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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Alexandra had had a productive morning so far, the initial preparation for the planting having gone extremely well. It was the start of spring in the Hidden Village, when they needed to plant crops to help support them during the cold winter months. They'd gathered all of the seed well enough, and had transported it to the fields, but they'd need a lot more than just the three of them to do the actual planting.

With her were Aescila and Kimizyrex. Aescila was a demoness who'd fled from Artmirst two years ago, when her kind had invaded. She'd never truly believed in the cause of her peers, and so had deserted at the earliest opportunity, leading a group of about twenty of her kindred here as soon as she'd learned of its location. Kimizyrex was a dragonkin like her, though her body and mannerisms were more along the lines of a succubus than those of a dragoness, with a pair of small dragonic wings on her back the only signs of her supernatural parentage. The three of them had risen early to cart the beginnings of their crops to the fields, and now had the rest of the day off as soon as the rest of the village roused itself and joined them.

That more or less gave them a front row seat to the Arrival. The three women stood in the fields, looking out toward the lake, when something massive simply... Appeared, hanging above the village. It was titanic, dwarfing even Alexandras full blooded dragon kin, as it blotted out the sun just above their village. Its surface was gray and flesh-like, with thousands of tendrils swishing about over its surface. It floated above their village, and had it chosen to lower itself, the massive gray abomination could easily have crushed the entire village, and all of its oddball inhabitants. From the great distance they were form it, Alexandra and her two companions could see small shapes dropping from it. It was almost a mile back to the village, this being the most fertile ground near their home, and as they watched the alien titan hover over their home for a moment in a mix of confusion, fear and horror, Kimizyrex said; "What in the voids name is that thing!? We need to get back there!" And, with that, she started back toward the village at a quick walk. Aescila looked over at Alexandra helplessly, apparently not knowing what to make of the whole situation.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

The work was hard, and it did nothing to help her hone her skills, but the towering she-dragon straightened her back and wiped her brow. The small smile she wore would tell the other outcasts that she was quite pleased with her work. One wouldn't think the obvious warrior would be so glad to work in a field, the weapons and armor she wore looked polished and ready for battle. So why would someone such as Alexandra be out in some farm land helping prepare the crops for the coming seasons? Simple. "Even the mightiest of warriors needs to eat." She was just making sure she wouldn't go hungry.

So with her work complete Alex simply let her body relax and recover. Aescila and Kimizyrex had done much the same, and since they all finished their fair share of the work for the day Alex began to wonder what the three of them could do with their free time. Given Aes' heritage as a demon there would be one thing she would have on her mind, and even though Kimi was also a dragon-kin much like Alex Kimi would probably be more inclined to go hunting with Aes for some "entertainment" as they liked to call it. Alex had no intention of joining them for that.

Still pondering how she would spend her day Alex looked over toward the lake before she raised a hand to shield herself from the sun. Then she looked elsewhere. It was still fairly early, and with the clear weather giving her no cover looking up at the sky proved to be painful. Her gaze wandered elsewhere, her mind contemplating whether or not she should train for the rest of the day or help the villagers accomplish a little more work, so when the mother of all shadows suddenly appeared and plunged the fields into darkness she was understandably shaken. Her tail twitched nervously and chose to rise slightly so it was no longer laying against the earth, and when she turned to see what had caused the sudden eclipse she nearly stepped back in shock.

Floating above the Hidden Village was some sort of...thing...! "What the hell...?!" A gigantic floating mass of gray flesh that sprouted untold numbers of tentacles that was easily the size of a major city. And as she stared at it she spotted a number of small shapes falling down to land within her temporary home. Kimi was the first to react, walking forward and telling the others that they needed to hurry back. Alex agreed, but before she moved she spotted Aes helplessly staring at her as if she had no idea what in the world she could do. "Come on, we've gotta make sure everyone else is okay."

