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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

However her mental conversation might resolve, eventually Alex's time of being able to rely solely on her reflexes for pleasing the orcs that were physically clustered around her would come to an end. A groan from the orc that she was servicing would call her attention back to her physical body, her well-practiced talents having allowed her to suck him off almost on autopilot. When she felt him nearing his release, he would rock his hips into her mouth, giving shallow, reflexive pumps that were entirely unneeded given the motions of her tongue. A few seconds later, and the familiar sensation of hot ropes of cum flooding her mouth rewarded her efforts, giving the dragoness a sizeable mouthful of, like Bahk's, now pleasantly sweet, almost vanilla-flavored semen. When he was released from her clutches, he stumbled back, leaving Alex with but one man yet to find release to contend with.... And Bahk's challenge.

Taking the small sample of Bahk's pre and offering it to Mishra prompted the orcess to quirk an eyebrow. "That's your treat, y'know... I'm not normally into that kind of thing," she said, before shrugging and leaning down to take the sample, prompting another quirked eyebrow. "Mmmph... Pop. I wouldn't know. Never could stand the taste before, and I usually lean towards women! Bahk just happens to have been good enough in the sack for me to make an exception, doesn't mean I did a lot of dick sucking. I guess he does taste a lil different from before.... That's pretty nice actually!" Alex's further explanation, relating to her ability to prompt mutation in others and Bahk's near drowning of her, earned a few chuckles from the spent orcs and Mishra, and an apologetic look from the man himself, but no prolonged interruption. After she had given her full explanation, Bahk tilted his head, taking on a pensive look, and then shrugged. "I'll only live once... I think I'll take my chances! So, what do ya say? Go a round? Maybe a couple, if you're feeling up to it?"

However Alex might respond to Bahk, she still had Mr. Impatient thrusting through her breasts, and Alex had one more trick with her tongue to try on one of the men before it moved on to Mishra. He slowed his thrusting as Alex's tongue slid out along the bottom of his shaft, looking down in wonder, but a grinning Mishra was happy to pull up the slack in making sure that Alex's breasts smothered and stroked him ever closer to spilling his seed. The further she descended, the slower he moved, to that point that once she reached his root and began running those rolling curls up along his shaft. "Uuuugghhh! Huhuhhh, nnnhhhh.... Fuck that's god, eheheheh... You really do have a lot of tricks with that thing!" He declared, and if that wasn't enough appreciation for her talents, every time one of those rolling curls lashed against his frenulum and it coincided with one of Mishra's steady jerks, a small glob of pre would shoot out onto the base of her tongue, giving her a sampling of his now almost chocolate-flavored seed. However Alex might react to the revelation of another new flavor - caramel for Bahk, vanilla for one of them, and now chocolate for this one - she was about to get a much bigger sampling of it.

Alex still had plenty of time to let her tongue explore further, however, and when it descended to roll over one of his testes, the orc's legs actually shook, and she received an even more sizeable glob of his dew as that orb twitched upwards towards the orc's body. "Ffffuuuuhhuhhhck.... Ughn.... Damn that tongue.... Ggguuuhhhhh! Hrk!" After teasing first one orb and then the other, the orc was throbbing hard, and the steady globs of pre had given way to dry heaves suggesting that his release wasn't far off. Just looking up at him nearly did it, but he would give a slight nod when she nonverbaly offered to take him into her mouth for the final stretch. That would leave Alex suckling on his cap, with Mishra using her breasts to stroke along either side of his shaft, and the orc only managed another ten or so seconds before the orc tossed his head back and groaned. Ropes of thick, sticky, chocolate-flavored cum spurted directly into Alex's mouth, his potency providing far more than a single mouthful by the sixth, and six more were to follow. That would give more than enough volume left for Alex to pop off of him and let him glaze her bosom, much to Mishra's delight, and once he was done she had plenty more to gather up with the languid work with her tongue for the viewing delight of her audience.

"Fuuuuuuck why does everything that you do just keep making you seem hotter?" Mishra said as she disrobed, just before the dragoness made her request for the others to go easier on her so that she could give Mishra a proper lashing. That prompted Mishra to giggle, and the orcish men to laugh heartily around her. Alex barely needed to pull her into range to put her tongue to work, the orcess stepped up without hesitation, raising one leg to rest her thigh over Alex's shoulder, and her giggle would turn into a groan of pleasure when Alex's tongue began to lather her nether lips with attention. The more Alex's technique progressed, the deeper a timbre Mishra's moaning took on, and at her first rolling flick over the orc's clitoris, the leg laid over her shoulder twitched violently, and Alex could feel the muscles beneath the woman's skin tightening and then relaxing from the burst of stimulation. Mishra's pleasured outcry was sharper then, a harsher gasp as Alex's tongue stroked against her pleasure gem, and she would be rewarded with the sound, the leg twitch, and heightened flow of the orcish warrior's honey to replace the flavors of semen that she'd been treated to so far.

The orcish men around her, even if they weren't simply lining up and pounding her into the floor, were not idle while Alex made good on her promise to leave Mishra as a truly satisfied mess. Naturally, they WERE planning on doing that, but there were protocols to go through... Like decidiing in what order they'd be allowed to do it.

"Well, I'll just take first turn then..."

"Nah, NAH! I want first! Just because I ain't as good as you in bed doesn't mean I'm okay with her being comatose when it's my turn! Besides, you got your nut off first, and you almost drowned her in it! You can wait!"

"Hey, I didn't TRY to put out that much y'know!"

"Guhuh, I owe her a return on the favor for that tonguework. Damn was that satisfying...."

"I don't mind teaming up! If she's alright with that anyway..."


"There's only one way..."


All four said the last sentence at the same time, and then... Proceeded to engage in a loud, boisterous round of rock-paper-scissors, jibbing at one another in a good nature manner while Alex was left to bring Mishra to the ground in a lustful stupor without their interference. In the end (and after some d20 rolls on my part,) perhaps to the dragon's chagrin, Bahk would prove the winner, with the man who had only really gotten a handjob ending up getting the last slot.

Eventually, Alex's tongue brought Mishra low, causing the one leg holding her up to begin shaking from the constant attention to her clitoris. Thankfully, she didn't let herself outright collapse, instead tightening the grip she'd taken on Alex's hair briefly in warning before carefully planting her other foot, panting all the while. "Fffuck.... Ugh.... Hn.... That's.... I think I better lie down!" She murmured, and then proceeded to do just that, Alex following her down with tongue still at work and making those muscular legs twitch all the while. Once she was down, her legs spread and her folds completely at the dragon's mercy, all that she could do was throw her head back and groan, fingers lacing through Alex's hair and offering yet another form of appreciative feedback for her efforts. That display hadn't been missed by the men, who had finished up their game to decide who would get to fuck her first, but for the moment she would largely be allowed to victimize her would-be domme in peace.

"I'll take things slow, give you guys some time to recharge," Bahk murmured graciously, earning some skeptical grunts from the other thre. Nonetheless, he knelt down behind her, gently clapping his hands onto her rump, and proceeded to massage and work the dragon's bubbly rear. He put on quite an admirable effort to it as well, not quite up to the level of Aes or Kimi but getting shockingly close as his worked his fingers over her pliant flesh. His fingers dimpled into her meaty backside, working the muscles beneath in a sensual massage, but when she was fully relaxed on either side he would rear back a hand to give a carefully controlled smack, the strikes offering almost no sting but producing plenty of jiggle. He would teasingly prod at her petals with his member from time to time, never fully sinking in but occasionally dipping in an inch or two, though more often he would simply prod, or else release one of her cheeks briefly to bounce it against her bottom or clit, or else rub it over her nether lips.

However she might react to Bahk's teasing, Alex had Mishra to punish, and punish she would. The orcess had already been shaking slightly by the time she'd gone to ground, but when Alex fully put her elongated draconic tongue to work on her, the deal was sealed. The shaking of her legs grew by the moment as Alex's tongue wormed deeper into her folds, and once Alex had wormed deep enough to curl and press against Mishra's g-spot, the woman was done. "Guuuuhhhhhh! Ffffuck yesss! Yesyesyesyes yes yes yessss! Right there!" She groaned, voice flooded with utter satisfaction, but it would be up to Alex how aggressively she wanted to please the woman. Alex was practiced enough to know when she was about to burst, and from there how to keep the orc right on the edge, leaving her on the precipide of orgasm and forcing her to bed to get it. If pushed to that point, Mishra would, eventually, cave to it, pleading for the dragon's mercy, and whether she had to or not, her climax when it arrived would leave her quaking, arching her back and lifting herself partially off of the floor as her body shook and passage spasming around the dragon's tongue.

The ensuing afterglow would leave her uterrly vulnerable to Alex's next mischievous act, but even as a stunned Mishra was practically offered to him, the man to whom she was offered hesitated. "Errr.... She's normally.... Y'know, leaning more in your direction. Plus, it's not exactly good manners to do that sort of thing when she can't answer for herself. Errr, Mishra?" He gave Alex a sheepish grin, before directing his look towards the still slightly shaking orcess, giving her a moment or two to recuperate with apparent patience despite his own recovered, throbbing erection. It took her a minute - or more if Alex continued teasing her - before she could reply; "Y-yeah, sure.... Just uhhh... Take the other hole... I want more of that tongue!"

With that, the man, smirking and rolling his eyes, moved under her, a brief wrestling match ensued, one that left her legs spread in front of Alex, and his rod sitcking between them both. She was left in full nelson, firmly in his grip, but Alex would be able to do as she liked with the scene taking place in front of her... Bahk, in the meantime, would give one of Alex's thighs a tap. "Lift this leg for me, would ya? That ass is perfect, but I've fucked you like this before! I'll take some variety if I can get it!" He said, and if Alex acquiesced, he would lift her leg until her knee was able to crook over his shoulder, allowing his cock to line up to finally sink once again into her depths. If she wanted to make any efforts at taking his seed into her womb again, she would have to make them now....
When it came to Alex's possible pregnancy her mental voice turned a bit hesitant. [It's a close thing. I'm not sure when the infertility potion ended, and they fed me a fertility potion before they started. If my potion held then maybe we can do something, but somehow I doubt it.] The timing on everything was far too suspect, and that left them with nothing more than a hope and a prayer.

When topics changed toward faerie interference Aes had some choice words to throw at this whole debacle. And Alex couldn't fault her. Acrasia wasn't exactly playing by Winter's rules. In fact this was turning far more personal then Albatross suggested it would, and as much as Alex didn't like the Queen of Autumn she had no desire to start a feud. But this did open up a few opportunities, some that may even let Aes act more openly if Autumn truly was encroaching on Winter's domain. [Right now I have two bindings keeping me in place. The first is a sealing collar. It's doing what it can to keep my controlled, and if I try to overcome it the entire thing tightens while thorns extend into my neck. It's a rather evil little thing...] But she did nearly overcome it once, and that was just her body acting on reflex. A more concerned effort should let her do something about it. Unfortunately that left... [The second is a small chain of silver. It lengthens if I try to move past its limit, and any time any pressure is put on it the thing sends a wave of exhaustion through me. It gives me some freedom of movement, but if anyone wants to lay me out all they need to do is tug on it hard enough to make me drop.] Combined the two things could be used to keep anyone controlled and submissive. Hell, it was why Alex was basically giving in to all the demands made by all the orcs surrounding her. But that didn't leave her without recourse. [I think so.] She could go into more detail, but she didn't want to say more. Not unless she was absolutely sure no one else could listen in on this conversation.

But that was when things turned toward darker tidings. A bout of annoyance came over Alex as Melody bemoaned her plans for retirement, especially that brief show of emotion that came before it. Alex couldn't read anything from that flash of dread. Was that Melody reacting to the approaching march? Or did she know more? [Yes.] was given to Aes, and after giving it some thought Alex figured a test would be appropriate. [Melody, do you know why the orcs are so dead set on exterminating any mage they come across?] And after waiting for an answer... [They're tired of being slaughtered.]

The dread returned at that, hinting that Melody obviously knew more than she said, but Alex wasn't prepared for what followed. [It isn't slaughter. It's population control.] A part of Alex went cold at that. A moment later the heat of her anger started to bloom. [Ripping a boy's lungs from his chest while his sister is forced to watch is not 'population control'.] What followed was a discourse, an explanation of whatever twisted justification was given to excuse the atrocities laid upon the orcs over countless generations. An explanation that seemed to inflame Aes by the second and did much the same to Alex as she silently listened while her Mate was less so. She could literally see her angel's passions flaring as the mage continued, and that passion never flagged even as Aes called forth Abariel to demand an explanation. It was soon joined by betrayal, the somber and genuine tone of Abariel working to quell some of that heat but not enough to diffuse the situation in any way, shape, or form. Because what could be done? Have the angels choose sides? Have them choose whether to honor the people of their birth or honor their comrades? Kill each other to decide who was right and who was wrong? Gods, this was all just wrong... Genocide to protect humanity, inaction to protect the world, and throughout all those Aes was desperately trying to come to grips with her roaring emotions while Angelle descended inward in some attempt to come to grips with the atrocities she'd just heard. And Alex? She hated this. She hated listening to the mage try to justify countless deaths as a necessary evil. She hated seeing Abariel break down into tears because ultimately there was nothing the angel could do to stop it. She hated being unable to do nothing but watch as her family practically tore themselves apart after listening to all of that. And worst of all, the thing that made her inwardly cringe in disgust as the thought passed her mind and refused to be ignored...

She hated that humanity wasn't wrong.

