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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

A fertility potion... Great. They really were serious about knocking her up. Thankfully she already took its opposite earlier today. Or was it yesterday? Shit, was she out for that long? Had its effect already expired? And what if it hadn't? Would they counteract each other? Would the infertility stay active only to finally clear and leave her womb the perfect fertile land to plant these asshole's seed? Would this new potion overwrite the old? As much as Alex wanted answers to these questions she didn't ask. Matat could probably just whip up something that would flush her system and ensure the orcs got what they wanted. Or they might just wait her out. Make sure her system was fully cleared before starting over again, and she'd probably be left bound the entire time while the males simply came in just to have fun. And that might take time. If she wanted to do anything about this mess then she needed to get it over with as soon as she could.

While Alex kept quiet an odd question followed. "Not really. Some develop a bit of a heat cycle, but those are rare, especially for the half breeds." There was more to it, especially in how her body recovered, but she was lucky enough not to suffer most human trappings and conditions that a normal dragon would find inconvenient.

A pout followed that answer, and Alex was quite amused at Matat's reaction, but that didn't last for long. A tingling warmth started spreading deep within her belly, a familiar heat that started to spread throughout her body and left the dragoness quite distracted by the arousal settling into her very bones. It was similar to what she felt whenever Aescila managed to drug Alex, but as her need grew that point was passed. Her body and core were itching for attention, demanding satisfaction, and with each passing moment those demands became louder and louder until she felt like she was about ready to scream for some dick so she could sate this need to feel someone filling her depths and fulfilling every natural desire her body had ever had.

With that insistent screaming flooding Alex's mind she was having a hard time concentrating on anything but the emptiness she held, but with Matat being the only other warm body within the tent she could keep that desire at bay. Especially with the frustration of not being able to take things into her own hands causing her to fidget in place without any hope of relief. Matat was doing much the same but for different reasons, her nervousness showing in spades as she finally mustered the courage to tug off her robes and reveal the hard body that lay beneath. The woman was toned and athletic, each muscle standing out in a way that made Alex want to get up and lick them to see how they taste, and though her bust might have been lacking the shaman's rear was plump enough that it actually garnered a grunt of approval from the captive dragon. But Matat was still quite nervous, and after a little more fidgeting she revealed why. This caught Alex off guard, enough to quell a bit of that overwhelming lust, and after a bit she asked, "This as in the whole claiming your prize bit or..." No matter what answer came Alex was finding it more and more difficult to keep herself in check. A part of her desperately wanted to tear these bindings to shred and smother the inexperienced shaman with affection, especially if Matat revealed that she was still pure, and even as bound as she was the tip of Alex's tail would start twitching back and forth despite whatever discomfort it might cause. It was the perfect sign that she was far too excited for her own liking.

That only grew worse once her wedding band was pulled free. Alex would recognize it anywhere, and though her inner dragon demanded that she reclaim her property right this minute the fact that Mata was actually going to use it hit her hard. "Just once. I used to surprise my Mate..." It was a surprise that she even managed to say that as her eyes were glued to the growing bulge hidden by the shaman's loincloth, and once that offending piece of cloth was finally removed Alex could look nowhere else. All she could see was the cock stirring before her eyes, how it shifted just the tiniest bit even as the woman holding it complained and hid it before realizing she was supposed to do more. A tentative touch led to a longer stroke, the sensation causing Matat to gasp in surprise while Alex simply gasped in need as she watched the thing grow stronger and stronger until her captor was openly toying with herself and held a proud length that Alex desperately needed within her.

THAT only grew worse when more people finally started to arrive. Four men and a woman entered, the scent of so many males bringing her sex into overdrive as it was obviously leaking all over the ground by that point and beckoning any of the men to step forward and fill this damned emptiness that was driving Alex insane. But she was distracted by the orcess coming around to triumphantly take Alex by the hair and force the dragon to look into her eyes. She boasted of being the one to finally take Alex down, and though she bemoaned the fact that she couldn't properly claim the prize herself she teased Alex with the knowledge that her brethren would just have to step up to the task. When asked how she felt Alex managed to focus herself just enough to look her tormentor in the eye, and then with her own cocky confidence she replied. "Woman, if I weren't tied down I'd bring you down and screw you so hard you'd be nothing more than a pile of quivering flesh begging me to finish you off time and again until you broke." And she could. The female archer would see that Alex absolutely believed every word she just said, and if she was given the chance she'd show this upstart just how out of her depth she truly was.

When she was released Alex's focus was lost, her attention turning toward each of the males that were steadily filling the area and revealing that the rumors of orcish virility were quite true. Each bore a huge length, the smallest being a mere nine inches that would shame most human men, and she could barely register that Matat declared her ready before a pair of them moved forward. One approached from the front, the surprise that she had not been gagged evident in his voice even as he was told to be careful, but whatever caution he took wouldn't be needed. Even if her lips couldn't reach him her tongue could, and the moment he was close enough she started unfurling it to stroke all around the rim of his head. And, oh gods, that first taste sent her reeling. It made her nearly roll her eyes into the back of her head, her lust burning so fiercely that it felt like it was consuming her from the inside out. It left her pulling him closer even as he approached, and whether he wanted to or not she made sure he was buried down her throat before she let out a pleading moan of satisfaction.

While she started sucking the every living shit out of the man before her his comrade approached Alex from the rear. He like so many other men and women before him took to slapping her ass simply to watch it jiggle, and though she couldn't do much to entice her new admirer to get to work already she truly didn't need to. He started exploring her, his fingers squeezing and shaking and testing just how pliant her rear could be, and once he was satisfied he finally brought his cock into play. It bounced against the globes of her rear, each leaving behind a drop of warmth while something cool was left to drip over each cheek, and with each tiny slap that landed she felt him draweing ever closer to the inferno burning between her legs. It brought her attentions to the man before her to a halt, her breath panting and hitching with each inch that brought the length behind her to her canal, and as he gave that one fleeting brush past her lips her body visibly jumped within her bindings, her sex practically pulsing as if it were trying to reach out and pull him deeper the moment he deigned to enter her. But such was not to be. He aimed higher, her rear clenching for only a moment before the muscles relaxed and let the orc slide himself past her ring and into her bowels with his own groan. Had Alex been free she would have slammed herself against his hips in the next moment, but all she could manage was a wasted effort and an answering groan from herself before he tongue went back to lavishing the cock in her mouth with all the attention it deserved. It was the first bit of relief she felt every since this heat had taken hold, and though it was far from enough to quench it she was given the focus she needed to finally act as much as she could. There wasn't much she could do, not as tightly bound as she was, but no matter how they acted or what pace they set she would do her best to rock herself between them. Even if all she gained was nothing more than the tiniest sliver of an inch that bit of motion would be more than enough to start putting her skills to use, and she would do everything she could to fuck the ever living shit out of the men surrounding her.
Last edited:
: HP = 80/80, PP = 64, EP = 88/88, Signet Ring EP = 0/30, Aes's Ring EP = 0/10, Status = Possibly Infertile, Breeder's Toxin, HEAT Drug, Bound, Sealing Collar'd, Naked
Dragon's Pride: Cost = X-2, Upkeep = X-5
+2X Dodge
+2X Grapple Escapes
+X Resistance
+X Resistance Defense
+X/4 Perception dice
Cannot be countered/dispelled

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, waiting
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

"Uhmmm... W-well... That, and... Really any of this... Hah," Matat replied nervously, her voice taking on an unintentionally erotic tone. "I've never had one of these myself before, and uhh... N-never really went all the way with anyone who did. It's not my first time seeing one at least!" She glanced aside bashfully again, her hands momentarily slowing on the working of her shaft, but that didn't last for long.

However Alex might react to Matat's revelation that she was essentially a virgin, when the other orcs started arriving and the orc confronted, Alex's fairly coherent response had her and the other orcs - minus Matat who only giggled and turned scarlet - laughing. "Would ya? Bet that'd be fun! It's yer turn to be on the receiving end now though, eh?" she replied, giving Alex a pat on the cheek before heading off, apparently to take her turn at keeping watch.

All too soon they were upon her in full, however, and when the first lined up with her mouth and Alex's tongue extended to meet him the orc let out a sound that was half groan and half chuckle, letting her tongue flick over his helmet for a few moments without getting any closer no matter how insistently he tugged. Gradually he slid forward, touching her lips, then entering her mouth to about an inch before making one dramatic thrust that left his long, thick rod all the way down her throat, her nose pressed against the man's crotch, and his balls resting on her chin. The man groaned in blissful approval, some hints of surprise at how eager she was in her intense efforts to suck him off, and while the half-dragon's work might be momentarily stalled once the man behind her pushed his cock into her ass that distraction wasn't to last long.

What followed proved to be something of a pattern as the two orcs spitroasting her got into motion, Alex pushing back and forth with what little distance she could manage in her bindings and working her tongue onto the cock in her mouth. Her oral efforts were undiminished by her helpless position, leaving the orc before her groaning in pure ecstasy while pumping against her face, and even barely able to move the half-dragon's tight rear was enough to leave the man behind her gasping and groaning. The one behind grabbed her waist, gripped for dear life, and started pounded into her with reckless abandon, hammering into her inner sweet spot hard enough to send stars appearing in the half dragon's vision. Her sensitivity was magnified by the inferno of pure need flaring in her core and the slight cutting off of her air from the member regularly filling her throat, and the familiar knot of an oncoming orgasm started coiling up in her belly. Neither of them were lacking in stamina by any means, but they made little effort to conserve it as both of them fucked her with relentless vigor and a pace that rapidly built into the animalistic rut that her body was absolutely screaming for.

Skilled as she was, so were her partners; the orc behind her pumped into her simply but brutally, hitting that sweet spot in her ass with every single thrust, and his pace was perfect to keep those bursts of pleasure coming just so that each amplified the next. The one in front wasn't having as big of an effect, but the taste of him was singing to the heat that her body had been pushed into. Their rhythm met nearly perfectly, and their sheer size was so utterly satiating that the only thing inhibiting her from being fully sunk into bliss was how badly her sex ached to be filled. All together that ensured that Alex was driven to orgasm by the cock pounding into her ass all too quickly; she felt her peak hit as soon as his thrusting became haphazard and his thick rod started throbbing inside of her. Something snapped in her mind at the mere notion of feeling him cum inside of her, even if it wasn't in the hole where her drugged body needed it most, and when she clenched around him the orc gave one last prolonged, blissful groan as he gave his last few quick thrusts. The second that his liquid heat erupted into her bowels her orgasm redoubled, and the orc happily poured his entire load into her while his member throbbed hard enough to send quakes running through her hypersensitive body. The orc in her mouth started cumming down her throat, keeping bottomed out there and ensuring that she swallowed every drop, while the one in her ass was basking in his afterglow.

After about a minute the orc behind her pulled out, letting some of his fresh cum ooze out of her, dribbling down over her petals. He gave one last slap against her ass, sending the lightly stinging flesh jiggling while he straightened up and rejoined the line. "Nnnf... Great ass, bet that fuckin pussy will be just as good!" he grunted while the other slowly pulled back, letting Alex draw in her first real breath in a while once he had withdrawn to the point that only his tip was resting in her mouth. The last few globs of his release were dropped onto her tongue, and the mere flavor of the potent cream was again enough to force her excitement to rise to yet another new level.

The first two to enjoy her were quick to be replaced, and this time it was Matat kneeling in front of her, pointing the conjured cock at Alex's face. The brief break hadn't allowed her to cool down at all - the heat wouldn't allow it - but it had allowed her to feel the familiar tingling to either side of her womb, akin to what she'd felt when the gruff Garruk had amplified her fertility. Whether or not it meant that her protective potion had run out still wasn't fully clear, but it wasn't a good sign; orcs were as known for the potency of their seed as the hyper masculine goatmen, and if she was fertile again and the orcs switched their attentions to her sex it likely wouldn't be a question of "if" their seed would take root, but whose sperm would be lucky enough to claim any eggs that her ovaries were to shed.

"Enjoying yourself yet?" the blushing shaman asked, keeping her cock hovering just out of reach of Alex's lips, though not her tongue. Any attention at all would draw a surprised gasp from the inexperienced, and unlike the rest of the orcs Matat would sidle forward gradually as she reveled in the pleasures that the half-dragon's tongue could provide, letting Alex taste each portion of her a little bit at a time until she had about an inch of the shaman's conjured cock in addition to the bulbous tip to play with. Matat would prove surprised by anything and everything that Alex did to pleasure her, and while the rest of the men lined up to fuck her mouth would all make sure to enjoy her throat at some point through the course of their turns, Matat was the only one who would only do so if Alex actively invited it. Matat's stamina would prove the least of her partners for the day, but she would also prove to be the most expressive of how much she enjoyed it; she gasped and groaned and whimpered and murmured, making all sorts of noises to signal the sensations that Alex's mouth were creating, and her expressions and the physical reactions of her member were just as intense. Another one of the men replaced the man who had just fucked Alex from behind, this one kneeling and grabbing the base of her tail and one hip but otherwise doing much the same to her as the last one to claim her ass had done, but Matat came in her mouth over a minute before he was finished. The shaman's first orgasm was intense, and she pulled back until only the tip was resting in Alex's mouth before she started shuddering, her hips giving light reflexive little pumps that kept her seed spewing into the half-dragon's mouth until it was filled to capacity, at which point she pulled back and let the last pair of ropes paint short lines across the bridge of her nose and along her chin.

