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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel (20)
Mishra (1)
Mr Impatient = chocolate (20)

Mook1 = vanilla, memorable through fear (17)
Mook2 = normal (5)
Brute Man = extra dense, peppery (15)
Goon1, smart (2)
Goon2, dumb, chocolate 2 (17)
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

Matat snorted and shrugged. "Some of them, maybe... Those perverts are incredibly enamored with you though," she replied grimly, and seemed to be building up to a rant judging by the manic grimace that came over the shaman's features. Unless Alex headed her off, she would have to listen to Matat's ranting while cleaning up the mess that her latest partners had made of her while fucking her senseless. The orcess drew in a deep breath, and if not interrupted would begin; "Practically as soon as I was up and about this morning, some of them were trying to get me to set you up in stocks in the middle of camp, so that anyone could have a go at you whenever they wanted! A few argued against it, fists were almost thrown, I had to veto the idea on the grounds that it's cold out, and leaving you standing stark naked in the snow all day would be horrifically cruel... That at least shut them up about the idea, but, then I was stuck going to your stupid brother every couple of hours, to add more restraints or repair the ones he'd broken through. I had to gag him to shut him up, AGAIN, and I'm pretty sure that he's worn into his skin in a few places with his thrashing.... The idiot. Uggghh! At least by this point, I'm pretty sure he's gotten every woman in the camp pregnant... Except me."

The shaman gave an irritable sigh and shook her head. "Honestly, I can't find the appeal in such a... Rude, belligerent man, even if he is a dragon. And... I guess we did kind of take him against his will, but... I don't know...." She sighed again, and looked directly at Alex again to add; "I've made it clear that no one is to come a calling on you for the rest of the night, so... You at least have a few hours of freedom. Ermm.... Except... If you're still open to... What we talked about earlier." She trailed off, looking away and blushing again. "I... Guess that's what I had planned for you... Sort of..."
There was a strange catharsis in hearing someone else complaining about her brother, and Alex had to turn to hide her efforts at holding in a smirk while Matat continued. The fact that so many men were calling for the dragon to be placed in stocks helped temper that amusement, she could just imagine someone sliding up behind her and saying something stupid like "Getting cold? I know how to heat you up...", but at the mention that the two women should be left untouched for the rest of the night let loose a sigh and relaxed. That meant they wouldn't be disturbed, and as Alex continued cleaning she took a moment to look toward the entrance. It was getting late in the day, from what she could tell the final traces of light were finally starting to settle, but it wasn't late enough. She had plans to free herself, and it would be best if everyone was mostly at rest in the dead of night. But maybe it would be best to trigger them now. If she was successful it would give her time to figure out what to do about Akorvick and get back to Ochre with enough time to get some proper rest...

Those thoughts were derailed a bit as the shaman mentioned their earlier agreement, and as the woman blushed Alex could only smile and make more of a show of cleaning herself. "I am not opposed." Matat would probably turn all sorts of interesting colors at that, but Alex would simply continue cleaning herself to buy just a little extra time before she finally finished. "But I do wonder... Would you be willing to indulge me?" And if asked with what, Alex would reply with, "A bit of stupidity." and leave it at that.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 100/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel (20)
Mishra (1)
Mr Impatient = chocolate (20)

Mook1 = vanilla, memorable through fear (17)
Mook2 = normal (5)
Brute Man = extra dense, peppery (15)
Goon1, smart (2)
Goon2, dumb, chocolate 2 (17)
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

Matat blinked, blushed harder, and stared for a moment before hastily looking away from the dragoness as she started showing off. She did indeed brighten even further when Alex affirmed her acquiescence to her earlier request - that she be the one to sire a dragonblooded on the orc so that she wouldn't have to give that honor to her ever troublesome sibling - but she just made a strangled sound in the back of her throat and let the dragoness finish cleaning herself up in relative peace. It was likely a relieving contrast from the other orcs, who likely would have offered a "helping hand" that would have turned into giving her a fresh mess to clean up. When Alex asked the shaman to indulge her on something, however, Matat looked at her directly again, giving her a curious look and, predictably, asking; "Indulge? Erhm... Indulge how, exactly?" Alex's less than clear answer caused her to frown and pout, and she glared suspiciously for a moment before giving a sigh and a shrug. "I mean, so long as it's harmless, I don't see why not..."
'Harmless'... Alex came to a stop, and the silence that followed lingered for a second or two. "I can't really promise that." A finger rose to tap the collar on the dragon's neck. "But only one should come to harm." A moment later the chain binding her was lightly whipped so that it draped over Matat. "And you have the power to stop this foolishness if you think it's run too far."