Alex wasn't forgiving them. Who could? Humanity tended to have this stick up their ass because they considered themselves the greatest thing ever to grace the face of this world, and anything that didn't fall into that worldview was instantly seen as something less and inferior. She'd seen enough of it in her life, and though every race tended to do the same humanity was so disgustingly flagrant about it that it was starting to become part of their identity. Non-human in Badaria? Better watch your back. No telling when someone might try to stick a knife in it. But she couldn't wholly condemn them, either. She was currently living the life of the conquered within an orcish camp. They were being far more gentle and respectful than any of the stories said, an unintended perk of having a dragon for a father, but Alex could see where things could have taken a far worse turn. Where the men wouldn't have stopped with just one turn. Where her body was kept bound and splayed for all to see. Where mind and body were constantly drugged by either those damned potions or the constant fuckery of every orc that felt they deserved to relieve their stress. Unending rape focused on battering whatever defenses Alex could muster until her very identity had simply had enough and just gave in. To be reduced to a piece of meat meant to be fucked until she was bloated with orc spawn and allowed to give birth only for this sick cycle to start once more.

So what could she say to all that? What could she possibly do to ease this sense of inhumanity and betrayal? Nothing. Words would do nothing. The only thing that came to mind was to simply get up and hug her family close, to offer nothing more than the warmth of her presence to try and ease the pains running through both her Mate and her daughter's minds, and that just wouldn't happen. Not now, and not for a while. [I'm sorry.] And what's worse was that... [I don't think I can keep talking about this. Not right now.] Because her emotions were getting dangerously close to running wild, and if that happened then there was no hiding the fact that her mind was speaking to someone else while her body was caught up with the orcs. Because this was the largest mood killer she'd ever seen. And if they caught on to what she was doing that moment then any bit of freedom she was allowed would be revoked. And then she was shit out of luck. [We can talk about this later, when I'm finally free of all this. And we WILL talk about this.] That last bit was a bit of a threat and a promise. [Just... not right now.]


A groan and a thrust, that was all it took for Alex's attention to shift back toward the men surrounding her, and as the man she was blowing gave those telltale signs of release her focus shifted and settled. The conversation playing across her mind had done wonders in stifling her libido, enough that only the attention Mishra paid to her bust kept her nipples from betraying just how placid she truly felt right then. Thankfully the woman was hiding Alex's rear from immediate view, because there would have been absolutely no hiding how her excitement had dropped to near nothing if anyone had been watching her sex, but Mishra wouldn't stay there forever. She had to start demanding her own attention at some point, and if the previously excited dragon was suddenly not so they suspicions would rise.

So Alex just dove right in. The arguments and accusations, the high emotions nearly throwing her off her game, all of it was silently shoved to the side to let her focus on the dick in her mouth. She let her tongue explore it as it writhed over its length, the tip tracing over its helm before it started to coil once again and began adding its own little tugs even while her lips kept sliding back and forth across its surface with nothing more than her own saliva to ease each pass. She focused on that faint touch of flavor she coaxed from him, the slight taste of vanilla enticing her as she let herself wallow in this bit of depravity, and with Mishra adding her own flare Alex was finally able to let herself sink back into the moment, her passion rising as she drew back one final time after swallowing her flavored treat so that no one could tell she wasn't anything but a willing player in this bout of debauchery.

Bahk's response to her warning raised a bit of concern, but after giving the man nothing more than a single raised brow and a few seconds of thought she finally answered him. "Maybe. Let's see how things go for now, I may be too exhausted after this to give you a proper challenge." And she still had Matat to worry about later tonight. "Maybe tomorrow? It'll give me a chance to rest and prepare." And if she weren't there then oh well.

With Mr. Impatient finally receiving his due Alex took her moment to clean herself while Mishra disrobed. That left her relatively untouched for a bit, and just before she was finally done she made a show of scooping up the last bit with a finger before she caught the orc's eye and turned toward Bahk. "Caramel." Her gaze then turned toward the yet unnamed orc that she blew before the impatient one had his turn. "Vanilla." And this brought her back to the main even, where she finally took that finger into her mouth and gave a deep hum of approval before slowly pulling it free to show nothing remained. "Chocolate."

The sudden bout of rock-paper-scissors brought Alex to a sudden halt as she was servicing Mishra, but after the first round the dragon had a rather devious thought. With the men preparing to throw their next hand Alex made sure her tongue was focused on exploring the orc's sex. This let her fingers descend on Mishra's clit, and once the men officially called their hand Alex let two fingers slide alongside across the opposite sides of the woman's button. The next hand would earn something new, a couple of gentle slaps that had her patting Mishra's clit, and the next had her thumb coming down for a direct press that would have been overwhelming had Alex not kept the touch light. She was adding her own throws to the game behind her, playing along just for the hell of it even if she had no hope of winning anything, but watching the woman quiver and squirm was fun enough on its own.

Bahk ultimately won, and as he worked his way into position Alex made sure she won her own as Mishra eventually unraveled and became a mass of pleading flesh begging for the dragon's mercy before Alex finally granted it. It left the woman utterly stunned and helpless, and though Alex pounced on that opportunity the man she addressed seemed hesitant. And then he showed restraint? Politeness? This was enough to get Alex's tail to curl enough to form a brake for Bahk's constant prodding, and as she did her eyes kept on the other man and gave him a look that nearly spat Really? before a small shake of the neck brought attention to the collar and chain she was being forced to wear. It sounded like a gods-be-damned load of hypocrisy right there, but with Mishra agreeing to play along Alex uncurled her tail and let the moment pass.

This brought on Bahk's request, and as she lifted her leg she soon found the overwhelmed domme being wrestled into a full nelson, her captor sitting poised with his cock raised between Mishra's legs while the woman was absolutely helpless. And Alex knew exactly what she needed to do. Her tongue descended, immediately spearing the woman and giving her a grand taste of the honey that spilled from her sex after having just cum, but instead of pulling back to swallow the now soaked tongue instead brushed against the exposed length and bathed it in Mishra's release only for it to return with more. Alex was preparing the woman as best she could, and if Mishra looked clean enough she would even give the woman's rear a pass or two. Only once everything looked ready would she finally stop, and at that her hands would take hold of Mishra's thighs and give them a quick rub before she started angling the woman properly. "Ready?" Once both agreed Alex took hold of them to guide their joining, and if Bahk had been patient enough to wait she would give him a quick glance. It was the perfect opportunity, and as she started dragging Mishra down onto her partner she would start leaning back to take the man into herself. Every inch that Mishra swallowed would be mirrored by Alex's sex, and once they both of them were bottomed out Alex would let out her own groan to match whatever sounds of pleasure Mishra was mouthing. Following that Alex wasted no time in returning to Mishra's spread lips, and as her tongue pierced them she made sure to give the woman more of the same while she let Bahk take whatever pace he wished.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Mr Impatient

Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

Alex's less than optimistic response to her concerns about whether or not they could get her away from her captors without the dragoness getting knocked up prompted Aescila to give a sympathetic grimace and then a nonchallant shrug. [Well, we'll deal with it when we have to. Worst case scenario, we've gotta expand our house even more, right? It's not like they're going to have you long enough to keep whoever they sire, and I'll just have to make sure to give you a few of mine again once we get home~ To punish you for getting yourself caught!] She gave Alex a reassuring smirk, but given the extended nature of their family already, it was likely that her lack of concern was genuine. Already she had sired Bielah on Abariel, conjured a full squad of virile goatkin who had tried their damndest to knock the dragon up once Garruk's absurd potency had broken through Aescila's magical protections, and Alex had had Anowyn with Dingroria, all without any apparent friction on her part. Her flippant lewdness was just an attempt to be reassuring, even if it had Angelle rolling her eyes and blushing, and prompted Melody to gaze at her in disbelief. Unfortunately, that was about the last part of the conversation that could be called anything close to pleasant.

The subject soon turned to Alex's bindings, on which Aescila could only grimace. The demon-angel, while incredibly powerful, was also not well versed in its use beyond the simple and the direct. She had been a simple succubus prior to fully absorbing and incorporating Dina's essence, and most expressions of that inherited power came from instinct rather than control. This was clearly beyond her, so it came to the mage - Melody - to contemplate the nature of the bindings being used on Alex. [That collar, that's bad... If you actually do break through it, the thing might just kill you. Even if it doesn't manage it right away, faerie weapons meant for cruelty tend to cause a lot of bleeding, and I don't know how effectively ANYONE could fight with something sticking into your neck like that. As for the chain... I've never heard of anything like that. We'll have to find some way to disenchant them, but you'll need to get away and we'll need to find you first. I'll bet Akorvick has the same things on him too, but at least if we try something that works, we'll know how to get them off of him too. Have you been able to speak to him? Have you seen him yet?]

From there, things would finally take their dark, dramatic turn, and after a long, drawn out conversation that led to a lot of shouting and even more crying, the truth was out. The cause of the orcish invasion was plain; they were seeking vengeance for the systematic, deliberate eradication of large swaths of their population, leaving them devastated in number and in spirit over and over and over again. Nothing had been done about it, not by the gods, nor the powers that had organized it, nor even the angels. It left Abariel in tears of anguish, Aescila in tears of fury, Angelle totally closed off, and Melody mute but appearing exhausted.

And Alex, whose circumstances would only allow for so much of this before it was noticed and likely left her situation even more difficult, could only take so much. Her announcement drew every eye in the room to her, but after everything that had been said, the response was muted. [Alright. Just try to keep it together,] Aescila replied stoically, looking more than anything like she mirrored Alex's desire for a hug. The last near-threat drew a muted glare from Melody, but the mage didn't bother to respond. Angelle merely gazed at her a moment, unblinking as she peered through her mismatched wings. It was the last thing she saw before they released the psychic vision, leaving Alex descending fully back to her own body, and the debauched scene playing out around her...


That left the dragon doing something that was, at that point, all too familiar to her; sucking cock. The massive, vanilla flavored load - a result of her mutation rubbing off on them no doubt given that it hadn't been present the day before - was swallowed, and Alex was left to answer Bahk's playful challenge. "Fair enough. Maybe if I go first, we can do a quick round, get a feel for each other. You know, when you haven't been drugged up to your eyeballs. If not, it can wait until tomorrow," he replied.

From there, it was on to Alex's taste comparison just prior to their impromptu game of rock-paper-scissors to decide the turn order, and it drew a lot of confused looks from the assembled orcs. "Chocolate? The hell are you talking about?"

"Yeah, what's... Phanilla?"

"Wasn't caramel a kind of cat or something?"

"You fucking idiots.... She's telling you what your shots taste like. She's magic, it rubbed off on us. Hey, does mine taste like anything good?"

"Wait, they're flavors? I don't get it..."

"What does that mean? Errr... Is that.... Good?"

"So, scale of one to ten, how much would you like another taste?"

"How do YOU know what any of those are?"

"There was this sweetmeats shop back East in that town where we were trading those drake hides for ores, and they were going out of business so I got a lot for pretty cheap. It was pretty good!"

"That's... Less impressive than I was hoping. Couldn't you have made up something more exciting?"

"Hey, not everything is battles and babes at the end..."

However Alex might respond to the orc's confusion regarding her description of their flavors, their next bit of antics distracted her somewhat from her servicing of her would-be domme. Mishra raised her head to eye the dragoness, confused, only to groan as Alex's tongue returned to work and she then began making her own throws. Every throw offered a different reaction; to the scissors she gave a shudder and the lightest of bucks of her hips, to the rock she gave violent shakes from those gentle pats, and to the paper she groaned and went still. Those little reactions grew more intense by the moment, leaving Alex to win her contest against the orcess if not against the rest of the orcs.

Soon enough, however, Bahk was shifting into position, offering just a hint of teasing, and when Alex turned to give him that look he returned it with a coy smirk. He wouldn't interrupt her preparations, and with Mishra proving to be of decent hygiene, Alex would soon have orifice and cock ready to meet after some pleased grunts from either of them. "Mmhmm!" Mishra replied, and the man below her needed little further prompting; His hips pushed up into his pinned subject, and Mishra gave a low groan that was accompanied by a grunt from the other as his pushed his way into her ass. However much she might prefer the fairer sex, it was clear that this wasn't Mishra's first time taking it like this, as the man below her was able to sink practically to the hilt into her tight rear in the first motion, seemingly with no discomfort.

Alex will find that she deals roughly 42 PP on average, Bahk deals roughly 60 PP on average. She has higher stamina both in terms of pleasure resist and PP total. He has the ability to deny his own release, but her resistances are better, so it's unreliable. Whether or not Alex takes ye below challenge is up to you.

Bahk had been patient the whole time, but once Alex gave him that second look her seemed to understand, and shifted his hips forward to sink into her. That initial push was like any other; her folds parted slowly but surely as Bahk buried his member into her sex, and her position left him able to push in deep and give the half-dragon's inner gateway that satisfying little nudge. That left the dragon's return moan reverberating into Mishra's folds as she resumed her tongue-work, and with one man pumping into Mishra and another pumping into Alex, the full-on orgy had commenced.

