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Vampire Killer (Feris)

Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

(You barely made it :p )

Marcie fled across the bridge which seemed to start falling apart under the tremors and threw herself through the massive gates as they closed. Getting a moment to catch her breath it was interrupted when the gates were knocked off it's hinges and the creature snorted again, the keep gates were locked but now at least Marcie was on solid ground.

(If Marcie had gotten hit there was a chance of getting knocked off the bridge and having to start waaaaay down at the bottom of the map)
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Marcie take deep breaths when she safely made it into the castle to wear down her anxiety from that close encounter. 'Hooo...I was nearly skewered there what am I suppose to do against something like that with just a whip!' She complained mentally as she looked around the castle entrance admiring the gothic architecture within the house.

"Do all dark lords have such expensive tastes I bet I could live on just one of these things." She stated while looking for a way to the higher levels maybe some stairs yet she seemed to not be concealing her presence either she wasn't afraid of anything or showed her inexperience only her enemies could guess.

However the moment wasn't to last as the beast unhindered by the gates that blocked him for a few moments broke through leaving Marcie a bit dumbfounded. 'Doesn't this lunkhead give up! I'm certain that i'm not the only thing in here that has flesh in this place!' She thought quickly before turning up the pace and bolting toward thenearest stairs she could see trying to get to higher ground to escape the beast.
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Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

As Marcie ran up the staircase the beast took out the bottom of them and kept going through the nearby wall effectively trapping her on the upper floors for the moment unless she wanted to risk jumping down two stories.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"GuAHHH!" Marcie Shouted as the stairs collapsed under her barley hanging on the floor of the second level after managing to pull herself up she dusts herself and looks below to see that her way back crumbled also hearing the irritated grunts of the beast now knowing it's prey had escaped. 'There goes my doubts on just abandoning this whole crazy idea...man' Marcie sighed thinking that now she her choices were succeed or be killed rather depressing topics in her taste.

She looked around the room now trying to find a way to get deeper or to higher floors thinking that Dracula or this impersonator was probable on the highest tower.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

As Marcie climbs she finds the entire place oddly decorated like children should live there it's quiet going until she reaches a blue door that opens on it's own then slams behind her, she finds herself in a giant toyroom and before she can wonder about it several dolls come to life and a grotesque head with 4 arms drops down from the ceiling laughing in a low creepy voice.

Boss:puppet Master
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

She looked at all the rather out of placed things there were scattered about. 'Going from something scary to a children's book this place just gets more stranger every minute.' She thinks walking down as she considered most of the stuff defiantly not a threat that is until she felt things moving around her, scurrying from the place as if tracking their prey this set her on edge as she drew her whip ready for battle.

Then she looked up things were moving everything wasn't it's own intention as the strings showed dancing to their masters whims the world turned against Marcie's imagination and attacked her as the four approached Marcie would do her best to fend them off with her whip attack the dolls but she knew unless they were clunked together she couldn't really attack them all at once.

(Attack Dolls)
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)


Marcie easily destroys all the dolls but they seem to be replaced easily by the floating head which continues laughing at her.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Marcie smiles at every doll pieces fly everywhere upon th impact of her whip then however just as her blow landed they rise again. 'Ah shoot...' She states after hearing laughter at her attempt she grows quite irritated.

"Shut UP!" She shouts throw her cross directly at the noise.

(Attack voice/Puppet master)
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

The cross goes wide missing the dolls in front of it but hooks enough the scrape across the giant face above, this seems to irritate it and Marcie sees it create a lifesize doll of herself in one hand.

HP:90 MP:3
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Marcie saw that this situation was becoming one of numerical battle, grabbing her whip once more and attempted to lash out against the dolls to decrease their numbers then she would quickly veer her eyes trying to clearly locate at least one of the hands manipulating these puppets then find some way to draw it into striking range with her whip.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

(ew a 1)

The dolls swarm Marcie and seem to be simply trying to stall her when she spots the hands and head nearby doing something with the Marcie doll it had created.

Marcie takes 8 damage from the dolls playing with her.

HP:82 MP:3
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"GAH!" Marcie grunted as the dolls began to tug her body apart like she herself was a doll managing to break away she gave a deep heave as she once again prepare to attack though this time her target was.

'What the devil is this twisted freak planning.' Feeling a bad vibe coming from her gut, she threw her cross at the hand holding the doll that looked like Marcie.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

The cross struck the hand as well as the face but didn't seem to stop it, the thing seemed like it was just......playing with the doll, undressing it and binding it up with rope.

HP:82 MP:2
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

(JUMP attack! hope I don't land on the dolls below XD )

Marcie seeing her cross wasn't having much affect decided to gamble on trying to get a firm slash on the dark puppeteer. putting everything into her legs she leaped into the air as high as she could unleashing her whip on the hand with the puppet trying to at least to try and get it to squeal in agony!
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

(11, just made it heh)

Marcie's whip snaps against the face making it wince in pain and drop her dool, it answers by backhanding her with one of it's hands making her tumble backwards as it starts looking for where it dropped the marcie doll.

Marcie took 6 bitchslap damage.

HP:76 MP:2
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"Yeek!" Marcie yells as the giant hand nearly sends her crashing to the ground but she manages to recover prevent what would've been quite a few nasty bruises as she stood up she noticed that the dark puppeteer was looking for something perhaps the doll of that bore striking resemblance to her. 'If this weirdo has some crush on me this is a sick way of showing it...' She thought dully as she got back into stance renewing her assault on the puppeteer.

She ran up to the puppeteer over where the location where the Marcie puppet she didn't know where it was of course but she intended to use his frenzied searching as an opportunity to wound his hands to the fullest extent of her skill she whipped upwards trying to impede the hands from searching for the doll.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)


The giant puppet master draws it's hands back growling in pain as Marcie's whip cracks against them, in retaliation it grabs her around the waist and picks her up and squeezes tightly narrowing it's huge bloodshot eyes.

Marcie takes 8 damage from being crushed.

HP:68 MP:2
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"GUH! AHH!" Marcie screams as the hand begin crushing the lower half of her body feeling utter agony and at time almost fainting the lack of air, she struggles to regain herself as she stared at the puppeteer's face.

Then she cracks back her whip trying to attack it and forcing the evil one to release her from it's grasp.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)


Marcie cracks her whip in it's face making what appears to be a crack but it maintains it's grip and seems to be intent on finding the doll of her before she manages to get loose easing it's grip on her somewhat.

Marcie takes 5 damage.

HP:63 MP:2
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Noticing the small but sure weakness within the puppet masters face she tries to exploit it desperately aiming for the small crack trying to make it grow hoping to nurture the wound into means to an end for him before her own came upon her.

(Attack Puppet master face)