The rest of the orcs varied little from the first two overall, but all twelve of them made sure that they had a turn on one of her holes. Every sampling of their thick, salty flavor was more intoxicating than the last, varying to small degrees but her addled mind couldn't help but concentrate on the pure potency of the stuff. She could smell and taste the pheromones emanating from every drop that she swallowed far more intensely than normal because of the potions she'd been made to imbibe, and they just kept feeding their seed to her. After Matat one of them held back a bit, teasing her and himself as he hovered on the edge of release by rubbing his tip over her lips before finally jerking himself to completion with his tip barely past her lips, repeating the shaman's filling of her mouth. The next went half and half, shooting his opening salvo down her throat before pulling back to mostly flood her mouth with the rest before hovering for over a minute, giving over several globs before he'd surrendered the last dregs of his seed, making her hunger for every sample and gloating about he greedy she was for their cum now all the while. The fifth to claim her mouth simply made her swallow his whole load, going halfway down her throat and continuing to thrust, choking her on his member and the semen spewing from it. The last offered his seed much like Matat had, filling her mouth with it, but when he was nearly finished he thrust to the hilt down her throat and gave a last few modest ropes as deep as he could go, forcing some of the potent cream in her mouth to spill out past her lips; he remained longer than most as he gave a few shallow thrusts, emptying his dregs for her to drink down and causing her vision to start to tunnel from lack of air before he pulled out.

The orcs enjoying her ass were much the same; they varied only slightly, each of them enjoying taking her from behind with savage vigor before they came on or in her. The second lasted the longest, albeit only by a bit; all of them had enough stamina that Alex was cumming before any of them, her release triggering their own at times but just as often coming before they were even particularly close. He didn't deviate much from the first, cumming deep into her ass only to watch it ooze out, the sensation of it running over her petals leaving her womb throbbing with a need to taste a direct sampling. The third, when it was time for him to cum, pulled out after filling her bowels with only a few blasts of cum, sliding his oil-slick cock between her bubbly cheeks to issue spurts the splattered over her lower back and the base of her tail. The fourth pulled out entirely and shoved his rod into her then vacant mouth, ensuring that she swallowed more than she felt inside of her; even not taking those shots into her ass was nearly agonizing to the thought-dominating need to feel her womb finally be filled, but she couldn't do anything but drink it down. After being made to swallow the extra load, the fifth orc came half in and half out, letting the first few shots go deep into her before pulling out to spurt a few shots against her sex, then slipping back into her ass to deliver a few more before finally pulling out to slide between her cheeks, working out his own dregs by stroking himself between them. The last repeated what the first had done, bottoming out to deliver the full volume of his release deep into her bowels, but when he pulled out for once he wasn't immediately replaced.

They had all had a turn on her by then, but the first had had plenty of time to get ready for round two... Not that any of them seemed to need it. By that point she'd been fucked through a string of orgasms, her sexual prowess allowing her to break at best, and while none had given her the true satisfaction that she craved Alex's body was still singing the praises for the gang of orcs having their way with her. "
How ya feeling?" one of them asked blithely, and the others chuckled softly while Alex was conjuring whatever response she could manage by that point. Her throat and ass had both been given something of a workout, but other than the occasional teasing brush of a cock and what oozed out of her ass post filling her pussy had gone painfully unstimulated. Normally that might have not been a problem, their brutal rutting of her asshole had been intensely pleasurable, but the Heat that she was going through demanded that she feel her pussy be filled.

It's time," Matat announced after a few moments, and nodded to one of the orcs. Alex would recognize him as the one who had first fucked her in the ass, allegedly one of those who had managed to hit her with their lances that had ultimately put her in this position, and he resumed his old position with just a slight difference. Rather than fully squat down he planted a foot past her hip, and his other knee against the ground behind her. He grabbed her ass with one hand, pulling a cheek aside slightly, and used the other to slide his member between her parted cheeks. This time he passed over her ass, giving it only a few teasing prods before going further down to repeat the gesture against her sex. There was no torturous sliding back upwards as she might have expected, however; the orc did tease, but once his member was aimed his fat, bulbous head only parted her sopping nether lips more and more. No matter how hard she thrashed against her bindings Alex couldn't even push back a full inch, taking less than the entire tip before she could move backwards no more, and no matter how she might plead the orc only teased her further while the others laughed and jeered. By then her pussy was shrieking with unendurable need, the sensation of even just being barely touched both nearly climactic in its power and an even stronger torment than her need alone.

For the better part of a minute - which felt like a year - the orc slipped up and down, sawed back and forth, slowly but surely pushing into her pussy until about an inch of shaft was in her clenching depths. "
I get to be first," he murmured suddenly, the hand on his shaft moving to grab her hip while the one on her ass gave her ample flesh another playful kneading, "but I'm not going to be the only one cumming in your tight hole soon. Every last one of us..." He trailed off, and Alex thought she felt a chuckle burbling up in his throat, but what came out was a groan as he thrust forward. By then she was soaking wet, and her folds parted to welcome him effortlessly even as their agonized screams of need became a lauding song of total euphoria. Inch after inch sank into her, shudders running across her frame, and when finally he reached her deepest reaches and his cock kissed her cervix Alex had no choice; she orgasmed so hard that the stars popping into her vision blinded her and as it trailed off she momentarily blacked out. Other partners might have been individually larger; Ria and Garruk and even Aescila's more impressive conjured cocks for instance, but where Roko had fit her absolutely perfectly this orc STRETCHED her absolutely perfectly. Every nerve was singing as her inner walls embraced him and experienced him to the last detail, his mere presence a howl of bliss but every texture and vein and especially the pronounced ridge around the head all turning that howl into an otherworldly roar.

With his first thrust into her sex made, the orc only took a few seconds to revel in her pussy's desperate milking before he tightened his grip on her hips and started pumping into her. She had gotten to know his pace before, all too well, but any expectations that she had were blown away as he got up to speed. Her heat was finally being satisfied, something long and hard and thick was finally pumping into her folds, and cry out as her mind might at the notion of enjoying this Alex's body knew that it was finally getting what it needed... With a promised conclusion of his liquid heat pouring into her womb on the way promising the greatest pleasure of all. The orc built back to the pace he'd risen to when fucking her in the ass all too quickly, grunting in appreciation for how tightly her folds clenched around him with every thrust. His hips slammed into her forcibly upraised rear with an audible *pap pap pap pap pap* that only grew louder as his thrusts grew more forceful. Every thrust left his balls swinging against her clit, those bulging orbs building the explosion of liquid heat that he had promised to deliver into her core, and with nothing in her mouth Alex's blissful moaning was free to join the familiar sound of her ass clapping against her partner as they fucked her while she was made to enjoy the journey towards her first dose of orcish baby batter into her quite possibly unprotected womb.
She couldn't ignore it. Alex's eyes drifted down to the cock growing within Matat's grip, and with each light stroke the orc made the dragoness could hear the woman letting out the faintest of gasps signalling her newfound pleasure. Each touch seemed to bring the girl the slightest of shivers as her length grew stronger and prouder by the second, and even with the orc suddenly feeling nervous and shy as she gave her answer Alex could only watch the damned thing bob for attention as if it was pleading for attention. Gods, if she could only move she'd probably be inhaling that thing that very second. But even with nearly every fiber of her being focusing on the only thing in the world that would grant her aching sex any sort of relief something within her stirred. Something that refused to ignore the orc's innocence and managed to get the captured warrior to speak out before she even realize she had. "Wait. Delay your turn, let everyone else have their chance, and once they're done tell them to leave." It was an absurd request, but before Matat could openly wonder why Alex would continue. "If you do then I'll give you my word that I will not attack you." Because that was even more absurd. "You can claim your prize, and once that's done you can stick me back in this thing." It would no doubt make the shaman wonder why the hell Alex would make such an offer, and if she openly asked then she would get an honest answer as the dragoness scowled. "Your first time should be something more than this." That final word practically dripped with scorn and displeasure over how she was being forced to participate in being claimed as a war prize, but beyond that there was a sense of respect that Matat would notice if she looked a little closer. And that was because Alex was genuinely impressed. This woman threw her life on the line to remove the dragoness from the battle over Ochre, and even now she showed her prisoner signs of true respect instead of as some trophy to be enjoyed like the other orc had shown earlier. That demanded Alex's respect in kind, and beyond anything else that might happen later she wanted to reward the woman for that display of honor.

But no matter how Matat answered there was no stopping the small parade that entered the tent. The assembled orcs all took their turn leering at her as they prepared to take their claim at her body, and despite how she would have preferred to be anywhere else at the moment Alex's body refused to ignore the display of virility surrounding her. Gods, they looked so damned proud as they stood there, and as the first pair descended and finally began to use her aching body she swore she could feel her inner dragon rumbling in utter delight. Though the collar kept it at bay she could feel her inner beast wallowing in pleasure with every little jolt that ran through her system. Her ass practically sang in ecstasy as the orc behind her simply kept sawing in and out of her with each passing second, and the taste of the man before her only enhanced each spark of delight that show through her until her sex-addled mind simply couldn't take anymore. In almost no time at all she came, and though it came as a rush the men using her soon joined in as they started pouring their cum directly into her. Her orgasm doubled over itself and struck her even harder, and as she twitched and moaned and nearly screamed her pleasure to the world all that she could really do was swallow as she was filled from both ends and groan in satisfaction before her body realized it hadn't had enough and started demanding more..

Thankfully there were more than enough men to grant her that wish. Once the first two had pulled free they were quickly replaced by the next, and soon enough Alex became nothing more than a vessel made to receive both their seed and their pleasure. Pair after pair rotated all around her, the features of one man morphing into the next before she didn't even bother wondering who was using her. They just needed to use her. It was the only thing keeping that goddamned hunger for sex from absolutely consuming her. The only true difference came when Matat approached for her turn. Even with only that first pair leaving her Alex didn't realize who was before her until she noticed the more feminine thighs spreading while the shaman asked if Alex was enjoying herself. She was answered by Alex reaching out and laying claim to the cock the woman held. And instead of trying to actively consume her that very moment Alex actually hesitated. She let her tongue roll and explore, tease and entice, and with every little inch that she coaxed Matat to shift forward Alex would reward the woman with yet another lick or swirl that left the blushing orcess practically melting in utter bliss before Alex did something else. And unlike with anyone else that would use her Alex kept her eyes solely focused on Matat's own the entire time. Every lick, every suck, every stroke of the tongue and hollowing of her cheeks felt that much more personal as Alex did her best to make sure her partner felt the full extent of her skill, and once Matat could take no more and finally began to fill the dragon's mouth Alex would let her pulse and pour and fill her only to make one full swallow to make room until the shaman was finally done. Even when the woman pulled back and let the last few ropes streak across Alex's face she simply sat and took in willingly, and once Matat had nothing left to give Alex would reach out and embrace her one last time, a thorough cleaning given that promised so much more later if Matat allowed it.

Beyond that everything devolved into a haze of constant sex that ultimately left her craving satisfaction despite everyone having taken a turn, and though they all laughed and jeered and taunted her at every turn Alex would only offer them a look of utter disappointment as each failed to give her what she actually needed. It was only once Matat had declared their captive ready that Alex felt a change in the mood around her, and once the first to take her ass retook his position she could feel him shifting so his prick started prodding elsewhere. It brought some hope to her aching desire, and though he continued to tease and taunt her with his presence ultimately he finally starting entering her. He only sank to about an inch at first, but once he stated his claim he started pressing even further. By that point Alex was absolutely drenched in her own need, but even then her sex was so desperate for attention that the sheer amount of grip she gave him as he pushed forward force him to slow down. It was like she was trying to wring every last bit of pleasure from him that she could, and once he bottomed out she couldn't hold back and came. Her release came pouring out of her, every pulse leaving her depths clenching in vain as she tried to forcibly milk him of his seed, and before she was done she caught herself screaming "FINALLY!" before her body collapsed and left her limp and nearly unconscious as she tried to recover.

