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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Termite: Alex hesitated when it was time to call her next witness. She already had some idea of where she wished to take this trial next, but that could lead to something Aes may not want revealed. Time to find out. "Your Honor, I'd like a moment to ask my Mate a question off the record." And once she had permission she turned to her 'client'. "Aes, how much of your past can I reveal? I'll try to avoid mentioning any of it, but if it comes up I won't go any further than you're comfortable with."

Tass: The judge quirked an eyebrow, but nodded and said; "You may have a moment. You technically should have had time to discuss her defense with her, but the rushed nature of this trial made such impossible." Aescila's smile wavered when she heard Alex's question, and she said; "As little as possible, but as much as you need. You can probably guess the detail that I would like left out."

Termite: Alex nodded in understanding and returned her own smile before returning to the court at large. "My next witness has no involvement in this case, but I consider her testimony to be vital. And to call her I will need to actually summon her. If there are no objections then I'd like to call the angel Abariel to the stand."

Tass: There came no objection, though the prosecutor did narrow his eyes slightly until Alex named her witness, at which point the hushed whispers returned.

Termite: Another nod led to Alex walking over to a more open area, and there she started concentrating on the Signet Ring once more. Most of her effort was kept to herself, a silent invocation that ran through her head, but one word couldn't be locked there. "Abariel...Abariel...Abariel..." At that she pushed her will out and let it engage, her call to the angel including the image of the courtroom at that moment. That should have been enough to give Abariel some sense of what was going on.

Tass: And with a white flash and the sound of fluttering wings, the pure angel appeared. How much she could have gleaned from the brief glimpse of the courtroom was unknown, but she stood solidly with her arms folded over her chest, clad as usual in the simplistic white robe that her kind seemed to prefer. "You called," she said lightly, her voice holding a formal note that was normally absent from it when speaking to Alex.

Termite: "Indeed. I have need of a witness concerning Aescila, one that was not involved in any of the events that led to this moment."

Tass: "Very well," she said, and then the judge addressed her; "If you would take to witness stand..." She went where he gestured, was sworn in like all the rest by a fairly bemused looking magus, and then sat down daintily and folded her wings around herself.

Termite: "Let's get straight to it, then. How long have you known the accused?"

Tass: "Two years, roughly."

Termite: "And during this you have witnessed how she has come into her powers, correct?"

Tass: "Yes."

Termite: "How would you describe them?"

Tass: "Potent, but simplistically used."

Termite: "What about her control, her ability to finely tune her abilities and how subtle they can be made?"

Tass: "To be frank, she isn't particularly adept at her abilities. They were gained suddenly, and without time to properly grow into them. She isn't capable of the fine control necessary for a lot of things that she could do in theory, and tends to wield them more like a hammer when she needs to use them."

Termite: "That probably explains why her presence is so strong even while she wears a restraining collar. But it has been put to this court that she was capable of dispelling a rather robust enchantment, one placed on my sword and one that could do so through my own aura when it was flaring at full power. You are saying she is incapable of this?"
(I forgot to add "under stealth" in there somewhere)

Tass: "Not impossible, no. Unless you yourself had cast the spell, your aura when using your powers would offer little resistance to dispelling a spell placed on your sword, and by sheer brute force alone she could unravel most enchantments. She could not, however, do so without being easily detected by everyone in the area around her with any magical senses whatsoever."

Termite: "I see. Thank you for clarifying this for me and for the court. I have no further question, Your Honor."

Tass: "Take your seat," the judge said, and then the prosecutor rose to his feet and approached the stand. "You say you have known the accused for two years, and that she achieved her present power at around the same period. In the time that you've known her, would you say that her powers have grown more refined?" he asked, to which Abariel said; "Yes. She is beginning to learn control, but is still hardly subtle."

"Have you instructed her in the control of her powers?"


"Have you been around the accused regularly in the time that you've known her? Have you seen her make regular use of her abilities?"

"I have been around her regularly, yes. We are neighbors, when we have the rare opportunity to both be home at the same time. I have seen her use her powers on occasion, sometimes in combat and sometimes for... Recreational use."

"Would you say that you have a fair understand of the abilities possessed by the accused and how her ability to use them has progressed?"

"Yes. I share many of her capabilities."

"Very well," he said with a sigh. It was clear that he'd been hoping for some different answers there. "I have no further questions your honor."

"Would you like to call the next witness?" the judge asked, and the prosecutor approached his seat and sat down as he said; "Not at this time, your honor."

Termite: Alex had to struggle to hide the blush that rose at the mention of Aes's 'recreational use' of her powers, but suppress she did. That probably also helped her keep in the smirk wishing to make itself known in light of the prosecutor's attempt at unraveling an angel's testimony. And since the man opted not to summon his own witness that obviously meant Alex was free to question her own. "With your permission I would like to conduct a second summoning, this time for the knight I mentioned in regards to the aftermath of the battle outside the city."

Tass: "You may proceed," the judge said as Abariel rose and walked away from the stand.

Termite: As Abariel stepped down Alex flashed her a rather grateful smile, and once she was cleared Alex went about summoning Haedrin just as she had for Abariel.

