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Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Talok looked things over carefully, then nodded slowly.

"Yes, I think we should. It looks like he was enclosing a compressed copy of everything to do with the anomalies, everything in the outposts database. The upload must have completed after he died, because I can still sift through it's contents here, it hasn't been finalized for delivery. Looks like they took detailed readings of the anomalies, there's mention ..."

Talok stopped and blinked a few times, then continued.

"It looks like they actually went through a few of them, and then returned. Then there's readings here that .. wait, Sinnve didn't you say that anomaly had a massive magnetic reading to it?"

Lyra nodded.

"Agreed. We should be very careful during our time here, there's no way to know if the Klarnell found out what Janus was up to and decided to attack then, or if it was by complete accident. Moreover, we don't know that our poking around here won't bring them back again to finish the job. Since we don't know how they operate either, we can't rule out one might still be around here too waiting for others to send a rescue team either, although given how much time has passed I doubt it."
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

(Heh... I accidentally left a chunk of quoted text in my last post apparently? Well, fix'd now.)

Sinnve answers promptly. "Had a massively strong magnetic field. Uhm... For any precise details about it's strength or stability you'd probably have to ask Vern. Though wait, you mean Janus or the other researchers here went through the time warps themselves? What does it say on there?"


"Well... that's just the thing though isn't it. We can't afford to think of time in a linear fashion in this situation."
Ayla starts, "If the Klarnel jumped back in time to stage the attack we see here, they could then immediately jump back to meet us now, only mere seconds in their time line after their first attack. A group of their agents could theoretically jump to a hundred different times and locations, all from the same point in their time. Until we understand their motives and limitations... we really are faced with an impossible foe to properly respond to." The woman says calmly, but with an obvious air of frustration on her features as she thinks over the situation. "I think our only consolation, is simply that we have not been attacked or meddled with thus far. At least to our knowledge. Which as said before, does imply at least some degree of limitation on either their power over these anomalies, or their actual intent in using them."

Marik steps over to the group again and scratches his chin, "That said... isn't it possible that such a race could have already potentially have shaped the evolution of any civilisation in the universe? If it so pleased? A race's entire society could be of Klarnell design, and we'd never even know. This kind of thing... it messes with my head to think about it too much."

"We can be certain of as much that they have never physically infiltrated Etheria." Thanus speaks in his deep voice, crossing his arms with a small frown as if the concept insulted him slightly, "If so, their presence would be found on I.O.S' records. Knowing whether they have ever been observed by E.O.S though, would be something we would have to task the archivists with."
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Lyra shrugged.

"It is impossible to know if they've influenced outcomes or not. Technically their interference could mean certain species never develop at all. I'm afraid all of this goes well beyond what I personally can help you with, we may need to involve the others of my people to better understand what we may be up against. Though if what has been rumored about them is completely true, and we now have to assume that it is given this much has been true so far, then how can you be certain they have not infiltrated your world or been there? The rumor was that they attacked other civilizations and took all of their women for reasons that weren't disclosed, though I think it's obvious as to why they would take only female prisoners. It may be possible Thanus, that they attacked your world before your current civilization was even born, and that your existence is owed to them in a round about way. Though if you have observed them, then perhaps we can gather information on them. I'd like to think a peaceful solution could come from it, that's part of who we are, but I fear this may be something the rest of my people withdraw on eventually. We are peaceful by nature, and if this comes to a war, most likely we will block our gate again, keep tabs upon it but only act to remove any Klarnell who show up, sending them elsewhere. However the more we know about them, the better. Perhaps there is a way yet."

Talok nodded.

