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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 75, PP = 60, EP = 80/85, Status = Fine, Draconic Transformation X = 5.

Derp, fixed.
Alex activates Draconic Transformation X = 5.

And then...... CHARGE!
Attack: Both hit.
Damage (Celestial Nail) : 5 + 1 + 57 + 9 + 3 = 75/2 = 38 damage.
Damage (Shield) : 2 + 6 + 6 + 49 - 26 = 37/2 = 19 damage.

He then activates Defensive Stance and does some other stuff!

In response to her more feral stance, her opponent held up his shield in challenge, and Alex apparently needed nothing more than that. She shot across the distance between them light a lightning bolt, so fast that the crowd hadn't even had time to reach the height of their cheering as the battle commenced. Her shield hit first, crashing against Sir Andrast's like a tidal wave and knocking him right out of his guarded stance. Even with the magical shielding her shield hit with enough force to crack bones if allowed to hit an unguarded spot, and even through his armor it was clear that the blow jarred the man. Her sword swept forward into the man's broken guard, and though the blade's edge had been dulled by the arena's enchantments, that magic only seemed to protect the man's flesh. Celestial Nail cut through armor like butter, carving him open like a tin can, and though she was kept from cutting too deeply by the arena's magic her sword still left a bloody gash in the man's chest.

Sir Andrast staggered backwards as the crowd's reactive roar reached its crescendo, but it was clear that the knight wasn't down and out just yet. Quickly regaining his footing, he leaned into his shield as if it would provide enough of a bulwark to save him from her wrath. Though he was injured, Alex could tell that he was ready for a second bout, and the time it had taken him to recover from her first blow had seemingly left him unable to land a strike of his own before she had another opportunity. She was close in now, meaning she'd be unable to rely on her momentum, but her opponent was wounded while she, herself was not.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

A small rush went through Alex as shield met shield, and as she found her opponent's stance faltering she pounced on the opening it provided. Her blade swung out, a clean strike that tore through steel as if it were cloth and left a bleeding furrow in the knight's chest. And that was a bit surprising. She would have guessed her attacks wouldn't have the capacity to cut through skin, but then again it did look like nothing more than a flesh wound. Perhaps these magics were designed to allow fighters to shed each other's blood without leaving Death hovering over them...

But whatever reverie was running through her mind was ended once Andrast leaned forward to bolster his defense. He was preparing himself, hoping to withstand her attack so he can retaliate when her own momentum was broken. It was a familiar tactic, one she was taught and used on many occasions, and the key to getting past it was to literally get past it. Move around the defense. Attack from an angle that's nearly impossible to deflect. Those damned juggernauts back during the first day of the invasion had done it to her.

And now it was her turn. She pushed her body forward, and just before she struck Andrast's shield her own flew wide and low. She edged her shoulder against his defense, and she simply pushed her weight and strength forward and up to keep him from adjusting too quickly. It would leave him for the uppercut rushing to meet his chin, and if she managed a strong enough hit she would lift him just a bit before his body fell and left him sprawled along the ground.

Attacking with Shield Slam, Defensive Fighting at 20 Hit for Dodge

+10 Shield Damage
-20 Hit (Negated by Shield Fighter?)
+20 Dodge
Chance for Prone (Resistance check)

Combined with still active DT 5 puts me at:

Armor: 19 (+16 Breastplate)
Dodge: 82 (+18 Round Heavy Shield) (+2 Aescila's Gift) (+10 Unarmed) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus)
Resistance: 25 (+3 Lucky) (+6 Breastplate) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus/PP.Damage)
Grapple: 70 (+3 Lucky)
Round Heavy Shield: (d20 + 85 or 65) [3d6 + 55] {Blunt}, DB = 18, EV = 0

If he did fall... Pouncing on him was well within her grasp, and since this was a competition it was fully within her right. So she would, but it wouldn't be the same fierce attack she landed on him earlier. She would take her time, measure her strikes and space them where they wouldn't cause as much damage. Some people would say she was treating him too kindly for it, but Andrast wasn't an enemy. He was merely an opponent. She wasn't going to humiliate him by knocking him flat while he still tried to recover.

But she wouldn't let him rise unscathed. She was taught to make sure her opponent's understood that she had got the better of them, and a couple quick smacks would do that just fine. And once he was back to his feet she would press him in earnest. No more pulled punches, just straight blade on blade, shield on shield, knight on knight action.

Continue attacking normally, no Defensive Fighting, reducing the first few hits by 1/2 damage if Andrast falls Prone.

Armor: 19 (+16 Breastplate)
Dodge: 62 (+18 Round Heavy Shield) (+2 Aescila's Gift) (+10 Unarmed) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus)
Grapple: 70 (+3 Lucky)
Resistance: 25 (+3 Lucky) (+6 Breastplate) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus/PP.Damage)
Celestial Nail (Longsword): (d20 + 84) [2d6 + 53] {Slash/Pierce}, Ignore AV, +2d10 Cold
Round Heavy Shield: (d20 + 85) [3d6 + 45] {Blunt}, DB = 18, EV = 0

That should be everything relevant. And when (conceited, aren't I?) he's about to fall have her stop with her blade at his neck to ask if he can continue.
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 75, PP = 60, EP = 80/85, Status = Fine, Draconic Transformation X = 5.

Sir Andrast: Taken 57 damage.

Alex attacks as you indicated! Yes, Shield Slam wouldn't take any actual penalty to attack under current rules. This might require fixing.
Attack: Miss.

His Counterattack against her current effective 102 Dodge!
Attack: Miss. Flaccid.

Andrast, it seemed, had learned how best to counter his own tactics as well, and taken it a step beyond in learning to counter the counter. As she came up to smash her shield against his, he anticipated the sudden change in the angle of her strike, one that would have left him open to being smashed in the chin and knocked on his ass just as she'd planned. Rather than stand still, he suddenly shifted from a heavy stance to a light one, sidestepping her attacking and pushing her shield with his, forcing her momentum forward while his blade came around. Alex's reflexes were more than a match even for his speed, however, and she turned and brought her shield up to block the blow that would have landed against the side of her head. She noted as they met that the characteristic scraping noise she might have expected when steel ground against her shield was absent, and in its place was a loud clang followed by nothing.

The cause of such became apparent if Alex didn't recognize it immediately; he'd been striking with the flat of his blade, likely not willing to risk the failure of the arena's enchanting magics even against her heavily armored body. Alex was able to note the subtle glow around the blade before he pulled away, marking it as natively enchanted like her own, though she couldn't tell exactly what it's enchantments might do. He quickly stepped away and reset his stance, but Alex also noted an increase in the blurriness around his form, and the aura around him intensified before her supernatural senses. Regardless of his assorted magics, he bashed his blade against his shield in challenge, and the crowd was loving every second of their bout so far judging by the cheers raining down from the stands.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Tricky little man... She felt him change his stance in an instant, but by then she was already committed. There was no stopping Alex as her shield rose for Andrast's chin, and there was no stopping once Andrast's shield gave her just enough of a push to throw her momentum off to his side. It left her exposed, and his blade swung in to capitalize on that opening. But Alex wasn't helpless, and her reflexes proved more than enough to bring her defense back down to intercept that blade before it could knock against her temple. It still came uncomfortably close, though, and as it did she noticed that it shared the same muted glow that her own did, the sign that it had been enchanted. How she may never know, but it showed that the knight came prepared to win.

And it that wasn't enough then the sudden pressure washing off of him only made it that much more obvious. Andrast was strengthening himself again, the intensity of his soul burning even brighter than before as he issued another challenge. And Alex decided to answer it. She could have pulled back, let her soul dive even deeper into Father's legacy and grant her even more strength, but at that moment she felt she didn't need it. She just needed to get in close and change tactics. So that was what she did. She rushed in as if preparing to bring shield and blade together once more, but just before striking she sheathed her sword and slung her shield into the harness on the back of her armor designed to hold it in place. Her shoulder led the way, her weight hoping to either push him off balance or to goad him into an attack, and now that her hands were freed she would use them to whip out and take the knight by his wrist. Once she had a firm grip on him she was certain she could pull herself closer, and after that all she needed to do was wrestle him until she held complete control over his every move.

Change to Unarmed and Grapple! Stats for this are:

+20 Attack Rolls
Grapple: 70 (+3 Lucky)

Effective grapple should come out to 93 for the first shot, and if he's caught try to bring him into a Submission Hold. It should be obvious she would win at that point, but if the match isn't stopped then give him some body shots until the match is called.