If Aes decided she didn't want to move that would be fine, but Alex hoped the girl would decide to at least help any of her brethren that had been hit by those falling shapes. Either way Alex picked up her pace to match Kimi as they both started quickly walking back to the village. But something was bothering her. An abomination like that doesn't just appear out of nowhere. And it sure as hell wouldn't decide to just randomly start raining pieces of itself onto unsuspecting strangers. Something about this whole situation was putting the dragon on edge, and eventually her anxiety became too much. She started jogging at a good clip, her tail raising behind her and acting as a counter-balance as she started speeding toward the forests that hid the village so well. She wasn't going to wear herself out by running all the way back, but something inside her told her she needed to hurry. Now.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Aes snaps out of her undecided stupor as Alex speaks to her, and nods, the two of them catching up to the other dragoness quickly. Alexandra noticed that both Aescila and Kimi were both unarmed, though it was likely neither of them relied on mortal means to defend themselves. As they approached, they began to hear shouts and screams emanating from the village, and Kimi quickly broke into a run, followed shortly by Aescila and (presumably) Alexandra. They saw flashes of magic and blasts of energy from amidst their homes as they approached, signaling that the objects (creatures?) falling form above were not of a friendly nature. But, with the number of creatures that seem to be falling, how could they possibly defeat them all? Let alone even harm the titanic thing that continued dropping them which still hung in the sky above...

The two half-dragons and the demoness reach the edge of the village in short order, finding themselves in a chaotic mess, with fights going on all around them. However, for every dozen of the things that the defenders burned or blasted or butchered, there seemed to be a dozen more falling form the sky. Alex saw some of those who had run out of energy grabbed by the most common of the creatures, little three foot tall tentacled things that were the same slimy gray color as the thing hovering above them. Those that tried to resist still had their clothing torn off and appendages plunged into all of their holes, and Alex saw several who were already displaying enjoyment in the monsters grasp. Already, there were almost as many captured as still fighting, and those that were no longer fighting were being carried toward the center of the village, though the three newcomers had no idea as to why.

They were about to attempt to join the fray to defend their home, when several shapes dropped down in front of them. Three of them turned out to be more of the tentacled things, while the fourth towered over them all as it recovered form the fall. It was vaguely humanoid, faceless and gray like all the others, though lacking in their slimy coating. As they stared at it, a mouth appeared on its head, and it opened wide, displaying sharp teeth easily two inches long as it let out a high bellowing scream at the three women. At five feet away, it and the three tentacled creatures were practically on top of them, and the creatures hostile intentions were already abundantly clear.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

With the sounds of battle growing stronger with each step she took Alex was practically stepping on Kimi's heels until they finally broke through the forest. What greeted her could be called nothing more than utter chaos. Flashes of light, thunderous destruction, the frenzied screams of so many beings desperately struggling to defend what little they have, this anarchy spread as far as they eye could see. To see so many creatures releasing their full powers was almost awe-inspiring, but the sheer wave they fought against made it almost look futile. So many things wandered around the village. So many were cut down or destroyed or simply engulfed by forces that left them nothing more than smoldering husks of flesh, but when the smoke cleared a dozen more appeared and started moving forward.

For a moment Alex took a turn looking helpless. There wasn't any way these abominations could be stopped. There were just too many to resist. And that didn't even include the enormous body floating over her head. It all looked so hopeless, especially with half the village bound and gagged and violated in some sick animalistic orgy made all the more perverse as some of the women enjoyed it.

The part that was human began to fear. She saw some women welcome that disgusting act. She saw others resist and fail. Even more had been brought to exhaustion and gathered into one spot as if nothing more than cattle to be herded. The thought of becoming like them had her heart racing. But the other half seethed. The inner daemon roared and bellowed, demanding to know who these creatures thought they were. How dare these things simply barge into her world and plunder this realm as if they simply owned everything they saw?!

The sudden landing of four bodies caused Alex to spread her feet to keep from falling over. Three of the forms unwound to reveal even more of the tentacled walkers that seemed so prevalent, but the fourth caught her attention. A hulking mass with a vague body that showed no features until its skin simply broke and revealed a truly frightening sight. A mouth lined with teeth that looked like they could tear through flesh in an instant. A mouth so large it looked like it could swallow a person whole. A mouth that opened wide and screamed a deafening roar that would make a normal person run in abject horror.