Thankfully she didn't need to wait. The orc took only a few moment to revel in her release before he started to pull back, and once he thrust forward Alex could only bleat out a groan of pure pleasure before he started taking control. He matched his previous pace, the constant sawing leaving her sex thrumming in absolute glory, but soon he started going faster. Harder. Deeper. Fuck, she couldn't tell if he'd just grown another inch or not, but as his tempo grew it somehow seemed to fill her so fully that she was surprised she even lasted this long before she started coming all over again. But he still hadn't come, and it left her moaning out her need to be filled. Her inner beast was growing more desperate by the second, enough so that she was audibly rocking against her restraints and causing them to creak in protest even though she had no chance of breaking them. She just needed someone to finally fill her, dammit, and with this damned tree holding her down it was the most she could do until he finally gave her what she needed.
Last edited:
: HP = 80/80, PP = 64, EP = 88/88, Signet Ring EP = 0/30, Aes's Ring EP = 0/10, Status = Possibly Infertile, Breeder's Toxin, HEAT Drug, Bound, Sealing Collar'd, Naked
Dragon's Pride: Cost = X-2, Upkeep = X-5
+2X Dodge
+2X Grapple Escapes
+X Resistance
+X Resistance Defense
+X/4 Perception dice
Cannot be countered/dispelled

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, waiting
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Matat paused as Alex told her to wait, surprise showing evidently on her features. "I'm surprised that you can even talk with what's in your system," she remarked softly, glancing aside with a blush at the men around her. "I'm... Not sure if I have the right to that. This is supposed to go a certain way," she said sheepishly, but one of the orc men interjected; "It's fine, she's right. The first time should be more fun than just a prize breeding, and her word is good. Sides, we have a couple days to enjoy her all we want." There were murmurs of agreement from the other orcs, followed by some added encouragement and even advice. There wasn't a single voice opposing what Alex had requested, and finally Matat - looking somewhat surprised - would nod in acceptance to the bound half-dragon's request for a change in plans. If they had problems with her tone when she spoke about what they were doing, none of them voiced it and Alex never caught any of it on their expression. "Alright, I'll... Do it."

Her agreement wouldn't alter the first part of their usage of her body, but her efforts to especially please the shaman that had been most responsible for her capture when Matat was the one in front of her left Matat giving off squeaks and moans and murmurs of surprise and pleasure. The young woman's reactions to the sensations arising from Alex's mouthwork were a special reward for the lust-maddened dragoness, and the orcess's rod twitched and throbbed under the diligent cleaning that allowed her to gobble up the last few dregs of her first orgasm. Matat was left in something of a stupor for a few moments as a result, but the other orcs had a good laugh about it before two of them gently helped her away to recover away from Alex's continued sucking, giving way to the rest of their vigorous mating.

The man who got first turn on her pussy - and the first chance to render her pregnant with his children - groaned in bliss as Alex’s inner walls quivered and gripped at his length. For the first few moments he pounded into her with the same reckless abandon that he had displayed when fucking her up the ass, causing the wet claps of their bodies meeting to echo through the tent in which she’d been set up for display and use. The main event resulting from her capture was finally underway, and while she might have been fucked hard enough to produce this sort of music plenty of times before, the concoction that she had drunk left her body loving every stroke however she might feel about the impending risk of being impregnated by one of Ochre’s attackers. Every thrust left his tip kissing her cervix that left her A-spot roaring in bliss so strong that every few strokes left her suffering a miniature orgasm sheerly from the fact that something was finally in her sex, and vile as she might find him this orc was giving it to her hard and fast just like her body had been crying for. Every glob of precum that he left clinging to her cervix upon bottoming out into her was like a miniature sun glowing with glorious heat inside of her, and even as those globs dissolved into her honey he kept on leaving new ones every few thrusts.

Hnnnnnn, fuck! Gnnn… I could fuck this slut’s pussy all night! Gnn.... She's fuckin BEGGING for it!


Heheheh, looks like she’d let you do it too!


Can’t wait for my turn…


We still got a couple days to have fun with her after this too!

Bet she’s even better when she can move!


"Damn right, in the state she's in I bet she'd ride like a beast until ya couldn't keep it up anymore!"


"Fuck... Almost wanna let her out for my turn just to see that!"

"You know the rules, she stays tied up. Bet we couldn't get her offa you once she started, it's once each in her until everyone has had a turn."


"Fair chances at getting a child on her, yeah yeah..."

"We can all go for seconds later. Not like she's going anywhere!"


Don’t get too comfortable with having her to relieve yourselves. She’s free to go once we’ve got control of the town!


Haaah, yeah yeah…

Unless she’s too addicted to the fucking we’re gonna give her to want to leave!


The orc kept on going through Alex's second orgasm, letting her petals flutter in a desperate but futile second attempt to milk out his previous liquid gift, and in her heightened sensiitivty post orgasm those prods against her inner gateway were all the more intense for the next few moments. By that point the first of her partners was twitching excitedly inside of her, and those wonderful, lava-hot globs of his pre-release were coming more often and in greater volume. His pleasured groans were growing deeper and more frantic, and his strokes were getting just a little bit wilder with every passing moment. The half-dragon had enjoyed the pleasure of her partner cumming in her often enough to recognize the signs that that was imminent, and the heat raging in her belly was flaring excitedly at the prospect of finally getting the potent liquid warmth that was the only thing able to quench it. The grip on her hips tightened, the hand holding one of her bubbly cheeks drew rents into her soft flesh, and his rod went from stone to steel inside of her as he pounded her closer and closer towards the inevitable cream filling.

"Ggnn... Hnnn... Gnnn.... Hnnn.... Nnnggg.... Hnn.... Nnnngg.... Gnnn..." PAP PAP PAP PAP PAP PAP PAP PAP! "Nnnng.... Hnnn.... Gyuh.... Nnng..." PAP PAP PAP PAP PAP! "Gnnn... Hnn.... Grrr.... Nnng.... Gonna.... Nnnn.... Cum... Nnnnngggg... Hnn..." PAP PAP PAPPP! He bottomed out suddenly and began rolling his hips against her upraised rear, interrupting his rhythm and forcing her to hang on the edge of another of her own orgasms, but the expected blast of glorious liquid heat didn't come. "Hnnn.... You want it? Gnnn... Nnnn.... You wanna feel me cum in your fuckin pussy? Nnngg..." The other orcs laughed and jeered, but the orc enjoying her leaned forward to hear any reply that Alex might make, if she could even speak coherently at that point. He would only wait a few seconds, giving those infuriatingly pleasurable little gyrations that pressed his throbbing rod into her deepest reaches and sent nearly indescribable pleasure exploding repeatedly behind her eyes, before rearing back and resuming his earlier pace as if he'd never stopped. Even then, where before another few thrusts might have had her cumming all over again, now her body was trapped, hovering on the verge of orgasm as it awaited the promised burst of potent cream that would offer the greatest imaginable satisfaction.

Even as brutal and intense as his thrusts were following the round of jeering, however, it took another couple of minutes of pounding before Alex was finally released from her pleasure Hell and sent instead to Heaven. "Hnnn... Gnnn... Hyuh.... Gnnn.... Nnnnn..... Nnnnngggg! Hnnnnggg!" PAP PAP PAP PAP PAP PAPPPPP! The first spurt came with the orc's final prolonged groan, halfway through his final thrust that left him buried balls deep inside of her. That shot was half delivered along her passage and half directly against her cervix, and the second she felt that hot, sticky splash she was released into the most primally satisfying orgasm imaginable that only served to extract even more of it. Every shot came courtesy of an almighty throb from the cock inside of her, a twitch of the bulging sack resting against her clitoris as the orbs within were drained of their contents, and another desperate pant from the man doing his very best to inseminate her, but those were all distant sensations to the feeling of being filled with cum. Her mind reeled at the touch of every drop against her insides, and the orc wasn't cumming in drops. Glob after glob was launched into her deepest reaches, poured almost directly into her waiting womb that sang bliss from every nerve into the captured half-dragon's mind with every lava-hot sampling, coming in long ropes shot directly against her cervix. Every last drop contained legions of virile orcish sperm that blossomed out in search of any eggs that she might have released, and while she was too awash in bliss to feel it through her mind-shattering orgasm the tingling of her ovaries brought on by the fertility drugs she'd been forced to imbibe might well have been momentarily replaced by the twinge signalling her ovulation; there was no way for her to tell for certain which of the potions was winning out or if the one she'd taken was even still effective.

"Nnnnn.... Nnnnn..... Nnnngggg..... Aaaaaahh...." Her first orcish mating partner gave a relieved groan as he poured out the last few shots of his potent baby batter, giving way to dregs that her sex's natural milking continued to extract to the very last drop. Those occasional bursts of fresh seed against her gateway, his still rock-hard member pulsing inside of her, and the feeling of his liquid heat resting in her womb served to keep Alex swimming in aftershocks of her peak, but the satisfaction was tortuously short lived even then. One moment she was in the most primal state of a need sated, and in the next - just after the orc finally pulled out - the need was back as strong as it had been before, if not stronger for having gotten a taste of what her body so badly craved.

Fortunately - or perhaps unfortunately - Alex's captors were all too eager to give her more, and her first partner was quickly replaced by the man who had been first to fuck her mouth, the one that had been the front end of her first spitroasting of the day. No one stepped up to claim her mouth again despite its emptiness, however; the rest of their seed was reserved for her womb. Her next contender simply knelt behind her, and like many partners before him reached out with both hands to grasp at her glutes. His fingers pushed into the ample meat of her backside as he groped her, pawing at her ass for a few moments, and he gave an appreciative grumble from deep in his chest. He didn't bother to speak, and after a moment spent feeling her with his hands the second orc moved them to Alex's waist, leaned forward to press his tip to her entrance, and smoothly slid into her with a satisfied groan. Again he pierced all the way to her core, stretching her just right and giving the entrance to her womb a light prod that caused sparks to appear before her eyes, and without further waiting he reared back to start thrusting.

This one adopted a slower, more deliberate pace than the first, making sure that every thrust was deep and ended with his hips slamming audibly into hers. Those wet claps were deeper than those produced by her last partner's rapid fire thrusting, but the sheer force of each of them made the sound louder and more pronounced as he settled into a relatively sedate pace and just hunger there. Only after a few minutes would he start to hasten up, making a fairly rapid increase all of a sudden to leave the chorus of their bodies coming together coming faster in turn, but he wouldn't rise to match the first orc's pounding; instead the second orc rolled his hips with every stroke, forcing his helmet to press deeper into her in a circling motion that stirred her deepest reaches and thus causing her to quake with miniature second-long peaks as her a-spot sang in ecstasy from the much-desired deep stimulation. The minutes dragged on with Alex forced to endure the deliberately paced pumping, and the jeers of the other orcs continued throughout while the man enjoying her groaned and grunted in appreciation for her clenching tightness.


"Heheh, looks like he's enjoying himself!"


"He should.... Mmmm... Cumming in her was the best nut I've ever had!"


"Bet she fucking loved it too..."


"Ain't gotta bet, did you see her face? I thought she was going to faint!"

"She really seemed to enjoy it..."


The half-dragon's second cream filling - at least where it counted most - came almost totally without warning. The orc's pace never faltered or grew frantic, and his pleasured noises hardly changed in timbre. One moment he simply grunted; "Cummin..." And a few seconds later he drove himself hilt deep into her and let out a prolonged groan of satisfaction. Two ample spurts shot off into her deepest reaches, again painting her inner walls white with orcish seed, but then he quickly retracted and thrust again; the added stimulation only served to intensify her peak all the more, and he repeated the motion three more times. Two spurts, thrust. Two spurts, thrust. Two spurts.... On the last he gave a third, more modestly voluminous shot before repeating what the first had done and allowing her inner walls to wring out every last drop. He pulled out slowly and deliberately, and spent another moment fondling her backside before moving standing up with a huff and moving away.... Only to be immediately replaced. She had gone through two of the twelve so far and still the raging need could only be satisfied for a few seconds before it rose up in her belly all over again, stronger than ever; this was going to be a long day.
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He's getting close... Of fuck, he's getting close...! The desperation running through that thought became a look of profound, nearly agonizing need that ran across Alex's face the moment she felt him grow even harder. It only made his prick stand out even more, the veins running its length pulsing even harder as his tempo grew even wilder and more frantic. Gods, she could feel him throbbing with every thrust, his length growing even thicker as it prepared to fire into her depths, and her body wailed as she felt him grower closer and closer by the second. Fucking hell, the anticipation itself was killing her, her entirety priming itself to receive his load, every muscle curling and clenching and just waiting for him to finally let himself loose and fill this gods be damned hunger before it drove her insane...

Then he stopped. One final slam left his hips colliding against hers only to simply hold there as he started grinding. She could feel him stirring and pulsing, his cock pressing against her core and threatening to unload itself at any moment. Gods, she swore she could feel his seed broiling, feel it churning just out of her reach, and despite whatever desire she might have had she couldn't pull it out of him. Her pussy contracted and gripped the ever living shit out of him while his hips rolled and caused his length to stir against every inch of her depths. She twitched and she fluttered, every motion aimed at pulling him deeper so he had no choice but to let loose and fill her.

But he didn't, and as he kept stirring her little by little he teased her. He knew how badly her body was tying itself into knots just waiting for him to finally let loose, and as he taunted her with his prodding rolls he leaned closer. He wanted to hear her struggles, listen to whatever pleas she made to feel his cum finally erupt, and though she didn't speak the pained gasps she made were answer enough. She was riding a razor's edge, one that left her teetering on release and left her desperate to feel some sort of relief, and once he sat and waited for her reply he would hear her whine pathetically and wordlessly beg for salvation.

His only reply was to simply get back to business, the rapid clapping of flesh on flesh returning and sending the same jolts of pleasure rushing that had her cumming all over him only seconds earlier. But her body refused to tip over. Her body was wracked with an ecstasy so profound that the signals kept shifting from pure bliss to tortuous agony with every thrust. And it just wouldn't end. She felt herself hovering over release, every nerve keyed to the extreme as every slap, every pull, hell every goddammed push against her restraints left her screaming for release before she finally went insane...