Unarmed: (d20 + 75) [1d8 + 49] {Blunt}

And if she misses:

Armor: 19 (+16 Breastplate)
Dodge: 62 (+18 Round Heavy Shield) (+2 Aescila's Gift) (+10 Unarmed) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus)
Grapple: 70 (+3 Lucky)
Resistance: 25 (+3 Lucky) (+6 Breastplate) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus/PP.Damage)
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 75, PP = 60, EP = 80/85, Status = Fine, Draconic Transformation X = 5.

Sir Andrast: Taken 57 damage.

Alex tries to initiate a grapple!
Attack: Hit.

He tries to break free!
Grapple: Alex wins! She basically wins the match at this point.

Sir Andrast was evidently not prepared for Alex's sudden change in tactics. He'd been standing at the ready, prepared to meet her shield to shield and blade to blade, but as she slung both and switched to her bare hands he seemed at a loss. Fighting an armed and armored opponent was rarely a winning gambit, but Alex had been trained by Haedrin, a man who had literally torn apart the strongest of the aliens with nothing but his hands during the battle for the Hidden Village. She'd concentrated more on the aspect of exchanging blows than on grappling during her time with the sidhe knight, but she was hardly disadvantaged in the latter category, particularly with her strength enhanced by her draconic blood as it was. As such, Alex was well equipped to handle an armed opponent with nothing but her bare hands.

Alexandra's shoulder slammed into Sir Andrast's shield as the crowd roared above and around them, not knocking him as off balance as she had before but giving her just the opening that she needed in order to enact the second stage of her plan. He raised his blade for a defensive swipe, one more meant to ward her away than do any real damage, and one of her hands snapped up and grabbed him by the wrist. After that it only took a tug, a twist, and a step to bring Alex inside of the protective reach of his shield, but the other knight wasn't one to give up so easily. His aura was of little help this close in, however, as it didn't provide quite the same enhancement to his physical strength that Alex's magic did, and when he tried to twist away the powerful half-dragon was able to use his own motion against him. Their struggle concluded with Alex behind him, holding his arm behind his back in a position that left him more or less completely helpless against her lest she opt to dislocate it while he tried to fight his way out.

After only a moment the knight simply dropped his enhanced aura and tapped out, admitting defeat to the wild approval of the crowd, and if Alex released him Sir Andrast would step away and sheath his sword over her back before turning to face her. Setting aside his shield and removing his helmet, the old man looked quite impressed with her strength, a notion that was emphasized by the tone of his voice as he said; "A grand show! I admit defeat to you, Lady Alistar!" He gave Alex a respectful bow, and once he rose she was free to say anything she liked to the man against whom she'd fought, though before he left the arena floor he would add; "I'll leave a note with the secretary for you. If you're ever in need of a sword-arm or a place to stay in Therion, feel free to call upon me."

After the knight left, the announcer wizard said; "And so the mighty dragon conquers! But will she cash out now, or continue on to her next opponent?" The crowd seemed to want more, and Aes and Angelle both waved down at her encouragingly, but the choice was ultimately up to Alex whether or not she wanted to go for another opponent.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

The moment his arm came up and tapped out his surrender Alex calmly let him go. Though she still looked more animal than human Alex stood straight and tall, and as Andrast admitted his defeat and gave a bow Alex returned it in kind. "I thank you for your hospitality, Sir Gregor. When I return I'll gladly accept your offer."

Once the knight had finally left Alex merely stood still and listened to the announcer. Her attention then turned toward the crowd and their raucous cheer, and a moment later she found her family encouraging her to fight on. That pretty much settled it. "I can't disappoint my fans, now, can I? Continue." Once it was confirmed she turned toward the entrance ramp, her hands crossed under her chest as she waited for her next opponent to show.
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 75, PP = 60, EP = 80/85, Status = Fine, Draconic Transformation X = 5.

The crowd roared in joy at Alexandra's agree for another round, and soon enough her next opponent was coming up the ramp. Alex had been fairly tall, particularly for a woman, for all of her adult life. She stood head and shoulders even over most men, and her recently developed horns had only added to that aspect of her physiology. As such, when the red oni straightened after stepping out from beneath the cover of the ramp's canopy, greeted with thunderous applause just as Alex had been not too long ago, and stood to her full nine foot height even before her straight spike-like horns were factored in, the dragoness was truly dwarfed in physical stature for the first time in a long while.

The big woman grinned when she recognized Alex, and her voice rang clearly across the arena even over the sounds of the crowd; "Well, hello pretty~ I almost didn't recognize you with the extra dragony bits! I've missed you since that little show you put on in the dressing room! Was the extra emphasis just for me?" A moment later, giving Alex just enough time to answer but ask no questions of her own, the announcer spoke up; "And so we get to the dragon knight's second match! Can she conquer the bloody mountain beast, or will she be conquered in turn? Lets find out!"

The oni rolled her eyes at the announcer's embellishment, but hefted her club all the same, "I'm Dingroria, but me friends call me Ria! You lookin to make a little wager on the side with me, Miss Scalytail?" How she'd learned of her ancient pet name, or if she'd simply come up with it on her own, was a mystery at the moment, but from the way she was eying Alex both back in the fighter's pit and now gave rather clear implications on just what she might want to "bet" with Alex.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Well well, it was the red one. Alex hadn't expected to face her so soon. And...well well, she didn't expect to have to look up! This wasn't exactly a first, the behemoths from two years ago towered over everyone, but since her adult life Alex had never really met a sentient creature that actually loomed over her. It was a surprising change of pace.

When the woman called out Alex let out another smirk. "Maybe. Let's just say I enjoy an appreciative audience." The announcer cut in the moment she finished her reply, and though "bloody mountain beast" seemed a little over-the-top Alex wasn't all that worried. The man was being paid to drum up the crowd. Some embellishment would be necessary.

But then the woman said it. Alex couldn't keep herself from frowning, even if the demon-looking woman was only being playful. In a moment Alex's gear was in her hands once more, but before she started charging forward as her draconic heritage demanded she took a deep breath and calmed herself. Her smirk returned as she noticed that appreciative look roaming over her once again. "A side bet doesn't sound too troublesome. And I'm fairly certain I know what you'd like. But..." Her eyes turned toward Aes, her head even bobbing a little to give the oni some direction. "You see the lovely creature with the dark wings? She's mine. I have plans for her tonight. Of course I doubt she'd be disappointed if I brought you along..." And there was the bait. "So, if you win I'll bring you to my room and we can see about repaying my debt. But if I win..." Time to reel her in. "I'd like to hear more about this dragon you mentioned in the waiting room." Alex wasn't sure how the woman would react, so she eased herself into a fully defensive stance, her shield waiting to intercept and brush aside any strike that would aim to lay her flat.

Shield Cover
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 75, PP = 60, EP = 80/85, Status = Fine, Draconic Transformation X = 5.

Ria glanced where Alex directed her to, and saw Aescila gazing at the oni knowingly from up in the stands. The angel's look was hardly disapproving, however, and though her voice was barely audible over the roar of the crowd, she called down; "She's got a great ass on her! The armor doesn't do it justice!" Giving a laugh that rumbled up from her belly and throwing Aes a thumbs up over her shoulder, Dia turned back to Alex and said; "I can definitely agree to those terms! I hate to come between a happy couple anyway, and the more the merrier! Is the little one next to her one of yours?" The call of the crowd, growing somewhat restless, seemed to remind the huge woman of their purpose out here, and she added; "Oh right! We're supposed to be beating each other up!"

Fiery power suddenly flared from around the Oni, her muscles tensing and seeming to grow... And then they literally grew, along with the rest of her, as she took a step forward and gained a foot or so of height, and then shot up another foot as she took the next. She stood nearly as tall as the juggernauts had back at the hidden village now, but she had none of their awkwardness in motion as she strode towards Alex, hefting her club. The arena mages frowned, likely thinking something along the lines of; "we're supposed to make that hurt less?" Still, the oni's club got the same enchantments that Alex's sword had received when she'd stepped into the arena, and then they were free to do battle as they should. The oni was already preparing a strike, though her increase in size had apparently taken a bit of her concentration as well. The crowd was loving it, and though Alex was dwarfed even more now, she still had an opportunity to strike.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

"That's my daughter."

The impatience in the crowd was a signal to the "mountain beast", and as she stepped forward she... Holy hell... Watching the impressive woman simply grow between steps was intimidating beyond anything she thought she would face today, and it took a tremendous effort to keep from clutching her sword any tighter. The oni looked just as large as any of the towering monstrosities back during the Arrival, and as that club was hefted Alex realized that Ria was going to be far more dangerous than the juggernauts that nearly beat her senseless. Even with the magics of the arena the thought of being flattened by that club that now looked as nearly thick as a fully grown tree.