But not Alex. Her heart nearly leaping out of her chest, she simply stood her ground. Her arms calmly took the sword and shield still strapped to her back, and as she did she spoke in a low voice intended only for her two friends to hear. "Take a few steps back and focus on the little ones." With that she remained where she was within easy striking distance of all her foes. Her eyes darted back and forth to keep them all in view as she lowered her stance with her shield at the ready, but her focus always returned to the large threat towering over them all. As she prepared herself for battle she took a moment to look him straight in his non-existent eyes while her sword passed a mere hair's width below her extended neck. Her intentions were quite clear.

Fight Defensively: -10 to Hit for +10 to Dodge
Activate Skill: Defensive Strike
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 36/50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Attack (Juggernaut): Hit.
Damage: 4 + 25 - 15 = 14 damage.
Armor at 46/50 TP.
It rolled REALLY high.
Casting (Kimi): Failure.
Attack (Aesciila): Miss.
Mucho failure.
Attack (T1): Hit. Kimi is now grappled.
Attack (T2): Hit. Aescila is now grappled.
Aphrodisiacs: 3 on Kimi, 6 on Aescila.
Attack (T3): Miss.
Attack (Alex on T3): Hit.
Damage: 9 + 6 + 12 = 27 damage.
Attack (T4): Miss.
Attack (Alex on T4): Hit.
Damage: 4 + 5 + 12 = 21 damage.

Alexandra didn't have time to see if her allies responded to her, as the huge screaming creature charged toward her, and she raised her shield to deflect it, ready to try and take off its hand when it stumbled. Unfortunately, its blow struck her shield squarely, and the massive force behind its fist instead hammered her backwards several feet, causing the dragoness to stumble. She didn't fall, however, and was able to watch as Kimi and Aescila.... did nothing. Before either of them could cause any harm to their attackers, each of them was grabbed by one of the slimy tentacled creatures. The other two ambled toward her, their tentacles waving at her. She recovered in time to easily block them, however, cutting off swaths of tentacles as they tried to get around her shield. The large creature was still rushing toward her, however, ready to try and pound her into the dirt once more.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

Damn... With her companions captured and that giant bastard nearly knocking the wind out of her Alex was beginning to question what chance she would have facing these things on her own. But she couldn't just run. She would never forgive herself if she turned tail and abandoned the people she knew. Her only choice was to simply hold her ground. Despite that first hit her tactic had worked. A sweep of her shield and a flick of her blade left the tentacled things with far fewer appendages to use. If she could hold them off a little longer she should be able to cut at least one of them down, and hopefully this would give Kimi and Aes a chance to escape.

Fight Defensively: -10 to Hit for +10 to Dodge
Activate Skill: Defensive Strike
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 36/50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Lightly Injured

Attack (Juggernaut): Miss.
Counter: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 5 + 12 - 12 = 8 damage.
Grapple (Kimi vs T1): Enemy wins.
Kimis Clothing has been removed.
Grapple (Aescila vs T2): Aescila wins.
Aphrodisiacs: 5 total on Kimi, 6 total on Aescila.
Attack (T3): Miss.
Counter: Hit.
Damage: 11 + 7 + 12 = 30 damage.
Attack (T4): Miss.
Counter: Miss.

Alexandras precise movements proved to be much more effective this time around, as the large creature pulls its hand back with a long gash along its wrist when it tries to punch her, the dragoness having deflected the blow off of her shield and spun around to cut at its hand. It screamed at her in rage, clutching its injured wrist, which Alex noticed didn't seem to bleed at all. Meanwhile, the tow tentacled creatures reached for her again, and Alex avoided both with ease. Seeing an opening, she stepped into her counter attack toward one, impaling it on her sword, and then quickly pulling back to let the slimy thing drop to the ground to lay twitching. Unfortunately, her full attack on one meant that her counter to the other creature was half-hearted at best. Looking toward her comrades, she noticed that Aescila had managed to pull away form the one holding her, while Kimi had had her robes pulled up, revealing her fellow dragoness impressive figure, which was slowly being covered in the tentacles slime. She was beginning to blush, though her efforts to free herself were no less than before.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

That scream nearly brought a smile to her face, as did the sight of the gash on that monstrous thing's wrist, but the lack of any actual bleeding didn't fill her with any kind of hope. Either her cut wasn't as deep as she would have liked, or this thing was far more alien than she first guessed. A discouraging thought entered her mind making her wonder if she would need to cut this thing into cubes in order to kill it.