"Janus himself did according to this, and according to it he made several discoveries about what would happen in his future, including the ultimate defeat of the Ori. There are also several various theories about the inner workings of the anomalies, something to do with magnetic alignments. I think his theory, if I'm understanding this right, was that the anomalies naturally open up when the magnetic fields of a planet align to the same magnetic pattern of the anomaly itself, which explains his entry about there being many different magnetic patterns, and each anomaly being different by location. According to this they witnessed several anomalies open up in various locations more than once, and each time those recurring anomalies opened, they had the same magnetic frequency as they had before. Interestingly though, his research led him to believe it wasn't directly related to the particular planet they were on, but rather to Earth. Janus seemed to think that Earth somehow was the focal point for all anomaly activity within this galaxy, though he doesn't seem to have completely proven this. There were indicators it wasn't one hundred percent accurate, but seemingly situational. He added another theory towards the end that suggested some of the anomalies opening on other worlds were due to magnetic exposure to Earth's fields, and a theory that the Stargates themselves were linking said fields together somehow. It seems he died before he could prove or disprove it. Wait, hello, what is this?"

Talok suddenly trailed off, his eyes widening as whatever was scrolling by clearly had him surprised.
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Ayla turns to speak for Thanus, "Thanus is referring to a construct present within Etheria that we call "Ios". It's the counterpart construct to the one called Eos that we mentioned earlier. Each of them are ancient observational devices, with slightly different purposes. Whilst Eos, the "exterior observant" watches outwards at chosen targets; Ios watches inwards, as the interior observant." She goes about explaining, "It's duty is to record and archive everything within the pocket of artificial space that we call our home. If requested, it could present a report on the exact number and location of every individual insect alive within our gardens." She pauses a moment, "Naturally, this record can of course only stretch back for as long as Ios has existed. So yes, there is still absolutely no way to know if they had any contact with or influence over our most ancient ancestors."

Thanus does a slow nod in affirmation to what Ayla had just explained, "Yes. My words were unclear. What I more meant to say, was that no unaccounted entities, whether material or immaterial, have set foot within Etheria for as long as it has been known as Etheria. Regarding the time before that..." The man answers, trailing off and pausing at the end, realising that explaining any better would likely require a small history lesson.

"Well, I don't think we need to concern ourselves with that right now. This is hardly the time or place for trading our people's history." Ayla interjects.

"Agreed." Thanus states plainly.

"Regarding observation of Klarnell... " Ayla begins, going back to the other thing Lyra had said. "The chances that Eos has directly observed any specific Klarnell activity would seem very slim to me, but as Thanus said, would be a question for our Archivists. The people who devote themselves to studying our records and observed data. The part to understand is that over the millennia, Eos has spent the vast majority of it's time tirelessly studying the stars and distant worlds, watching out for anything that might be of interest and keeping a permanent record of it's findings. Whilst not all it's observations are especially remarkable, suffice it to say that it has seen a lot. And so it's entirely possible for it to have seen something that we may not have realised the relevance of at the time. The anomalies themselves, being a prime example. We simply won't know until our people back home have had time to investigate Eos' memories."


Ellisia comments in reply to Talok. "Well that's certainly a strange thing to hear. Though would somewhat explain the dinosaur. And hmm? What have you found now?"
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Lyra thought for a moment and nodded.

"That far back may not do us any good if they came before these constructs were in existence. By now there would be almost nothing physical left to indicate it, and written word as I am sure you know can change or even vanish over vast amounts of time. At a later date I may wish to learn more about your history, but as you have said, this is not the time. If your people had observed the anomalies, it may well have been something worth writing about, but if they weren't able to figure out what they were even with Eos, it may have been lost through time. At least we have the benefit of knowing what to look for in your database, though I imagine it may be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I believe that is the human expression?"

Talok remained silent for a long moment, then slowly nodded.

"OK well, if I'm reading these schematics and his notes correctly, I think Janus may have been in the process of creating, or did create a device capable of limited control over the anomalies. His notes are a bit garbled in the most unfortunate areas which is hindering my attempts to decipher which is accurate, but if he had a device like that or was close, it may explain why the Klarnell attacked. Lyra said they had a limited control over them, or so the rumor was. What if that control were generated by them stealing the device Janus built, and then trying to go back further in time to prevent him from finishing it, so the Ancients couldn't use it against them? Interestingly, his device seems to have been based off the principle of artificially creating a short lived magnetic field capable of opening the desired anomaly time period. This ... would be an incredible discovery, but may be what got him killed."
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Ayla blinks momentarily at the "needle in a haystack" phrase, but soon replies, "Ah yes, Ellisia says that is the correct expression, and I can see the comparison. There is a similar phrase in Etherian. The simple limitation being that Eos can only look with any clarity upon one place at any one time, and thus it's largely just a matter of luck regarding whether it happened to unknowingly spot anything relevant to this issue over the millennia. So yes. Needle in a haystack, without knowing you were looking for said needle. Although we can hope, and will just have to see."