But Alex wasn't exactly a pushover herself. She'd grown in strength. She finally learned to access her latent powers. She managed to overcome a mad angel, and there was no doubt that Dina was far stronger than any walking mound of flesh. She was just going to need to be careful in how she approached Ria- Move. Ria wasn't going to wait for Alex to give her a once over, and Alex was forced to start moving once she noticed her opponent preparing to strike. If the knight wanted to measure her opponent's strength she would need to do so in the middle of her battle.

So she did just that. She shot forward, the same blur that overwhelmed Andrast in an instant, and as she neared her sword shot forward to lead her attack. But it wasn't centered properly. The blade stabbed wide, her body seemingly extended beyond any hope of dodging the counterattack that was sure to fall. And everything was as it should be. Her shield was cocked back, her arm gathering strength in an instant, and just as she'd done to Azhur two years ago Alex let all her momentum carry into one fierce blow that aimed for and through Ria. But given the woman's size there was no way for Alex to manage a clean hit on the demon's center. But she could reach the diaphragm. That's where Alex aimed her attack, her arm twisting to line the edge of her shield so she could knock the wind out of her opponent in one fierce blow.

Going for the big shot, Charge into Shield Slam! (And Defensive Fighting at 20 Hit for Dodge if that rule is still in effect. I want to make sure Alex is as accurate as she can be.)

+4 Attack Roll
+4 Melee Damage
-10 Dodge

Shield Bash only
+10 Damage
Chance for Prone (Resist check)

Round Heavy Shield: (d20 + 85) [3d6 + 45] {Blunt}, DB = 18, EV = 0

Combining that all should give me stats at:

Dodge: 52 (+18 Round Heavy Shield) (+2 Aescila's Gift) (+10 Unarmed) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus)
--- +20 Defensive Fighting?
Armor: 19 (+16 Breastplate)
Resistance: 25 (+3 Lucky) (+6 Breastplate) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus/PP.Damage)
Round Heavy Shield: (d20 + 89) [3d6 + 59] {Blunt}, DB = 18, EV = 0
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 45/75, PP = 60, EP = 80/85, Status = Injured, Draconic Transformation X = 5.

Dingroria: Taken 11 damage, spent 8 EP.

Alex strikes! Yes, that rule is still in effect, so she gets dat +20 Dodge.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 3 + 59 - 45 = 22/2 = 11 damage. That's.... Probably bad.
Resistance: Ria wins.

Ria attacks Alex with Golf Swing and Crushing Blow, results in -20 damage, -10 attack, and -10 Dodge for the round. Gotta make 2 Res checks, 1 vs being knocked prone and the other vs being weakened and stunned. Alex's Dodge currently is 92.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 3 + (3 + 7 + 5 lightning) + 72 + 12 - 35 - 20 = 51/2 = 26 damage.
Resistance (vs Prone) : Ria wins.
Resistance (vs Stunned/Weakened) : Alex wins.

Alex is knocked prone. Ria, with brawler, gets to grapple her for free.
Next round, as Alex technically has to recover from being knocked prone, she uses Fling.
Grapple: Ria wins.
Damage: 2 + 5 + 1 + 31 - 35 = 4 damage.
Resistance: Alex wins.

Speed, as it turned out, was Alex's advantage in this fight. Though she suffered no loss of grace despite her increased size, Dingroria was still large, and while Alex might not be able to beat her in a distance race, between the two she'd be far more mobile in close. Her opening rush went right into the oni's guard, and her shield slammed into the red woman's abdomen with tremendous force. For all her size, Ria was still knocked back a step, her breath exhaling as her midsection bent inwards from the force of the powerful blow that stole most of Alex's momentum... And then Alex spotted the attack that her blow had helped wind up, and saw the strange plate armor hidden beneath the massive woman's outer clothing.

"Good effort!" her opponent grunted, smirking, and then that club came up, the step back she'd taken turning her body at the right angle to allow her to twist, the blow curving upwards and hitting Alex right in her midsection before she could bring her shield back into place to intercept it. And then, Alex knew what it was like to fly. She sailed clear across the arena and slammed into the wall, the impact of both club and landing quite painful even with the dampening effects of the arena's magics, before sliding down and landing in a heap. The hit could have been far more harmful than it was, her magic armor strong enough to absorb a good chunk of it, but if the oni hadn't been magically inhibited and had been going for the kill.... Alex might have been down in one.

"You hit pretty hard, but I'm not sure why you'd try to outmuscle someone so much bigger than you!" the oni called, striding across the arena with thunderous steps. The crowd was jeering and gasping, and Alex spotted her family across the arena looking worried between the massive woman's legs just as she stepped over Alex. The armored half-dragon was lifted by her waist, the oni's hand now almost big enough that her fingers could close around Alex's body, but she managed to keep a grip on her sword and shield all the while. "Still conscious eh? Lets try that again then!" Dingroria shouted, and then cocked her arm back and flung Alex halfway across the arena once more. She landed in a tumbled mass, thankfully not landing on her blade, and tumbled several feet before her reflexes kicked in and she came to a stop on her feet.

Her opponent was coming for her, club at the ready, but Alex had a moment or two to prepare before the massive woman would be upon her. She could feel her armor tingling against her skin, and her sword was practically twitching in her grasp, but as she rose Alex heard an oddly familiar feminine voice in the back of her head; 'Don't get hit again. The woman hits too hard to keep trading shots like that.'
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

It was only a moment, no more than the time needed to release a long sigh, but once Alex felt her momentum crashing against the arena's walls her breath left her in a massive puff of air. A heavy thud sounded a little later, and Alex found herself sprawled awkwardly once she landed on the ground. She caught her family's concerned looks, but before she could even right herself and offer them any comfort she found herself being lifted off the ground. Ria seemed somewhat surprised to see Alex still clutching her gear, and to right that wrong the demon simply crooked her arm and flung the dragon as far as that giant arm could toss. Alex landed heavily once more, her body tumbling uncontrollably for a couple of seconds, but once her momentum started to wane she dug her feet into the ground and slid to a sudden stop, her knees practically scraping the ground as she waited a bit to catch her breath.

But Ria wasn't going to simply sit and let that happen, and as she started rushing forward to finish what she started Alex properly rose to her feet. As she did she was quite surprised to hear someone else speaking in the back of her mind, and though she knew they weren't exactly her own thoughts they sounded far too familiar to give her more than a moment's pause. I see that. Don't worry. Though those thoughts weren't her own they mirrored them, and as Alex set herself she concentrated on the strength within her. She focused on her own arrogance, the same arrogance borne from Aureus, the same arrogance that lived in all of her kind and refused to be denied. It poured through her, poured out of her, and after only a brief pause her eyes suddenly focused on the bounding giant rushing to end this match. She won't touch me.

As she felt her power manifesting and spilling out of her as that now familiar blast of heat powered by her own inner fire Alex took a moment to focus on the slight ringing she felt from both her sword and her armor. She was fairly certain that with all the enchantments they held they had developed minds of their own, but in the past two years she never really had to test herself against an opponent like this. Perhaps that was why they chose to remain quiet. Now that she was being pressed she guessed that they were finally speaking up, and she simply went with it by silently addressing her sword. Nail, I'm going to rely on you to defeat her. Alex's shield did little against the armor Ria wore, that massive plating offering excellent protection against any conventional attack. It looked like it weighed the woman down a bit, which most likely restricted the strength the demon used, but such was the price payed for such protection. But her sword would cut straight through it. She would tear through Ria's defenses as if they weren't there, and she would fell the mountain woman while leaving her weakened by the protection her blade rendered useless.

But before that... Whether Ria had closed the gap between them or not Alex brought her shield arm back and lashed out once more. The same strike aimed at the same place, only now she would not be ignored. She would strike Ria cleanly, and the oni would be knocked flat long enough for Alex to strike the woman's head with the flat of her blade. "It wasn't about trying to outmuscle you."

Activating Dragon's Pride at X=10, Upkeep=4.