Thankfully her focus wasn't entirely wasted, and as one lecher came forward she managed to strike him dead center and leave him a quivering mass of dying flesh. Her efforts to kill the one left her ill-prepared to strike the other, but with one fewer threat to worry about Alex was feeling much better about this battle. And with one threat down it was time to employ a little more offense. With her lone tentacled beast pulling itself back to avoid her ineffectual strike she pressed forward and closed what little distance there was. Her shield led the way, the edge of it being used to beat back a few of the tentacles before she spun and brought her sword straight into its core. That should be more than enough to drop that grabby little bastard. Now she just needed to figure out how to deal with the big ugly one...

Fight Defensively: -5 to Hit for +5 to Dodge
Attack: T4
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 25/50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Moderately Injured

Attack (Alexandra): Hit.
Damage: 2 + 7 + 12 = 21 damage.
Grapple (Kimi vs T1): Enemy wins.
Kimizyrex has been triple penetrated!
Pleasure: More than enough to make both of them orgasm, and I'm too lazy to keep track of corruption on NPCs. :p
Attack (Aescila vs T2): Miss.
Attack (T4 vs Aescila): Hit.
Aescila has been grappled again!
Aphrodisiacs: 8 total on Kimi, 10 total on Aescila.
Attack (Juggernaut): Hit (Exact!)
Damage: 1 + 25 - 15 = 11 damage.
Armor at 43/50 TP.

The creatures tentacles once more fail to get past her shield as Alexandra rushes it, jabbing directly into its main body. With a shiver, it ceases to move, collapsing onto the ground as it slides off of her blade. It doesn't bleed either, though Alex only has a moment to notice this fact before a thunderous footstep forces her to turn and try to fend of the larger beast. She manages to get her shield up just in time to catch its punch, but the blow still sends her stumbling back several feet from it. Even though it had only glanced her a few times so far, Alex can already feel herself tiring, attesting to the creatures incredible physical power. She hated to think of what a direct hit might do.

Meanwhile, a good ways away form them, her fellow dragoness had no luck in her escape attempts, and Alex heard a lewd moan that was quickly cut off, and upon glancing that way, saw that Kimizyrex had tentacles forcing themselves into all of her holes, pounding away with reckless abandon. The dragoness quickly had torrents of white goo spraying form around the tentacles, and her body spasmed in ecstasy as her body was violated and filled with cum. Aescila wasn't fairing much better, as she aimed a kick at her opponent that resulted in her leg being grabbed by the gray creature. Unbalanced, she fell to the ground, and slimy appendages descended toward her, preparing to do the same thing to her that was even now happening to Kimi.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

She knew it was coming. The moment that tentacled thing fell to the ground Alex knew the big thing would be right behind her. The thundering footsteps were proof enough, and she spun to face her attacker. She knew it was coming. She knew it was going to try and hit her while she was preoccupied. But...there was no way she was going to get away from this. She saw the fist flying at her once more, and it was either pure instinct or sheer luck that get her to raise her shield fast enough to deflect some of that blow. But it still struck home, and she was left stumbling a few steps until she could regain her footing. But this was to be expected. Now that she didn't have any of the tentacled buggers to worry about she could focus her attention on-

Kimi getting raped. Alex's stumbling brought her attention to her companions' struggles, and though Aes wasn't looking too hot the yellow dragon was practically bucking against the tentacles furiously pounding away at each of her holes. Her breasts were rocking in time with each furious push, and the gushing of white liquid from each of her stuffed holes said that she was already being filled with this alien's vile seed. And she looked like she was starting to enjoy it...

The sudden pounding of a heavy foot brought Alex back to the threat towering over her. She couldn't let herself get distracted by that, not if she was going to try and rescue them. She needed to focus on her original plan. Step One: Reduce the enemy's numbers. With the juggernaut the only enemy left to face that step was accomplished. Step Two: Bring Big Ugly down. Considering how well her attack against him did and how much a glancing blow fucking hurt that seemed like the impossible. But she didn't need to kill him. She just needed him to either get distracted or dazed or shell-shocked or whatever. She just needed some breathing room.