Looking to the skeletal remains again for a second, "Thanus, take one of those bones into stasis. Whilst not much. It may give Eos or the Archivists something to home in on." she speaks to the waiting knight, "Careful not to touch it. They may well crumble to dust if disturbed."

"Yes Ma'am." Nodding afirmitavely the larger knight carefully steps over to and kneels beside one of the suspected Klarnel skeletons. Holding his hands out towards a moderately sized bone, he would gradually guide his hand hovering along above the length of the bone from one end to the other, with a surgeon like steady motion. From one end to the other, a white light would begin to creep along the bone, with the eons old remain slowly disappearing into thin air as the light advanced.

The ancient piece of evidence having been delicately transferred into Thanus' personal subspace. The same place where the knights kept their weapons and equipment.

"Good." Ayla comments, turning back to Lyra next. "Well, we have learned something, and gained another small clue, at least. Ellisia informs me that she and Talok may have found the data we are looking for, in an extractable form. They are currently in the process of examining some of it."

- - - - -

"The thought of them stealing such a device is plausible. Especially given the scene here. The question that remains then, is whether or not they tampered in any way with the specific research data itself. I am not comfortable with the idea of such knowledge being available sitting here in a bunker. Although if it remains, it would help us considerably in knowing how to deal with these beings." Ellisia says, followed by a tiny frown and a sigh. "In truth even the idea of my own people gaining access to such a power... unsettles me. We have a song, which speaks and warns of this kind of thing, and the calamity that can follow such a power, even in the most noble hands." She says with an inwards gaze, before looking to the skeleton at the console. "I very much doubt Janus ever intended any harm or ill doing with his work. But we never do, do we."
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Lyra thought for a moment before replying.

"That would be good. Perhaps we will find something within that information that will help your own search through your archives."

Talok nodded.

"I doubt he ever envisioned the Klarnell being able to get into his lab either with it's defenses. Obviously they found a way, or the anomalies penetrate the fields. Though I must agree, the idea of this sitting here all this time, and until the star goes nova unsettles me as well. Granted very few know how to translate ancient, but still ... Though I think another question hasn't been asked. If they did steal the device from here, why did they leave this place intact? Why not return later to ensure it's destruction so that no one else could do exactly what we are doing, and pose a potential threat to them?"
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Ayla simply nods in response to Lyra. Marik speaking next. "Will we be finishing our search of the other rooms now then?"


Ellisia ponders Taloks question for a moment, it having been the next thing on her mind also. "I don't think I can answer that question right now. There are simply too many unknowns. Hopefully this data will shed some light on things though. We should get to extracting it." She replies. "Hmm. Speaking of security though..." Beginning to glance around the room searchingly, "Would there perhaps be any security recordings or footage we could obtain from this place. If we could get that, we would actually be able to see exactly what these beings came here for, and what they did before leaving."
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Lyra nodded.

"Yes, I think we should. What we're seeing here is too small for even the smallest of outposts, there may be more bodies, or more information in one of the other rooms. We also need to be sure now that nothing potentially hostile could still be alive here."

Talok paused for a moment, then slowly nodded.

"Possibly yes. Not from this system though, that probably is over by Lyra and the others, the systems for regulating and monitoring, as well as playback usually were located opposite of the communications rooms. Though now that you mention that, chances are the original data might be intact in the main lab itself. This was just trying to upload it all and send it, and appears to have been damaged in the process. Perhaps we can find out more after all. Somewhere around here, or the main lab there should be a unit to store information. It'd look like a small crystal, or maybe a spiky ball depending on what Janus preferred to use."