Until it finally happened. As maddening as his pace had been even he couldn't hold out for much longer, and as he delivered his final thrust it finally struck. A jet of liquid Heaven erupted from his length, and though it was practically slamming against her cervix the instant the first drop hit her she howled in relief. She swore her sex was painted white in just that first shot, and when he finally buried himself to the hilt and plugged her aching depths the next had no choice but to pour into her core. That lone sent her spiraling even harder into one of the most gratifying climaxes she'd ever known, and with each string that followed all she could do was melt. The tension that strained against her bindings finally broke, and the wood surrounding her creaked as it relaxed as all her muscles simply gave while her body focused on each drop of pure liquid rapture flooding her womb with its warmth. She could feel it pumping into her, dollops of his essence splashing against her walls of her core, and though the flood eventually subsided her pussy simply kept milking his length, each flutter dragging the last of his dregs from his prick and feeding the addiction that had taken mind, body, and soul.

For a few glorious moments she was fulfilled, her head swimming in the immense satisfaction that rang throughout her body and left her nearly ready to pass out that very moment. But once the orc finally pulled out her depths started crying out for more. The hunger reared its head even as he was sliding free, and her walls clamped down and tried to drag him back into her depths before he escaped and left her feeling empty. Even with all his seed sloshing against her deepest reaches that emptiness only grew stronger, and once he was gone the groan that spilled out of Alex's mouth was equal parts hunger and frustration.

Thankfully someone else stepped forward to fill that need. Her next partner approached her rear, and though she recognized him as the first to use her mouth all she could do was groan a little harder as he took the time to grunt his approval and savor the contours of her ass. But unlike the man before him he simply shifted his grip before he lined himself and sank his cock into her waiting depths. He was just as large as the other, her insides stretching deliciously to take his length as it settled and then pressed against her womb. Her body sang once more in bliss, but instead of sitting still he chose to rear back and thrust into her once more. A third and forth soon followed, and though his pace was nowhere near as frantic as his predecessor each thrust ended in an audible smack that was far stronger than anything the other man had done. Even after increasing his tempo he strode to make sure she felt every impact as he bottomed out and nearly punched his was into her core, and as he started rolling with each stroke she swore he was trying to imprint every little detail of his prick into her sex so she could never forget the deliberate pounding he was giving her.

His pace never faltered, and for minutes on end Alex was forced to feel every ridge, every vein, every satisfying smack of flesh on flesh. Her rear rippled with every impact. Her body would have followed suit had it not been utterly bound and helpless. Every nerve within her sang out with each thrust, every contour seemingly stroked in one way or another, and with every bit of her sex fluttering in abject bliss the dragoness could only grunt in time with her partner as he practically abused her body with pure pleasure. Even when he finally decided to cum inside her all he did was mutter a warning before he simply buried himself and locked his prick in place. It left him firing into her core just as the other had, only this time she could savor the feeling of his seed striking the roof of her womb and sending white-hot flashes of nearly painful satisfaction rocketing throughout her body with each burst that filled her. But this man was a methodical bastard, and after a couple of spurts he pulled back just to bury himself once more. Her body flared with renewed passion before he settled and fired twice more before he did it again. And again. One more followed, but instead of pulling back one final time he seemed to flare and fired one final spurt more filling than the rest before he finally stopped and allowed Alex to milk the last of his seed from his prick.

That sense of satisfaction at being filled bloomed from her core once again, but as much as she savored it the moment he pulled out her need rose once more. Her hunger refused to be ignored, and it refused to be sated by anything these men could do. Even as a third was approaching her body demanded even more, and in this moment Alex groaned in mild despair at how nothing was satisfying her inner beast. She was really starting to hate this induced heat...
: HP = 80/80, PP = 64, EP = 88/88, Signet Ring EP = 0/30, Aes's Ring EP = 0/10, Status = Possibly Infertile, Breeder's Toxin, HEAT Drug, Bound, Sealing Collar'd, Naked
Dragon's Pride: Cost = X-2, Upkeep = X-5
+2X Dodge
+2X Grapple Escapes
+X Resistance
+X Resistance Defense
+X/4 Perception dice
Cannot be countered/dispelled

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, waiting
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Smut moved to googledoc for the sake of person by person reply maybe being easier!
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Didn't realize the doc was linked in the thread, thus did I linger there for longer than intended.
Alex didn't interrupt as Matat scoffed at her suggestion, and she merely listened as the shaman revealed the conviction of not only herself but of all the honored orcs that marched against Therion. It was only once Matat revealed that Alex was one of only a select few that actually believed any of them that she finally answered. "Because I feel your conviction. It matches my own, and though my story may be different I can tell when this level of determination is genuine. And I understand the kind of pain that breeds it." At that she rose just enough to gently take hold of the woman and pull her closer, the two of them collapsing once again so Matat was left cradled against Alex's side. The orc had just revealed a great amount of pain, and Alex knew from first hand experience just how difficult pulling it out into the light could be.

A comforting hand rose to slide through Matat's hair, and as the two laid there Alex decided to hold her tongue. There were other ideas flitting across her mind, ways to possibly stop the orcs from killing themselves before justice could be served against the people that wronged them, but she understood that those options would not be welcome. Not right now. So she simply gave the woman in her arms to let her emotions settle, to let her let loose if she needed until Matat was finally calm and collected enough to be taken and placed back on her stomach. Once there she resumed her perch on the shaman's rear, but instead of trying to be playful Alex simply went back to kneading the tension out of the woman's shoulders once again. "Looks like the both of us undid all my work." She was going to correct that right here and now.
: HP = 80/80, PP = 64, EP = 88/88, Signet Ring EP = 0/30, Aes's Ring EP = 0/10, Status = Possibly Infertile, Breeder's Toxin, HEAT Drug, Bound, Sealing Collar'd, Naked
Dragon's Pride: Cost = X-2, Upkeep = X-5
+2X Dodge
+2X Grapple Escapes
+X Resistance
+X Resistance Defense
+X/4 Perception dice
Cannot be countered/dispelled

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, waiting
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

A thin smile briefly passed over the shaman's features, tears still welling up in her eyes. When Alex made to drag her into a prone position, Matat proved initially resistant, bracing slightly to keep Alex from pulling her down, but ultimately down she would go to be cradled in the dragon's embrace. She was shaking slightly but not sobbing, and seemed to have too little energy to move much at all at this point. She would lay placidly on her side, gently pushing back into the dragon's embrace while Alex caressed her hair. When rolled onto her front so that Alex could repeat her massage, Matat wouldn't resist, leaving her chin resting on her folded hands.

Having let as much out as she did, Matat seemed to be in a state of shock, and her stressed state left her muscles in a chaotic state, some already completely slack and others incredibly tense. It would take Alex some time to get Matat relaxed again, as portions of her retensed intermittently, but a bit of patience would leave the dragoness feeling her relaxing slowly but surely. Alex would hear murmurs from near the tent flap every once in a while, but no one would come in to disturb them again, at least for a little while. Finally, however, Matat would turn her head to look back at the dragoness and ask in a slightly hoarse voice; "So... Is your answer to my second request the same?"
The question earned a disappointed sigh from the dragoness, but she kept working on Matat to make sure any gathering tension was dealt with before it could settle. "I'm afraid so. I've already committed myself to defending Ochre, and I'd never be able to live with myself if I abandoned that duty now." Other dragons could do so easily. But those were the selfish sort that only indulged themselves and whatever cause served them. Alex did not want to be one of those. Too much like her sister. But... "...but that doesn't mean we need to war..." Thoughts were starting to run through her head, a line of possibilities that could lead to the hostilities between Ochre and the orcs coming to an end. It was probably stupid and foolish and had her sticking her snout into matters that were far above her meager station, but as she continued to massage the shaman the truths revealed demanded that she do at least something to prevent what would amount to the suicide for an entire people while those responsible were left untouched.

Those thoughts were interrupted by the murmuring of the people waiting outside the tent. The locals were getting curious if not restless, and the time Alex had to speak with Matat would probably come to an end soon. "How about you. Are you still interested in your first request?"
: HP = 80/80, PP = 64, EP = 88/88, Signet Ring EP = 0/30, Aes's Ring EP = 0/10, Status = Possibly Infertile, Breeder's Toxin, HEAT Drug, Bound, Sealing Collar'd, Naked
Dragon's Pride: Cost = X-2, Upkeep = X-5
+2X Dodge
+2X Grapple Escapes
+X Resistance
+X Resistance Defense
+X/4 Perception dice
Cannot be countered/dispelled

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, waiting
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Matat would slump beneath the dragoness in response to her final reply to the request that Alex simply leave, but otherwise made no reply. Instead, the sounds outside prompted Alex's next question, to which Matat would think for a moment before replying; "Yes. Between you and your brother... I would still much rather it be you. But... I am afraid that it will likely not be now. I've already taken up my fair share of your time for today."
Just a reminder that my stat block needs to be updated
"I see." Alex's attention turned toward the ruckus starting to gather outside the tent. "And they're probably gonna keep me busy for a while." Who knew how many men were waiting out there. Or women. Matat did mention that some of them were curious. But even so they couldn't keep her busy all the time. And this was Matat's tent, right? They had to eventually clear out when she needed her rest... "So how about we take care of things later? In the dead of the night either you wake me up, or I wake you up, and we'll see how things go from there. Shouldn't be too many people looking to interrupt us, then..."
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

(Thanks for the reminder!)

"Probably..." Matat trailed off, her distaste evident, but she was unable to do anything further about it. "Yes, that... Should work out," she would reply finally, sighing and getting back to her feet. She would walk over to her robes and get dressed again. It took her a minute, and during that time the dragoness could get an eyeful of the shaman's figure and the interplay of muscles beneath it, but soon enough that little bit of eye candy was gone, and she was looking over her shoulder at Alex again. "Later tonight then," she murmured, before making for the tent flap.

The murmurs resumed, this time joined by Matat's voice, and this time a slightly disgruntled looking Bahk was joined by four of the other orcs, three male but one female. It was she who sauntered over to the still nude dragoness, smirking, until she was standing practically right over Alex. "You ARE a fine piece!" she said after taking a moment to survey the prone or kneeling dragoness; Alex didn't recognize her, she wasn't the same one that had been present prior to the start of her gangbang. "And all dressed up for the occassion! I'd say you shouldn't have, but... Well, I'd be lying!" She smirked wryly, and already the three orcs other than Bahk were beginning to get out of their armor. "I heard you're pretty good at sucking cock, and I kinda wanna see that, but before you get to that I gotta wonder; are you any good at anything else with that tongue?"
Alex couldn't help but roll her eyes as the group entered, but aside from that she merely stared up at them, her body prone and on her stomach once more so that her nipples were barely hidden as she rested on her arms. Of course this did absolutely nothing to conceal her rear, but then her tail made up for that by resting naturally. It did sway back and forth rather slowly, each pass revealing the cheeks of her ass in greater detail before it turned in the opposite direction, but aside from that she was as covered as she could be while being absolutely naked.

Bahk was noticed, and his hesitance to undress was as well. And that was odd. He couldn't wait to get his hands on her earlier, and now that he had the chance he was demurring. Perhaps he was looking for a more personal encounter. That would explain why he looked so disgruntled when he entered. Poor bastard just couldn't catch a break.

That thought actually shocked Alex. She was feeling pity for him. Despite everything he'd done she was still feeling sorry for the man, and as she examined that thought she realized she was actually looking forward to seeing what he could do. She would obviously defeat him, but doing so in front of others? That didn't have quite the same appeal as being able to lording it over him in private.

No matter how much she wanted to understand why she was feeling disappointed Alex had a woman leering down at her. She was being haughty, and though she wondered if the dragoness had other skills with her tongue the rather demeaning tone she had taken rankled the nerves of her inner dragon. It stood tall, and as it did Alex chose to do the same. She rose to her full height, her every intention to rise up and over the woman challenging her, and though she made no obvious threat there was a degree of intimidation to her every move as she made sure her bust rose just enough to overcome her antagonist. "Woman, you'll be singing my praise before I'm done with you."
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

This particular woman wasn't impressively tall, especially for an orcish woman who tended to be a bit taller than the average human or elf on average. That allowed Alex to tower head and shoulders over her, with the dragon's now exposed bust practically knocking into her chin, and while she had an obvious hunger in her eyes she kept her eyes up on Alex's without blinking or flinching, hand still resting on her hip. The proclamation from the dragon had her showing a toothy grin, canines poking out over her lip. "Dragon slut... That is EXACTLY what I was hoping you'd say!" she replied jovially, and then casually took a step around, keeping her eyes on Alex's face until she had gone around the dragon's left shoulder, at which point she would begin to sweep her gaze over the dragon's profile.