+50 Dodge
+50 Resistance
+30 Perception

Dodge: 112 (+18 Round Heavy Shield) (+2 Aescila's Gift) (+10 Unarmed) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus)
Resistance: Resistance: 75 (+3 Lucky) (+6 Breastplate) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus/PP.Damage)
Perception: 85 (+3 Lucky) (+2 Aescila's Gift)

Followed by a regular Shield Slam with Defensive Fighting at 20 Hit for 20 Dodge

Shield Bash only
+10 Damage
Chance for Prone (Resist check)
-20 Hit
+20 Dodge

Dodge: 132 (+18 Round Heavy Shield) (+2 Aescila's Gift) (+10 Unarmed) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus)
Round Heavy Shield: (d20 + 65) [3d6 + 55] {Blunt}, DB = 18, EV = 0
Resistance: Resistance: 75 (+3 Lucky) (+6 Breastplate) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus/PP.Damage)

Followed by a normal attack, sword only with Defensive Fighting at 20 Hit for 20 Dodge

Dodge: 132 (+18 Round Heavy Shield) (+2 Aescila's Gift) (+10 Unarmed) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus)
Celestial Nail (Longsword): (d20 + 64) [2d6 + 53] {Slash/Pierce}, +2d10 Cold, Ignore AV

Other relevant stats:

Armor: 19 (+16 Breastplate)
Grapple: 70 (+3 Lucky)

And if you want to continue after that go ahead. Alex will stick with straight sword attacks and full defensive fighting for dodge. Any shots will be full slashes, but Alex won't aim for anything vital that would seriously injure or scar Ria. And once the match is ended drop Dragon's Pride down to X=6 for no upkeep.
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Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 45/75, PP = 60, EP = 54/85, Status = Injured, Draconic Transformation X = 5, Dragon's Pride X = 6.

Dingroria: Taken 100 damage, spent 16 EP.

Round 1
Alex activates her buff for 10 EP! Dingroria uses the chance to strike and squash Alex though!
Attack: ....Miss. She needed a 14, got a 9. After this, Alex's Defensive Fighting ensures that she basically can't hit.

Round 2
Alex shield slams and pays 4 EP upkeep!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 6 + 6 + 59 - 45 = 29/2 = 15 damage.
Resistance: Alex wins. Din goes down! Frighteningly, she could actually have made that check, albeit just barely.

Round 3
Alex stabs while Din gets up!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 2 + 53 + 2 + 4 - 20 = 47/2 = 24 damage.

Round 4
Alex stabs again while Din activates Rage and swings.
Attack (Alex) : Hit.
Damage: 5 + 1 + 53 + 3 + 4 - 20 = 46/2 = 23 damage.
Attack (Din) : Miss.

Round 5
Attack (Alex) : Hit.
Damage: 3 + 2 + 53 + 7 + 9 - 20 = 54/2 = 27 damage.
Attack (Din) : Miss.

Din surrenders, Alex wins! Dropping Pride down to X = 6 for upkeep.

Alex felt Nail quiver in her grip as if acknowledging her reliance on the blade's armor repelling magic, and her armor pulsed as well as it allowed for the enactment of her power. Not just physical strength, but raw will now suffused Alex's body, and she was ready to face the oncoming giant head on. Her increased strength was invisible to Alex, but the oni was no slow or clumsy opponent still, and in the vulnerable moment that Alex prepared herself the gigantic woman closed the distance between them. Her charge ended in a sideways swing that would have sent Alex flying aside.... If it had landed on her.

It never did. Alex's muscles tensed, and up into the air she went, sailing over Din's club to the roaring approval of the crowd, and the dragoness landed squarely on her feet ready to move. Capitalizing on the demon-blooded giant's moment of vulnerability, Alex once more shot forth like a lightning bolt with her shield at the ready. Dingroria shifted with the blow once again, moving to roll with the blow by reflex, but even with all her strength and size and skill, she wasn't ready for what Alex was bringing to the fight now. Her shield didn't hit much harder, but the will behind it, the arrogant pride of a true dragon, was not to be denied, not even by her. The sheer power of Alex's hit rocked her back and put her on her knees, a position that would take her longer to rise from than a normal person might given her size.

The oni's eyes were wide in surprise, but she wasn't out of the fight yet, and Alex took the opportunity as she rose to take a swing with her heavily enchanted blade. The magic imbued into the weapon by Aescila's gifted feather allowed it to cut through almost any protection, magical or no, and she'd seen that magic at work against Sir Andrast's armor only a few minutes earlier. When her blade met the oni's armor, Alex had rightly expected her sword to sink through the armor and cut against the red woman's flesh beneath, albeit lightly compared to what it might have done in a real battle. So, when her blade touched against the woman's armor, and Alex felt it brush against an opposing magic that was strangely, intimately familiar to her, and felt those two powers cancel each other out, it was understandable if the knight found herself surprised. Even so, the oni's natural toughness wasn't so defended, and her magical blade penetrated the woman's armor enough that it still harmed her, even through the arena's protective magics.

"Whoa! I guess your girl's the real deal then huh?" Ria stated, grinning despite the fact that her blood was rolling down her crimson skin, the two almost indistinguishable, leaking from a shallow cut on her abdomen. "Heh, never seen a fallen one before! I guess the enchantment works the same though!" Though she might be at a disadvantage now, the oni didn't seem to be one to quit, as she swung her club down at Alex once again. The dragon refused to be touched, however, and after stepping aside Alex gave the oni another cut on her bicep before the woman could recoil away. The crowd was loving the exchange, particularly as Ria seemed to grow frustrated with her inability to hit Alex and began to thrash wildly.

Her speed was her shield now, and Alex proved that expertly as she exchanged attacks with Dingroria to her full advantage. The massive woman was left with a series of minor flesh wounds, ones that would hardly slow her down alone but were beginning to add up. Alex knew it, and her opponent knew it too, to the point that her attacks became even more wild and savage, to the joy of those watching.... Mostly. Up in the stands, Aescila's knuckles were white as she clenched the rim of the arena tightly, and Angelle was looking on with all six eyes wide, both of her sentient wings staring at the battle right along with her. And then, it happened. Alex moved to evade a strike, and her footing wasn't set in time. Ria was just a tiny bit faster than her, and the diagonal swing that Alex had rolled under turned with a shift in the oni's stance into a downward swing with colossal force.

Alex couldn't hope to move out of the way in time. Taking the hit that was coming down onto her would squash her like a bug, armor or no, and much as instincts screamed at her, Alex only had one choice; she raised her shield and spread her legs apart, letting her stance help absorb the view. There was a thunderous crunch when the giant's club smashed down onto Alexandra's shield, loud enough that it either left her momentarily deaf or it silenced the crowd, and for a brief instant their two forces collided in full. An unstoppable force hit an immovable object as the mighty demon-blooded warrior sought to crush her, the daughter of a true dragon.... And this time, the dragon won. For that single instant they fought head on, a battle that Alex couldn't win, and then Alex shifted and the club landed with a thud to her side, the blow redirected as if it had glanced off of a dragon's scales. The sudden removal of that massive force left her spinning, but Alex used that momentum and swung out with her spin, cape flying as her gleaming blade swept out to do its grim duty.

The roar of the crowd returned to fill in the gap of silence that'd been left by Ria's club ringing against her shield as her sword took the oni's knee, and this time Dingroria actually cried out in pain and stumbled. Her opponent fell onto her unwounded knee, and when Alex moved in to strike again she held up both of her now empty hands and said; "Easy! You got me! I'm done!" The crowd was cheering wildly, and after a moment in which the beaten oni shrunk down to her normal size the announcer called out; "And so we have it! After a fantastic battle the bloody mountain beast has given in to the valiant dragon knight! What a fantastic match that was!" If Alex opted to look up just then, she would see the crimson armored knight standing beside the railing of the noble's box, watching her intently through the visor of his helmet.

"Damn, I haven't been trounced that hard since... Well, heh, I guess since the last time I fought a dragon!" Dingroria stated, and though she'd been beaten the oni was still wearing a smirk. "I've gotta say, I'm really impressed! I'd invite you out to drinks, but... Well, I'm a bit broke now. Didn't expect to face competition this good in an arena I guess! Not that I'm complainin mind, I love a good fight!" With the quick assistance of the one the arena healers, Ria's wounds were mended enough that she could stand, making her once more taller than Alex, though her normal height likely wasn't as intimidating now that Alex had seen her fighting in her grown form. "Well, I suppose you'll be wanting what you asked for now, eh? I don't know the boy's name, but he's got green scales like you do! They're a lot bigger though... And darker. And definitely not as pretty~"

The oni gave Alex a wink, but she didn't pause for long enough to offer the time to make any real interruption, "He's huge, almost as tall as I am, and he's got wings big enough that let him fly. He's pretty built too! If he hadn't whooped my ass three times now, I'd have tried to see how he handles in bed! Anyway, he likes to fight in close, and when he gets going he's almost as quick as you are! Got a tail like a mace too... Boy but doesn't that thing smart!" She seemed finished with her description, and the arena attendants were starting to glare at her, and so Ria smirked and said; "I can't really give you much more than that, but if you wanna know more about it I'll wait around for yah! A deal's a deal after all, even if I don't get to find out what you look like underneath all that armor~" She gave Alex another wink before limping off of the field, and then she was once again left with the choice of whether or not to continue fighting.