The shaman had to be wondering why, and if asked Alex would pause to carefully measure her words. "What's been done to your people is a tragedy. And I can't stand that I've added to it. I'd like to prevent further losses, and I can't do that waiting back here." She wasn't sure exactly how she was going to stop it, but there had to be a way where everyone wasn't trying to kill each other, and if she wanted to find it she needed to get back to Ochre.

At this point there were any number of reasons for Matat to stop Alex, and there wasn't anything the dragon could do to stop her. Fear for their camp, fear that Alex would betray them, fear that Alex would simply go too far, all of them valid and all of them prevented by a simple tug on that chain. But Matat could refrain. She might let Alex carry on in this idiocy, and if that happened the dragoness would nod before taking a light grip on the band surrounding her neck. A single long breath was let out, enough to let her release some of the nerves that have been building, and then she let loose. Her Pride flared, the will of a dragon refusing to be cowed by some damned trinket, and though the collar would strike back and start digging its thorns into her neck she would not give in. And with her Pride roaring within her own ears her blood would answer, her body subtly shifting to tighten and strengthen her muscles, her arms nearly bulging before her grip tightened and she started to pull.

All of this was centered on her power holding, and that relied on her Pride keeping the collar from sealing her spirit. She'd nearly broken through the damn thing when she'd been acting on nothing more than instinct, and with her willpower bolstered she doubted the thing could contain her once again. She would break it's control, and following that she would break it in two.

Use Dragon's Pride at X=10, Cost=12 (10-2, +4 from Dragonborn to break Seal), Upkeep=4 (10-5, -3 from Efficient Wielder, +2 from Soul's Strength), unsure if technically bound or not from collar, if so HP Cost=10

+2X Dodge
+2X Grapple for escapes
+3X Resist (+X Base, +2X from Soul's Strength for +2 Upkeep)
+2X Defensive Resists (+X Base, from Soul's Strength for free)
+X/4 Perception die

+20 Dodge
+20 Escape from grapples
+30 Resistance
+20 Defensive Resistance
+2 Perception dice

Then Draconic Transformation at X=10, Cost=9 (10-1), Upkeep=4 (10-4, -3 from Efficient Wielder)

+2X Melee damage
+2X Bull Rush/Overrun/Swim
+2X Attack, both melee and power
+X AV (Cannot be ignored from Dragonborn)
+X Grapple
+X Range damage for ranged weapons using Body

+20 Melee damage
+20 Bullrush/Overrun/Swim
+20 Attack, both melee and power
+10 AV
+10 Grapple
+10 Range damage

Not sure which of melee damage or grapple would be better for the situation, so an extra +10 for whichever one. And that's all the math I want to do right now.
: HP = 62/96, PP = 80, EP = 79/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Naked, Dragon's Pride X=10, Draconic Transformation X = 10, Upkeep = 8

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel (20)
Mishra (1)
Mr Impatient = chocolate (20)

Mook1 = vanilla, memorable through fear (17)
Mook2 = normal (5)
Brute Man = extra dense, peppery (15)
Goon1, smart (2)
Goon2, dumb, chocolate 2 (17)
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

The Resistance Roll: 61 vs.... 60, Alex manages to overcome the collar. The thorns have their due...
Damage: 34, could be worse...
The Grapple Roll: 113

Matat could, surely, have ended the dragon's efforts to do away with the collar with a tug on the chain that Alex had draped over her.... But, the dragoness hadn't accounted for the shaman's inexperience. The young orc frowned and glowered slightly when the dragoness declared that she couldn't promise that her ensuing actions would be harmless, then confused at Alex's addition and ensuing shift of the chain. "What are you talking about?" She asked suspiciously, only to look even more confused than before, leaving the dragoness with the opportunity to make her gambit.