The woman made a single circle, taking in every detail, while the three men disrobed. They were without shirts by the time Bahk began to do the same, shrugging out of his light armor. "You know, I was hoping to have some of her time to myself today," he muttered in evident irritation. The other three chuckled knowingly, and one replied; "Yeah, yeah... You like to have 'em to yourself, we know! Learn to share!" Another asked; "So why didn't you?" Bahk replied; "Because the shaman was busy with her all day." The third, one that Alex would recognize as one of the more aggressive brutes, simply grunted; "Your loss, her fun, our gain! Heheh, she'll still have some brains left to screw outta her!" The first two chuckled again, while Bahk rolled his eyes in mild disdain but also some amusement.
It was about then that the orc woman strode into Alex, stepping into her personal space to briefly rest her chin on the dragon's bust. "You'll be pretty busy soon, but these look yummy! Think I'll go ahead and have a taste," she said playfully, and suddenly both hands clapped onto either cheek of Alex's rear possessively. The sting hadn't even truly resonated, nor the ripples fully played out across her softness before she was kneading the pain away, but the real demand on Alex's attention came when her mouth was sealed over one of the dragon's peaks. She opened with the lightest tug of her teeth, bringing it to attention, but once it was hard she gave it the most leisurely of rolls of her tongues, first flicking it up and down and then folding her tongue and twirling it around. It quickly became clear that she was extremely good with her tongue, and Alex was going to serve as her latest subject whether she liked it or not... And in terms of stimulation, her body definitely wasn't complaining.

For the better part of three minutes she was sucking on the peaks of the dragon's chest, spending two minutes on one breast and about a minute on the other while the men watched. Her hands stayed on Alex's rear, kneading the dragon's perfectly sculpted rear greedily, and all the while her tongue - possibly a little mutated but definitely not nearly as inhuman as her Mate's or her own - was assailing the dragon's bust vigorously. Her sensitive peaks were teased and pleasured in near equal measure, an even distribution of flicks and tongue rolls and bouts of sucking that went unchanged when Alex began to offer up her milk, the orc's goal clearly more to have Alex shuddering in pleasure than to taste her nourishing fluids. Her left peak was, ultimately, released with a soft pop, and she looked up at Alex with a smirk and purred; "I hope you can teach me something, I love learning new ways to please~"

Her hands moved from Alex's bottom to her shoulders, and she firmly pushed down, attempting to force Alex to her knees. By that point there were four men in the room, all of them exposed, and if Alex was feeling obedient she would have the orcess strolling around her, still dressed. She grabbed Alex's chin and had her tilting her head upwards, looking at the semi-circle of cocks now forming in front of her, "best put that mouth to use now boys! I'm going to be hogging it once you start fucking her!" She stuck a finger in Alex's mouth and tugged one of her cheeks a bit wider, albeit only briefly, and soon enough she removed it and left Alex free to pick which cock she wanted to play with first; Bahk, long and fairly slender, the brute with his shorter but almost absurdly thick rod, or either of the two others who formed a middle ground between them.

"I bet that tongue's pretty long; think you can get it all the way around one of 'em? I've always wanted to see a tongue job!" the woman playing the part of her domme murmured breathily while holding Alex by the shoulders. This time, Alex wasn't maddened by drug-inspired lust, however, allowing her an opportunity to display her talents on subjects that she didn't have to respect without having to fulfill a relentless hunger in the process... "There's four here for her to pleasure! You can play your games, Mishra, just stay outta the way! She can ride me and do whatever sillyness you're asking for at the same time!" one of the other orcs retorted, and Alex felt the orcish woman - Mishra apparently - squeeze her shoulders only to begin sliding them down along the outside of Alex's arms. "She's got hands too! And besides," her hands drifted from the sides of Alex's arms to her ribs as she squatted down behind Alex, slid down and then around to ultimately cup the dragon's bosom, "once she gets one of you all nice and slippery, one of you can play with these! They're nice and soft, I assure you~" Mishra gave Alex's breasts a light squeeze, just enough so that her fingers were lightly dimpling into the dragon's soft flesh, but then as that grip relaxed her forefinger and thumb met, and promptly gave Alex's nipples a firm tug.
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Alex had to let out a little snort at being called a slut. It's not like they were giving her much choice in the matter. Either accept her role as their temporary whore or end up getting utterly dominated. Akorvick had chosen the latter, and from what Matat had said he was constantly being punished and demeaned while the women still took their pleasure from him. Sure, he may not be giving in, but there wasn't much Honor being gained by defying the orcs and being utterly wrecked as a result. At least this way she had some recourse in how she dealt with her visitors. And being able to move around gave her options for later...

But right now she had to deal with this 'mistress' and her coven of men. Bahk was obviously complaining at having his plans ruined, but his brethren paid him no mind and simply kept stripping. They even gave him a bit of shit over the whole thing, and though he was obviously annoyed by it the hint of amusement he flashed revealed that it was just soldiers being soldiers. No true offense was meant, and none was taken.

At this point the orcess chose to fully engage the dragoness, and Alex soon found the woman latching onto her rear with a smack before a pair of lips latched onto her nipple. A gentle pull of teeth brought that nipple to attention, and as if to ease away any pain that might have been caused the orc rolled her tongue over Alex's peak and sent a little jolt of pleasure rushing up and down the dragon's spine. Her tail gave an involuntary twitch at that, and as the worship of her bust continued Alex actually embraced her partner in return, one arm looping around the orc's back to bring her closer while the other settled around her head and encouraged her to keep bathing those nipples until she was satisfied.

It all ended soon enough, and though the woman began gently pushing Alex to her knees the dragoness resisted just enough to give the orc a raised eyebrow before she complied. It left her sitting before an array of cocks nearly surrounding her, a fact her temporary domme enjoyed as she took hold of the dragon's chin and gently forced her to take in all the men just waiting to take their piece of her. A finger slipped into her mouth to give her cheek a bit of a tug, but before it could properly escape Alex chose to fight back by capturing it with her tongue and letting the orc stretch it out before that finger finally managed to escape. It gave proof to the declaration that followed, and though one of the men objected to Mishra, apparently, taking control Alex herself rose a finger to quiet any further discontent. It was a rather intriguing thought, one that she hadn't ever seriously considered. Could she pleasure a man by wrapping her tongue and only her tongue around him? "Challenge accepted.

"Bahk, come here."
She wasn't exactly sure how she was going to go about experimenting like this, but since she was she decided to use the male she was most familiar with at the moment. Mishra was still playing with the dragoness, and as Bahk approached Alex let her. This left Alex giving the man a warm breath of arousal to greet him once he was ready, and her hands lightly rose to his thighs before one gave him a couple of light strokes to ensure he was nice and hard. Once she was satisfied her mouth inched closer, but instead of letting the head of his cock pass between her lips her tongue popped out to give him an experimental lick. Now that she wasn't overwhelmed by that damned drug she could take her time and enjoy his texture and taste, and though he was longer than the others his girth was far more manageable and couldn't let her explore as her tongue swirled around his helm a couple of times. A light kiss followed, one that would happily accept any drops of pre that managed to leak from his tip, and once that was clear her tongue popped out once more. Only this time it kept coming. It crawled forward, the motion itself resembling a snake as it coiled around his cap and looped around to meet itself, and Alex kept stretching it out bit by bit until she had nothing left to give. She wanted to see just how far she could reach like this.

Once that was settled she took a moment to simply take it all in, but before anyone could demand more action her tongue started to recede. It crawled back the way it had come, the start of her coil continually brushing the bottom of Bahk's cap as her tongue slowly rubbed against the ridge of his helm, but after only an inch or two of return she reversed course and started to wrap around him once more. It was an odd motion to make, the constant coiling and uncoiling was kept slow to get used to it, and as she continued she made sure to keep an eye and ear on her subject to gauge just how much enjoyment he was getting before she eventually pulled off entirely. "Let me know if you'd prefer that or this..." The same coil reappeared once more, but instead of simply extending and retracting as she had she loosened her grip just enough to let her tongue slide along his flesh as the entire thing grabbed and pulled on his prick before advancing over him again. The motion itself was still an odd thing to manage, but the act itself actually looked like her tongue was grabbing him and sliding up and down his length. It also felt a little more natural, and she had a sneaking suspicion that this would be the preferred technique from the man before her simply because it felt more like she was fucking him with her tongue instead of simply crawling over him. He was free to voice his opinion at anytime, or course, and if he preferred the former she would change tac at his request, but until he did she would continue with those shallow strokes until he'd finally had enough.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Mishra tittered as Alex accepted her challenge, and at her prompting Bahk - surprised to be picked out judging by the wry smirk that crossed his features - would stride forward to stand directly in front of her. "That still leaves three out," Grumbled the burly orc, "she can do your silly crap while she's bouncing on my dick!" Mishra gave Alex's bust a firm knead that left them sliding against each other, "ohhh be patient! Her hands are free, and you'll be pumping your dick between these in a minute! They are VERY soft~ I wanna play with her for a little while, but when I'm done you can fuck her all you want!"

The man continued to grumble, but quieted, allowing Alex to get on with it. Bahk was already hard and ready, and once his cock was in reach Alex was free to get to work. He twitched in front of her as that first breath of warmth greeted him, and again in her grip from those first testing strokes, which also drew a bead of thick, pearly precum from the orcish braggart. "Mmm, this is much better than yesterday," he murmured, and when her tongue first lashed out to flick over his cap, the orc gave a pleasured sigh. While she might dislike him for his efforts to dominate her during the ritual breeding that she'd had to endure the previous day, when she got to sample his flavoring there was certainly a lot to like; the orc clearly took good care of his own hygiene, allowing the musky, masculine flavor to shine through without being overwhelming. His pre, as might be expected, had the thickness and flavor that bespoke his impressive potency, and during her initial bout of rolling her tongue over his helmet he offered her several globs to take samples of before that kiss finally extracted all of it.

Once her tongue began to extend, crawling over him inch by inch, even the impatient orc was watching with interest. "Ohhhhhhh fuck, look at that shit! Look at that! That's hot!" Mishra murmured into Alex's ear, watching her tongue stretch along Bahk's rod with her chin resting on the dragon's shoulder. As long as her tongue was, Bahk's manhood was a bit too much for Alex to capture all of, but she did get roughly two thirds of the way down by the time she ran out of tongue, leaving his helmet resting against her lips and the base of her tongue. Bahk, looking down at her with a cocky grin, gave another pleasured groan as the dragon's tongue began to glide backwards, sliding back the way it had come, his rod twitching and releasing another glob of pre that her retreating tongue dragged away, and when Alex reached the tip and reversed directions again he and Mishra would both chuckle.

"Ohhhhh, that tongue is gonna be all KINDS of fun!" The orcess murmured in delight, to which Bahk replied; "Eheh, I'm certainly enjoying it!" When she released him to speak, he would nod, but the other orcs would finally run out of patience. The two on either side, who had stood by waiting in relative silence, would speak up while pushing their rods against her cheeks. "Hey, the show's fun and all, but unless you want to give us a turn, at least put your hands to work!" Said one, and the other added; "Yeah, ehehm.... Unless you'd rather we give you some attention! You think you're ready to take two of us at once?" That drew the impatient one from his stupor, prompting him to growl in frustration, but Mishra moved in response.

"Fine, fine... C'mere," she said, turning away from Alex and placing her hands on his thighs, much like Alex had done to Bahk not long ago. The orcess casually leaned forward and engulfed the head of the other man's cock, causing him to give a surprised grunt. After sucking for a few seconds, Mishra released his head with a soft pop, spat on the base of his rod to begin spreading her saliva over his length, and said; "I'm gonna get you all slippery for her~ No popping early on me now!"

However Alex might react to her domme fluffing for her, she had three men demanding her direct attention, including one that she had to give a tongue job to and two that she could at least try to placate with her hands; every drop of seed released onto her would, after all, be some that didn't make its way into her womb. Her lingual muscle again slithered out over Bahk's member, causing him to groan again, and after a few moments he grunted; "This, this.... Hnk.... Definitely this!" The other two orcs that she was presumably jerking would give some mirthful chuckles at that, but Alex would have another distraction that drowned out the good-natured joking that ensued...

"Alex? Alex!? Can you hear me!?" Her Mate's voice echoed through her head, and the ghostly image of a ritual chamber flitted through her head, her point of view positioned as if she were in the center of some sort of ritual circle. Aes was sitting cross legged on the floor in front of her, and a look around showed that Angelle was sitting at another part of the circle, and the older mage Melody was sitting opposite her at yet another, seemingly managing the flow of energies. She could still feel her own body, could still dimly hear what was going on around her, but she was here as well. Once Alex acknowledged them - she only needed to think to speak it seemed - an expression of relief passed over the demon-come-angel's features. "Finally, something worked! I've been trying to contact you since you went off chasing those horsemen and then didn't come back... I am guessing it's too much to hope that you just got lost on the way back?"

However Alex answered that, Melody would interject; "Is Akorvick still alive?" Aes looked irritated at the interruption, but allowed that to pass without complaint, and once that was answered she said; "Do you know where you're being kept so I can come and get you?"