The crowd was cheering for more, and after seeing her come through her brief moment of peril against Dingroria both Angelle and Aescila looked positively giddy. "And so it's decision time again folks! Will the dragon knight grace us with another excellent performance like that last one, or will she bow out now?" the announcer called, and if Alex didn't want another fight after her match with the oni, she was free to leave the arena. Still, the crowd seemed to be digging her quite a bit, their cheering all the sign she needed that they wanted more, and the stands were now fully packed, including the sections around Aes and Angelle. The choice was still hers to make, however.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

That resistance... Her blade met armor, and though it should have tore a clean path through it Alex felt her blade fighting against the steel that met it. The angelic power granted by Aes met something else, something that felt far too much like her own to be ignored, and though she still bit into Ria's flesh and wounded the giant Alex was rather surprised to see that her opponent held such a boon.

But that didn't stop her from smirking at the oni's response, and even as she jumped to the side to avoid another smash she felt she had to answer. "That she is, but..." SLASH "...she's unlike any Fallen you would ever meet." The way the dragon hopped from place to place nearly made her look like she was dancing around the woman's attacks, and every step she made left her blade singing through the air as it bit into the demon and left another cut to match that crimson skin. "She's special."

For the next few seconds she felt herself working into a groove, her body seeming to move in sec with every one of Ria's attacks, and during each one Alex was left untouched while the oni was left a little more bloodied. But during one escape she felt something off. She couldn't get her foot set in time as she tried to recover from a roll. In an instant she knew why. She was being too cocky. Her pride was guiding her movements, and it forced her to grandstand by throwing her into a slower evasion that was nothing more than flash to incite the crowd. And Ria was no slouch. She capitalized on that moment of weakness, and her club was smashing down far faster then Alex could hope to evade. She knew it. Ria knew it. And somehow Alex knew that both Aes and Angelle knew it.

With her body being threatened with being flattened all Alex could do was listen to her instincts, and at that she rose her shield and braced it with both of her hands. She managed to set her stance the moment before the club landed, and in the next Alex felt like she was being driven into the ground. Her knees were already buckling, her arms were already at their limit, and had the ground been any softer she was sure she would have been buried up to her neck. But she couldn't give in. She wouldn't. She refused to let herself be humbled in front of so many, to be beaten by nothing more than brute strength, to let a dragon of all things submit to a demon! Her pride as the daughter of a noble flared in that instant, and it gave her the will to start throwing her weight to the side. And as she did she felt the club follow. It shifted, the force itself being thrown until Alex was no longer trying to fight it head on but merely brushing it aside like so much flak. When that weapon struck the ground she could feel the small tremor echoing under her feet, and it nearly made her stumble as she was forced to turn on one leg. But she kept turning, the momentum that nearly threw her aside being used to grant her the speed to spin herself closer, just enough to throw her blade out in an almost blind attack that still managed to find its mark.

Ria screamed in pain, a scream that was that much more impressive from an eleven foot monster of a woman, and as Alex recovered to press her advantage she found a pair of hands waving for mercy. Alex slowed herself, coming to a stop just short of finishing the already victorious match, and she let out a large huff of relief before letting her spirit relax a bit. Her pride calmed a moment later, its presence still there but weakened enough to no longer be a strain, and as she raised a head to let out another puff of relief she caught the crimson knight suddenly taking a very keen interest in her. Apparently she made quite the impression.

"Hey, don't sell yourself short! If it weren't for their enchantment I'm pretty certain you could have laid me flat with that opening volley." Alex probably enjoyed that fight as much as Ria did, and it showed in the smile she gave. But as she listened to the oni describe that dragon that smile started to fade. Once that description was done Alex was openly frowning, and her head dropped a little. He's here? That couldn't be... But the description matched her brother quite well, and though she wasn't quite certain it was more than enough to be considered a lead. "I'll find you then. I'll even pay for drinks!" Things had suddenly become a little too serious for a smile, but Alex gave Ria a respectful nod as the woman limped off to rest and recover.

It didn't take long for the announcer to start drumming up the crowd once more, though at this point they didn't need anything more to start cheering wildly. It was time for Alex to make her choice, and as she willed herself to calm down she looked over to her Mate and her daughter. They looked ready to bounce out of their seats, and whatever apprehensions the crowd had was long gone now that her two women were surrounded. Alex took a moment to simply absorb it all, and after that second she turned back to the announcer. She actually smirked as she started rotating her arms a bit to loosen them up after having deflected that final shot. "I think I've got enough in me for another one."

Once that was said she started gathering the ambient energy in the air. It was still a bit of a chore, she wasn't exactly a prodigy when it came to magic, but for what she had planned it would be enough. The energy gathered in her palms, a surprisingly gentle warmth that didn't bother her in the slightest, and when her hands closed she felt that warmth flowing into her. It sought out the sore muscles and bruised ribs from being slapped and slammed and thrown during that last fight, and she felt it easing her pains until the damage simply felt like it was melting away.

Cast Heat to heal Alex up to full, 2 EP per spell.

2(2d6 + 6) HP Restored

Aaaaand Alex left her cloak back in the waiting room. Loose clothing that's easily grabbed don't make for good clothing in battles.
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 75, PP = 60, EP = 50/85, Status = Fine, Draconic Transformation X = 5, Dragon's Pride X = 6.

Alex's healing spell costs 2 EP per casting.
Healing: 2 + 5 + 4 + 2 = 13 * 2 = 26 HP per spell. She's back to full in 2 casts.

"I'll bet she is!" Dingroria had shot back in the midst of their wild melee, "They always are!" Then, after the gigantic woman was beaten, she gave Alex a momentarily wider smirk for the half-dragon's compliment and said; "Bah, if you'd been ready from the start I'd never have hit yah! I was all kindsa ready for someone going for the knock-down, they do it all the time cuz of that dumb saying, so you were pretty much playing into my hand. Still, twas a lot more fun than I expected to find in here! I'm glad to have had it even if it does put me in something of a financial pickle!" The oni didn't miss the shift in Alex's expression as she described the dragon she'd fought, however, and her own expression dropped in turn, though it adopted curious undertones. Alex's promise to join her for drinks later brought the massive woman's smirk back in full, however, and she said; "I'll be lookin forward to it!"

And then Dingroria had exited the arena, and the crowd cheered as Alex declared herself fit for another bout. "Aaaaaand there you have it! We're ready for another round with the dragon knight, but who will she fight next?" Working her magic while she waited, Alex found that her injuries eased away rapidly despite her lack of any real practice in magic. Creshnibon had been a good teacher, and while the fire magic that she'd learned from the naga was by and large a destructive practice, that wasn't all that it was good for. The ritual she'd used to keep herself clear of corruption was one such use, and the handy little healing spell with which she restored herself to full physical strength. She'd still spent a healthy portion of her energies due to that last match, but she still had plenty left in reserve for the next one.

The announcer's question wasn't left hanging for long, however, as the man clad in the odd patchwork armor came striding up from the pit, greatsword hanging loosely over his shoulder. It was only in daylight that Alex really recognized the make of the unusual protective gear; it was orchish design, meant to combine to stop the most common weapons used against them, namely arrows and bullets. Blades, even unenchanted ones, tended to go through that sort of armor a good bit more easily due to all of the straps, but with her sword's magic that would likely be a moot point entirely. He walked up into the arena to what Alex could only assume was the crowd's surprise at his overall shabby appearance, and the announcer called out; "Well well weeeellll! What do we have here? Even I don't know about this one folks! We've got a wild card going up against the dragon knight!"

The man strode towards her until he was about ten feet away, his expression completely impassive all the while even as the crowd and the announcer payed him subtle insult. "Alexandra Alistar," he stated, his voice clear and steady and loud, but the sound was... Strange. It was almost as if it had been played separately from the rest of the sounds in the world, and as her name was announced by her soon-to-be opponent, she felt a part of her soul twinge in response. It was a mildly uncomfortable sensation, but Alex would immediately recognize that it was not a hostile one, as the feeling was more akin to the discomfort one might have felt when the inside of a joint was touched suddenly and without warning. It also didn't hurt that he'd treated her name with almost reverent respect, though his face was still grimly set. "You are of summer, and though your title is justly earned and we fight not on lethal terms, know that I will hold no quarter here upon the field of honor."

