val's clothes were in. Valerie headed over to the dresser a couple of feet from her bed and opened it up to get some clothes out of it, a fresh pair of panties and a plain white T-shirt, along with a pair of red lounging pants that Kari could tell was silk.

"Well... what'cha think?" Val asked curiously as she stripped her clothes off, which allowed her half-hard penis to flop out of her pants as she changed into the clean clothes right in front of Kari, no sign of shame or embarrassment at all.

[OOC: You can post for Venus anytime you like Tenta, as I figure she'll be somewhere in the house waiting for Valerie, likely her bedroom.]

Layout of the house for reference:
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Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

As Valerie plopped herself down onto her bed she would feel a familiar presence and weight on her head as her guardian cat, Venus, would jump up ontop of her head and begin to painfully pull on one of her ears with her claws, "VALERIIIIIE!~ NANIBAKAJANAINOOO!~" the guardian cat hissed in her charge's ear as she continued to pinch it harshly with her claws. "She's a youma! The enemy! You don't invite them into your hooouse! I swear ever since you got that... that... thing between your legs all you ever think about is sex! I think a castration and an admittance to a monastary might be in order for you!" She finished berating the senshi before turning to glare balefully at Kari.

((Translation: WHAT ARE YOU, STUPID!!??))

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

Once she'd changed her clothes, Valerie sat back down on the bed where she felt something land on her head that she recognized. "Ow ow ow, V-Venus... stop please. A-And I've had my dick between my legs from the beginning you crazy thing, I was born with it remember," Valerie said back to Venus as she lay there with her guardian on her head pinching her ear rather harshly. "A-And Kari here isn't evil... she's not... honest. She helped me out earlier. T-There was this other monster woman... who had like... lots of tentacles and stuff. My attacks did virtually nothing against her when I went to save a human girl she had. Then she grabbed me... a-and she was... she was raping me Venus. Kari came in and distracted her long enough for me to get free with some... new power, I came inside that youma woman's tentacle pussy and she let me go and ran off screaming in pain like it burned her," Valerie went on to say, telling Venus what had happened with her and Kari up until she'd gotten free.

"Seriously though Venus... Kari's not bad, plus... she had nowhere else to stay. So I wasn't about to let her sleep outside when I could help," Val said to Venus, looking over at Kari as she said this last bit, giving her a pained smile thanks to the claws pinching her ear. "So... Kari... this is Venus... my guardian cat. She's... a little strict sometimes... but she's alright," she added as she looked at Kari, introducing the two.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

Kari was mostly quiet as she was given the tour by Valerie, mainly because she didn't have that much to ask, though one thing Val said did catch her curiosity. "Kris...mass tree?" She asked, a confused look on her face. She'd only been on Earth a few weeks, not nearly enough time to get exposed to Christmas and all of the customs surrounding it.

Once in Val's room, Kari looked around curiously. "It's nice! All of it, too. And I'll stay where ever you're staying!" She replied with enthusiasm. She didn't pause or hesitate when Val started to change, only watching her before asking, "Should I change back too, or at least get rid of the clothes?"

Venus's appearance distracted Kari from Val's answer though, as she clapped her hands together, her fox ears and tail appearing in her disguised form in her enthusiasm. "Kitty! Ah! She talks!?" She was a little surprised by Venus's articulation, but made a sour face after hearing what the cat had to say. "Hey! I won't let you hurt Valerie or put her in a monis... mon... whatever you said. She's nice and sexy and a good person!" She put her hands on her hips, her fox features remaining, despite her cross expression.

She softened a bit as Val defended both her and Venus. "Well... as long as she won't actually hurt you..." Kari replied slowly, but her expression changed to one of happiness again and she addressed Venus. "I was brought here to do bad things, but I didn't want to hurt people. I still need energy from people to stay here though, and Val's offered to help me with that. It's really very little that I actually need, and sex with Val is sooo good besides that. So, if it's okay with you, I'd like to stay. I can even help Val fight the bad people I used to work for." She ended her appeal by smiling warmly at Venus.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

"Hmmmmm....?" she hummed skeptically at Kari with a hairy eyeball before examining Valerie for a few moments before letting out an exasperated defeated sigh, "Alriiiight.... I'm going to trust you on this one, Valerie... But it's all on you if you're wrong.... And also! Try to keep your hormones in check.... both of you! Just exactly how much fighting do either of you think you can do if you drain each other dry and are exhausted procreating all night! I'm pretty sure your aunt wouldn't appreciate you turning this house into a brothel or keeping her and the others up all night with moans, screams and squeaking beds either.... Yariyariiii~" the guardian cat finished before hopping off of Valerie's shoulders and slinking off to her cat bed.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

"Oh Venus you know as well as I do that they all wouldn't mind all that much about the moans and squeaking beds... because usually it's me and one of them causing those noises. And don't worry Venus Kari said what she needed to survive and I offered it so she doesn't have to risk the bad guys finding her, because she's not evil herself, I felt it," Valerie said, reaching up and petting Venus on her head and scratching her behind her ears like she liked her to do before raising back up as her guardian cat jumped off of her. "Also Venus I'd like to try and figure out what that new power I used was, because whatever it was it really did a number on that monster woman. And... I'm fairly sure I did it again on Kari and it didn't hurt her, because I grabbed her the same way when I... you know, popped," she added to her guardian, idly wondering what the reaction would be to what she just said.