The collar answered as her pride flared, and even as the dragon's will was pressing against the barrier preventing her from affecting the physical world with her soul's might, the thorns against her neck lengthened. They broke her skin as she called on her ancestral power to enhance her strength, the heat of her blood running down her collar and shoulders. Matat would look at her in total confusion as she grabbed the edges of the enchanted collar, albeit with a bit of lustful awe as the dragon's muscles bulged and tensed. "Wait, what are you-" and then, with a final tear, Alex ripped the faerie collar in twain, freeing her from it... And the chain that had been connected to it.

"Ohshit..." Matat murmured, and Alex would see in her eyes some emotions similar to the ones she'd had when Haedrin had told the other fae to flee, but she rallied and quickly scrambled to her feet. The shaman's expression turned to nervous near-panic, and she held her staff out horizontally in front of her in a defensive posture. "Y-you know th-th-that I... C-can't just let you leave..." She murmured softly, "you'll kill us... By the score. Without you and your brother there, Ochre might just surrender... No further loss of life..."
"That's possible..." Alex didn't overtly react to Matat brandishing her staff. "But I don't think it's likely." She simply took in a deep breath and let it out, and as she did the power she had gathered was allowed to fade before her hands rose to check the wounds on her neck. "Everyone knows they're outclassed by sheer numbers, but your people don't exactly have the most glowing of reputations. Surrender isn't exactly seen as an option." Another breath was taken, this one to let Alex's body relax from the pain and strain of dealing with the collar, and once it had she gave the shaman an apologetic look. "Just doing this to get comfortable." Magic would gather around her fingers, and a moment later those wounds would start to close.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 78/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel (20)
Mishra (1)
Mr Impatient = chocolate (20)

Mook1 = vanilla, memorable through fear (17)
Mook2 = normal (5)
Brute Man = extra dense, peppery (15)
Goon1, smart (2)
Goon2, dumb, chocolate 2 (17)
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

Casting: 3 successes; more than enough!
Healing: 9 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 18, 18 x 2 = 36 HP restored, back to full health!

Matat tensed anew as the dragoness reached into the area around them, drawing in energy that spread a pain-ending warmth across her pierced throat, causing the flesh to knit back together. After that, the only signs of the wretched collar's existence were the ruins of it on the floor and the wet blood still on her neck and collar. "Nhhhh.... Comfortable?" Matat asked uncertainly, relaxing only slightly. She paused a moment to think, and then finally addressed the dragon's reasoning for it... Possibly about when the dragoness spotted her ring on the shaman's finger. "The people who do not fight have nothing to fear from us! It is against our laws to take those who don't fight back, and we don't want... Treasure or plunder or whatever! Our warriors would rather not wear down our equipment and waste animals and supplies by having to fight people that we don't have to!" She said pensively, though that the dragoness undoubtedly knew that some of that was incredibly naive of her; Definitions of "fighters" were often stretched or distorted when battle broke out, and orcs were no less likely to sack a village for supplies than any other military force that she'd ever faced or heard of.
Alex frowned at Matat's response, and for a few moments she paused to measure just how she was going to respond to that. "I've fought as a sword for hire. I've seen how people react in battle, and I know how the darker parts of us rise to the surface. No treasure? No plunder? Do you honestly expect me to believe that when you've got the clanless acting as your vanguard? THEY are the reason humanity sees you as a rampaging mass of rape and pillage. There are no end to the tales of orcs just rushing into an area and taking whatever they please whether the people they steal from fight back or not." The clans weren't exactly free of that either. Alex couldn't believe otherwise since they had just brought her down and turned her into the camp's whore for daring to oppose them. But going into that right now didn't seem like a smart move. It'd be better to just point out the more blatant flaws.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 78/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel (20)
Mishra (1)
Mr Impatient = chocolate (20)