It had been difficult to detect given his grim tone and the shortness of his last statement, but when he spoke again Alex was able to hear the unusual lyrical quality of the shabby man's voice, a quality she had only ever heard among the highest ranks of the fey; the sidhe. "I am Arclan Clay, first knight of Winter Coldest, and I declare thee opposed. My purpose here is mandated, and so I say it thrice and done; I will not hold back. I will not hold back." The crowd, privy to this unusual moment of drama, was a bit more subdued than they'd been up until that point, but they began to stir once more as the announcer piped in; "Well, doesn't this one just keep on getting stranger? It's not everyday that we get a faerie fighting in the arena! Lets see how high his boasts stack against the dragon knight, particularly after she fought and won against the bloody mountain beast only moments ago!" That was signal enough, and Alex felt the man opposite her beginning to gather power.... Lots of power. She had a brief moment in which she'd be able to strike, however, and even if she didn't want to capitalize on her foe's moment of vulnerability, she could still spend that time gathering strength of her own. The arena mages had cast their spell on his sword already, and the fight was technically already started, though Alex was just as free as he'd been so far.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

It's time for another wall warning! I don't feel I did my best, but sitting here moaning about it would only delay the thread further. So I decided to just throw it out there.

As she felt her pains ease Alex closed her eyes and took in a deep yet gentle breath. A long, heavy sigh was sign enough that she was back full strength, at least physically, and once her eyes opened she soon found her next opponent approaching. The patchwork knight... There was no stopping the insults the crowd gave the man, either through their jeering or their silence, but Alex watched him carefully. She took an interest in him back when she was called, and now that he was out in the daylight that interest only grew. His armor actually held a purpose. Whether by design or by make it definitely belonged to the orcs, and it's construction allowed it to better weather the penetrative power of both bolts and bullets. He was starting to prove even more interesting out in the open...

But that was nothing compared to when he spoke. He called her name, and Alex grimaced a bit once she felt like her very soul itself was being addressed. It felt like he wanted every bit of her attention, his voice touching her so deeply that it was almost invasive, and when that small bit of discomfort passed he had what he sought. Alex focused her entirety on him, listening to him speak in the lyrical voice that came so easily to those of the faerie courts, and a moment later that suspicion was confirmed.

"Winter's Knight..." She knew not what she faced, but there was one thing she'd learned. Among the knights one stood apart from all others. A single soul hand-picked by the Queen and sworn to do her bidding and nothing else. For what purpose she never learned, each court held its own, but Winter... Mab was known for being cold and calculating, even ruthless at times. Hers was a world of frozen death, of brutal efficiency that knew no limit, or so the stories told. And if such a being were to choose a champion then that soul would be nothing less than a beast, a power of nature, a power of the harshest of nature, and that was what Alex faced now.

"Thrice said and thrice acknowledged..." She had no clue why Mab would have her pet face Alex right here and now, but as his oath was given and repeated until faerie law itself held him to that promise the dragon knight realized one thing: She couldn't back down. This was a field of honor. Even if it was non-lethal the fighters who graced this stage were sworn to pit their strength against another until one emerged victorious. And if Arclan was going to bring his very best...

"I acknowledge you, Winter Knight, and the geas you have sworn. And I give you my word, my honor, the very Dignity I hold as dragon-borne, that I shall meet your strength as best I can. This match shall not end until one of us falls."

Her answer was accompanied by a few cautious steps back, but her attention was drawn to all those around her. Arclan, the arena mages, she kept shifting her focus until she looked satisfied. Then it started. She gathered energy just as the knight did, but as she did the heat that poured off her body began to sharpen. It grew intense, overbearing, enough to cause the dragon knight herself to stumble a bit. It looked like she was being smothered by her own strength. The air around her warped with her presence, her body started to double over, smoke started pouring from every inch of her body, and just when it looked like she couldn't take any more it finally happened.

Her flame erupted. Her entire body was consumed by the power she held, the dragonfire that was the symbol of her ancestry running wild over every inch of her body until all that could be seen was her mere outline. And that fire still grew. It intensified and spread, acting as if it were actively consuming every shred of flesh it could find, and as Alex simply stood there within her own funeral pyre any trace of her was simply lost in a matter of moments.

But after a couple of seconds something fell out of that flame. It landed on four clawed feet, and once it appeared the dragonfire simply vanished without a trace. Only a miasma of smoke remained to conceal the form that was now shaking its body, and once that was done a pair of wings rose into the air before flapping once to scatter the cloud that clung to it. An almost serpentine neck rose into the air, and after a small turn to both the left and the right the draconic head that emerged was satisfied after taking a moment to look itself over.

The dragon that now stood there was odd. Though it resembled its brethren in general shape it seemed leaner, more sinewy than the hulking beasts others may have come to known. And it was smaller. It barely matched height with the mountain demon as Ria had been called, and if the oni were there and expanded as she had been the dragon would still find itself dwarfed. But even as diminutive as it looked there was no denying the strength that it held. Each and every muscle along its body was clearly defined even when hidden behind a scaled hide that looked far tougher than any amount of steel a man could forge, and as it stepped forward no one would fail to notice the claws that graced its two front legs. The right resembled the sharpened steel of full swords, one of them even sticking out a little farther and fully straight as if it were nothing more than a longsword embedded within the dragon's flesh. And the left claw... It was completely different. The talons it held were short and stubby, only good for ensuring the beast's grip and nothing else, but the bones in that arm's wrist and fingers were far larger. They seemed to flare out as if they were meant to join together, and once the dragon stopped and stood tall they very nearly did.

But what was truly strange was the sudden glow that started to extend over those clawed legs. The arena mages would instantly recognize it as their own work, and more observant watchers would notice a pale tone that overcame that right arm that so clearly resembled a divine power. But Aes would recognize it immediately. It was her own work. The blessing that granted a blade the power to inflict direct harm against its enemies was spreading across that dragon's right hand, and once it started glowing in full the dragon turned its attention toward Winter's Knight. That neck curled once again, this time allowing that horned head to dip in respect, and if there had been any doubt to this dragon's identity then that show of grace was proof enough.

Alex rose once more, her new form practically brimming with a strength she had never truly explored. And she would never have guessed that her gear would actually become a part of her. She could almost swear she was still holding her sword and shield within her hand, but as she flexed her fingers she feel each talon scraping against the ground as if they had always done so her entire life. The fact that she actually understood how to move was a little miracle in itself. It was almost like the beast within her had learned to walk, to run, to fly even when it laid at rest, and now that it was free it wouldn't hesitate to finally show what feats it could accomplish.

And that's what caused her to tense. She could feel herself eager to start, to test and explore her limits, and what better opponent to test them against then Winter's Knight of all Knights. He would withstand it. He may even defeat her, but even that thought was a mere shadow of itself. All she was focused on now was bringing her strength to bare.

At that she shot forward. Her legs all dug into the earth and propelled her forward, her wings joining in to push her forward just that much faster as she started charging straight into Arclan. For a few moments she looked like she was simply going to trample over him, to squash his body under her mass, but just before she reached him her body shifted. It looked like she was preparing to turn, to rush just past his right flank, but her left arm pulled back a little more. That claw closed and formed a fist, and those bony plates within her knuckles all came together and formed a nearly flat surface that was now aiming to sweep into the knight and try to knock him off his feet. That ram of a fist would continue no matter what, and whether it went past or through Arclan wouldn't matter. That twist that allowed that punch helped Alex wind up for the second attack, and before the faerie could hope to recover from the first he would soon find a set of claws bearing down on him. They came crashing down, giant blades of steely bone trying to open him like nothing more than a suckling pig, and if he were anything less than what he claimed to be then he would be have been flayed, strips of flesh simply falling off his bones, or he would had the arena mages not done their job.

But even as dangerous as she was Alex still kept a wary eye open. If Arclan was what he said he was then this wouldn't be enough to lay him flat, and his counterattack would be coming any moment. She wasn't sure she could stay clear of it or not, even if she leapt back and stood upright. She just needed to do what she could and somehow weather his attack before she could press him even further. And as far as she guessed this battle would probably end up being the bloodiest of the day, the both of them simply exchanging shots left and right and tearing into each other until one simply collapsed. Alex just hoped she could figure out how to make sure she was the one left standing.