The mental conversation would have to retreat to the back of her attentions again, however, as Alex felt Mishra returning behind her. She was re-positioned, leaving the four men forming a semicircle around her, Bahk and the impatient guy in front and the other two that she was stroking off to her sides. Mishra again grabbed her breasts, and a few seconds later the impatient orc was pushing his cock into her cleavage. He had to lower his stance to do it, but once he did his disgruntled expression turned to one of relief, and he gave a grunt of pleasure as he started thrusting his saliva-slick rod through the valley between her breasts. Mishra was holding them again, still running her fingers over Alex's nipples regularly while shifting the half-dragon's soft orbs and squeezing them together to aid in the other orc's pleasures, and before she returned to the mental contact with her allies.

"They're not giving you a break, huh?" Aes asked with a frown, "how are you holding up?"

Alex would have to manage both her mental conversation and the antics of the men around her and the woman behind her. The two on either far side demanded constant strokes, thrusting into her hands and leaving globs of hot precum against her cheeks when they managed to push far enough to touch her skin. So long as she kept steady control of her grip, they would be content, and at one point Mishra would purr into her ear; "Go on, keep stroking those cocks! I wanna see you fucking covered in cum with your mouth fucking full of it!" Given the relative potency of the men that she was working with, that likely wasn't out of the question; each of them had cum in her twice the previous night, once either in her ass or in her mouth and then again in the combined effort to make her pregnant with their children, and both had been impressive enough to rank any of them as a real stallion, without any magical or chemical enhancement. She would have to maintain some level of stimulation for them, whether she was simply trying to stroke their loads out as quickly as she could or trying to offer them some real pleasure with her technique was up to her. Otherwise, it wouldn't be long before they lost patience, dislodged Mishra, Bahk, and the one that Mishra was using Alex's breasts to pleasure in order to get beneath and behind her and simply take their pleasure from her ass and pussy instead.

The other two men were a bit easier to deal with. The previously impatient one was clearly enjoying himself as he pumped himself into her cleavage, albeit with Mishra's aid. The orcish domme was clearly enjoying herself, and Alex essentially had to do nothing but tolerate him so long as she kept the other two satisfied. Bahk, of course, was getting the tongue job, and while he had displayed plenty of stamina the previous day, so long as she just kept up the second technique that she had discovered, he was clearly making little effort to measure it now; he was grunting and groaning, ultimately allowing one of his hands to come forth and rest gently on one of her horns, his shaft throbbed intermittently but with ever increasing frequency in her tongue's grip, his hips gave regular thrusts to aid her, and impressively large globs and even small spurts of his precum regularly landed on the base of her tongue. The man's sheer virility constantly bombarded her taste buds and, despite the lack of drugs to aid it along, would serve as bait for her more animalistic breeding instincts, speaking to very primal parts of her psyche present in both her human and draconic lineages, and it would serve as a constant treat that, even if it wouldn't override her will like it had under the effect's of Matat's potions, would at least offer some minor satisfaction.

Assuming that she managed to keep them entertained between talking with her Mate and Melody, after a few minutes the dragoness would be drawn back primarily to physical reality by a louder groan from Bahk, and a particularly strong squeeze of the horn that he was holding. "Ohhh fuck, you gonna pop, Bahk?" He groaned again and nodded, and the orcess tittered with delight; "Oooh, you're gonna make him cum! Hold on, I wanna see it!" Mishra murmured, releasing Alex's breasts to the irate grunt of the other orc, who was himself throbbing pretty hard. A few seconds of deft tongue-strokes later and the first stream of Bahk's seed launched into her mouth, one long, thick, nearly second-long stream of pearly cream that was an order of magnitude more potent to her taste buds than the precum that had preceded. It was a big opening shot, but not unmanageable, even if it left Alex's mouth swimming in his pearly essence as that first shot dissolved into her saliva. If Alex thought that she'd been ready for the rest of it, that it would only be a few more of those big bursts, she would find herself sorely mistaken; the second rope was bigger than the first, and the third bigger than that. Three became five, became ten, became twenty; Alex had to tilt her head back to contain it all, and if she didn't do so Mishra would grab the unclaimed horn and make her do so.

Bahk's load was immense, producing an amount of cum that could have impressed Dingroria, and after a moment even the other men started looking on in shock as Alex's mouth was flooded by one man alone. The two that she was jerking off started laughing despite themselves, and the man who had up until that point been fucking her tits would give a mirthful grant and smack Bahk on the ass. "Shit, boy, you must LIKE her! Damn!" Mishra had essentially started releasing a prolonged coo of impressed delight, and when the final spurt turned into a dribble towards the end - the twenty sixth if she'd been counting - she moaned; "Oooohhh fuck that was hot! Gods damn, she made you cum like a fucking horse! If you came like that last night, she's gonna be having a full squad of your kids!" That much, at least, was plausible; not only had Bahk's volume definitely increased, but Alex could plainly taste the difference in both flavor and texture. If he had unleashed that into her unprotected womb, his seed would almost certainly have taken root. Some of her now mutant nature may well have washed off on him, corrupting him, and it had done wonders for his potency.

The braggart had closed his eyes early in his orgasm, only watching Alex take the first few ropes into her mouth, but when he opened his eyes a few seconds after his release had finally petered out, even he seemed totally shocked to see just how much he had just released. "Hnnn, hnnn, hnnngg, gnn... Eheheh, fuck... Sorry? Eheh, damn... Never... Hnnn... Never gone off THAT hard... Hnn... Before!" He said, moving his hand from her horn to lightly ruffle her hair on the top of her head. "Gnnhhnnnggg.... You enjoy watching that?" He adds after a second, looking to Mishra with a cocky smirk, but the orcess was staring down at Alex with a delighted grin. "Swish your tongue around in it! Play with it!" She commanded, letting Alex do so for a full minute - by which point one of the men she'd been jerking off was near to orgasming himself if Alex had kept that up - before instructing; "Now swallow it up! Every drop!" Then; "Good dragon slut! Now thank that cock," she glanced at the man to Alex's right, who was panting heavily and throbbing in the dragon's grip, "and get ready for another taste!"

By the time she had finished following Mishra's instructions, Bahk's still erect rod had oozed a sizeable followup to his massive release. The dregs of his orgasm had oozed about a third of the way down his shaft, and a single massive globule was now starting to ooze down, some of it forming a large drop of his pearly essence that was starting to be dragged away by the force of gravity just beneath the head. He had plenty of leftovers for Alex to extract, and she could do so in the manner of her choosing so long as she was relatively quick about it, assuming of course she didn't want to receive her next orcish john's seed - blessedly in a more normal and manageable quanitity - on the side of her face instead of into her mouth...
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With the patience of the others wearing thin the demand that Alex start servicing the two men beside her nearly had her rolling her eyes, but a bout of surprise stopped her. Despite their obvious desire to get things started she was being shown at least some consideration, and after a momentary peek to either side her hands rose and gave each of the cocks clamoring for attention a gentle brush with just the tips of her fingers. It would probably be frustrating as hell if she stopped at just that, but once she brushed out to their tips she let her hands glide back down, this time her palm following suit. It left her rubbing each of them from base to tip, her touch gentle and enticing, and with every drop of dew she managed to coax from their tips she let it gather before those gentle brushes would pass and start smearing their pre wherever she touched. It wouldn't take long for her to get both lengths slick, and once they were her grip changed to allow her to wrap her fingers around them and take a firmer grip while she started pumping. A little flourish was given when their helms were trapped within her fist, but no matter what motion she pulled she always made sure her thumb was constantly working on their undersides. Hopefully that would keep those two from becoming too insistent and let her focus on Bahk, and though this did nothing for the truly impatient bastard who couldn't stop complaining Mishra rose to give him some attention. She obviously had something in mind, but for now Alex had other things demanding her attention.

A rhythm was taking shape, one that let her synchronize her attentions so she wouldn't have split her own in so many directions, and that was the only thing that kept her from faltering when Aes suddenly called out to her. Before her surprise could disrupt her the image of a ritual chamber flitter across her mind, and though she could tell she was still firmly held within the orc camp the ghostly image of her family and Melody greeted her. This... well... this wasn't exactly the most flattering of positions to find herself in, but the dragoness figured it was far better than nothing and tentatively called out a greeting. It was disguised as an affirmative hum that Bahk would obviously enjoy as her lips vibrated against his cap, but when she heard herself actually answer with a simple [Yeah.] she realized she wouldn't need to worry about giving anything away.

Melody had her own concerns to worry about as she asked about Akorvick, and though that annoyed the angel Alex answered as she tried to keep at least some attention on the men surrounding her. [I haven't seen him, but I've been told he is and believe it since the shaman said he's been a total pain in the ass.] The woman probably wouldn't like that response given how she seemed to adore him, but it was the best Alex could do. Aes followed that with a question of her own, and Alex answered with a mental frown. [No. Only caught a glimpse of what lay outside this tent, and that was at night while everyone else was gathered around a funeral pyre.] And truthfully she didn't know if she would answer even if she did. Hearing that Acrasia had been lurking in the neighborhood meant that woman could be waiting for someone to rush to Alex's aid, and gods knew what kind of mess that could make.

The shifting from Mishra pulled Alex back toward her body, and as the orc took position behind her the men were rearranged to make room for their final member to officially join them. Mr. Impatient had to lower himself to his knees to do so, but once he was in position he casually thrust himself into the dragon's cleavage and let out a heavy sigh of relief. Mishra made sure he was getting the attention he craved as she started pumping his shaft with Alex's chest, and as she did she made sure to fondle and grope the dragon's flesh while her fingers constantly flicked over Alex's nipples and caused her to stifle the moans that would have followed. She had to hope that none of that was being transferred over whatever mental link she was using to speak with Aes, but when the angel commented on Alex not getting any break it caused the dragoness to fluster both physically and mentally. The orcs probably wouldn't notice it. Who wouldn't be a little flustered with all these cocks surrounding them? But this just proved that everyone could probably see what the hell they were making her do, and as had happened so many times before she couldn't completely hide her embarrassment over being discovered in such a compromising position.

But... [At least this isn't as bad it was last night.] She could actually think for herself instead of having dicks and nothing but dicks flashing across her mind.

Of course that didn't mean she didn't have dicks on her mind. She had a pair she needed to keep stroking, and though she wasn't giving them her absolute best she was making sure they enjoyed themselves enough to keep them satisfied and then some. Another was nestled between her tits, and that one she could leave to Mishra. The woman obviously had plans for Alex, and a moment later she was purring them into the dragon's ear and causing Alex to blush even harder. She really hoped Angelle wasn't hearing that over whatever link they were sharing. But she couldn't give that too much thought as she had the final cock now passing through her lips. As interesting as it was to give Bahk a true tongue job she felt she could do more. There was no reason she couldn't take him into her mouth and let her lips casually glide back and forth over the ridge of his helm, and as she did she made sure to throw in a stronger bit of suction that had her nearly pulling him forward before his cap finally popped free of her mouth only to be recaptured by her tongue and coiled once more. He seemed to be really enjoying himself, and since he didn't seem to be holding himself back she was determined to drag as much out of him as she could before she had to focus on the others.

And she wouldn't have to wait long. His hand had come to rest and grip one of her horns, and as his grip tightened his cock seemed to surge as a strong moan signaled to everyone there that he was about to blow. This delighted Mishra to no end, and she released Alex's bust to pay closer attention as Bahk confirmed he was about to burst. All he needed was a little more tongue work before he let loose, and once that first jet landed on her tongue Alex was surprised by how potent it felt. Apparently Bahk had been looking forward to this all day, and now that the moment had arrived he wasn't holding back for anything. That first rope filled her mouth quite nicely, but before she could even think of swallowing it a second followed, and it felt even bigger. The third practically flooded her mouth, and as she tried to swallow the excess started oozing out of her to flow down her chin and neck as the fourth kept pouring even more into her. Whatever attention she had shown to the men in her hands simply stopped, and if she hadn't already started swallowing she was sure she would have gagged and coughed as Bahk continued to try and drown her. She even tried to pull back to give herself some breathing room, but Mishra trapped her other horn and held her there as Bahk just wouldn't stop.

By the time he finally did Alex felt absolutely stuffed and drenched, and the others seemed just as impressed with the man as Mishra did before the orc turned her attention back to dragon. She ordered Alex to play with it, to swish it with her tongue, and with her head held back as it was Alex couldn't do much more than play along as her mouth remained open so her 'domme' could see the dragon's tongue swirling in circles as the seed in her mouth started turning into a frothy mess. At this point her attention to the others could resume, and though Alex was working herself back up to her previously steady pace she could tell that she wouldn't need to worry about one of them. The one to her right was panting and throbbing, and Mishra noticed as she was ordering Alex to swallow and then thank the cock that gave her this gift. Alex had to actively stop herself from rolling her eyes at this woman, but she complied and was finally able to breathe before she turned back and gave Bahk's cock a small kiss before she opened her mouth just enough to let her lips consume him once more. This time she kept going, her lips descending further and further until they reached his root, and from there she pulled herself free and left him relatively clean save for what might have dribbled out after she'd retreated.