Mook1 = vanilla, memorable through fear (17)
Mook2 = normal (5)
Brute Man = extra dense, peppery (15)
Goon1, smart (2)
Goon2, dumb, chocolate 2 (17)
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

Matat grimaced. "We are capable of reigning in the clanless!" She shot back irritably, "and there would be no looting at all to worry about if they didn't fight us! The only one that need die tomorrow is the mage in the tower!" She settled back, and a grim despondence swept over the shaman, "but instead, you would go back there.... And when they refuse to yield - which they will with you in their midst - you will kill more of us in their defense."
It was Alex's turn to grimace. If it did come down to a battle then she was obligated to stand in Ochre's defense. "Must you attack?" As she asked she took hold of the split collar and made sure the pieces were collected and placed within easy reach. "Must you demand surrender? Are you leaving a force behind to occupy the town so it remains under your control? And are you certain they would surrender if I wasn't there? The Red Crows are stationed there, and they've been payed to keep the town safe." The chain was taken next, and as she continued she looped it over her fingers until it was nicely coiled and set right next to the collar. "I've talked with their commander. He's not exactly the most honorable of men. And that's by human standards. But he isn't looking to run or give in."
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 78/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel (20)
Mishra (1)
Mr Impatient = chocolate (20)

Mook1 = vanilla, memorable through fear (17)
Mook2 = normal (5)
Brute Man = extra dense, peppery (15)
Goon1, smart (2)
Goon2, dumb, chocolate 2 (17)
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

"We have our orders. This war is righteous, even if it's awful," Matat replied stubbornly, momentarily losing her despondent look for one of confusion as Alex scooped up the split collar and the magical chain that it was attached to. The young shaman scowled, but couldn't hold the expression for long, drifting back to a mournful frown and not looking Alex in the eye as the dragoness asked her piercing question. "We will do... Whatever we have to do," she finally muttered, forcing herself to look Alex in the face again and putting on a fiercely defiant look. "We will hold it only as long as we need to, to destroy the sorcerer's training grounds and burn their teachings to dust! And no mercenaries will deter us from that!"

And it was then, as if summoned by mentioning, that the Red Crows' malignant commander slid silently into the tent, his dark armor covered in blood and a curved black knife in his hand. The man moved like a ghost, hardly disturbing the tent flap and ensuring that Matat didn't even notice his entrance, nor did she notice him as he began creeping towards her. If Alex hadn't been looking in exactly that direction, she'd never have seen or heard him, and the maniacal grim smirk on his face was disrupted only by a wink sent her way as he approached the shaman from behind... Leaving little secret as to his intentions, and the dragoness with a choice of what to do about it.
There was no choice. Despite everything that had happened Alex had grown to like the shaman quite a bit. Matat had her own passion and honor, and Alex respected both enough to not let them be snuffed out by some assassin. That's why she let out a small "Shit" before quickly reaching for the orc and effectively tripping her. That trip would be controlled, the fall meant to pull the woman back and behind the dragon's bulk, and there she would keep Matat until she could figure out how the bastard was going to react to that.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 78/100, Signet Ring EP = ??/30, Aes's Ring EP = ??/10, Status = Naked

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Also Captured Somewhere
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple
Turoc: Still an asshole

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 15 running, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

21 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge)
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre

Bahk = caramel (20)
Mishra (1)
Mr Impatient = chocolate (20)

Mook1 = vanilla, memorable through fear (17)
Mook2 = normal (5)
Brute Man = extra dense, peppery (15)
Goon1, smart (2)
Goon2, dumb, chocolate 2 (17)
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

"Haaah!" Powerful though she might be, Matat was no warrior; Alex easily swept her off her feet and whirled her around, putting her on her back on the ground while now facing the approaching mercenary. Turoc quirked a surprised eyebrow, "Want that one for yourself, huh? Get on with it," he said, only for Matat to reach a hand past Alex and send a wave of fire washing over him. The Red Crow vanished momentarily in the burning wave, which bored through the side of Matat's tent, and when it cleared.... He was completely unharmed.