((I will be gone starting tomorrow afternoon for a while, I MIGHT be back on Friday briefly to post, but chances are I won't be around til Tuesday/Wednesday of next week.))
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

"Very well." Ayla says in response to Lyra. "Thanus, if you would kindly take point." Gesturing gently to the solemn knight. "Yes Maam." Thanus replies with a simple nod in afirmation, as he begins to stride towards their next avenue of exploration. Marik falls in step in his common position of watching from over Thanus' shoulder with his alert senses.


"I'll inform the others to look out for any communications or monitoring rooms then, as well as any such data storage devices. It's our surest chance at understanding exactly what actually happened here." Ellisia responds looking ready to move again.

Despite her spoken intentions of informing the others, in practice Ayla and the other knights were of course already aware from the moment Ellisia had heard Taloks' words.

((Apologies for the absence here. My bad. : / ))
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

((No problem, I've been lazy on my end haha.))

Talok nodded, allowing the others to fan out, scanning over the records again for anything he might have missed.

"You two might want to check the small side rooms here, I'm going to see if anything else useful is found here. In the event we can't find a data retrieval node, we may need to have someone memorize as much as they can here. I'm also looking in this system for any means of a self destruct. Having all of this out in the open after we leave ... I don't like it."

As the other group began searching, Ayla might spot a small device, a spiky ball of sorts on one of the consoles in the room they had entered. Marik, while having missed that somehow, would definitely not miss the fact that there was a device in the far back of the room, something that looked like a pod of some kind. Whatever it was, the device was active, and had power humming from it.
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

"Very well. We'll do that." Ellisia replies to Talok as he resumes searching the console. "A self destruct would be useful." Stepping towards the indicated side rooms, with Sinnve keeping step with the older woman.

- - -

Exploring further, Ayla soon spots the strangely shaped object at one of the prominent consoles. From Taloks description, it was a clear match of what they were looking for. With Marik spotting the other device, Ayla was immediately aware of it likewise. Upon realising that the pod at the rear was powered though, Marik instantly takes a cautious stance on it.

"That device at the back is powered and active." He informs the room, peering at it scrutinizingly with his eagle like eyes, trying to determine it's purpose. As innocent as it could likely be, any object with a sufficient power source could be a potential danger. Perhaps Lyra would be able to fill them in, or if he was otherwise able to determine it was nothing to fuss about, he would step towards it.
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

As Elissia and Sinnve stepped into one of the smaller rooms, the two of them were almost immediately drawn to the back far left wall, where what appeared to be a pair of Ancient energy weapons still hung from an invisible field of some kind. The slight hum coming from the wall told them it was still getting power from an unseen source, but these were the only two items not completely trashed within this particular room. Everything else was a total mess.

Lyra joined Marik, looking over the device for a long moment before taking a hesitant step backwards. Placing her hand gently on his shoulder, she would try to get him to take a step back as well, finally finding words.

"I think that is a stasis pod of some kind based off the design. It is not one of the Ancients pods however, and considering what we've seen here ..."

She trailed off as the pod's energy hum changed slightly, and then a louder sound filled the room, followed by what felt like some kind of pulse wave going out. It did not harm them in the slightest, but the sense that something was very wrong filled each of them. Ayla might catch the briefest of thoughts from Lyra, one that should give her pause.

I think it just scanned us.
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

'Ancient personal energy weapons?' Ellisia ponders as she enters the room, with Sinnve tagging along just behind. "Are those, weapons?" Sinnve asks upon seeing them as well.

"I believe so. It's curious though. Seemingly left untouched during the attack." Ellisia answers. Plucking up a tiny bit of debris from the trashed room, she tests a theory. Tossing the small object lightly at one of the levitated weapons. She was testing for a potential security field of some kind that might be protecting the weapons. It would be strange for the ancients weapons to be left like this during an attack, unless of course the attack came so suddenly that they never had time to unlock their "weapon cabinet" and retrieve them. Likewise, there was surely a reason that the invaders hadn't touched them either.