As he got up to speed, Alex would get a much better idea of what sort of partner Bahk would be. Any of the orcs had made for decent mates, with enough stamina and experience to offer the dragoness a satisfying orgasm when coupling, either when she was too lust-possessed to resist it, or when she simply didn't bother to keep from cumming with them for the sake of maintaining some of her own stamina for her potential escape. If it came to the sort of contest that Bahk was pestering her for, she could have confidently believed that she would have won against all of them... Except, it would become clear, for Bahk. The differences were subtle at first, especially to a casual viewer; he could have been any other orc pumping away at her to an observer. He first gave a few simple strokes, stretching the dragon's folds until they yielded enough for him to fully dive into her depths, and then began to stir slowly at her deepest points, ensuring that her inner gateway received a series of light taps. Any of them might have done similarly, but Alex felt every move in subtle difference, a technique normally felt only in succubi who could measure it by the flow of her spirit, but Bahk was doing it by feel alone, using it to find just the right way to strike at that particular weakpoint.

"Eheheh, nnnhhh... We can make this one a quick one~ If I get you off first, you can give me a good ride later!"

It wouldn't be the only incubus-like tactic she felt him using as he began to move, either. While Alex might have received her own succubine training courtesy of her mate and her favorite neighbor, as Mishra was experiencing in a most intense manner courtesy of the dragon's tongue, there was no telling how Bahk had acquired his. Within a few short moments, it was like he had hit the perfect pace, angle, and force by which to maximize the rise of her excitement towards an orgasm, and he just kept on at that with very little straying to serve his own instincts. Neither his mouth nor his hands were idle either; his lips would enthusiastic work along Alex's calf, and his hands would caress the raised leg from ankle to ass cheek, the latter of which he would give the occasional smack, while the other moved to her clitoris and proceeded to strum that pleasure gem rapidly and relentlessly.
Melody's thoughts on the brutality of the collar brought a pause to Alex's thoughts. She hadn't really considered those thorns doing more than just digging into her neck, but considering who supplied the damned thing it made a sort of cruel sense. Autumn wasn't known for being the most 'balanced' of courts, their queen even more so, and even if she was made to promise to never directly attack Alex or her family she was simply giving the orcs a gift to better handle a dangerous prisoner. If that happened to be a certain dragon then oh well. And if the failsafe killed her? Well, that's too sad, but the prisoner should have known better.

With the question of Akorvick's condition coming back up again Alex decided to focus on that instead of the potential deathtrap currently sitting on her neck. [I have not. They're keeping us separated, and this chain doesn't exactly let me explore too far. But the few orcs I've talked with have mentioned him, and he's facing the same type of treatment that I am. Of course he's being his typical charming self about it...] And if Melody knew anything about the man then she knew how that would go. [...so I doubt he's been given the degree of freedom I have. The shaman's been complaining about having to constantly heal him.] And Alex found herself conflicted by that. On the one hand it felt a little cathartic to hear that his blustering was earning himself the same kind of tender loving care he'd shown her when they were children, but on the other she kind of admired it. He was fighting for every scrap of dignity he could find and letting his captors know that he would not be quelled. Her inner dragon couldn't help but acknowledge that kind of tenacity. It was ultimately useless, especially if they were looking to escape, but it was praiseworthy in its own right.


With confusion raining up them all at Alex's taste comparison the woman herself couldn't help but grin at the small argument that followed. "I can't really explain the flavors without having some examples, but I can say this. Chocolate is considered a delicacy, enough that I've heard rumors of nobles spending fortunes just to get a hand on it." And while that may have been hyperbole there was some truth to it. People did go out of their way to get some, and with the impatient one tasting as he did he was probably going to become far more popular once word spread about how he'd been changed. And speaking of, she turned toward the man asking if he'd developed any exotic flavoring. "Sorry, but you seem normal. If you have been changed it's in some other way."

With this passing as well as the contest, Alex was soon easing Mishra onto the unnamed male. The entry was smooth, in part due to Alex's preparations, but with the orcess groaning the further he reached Alex suspected that Mishra wasn't all that unfamiliar with taking it from behind. But that was also the signal for Bahk to roll his hips forward, and as one woman voiced her delight the other added her own. Her libido had been more than stoked by this point, and finally feeling someone enter her Alex couldn't keep her own passion from rising. Because this was Bahk. Even starting off slow and mundane as he had her body already knew how skilled this man truly was. Each and every one of his thrusts brought a subtle change, a slight shift that brought him closer and closer to the perfect position that forced Alex to curl her toes and nearly claw at Mishra with the raw skill he was pouring into Alex's sex. If she didn't know any better she would think he was part incubus himself with how he seemed to find that perfect angle that forced her walls to practically convulse around him with every stroke. Gods, he was nearly as good as Aes at this.

And that led to yet another challenge. The man seemed absolutely obsessed with getting some alone time with her, and as he started sawing back and forth and forced bursts of pure pleasure to race up and down her spine she simply couldn't take anymore. Her lips pulled back, a pant or two escaping as he kept working, but after a bit she finally looked back and answered. "All right. You're on." Because she was curious. His little stunt last night didn't exactly make him her most favorite person, but gods be damned he knew what he was doing. A part of her wondered how things would go with just the two of them working off the other, and though she wasn't going to throw herself at him anytime soon giving him the chance to earn that session didn't bother her in the slightest. If she won then she could prove that she was still his better, and if she didn't then she'd be able to satisfy that curiosity all while having one of the most satisfying orgasms of her entire life. She would be winning either way, and if you gave a dragon a chance to gain no matter what then they were absolutely going to take it.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel
Mr Impatient = chocolate

Mook1 = vanilla
Mook2 = normal
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

To that, Melody would grimace again, but nod. [Not surprising, that sounds like him... Plus, working together, you might have an easier time escaping. They wouldn't allow for that, but it'll make getting both of you out that much harder.] Aescila grimaced and glanced aside, giving an awkward cough; She clearly wasn't thinking too terribly hard about how they were going to get Akorvick out in this whole engagement.


"Oh... Wow!" The orc who had gotten lucky on what his cum tasted like replied following Alex's explanation, and for a moment he stared down at his own cock curiously. That gave Alex an opportunity to address the other man's question, and her answer prompted his face to fall momentarily. After that moment, however, he just shrugged and smirked again. "Ahhh, well... Guess we can't all be that lucky, right? Least I'm still breathin... And maybe I'll have time to give ya a taste tomorrow and see what's new again, eheheh..." He trailed off, sounding mildly less optimistic than his body language suggested. "Heheh, if she isn't busy sucking on me!" Mister Impatient added flippantly, and he followed it up with a chuckle.

There's 26 resist from Alex, she deals 2d10+31, and has an 80 PP pool. Bahk has 16 resist, deals 2d10+49 and a PP pool of 70.
From Alex: 11 + 31 - 16 = 26, putting Bahk at 44/70.
From Bahk: 3 + 49 - 26 = 26, putting Alex at 54/80.

From Alex: 11 + 31 - 16 = 26, putting Bahk at 18/70.
From Bahk: 12 + 49 - 26 = 35, putting Alex at 19/80.

From Alex: 12 + 31 - 16 = 27, putting Bahk at -9/70 and proccing a self control check.
Resistance: 27 vs DC 9, he passes, and doesn't cum.
From Bahk: 8 + 49 - 26 = 31, making Alex cum.

For funsies, seeing if he can make it a full second round.
From Alex: 14 + 31 - 16 = 29, putting Bahk at -29/70 for a DC 31 check.
Resistance: 36 vs DC 31, he passes, and doesn't cum.
From Bahk: 15 + 49 = 64, putting Alex at 16/80. Can't resist pleasure because Stunned.

From Alex: 15 + 31 - 16 = 30, putting Bahk at -30/70 for a DC 34 check.
Resistance: 31 vs DC 34, he cums in her.
From Bahk: 14 + 49 - 26 = 37, making Alex cum again.

However the cock-sucking related conversation went, eventually Alex would be back at the center of an orgy, though at least this time she wasn't completely overwhelmed... Yet. Mishra would plant a hand on top of Alex's head, keeping her mouth pressed to the orc's folds however Bahk might end up making her shudder, and shudder she would all too soon. Bahk didn't take long at all to get up to speed, and a half-minute into their mating session and the braggart orc was giving Alex a mind-crumbling screwing. His fingers strummed her clitoris just right, keeping a perfectly even place and only just glancing so as not to overload with stimulation, and every stroke of his prick was perfectly paced and perfectly aimed to hit the half-dragon's internal sweet spots.

It did indeed leave Alex's toes curling, and her fingers clawing at Mishra, though he would keep his strikes sedate enough that she could continue stroking the orc's g-spot with her tongue with some degree of grace. It allowed Alex to work to please him back, as much as was possible in their present position, though without access to her magical prowess there was a limit to what she could do. Her heat was contained, requiring that she make the full use of her physical talents and muscle control if she wanted to compete. Servicing Mishra proved a suitable distraction on which to concentrate instead of the intense pleasures that Bahk was providing, and as the man beneath her started to pump, Alex would feel the orcish woman's sex tense regularly around her tongue from her lower hole being filled.

As their impromptu contest played out, however, Alex would find quickly that, in a contest of pure sexual physicality, it would become clear that the dragon was still outmatched. Her usage of her inner flame, both to bolster her will and draw her partner to the heights of need, would almost certainly have closed the gap had she had access to it, but without it she was fighting in Bahk's arena, and there he had her beat. Fortunately, at least to some degree, it was an intensely pleasurable loss; The orc pumped away, stirring into Alex's depths deftly and persistently, and it was all that the dragoness could do but to try and concentrate on the woman that she was eating out. Mishra would, at least, beat her to the punch, throwing her head back and groaning in orgasm while the man beneath her chuckled and grunted, gnawing on the side of her neck.

Alex was left having her chin and lips coated in Mishra's honey all over again, but it would be then that she was forced to face her own oncoming peak with nothing to distract her from it, and even if Bahk was pulsating inside of her, it seemed that she was well ahead in that particular race. It would only be a few moments, and a few dozen strokes more, before Alex was pushed across that precipice and given a quaking, utterly satisfying peak. She was left moaning her peak into Mishra's sex, and the orcess used her grip to pull Alex away and looked into the dragon's eyes with her own, mildly pleasure-drunk smirk. "Ooohhhh, you're cumming for him, aren'tcha? Nnnhhhh..."

Bahk kept up his strokes, but at a much slower pace. Even so, Alex might feel him shake as her folds fluttered and milked him, inspiring him to throb inside of her and deliver only the shallowest of thrusts that kept his tip near her cervix, but she would feel him surrender only a single modest glob of his seed in response. Despite that, as Alex came down from her peak, she would hear a relieved grunt from the braggart behind her, and he pulled back momentarily to be clear of her depths. She'd very nearly brought him to a draw, but he had won, and in his victory he delivered a soft spank to the dragon's rear and said; "Nnnhhhh, eheheheh... That was good... But I win! I'll let you have a break from me before I have my prize, but first..."

Then, he simply thrust back into her, pumping in hard and deep and deliberately prodding at her deepest internal sweet spots. Raw satisfaction tore through her, and Alex found herself being forced through rapid aftershocks of her recent orgasm before she could stop herself as Bahk made to take her on a victory lap. Mishra chuckled between her own moans, watching the resultant expressions playing off over Alex's features for a few moments as Bahk pumped away, before finally dragging the dragon's mouth back to her own sex. It would be another couple of minutes - ones that at once felt like hours and seconds - before Bahk bottomed out into her and groaned, his willpower and stamina both entirely spent, but his prize won. He twitched once, twice, and then the all too familiar sensation of rope after rope of hot cum being poured into her womb ensured that Alex was having another peak of her own, and Bahk made sure to give her every last drop he had as he spent himself into her, their mutual releases feeding into one another for the next few moments before they both tapered off into their afterglow. His load wasn't as absurdly prodigious as the one he had used to nearly drown her, but Alex still felt it splashing into every nook and cranny, rebounding off into every direction and giving her that utterly satisfying sensation of her core being totally filled with a partner's potent release.... Even as it chanced that Bahk would get his wish and seed the dragoness with his child or children.

"Heheh, well... Guess he won pretty hard, right?"

"Yeah, big surprise.... You know if you put half as much effort into-"

"Aaah, leave offa that already, would ya? He did his part when we set up that ambush. Anyway... Lets give her a break for a few minutes, let her catch her breath. Which hole you want, anyway?"

"Ghn... I'll take her ass."

"Works for me!"

Mishra, in the meantime, was working up to her own second peak, as was the man pumping into her ass. His strokes were growing faster and harder, and her legs were starting to twitch as he pumped rapidly and steadily into her. "Nhhh, on me~ Not in me..." She grunted to him, and he gave an affirmative grunt of understanding even as he sped up even further. Alex was free to relax and watch the oncoming show at that point, unless she wished to assist in some manner.
Last edited:
"Ooohhhh, you're cumming for him, aren'tcha? Nnnhhhh..."

Alex could only groan in answer as she was held there. Fucking asshole behind her was just that fucking good, and she simply couldn't fight back the myriad shivers running throughout her entire body as she was forced to cum. It completely overruled any control she had, and that left her tongue lolling out of her mouth as Mishra pulled her up and asked that question. It left her looking and feeling like an utter whore as she continued quaking and moaning through her release, and all the while Bahk crowed his victory before he started plundering her once more. That forced her to nearly shriek in panic, her aftershocks nowhere near finished as he attacked her depths, and as the pleasure mounted once more it turned nearly painful and left her unable to do nothing more than squeak before her body completely gave out. Had Mishra not been holding her she would have collapsed into a boneless heap, and when the orcess pulled her back down all Alex could do was quiver and moan against the other woman's sex.

Especially when she was forced to cum yet again. Bahk seemed to understand exactly how to attack the dragoness now, and he wrung ever drop of pleasure he could find out of her body before she had no choice but to submit. It left him dragging her through her own orgasmic hell, his own release only adding to the fire ravaging her in that moment, and as they both came on each other it left Alex nearly passing out before her climax finally came to an end.