Use Draconic Transformation at X = 21, Costing 25 EP and 4 HP, Upkeep = 16, then drink all the EP from the Signet Ring and Aescila's Gift for 40 EP restored

+105 Attack Rolls
+105 Melee Damage
+105 Grapple
+42 Armor

and we still have Dragon's Pride X = 6 going at Upkeep = 0

+30 Dodge
+30 Resistance
+18 Perception

With all of that put together her stats should look like this (spoiler'd for easy reference of enhanced base stats)

Dodge: 92 (+18 Round Heavy Shield) (+2 Aescila's Gift) (+10 Unarmed) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus)
Armor: 51 (+16 Breastplate)
Resistance: 55 (+3 Lucky) (+6 Breastplate) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus/PP.Damage)
Perception: 53 (+3 Lucky) (+2 Aescila's Gift)
Grapple: 155 (+3 Lucky)

Unarmed: (d20 + 160) [1d8 + 134] {Blunt}
Celestial Nail (Longsword): (d20 + 169) [2d6 + 138] {Slash/Pierce}, +2d10 Cold, Ignore AV
Round Heavy Shield: (d20 + 170) [3d6 + 130] {Blunt}, DB = 18, EV = 0

That being said we're starting off with Charge with Defensive Fighting at 20 Hit for 20 Dodge

-16 Attack Rolls
+4 Melee Damage
+10 Dodge
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 62/75, PP = 60, EP = 49/85, Status = Lightly Injured, Draconic Transformation X = 21, Dragon's Pride X = 6.

Dude: Spent 43 EP.

That is probably the single largest buff ever actually recorded in DG. Draconic Transformation, X = 21, costing as you said. Alex then noms the energy from her gear, gaining back 40 EP.
He activates Aspect of Spirit, X = 24 He buffs attack and dodge for 5X, and speed for 3X. He'll be paying 18 EP upkeep.

Round 1: Upkeeps are paid, and the battle commences!
Alex Charges with 20 points of defensive fighting.
Attack: Miss and miss.

The knight counterattacks.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 11 + 11 + 62 - 67 = 17/2 = 9 damage.

Alexandra's transformation was greeted at first by utter shock by the crowd. Many voices cried out as her body was not only wreathed in flame, but seemed to have been consumed by it, which only the handful with magical training or natural power had any warning of at all. Even Angelle and Aescila looked on in horror even though her angel could no doubt see that Alex was anything but dead, but when those massive wings spread out and beat away the cloud of smoke that her inner flame had conjured around her, the crowd went silent. "What.... In the hell? Is that... Her?" the stunned announcer said, supplying a voice to the question that many were asking with their eyes as Alex, now in dragon form, straightened and adjusted to her new body. Even Aescila didn't look quite certain, at least not until her graceful motions and the dip of respect she gave to her opponent assuaged her lover's fears.

There were only three people in the arena that didn't look afraid at the sight of the knight in her transformed state. One stood across from her, power gathering around him as his own being began to shift. Another was her daughter, who cracked a broad grin at the sight of her mother unharmed, recognizing Alex no matter what shape she took. The third stood up in the lord's booth, crimson knuckles clenched over the railing as the mysterious knight watched the two forces of primordial nature face off.

"You are strong," the knight opposite her stated as his body shifted, a transformation that was fundamentally different from Alex's taking place. "It will be a worthy match," the warrior's voice began to warp as his skin changed from the standard color of human flesh to the deep dark blue of endless winter, "but you will not win!" The faerie's body grew, not enough to match Alexandra in dragon form or even approach Dingroria's massive height, but in that frame was contained a well of raw power that was easily a match for what she called up. His skin and voice changed already, the knight's armor lost its glamour, dropping from the false front of armor in the orcish style to what it really was - full plate armor made of a black bronze enchanted to be harder than steel and yet lighter than silk. Standing before her fully transformed, the Winter Knight stood in his full glory, shrouded in a blue glow and covered from head to toe in black metal that was itself covered in softly glowing runes.

And then, dragon's fire and winter's cold began their deadly clash. Alex shot forward with claws extended, clawed feet digging furrows in the ground as she reached out with bladed fingers that could shred a being to ribbons with a single touch courtesy of the magic inherent in Aescila's gift to her blade. Faster than any mortal eye could see and with more power than a raging ogre, Alex the dragon reached out at the glowing sidhe, and found that he simply wasn't there. The heavy figure had moved to the side in a glowing blur, sidestepping her charge completely, and brought his blade to bear against her armored back. Fey metal clashed against the dragon's scales, fire and ice competing and eventually extinguishing one another, but even against the knight's powerful blow her scales held. When the blade came away as he darted back to avoid her lashing tail, Alex's scales had little more than a small scratch across them, but even that was mitigated by the arena's magics.

It seemed like it would be a reversal of her usual role. Normally, Alex was the one who sought to avoid the hits, taking them on her shield or avoiding them completely, but now she was the one shrugging off the hits like so much candy while her opponent was forced to dance around her. That didn't make the fey knight any less deadly of an opponent, however, as Alex could see him winding up to put more power into his next swing. That said, her claws could shred through armor like so much paper unless his armor held the same enchantment as Dingroria's, and given that she couldn't smell the draconic aura that was associated with that particular enchantment on him, that was unlikely. One solid hit from her claws would likely end the match in her favor, arena enchantments or no, but she had to land that hit first. Turning to face him, Arclan stood some thirty feet away, his back almost pressed to the arena wall and his sword held in both hands. As graceful and as inhumanly fast as she was in this form, Alex was still the slower of the two, as she could only just barely track him when he was moving at full speed, but that only made it more of a challenge. What Alex was going to do next was up to her, but the crowd that had been silent roared in awe as the two inhuman beings clashed.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Damn... She knew he'd be strong. Haedrin had given her a glimpse of a knight's true strength during their march to reclaim her home, but watching move in an instant, seeing him become nothing more than a glowing blur of motion that was already bearing down on her back even while her claws were still reaching out to strike him... It was insane! He shouldn't have been able to move that quickly! NO ONE should be able to move that quickly! It was ludicrous, and her more bestial nature completely agreed. She could feel something deep within her rumbling in frustration, and as her tail whipped out to drive the knight back that rumble felt like it was growing more angry by the moment. And in a moment she understood why. She could feel the beast she released fuming at the faerie. He was strong. He was fast. But absolutely NOTHING had the right to escape a dragon!

Before those thoughts could manifest into something else Alex willed herself to calm. She turned toward her opponent and studied him. Covered as he was in his black armor she could still feel him gathering his strength. He was preparing to strike even harder, to force his blade to tear through her hide just as she had done to both Sir Gregor and Ria, and though she was sure she could weather even that she knew she was running out of time. Her strength was awesome, everyone realized that, Arclan, the crowd, even her admirer up in the noble's booth, but the strength came at a price. She was burning through her reserves far faster than she liked, and very soon those reserves would run dry. She'd be forced to revert to something more human, and though she could maintain a fairly strong body without taxing her spirit that body would be nothing compared to Winter's power. Arclan would be free to simply rush in and tear her apart, and there would be nothing she could do to stop it.

But it didn't like like she'd have much choice. Even with her strength at its peak the knight was still far too fast for his own good. That last exchange proved that she just couldn't catch him. He was too quick, too nimble for her claws to reach, just like...

Alex started rushing after Arclan. It almost looked like she was bounding, her entire body rushing to meet him before he could think of changing positions. And as she neared she even took to the air. She leapt at him, her wings kicking once to give her a boost as she rose, and though she didn't truly fly she was definitely going to pounce and bring her entire weight down on his frame. But looks would be deceiving. He would probably notice the odd angle she chose, how it would send her flying a little too high and leave her crashing into the wall behind him. It would probably surprise the crowd even more, but just before she looked like she would crash her body flipped. She landed on all four, her legs bending as her claws dug into the stone long enough to let her body coil and find its target. Either Arclan would still be standing there, or he would already be moving. And either way Alex was ready. Once she was certain where he would be she sprang forward, her entire body kicking off her perch as she dove right after him. And this time her shielded claw remained open. She swept her arms forward, either one hoping to trip the knight before he could react, and once he stumbled she pounced. She dove onto the man, her claws reaching out and trying to find a grip on Arclan before he could use his speed to escape, and she would try to wrestle him to the ground and leave him pinned on his back.