This left her ready to address the man ready to burst in her grip, and she turned her head to look him over as her hand slowed enough to properly guide him closer. But instead of simply swallowing him she let her tongue stretch out a few inches to welcome him as it slid under his hood and become the track that led him into the warm confines of her mouth. Inch by inch would gradually disappear until her nose reached his pelvis, even going as far as taking him down her throat if that was needed unless Mishra somehow took offense to that and ordered her to do something else. But if Alex wasn't stopped her tongue would suddenly come alive, the length of it swirling beneath his length and coaxing the man to come even as her throat started swallowing to do the same. Even if this man proved to be far more manageable than Bahk she was not about to let herself be overwhelmed like that again. She did not want to be the dragon who drowned in cum.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Mr Impatient


Having her lips occasionally slipping onto and then popping off of his helmet only allowed Alex to extract Bahk's seed all the more quickly, and when she had it and Mishra was watching her swirl her tongue through the mire of his potent seed, Alex would have no choice but to examine the flavor. It was still mildly salty, but had taken on a sweetened note, albeit a muted one. The two flavors mixed nicely, and unlike the demons that she often sucked off, it lacked any mind-numbing aphrodisiacs that she'd have to worry about getting addicted to. His latent virility undercutting the conventional flavor only added a secondary pleasant subconscious element to the braggart's flavor, though it might also add to the worry that she'd end up saddled with carrying one of his offspring. When she'd swallowed and made to "thank" him for his liquid gift, Bahk groaned heartily as she took him to the root, throbbing all over again in her mouth, and when she pulled back to extract the dregs of his release, Alex would feel a final modest spurt land on her tongue.

"Ahhhh.... Ehheheheh... You are good," Bahk muttered prior to letting out another soft groan. Mishra, giggling, would gather up the semen that had oozed down Alex's chin and neck onto her fingers before bringing them back to Alex's mouth, shoving them in for the dragoness to clean and ensuring that she'd swallowed every last drop of Bahk's released before she could move on to the next orc. By that point he was about to blow, and when she simply swallowed him the man shuddered before her. "Aaaaaah, aaahahaha, fuuuck! Ghhhnnnn!" He'd already been on edge, and once her tongue was coiled around him the man didn't even make it to the thirty second mark before the orc was shaking and cumming his brains out, his groans almost distressed while he poured rope after rope of his cum down her throat. The orc's load, big as it was, couldn't compare to Bahk's, and Alex had a much easier time drinking it down to the last, dregs and all. Like Bahk, he earned a bit of good natured abuse from his comrades, which he accepted with shocked amusement more than any sort of chagrin.

"Yeeeaaaah boy, bust down her throat! Give her some fucking protein!"

"Haaaah, who likes her now?"

"Damn, is she a succubus or something?"

"Guuuhhhh! Hnnnggg.... She fuckin sucks cock like one, aaahhn... Hnnn... Hnnng!"

"Heheheh, hope she eats pussy that good!"

"Hnk, she's not gonna stop until you ain't got a drop left, is she? And you're just givin' it to her!"

"Uggghhnnn... Uuughhhnn... Hnngg... Fffuck..."

"Heheh, you look like you're about to pass out!"

"Heh, not everyone can handle a woman like this one!"


"Stay on your feet there! I thought you were made of sterner stuff than that!"

"I think she's sucking out all of his sterner stuff, heheheheh!"

"Sounds like it... He gonna be a girl when she's done?"

"Or a fuckin' zombie... Best keep an eye on him, he might be enthralled. Or worse; in love."

That was met with a chorus of laughter at that, at which point the man was finally pulling free of her mouth, letting her get on with pleasing the next group of them.

Mishra was giggling while the stuff settled in her stomach, and once Alex pulled off she said; "Fuck that was hot! You didn't let him keep a drop, did ya? Fuck, no wonder everyone was talking about you yesterday! Now do it again!" The hand on her horn turned Alex's head, and the woman turned Alex directly towards the one that she'd been jerking off and pushed her mouth towards his cock. That one wasn't nearly as close to his release as the last had been, giving Alex a few moments to talk to her Mate and Melody while Mishra knelt behind her again and let the impatient one start fucking her tits again.

"Damn... They aren't making this easy, are they?" Aes remarked glibly. "Have you learned anything while you were there? Anything that we can use? The orcs are still marching on us, and we've had to pressgang almost the entire population into finishing the back wall now that the horsemen are behind us," Melody interjected, having accepted the news about Akorvick with a frown, but accepted it nonetheless. "If that shaman's there, that means they aren't with the main army... Maybe we can do something with that?" Aes mused thoughtfully.

When the next orc came in her mouth, again allowing Alex to swallow the whole contents of his testes as he gave them up, letting another load settle in her stomach. That left her only with Mister Impatient, who had gone back to thrusting himself between her breasts, and was evidently getting pretty close to giving up his seed judging by his grunting and throbbing. "Ohhhhh yeah, you ready to bust? You better glaze these fuckin' dragon tits, I wanna watch her lick 'em clean!" Mishra announced, and the man seemed all too willing to do just that. Whether Alex had lowered her tongue to lap at his tip and potentially take some of his release into her mouth or not, Bahk would approach, what little of his hardness that he'd lost was long returned, and he offered a challenge; "You're pretty good! Much better when the shaman's poisons had turned you into a mindless beast! Want to compare techniques, see who's better? I'll even let you pick the position~ And I won't even cum in ya again unless I win!"

Mishra quirked an eyebrow at this offer, and the two who had already blown their loads rolled their eyes knowingly at their cocky comrade while recuperating, the second having handled it only slightly better than the first but receiving significantly less good-natured flack for it.

"Oh here we go..."

"Dammit, I wanted a turn before she was all cock-drunk again..."

"Heheh, how come you've never tried that on me, Bahk?"

"Because you'd lose."

"True! It'd be fun though."

"True, true... Maybe some other time, Mishra."

However Alex might respond to Bahk's offer, the orc fucking her tits was closing to giving up his seed as well, and after a few more moments would tilt his head back and groan, his thrusting taking on a faster, almost frantic pace. Finally, he could take no more, and a glob after glob of hot orcish cum would rain down onto Alex's chest, giving her bust a fairly thorough glazing if she allowed him to. However much might have ended up in her cleavage and on her breasts, Mishra would release her bust, finally ceasing the constant teasing of her peaks, and strolled around to take a look. "Heheheh, now lick it all up!" She said, before finally starting to disrobe herself. The woman lifted off her top first, revealing pert, moderately sized breasts and a visibly toned upper body, and then slipped her pants down, bending down without taking her eyes off of Alex as she did so.

"Alright, now you boys can fuck the shit out of her all you want! It's time for ME to find out how good that tongue is!"
Alex's next 'customer' as it were proved to be a more patient sort. Despite all the teasing and stroking she'd done, despite her tongue reaching out to coil around his tip only to drag him closer so she could engulf him, despite dragging back slowly and letting each coil slip around his helm before her lips caught that rim and kept him from escaping, the man simply grunted his pleasure at her skill and allowed her to continue at her own pace. His cock may have twitched and hardened and offered her a taste of things to come, but that throb of imminent release was nowhere to be found. This meant she had some time before he found his release, and with her tongue continuing as it had that meant she could let her mind wander back toward the mental conversation she was having between herself, Aes, and Melody.

[I do seem to be quite the popular attraction after what happened last night...] There was a sense of rueful mirth in her voice, but there was also a bit of curiosity. Alex had been somewhat preoccupied from the potions she had to take, and she wondered how that affected their attempt to contact her when all she could really think about was all the cock surrounding her. She couldn't be sure how Melody would react, but Aes would definitely have something to say. And had Angelle been there as well? Good gods, what would go through her mind if all she caught from her mother was Cock cock cock... ooooh... MORE! ?

Of course Melody was focused on more important things, and when asked Alex took a moment to review what she'd learned. [Not quite sure if it's anything useful, but I did learn something about the faeries these guys have been dealing with. Apparently when Akorvick and I were brought here a cloaked fey supplied the collars and chains that keep us bound, and the shaman said that when that faerie saw me she looked on me with such hatred that it almost looked like I'd be killed on the spot. Instead she said she wanted me bound until they'd won, and when they did she wanted me, my Mate, and my daughter trussed up in the town square to be put to use by the entire army and whoever else took an interest.] Given what they'd just gone through in Therion that would be more than enough to throw suspicion on the one creature Alex had thwarted, and if that was true then this woman was taking things far more personally than Albatross had guessed. Hopefully Alex was being discreet enough not to draw her attention by not saying her name outright given that this collar was her design, gods know what kind of tricks could be waiting within it, and hopefully everyone else would pick up on that. [Other than that I really can't give you much. I did learn why the orcs are marching like this, and why they aren't going to simply stop. It isn't pretty...] And coming from Alex that meant something.

As much as she'd like to keep talking the demands of the present would make themselves known, and a groan from the man she was servicing would call the dragon's attention back to her body. He was nearing his limit, and as he did Alex started bobbing on his length while her tongue gliding around and over his helm to worry his rim like nothing he'd ever felt before. When he could take no more her lips stopped, but her tongue started stroking him for all he was worth until he finally exploded and gave Alex her third helping of cum from this lot. Thankfully his volume was far more manageable than the complete and admittedly tasty mess she'd received from Bahk, and once she'd sucked everything she could from her current partner she released him with a pop and left him to fall back and recover however he wished. All she had to deal with now was Mr. Impatient and Mishra as they both worked together to fuck his prick with her tits.

And Bahk, apparently. The man recovered admirably, and once he had he complimented Alex on her skill and dropped a challenge at her feet. That brought her to a pause even if the other two were still using her for their enjoyment, and after taking a moment she gave him a once-over to see if any of his excitement had leaked from his tip. If it had a drop would be taken by the tip of one of her fingers, and that finger would be offered for Mishra's inspection. Hopefully the woman would take the offering, and if she did Alex would finally answer from there. "You may wish to reconsider. Your taste has changed. Wouldn't you agree?" This question was asked of her domme for the moment, and once the woman agreed she would continue. "That isn't natural. Neither was the sheer volume you nearly drowned me with." That should earn some more good-natured ribbing from the peanut gallery, and Alex would wait for it to pass. "My magic has become a little more chaotic recently, enough that it's starting to affect other people." At that she'd wait to see how he'd respond.

That little revelation probably wouldn't cause anything but the slightest of interruptions, and with the impatient one thrusting himself between her tits Alex was forced to turn her attention toward him. He seemed quite content to simply keep at it, especially with Mishra providing a helping hand by groping Alex's breasts and causing them to bounce up and down the man's length, but Alex was not. Her experiments with her tongue weren't quite finished, after all, and for the man before her she decided to test her reach. It straightened and lengthened as it finally popped out of her mouth, the entire thing resembling a serpent's tongue without the fork at the end, and as it descended it even acted like a snake as it met and then descended along length until it too was being stroked by her bust. It almost looked like she was trying to bury it within her own bosom, but for the man before her it was gliding down his underside and extending as far as it could reach until it met his root. From there a rolling curl would travel from her tip back up toward her mouth, and if this managed to get him to slow she would take full advantage by descending even further and gently rolling over each of his balls. That should be more than enough to bring him to a near halt as she lavished him with her attention, and in doing so she would rise enough that she could comfortably swirl herself around his length to tease him some more before she came to a stop. Her tongue would rest against him even if Mishra still kept pumping his length, and though it squirmed and wriggled slightly it mostly kept still as her mouth opened and hovered just over his tip. Her eyes would look up, then, a silent offer to take him between her lips as she had the others, and whether he accepted or not she would let him return to whatever pace he desired and adjusted her attention to ease some of the tension his own impatience had brought.

No matter what route he took his climax would eventually strike, and Alex would take as much into her mouth as she could before Mishra forced her head up and back so she could see the glazing she so desperately wished for. At that the orcess would finally release the dragon, but as she did Alex's arms rose to support her bust and help keep the small pool of orcish seed contained there as the woman walked around to inspect the mess she helped inspire. At the order to start cleaning herself Alex did just that, and in doing so she only used her tongue as Mishra had earlier wished while the woman herself watched and disrobed. Alex would take her time, making sure the tip of her tongue flicked across her own nipple before burying it within the valley of her cleavage to give the other woman ideas, and once she was finally clean Mishra declared it open season on the dragoness as long as that tongue wasn't preoccupied so she could put it to proper use.

There would be the obvious shuffling of bodies now that things were progressing, but as Mishra crept into position Alex would pipe up. "Don't be too rough. At least not yet. I believe she deserves a good thrashing from me!" The look that followed would tell each of the men that she was determined to make this woman squeal for mercy before she was done, and given the way Mishra had been dominating this entire thing they'd probably love to see her put in her place. Once they caught on Alex attacked, her mouth planting itself over the orc's sex and letting her lather the woman's labia with the flat of her tongue in long, flowing licks that sounded obscenely messy. But with each pass those licks only grew longer, the dragon's tongue straightening and lengthening to do so as first the top of it brushed up and through the woman's slit only to reverse and let the underside briefly brush past her clit on the down stroke to tease her opening before it reversed and started the whole process again. After a few passes a swirl would be added at the apex, a brief twirl of muscle that would let Alex tease out the woman's clit in earnest and let her lather it in attention for a brief moment that started growing longer and longer as time went on, and she kept this going until Mishra simply couldn't take anymore and collapsed.