For a moment the dragon thought she might have passed out, but she caught the small conversation that followed and silently thanked Naya that she would get a chance to rest. That still left her planted against Mishra's sex, and as both the woman and the man plowing her started approaching their own release Alex finally managed to take notice. It took her a few more seconds before she could actually do anything about it, but once she could her mouth opened only to give Mishra's lips the most intimate kiss she could manage. Her tongue slowly wormed its way into the woman, and though she still didn't have the control necessary to perform any of the tricks that delighted the orc she didn't need it. She only needed to extend and curl it just enough to reach and worry Mishra's g-spot, and once she had it she focused her efforts there until the woman simply couldn't take anymore. Once that started her hand would capture the cock plugging Mishra's ass, and after a well-timed tug to pull the man free she would continue stroking him to ensure that he could join in the fun. Whether he started spraying immediately or needed more encouragement didn't matter, nor where exactly it landed. She simply wanted to make sure he did and that some of it ended up on the woman he'd been tormenting. After that she could finally pull herself free completely and collapse on her side so she could finally rest. She was going to need it before the other men lost their patience.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel
Mr Impatient = chocolate

Mook1 = vanilla
Mook2 = normal
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

Alex's expression when she had been cumming her brains out on Bahk's cock had clearly had something of an effect on Mishra, as her hips began to undulate ferociously while gazing down at her. That had her partner groaning in shock and distress, but he would hold out until Alex yanked him out to stroke him to completion all the same. Ropes of thick cum launched high upwards, though the apex of her jerks would see some of it sticking to her hands instead. It was a haphazard barrage, though she could direct it such that only the initial spurt landed across her own features, the rest of it painting Mishra's taut, toned abdominal muscles and mound in globs of pearly cream. By the end of it, the man had offered quite the sampling of his seed, as before, and gave a low, contented sigh as his manhood began to soften.

"Ffffuck... Ghhnnn... Eheheh... I uhhh... Ngh.... She had you tightening up," the orc below Mishra remarked, prompting her to retort; "Nnnhhhhhh.... That tongue is good! Heheheheh.... Mmmm, but you already knew that, I'll bet. C'mon, off!" Mishra rolled off of him, and he made to get up while she moved to a squatting position, eyeing the cum on her belly for a moment and then looking to the prone, recuperating dragoness. "Daaaaamn... Did a number on 'er, didn't ya?" She said, glancing at Bahk, who just shrugged in response. She returned her gaze to Alex, adopting a mischievous grin, and then purred to the other two; "Nah lads... Fuck the shit outta her right now!" The two men, aroused though they might be, shared a skeptical look.

"She looks like she could use a break..."

"Yeah, this isn't the breeding ritual, I mean..."

"No, but she IS yours to use as a slampiece until we take the town! She's a little out of breath, yeah, but she's also ready to cum her fucking brains out for whoever has the balls to do it! Now, get on her, get your dicks in her, and show her a gods-damned good time!"

The two glanced at one another again, but Mishra dropped to her knees and crawled over to Alex, who was still prone and oozing Bahk's recent hefty donation to her womb. Mishra promptly shoved Alex onto her back, grabbed her under her knees to pin her legs, and proceeded to lower her mouth and begin noisily and vigorously eating the cum from her sex, striking her still highly sensitive sweet spots all the while. She might lack the half-dragon's natural gift of an extended, serpentine tongue, but she was clearly well experienced in using her own more normal one to the full extent of its potential for what she wanted to do... Which just so happened to be to at once scoop out some of Bahk's potent liquid gift, and drive Alex right back to the heights of sexual euphoria. Her tongue lapped, rapidly and deftly, at Alex's depths, regularly worrying her g-spot but only occasionally glancing it when she desired to really keep Alex going.

That left her rapidly approaching orgasm courtesy of Mishra's expert tongue-work, but as she approached that peak, Mishra would back off, forcing her to the familiar torture of being hung on the precipice of release but not allowed - or at least not driven there by a partner - to get past it. Alex was edged for a full minute before Mishra pulled away, suddenly, and after swallowing with a noisy gulp, would turn to the waiting men and growl; "She's ready... Fuck her!"

The two exchanged a look, then glanced at Alex... And unless the dragoness protested, the two would proceed as they'd intended. One would hoist her into a full nelson position, and Mishra would begin aiming his cock at the dragon's rear entrance with a malicious grin, and the other would crouch down to start rubbing his cockhead against her petals...
Alex was a mess. It was a familiar mess, but a mess all the same as she was given a moment or two to rest and relax. Her muscles were jelly, her sex was leaking heavily, and she wasn't even sure how much of Mishra's partner had ended up covering her. A blast did manage to catch her in the face, more was oozing over her hand, and she was fairly sure she had some hanging in her hair, but aside from that she was sure her 'domme' managed to take the brunt of it. It certainly looked like it as she spotted the woman rising and looking herself over, but the mischievous grin that followed had Alex internally groaning when Mishra then turned to the two men currently watching and ordered them to 'fuck the shit outta her'. That same groan escaped as the orc turned Alex onto her back, and with the dragoness unable to lift a finger in protest she was left prone with knees raised before the orc simply dove in.

The sudden lick in her sensitive state had Alex flinching as she let out a little yelp. It was a little too much way too soon, but the dragon proved to adjust rather quickly when the next cry turned into a strained moan. Even if that tongue wasn't specialized Mishra proved quite adept, and as it spread Alex open and dove through her flesh she could feel the orc torturing whatever sweet spot she could find before rising just enough to glance across the dragon's g-spot. It left Alex shivering in all the right ways as she was brought to the edge of yet another climax, but no matter Mishra did Alex was simply denied. Or more precisely Mishra kept her denied. Alex was fairly certain the orcess could have finished her at any point, but the woman seemed far too enamored with seeing Alex uselessly thrashing before she finally stopped and rose and swallowed what she'd stolen.

"She's ready... Fuck her!"

The two men hesitated for a moment, but it was just a moment before he bent down and started collecting the prone dragon. He lifted her from behind, his arms lifting her knees until her legs were bent all the way up to her arms, and with his hands joining behind her head she was left utterly helpless as his partner started rubbing his cock up and down her folds. Mishra swooped in to assist, her own hand grabbing the orc holding the dragon and guiding him toward her ass, and for a moment Alex was simply left there hovering in anticipation. In that moment she could have called a halt to it, the men had shown some actual concern over how drained she'd looked, and all she had to do was speak up. One little word was all it would take for her to finally get the rest she needed... But instead her tail rose. It had been pulled aside simply from the jostling of all these bodies coming together, but a little extra effort was made to wedge it between her side and her own leg in order to keep it out of the way.

And none too soon as a moment later the finally began to enter her. Her sex and ass had been well used over the past few hours, and they easily opened to greet their new guests and give each a gentle, loving squeeze with each inch that sank into her depths. That squeezing became more frantic the more they sank into her, and as they bottomed out and left them pressing against her from both sides that was enough. Alex gave another low groan that stretched on and on as she came, her depths fluttering and pulsing around the cocks invading her, and all she could offer were little twitches as she hung between them. It didn't matter whether they sat still and enjoyed her release or started thrusting and sending additional sparks flashing across her mind, she would simply moan and pant until she was finally done. Only then would she regard the man before her, and though she looked utterly exhausted the look in her eye would urge him to hurry up and start fucking her just as Mishra wanted.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel
Mr Impatient = chocolate

Mook1 = vanilla
Mook2 = normal
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

With Mishra's guiding hand, the man pinning Alex had little trouble in pushing up until the tight ring of her ass gave way, and the orc proved more than well endowed enough to give her rear hole a nice but not uncomfortable stretch and pressure her perineal sponge. That surge and burst of stimulation wasn't quite enough to tip the dragoness over the edge, but the man settling on top of her wasn't far behind as he aimed his rod at her petals. His fattened tip rubbed her nether lips briefly before he thrust in, the penetration occurring just as the one pinning the captured dragoness had reached the halfway point. That stroke of the ridge around his helmet against her g-spot almost did it, forcing her to shudder in near-orgasm, and the final inch that had him stimulating her a-spot and kissing her cervix sent Alex right over the edge.

"Aaahhh, hnnn, she's cumming, heheheh!"

"Ghhhnnnn!! Ughnn... Hgggnnnggg!"

The impatient orc below her gave short, shallow motions of his hips, enjoying the tight squeeze of her hole through her orgasm but fully maintaining control of himself. The one who had thrust into her sex, however, simply kept buried to the hilt, and having already been so worked up, it was clearly an overwhelming experience for him. He groaned alongside her as her folds milked every inch of him, and before her peak had even played out halfway he was throbbing. Even as relief thrummed through Alex, she could feel how very near she was to prematurely extracting the orc's seed; He held himself hilted and let her fluttering inner walls inflict their blissful assault, rapidly burning through his will and stamina. All too soon, as her peak was finally on the verge of tailing off, Alex felt the man's balls twitching upwards against her bubbly rear, and ropes of his potent liquid heat began traveling down his twitching shaft. Down and down those ropes went, despite his gritted teeth and apparent effort to hold it back, and as if grabbing something - anything - for dear life, he reached up and grabbed her breasts, kneading and squeezing firmly as if automatically. In the end, he kept from having a full on orgasm of his own, though Alex would feel one, two, three bursts go off against the gateway to her womb, the utter satisfaction of the near-creampie sending her through blissful aftershocks despite the risk.

"Hahah, and I thought it was Bahk who liked her! Did you just nut in her right away?" Mishra taunted, earning an irritated grunt from the man, though rather than acknowledge Mishra, he instead looked up to meet Alex's gaze. Between his spontaneous near release, the ongoing glorious tightness of her sex, and that smoky look she'd sent his way, Alex would realize quite quickly that she had sent the man into a full on mating frenzy... And that she was going to be the unwitting subject of it until he had totally spent himself.

He didn't respond to Mishra's taunting, and instead tightened his grip on her bust, leaned down to vigorously suck on one of her peaks - tasting her leaking milk in the process - and started moving. The squatting orc's hips went from still to moving in a wild blur in no time at all, leaving Alex's inner walls practically screaming in bliss as his long, fat cock stretched her just right, forcing every sweet spot to acknowledge its successful conquest of her folds, and while he might not have the perfect rhythm and accuracy that Bahk could offer, the primal, frenzied pounding was more than satisfying enough… Particularly as it drove the man behind her to replicate his pace in her other hole, ensuring that the dragoness was never without stimulation from one angle or another. The kneading of her breasts and suckling upon one of them only served to spike the dragon’s pleasure even higher, as the man abusing her pussy was clearly using it as a distraction to measure out his stamina.

Ghhhnn, glp, uggghhnn, glp glp… Nnnnggghhh!

Fuuuck, man… Ghn… Makin’ me work to keep up!

Glp, ggrrrrnnngg…. Ghhnnn, glp…

Heheh, she’s leaking~ Lemme have a taste…

Mishra, despite having been cleaning herself up as if to take her leave, leaned in and claimed Alex’s other nipple with her mouth. The woman was clearly the better in terms of her tongue work, the frenzied man merely sucking and occasionally lapping at her peak while Mishra flicked and swirled and did all manner of pleasurable maneuvers while draining the bounty from the dragon’s bosom. Mishra, at least, would only keep her mouth there for a minute or two, giving Alex the tiniest of breaks, though she clearly enjoyed the taste of Alex’s milk given how quickly she got her mouth back onto the captive dragon’s breast… Once she had offered a quick quip; “Tasty~ No surprise though… You been thinking about names yet?”

Mishra then leaned down again to continue extracting her liquid meal, gazing at the shuddering dragoness with an impish grin while doing so. The two men fucking her didn’t give her much of a chance to respond, however. The one in front of her had gone fully into his rut, as surely as if he’d been inflicted with the drugs that Matat had fed her the night prior, and the one pinning her in that helpless position was keeping pace to match such that when one was pulling out, the other was slamming in. The two men groaned and growled amidst the loud PLAPs produced by their bodies pounding into hers, and the sheer volume of stimulation from being pounded in both holes at once was more than enough to force Alex to race towards her next peak.

This time, she wasn’t alone for it. The orc pounding her pussy so fervently had run through the grace offered by his refractory period, and once he was through that barrier he was left as excited as he’d been before. Alex would plainly feel how hard he was pulsating as he pounded into her folds, but there was no stopping him now, and he released her breast in order to throw his head back and groan as his thrusts reached an even more fevered pitch. Mishra seemed to realize quite quickly that the man was about to blow his load, as she gave a mirthful giggle against Alex’s breast and released it, giving the dragon’s nipple a few final flicks before the vigorous fucking that Alex was receiving jiggled it out of her tongue’s reach. The mischievous orcess, not content to merely watch, reached out to rub the man’s sack as it bounced against Alex’s entrance, adding a few of her own amorous coos of encouragement even if Alex was providing her own vocal inspiration at that point.

It wasn’t long after that that the man hilted into her, giving short, shallow thrusts as he groaned and shuddered, every throb accompanied by an all too familiar splash of hot, thick cream against Alex’s cervix, the first few spurts naturally triggering her own orgasm in turn, which then only served to milk him harder. “Uuuggghhhnnn! Ghhhnn, grrrrggghhh… Ugghn! Uuuuuggghhhnnn… Ugghhnnn….” It was hard to tell if the orc was even really aware of himself or what was going on around him at this point, but he was certainly enjoying the insistent spasms of her inner walls, which drew rope after rope of his sperm-rich cum into her waiting womb. Their mutual orgasm fed into one another as the man made good on his nonverbal promise, fully renewing that glorious sensation of molten heat burning in her core as his seed mixed with Agarith’s and Bahk’s, the now all too familiar sensation flooding Alex’s psyche with raw satisfaction while the man beneath her kept on pumping and striking that sweet spot in her ass over and over and over again.