Turoc casually brushed off his own shoulder, smirking smugly, and past him Alex would see that he hadn't been the only one to infiltrate the cavalry company's camp; Red Crow mercenaries were moving from tent to tent and had already seemingly dispatched a number of the orcs. Alex could see one of the men who'd enjoyed her earlier - the one whose mutations resulting from her hadn't resulted in a change in flavor of his cum - lying on his back, his eyes vacant and throat giving up the final few spurts of his life's blood. Matat, gazing incredulously, began preparing another attack, and Turoc - who was taking the opportunity to unsubtly oggle the naked dragoness - casually said; "Deal with her, or I will. We're on the clock here."
Oh fucking hells...! Matat's failed attacked exposed nothing more than a hint of the carnage taking place outside. She could already see a familiar face, the last of his life spurting from his neck, and others were no doubt suffering the same as the Crows crept from tent to tent. It was enough to turn Alex's stomach, but with Turoc looming right there and demanding she 'deal' with Matat there just wasn't enough time.

So deal she would. A burst of fire created a pair of draconic wings, and only taking the time to grab the shaman as well as the chain and the remains of the collar Alex used them to burst through the tent and up into the air. If Turoc were in the way she'd run right over him, but she had no time to mess with him or his complaints. "I NEED MY GEAR!" This was nearly screamed at Matat, but there was no animosity behind it. It was all urgency, and if Matat motioned Alex would practically dive, the only correction being to head for an entrance if said gear was kept in another tent.

"I need my ring!" she would say as she immediately started searching for it, and if Matat pulled out the wedding band Alex would answer with, "The other ring!" Once she had the Signet a call would pulse out. She needed someone strong, someone she could trust to stop this mayhem before it went too far, and though her first thought went straight for Aes it could lead to problems. Turoc was bound to cause some kind of racket with Alex refusing his help, and if Aes was the one Alex called then he could turn against her entire family, and gods knew what kind of mess that would make. But she needed someone on that level of strength. Abariel! And that's precisely where her mind turned. An image of the carnage taking place would follow that call, and even before the summoning could complete Alex would yell out, "Stop this madness!" Aes had done something similar, freezing people in ice to prevent any further harm from coming to Ria back in the battle, and there was no doubt Abariel could do the same. Or maybe even something more. Alex didn't care how it happened, only that the murdering stopped.

Even then Alex was on the move once again. She trusted Abariel, and that let her rocket back to the one man she saw bleeding out. She was hoping there was still some bit of life left in him, and if by some miracle there was then she would place Matat next to him. "Can you heal this?!" The shaman had complained about healing Akorvick's injuries earlier, but was she trained enough to handle injuries this severe? Alex hoped the orcess could. The one spell the dragon could use would not work here, not a cut this grave, and if Matat could treat his neck Alex could then help by pushing that magic into him to hopefully keep him from dying from blood loss. But if she couldn't, there were other orcs who'd been attacked. Matat would be taken there, the dragon forcing the orc to focus on saving life so they could save whoever they could before dealing with whatever else was waiting.
: HP = 96/96, PP = 80, EP = 78/100, Signet Ring EP = 15/30, Aes's Ring EP = 10/10, Status = Naked?

Aescila: Spent 147/210 EP, 30 EP ring is full, DESPAIR
Akorvick: Sort of free!
Ria: Fine
Angelle: Fine
Anowyn: Still a babby

Roko: Still a cripple
Turoc: Still an asshole

Fight Stats
100 militia, 100 lightly armed levy troops
4 catapults
150 Red Crow Mercenaries, 15 dead, 20 captured
20 golems


220 orcs including; decimated group of clanless, contingent of blue serpent banner archers, remnants of mounted knights with bows, squad of strange berserkers, contingent of red grinning standard orcs, three contingents of black banner elite orcs (Ebon Trident)
2 dragon knights
glowing greater knight (Sengin)
green boar rider

14 mounted archers (12d10 + 4 to hit and 2d8+19 base damage that ignores 5 AV, 12d10 Dodge) Captured
1 shaman Matat, with horsemen behind Ochre, captured?