With a goal in mind the green dragon let her body relax. Her mind focused on what she wanted. She pictured herself leaping forward at the last second, jumping inside the creature's reach so she would catch him by surprise. His punch would be laughable, her body already inside its radius and reducing whatever force it could muster. And before he could understand what was happening he would find the edge of her shield colliding with his temple. His head would spin, his mind scrambled from the small concussion he suffered at her hands, and while he was trying to collect himself she would be free to run over to her friends and give them the hand they so desperately need. Now all she had to do was wait for her chance to strike.

Activate Skill: Shield Slam
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 25/50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Moderately Injured

Attack (Alexandra): Hit.
Damage: 2 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 8 - 12 = 8 damage.
Body Check: Enemy wins.
Attack (Juggernaut): Miss.
Grapple (Kimi vs T1): Enemy wins.
Pleasure: Same as before.
Grapple (Aescila vs T4): Enemy wins. Aescila is now naked!
Aphrodisiacs: 11 total on Kimi, 12 total on Aescila.

Alexandras plan went at least half right. While she did jump inside of the creatures range as it threw another punch at her, effectively avoiding the blow, when her shield slammed into its head, it only stumbled back slightly. With another scream, it prepared to rush at her once more, this time with both of its arms outstretched. Apparently, it wouldn't be so easy to stun the thing, though that should come as no surprise given its massive bulk.

Meanwhile, Kimi continued to have all of her holes plowed, and the dragoness was visibly bucking back into the thrusts of the tentacles now, even as floods of white semen dripped from out of her pussy and her body shook uncontrollably through an orgasm. Aescila was on track for similar treatment, as the tentacled thing yanked her simple clothing off, revealing the demoness gorgeous statuesque beauty in full. The succubus was at least still struggling, however, which was more than Alex could say for Kimizyrex.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

What the hell was this thing made of? Even as bulky as it was that much force focused into that small an area should have done more than just make it stumble back a bit. And now it looked like it was starting to get pissed. With it lunging with both its arms Alex just knew that thing was going to try to grab her and crush her within its grip. And if it did manage to catch her there was little doubt she could do nothing to escape.

With the behemoth refusing to let up it was time to change tactics. She was going to need some help taking this asshole down, but what help she could find was either getting ravaged by filthy gray flesh or struggling to avoid that fate. So it would probably be a surprise to Aes to find Alex smashing the flat of her shield against that tentacle creature's side. But she didn't stop there. She lifted, the force behind her blow shifting upward, her shield catching her target and trying to throw that weight of to the side so all that remained was a mass of disoriented limbs that wouldn't be able to do much of anything let alone hold onto a naked demon.

Whether successful or not Alex couldn't stand and look over her handiwork. She could only spare a glimpse toward her friend before she turned and braced her body for the giant that was looming right behind her. "Aes!" Her voice would ring out only if the girl was finally freed. "Can you do anything about that guy?"

Fight Defensively: -5 to Hit for +5 to Dodge
Activate Skill: Shield Slam - Target T4
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 25/50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Moderately Injured

Attack (Alexandra): Hit.
Damage: 2 + 4 + 5 + 4 + 8 = 23 damage.
Body Check: Alexandra wins.
Attack (Juggernaut): Hit.
Alexandra has been grappled.
Mind Check: Aescila wins.
The juggernaut has been stunned and Alex has been released.

Alexandras shield slams into the tentacled creature, knocking it over and causing it to release Aescila, who rises to her feet, still nude, as Alex gives her request. She barely gets the words out, however, before she is lifted off of the ground by the massive monstrosity. It turns her around, tugging on her armor, preparing to try and tear the protective steel from her body. Looking down, Alex sees something forming from its crotch, its fleshing flowing until a two foot long rod is jutting out of its body, capped in a mushroom-like head, and the dragoness gets an idea of what this thing intends for her.