"And Kari, while you're in here with me and not around any of the others you can always keep your true form out at will. Auntie Maria and the others don't know about me being a sailor senshi as far as I know, unless they found out and didn't let me know or anything," Valerie turned to Kari and said with a smile, suddenly getting curious about something. "Hey Kari... back in the park when we... you know. Did you drain any from me then? Or did you just help me to calm down after that monster woman grabbed me?" Val went on to say to Kari as she got back up and stepped over to her, reaching up and petting her foxy ears with one hand and caressing her tail with the other.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

"Horomones?" Kari asked, leaning back a bit when the cat was talked around, even smiling a bit at her, now that she seemed a bit more friendly.

When Val said she could be in her natural form, Kari gave a bright smile and shifted fully back into her fox-girl form, accompanied by the shower of purple sparks as her school uniform vanished. "They seem really nice, they probably wouldn't mind if they found out about you." She smiled sheepishly as Val asked about draining her earlier, but the ear and tail rubs helped her relax. "Y-yeah... Though not very much! I... I didn't know that you'd want to help me, so I just took what I needed to survive. It's very little." She still seemed worried, but then remembered something. "Oh! And uh... when you did that... Uhm... Mumble Semus thing... That was like a big rush of energy!" She was, of course, referring to Val's Mundans Semini, or Purifying Seed.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

"She means my libido," Valerie said to Kari with a smirk before she pet her new companion on the head and caressed her tail.

"Hmm, I dunno if they would or not honestly. It just worries me is all. But I mean I trust that they wouldn't say or do anything out of the ordinary that might get me in trouble or make them big targets or anything like that," Val said before smiling naughtily at Kari when she heard that she had indeed drained a bit of energy from her. "You sly devil you... not that I mind or anything really, but you know. Remember love, let me know if and when you need any and I'll make some time for you okay," she added before Kari mentioned the part about the big rush of energy she got from her and what she muttered, Val's eyes widened a bit.

"Huh... so uh... I did say something then. I thought I had, but everything was happening so fast I thought I'd just imagined that. Say Venus, was that one of the other powers you said I might learn as I get stronger?" Val said, looking over at her guardian cat curiously.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

"Oh." Kari replied simply to the clarification. The touch on her tail caused her to relax, leaning into the human. "I'll make sure to let you know, Val. And... sorry, I was a bit too... in the moment to remember exactly what you said. But it made the bad woman go away, so... maybe it has different effects or something?" She wondered, looking to the cat as well as her tail swished behind her slowly to Val's touches.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

"Maybe, who knows. I suppose that I'll figure it out eventually though so I won't worry about it too much or anything. But you're probably right it likely has different effects for different people," Valerie said before sitting down and pulling Kari with her.

"Hmm... well it likely was Valerie, I'm not entirely sure what it does though save apparently hurt and drive off your foes obviously, as I wasn't there to see it myself. Do be careful you silly girl, you are my charge after all and I'd become a laughing stock if something were to happen to you. And if you two are going to be living in here together I might have to think about moving my bed elsewhere, maybe to one of the spare rooms as far away from you two as possible," Venus replied to Val, raising her head back up. "Now this woman though seems to be stronger than you Valerie, so if you see her again, don't try to fight her alone... at least not yet anyway," she added, looking like she was pondering something.

"Alright Venus, don't worry we'll be careful, and I'll make sure to oil my bed so it doesn't squeak so much for you okay. But in the meantime I suppose we ought to head down and take ourselves a bath and get cleaned up for dinner. Come on Kari, we've got a big bath downstairs that we all use together sometimes instead of our little showers in each of our bathrooms, though we can fit two or three people in them easily enough, four if you squeeze some," Valerie said, winking at Kari.

"Aye, she knows that from personal experience in fact, she once brought in her half sister, Karen, and Maria all three into her shower here and they had sex until Valerie nearly fainted from the heat of the water," Venus said to Kari, teasing Val a bit which made her blush and look away from Kari a bit.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

"I'll be staying with her too, so she'll have some help." Kari replied in response to Venus's suggestion about not fighting the plant monster alone. She shifted as she sat down, ending up sitting sideways in Valerie's lap. The naked foxgirl put her arms around Val's neck as she listened to the two of them talk about bathtime antics.