Bahk = caramel (alive)
Mishra (dead)
Mr Impatient = chocolate (alive)

Mook1 = vanilla, memorable through fear (alive)
Mook2 = normal (dead)
Brute Man = extra dense, peppery (alive)
Goon1, smart (dead)
Goon2, dumb, chocolate 2 (alive)
Aes color="red"] copyable hopefully [/color
Abariel color="purple"][/color

Dragon Lore: 1 success, barely enough.
Perception: 1 success.

Once more Alex found Matat fairly easy to manhandle, yanking the shaman with her as she burst up into the air, tearing another hole in the ceiling and essentially collapsing the thing in the process. Her motion ruined the shaman's second attempt at obliterating the mercenary, and she idly heard the amused voice of Turoc as he declared; "Well, that was dramatic!"

Taking a skyward view would reveal that she'd been correct in believing that Turoc wasn't alone; There were at least two dozen mercenaries in the camp, and given the blast that Matat had created, they had abandoned stealth and were engaged with the remaining orcs in a furious melee. They had already cleared more than half of the camp, however, including most of those who had been on guard duty, and many of the orcs now fighting were scattered and either fully or partially out of their armor. The man that she'd seen lying outside of Matat's tent wasn't the only one who was lying in a pool of their own blood.

"S-supply tent! There!" The now very confused shaman answered when the dragoness demanded her gear, pointing towards one of the tents near the center of camp, not far from Matat's. The Red Crows were ignoring it, and Alex noted an X inscribed in red on it as she landed. As she'd expected, Matat immediately removed the ring she'd been wearing and offered it, allowing Alex to retrieve the enchanted ring if she so wished. The interior of the tent was mostly full of spare weapons and supplies, but the chest containing her gear stood out in that it was one of the few closed containers, and Matat pointed to that next. Her sword and armor had been cleaned and repaired, but that wasn't her goal; The ring she sought was in a random bag also containing her coinage, near the bottom of the chest.

It took a moment to find it, during which Matat nervously bounced from foot to foot, murmuring to herself before she seemed to realize something and looked outside with a scowl. Something was murmured under her breath, and Alex felt a flare of power from the shaman as she made for the tent entrance. What that surge had been was quickly clear; There was a loud roar from up above... Matat had summoned a dragon. The outcry had had a raspy, almost sickly note, but it lingered horribly, inspiring a cringe, and a moment's thought was all it took for Alex to recognize who had just been called... Matat had summoned the Wings of Death, scion dragon of the mistress of the underworld, Skytherix... The one who took the most terrible price. Every soul on the field was now in danger, and those who had already breathed their last were likely already damned.

However Alex opted to react to that, she had her own entity to summon, and it was one who might ultimately be able to disperse Skytherix before too much harm was done. She felt Abariel's mental presence answer her, an acknowledgement of her request that she step in to halt the violence. So long as Alex gave ascent to paying the cost when this was all over - the angel seemingly already had something in mind - mere seconds later felt the angel's presence in the sky above in addition to that of the deathly dragon.

That left Alex to return to the spot outside of Matat's now ruined tent, dragging Matat with her to keep the shaman on task and from doing anything to make things worse, and soon enough they were where the dying orc she'd saw lay... Now dead, his eyes glassy and the pool of blood around him no longer spreading. Even as gone as the man seemed, however, Matat still put her hands on him, "I c-can try..." Alex felt her rush power into the man's wound, but nothing changed. His flesh did not knit itself back together, and so she tried again... To the same effect. Matat sat back, shaking her head and staring at the corpse, aghast. "It... He's gone," she said softly, barely audible over the chaotic din of the ongoing battle.

Fortunately, that din began to quiet as Abariel did as Alex asked. Vines sprouted all over the camp, summoned at her calling, binding the mercenaries and orcs alike in conjured roots and vines that stayed their arms. She heard her brother's roar, first triumphant but then frustrated as he, too, suffered the angel's binding; A glance towards him would reveal that he was once more in his half-man and half-dragon form, meaning he was no longer in the magical chain or collar, but had been bound not in vines - which he likely could have easily shredded or burned through - but instead in celestial chains. She heard Turoc's irate voice above the dying sounds of combat, the man having somehow avoided Abariel's vines for the moment; "Enough, enough! Piss off, feathers! This doesn't concern your type! Go dance with rotty scales up there and let us get our fuckin' job done!" Abariel calmly answered; "I was called here to stop this battle, and my price was paid. There will be no more killing here today."