- - -

Following Lyra's lead Marik takes a cautious step back, raising one eyebrow in a slight scrutinising frown at the unknown pod. Was Lyra implying that a Klarnel was resting inside? Either way, Marik and Thanus prepare themselves for the event that anything might emerge from the pod. Aware of the scan, both of the knights opt not to draw any weaponry for the time being. It would remain undetectable for as long as they kept it stowed in their personal subspace.

Ayla meanwhile is considering the greater situation as a whole. Projecting her thoughts towards Lyra. <We need whatever data that remains here Lyra. If we are forced to leave, we must strive to leave with it.>

- - -

Ellisia meanwhile, regardless of the outcome of her test, was also paying close attention to the situation of her comrades. She speaks up at a volume loud enough for Talok to hear her from past the doorway, wanting to keep him in the loop. "Talok. The others have encountered something. An object that fits the description of your data module, and something else that appears to be an active Stasis pod. They have been scanned." She states in her common matter of fact manner.

((PS: If the pod has anything living inside it, the Knight's spiritual senses would normally be able to detect and confirm such at this distance.))

Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

As soon as the debris Elissia had tossed came within a foot of the 'cabinet', it was sharply dropped to the ground by what seemed to be a shimmering blue field around the weapons. It just simply stopped and fell to the ground, rather than bouncing off. It seemed the weapons were protected by some kind of energy barrier, designed probably to be non lethal, but effective. It probably wasn't far fetched to think that only someone with the Ancient's gene could unlock this, otherwise the invaders would likely have done so already. For that matter, it probably had to be someone alive, and not a corpse.

As soon as he heard Elissia's words, Talok's eyes widened, and when she got a reply, it wasn't Talok speaking, it was Nevish.

"That isn't good. We have to be prepared for the worst. One of the attackers may still be here since these systems don't indicate Ancient pods ever having been placed in this facility."

((Wasn't sure on that part Squid, ty for clarifying that.))

About the time Ayla was mentally speaking with Lyra, the knight's senses would alert them that something very much alive was inside that pod, something that seemed to be stirring now. They couldn't see it yet as the pod was still closed, but it's lights began to go off one by one, a sure sign it was reviving it's occupant.

I will attempt to keep whatever is inside from waking up for the time being, though I will not be able to move from this spot until I let go.

Reaching out with her mind, Lyra came into contact with the mind of whatever was inside. As she extended her 'influence' though, almost immediately she was met with a 'wall' of darkness. Then suddenly, something thrust back at her mind, and what she saw from that brief moment was enough to force her into severing the connection, physically recoiling, even as her body reacted violently to the sudden severance.

Lurching back a step, Lyra actually hit the ground shuddering in both fear and pain. Before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she passed out, she shot out one pained message to Ayla. A single word laced with fear, and disgust, two things the Nox weren't known for displaying.

Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Reacting to Lyra's stumble, Ayla would quickly step over with a look of concern, and help catch the Nox girl to ensure she didn't fall all the way and crack her head on something. Unconscious? What kind of feedback had she endured just now?

<"Ellisia, I think regrouping would be wise.">

- - - - -

<"Agreed."> Ellisia responds to the mental communication, stepping out of the room with the weapons and heading back to Talok. Speaking quickly and clearly. "That room contained ancient tools or weapons, but was protected by a field. More importantly Lyra is unconscious due to some kind of psychic feedback, and a Klarnel appears to be about to emerge from the pod at any moment now. I trust in Marik and Thanus, but it may be wise to regroup." She says, already looking eager to head out the door in the other groups direction. Sinnve likewise ready to follow, though with a clear look of concern on her face, and feeling like a bit of a burden now.

- - - - -

Marik and Thanus remain alert and ready. If this was a Klarnel, they really didn't know quite what to expect. Two Etherian knights would typically be more than a match in close quarters for anything that could fit in such a pod, but they knew well that whatever a Klarnel was, it wasn't to be underestimated. It didn't seem likely that any attempt at communication was going to be possible here.