And when he was done, he hovered for only a moment, his cock still pulsating, and started picking up the pace all over again. Mishra, eyes widening in shock, released his sack to watch him get going. Alex could feel him twitching inside of her for the first minute or so, the heightened sensitivity of his post orgasmic state clearly causing him to wince and shudder a fair bit, but he would get over it quickly enough… And once he did, he would build right back up to the early frantic pace.

That only matched the formerly impatient orc plugging her rear, however, leaving the dragoness back at square one, and Mishra would give a short bark of laughter and say; “You’re in for it now! Guess he took what I said to heart, huh?” The man below Alex, having begun adding his own pleasured grunts to the mix as their mating session continued, added; “Guhh, nhh, how fuckn good her holes are, nnhh, it doesn’t take much convincing…” He accentuated the statement with a smack to her already thoroughly jiggling rump, but Mishra just laughed and straightened up. “Well, I’ll leave you boys to it~ Don’t tire her out too much now!

With that, Alex would have to suffer another prolonged bout of being bounced between the pair, though at least this time she didn’t have the attention to her bosom compounding the barrage of pleasure assailing her senses. The man behind her began kissing and nipping at her knee, neck, and ear as he worked, distracting himself from his inevitable release, but even though he hadn’t cum yet, the man in front of her was looking like he was racing as fast as he could to pumping a second load into Alex’s womb. The two frenzied orcs kept up their rapid pace, worrying the dragon’s sensitive spots with sheer vigor if nothing else, and as she was never empty at any particular point the pair had her reaching for another peak of her own all too quickly.

The man behind her ran out of stamina first this time, and Alex would feel the grip on her calves keeping her so thoroughly pinned tightening as he approached his peak. The throbbing of the cock in her rear only stretched her more, forcing her to acknowledge the added stimulation before her flooded her bowels with his semen. Soon enough, he was groaning through gritted teeth, and alongside those powerful throbs Alex felt the rush of liquid heat pouring into her all over again. “Ghhn… Ghhnn… Ughn… Hhnnngggg! Ugghhnn, ughhhnnn…

The man in front of her wasn’t far behind, and if the shots going into her ass weren’t enough, then the feel of him bottoming out and bursting into her before the other man was even finished cumming surely was. “Uggghhnnn, nnhhhh, nhhh, nhhh….” The man in her ass was tapering off, the final of his half dozen or so spurts becoming globs that oozed into Alex’s body, while the man in her pussy was still going firm, delivering a full half dozen spurts that roiled into her core, churning the mix of orcish semen that was already present there.

The two men groaned and growled, their grip on whichever part of her body they respectively happened to be groping tightening and relaxing repeatedly as they enjoyed their mutual afterglow with her. If she had expected to be given a break at that point, however… The man she had frenzied recovered quickly again, his cock threatening to soften but not quite doing so. After a minute or so, he tightened his grip, and as the man behind Alex slowly withdrew his softening cock from her ass and released the pinning grip that he had held on her leg, the orc before her seized.

His muscles tensed, and Alex - despite actually being taller than the man lifting her - was hoisted into the air, her legs up against his shoulders and his hands gripping tightly just under the base of her tail. The man behind her blinked in surprise, and Mishra - from the door - looked back in shock for a moment. “Damn, man… Take it easy on her after this, alright?” The mischievous orcess said, though if the man who was stand-and-carrying her heard the woman, he didn’t acknowledge it. Instead, he started bucking again, slamming rapidly into the suspended dragoness and producing a series of particularly meaty CLAPS as he started getting up to speed all over again...
Not exactly happy with this, but better than nothing.

While Alex wasn't exactly surprised by her own climax the fact that the man on top of her was nearly doing the same had her groaning even harder. The slow thrusts from behind were adding to her body's enjoyment, but the pulsing within her sex followed by the sudden bloom of heat filling her core had her groaning even harder before adding a hearty "Fuuuuck..." The man was struggling to contain himself, and though he came just a bit it wasn't enough to deter him from giving her the pounding she wanted. All too soon he descended into a rut, forcing Mr. Impatient to match that pace or be left behind, and with the both of them constantly sawing into her one after another Alex could only collapse and melt.

From that point on Alex was at their mercy. The man on top of her had used her breasts to help control himself, and once he'd learned she was lactating he immediately pinned one and started lathering her with his tongue. Mishra dove onto the other to join in the fun, and though she mistakenly thought this was due to Alex already being impregnated by orcs Alex chose not to correct the woman. Instead her moans simply grew louder, enough to match the pained grunts of the orc rutting her sex, and in no time at all she found herself cumming just as he did. Their climax fed off of each other, the rhythmic pulsing of her channel encouraging him to swell and explode and fill her needy depths, and though it caused the man behind her to slow he never truly stopped. Those slow, insistent thrusts into her rear only prolonged her release, both of her holes fluttering in abject bliss, and though she was left panting and helpless it didn't stop the men from starting back up again.

And just as quickly Alex found herself bouncing between them once more. Their pace was frantic, nearly vicious, and there was absolutely nothing Alex could do in response. This only amused Mishra, enough that the orcess rose from the trio and simply watched. This gave the man behind her free reign to start kissing and nipping at whatever bit of Alex he could reach, and when he found her ear she gave a bit of a yelp before her holes tightened even further. That only made the situation even worse as Alex felt herself rocketing toward another orgasm, but as it came closer she found she wasn't the only one. Both of the men were nearing the limit, and this time the one beneath her was the first to break. His grip tightened as he sank himself as deeply as he could, and soon enough she felt him firing into the deepest portions of her ass. That was more than enough to trigger her, and that was more than enough to trigger the other. Alex added her own moans to the chorus of grunts surrounding her, and by the time they were finally done she felt spent.

But the man behind her was not. He started to soften just a bit, a match for the man behind her as he finally popped free of her ass and released the hold on her legs, but his brother refused to flag. He hardened as he took control, his own grip claiming the dragoness, and before she realized what was happening she was lifted and suspended in his arms even though he was shorter than her. He didn't seem to care in the slightest, and though everyone else was shocked he simply started pounding into her all over again. It left her groaning as her body was being used once more, her head lolling as she tried to regain some manner of self-control, and though this was nowhere near as vigorous as two men going at her with total abandon this was still the kind of pounding that her body was craving. It's what left her pliant as he fucked her through another climax until he finally reached his own, and if he finally stopped then and there then that would be the end of it.

But if he didn't... If he still wasn't satisfied and started rutting her once more, then she would groan. Her body had been constantly overwhelmed without a moment's worth of rest, and by this point she'd had enough. A part of her still craved more, her inner dragon being true to its kind and wanting nothing more than to sit back and let this man screw her for the rest of the day until he finally had nothing left to give, but her body simply couldn't keep up. It needed rest. Badly. Especially if she was going to meet Matat in the dead of night for even further debauchery. That's what brought her consciousness clawing back into focus, her head and arms slowly following suit until she found herself draped around his neck and looking into his eyes. Even if he was still bouncing her on his prick at his breakneck pace she would study him, looking to see how far gone he was, and if he wasn't completely lost she would finally act. Her hands would rise and slap his cheeks, her palms trying to hold him in place in an effort to have him acknowledge her before she finally spoke. "Humans fear you..." A moment was taken to collect herself. "Not because of your strength, but because of this. They're told orcs are nothing more than animals, that they have no self control and are nothing more than wanton machines of sex and destruction." She pulled herself even closer. "Show me that they're wrong."

At that she would kiss him. It was a slow, smoldering thing, one meant more for intimacy then arousal, and once she pulled back she hoped he would respond. Because she needed him to relax. She felt absolutely wasted in that moment, but she also realized that there simply wasn't going to be any stopping him. He was too far into it, his cock pulsating as it rested within her core, and truth be told so was she. Her walls were fluttering as they enveloped him, her sex primed and hungry and waiting for more of what he had to give. Ending it now would be utterly disappointing for the both of them even if she felt she would collapse into a boneless pile of he dropped her that very moment. So why stop? Just slow things down, let them come down from this frenzied high into something more gentle and casual. It would let their ardor cool without snuffing it, let them both ease into one final climax that would welcome them to rest and relax until exhaustion finally claimed them and put them to bed. Because that was what she needed right then and there.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel
Mr Impatient = chocolate

Mook1 = vanilla
Mook2 = normal
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

"Guuuuuuhhhnnnn!! Nnnnngghhh... Ffffuuhhhck! Ghn, ghn, ghn, gnh... Too good... Grrrhhhhuhhh!"

The man holding her suspended as he pounded her was totally and utterly enthralled with her body, and he made no secret at all of that fact. The hands holding her suspended squeezed and kneaded, and Alex could feel the whole of the man's frame tensing and stressing to keep her suspended as he had his way with her. Helpless as she was to resist- the chain around her neck was already stretched to the limits - all that Alex could do was try to ride it out... And hope that his breeding frenzy didn't bear fruit in the form of a half-orc offspring being sired in her womb, vain as that hope might seem at this point. Even as he brutally bred her, however, Alex could gain a full appreciation for the man's physique; His entire well toned physique was at work, every muscle either keeping her suspended for him to pound into or actively doing the pounding. His cock, as well, was a treat; Not absurdly massive as some of her recent partners had been, but instead seemingly fitted perfectly to her depths like Roko's manhood was, with that extra bit of length that made her feel just that little bit stretched and thus offering that extra bit of pressure against her deepest reaches.

Her cervix was singing every time the frenzied man's cockhead kissed it, which he made to do with each and every thrust. At the same time, his hips slamming into hers sent ripples running across her bubbly rear and shapely thighs, as well as producing an audible CLAP that drew the attention of every other person in the room. Mishra had left, and the sight of Alex's ass jiggling as she was literally slamfucked into a stupor had Bahk, Mister Impatient, and the orc who had fucked the orcess's rear while Alex ate her out all seemingly hypnotized, their erections returning. It wasn't beyond the realm of possibility that each of them were going to be sent into a frenzy of their own, and Bahk had already "won" a round of Alex riding him, though that would be hard in her increasingly exhausted state. One of them - the one who fucked Mishra - even made good on his apparent desires, having had longer to recover than the impatient one, and he happily stepped up behind Alex as she was suspended.

"Heheh... I'd rather use your pussy, but... This'll do! Last round before I've gotta go... Hold still a sec," he said, rubbing his throbbing rod against Alex's bouncing rear. The man holding her took a moment to notice, and only did so because of her head lolling to the side, allowing him to start kissing and suckling on her neck. He did so so hard that, had she not been much faster to heal than a human, it would likely have left her with a number of hickeys, but that was likely a secondary concern to the sensation of his cock pulsating in her thoroughly used pussy... And that of the man behind her pushing into her recently vacated ass. Once more she was double stuffed, and the two quickly got back up to speed, once more leaving her with both holes filled.

Thankfully, this round wasn't shorter than the last bout of having two men pounding her ass and pussy in tandem had been, the man behind her making less of an effort to drag things out and the man in front only lasting at all because had already cum so many times into her. They quickly built back up to an intense pace, one withdrawing as the other thrust forward, leaving Alex's body forcibly singing in bliss and tightening around them as they thrust forward. The man behind her, having no need to help support her, reached around to grab and squeeze at her chest, running his index fingers randomly over her nipples as he toyed with them alongside pumping into her ass. Alex was left to suffer that suspended fucking for several long minutes, but their build up was fast, and both were making no effort to measure their stamina. Soon enough, she felt them throbbing, approaching their release in almost perfect synchronization, and when they came, both men did so at once; the one behind pumping her bowels full of his hot cream while still thrusting, and the other holding himself balls deep as his twitching rod pumped rope after rope of his hot, potent cream directly into her womb, letting Alex's own resulting orgasm milk him for every drop as she felt his balls rapidly twitching.

And when it was done, and the man behind her carefully pulled away... The man suspending her did no such thing. She could feel how stressed his body was, the exhaustion spreading across his form mirroring her own, but something intense seemed to be driving him. As the exhausted dragoness was let suspended in his arms, however, she briefly got a look into his eyes... And she saw the fear there. It was more than simple biological imperative driving this man. Several of the heavy throbs of his orgasm had been dry spurts, offering only a few sparse droplets of his seed rather than the expected ropes, hard as her folds had been milking him in the midst of their mutual release. He was terrified, and the source probably wasn't hard to figure out; He would be facing death tomorrow, attacking a determined defender who had had time to entrench, and both sides had already taken steps to mitigate some of their heavy hitters. The need to be remembered, to leave something behind, and the dual need to have some kind of final intense experience, together were driving him to fuck her as much as his lust was.