Upgraded Stats
Dodge: 92 (+18 Round Heavy Shield) (+2 Aescila's Gift) (+10 Unarmed) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus)
Armor: 51 (+16 Breastplate)
Resistance: 55 (+3 Lucky) (+6 Breastplate) (+10 vs Magic/Powers/Succubus/PP.Damage)
Perception: 53 (+3 Lucky) (+2 Aescila's Gift)
Grapple: 155 (+3 Lucky)

Unarmed: (d20 + 160) [1d8 + 134] {Blunt}
Celestial Nail (Longsword): (d20 + 169) [2d6 + 138] {Slash/Pierce}, +2d10 Cold, Ignore AV
Round Heavy Shield: (d20 + 170) [3d6 + 130] {Blunt}, DB = 18, EV = 0

We're going in for a Grapple!

+105 Attack Rolls
Grapple: 155 (+3 Lucky)

That will give me an effective starting grapple score of:

Grapple: 260 (+3 Lucky)

And I don't think he'll escape, so...

Once she felt the knight was secure enough where he couldn't escape she rose in her struggles. One of her hind legs came forward, and though it may look undignified she used that foot to simply step on him. It would be enough to keep him held as she prepared herself, and once she was ready that foot fell away. Immediately following that her right arm swept the ground, and her clawed hand tore a number of trenches through the ground as it passed over and raked Arclan's body in one savage swipe. And not to be outdone her left balled into a fist once more, and it was quickly descending to crush the knight at his center mass and hold him there. But just before it stuck Alex carefully watched her opponent, and should it look like the hammer that was her arm would prove to be overkill she would stop it mere inches from his body. Even if the magics of the arena prevented death she still didn't want to risk crushing him beyond recognition.

Grapple Attack!
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 62/75, PP = 60, EP = 1/85, Status = Lightly Injured, Draconic Transformation X = 21, Dragon's Pride X = 6, Low on Energy

Alex's Upkeep: 16. Knight's Upkeep: 18.
Alex pays her upkeep and tries to grapple the knight.
Attack: Hit.

The knight cannot attack with a two handed weapon in a grapple, and so his action changes to attempting to escape.
Grapple: Alex wins.

Alex then tries to pound him into the dirt, all charger like, while he switches his Aspect of Spirit to X = 17, +7X Dodge, +5X Grapple, +3X Speed. That's a total of +119 Dodge, +85 grapple, and +51 Speed for an activation cost of 18 EP and an upkeep of 14 EP.
Grapple: He wins.

Grapple next round, Alex tries to pound him into the dirt and he tries to escape.
Grapple: Alex wins.
Damage: 2 + 2 + 138 + 8 + 10 - 5 (frost resistance) + 8 (ironbane) = 163 damage unmitigated.

Alex wins! She gains a grand total of 12 exp from her Arena fights up until this point.

Arclan, true to the style of combat that he'd chosen to fight Alex in dragon form, darted aside at the last possible second as the bounding dragoness rushed forward and leaped at him. It was likely that he'd intended to force her to crash into the wall given his choice of positioning, but when Alex slammed into it and smoothly rebounded after the fleeing knight. The Winter Knight's speed was such that he reacted instantaneously, switching his direction to an arc that would have carried him well out of her reach even then, but a single flap of Alex's wings was enough to change her course to intercept, and one of her arms caught the knight's legs and sent him tumbling to the ground. He was scrambling to get back to his feet immediately, but she had reoriented and pounced on top of him before he'd even risen above his knees.

With her opponent knocked onto his back and then swiftly planted beneath her foot, Alex had him pinned squarely beneath her only a moment later, and raised her sword claw to rake over the struggling knight's body. Even as she moved in for what would likely be a decisive blow, she felt the flow of Arclan's power change suddenly, and just as her claws left the stone through which they gouged to start their deadly work upon her opponent, he reached out and caught her wrist in his hand. She could feel his energies starting to wane just as hers were, but it was clear that Alex's power would be the first to run out. Arclan knew it too, and so they struggled for a few brief heartbeats, both of them waning in strength even as the two metaphorical titans struggled with might against might.

In the end, Alex's superior positioning and greater size sealed her victory in that contest. Strong as he was, Arclan was holding her off with only one arm from a position on his back, while Alex could exert her weight in addition to her superhuman strength. When his resistance finally crumbled, it did so immediately, and Alex's swing completed as her deadly claws ripped across his body. The enchantments laid on her weapon by the arena mages worked to blunt her deadly slashes, but the moment that they touched the knight's body there came a sudden surge of energy around her hand, the source of which was impossible to detect. The magic that would have protected Arclan crumbled, and he was exposed to the full lethal might of her strike before Alex could try to withhold her strength.

His armor was helpless before the enchantment laid on her sword, and the faerie's flesh offered no more resistance to her bladelike talons than warm butter would have. Blood surged up and coated Alex's scales as the knight let out a gasp of surprise and pain, but that was the only sound that Arclan made as her claws passed through his body, leaving a series of bloody gouges as she shredded through bone and muscle and steel. Her strike had taken maybe a heartbeat from when it had first touched his flesh to when it left its body, but in that time Alex already knew that her blow would not be survived.

The crowd gasped in horror as they saw the torrent of blood erupt from her opponent's body, a few seconds late to see the death-blow and left in stunned silence afterwards. The arena's mages were rushing forward, no doubt intending to see if they could save the man, but beneath Alex she felt yet another stirring of power, and a moment later Arclan's soul was ripped free of his dying body and dragged away. Likely a little stunned herself, Alexandra was able to track the flight of that captured soul..... As it sped directly towards her lover, who looked no less stunned and horrified than anyone else, and vanished from her senses the very moment that it came into contact with the dark angel's aura.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

He stopped her... His arm stretched out and caught her wrist before she could strike, and her claws were simply left extended as her arm was held in the air mere lengths from completing their deadly work. And it was just that one arm... That frustration she felt earlier started to swell once again. It was roaring within her mind, raging against the sheer audacity of this man to dare hold back a dragon's strength with nothing but a single arm. It wanted to press harder, to break this resistance that dared to defy her, to tear into him and leave him as nothing more than an exposed corpse.

Alex quelled those thoughts once more, but she couldn't silence them. The rage that was building in her ancestry was wailing within her mind, and it ordered her to press harder. To lean further. To throw her entire weight into that single swipe so she could end this fight and put this lesser being in its place. Even with her reserves burning down to near nothing she kept pressing, her arm practically trembling as the unrelenting force of a dragon's might was held by the unyielding harshness of winter itself.

All it would take was one moment of weakness. One moment of frailty would either make or break her pride, and after a few more moments of struggle it finally came. Arclan's grip folded just a tiny bit, and it was enough for Alex's claws to rip through. She bore down with all her restrained strength, and it tore through that armor like-

The spray of crimson that coated her front and side was more than enough to paralyze Alex in shock, but the small gasp that quickly followed brought that shock to an even greater level. She froze for a second, her arm extended across her body as it finished its lethal swipe, and once she heard the mages rushing forward she took a few steps back give them room. That was when she truly noticed how she had simply opened him like some helpless animal, and it caused her to sink back a little farther on three legs while that fourth was still held off the ground. She looked at it, at the bloodied claws that even then shimmered with their divine enchantment, but no sign of the mages' protection could be seen. The failsafe had been utterly destroyed in an instant, and for a few moments she simply sat there wondering why the Hell that magic simply-

Something else stirred from the knight, and as Alex turned she suddenly felt the man's soul burst from his body. There was nothing to truly see, nothing that could be seen, but even then her eyes followed its path as the last remnants of Arclan's identity were forced from his body and was sent spiraling unnaturally into the crowd before it suddenly vanished. That left her staring directly at Aes.

Alex didn't know what to think. She didn't know what to do. She didn't even know why she sat there stunned while her talons dripped while a fresh coat of crimson started cooling against her scales. She was simply stunned, enough so that she dropped all the power she gathered and allowed her strength to simply bleed away. Her entire outline simply turned into a flash of fire that revealed the dragonkin in her natural form, and though that outer layer had disappeared she still somehow managed to keep the coating of Arclan's death against her body and her sword. It was only when she finally reverted to her true self that she finally made some sort of motion, and all that amounted to was a single whispered word that showed exactly where her ultimate concern laid. "Aes...?"

Immediately following that the events over the last few seconds all came crashing down on her once more. She had a brief glimpse of the things that were to come, and the loosened grip that she held on her weapon tightened before she brought it up. That grip opened for just a moment before tightening along the blade itself, and after a small twist she was intently looking on the hilt of Celestial Nail. "What happened?" She didn't know why she was doing this exactly, but she just couldn't seem to stop herself. Something happened to the magic placed over her blade, and if anyone could understand what that was it was the sword itself.