Much to their frustration, they still had no idea whether the data unit they'd discovered actually contained the data they needed or not. If things went bad they'd simply have to grab it and hope for the best.
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Power suddenly surged throughout the place, and a panel near Talok informed him of something he hadn't wanted to see.

"Power to the systems that keep this place hidden and safe from the elements just failed. Wait, what? Shit!"

He let loose a hiss, whipping away from the console, reaching for a weapon then hissing again when he remembered he hadn't brought one with him to the Nox planet. There had been no need to, and now he was cursing himself for not bringing one.

"Tell them to fall back if they can move Lyra. If that thing is a Klarnell, we have no idea what it is capable of. We don't even know if we have the means to kill it."

The pod suddenly opened, and a hulking beast easily seven feet or more in height stepped out. It was massive, probably weighing 500 pounds or more, and ugly as sin. It had a four mandibled mouth, which opened and let loose a roar, showing off three rows of razor sharp teeth. It was clad in some kind of heavy armor type thing minus it's head, though portions of it clearly had been damaged. It's skin was almost puke green in color, and even as it came out, a meaty fist was swung in the direction of the closest knight. While it missed, it did so just barely, but was enough to lift a large piece of debris that none of them could have moved solo clear up and hurl it across the room. Obviously, the thing was incredibly strong, more than a match for any of them in the brute force department. Almost immediately following it's attack, it laid eyes on both Ayla and the prone form of Lyra, beginning to move towards them with a purpose.

((It's ALIVE! If you have seen any of the Predator movies, that's essentially what this fucker is.))
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

(((The joys of freeform RP combat. : P
Always tricky trying to correctly estimate a foes abilities to write a fair post. Especially with something as unknown and inherently fearsome as these Klarnell fellows. Just worth noting though that Thanus is the kind of guy that can actually casually flip a car over without really straining, or punch a regular person into literal red mist with those AT Field enhanced virtually explosive punches of his. Mustn't think of these three as regular humans by any means.)))

Ellisia frowns and doesn't respond for just a moment at first, before looking back to Talok, "They are doing so. However it may be too late." She replies, still frowning and seemingly in thought. Able to see the pod opening and the scene as it unfolds. "Sinnve, check the field on those weapons." She issues an order to the youngest of the group. She had no need to add "Quickly" to her sentence, as the young pilot immediately nods and earnestly dashes back towards the storage room they had left. Entering the room and repeating the earlier test of tossing some light junk into the field.

Ellisia continues by addressing Talok. "Talok, is there any more reason for us to remain here in this room? Also I can provide you with a short bladed weapon if it would be of any use to you. Unfortunately our Etherian personal energy weapons cannot be fired at all without special training."

- - - - -

As the pod opened in the other room, Marik had just been preparing to draw his blades from subspace, when Ayla hearing Talok's recommendation, agrees on that course of action. Marik immediately breaks his stance in front of the pod and swiftly moves to assist Lyra. Taking the stunned Nox in his arms with ease, Ayla quickly steps over to retrieve the data unit from it's terminal.

Thanus then, was left to protect the others as they prepared to leave the room. Though then again, they didn't have any real means to prevent this thing chasing them. For now he'd do what he did best. Fight defensively and block harm from reaching those behind him. Dodging the first blow he tried to judge it's fighting abilities and style. It was clearly ready to fight right out of the pod. An enraged bestial style would be no threat to a fighter of his skills, but it would be foolish to read a book by it's cover.

The large knight faces the larger beast without yielding any ground, with a deep focused frown, but calm demeanour. His energy surging as a faint aura formed around the spirit knight. Seeing it's interest in the others, he places himself in it's path. Even with it's size, it could be a thousand pounds and not knock him down. His ATF abilities were more or less sufficient to stop a speeding car and remain on the spot. He would wait for the retaliatory strike or strikes to come in, and prepare to make a counter attack. Drawing on his exemplary martial training and super human reflexes to duck and dodge the incoming attacks, only ever the exact amount needed, he would then aim an inhumanly lightning fast punch to the elbow of the aliens arm. The fist glowing with a strange field of orange light forming around it as it travelled. This was a fist that could punch crater out of a concrete wall or shatter solid stone. Should the counter attack connect, it would never actually quite contact the Klarnels body. Instead delivering it's full impact roughly an inch from touchdown.