As such, the words that Alex spoke, desperate as she was to get a rest, caused him to stop short. Soft spoken as they were, they drove him from his mating frenzy, and he blinked at her in shock before her lips met his. He hesitated for a moment, and then returned the kiss, his rapid, brutal thrusts turning to a more sensual roll of his hips. It left him stimulating her in every way, albeit at a less overwhelming pace, and after a few minutes of that he slowly lowered her to her bedmat, never breaking the kiss. The dragoness found herself put into another sensual mating press, the orc's cock drilling into her at a steady clip that drew both of them, ultimately, to one final sensual, intense climax. His cock pressed into her inner gateway and erupted, and after that it pulsed for minutes. Huge bursts of potent orcish seed poured directly into her womb, followed by dry throbs that gave only small globs and droplets of cum at most, followed by more bursts as he utterly emptied his testes to the very last morsel into her ever-thirsty womb. It left the dragon within smoldering with pride at having so totally spent the warrior atop her, and even after he had started to soften the man continued to kiss her vigorously, if sloppily.

Slowly, regrettably, he parted from her, giving Alex an apologetic look before nodding and pulling away entirely, leaving her momentarily unoccupied. "Guess I'll have to wait for that ride.... You'd best not forget about it though! I'll hold you to it! Just because you're too tired to give it to me good right now, doesn't mean that I'm gonna let you off the hook! A challenge won is a challenge won~" Bahk suddenly interjected, and if she looked towards him, Alex was met with a smug smirk from the man himself... And the sight of Mister Impatient having taken a few steps closer but now stopped in place with dawning realization, rock hard and apparently having intended to take his own turn on pinning and plowing her before Bahk's voice woke him up. "That said... You don't have to do much more for me right now other than.... Open up~"

Bahk stepped over, kneeling beside the prone dragon and stroking himself, and after a few moments Mister Impatient moved to the other side. The two jerked themselves dutifully, but if she wished to contribute to their final orgasm for the night they would happily let her take over stroking or apply her mouth to them in whatever manner she liked. Soon enough, whether she lent a hand - or tongue - or not, the two men would be groaning, and if she simply opened up as Bahk had asked, Alex would be treated to the dual taste of the two as they erupted one after another; chocolate and caramel mixing in her mouth as the two of them simultaneously launched rope after rope at her, offering hefty spurts of potent cream that, while aimed to land in her mouth, also haphazardly landed across her cheeks and chin, leaving Alex fairly glazed by the time they were reduced to oozing the last morsels of their release onto her. Thankfully, the mess was all in easy reach of her tongue, and once she had drunk it all down, the stuff simmered pleasantly in her belly for several minutes after. The two made for a good mix in terms of flavors, and their potency only added to intense satisfaction of the protein rich meal that she'd been offered as a parting gift. The pair were left panting on either side of her, stroking out their final dregs, and after a minute or so spent recovering, Bahk would settle back, and the impatient one would grumble; "Thanks... Ghn... See you... Later."

With that, he got up, and with the others having already left, once he had dressed and gone, Alex was left alone with Bahk. "Ghhhmmmm... Sorry... But I really won't forget, you know," he said, before reaching over to his pack and then coming back to offer Alex a drink from his waterskin. "Assuming that I live through tomorrow afternoon, I'll just have to keep you to myself tomorrow night... Make sure that I don't have to share you, and we can spend some real time comparing techniques," he continued, smug mirth and genuine uncertainty and sympathy for her all mixing into his voice and expression all at once. After that, he stood, and like the others, dressed and then headed out, giving one last confident smirk her way from the tent entrance before he, too, was gone... Leaving Alex to rest for a while, thankfully undisturbed by any further orcish paramours for the next couple of hours.
Last edited:
She should have known it would happen. All the men were enthralled with her, her performance both yesterday and today coaxing them into craving all the pleasures her body could provide, and with one taking control and pounding her for all he was worth someone just wouldn't be able to resist. Their lust would bellow and swell, overflow and drive them toward the draconic siren tempting them to no end, and though her breath hitched once the other man touched her she could do nothing more than let out a low, ecstatic groan as he refilled her ass and soon matched pace with his partner.

Once more Alex found herself simply hanging on for dear life as she was fucked from both sides, and once more she found herself collapsing into a haze of unending climax that left her as nothing more than an especially warm toy for these men's use. There was no way to tell whether they were sending her spiraling from one fast orgasm to the next or just dragging her through the same protracted release, and there was no point to it. Both left her as nothing more than a mewling mess, and though this round was not as lengthy as any of the others she looked like an even more exhausted pile of limbs and scales by the time they were done.

But one of them wasn't. The man holding refused to falter, his strength flaring as if he was possessed, and though Alex groaned and started gathering what little control she had left the look she caught in his eye was more than just animalistic lust set loose. There was something far more primal at work here. The same thing that every soldier felt, from general to footman and everyone that stood between. No matter how green or how jaded they were they all had felt this one overwhelming fear that this could be it. This battle could be their last. This might be their last chance to experience life, and for this man he was desperately doing everything he could to live it to its fullest.

This realization brought a change to the woman. It didn't stop her from gathering her wits to grab the man or change what was said in the slightest, but as he responded and kissed her, as he laid her down and laid into her with a sensual roll that had him thrusting not at his breakneck pace but at a firm, controlled rhythm that felt like it was striking her harder and deeper than some simple, mindless rut, she simply let herself go. She surrendered what little control she had gained and let herself relax, her pleasure climbing higher and higher until she had reached her plateau. And then it climbed further. She felt herself cum a little, a small microgasm that had her moaning down the orc's throat. She cried out even as her core tightened, her true climax building even as a smaller one struck her yet again, and as he finally reached his peak, as he buried his length as deep as he could and held himself as he prepared to release everything he had into the woman beneath him, she finally struck. Her legs rose and crossed behind him, her ankles locking together to hold him right where he was. Her arms slid over his shoulders to meet behind his head, and when he was caught she squeezed. It was nothing more than a feeble attempt, her exhaustion allowing her nothing more than a gentle embrace, but embrace him she did. And she came. Her release shot through her like a battering ram, her entire body clenching and pulling him closer as she screamed her passion into their shared kiss, and it refused to stop until he did.

When he was finally done and started to pull away he would find the dragon's grip slipping in an instant. She collapsed right there, absolutely nothing left to prop her up, and though he offered his silent apology as he rose she could do nothing to answer him. In that silence Bahk stepped forward, his claim forcing the dragoness to offer a weak grunt of acknowledgment, but things were not to end there. Mr. Impatient had joined Bahk in his approach, the orc suddenly realizing that Alex truly had nothing left to give at this point, and though that final bout may have been thwarted they would not be denied. Bahk's demand that she open up brought a single wry chuckle out of her, but as they both started stroking themselves she complied. Her lips parted and her tongue extended, the perfect target for either male to douse, and if either of them brought themselves close enough she would embrace them and give their crowns a languid thrashing to encourage them to finish. She didn't have the will to reach out herself, but she'd been indulging them this entire time, so why stop now?

When it all finally came to an end Alex was treated to their mixed flavors bursting within her mouth as they burst there and wherever else they saw fit. Thankfully the came with a purpose, the only mess she had to deal with being the stray errant shot that could be caught by her tongue once they were finally done, and as the impatient one offered his parting words Alex could offer the faintest of coy grins and gather one of his errant globs as a final, parting tease. That left her with Bahk, the man settling in to recover and reassert his claim on her for having won their little contest. Alex gathered what little strength she had to raise her arm and drape it over her forehead, the groan that followed all she was going to say. But he eventually took his leave, and before he did he actually showed a bit of genuine concern mixed within all that smug certainty. That brought a slow sigh, and just before he left Alex offered a "Until then." before she was finally, blessedly alone. All she could do was settle down and clean herself of whatever dregs remained on her face, and as she did her thoughts wandered to the desperate man that started rutting her nonstop. His fear had taken him at some point, the anxiety of the approaching battle urging him to do anything that would leave some mark in his wake. Though it was initially for some selfish reason she had managed to break him out of it, and she hoped he realized what she couldn't say. Of all the orcs that had come to take their pleasure from her he would be the one she remembered, and a part of her hoped that he did survive just so she could let him know.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel (20)
Mishra (1)
Mr Impatient = chocolate (20)

Mook1 = vanilla, memorable through fear (17)
Mook2 = normal (5)
Brute Man = extra dense (15)
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

When she struck, closing her legs around his back and locking him into her depths for the full extent of his release, it likely came as little surprise to the dragoness that she got exactly what she'd so passionately - if nonverbally - asked for. Feeling her legs closed around him only inspired the orc to flood her womb all the more passionately, and while he had already intended to pump every drop that he could into her, weak as she was at the time, that act ensured that she was going to get everything that he had left. Rope after rope after rope of virile orcish cum into the Alex's unprotected womb, ensuring that no portion of it was left unclaimed by the seed of her various paramours of the day, naturally heightening her own orgasm as the satisfaction of her core being utterly and totally filled with potent liquid heat.

It was hard to say how much of her nonverbal communication truly took, with those gestures. The orc hadn't even bothered to offer his name by the time he took his leave of the tent. Even so, she had given him as much as she could, in what time they'd shared... And he had at least made something of an impression.

Bahk and Mister Impatient, in turn, had one last gift for her, and both of them were all too happy to get well within capturing range. The two let Alex do as much work as she wished with her tongue to get them on the way to release, offering her ample taste of their precum before the full meal that she received not soon after. Mister Impatient even erupted while her tongue was still coiled around his cockhead, thoroughly painting it such that Alex got a sizeable taste of the chocolatey flavor of his cum, though soon enough it was mixing with Bahk's caramel for a truly pleasant concoction.

All was soon said and done, however, and the dragoness was left to finally relax after the sexual marathon that her captors had put her through. Fortunately, whether by circumstance or by the actions of those who had spent her, none of the other orcs came in to use her for the next couple of hours, giving the dragoness some time to recuperate. A few did come by the tent at various points; Agarith coming in to offer her a bucket of steaming water and cloth to help clean herself up, a woman with burn scars on her face coming in to briefly glower at her before praying for a few minutes at Matat's shrine, and a few of the men peeking in at her but leaving when they saw her resting, but it would be near evening by the time one of the orcs actually came in to make use of their rapidly dwindling time with her as their plaything.

Alex would recognize him plainly as one of the orcs who had been particularly savage when she'd been drugged during their breeding ritual, and when he came in he looked both frustrated and agitated. "You... Dragon-Alistar woman... You are still in captive of us. I need balls emptied, it was been a long patrol of little interest. Agarith say you tired, so I will be quick. Your mouth will do, but bend over if you want," he grumbled, his grasp of Crolian clearly not the best. He was clear in something of a hurry, not bothering to get out of his armor, and instead merely making to undo his belt and trousers to expose his already growing erection.
The rest was sorely needed after that massive mess, as was the washcloth, and after cleaning and recuperating Alex felt much better. Not many came in to bother her as she did, a few curious men who deferred once they saw her recovering, but the woman that did caused her to pause. She had burns marring her face, and the glower she shared told Alex all she needed to know. The dragon considered the woman for a moment, a part of her wanting to jump up and apologize for the scarring, but ultimately she simply sat and waited. There was no telling how the orc would react, and if she simply wished to pay her respects and leave then Alex would let her.

Another visitor entered, and this one was determined to make his presence known. Alex recognized him quickly enough. He was one of the more savage brutes that had taken a turn at her while she'd been drugged and helpless, and the agitation he showed was quickly mirrored by her own. But he came in with a purpose, his frustration at his patrol demanding that she give him relief, and though a part of her balked at the idea there was no denying that she really didn't have any choice in the matter.

That's what led her to nod in understanding, and after pausing for a bit to consider the man she realized he probably had not had a change of heart in the past few hours. He would take control once the notion took him, and he would simply use her without a second's thought no matter how she objected. And she really didn't want to give him another shot at knocking her up... Play into that, then? Her head turned to look around, and a quick survey revealed that there were a few tables she could use. She rose and played up the fact that she was tired, but once she found one with a height she liked she made sure to bring one of the furs she'd been resting on and used it to cover the hard surface. She climbed atop it following that, her nudity making for quite the sight as she crawled forward a bit before slowly rolling onto her side and then her back. It left her completely exposed, her entire frame resting save for her head, and as it hung over the edge she turned her head to beckon him closer. That itself would show why she chose the table, her horns were now curling under it as she looked at him, and had she tried this from the ground they would most likely have kept her pinned.

And that wouldn't work. Not for what she had in mind. As the orc approached she would guide him until he was practically hovering over her face, and if he was still clothed she would do her best to reveal him. Once his length was free she would regard it for a moment, and after a second or two she would give him a kiss. Whether he was at full mast or getting there wouldn't matter, she aimed to embrace his helm just below his slit and lingered before pulling back just to give him another. Her lips would continue planting there, and if he was growing she would let her lips travel down his length with every inch he grew until he was fully ready. At that she would lick him, her tongue running from tip to root in one glorious pass, her nose even nuzzling against his sac for a bit before she pulled back and licked him once more.

It was slow and deliberate, each pass meant to slowly bring his blood to a boil, and it would only shift once a sizeable dollop of pre had gathered at his tip. Instead of shifting for yet another lick her lips would rise to kiss him once more, only this time she let them part. That left him slowly entered her mouth, her tongue immediately rising to claim his desire, and once she had it she swirled around his helm before her hands rose to his thighs. A gentle push urged him forward, and little by little she would swallow him until he was nearly poking into his throat. There she would stop, and there she would linger as her tongue danced across his length and refused to surrender.