Aescila, however, manages to catch the creatures attention as she kneels down in front of it, her hands wrapping around its member. The demoness looks up at the creatures faceless head, and her eyes glow bright red as she uses what Alex knew to be an ability unique to demonkind, the power to invade another beings made and force it to relax. The creature gently lets Alexandra down, unharmed save for a few bruises beneath her armor, and Aescila says; "Leave him to me, for now, you kill the slimy ones." The creature that had been holding the succubus a moment ago was regaining its footing. Kimi was moaning uncontrollably as the other creature violated her, receiving more and more of the gray monsters seed into her holes. Her belly was starting to bloat due to all of the cum trapped inside her, and the two didn't look like they were going to stop any time soon.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

Too slow. Alex was too damned slow. She barely had time to make sure Aes had been freed before two enormous hands clamped down on her sides and lifted her into the air. Her arms were pinned, she was spun around, and when that moment of disorientation passed she found the juggernaut's fingers working their way into her armor while she spies a bulge starting to form from its crotch. When it grows to its full length and sports that mushroom head one thought races through the dragon-kin's mind. That's...too big! There's no way I could take that! Her struggles pick up at that point, but with it's obvious advantage in strength and size there's just no way she could do more than twist her body in an effort to wrench herself free.

But then Aes suddenly steps forward. She simply kneels before the creature and starts to worship the newly formed member, and for a moment Alex doesn't know what to think, but when she finally catches the glow in the demon's eyes she finds herself being gently lowered to the ground. "Leave him to me, for now, you kill the slimy ones." That was when she realized what she just saw. Aes was a demon, and she used a power that was unique to her kind. It flooded the mind. It banished all thought. It could turn even the mightiest of beasts into a docile kitten, and that was exactly what she witnessed

For a moment Alex just stood there a little dumbstruck. She could see the succubus bending her body forward as she began to lavish her attention on the enormous pole right before her, but the image of those eyes seemed to linger in the dragon's mind. All she could focus on were those eyes and the lilting voice that echoed in her head. "Kill...slimy ones..." For a second those words just hung in the air, but in the blink of an eye her thoughts snapped onto that command. "On it!" With that Alex surged toward the downed tentacle mass, and her sword rose back she plunged it straight into its core. This alien spawn would be slain just like its two brothers, and if it still refused to die with cold hard steel running it through then a sharp blow from the edge of her shield should be enough to finish it off. Then she could focus on the last one.

Fight Defensively: -5 to Hit for +5 to Dodge
Attack: T4 (Sword first, and if that kills it move the Shield Bash to T3)
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 25/50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Moderately Injured

Attack (Alexandra): Hit.
Damage: 8 + 1 + 12 = 21 damage.
It's not quite dead.
Attack (Alexandra): Hit.
Damage: 6 + 6 + 2 + 8 = 24 damage.
Now it is. And holy shit you did more damage with the shield bash as you did with the sword.
Pleasure (Juggernaut): 4 + 4 + 10 = 18 PP.
Aescila drains 5 EP.

Alexandras sword plunged directly into the slimy tentacled monsters flesh, sliding through like a hot knife into warm butter, and had it been a creature of the kind she was familiar with, she would surely have gone through at least one major organ, as she heard a loud squelching noise caused by her weapon punching through the other side of the creature. as she withdrew her weapon, however, the flesh seemed to seal closed leaving only a flesh wound, and while its tentacles were waving with far less zeal than before, it continued to be a threat. That was, until she slammed her shield against its body, flattening several of its appendages and knocking the ugly thing over. It continued struggling, but its movements were incredibly feeble, and after only a moment it laid still upon the ground. Its brother was still busy, violating the moaning Kimizyrex, however, and so that required immediate attention.

Meanwhile, Aescilas began using her mouth to softly tease the behemoths member, pressing her face against it and lapping at it with her tongue. The creature didn't attempt any resistance, even though Alex knew that the demons magic had already worn off, only being useful in the short term. The demoness softly kissed at the engorged head of the gray beasts cock, taking the tip into her mouth and sucking on it, though it was clear that she couldn't possibly take the entire thing into her mouth. For the moment, at least, the massive creature seemed to have been neutralized.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

With the gray mass uselessly reaching out to try and take hold of her Alex simply stood and watched as all its movement slowly came to a halt. Once the thing was finally dead she stole a glance over toward Aes to see how the girl was doing. What she found was a woman calmly kissing and licking the tip of the most enormous prick she had ever seen. The demon almost looked enchanted by the sheer size of the behemoth's member, and she worshiped it with her face and her tongue. When Aes started sucking on its head Alex shifted her gaze to see if the succubus would find herself in danger. Instead the creature simply stood there seemingly fascinated that such a gorgeous woman would willingly service it.