"Sounds fun!" Kari replied, enthusiastically, her tail gently thumping against the bed. "Maybe we can invite some of your family too? But we'll have to make sure the water's not too hot so you don't faint from the heat." She said, nodding sagely.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

"V-Venus... don't go telling Kari things like that, I haven't done that in a while now. A-And I only got so hot because I... w-well I was surrounded on all sides by boobs, my own included, and I was sitting on the shower seat inside so I had three pairs of them right in my face, so that coupled with the heat kinda... well, made me faint... pretty much," Val said, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at fainting because of what she said.

When Kari spoke further and mentioned they could invite some of her family, Val blushed again, even deeper this time as she held Kari in her lap and gave a little whine. "Oh not you too Kari. Everyone enjoys teasing me all the time. N-Not that they wouldn't want to come and play with us I'm sure. But... first thing's first Kari. I think that they'll need to know the real you, especially if they're to... you know join in with us from time to time and all. So that seeing your ears and tail don't scare them and all. I mean, I'm scared about them knowing about you and all honestly, but... I think it's better they know than not know honestly. Because I hate lying to them so much about this stuff, I've been doing it for over three years now almost and if there's something as dangerous out there as that monster plant woman thing from earlier that's after me, then I think they deserve to know what kinds of danger I'm putting them in," Valerie said to Kari and Venus, the latter of whom raised up and looked over at her again with a look of pity on her cat face.

"Oh Valerie, don't beat yourself up over things like that. And... I'm sure that they'll be more than willing to accept anything you tell them on regards to all that," Venus said hesitantly, getting up and starting out of the room from her cat bed.

As Venus went over towards the door, Valerie looked over at Kari curiously, a questioning look that told Kari that she was wondering what Venus said what she did like that for and hesitated a bit while doing is, as if trying to pick her words carefully for some reason. "I wonder what that was about?" Kari would hear Valerie mumble to herself quietly before shaking her head a bit and turning back to Kari and kissing her on the cheek. "Let's go take that bath now. What do you say?" she then said.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

Kari giggled at hearing Val's side of the story, which wasn't that contradictory, but when showing her true nature to Val's family came up, she looked a bit more hesitant.

"If you're sure they'll be fine with it..." Kari said softly, looking a bit nervous at the prospect. "I mean, I can stay disguised for as long as I need to. If it might be dangerous for them..." She trailed off, looking quite the opposite of the usual cheerful, carefree fox-girl. "Maybe I'll just stay like this for now..." She said quietly, her tail and ears receding back as she changed into her human disguise. Once finished, she gave Val a small smile.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

"Well... I at least hope they would be, and Venus seems to think they would be alright. My main worry is that someone might find out who I am and try to come after them, if they know who I am when not transformed and all that is. But until I can at least get everyone together at the same time it is probably best to stay like that, that way we can talk to everyone together," Val told Kari with a smile, reaching up to pet her tail some more just before she transformed it away.

After Kari was done changing back to her disguised form, Val got up and offered her hand, still idly thinking about Venus's words before when her guardian cat had left the room and all. "Come on, let's go get cleaned up for dinner. Auntie Maria will have everything done within the next hour or so I'm sure," she told Kari after getting up, grabbing some clothes to change into once they were done and looking at Kari for a moment as she remembered that she had no clothing. "Um... hmm... I think Karen can help with that some by letting you borrow some, or Shiori can, both of them have lots of clothes, especially Shiori because she's a model, so she's got lots you could wear so you don't have to go wasting energy to conjure some up. She ought to be getting back soon I think if she isn't back already, and she even makes a lot of her own clothes too sometimes. She's really good at it too," she went on to say as she started out, gesturing for Kari to follow as she led her down to the big bath downstairs, where if they went they'd pass Karen still in the living room watching the television and Maria was in the kitchen now preparing things to cook for dinner, a couple of large packs of meat sitting out to cook along with various vegetables to cook with the meat.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Valerie's Home (Maiko and Mind Flayer/OPEN)

Kari's smile brightened a bit as Val suggested her family might be a bit more open to her true nature, but there wasn't a need to tell them yet, she figured, and Val was right about it being better to tell everyone at once.

She followed Val out of the room, still naked, smiling as the human talked about getting Kari some clothes. While it was really trivial for her to conjure some up, it felt nice having someone offering to help her. "She sounds like a nice person. Well, all of your family does, really. A model hmm?" She trailed off, thinking, until they passed by the kitchen, the smell and sight causing Kari to pause for a moment. She hurried to catch up to Val after a second though. "It smells really good..." She said with a small giggle.