But that probably wouldn't be enough. For all intents and purposes she was simply holding still and teasing him, and given her position there was no valid way for her to move on her own, not with how she was laid out before him. He would need to take the initiative at some point, his hips shifting to give him the friction he needed, and eventually it would happen. He would push into her throat. She would make sure to freeze at that, a gag sounding from her throat that wouldn't need to be forced, but she wouldn't try to push him away. Instead she would grab at the table as if she was trying to keep herself centered, and once his urgency got the better of him she would simply hold on. Because there was no doubt that he wouldn't stop. He'd already shown that he was only interested in his own desires, and as he fed his cock down her gullet he would be able to see it. None of the orcs had been anything less than large, and his girth would cause her throat to stretch as he fucked it. As he did her body would twist and contort, not enough to show actual pain, but enough to feed into his penchant for dominance as he forced her to gag and struggle to accept him. Hopefully that would be enough, and once he was finally done he would allow her to rest some more. And most likely clean up whatever mess he decided to make of her.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked, 11/22 Willpower

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel (20)
Mishra (1)
Mr Impatient = chocolate (20)

Mook1 = vanilla, memorable through fear (17)
Mook2 = normal (5)
Brute Man = extra dense (15)
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

Willpower Damage: 11

The orc woman didn't spare Alex much heed after that initial glare, content it seemed to level that vengeful gaze, make their prayers, and then continue on with her day. She came and went without directly confronting her, leaving the dragoness in relative peace.

Unfortunately, the next orc was a bit more confrontational, making his demands of her relatively clear. Fortunately, he had given her an option that wouldn't risk being seeded with his offspring, though at that point he'd only be joining Bahk, Agarith, and the frightened man in the bid for that particular honor. Matat had a number of small bits of furniture about, none of it particularly large - which made sense given the nomadic situation they were in - but there was one suitably large collapsible table made of sturdy wood. The orc watched her as she selected her target, the chain attached to her collar lengthening - and sapping more of Alex's strength with every foot it gained - as she crawled towards her destination, laid a fur onto it for padding, and then further crawled up onto it.

"Ghhhhnnn...." Two heavy thumping steps followed that hungry growl, and Alex could tell that her display had had something more than the desired effect, giving him the misunderstanding that she was simply ready to be pounded. That was fortunately quick to clear up, and he paused as she finally reached her new position and beckoned him to her while upside down. He seemingly understood her intent, however, and accepted it, so he strode forward while undoing his trousers. The orc needed no assistance in getting his cock out, as she barely had time to reach for it before it was unveiled, pulled forth to flop out while roughly half hard. There were heavy hints of masculine musk, helped no doubt by his recent physical activity, but it wasn't overwhelming, and he had at least bathed recently enough that he hadn't had time to grow rank.

"You seem to know what you're doing," he grumbled, before sighing, and Alex felt a wave of tension leave the man's body as he planted his hands on the edge of the table. That left Alex able to plant her kisses along his length to harden it, which took perhaps longer than she might have expected, though the orc didn't complain or rush her. After the first few kisses, he would give a slight sigh again, and eventually he would make it to full mast, by which point her kisses were landing about midway down his length. That left Alex able to deliver that first long lick, and the orc subjected to it gave a short, low groan as her tongue traced its way from the base towards the tip. Her tongue could trace every pulsating vein as it made its prolonged journey along his hefty shaft, and he certainly seemed to appreciate her explorations the first time... And the second time... And every time after that.

She certainly seemed to be doing wonders for the stressed orc, as her steady stream of licks had him perfectly under her control, and he seemed to be steadily relaxing as her pleasures took hold. Soon enough, the glob of pre gathering at his cockhead was big enough to start oozing down, prompting the dragoness to gather it up, and when she did she found that he, too had gained a mutated flavor. His was a pleasant spicy rather than the more common sweetened variety, however, the peppery flavor coating her tongue as she swept it over his helm. He groaned again at the sensation, and when she wrapped her lips around him the orc could only shudder above her, twitch excitedly in her grip... And let go of the table as he straightened. The man gladly pushed forward at her behest, until his head was worrying her throat, and there he held for several moments as her tongue lathered him in attention and left him groaning.

Where his hands were going to end up, it turned out, was probably not much of a surprise. One reached down and gripped one of her horns, for exactly the purpose she might imagine, and the other claimed one of her breasts and began to roughly knead at it. The orc was a bit rough, but not terribly so, at most offering minor discomfort with his squeezes, and as the attention continued he began to roll his thumb over her nipple as well. It was as he was making that first thrust forward that the tent flap parted, and a potential problem with her plan came up; That someone else might come in and just take up a position on the opposite side of the table. This particular man might not get a shot at planting his seed, but someone else could... Fortunately for her, it was Matat.

The shaman's cheeks turned pink as she froze at the sight of Alex's current position, but the man only spared her a glance before he focused his attention back upon the dragoness before him... And continued his thrust with a low sigh. "You DEFINITELY know what you're doing.... Nnnhhhh...." He grumbled as he retracted until his head was all that was between her lips, and that was when he began to thrust. It was exactly as she'd imagined, and he was at least quick and efficient as he took his enjoyment from her. That subtle "gluck" when he first stressed her throat had seemingly triggered his aggression response, and once he got it, her clearly wanted more of it. Her squirming and bracing only turned him on more, though he was still at least fairly cautious at first as he tested her throat's limits a little bit at a time... Or perhaps he was simply hoping to enjoy more of her tongue work? He didn't seem to care for the distinction as he fucked Alex's mouth, soon enough prompting her throat to bulge with his girth as he fucked her mouth.

Matat would simply stand there watching, seemingly transfixed, until another pair of orcs walked up and looked in over her shoulder. "Oh, hey, looks like she's up again!" One said, causing Matat to start, and glare over her shoulder at him. "No... Well, she's awake, but she's not available for service," she said sternly, prompting the other to grumble; "Says who? We've as much right to her as you do, and we'll be quick about it." The other, nodding, added; "Yeah, I'll just take what he's having!" The shaman gave an exasperated sigh and said; "I reserve the rest of her night for myself! I need it for... Uhm..." She trailed off, seemingly not having a good answer, and the grumbler replied; "You've no purpose other than wanting her undirtied. Simply admit it, I'll respect you more for it than trying for a convincing lie." That seemingly caused Matat some measure of agitation, as she gathered herself up and turned to face them, replying; "I am NOT lying! I intend to use the time to.... Take her power into myself, so that I will have it for use tomorrow!"

The two seemingly shared a look at that point, though Alex couldn't catch a glimpse of it. "Can she do that?" asked the one, and the other replied with skeptical; "Possibly... Who can say? Regardless... Perhaps we should see what the dragon thinks? Perhaps she would like to stave off giving up her soul for a little bit longer, and would be willing to entertain us in the meantime?" Matat, sighing again, grumbled; "Fine, we'll ask her..."

Regardless of what Alex might think of the contents and outcome of that conversation, she would be fairly busy being facefucked throughout it. The orc's hefty balls were bouncing against her face as he thrust into her, holding a horn and kneading one of her breasts all the while, and once he finally approached his orgasm, where he wanted to put it was fairly clear. Faster and faster he went, adding a hint of more real discomfort to her state, until finally he pushed to the hilt with a final climactic groan of satisfaction. Bursts of hot cum poured down her throat, easily swallowed, but as it hit her stomach the dragoness would feel her body rapidly heating up without warning, the familiar sensation of a hit from her Mate's cum suddenly thrumming through her body, albeit in a fairly weaker form. The orc's volume wasn't all to be poured down her throat, however, as midway through his release, he backed out to pour a few bursts into her mouth, and then another few onto her lips and chin as he emptied his balls onto her. "Ghhnnn, ghhnnn, ghnnnn, guhhhh, uuhhhnnnn... Ghnn... Ughn.... Thanks, guh.... Needed that," he grumbled, tapping his cum coated cockhead against her lips, waiting for her to clean him up before pulling away to pull his pants back up and seemingly go on with his day.
Last edited:
The sound of someone entering had Alex's heart skipping in anxiety, but once Matat came into view the dragoness settled back into the role she'd taken. Her tongue returned to its briefly paused work, and though it naturally rested against the top of his length she still took the effort to curl and embrace his helm while he was moving at his more controlled pace. He wouldn't stay like this for long, so might as well use her skill while she could.

Matat was obviously mesmerized by the scene before her, but she wouldn't remain the only voyeur for long. Two men entered, but settling behind the shaman to watch Alex's throat get more and more fucked by the second, and they were quite thrilled to find the bound warrior up and about. They wanted their own turn at her, something that had Alex internally groaning once she heard it, but surprisingly enough Matat fought against that. The woman faltered when confronted, but the answer she pulled out of her ass had the two men wondering. "Can she do that?" She actually could. While Matat held Alex's ring the orcess could summon her own cock and start supping on the dragon's soul. Initially it would simply restore the woman's energy, but go long enough and she could steal even more. Bits of memory, emotions, more and more of Alex's identity would be taken until she had nothing left, then that would be it. No more Alex.

That was a rather sobering thought, but with a cock filling her throat and some testes slapping her face Alex couldn't spare too much more for it. She had to relax and take it, the smell and taste of the man overwhelming her senses as he continued to hold her down. His odd, peppery flavor revealed that he had mutated alongside so many others, though why his excitement turned spicy instead of sweet had her wondering What the hell? But she couldn't spare that too much thought, not as his pace picked up once he was comfortable with how she could take him. Faster he grew, the invasion of her throat growing more and more unpleasant by the second while his balls started slapping her harder and harder, but thankfully she wouldn't have to put up with him for too long. He hilted himself as she figured he would, and the groan he let out was matched by his release as he started to unload into her stomach. She swallowed it easily enough, but once it settled she felt heat starting to pour through her. The rough handling of her peak was suddenly far more pleasant than she would like to admit, and she could feel her sex starting to tingle incessantly as it was ignored. He'd gained the same taint as her Mate, that bit of essence that could drive Alex into her own heat if left unchecked, though his was far less potent.

But it was still there, and as he pulled back to fill her mouth and then coat her lips and chin Alex couldn't stop herself. She swallowed what she could, her body demanding it as her tongue started searching for more, and though he prodded at her mouth to be cleaned he really needn't have bothered. She opened soon enough, her lips sealing around him as her tongue bathed and cleaned his head as it searched for more, and once he was clean she started to suck. She was going to drag the dregs of his release out of him, and her tongue joined in by snaking out and coiling around his length only to tug bit by bit until she was satisfied that he was done. At that she released him, her own breath panting as he collected himself, and once he left she idly licked her lips and a little further until whatever trace remained was finally gone.

Unfortunately there were two other men who wanted the same, and as Alex turned to regard them her body whispered for her to take them. Just let them do what they wanted. She wouldn't even need to move. One wanted what he'd just seen, and the other had an obvious opening he could take... Thankfully that voice wasn't as insistent as it could be. It let her ignore her body's cravings and simply lay there to recover. But what Matat had said crept back into her mind. She'd said what she had to spare Alex any more degradation, but the men had countered that Alex might not want her soul stolen so soon. And as much as she wanted to rest what they said made a little too much sense. Or was that her awakening libido talking? Either way she had no good reason to refuse. "All right, you two, but make it quick. A girl can only do so much before she's exhausted..."
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked, 11/22 Willpower

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel (20)
Mishra (1)
Mr Impatient = chocolate (20)

Mook1 = vanilla, memorable through fear (17)
Mook2 = normal (5)
Brute Man = extra dense, peppery (15)
Goon1, smart (2)
Goon2, dumb (17)
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

Alex's dedicated efforts at extracting the brutish orc's peppery, drug-like seed were certainly effective, her tongue gathering up what little was left clinging to his cap before her lips sealed on him to extract whatever was left un-shot. As she sucked, she would catch little bits of his flavor every few seconds, and once her tongue was coiled around him the orc was left groaning in almost pained bliss and practically at her mercy. Soon enough, however, those dregs had been fully drained, the notable difference between them and the thinner precum that followed after it letting her know before he pulled out of her reach with a groan that she'd taken as much as he wanted to give her. "Ghhhnn.... Guhhhh... You give... Good head," he growled, though he wouldn't go in for a second round, despite that her relentless work to have every drop of the addiction-satisfying cream had kept him hard.

Matat glowered at Alex's response to the two men waiting, who both grinned triumphantly as they were invited over. They didn't waste any time, striding around the flabbergasted shaman to take up positions on either side of the dragoness.

"Heheheh... Not too quick though! Not even for you! I wanna enjoy this a bit first," the one going for her mouth said, taking the place of the orc who had just cum down her throat and quickly undoing his pants. Alex was presented with another half-hard orc's cock in short order, and he sidled forward with his pants around his ankles until his musky shaft was within reach of Alex's mouth. "Go on an' get me ready, after that I'll... Try to be a bit gentler than he was," he said, taking one of her breasts in each hand and starting to knead the soft orbs in his grip, occasionally rubbing his thumbs over the hardened, sensitive caps.

"You are far more placid about all of this than I expected you to be... Not that I'm complaining," the other said, tapping her on the rump with one hand as the other worked to undo his pants. He stepped fully out of his, rubbing a half-erect rod against her nether lips while he stroked himself in preparation for what was to come. "Still.... It is surprising. Have a preference for which one I use?" He rubbed his cockhead against her petals, and then a little lower against the tight ring of her ass, to emphasize what he meant by the question.
There wasn't much to be said once the brute offered his praise, and Alex would let out a silent chuckle before turning her attention to the others. Matat was less than enthused by the dragon's response, but there men were obviously overjoyed and quickly worked their way into position. The one by her mouth didn't hesitate in pulling himself free, and as he presented himself for her discretion he promised to be gentler after she'd had some time to prepare him. The other offered her a choice, and with the both of them showing some degree of compassion this brought Alex to a stop. She really didn't expect any of them to show any sort of empathy, and as they started vying for her attention she actually hesitated for a moment before she gave the cock before her a kiss and spread her legs just a little more for the other. "You can work me up a bit, but... I'd prefer you finish in my ass..." Considering all that she'd done, both within her home and within this camp, a request shouldn't have sounded so demure, but but every other time she hadn't had a choice. Either her partner did what they wanted, or they understood her enough to know when and where she wanted it. As such this was actually the first time she'd ever asked someone to fuck her in the ass. It was actually a little embarrassing...