With Aes more than fine at the moment Alex felt her cheeks begin to flush. She wanted to keep herself from being overly distracted in the heat of battle, but what welcomed her were the muffled moans of her draconic sister. For whatever reason Kimi was lost to the desires being pumped into her by her tentacled lover, and the sheer amount of ecstasy Alex could feel wafting from the woman made the warrior blush. She briefly considered just letting the two go at it so Kimi could at least get it out of her system, but the frenzied sounds of struggling elsewhere made Alex hold her ground. Whether she liked it or not Kimi was still being raped, and she fought to free herself with everything she had before that monster started plugging her.

with her resolve strengthened the green she-dragon took a small moment to plan her attack before rushing forward. Kimi needed to be freed, and the best way to do that was to outright kill the bastard where he stood. But these things were so odd. Their flesh fused together under even the most grievous of injuries, and she had yet to see any of them bleed. Simply stabbing them in the proper spot wasn't enough. She needed to cause it trauma, enough where it couldn't heal itself in time and had no choice but to simply fade away. That's why she ran straight toward it. Her sword rose high as she approached, and with a short but piercing scream she brought her weapon down into one vicious slice that should tear this beast's flesh in two. And then her shield followed suit. It struck the still open wound, her strength pouring into it and forcing it to open that wound even further. No matter how resilient these things were if she split it open and kept it from pulling itself together she was fairly certain it would die.

Fight Defensively: -5 to Hit for +5 to Dodge
Attack: T3 (Sword then Shield)
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 25/50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Moderately Injured

Attack (Alexandra): Hit.
Damage: 7 + 5 + 12 = 24 damage.
Attack (Alexandra): Hit.
Damage: 6 + 4 + 3 + 8 = 21 damage.
Pleasure (Juggernaut): 1 + 1 + 10 = 12 PP.
Aescila drains 3 EP.

Alexandras sword slashed through several of the creatures tentacles and deep into its body. It dropped Kimizyrex, several of its severed appendages still writhing inside of her fellow dragoness for a few seconds before life left them completely, and Kimi remained motionless on the ground, panting uncontrollably. The creature yet lived, however, and her sword was stuck halfway through its body, so Alex slammed her shield forward, flattening several of its reaching appendages and knocking it aside. It fell over onto the ground, and gave one last writhing flail before it collapsed completely, what was left of its tentacles motionless. When she turned back down to the women, who was covered in slime and thick globs of semen, she had removed the dead appendages from herself only to replace them with her own fingers, which plumbed her depths aggressively. More thick white seed was flowing steadily out of her wholes, and Alex noticed that the womans belly was heavily bloated.

Meanwhile, Aescila continued working her mouth on the massive creatures shaft, still mostly teasing but still drawing a reaction from the massive beast. It growled low as she licked and kissed along its colossal length, but it sounded more like a purr than a sound indicating anger. The demoness still had the thing well under control, apparently, but now all of the tentacled creatures in their immediate area were dead. Glancing about, Alex saw that the battle surrounding them had most definitely not gone in the Hidden Villages favor. Women of all types; demons, part-dragons, fey, naga, and even some of the sentient plants that made the village their home were being violated much the same way Kimi had been, and enjoying it just as much if not more. Those that had lost consciousness were being carried off in the arms of their rapists, covered in cum and slime just as Kimi was.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

With the bastard knocked to the ground to helplessly flail wildly in its last throes Alex turned back to Kimi to see how her cousin was faring. The yellow dragon answered by plunging her own fingers between her used and dripping netherlips. When her other hand starting plugging her own ass Alex couldn't believe it. "K-Kimi!" She blushed furiously at seeing the hybrid abuse her own body nearly as hard as the tentacled freak had just a moment earlier, and as she moaned and writhed on the ground the near steady stream of alien seed leaking from each of her holes made the woman look like nothing more than a party whore.

