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Vela (Phoenix Alugere)


Nov 12, 2008
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Vela sits on up on her bed, waking with a start from a rather vivid dream with Mr Snuggles. She looks around the room she called home for what can only be assumed months. She tilts her head curiously to the side. That's strange, the door has never been cracked open like that before. Could it be that Mr Snuggles is here? She curiously shuffles to the door to her south.

HP: 3
VIR 4.75

Suggested Actions:
Travel S
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

Vela quickly flings it open with a loud shout, Mr. Snuggles! Are you out there? I'm coming to find you! She finishes with a singsong call as she skips out the door. Laughing happily she begins spinning about as she does enter the room as she joyfully tries to find Mr. Snuggles.
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

Vela leaps out info the hallway and is blinded by the bright lights of the hallway. She can make out that the hallway travels to the south and the west, with what looks like another cell door to her east. Saddened that Mr Snuggles isn't out here, she does not see anyone.
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

Wha...? Where are you Mr. Snuggles? I miss you! Please come out Mr. Snuggles! Vela cries out before bouncing over to the cell door, she isn't skipping anymore. Why couldn't Mr. Snuggles be waiting outside the door for me? Maybe he just go tired of standing there and moved off to find a seat! She thinks before moving over to the nearby cell, banging on the door, she tries to open it. Mr. Snuggles? Are you in there?
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

Vela bursts through the cell door, but doesn't find Mr Snuggles. All she finds is another cell, complete with a cot and.... well, nothing else. Saddened, she does manage to see a pair of dark blue panties laying in the middle of the floor.

Travel Options:
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

Awww... he isn't here... Oo! Whats that? Vela says out loud before racing over to the panties. Picking them up, she looks at them, feeling that she should recognize them. Now, these, I think I wear this. Oh, if only Mr. Snuggles could tell me. I'll have to ask him later when I find him. Hmmm, is this a hat? She wonders before deciding to try it and slipping the panties on over her hair. Reaching back, she slides her pink hair out through one leg into a ponytail. Glancing about and hoping for a mirror, she is disappointed for a bit before she simply shrugs and skips back towards the door. Oh well, I suppose I'll have to ask Mr. Snuggles how my new hat looks when I find him! She decides before moving back out into the hall.
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

(Just FYI I put them down still as "Panties" on my sheet)
Wearing her new "Hat" on her head, she makes her way back into the bright hallway. The hallway continues south and west, and a door to her north looks like the cell doorway.
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

Hey! Another room! There's a bunch of... hey... wait a second... That's the room I was in... Poo! I guess I don't get more rooms. Vela says before glancing about again. Huh... Which way would Mr. Snuggles have gone then. Uh... I know! Vela suddenly exclaims before she starts spinning about with her eyes closed. When she comes to a stop, she is facing south. Whooo... dizzy... This is the way to go, though... She says before stumbling down the southern hallway as she slowly gets over her dizziness.
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

She makes her way southward, but not before bumping her head into the corner of the wall. Shaking it off, she heads south, noticing a cell door to her east. Then something new catcher her eye. There is a tall man wearing a lab coat standing near the door, his back to her.

VIR 4.75
HP: 3

Doctor LVL 1:
VIR 2.25
HP: 1.25

Attacks Possible:
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

Are you Mr. Snuggles? Let me see if you're Mr. Snuggles! Vela cries out as she sees the man before lunging forward and trying to pulls his pants off of him, preferably pulling his legs out from under him as she does so. Best way to check for Mr. Snuggles is to fuck you until you can't move! She calls out in a singsong voice as she does so.
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

(5.25 v 5.75; sex attack fails)

Vela lunges at the doctor, knocking him to the ground before stripping off his scrub bottoms. She got the drop on him and before he knows what is happening, she is on to of him playing with his cock. She is kind of surprised when she does not get an immediate rise out of him.