Alex would help her onto her back once her legs gave out, and with the woman prone she rolled the orc's hips back to give her unfettered access so everyone could watch as her gave one last swirl that descended into her spearing the woman with her tongue. The men wouldn't be able to see much more following that, but if anyone was truly curious they would find that Alex's final swirl had not ended and was now stroking every inch of Mishra's passage without mercy. That constant stroking of her walls would go on forever as Alex started reaching deeper than any tongue had any right to, and Alex would note each and every moan the woman made as she constantly assaulted the woman's sex until she could reach no further. There she would start to slow, but as she did her extended muscle loop around itself to form an improvised ring that would slowly start pressing against the woman's depths. It was an odd motion to make, one that forced her to keep her tongue a little more still as she focused on gently pump in against Mishra's core, but as her confidence with this grew she would start pressing against the orc's g-spot and any other points that made the woman beg for more. And beg she would because Alex had had enough of her. She was too domineering, too damned cocky, and her inner dragon just couldn't accept it. It wanted to make this woman scream and beg until all she could do was cream herself, and only once she was basking in sweet release would it finally strike. Her hips would be rolled even higher, her sex presented for everyone to see, and then she turned to the one man that stood out from the others. He would be the one who had been excluded, who couldn't jockey himself into position to experience that pleasure of the dragoness from either the front or the rear, and as Mishra laid there propped up in offering Alex would finally speak. "She's been been rather bossy, wouldn't you say? Someone should teach her a lesson..."
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Mr Impatient

Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

[I don't have to imagine,] Alex's Mate replied blithely once Alex could concentrate fully on their mental conversation, giving a knowing smirk. [Nothing that you can't handle in the short term, I trust. What's the over under on whether or not we're expecting another new family member by the end of it? Think we can get you another potion in time if you get out by tonight?] Angelle blushed and grimaced slightly at the notion, and Melody was scowling as they again got off of what she perceived as the important topic at hand. Whether or not her daughter's blush came from having contact Alex's mind the night previous, when all that she could think of was cock and being bred, was to yet be a mystery unless Alex brought it up.

That gave the dragoness the opportunity to divert to talking about their faerie problem, and at that Aescila grimaced and scowled darkly. [Fantastic... So we get to have that trouble AGAIN? I thought she'd have some sense put into her by someone so far her superior? Well, there's not much we can do about that right now. That wording gives us an out, at least; We just have to make sure that Ochre doesn't fall. We were planning on doing that anyway, and if there is faerie involvement maybe I can get some of my limitations in dealing with this taken off! Especially since it might very well be one court operating on another's turf, or members of one court doing the grunt work for another court's queen. I'll call up Abariel and ask her about it. For now.... Is there anything you can tell us about those bindings? Maybe we can do something to neutralize them, help you get out?]

Eventually, however, the more dire subject would come up, and despite Alex's evasive manner of bringing it up, a flash of dread would pass over Melody's features. [We already know why they're here; it's a gateway to Therion. One that we can't safely attack with spells and expect to escape from via teleportation with no retaliation. And here I was thinking that it'd be a nice place to spend my retirement years...] Aescila, however, had seemingly caught on that there might be more to it than that. [There's more to it than that though, right? Some other plan, or something? They aren't actually going to try and wake whatever's resting in the tomb, right?]

The dragon's response to Melody, in particular, would renew that look of dread, but over the course of a few moments it would harden, giving Alex the clarity to realize that the mage knew that she wouldn't so easily admit to. Her next addition would be answered with a very calm, very stoic reply of; [It isn't slaughter. It's population control.] Aes, who had been looking increasingly confused, did a double take towards the aging magus after her response, and turned to stare at her, giving Alex an opportunity for one more response that left Aes appearing shocked and disgusted. Angelle opened her eyes then, all six of them, and the expressions from wing to face to wing were, in unison, of confusion and horror closely matching the reaction of her father.

Melody, evidently realized what she'd admitted to, hardened her features further. [Look. I know... That what has been done is awful. I would know, I participated, knowingly and willingly, in the cullings. I have not once been able to sleep without thinking about what I did. It is a cruelty that I will carry with me to my grave, and if the gods are just, beyond it... But circumstances have proven us just in our atrocities.] By that point, Aescila was glowing, golden and crimson flickering around her in Alex's psychically gifted image of the chamber, and she had but one simple demand; [Explain. Now.] Alex had a moment to interject there, but if Melody was allowed to speak, she would set her shoulders, facing the angel both condemned and redeemed before her with her back unbowed.

[The orcs would win.] There was a pause, and Aescila gave an impatient huff; [That doesn't explain anything, stop being cryptic!] Alex was given a chance to interject, offer some commentary or a repetition of what Matat had told her, but ultimately the mage would say her piece; [For generations, the orcish population has been carefully contained to the mountains, and later the Amazonian steppe, and... And it was done because the orcs. Would. Win. The elves realized it centuries before mankind strode upon Heloras's shores, and it is no less true now than it was then. The orcs, if we were pushed into a fair competition for resources as nature demands, would win. They are physically stronger than humans or elves. They mature faster, reach safe breeding age faster, and when mating with any other mortal race, what is produced is almost invariably an orc. Even when mating with demons, fae, and dragons, the result carries their influence far, far more than it would with a human or elven parent. Were it not for our efforts, humans and elves would likely have already been rendered extinct centuries ago!]

Aescila, the horror having not yet fully dawned upon her, would allow Melody to continue, who had a complex mixture of emotions coloring her expression at this point. [This war is evidence enough. A couple of years in which we did not reduce their population, and they came from their mountain homes and DESTROYED COMPLETELY one of the greatest records of culture and civilization that our world has ever and will ever know. The memories of thousands, perhaps even millions of years of Donevrion's history was recorded at Gods-Reach. The great cataclysm that rent the world and halved the fae courts in number.... The coming of the angels and their joining with the reborn courts as their fifth... The coming of humanity to Heloras's shores.... The first demonic invasions upon the mortal realms... The real stories of the ascension of the gods.... Even the rising of the first orcs from beasts into sapient beings, all of it was recorded in Gods-Reach. All of it... And it's GONE. When the orcs took it, crippled as it was from the attack of the horrors come from the sky, recuperating from the loss of nearly half of its population to a fate worse than any death, they came down from their mountains, as we had always feared they would, and they destroyed everything. Everything. Every tablet was smashed into powder, every piece of parchment was burned... And they didn't give a FUCK what it might meant to anyone else, whether someone less barbaric and primitive than themselves might want to remember anything more complex... Than could be recounted by whichever happens to be the oldest living orc that they personally know! Thousands of years of history, gone! Oh, and I guess this is just a FUCKING BYPRODUCT, but thousands of people died, and thousands more were fucking raped until they broke. So.... Yes, I-]

She was cut off, not by Aescila, but by a quiet whisper from Angelle; [What did you do? What have you done?] Melody steadied herself, turning to Angelle, and the mage's eyes were now sad and tearful. [I.... We.... We killed them. One in ten. No more, no less. Every time they had a major surge, usually every ten or so years. We teleported over their homes, and we culled their population, enough to keep things stable.] Aescila's demanding expression became one of anguish, a look mirrored on Angelle's face, but Melody continued before they or Alex could interject; [It was an atrocity, yes, but one that had to be done. It wasn't just for us, for our good! This war has killed so many, of them and of us, and it's all that we had ever feared could happen! All that the elves who had started it feared... They founded the Falling Leaves, dedicating nearly a tenth of their own population to never having families of their own, all of them determined that they should guard Crolia against the orcs and keep them forever in their mountains. We only wanted to ensure that they could never reach critical mass, could never come together and form a unified threat that would let them hurt others.... Hurt us. We culled their population, as had been begun centuries ago, to protect them. To let them live their lives as they could, that our cultures would never truly clash. When some of them left their mountains and moved onto the planes, the grand Steppe that sang with the throat of the world, we approached the people of Amazonia, and those who ruled there heard of our atrocities, as bluntly as you have, and after all of that... They agreed with us! That this prolonged tragedy, however awful it might be, however it might burden generations to come with innocent blood... That it was what had to happen. That it was what was best for everyone. Unfortunately, time has proven us right.]

Now, there are but two paths before us; the orcs will win, and all that we have known and loved will be left as ash in the name of their vengeance, and Crolia shall descend into barbarism.... Or we will win, and those voices who called for their extinction shall no longer be denied, and it will go from one in ten to one in one. So.... Yes. We have gone to orc lands, every few years, and we have killed them. We have burned, and we have struck with thunder and fire, and we have ripped the air from their lungs, and done oh so many more horrible things to them, to keep those who survived alive. Anyone who went beyond the call of one in ten did so outside the purview of our mandate. I am not proud of it, and I will carry it with me to be judged by the gods when I die. If I was asked to repeat it, I would do so. And... There it is.]

Aescila gazed upon Melody in utter and complete disgust, but in that moment she turned, and Alex felt so much as heard what she cried; [ABARIEL!!! ABARIEL, NOW!!! I NEED ANSWERS!]

The pained need present in her Mate's voice was palpable, tactile, but Alex could not be there to comfort her. In a heartbeat, Abarial was there, called by Aescila's enchanted call, and for a few moments the angel's expression was an unwitting, friendly smile. [Ahhh, hello! Good timing, Bielah has been learning to dance! Perhaps when you get back, you both can teach her something of what you know on the subject! I know it's short, but the time of innocence should be savored as much as it...] She trailed off, noticing the expressions around her from Melody, Aescila, Angella, and possibly Alex herself, and her own look of loving glee at her daughter's antics faded as she evidently realized that she was in for a difficult conversation.

[Explain,] Aescila demanded coldly, and Abariel looked around with a helpless, confused, searching look. [The people of Crolia have apparently been butchering orcs with magic for centuries. Why has nothing been done about it? Why has it not been stopped? Did we simply not know?] Her Mate was in something of a state by this point, and she laid out what Melody had just essentially admitted to in very short terms... And Abariel signed resignedly, causing the look of horror on Aescila's face to spread. [We knew, yes. We didn't do anything,] Abariel began, only for Aescila to howl; [You KNEW!? You knew and you did NOTHING!? We're supposed to protect people from this kind of thing! I have obeyed a million godsdamned rules and a million more fearful impulses, and for what!? Justify it to me!] Abariel swallowed audibly, letting a moment of silence pass, at which point she answered; [Yes. I, and in the larger context the angelic court, knew of the cullings. We didn't stop it-] Again she was cut off, this time by a wordless, embittered growl from Alex's Mate, and even across so tenuous connection as she had, Alex could feel Aescila's rage boiling over. Abariel closed her eyes in response to that, and in that moment Alex felt that Abariel accepted the condemnation as Melody had not; the angel was very genuinely somber and regretful for her inaction, where the mage perhaps more accurately wished simply that she didn't have to carry the guilt, but refused in any way to acknowledge that she might have been at fault in her thinking on the subject.

[We didn't stop it because not all of us agreed that it should be stopped,] she finished plainly, and that... Didn't help Aescila's expression of ever-present horror and betrayal, but it did lead her to turn the latter upon Abariel for the moment. [I am not in that camp,] she continued, [nor will I ever be... But, in the end, as horrid as what has been done, as deep as the pain runs, what has been done is a conflict of mortal upon mortal. It is not our place to interfere in what mortals do to mortals, lest our purpose be buried.] Aescilla looked veritably mutinous at this point, but Abariel soldiered on anyway, this time continuing in a very frank voice; [Some of our number are borne of orcish parents. Some are borne of Crolian humans or elves. Some who have no parental ties believe strongly in favor of one camp or another, for reasons that are their own. Some do not have a strong opinion, knowing only of it in the vague sense that it has, at some point, been explained to them. I am sorry that it never came up when we were speaking to you, but not a one of us is perfect, and there was a lot of ground to cover. In the end though.... What would you say to them, to any of them? Should they fight it out, spending their lives on this internal ethical conflict over something that was going on millenia before our race even existed? I wish that it were not so, fervently, but we cannot prevent or end every last atrocity that is or has ever been! Our every decision must be spent in numbers, those numbers being our very lives; Otherworldly threats outnumber us, as they always have, and we spend ourselves daily to keep as much pain as we can from reaching mortalkind. We did not stop the orcish cullings to our shame, just as we did not put down Badaria's Lich King to our shame, but... But which million mortals might you have preferred that we sacrifice, to have done differently? Which piece of Donevrion would you have had us surrender to something unspeakable come from another universe? Which of our number has not given enough for mortals in your eyes, that you would put us against each other based on parentage and belief on whether mortalkind can safely wield sorcery, that you would expend theirs lives fighting over it instead? That has ever been the source of our inaction on this. None of us like it, but it is what it is.]

In contrast to Melody, who was scowling in an almost accusatory manner, Abariel's expression was somber and sympathetic. She was very openly crying. Aescila now stood dumbfounded, utterly confused, and Angelle's wings were whispering into her ears in the corner as she stared at the floor. It was up to Alex to try to bring some order to the discussion, and possibly offer her Mate what peace of mind that she could, if Alex herself could find any in this situation.

(continued in next post)
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