He just had to buy them time.
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

The creature actually stopped the moment Thanus blocked it's path, seeming to take notice of him again. It seemed to study him, and when he took his swing, the creature somehow, for it's size, moved incredibly fast and avoided it, seeming to somehow sense the field around him.

Avoiding his punch however caused it to have to flip backwards, and further away. A moment later as it stood again, the creature had evidently made up it's mind that whatever it's foe was, it wasn't going to be a quick and easy thing. From it's wrist a wickedly sharp double blade appeared, extending well over a foot out, and it swiped it through the air twice, focusing on the knight again and for the moment, simply stood there, as if taunting him to make the first move.

If Thanus knew enough about blades and the material, he might be able to tell the blades were made of something that looked an awful lot like Nevaria, the type of stuff Stargates were made from. Incredibly dense, and extremely hard to damage.

((Not sure if he can break that stuff with his field or not, if so I may have under-powered this particular one to pose any challenge. This one is old enough that it exists before a specific event that makes them even tougher. I debated having him catch Thanus's fist, but that seemed a little too showboaty for something like this creature, and I wasn't sure it'd even be possible!))

As soon as Sinnve conducted her test, she knew she'd hit paydirt. Her debris passed through and clanged off the bottom of the case where it hit. While the lights were on and the monitors and such, it seemed the same thing that powered the force field had powered the cloak. The weapons were theirs for the taking.

Talok nodded.

"That will have to do. If need be I suppose I can feed off of it, but I'm not too keen on it."
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Ellisia draws the offered blade in order to hand it to Talok. Literally pulling it from thin air in the space between them. The blade emerging from a tiny portal like glyph. No sooner had Talok taken it though, Sinnve called back to them.

"The weapons are free!" She calls, inspecting the devices in more detail, but not touching them herself. Despite her usual headstrong ways, in this situation she wasn't doing anything that Ellisia didn't tell her to do first.

"Ah. Perhaps that would be more suitable. Lets be quick."
Ellisia says to Talok, heading to the storage room with purposeful haste. She wanted to reunite with her comrades as soon as possible.

- - - - -

The creature was fast for it's size, that was for sure, and not a mindless brute when it came to fighting. It's evasion followed by a small pause to re-evaluate, and the reveal of a bladed weapon. In Thanus own experience, he could normally shatter or disarm a foes melee weapon without incident. However this one seemed firmly attached to the arm, and the material was not sufficiently familiar to him to assume much. It remained worth a shot though if the chance presented itself, and should the blade survive, he had a hunch that the construction of the forearm mounting may not be capable of being quite as sturdy as the blade. He still was focusing on fighting defensively for now though. He would take such shots only if they presented themselves.

Whilst the Klarnell wait for his next move, he remains in a fighting stance, taking a single good stride forward. Remaining close to the creature gave Thanus the best ability to block or intercept it's avenues of movement towards the others. He next move however, was actually to speak.

"Why do you attack us?" He enquires simply. He had no idea of whether it would understand, but lost nothing in asking. Should it's response be violent, he would continue to fight a defensive but reactive battle. The blades extended the creatures reach even further, so there was little chance of getting in close enough to strike it's core. But the limbs themselves remained valid targets for retaliatory counter strikes. He would be able to make use of the armoured bracer he wore on his forearms to help with blocking the blades. Thanus's uniform featuring slightly thicker plating in that particular spot than the others. If not that, the focused AT field maintained around his fists would work.

((If the chance comes up, he will attempt to strike the wrist blades to see if they shatter. But also to see if the impact can sheer the weapon from the arm by tearing the strapping/mount off.

PS: Also need to know how Ayla got on with retrieving that potential data unit from it's slot or she can't move. ))
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