VIR 4.25
HP: 3

Doctor LVL 1:
VIR 2.25
HP: 1.25

Attacks Possible:
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

Come on, Mr. Snuggles. Get it up! Vela tells the man as she grips his shaft with one hand. Slowly, she starts to pump her hand up and down, her thumb sliding across the top of the man's cock whenever her hand reaches the end of his dick. Make it harder, I want to make fucky-fucky. She pleads insistently from her place atop the man.
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

(10.25 v 5; sex successful)

"Gah, wha- what are you doing lady!" The doctor screams. Vela does not cease. she keeps furiously pounding on the doctor, trying to find "Mr. Snuggles." When the doctor starts to struggle, Vela spins around and sits on his chest, holding his throat down with one arm while she continues to beat the doctor off. Within a few moments, the doctor begins to struggle drastically under the insane girl's choke hold. She get the doctor to climax. Turning back to look at the man, she sees his face is blue and his eyes are rolled back in his head.

VIR 4.25
HP: 3

Doctor LVL 1:
VIR -3.00
HP: 1.25
XP Gain: 12
Level up: 50
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

You aren't Mr. Snuggles! You tricked me! Mr. Snuggles would never be finished after only one go! Vela cries out angrily as she gets off the man. Now you have to be punished! She shouts before stomping down on the man's throat with her foot. Afterward, she would strip the man of his lab coat before putting it on. Then, deciding to continue her search for Mr. Snuggles, she turns towards the cell door with an attempt to make the lab coat swirl about dramatically. With that attempt she then moves over to the door and tries to fling it open. Are you in here, Mr. Snuggles?
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

With great fanfare and wearing her labcoat and panty-hat, she bursts into the cell. There she finds a startled female technician standing in the empty room with a clipboard in her hand.

VIR 4.75
HP: 3

Technician LVL 1:
VIR 1.75
HP: 2.75
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

You look really odd, Mr. Snuggles. Maybe you aren't... Vela begins to trail off before lunging at the woman and yanking down her pants like she did with the last man she encountered. Oh well, I still have to make sure you aren't Mr. Snuggles anyway. Maybe you're just being tricky. Is that it Mr. Snuggles. She asks as she does her lunge.
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

(I'm assuming SEX attack?)
(9.25 v 5.75; SEX attack successful)

Vela immediately pants' the technician. the tech is taken completely off guard, not only from the naked woman, but from her erratic behavior. She tries to escape Vela, but is completely unsuccessful. Vela is on top of her on the ground in a matter of moments, pants flying clear across the room. Vela tears at the tech's clothing, quickly revealing the tech's bra. Vela immediately goes to the tech's sensitive spots, probing her womanhood for any sign of Mr. Snuggles. Vela is apparently oblivious to the pleasure she is causing to the poor technician. Within minutes, the technician is brought to a loud orgasm. Panting and exhausted, she lies there motionless except for her heavy breathing; an unsatisfied Vela standing over her.

VIR 4.75
HP: 3

Technician LVL 1:
XP Gain: 12
Tot XP: 24
Next LVL: 50
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

Pooey! I wanted Mr. Snuggles! I knew you didn't look like him! Vela exclaims. Why are all you people trying to trick me? You must be punished for trying to impersonate Mr. Snuggles! She exclaims before strangling the unconcious tech until she falls limp. Then, getting up, Vela begins looking around the room, Maybe Mr. Snuggles is hiding in here, or maybe he hid a hint about where he is in here! Vela says, quickly switching back to her happy mood as she searches for a trace of Mr. Snuggles.
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

Vela stands up after strangling the female tech. She seems not to care or even realize what she has done. She rummages through the girl's pockets, through her clothing but doesn't find anything. In a fit of rage, she takes the cot and throws it up against the wall. Nothing under the cot either. Convinced Mr Snuggles is nowhere to be found, she stops her search in the cell.
Re: Vela (Phoenix Alugere)

Spinning about, Vela gives up on the cell and quickly skips out, letting the lab coat flutter about like a cloak. Where are you, Mr. Snuggles? She calls out in a singsong voice.