Unfortunately, rotty scales was not content to be ignored, and clearly did not want the killing to stop. The dragon descended, their skeletal form coming down towards the camp, but Abariel was having none of it. She rose to meet it, and as Skytherix opened its maw to unleash their foul breath on a cluster of entangled mercenaries, the angel swept her hand aside and tore the magic empowering the attack away. "Begone, carrion-creature! Find your meal elsewhere! You'll take no more while I am here!" Skytherix roared in fury and shifted, pausing its downward charge to hover in air. Skytherix roared again, and Alex understood the fury of a beast denied in that cry, the pride that would not allow Skytherix to back down, even if her summoned aspect was not as powerful as a fully realized angel. "Hard way it is..." With violence the only option, angel and dragon would clash, weaving through the air as Skytherix tried to get her claws onto the angel, while Abariel lanced blasts into the dragon's withered hide. Ultimately, Abariel would prove the victor, Skytherix's aspect fading in a final enraged roar, but it had clearly cost the angel quite a bit of her energy to banish the dragon as she came down.

"Good shit.... No more killin' eh? Fine... Clear enough who was gonna win this one though. How 'bout, we won't kill anyone else, and you let my folk out so we can secure our prisoners and get outta the cold? Before the night gets any damn colder and these orcs start losing pieces to frostbite... Unless you wanna babysit all of us from now until we all go to old age." Turoc declared, glaring up at the descending angel while tapping his foot impatiently. Abariel glared back coldly. "Indeed.... My time here is limited. You give your word that your foes will not be slaughtered the moment your people are free?" Turoc dipped at the hip, "Surely~ I give ya my word as an officer; no further harm'll come to 'em tonight, barring accidents beyond my control. I'll make my people aware of it." His tone had been flippant and easy, prompting Abariel to glare at him further, though the angel would answer; "Make them aware first, and the plants holding them will recede... After I have spoken to my summoner."

While Abariel battled in the sky and then spoke to the mercenary on the ground, Alex would be able to drag Matat about to see to as many of the wounded as she could, the shaman clearly realizing that that would be a better use of her remaining energies than trying to continue an already lose fight. Some were badly injured, nearly as bad as the man she'd saved, though most in the end would be saved thanks to her efforts. Some had only been knocked out or given easily healable injuries, including Bahk, who would awaken with a groan, take one look at Alex as Abariel's vines rose up to secure him, and said; "Nice sight to wake up to... Guessin' I'm not gonna get that ride now, am I?" He wasn't the only survivor who was happy to see her, either; the man who'd last lain with her, who'd been afraid for his life, blinked back to sanity after Matat healed a gaping wound in his gut, and looked like he was going to cry in relief at the sight of her. Not all were so lucky, however; when Alex came upon the woman who had taunted her during her initial night in captivity, she found that Mishra was very, very dead. She'd practically been decapitated, and no magic short of the miracle of resurrection was going to fix that. But overall, her quick efforts had ensured that many more of the orcs had survived than otherwise might have.

As the triage was over, however, both Turoc and Abariel would approach the dragoness, the angel managing to reach Alex first. "So... This all seems... Complicated. What's going on, exactly?" She said on the approach, though Alex would only have a few moments with the angel before the beligerent mercenary was upon them. "Oi! Alistar the smaller! You call this one up?" He barked, gesturing towards Abariel. However Alex answered, assuming that it didn't involve violence, he would stop a few paces away and then draw something from a pouch on his belt. It was a potion bottle, and he casually offered it to Alex; "This is for you! Courtesy of your winged girlfriend. Somethin' to make sure you don't end up with a lil half-orc in ya."