But that didn't dismiss the cock standing right before her eyes. It was only standing at half-mast, and as the man started gently fondling and kneading her tits it was obvious that he wanted her to bring him to full strength. She'd already started by giving him that initial kiss, but instead of letting her lips dance along his length as it hardened she opted to wrap them around his head. A light suction would follow, and though it would do nothing to bring him closer she let him expand within her mouth. In essence it would look like she was sucking him deeper with every inch that he grew, and once he was finally ready she started her attack. Her tongue would reach out to draw lazy circles around his helm, the tip itself squirming and flicking against his rim before taking a bit longer to worry just beneath its eye. His excitement would start leaking at any moment, and once it did she would gather it just to see if he had gained his own unique flavor like seemingly everyone else involved with last night. Her curiosity was burning, but once it was satisfied her attention would return to the cap she was swallowing. And there it would stay. She would lick and suck, run her tongue around and over and even coil it around him to give him a few tugs, but her focus would remain there until he'd finally had enough.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked, 11/22 Willpower

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel (20)
Mishra (1)
Mr Impatient = chocolate (20)

Mook1 = vanilla, memorable through fear (17)
Mook2 = normal (5)
Brute Man = extra dense, peppery (15)
Goon1, smart (2)
Goon2, dumb, chocolate 2 (17)
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

The orc standing between her legs let his smirk widen a bit at Alex's demure request, and he tapped his hardening member against her petals and said; "Well, since you asked so nicely... I think I can fuck you in the ass..." He wasn't fully hard yet, however, and he seemed content to deal with that himself, leaving Alex to focus her attention on the man on the other end of her. "Oooohhh yeah... Hnnnn... Yup, glad ya said yes! Ghhnnuhhhh..." He growled gleefully at Alex's early attentions, his shaft rapidly stiffening and pressing deeper and deeper into her mouth. It touched the back of her throat in short order, and when she sampled his pre, it had a lighter, more milky equivalent to the chocolatey flavor that one of the other orcs had sported. He kept on kneading her chest while her efforts hardened him up and got him ready for the main event, her bust being squeezed and rolled while his palms or thumbs continuously rubbed and flicked across her peaks, and in the meantime the man between her legs was rubbing his hardening rod against her clitoral hood in a regular sawing motion that helped send shivers of pleasure up her spine.

After about a minute or work, the dragoness had a hefty mouthful of cock, and the one between her legs was rubbing his hardened cockhead against her petals. Matat was kneeling nearby, watching still somewhat irritably but also with a bright flush to her cheeks and an almost mystified look, and she raised no further objections. "I'll switch when I'm nice and lubricated," the man between her legs murmured reassuringly, only to push into Alex's sex until he had hilted himself. That left pleasure surging up the dragon's spine, her inner walls singing in delight against the thick shaft spearing them, and with the sensations amplified by the hit of aphrodisiac cum she'd imbibed, Alex was able to revel in every inch of her that he pierced. His rim dragged briefly across her g-spot, and his helmet pressed into her inner gateway in a gentle initial kiss, at which point he gave a sound midway between a growl and a sigh. Despite that he was fully hard, however, the man in front of her wouldn't start thrusting into her face.... Not yet, anyway, instead allowing the dragoness to continue with her more skilled service while the man between her legs, after a brief pause to enjoy her tightness, began to get up to speed.

They may have been relatively courteous, at least compared to their two companions, but the duo were still very much orcs... And their lusts were rising rapidly as they set about using her body to satisfy them. Thankfully, what she'd swallowed minutes earlier had helped her own libido rise to meet it, and as the one fucking her sped up, there wasn't even a hint of discomfort amidst the pleasure. Like many of them had, he seemed to stretch her just perfectly, filling her moist passage just a tiny bit more than it was used to such that his tips pressing into her cervix pressured her a-spot intensely and offered a domineering spice to their mating. The man in her mouth had already been lazily thrusting into her mouth, albeit only shallowly, but as the man between her legs sped up and began to rob Alex of the ability to fully concentrate on the strokes of her tongue across his helmet, those thrusts began to speed up. After another couple of minutes, by which point the one fucking her was offering audible claps as his hips slammed into her rear and thighs, the two were bouncing Alex back and forth between them, one filling her pussy and the other, her throat...

And that was dangerous. The man between her legs was happy to pound into her pussy with wild abandon, his helmet crashing into her cervix firmly with every stroke, and the longer and fiercer he went, the more their mutual pleasures rose, and the more it seemed like he would go back on his word and keep going until he spilled his seed into her womb! That dangerous crescendo grew closer and closer with every passing minute, the knot in Alex's belly growing tighter as the man's steady strokes worried her sweet spots, and if she came on him, he would almost certainly answer in kind... And a moment later the pace heightened even further as he shifted a hand from her hip to Alex's mound, letting his thumb rub across her clitty and threatening to have her surging into her peak right then and there... But the other orc hadn't been making to measure her stamina, and his his release first, and suddenly. He had kept his word, being generally gentler than the brute who had enjoyed her previously, allowing her to offer some service with her tongue as he gave languid strokes into her mouth, but all of a sudden Alex would feel a rope of cum flood her throat, and the groaning orc fucking her mouth squeezed her breasts as if holding on for dear life as he started giving short, shallow thrusts again, steadily pulling back to deliver the last third of his release directly into her mouth, though there he remained after the eight burst of cum gave way to a few weaker globs...

And that was when, unless Alex had kept him from doing so somehow, the orc between her opted to switch holes. He did it almost seamlessly, pulling out while stroking her clit, aiming at her tight star, and pushing his cock - thoroughly slick with her honey at that point - into her ass. He started thrusting into her again immediately, building up up his pace again at an even greater acceleration, and instead of her a-spot and cervix his cockhead was worrying her perreneal sponge with every stroke, the hyper-sensitive cluster of nerves singing as he stirred her lower hole much like he had her sex mere moments prior. With that switch done, the man in her mouth would ultimately pull his softening rod from her mouth, letting her clean him up how she willed as the man below her brought himself towards completion... And he made to reach that much desired release at best speed. Stroke after stroke buried him into her ass, sending further spikes of pleasure up the dragon's spine, and soon enough his pace had stabilized to what he seemed to like. His thumb was still constantly stroking her clit, and the hand gripping her waist briefly left it only once to deliver a firm smack to her already jiggling rear, "Ghhnnn... Tight.... Ghn..."

Another couple of minutes later, and it was finally over; The orc bottomed out into her with a groan, and Alex felt the familiar sensation of hot cum erupting into her rear passage, though he didn't fully he fill her. Instead, after a trio of ropes, he pulled out, stroking himself to coat the region between her legs with the rest of his release, leaving her nether lips, mound, and inner thighs mildly glazed in his cum. "Guhhh, ughhhhh, hnnnn.... Ghhn..." He, too would hover for a moment, before idly disentangling himself from her and sliding away, albeit not without another appreciate - and considerably gentler - pat on her rear.

"Alright, you've had your fun.... Out!" Matat said impatiently, though she needn't have bothered, the one whom Alex had blown having already gotten dressed again, though he seemed intent on waiting for his comrade. "We're going, we're going... Ghn... Have your fun then, shaman, but remember not to exhaust yourself... We have a difficult day ahead of us tomorrow," the one who had fucked Alex replied, getting himself dressed up, and leaving the dragoness to recuperate and reorient herself how she willed. The two would offer her another glance, a wave from the one and a nod from the other, and then would tromp out, leaving Alex alone with their shaman... Though, Matat seemed content to give her a bit of time to recover rather than rush to whatever she intended to do.
Gods damn it all, this just wasn't fair! These fucking orcs were bred to torment her, the man between her legs proving this by having the perfect length that worried every inch of her sex. His girth stretched her nicely, and that made the veins along his surface pulse harder and harder as his excitement continued to grow. He filled her completely, his helm nudging against her inner gateway in a gentle yet firm kiss that said he was going to breed her. It forced her instincts to come alive, her legs spreading of their own accord, and it was only a conscious effort on her part that kept them from closing around his waist and trapping him right where he was. And he wasn't the only one. All the men that had a turn at her were built like this. Some may have been longer, others thicker, but every one of them had been built like some fucking goddess's wet dream and drew out Alex's passions whether they were the gentlest of lovers or the most selfish of bastards that only sought their own pleasure.

It was nearly enough to make her lose focus on the man before her, but with him holding onto her breasts as he languidly thrust into her mouth that was nearly impossible. She'd been curious about his taste, and after only a bit of teasing she was greeted by the decadent flavor of chocolate. But unlike the other the bitterness she should have expected wasn't there. An underlying sweetness ran through it, a natural milky flavor that complimented and enhanced the cocoa until Alex found her tongue coiling and tugging it insistently all in an attempt to taste even more. And when she found it all she could do was release a tiny little moan, her body reveling in that little drop with every drop of pre she could steal...

Only to find her moans were growing louder and louder. With her focus centered on the one filling her mouth she hadn't noticed his partner upping his pace until his thighs started slapping against her ass. That was more than enough for the first to start adding in his own thrusts, and once they settled into a rhythm that had them passing her back and forth she let out a groan of pleasure that probably would have sounded like Oh fuck! if she wasn't effectively gagged. Instead all she could really do was grab her knees and pull them closer, her legs splaying obscenely and letting the man that was screwing her plunge even deeper even if she was only trying to keep herself from clamping around him in that very moment.

With their paces syncing and mounting by the second all Alex could do was quite literally hold on and endure, and with pleasure pouring in from both directions her own climbed alongside them. Her moans grew louder and louder, her sex trembling as every thrust grew stronger and stronger until her depths felt like they were being flooded with her own passion. She swore she could hear herself squelching as that man pounded her, even over her own moans while she tried to keep her focus on the man now invading her throat. Her tongue was still wrapped around him, his taste refusing to let her do anything else, and though that coil may have loosened a bit she kept it there, an encouragement to keep him buried until he finally exploded and filled her mouth.

And that didn't take long. While his partner had been having the time of his life and doing everything in his power to have Alex cum before him the man in her throat did not hold himself back. His own low groan signaled his release, and with it she felt his first rope of seed flood her throat. She offered a small squeal in surprise since he gave no warning, but as his thrusts turned more languid and his release started filling her mouth she gave a more lurid moan of approval. Of course this did nothing to stop the other man from continuing his rampage, so as much as Alex would have loved to sit and savor his taste she found herself quickly overwhelmed. She tried to swallow, tried to keep it contained, but the other man's pounding kept jarring her body and left her only able to manage a couple jets before the excess started flooding out of her. In short order she was turned into a raging mess, her face seemingly plastered as she was still being fucked, and though he may have finished he kept himself within her mouth, the dregs of his release oozing out of him while she did what she could to coax out even more.

With one man finished thankfully the other wouldn't be far behind. While his friend finished he took that moment to transition, the smooth shift from her sex to her ass doing nothing to change his pace while his thumb kept up its assault on her clit. The sudden shock of it was enough to throw off her control, and as he buried himself and continued to pound away at her all she could offer was a throaty "Fuck!" from her recently freed mouth before she finally came undone. Her sex spasmed uncontrollably, her pussy visibly clenching on nothing as he juices flooded and coated the man between her legs and offered that extra bit of lubrication as he worked his way into her rear. At that point the grip on her legs faltered, and in an instant they fell around his waist, not so much wrapping around but more holding on as his hips started clapping against her cheeks. Each clap seemed to inspire another burst as she kept cumming, the flood itself weakening with every spurt until she was left groaning and tightening around him as if the aftershocks were starting to grow a bit too powerful for her to handle. Apparently he agreed, and a moment later his own groan left him slamming himself as deep as he could. The warm flood that filled her rear was enough to get her libido to lash out one last time, and her entire body clenched one final time before she finally relaxed and lay limp.

With that the men lingered near her, the one between her legs pulling himself free to stroke the remains of his release over her pussy and mound to absolutely coat her, and the other simply playing with her breasts as her tongue and mouth idly stroked and clean what they could reach of his length. A gentle pat on her rear was the signal to have them both pull away, and evidently Matat agreed as she demanded they get up and leave even though they were both already dressed. She soon received her wish as they walked out, not without offering Alex a nod and wave before they left the tent, and that was what left the shaman with an utterly used and exhausted dragoness splayed over a table covered with one of her pelts.

For a few seconds Alex looked absolutely lost, but once it was clear that no one else would be entering the tent she suddenly swung her legs out and rolled onto her side then off her little perch. She stumbled a little on the landing, those two had just fucked the every living shit out of her, but as she sat and watched the tent opening she focused on recovery until she finally managed to stand and more or less relax. "Apologies, but I figured people would be less likely to bother me if I played up my exhaustion." She looked a little sheepish as she said that, but that didn't stop her from returning to the bucket she'd been given to clean herself and doing just that. Once she was her attention turned toward the pelt that was probably now as soiled as she'd just been, but there was nothing she could do for it and simply offered the shaman an apologetic look before settling onto her knees to properly address the woman. "So, what precisely do you have planned for me?"