Alex turned her head, disgusted at the display and at how a proud dragoness could fall so quickly, but she still bent down and grabbed Kimi's discarded clothing. A moment later she was actively cleaning the woman while she continued to openly masturbate in the middle of this battlefield orgy. The she-dragon had heard tales of twisted plants that used a strong aphrodisiac that forced a woman to become the plant's birthing machine. It wasn't too much of a stretch to think the walking gray blobs would do much the same with the slime that seemed to cover them. Hopefully cleaning some of it off would give Kimi some of her sense back before another helpless sex-crazed lunatic tried to carry her off.

"Aes!" The fact that the demon had kept the giant purring like a kitten didn't escape her, and Alex tried to get her attention without disturbing her. She had things on her end under control, but there was no telling how long that would last. "You gonna be okay?" Part of her wanted to run over and stab that blasted thing in the neck, to sink her sword into its flesh and twist it to the side to leave its head connected by only a few thing strands that would do nothing to hold it in place. But another part said that wouldn't work. It would heal too quickly for her blow to prove effective. If Kimi were up and about she could probably blast it into oblivion with whatever magics she possessed, but with the girl far too busy diddling herself it seemed unlikely. Alex needed someone with some heavy firepower to deal with the behemoth, and she started searching the nearby battles for anyone that looked like they could lend a hand.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 25/50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Moderately Injured

Pleasure (Juggernaut): 1 + 2 + 10 = 13 PP.
Shitty rolls.
Aescila drains 4 EP.

Kimi didn't even seem to notice as Alexandra wiped the slime off of her body, the dragoness to possessed by lust to even really notice her work as her hands continued plunging into both of her holes at once. Remembering those tales, the woman affected by the poison had to find release before it would wear off, else they would remain possessed by lust until they passed out. Meanwhile, Aescila continued sucking on the head of the massive creatures cock, using both of her hands at once to try and stroke it while her mouth took in the tip. She still wasn't getting very far, but at least the creature was immobile, for the moment.

Looking about, no one was available to aid them, as the inhabitants of the Hidden Village were all struggling against their own enemies, or else being ravished in the streets by their attackers. She even saw a few people she knew, like the human mercenary who'd come here to raise her part-demon daughter, now raised in the air and being violated, as well as one of the village matriarchs, the naga sorceress Creshnibon, her belly bloated as her body was filled with the seed of a creature just like the one Aescila was currently sucking on. The nagas body was wrapped around the creature as it plowed into her, well on its way to releasing another torrent of spunk into the nagas already full womb, but the mage at least seemed to be fighting, her arms trying to push the creature away from her rather than let it pull her onto its cock all the harder. That, at least presented an option. Otherwise, everyone was too occupied, and many even seemed to be enjoying themselves, particularly the demons among them.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

She had hoped that part of the tales wasn't true, that the effects of the slime could be lightened simply be removing it. But Kimi's continued display proved Alex wrong. Dammit, this wasn't right. Kimi still wouldn't be any help, not until she was 'satisfied', and Alex had no intention of helping her with that. Not while there were rapists wandering around picking up whatever female they could find, and certainly not with that giant fucker still so close. Even if Aes was holding him down there was no telling when he would want something more than the blow job of a lifetime.

Taking stock of the situation Alex is surprised to find another of the overgrown monstrosities so close. Even more surprising was the partner he had found. Even the mighty Creshnibon had succumbed to the overwhelming strength of that beast, her stomach bloated much like Kimi's had been when she had been filled with tentacle spunk. But the naga wasn't exactly a willing participant. Alex could see her struggling, her arms trying to push herself off of his ridiculously long pole while her lower half was attempting to squeeze the life out of him. If she was still resisting then she at least had her wits about her. Maybe if she had some breathing room she could actually deal with the huge bastard.

"Kimi..." Her fellow dragon-kin was still overcome by her own lust. "...just stay here!" Alex had to hope that no more of the little buggers would pop out and grab her distant cousin. She felt like she was needed elsewhere, and she started running to the struggling naga. She would try her best to remain unseen by the juggernaut, her approach coming from behind as he was far more focused on his prize. Hopefully he wouldn't notice her until she was jumping on to his back, and by then it would be too late. She would plunge her sword as hard as she could into its neck, aiming for what she hoped would be its spine, and once it was as deep as it would go she would start using her entire body to force it in one direction. Hopefully this would be enough to kill it. At the very least it should be enough of a distraction to let Creshnibon escape.

Stab it in the neck!