Matat, in the meantime, was somewhat shellshocked, having spent much of her energy summoning Skythrix and then healing who she could save. She still managed to look up at the angel with a somewhat awed expression when Abariel approached, and a nervous one towards the mercenary who'd tried to kill her after. The orcess was clearly nervous about what was in store for her now that their situations were reversed, but was too exhausted to put up any more of a struggle.
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Alex did take the moment to reclaim her wedding band, but it was nothing more than a moment before she returned to her search. She needed the help, even more so when she heard the raspy, nearly diseased call infecting the air. Skytherix was not a beast to be taken lightly, and hopefully Abariel could deal with her as well as all the other insanity crawling around the camp.

With both rings in hand they were the only thing the dragon wore as she tore back into the air and brought Matat back toward the dying man. But it was too late. There was no more light to be seen in his eyes, and though the shaman gave it a try she too realized that he had passed. Wasting no further time Alex took to the air once more and quickly searched for the most dire wounds she could see. If that person looked like they had even a sliver of life remaining she would rocket there. Matat could focus on repairing the most grievous of the injuries, and once those were stable Alex could use her magic to flood their body so it could start repairing itself.

As the pair shot around the camp Alex caught glimpses and snippets of the battle waging in the air. The indignation from the dragon being denied its meal was something Alex could feel in her soul, but she had to turn her back on it and force herself to focus on any of the injured she could find. Of those a few had only suffered lightly, one of them being Bahk, and though his words may have been somewhat flippant Alex scowled harshly at them. But not at him. She'd agreed to their contest, and though a part of her felt cheated at being able to give him her best she lost. She was honor-bound to repay that debt, and that obviously couldn't happen now. "Not tonight." But she could defer, and if Bahk was as clever as he seemed he would hear the promise she'd just given him.

But not all that she found were so lucky. One of those was Mishra. She'd been nearly decapitated, her spine probably the only thing keeping her head attached by that point, and no amount of magic that either Matat or herself could pull would fix it. Mishra was gone, and with Skytherix being summoned there was no telling what would be done with the poor woman's soul. But thankfully the dead were far and few between, and with Matat's help that number was kept low and left most of the camp alive and intact even if the lot of them were trapped.

Once their work was done Alex took a moment to just breathe and relax. Though Matat did most of the heavy lifting Alex had not been idle in the healing, and now that they were settling her reserves were noticeably strained. Not enough to make her ineffective, but enough to make her take a pause if any further fighting decided to break out. Hopefully it wouldn't. The aerial battle was finished, and from what Alex had caught Abariel had stopped any further slaughter and would keep so until the member of the Crows gave their word to stop killing.

With everything finally settling down Abariel and Turoc both approached to address Alex. Abariel was first, and when asked for an explanation Alex paused to give it some thought. "Hm... Her people are marching toward Therion, and they're nearly ready to roll over the town where I'm staying. My brother and I ambushed them, really caused some pain, and this enterprising girl left to lead us into an ambush. She succeeded, I learned a few things, and when I was getting ready to make my escape that man broke into her tent. That's basically when I called you." A quick and dirty summary of events. It was all she had time for before Turoc arrived. At his demand she answered with, "I did," and nothing more. Whether he wanted more or not he tossed over a potion to deal with the question of her fertility, and after some consideration she looked toward Matat. "Not yet." At that she took it. There was a lot that needed to be said between the two of them.

But for now it would have to wait. There was a lot to address, and not much time to do so since Abariel would need to return. "Turoc, you have your own people to recover as well as prisoners, yes? You should probably get started on that. And please show them some respect. They did manage to capture two dragons." She would wait until he agreed, but the moment he started moving Alex would bellow, "Matat. Attend me. Abariel, please join us." If Turoc made any fuss at this she would stop and turn toward him. "You did say she was mine to deal with, did you not?"

However that conversation went Alex would break off and approach Akorvick. He was probably still struggling to break free of the angel's chains, but hopefully he would stop once they were near. "Brother." She wasn't sure how he would react to all this, but if he looked like he was ready to go on a tirade she would rose a hand to ask for silence. "The chains can come off, but only after you give your word that no more harm will be wrought tonight. No punishment, no retribution, just peace. It's the same deal being made with all of the Crows." He had to have seen them being bound as he was, and he most likely would see them being released once they gave their word. "Just no more pain tonight. Please."