Tass: And then, with a bloom of white blossom petals, Haedrin appeared. He was clad once more in casual clothes, a pair of simplistic loose pants and a shirt that ended at the shoulders, leaving his muscular arms bare and free to move. He was smiling faintly and nodded in greeting to Alex before glancing around curiously.

Termite: "Well met, Sir Haedrin. As you can see we are currently arguing over Aescila's innocence in the events from yesterday. If you'd kindly take the stand I'd like you to testify for us all."

Tass: "Ahhh, of course," he said, and then strolled over, was sworn in by an even more amused magus, and then sat down.

Termite: "Sir Haedrin, what purpose were you asked to serve yesterday that led to the battle outside the city?"

Tass: "I was asked to aid in the reacquisition of your daughter from forces that we later learned were from the Court of Autumn, in the interests of investigating the circumstances surrounding the murder that is, presumably, the cause of this very trial."

Termite: "When we first encountered these forces would you say they were friendly or confrontational?"

Tass: "Confrontational. They intended to see us surrender, likely to take us as prizes."

Termite: "Were they offered a peaceful resolution?"

Tass: "Yes."

Termite: "Who made this offer?"

Tass: "You did, as did Archamge Aebard."

Termite: "Aebard made the first offer, correct? How did they respond?"

Tass: "Yes, I believe so. They refused."

Termite: "How would you classify these offers, both his and mine?"

Tass: "Reasonable, though I am not surprised that they refused. We generally don't take kindly to people telling us what to do, particularly when we perceive them as weaker, and have little respect for mortal laws."

Termite: "Up until this point we were unsure of their affiliation, correct? How did these unknown faeries refuse our offer?"

Tass: "That is correct. They responded with threats of murder, torture, and some fairly colorful phrasing of a promise to cut out Archamge Aebard's tongue."

Termite: "And when they refused my offer?"

Tass: "We fought. They lost."

Termite: "Who threw the first punch?"

Tass: "They did, by way of a volley of arrows."

Termite: "And when all was said and done who was left standing on both sides?"

Tass: "Dingroria was fallen, possibly dead. You were crippled. The two mortal knights brought with us and Aebard were dying. I was the only one left standing on our side, and the only foes left standing were the satyr archers who fled rather than face me."

Termite: "There has been some concern raised over a lack of prisoners. Do you think capturing any of the satyrs would have been possible?"

Tass: "No. Even if I'd chased one down, Acrasia's arrival prevented that."

Termite: "So the Queen of Autumn herself appeared on the field of battle. Would it be safe to say that she was involved in this entire situation?"

Tass: "Yes, and yes. She essentially admitted to her culpability, and Arclan Clay's soul was later extracted from her."

Termite: "And who extracted this soul from her?"

Tass: Haedrin hesitated for a moment, as if unwilling to say her name, but eventually said; "Queen Mab of Winter."

Termite: At that Alex nodded somewhat grimly. "I think that shall be enough. I have no further questions, Your Honor."

Tass: "Take your seat then," the judge said, and the prosecutor rose and approached the bench. "You call yourself Sir. This implies that you have a title, yes?" he asked, to which Haedrin looked at him with some amusement and said; "Yes. I am a knight of the Summer Court, appointed by Queen Titannia herself."

"Have you held this title long?"


"Very well then..... Why should we respect it?"

Termite: "Objection. If you ask a foreign nation to accept your own knights and their titles then the same courtesy must be extended to visiting foreign knights."

Tass: "Ahhhh, but as 'Sir' Haedrin said, his kind do not respect our laws, do they?" the prosecutor said, and the judge calmly said; "Overruled. His point is valid, and I would see where this leads."

Termite: "As you wish."

Tass: Turning back to Haedrin, who was unphazed by his method of attack, the prosecutor continued; "You said that your kind do not respect mortal laws. Could you explain further?"

"We do not follow your laws," Haedrin began, "Because we are not bound by them. We are not a part of your culture or your country, and few of us have an interest in becoming so. Those of us with manners follow them when in your homes and cities out of courtesy, not out of obligation. That said, when one of us breaks one of your laws grossly, it is entirely acceptable to us for that individual to be punished by them. If the criminal in question is caught, then they obviously deserve the touch of iron."

"Would you care to tell me-" the prosecutor began, but Haedrin calmly interrupted him by saying; "I am not finished." It was the human's turn to be taken aback, but Haedrin started to speak again before he could say a word; "Your words carry more implication than I think even you know, mortal. We of the fey, particularly of the sidhe and of the angelic court, do not work under the same principles that you do. Our laws are different, our customs different. You have implied from my statement, mistakenly, that all of us share the same customs, and that one of them is a total disregard for you and your kind. This is false. Each of us is an individual, and each Court deals with mortal authority in its own way. Not all of us share the same views on you as myself and my Queen. To give a more relatable example, you have just used my own words to suggest to me that you and a human of the Amazon would act the same under Anudorian law."
The prosecutor, flustered, stepped back and said; "Uhhh.... No further questions, your honor. The defense may call the next witness." He calmly took his seat, and Haedrin smoothly rose from the bench with a smile on his face.

Termite: Alex smiled at the exchange between the prosecutor and Haedrin, but when it came time to call on another witness that smile faded. She didn't have much else to reveal. It was shown that Aes was unable to perform any form of subtlety needed to capture Arclan's soul. It was shown that someone has used a ritual circle beneath the Arena, that members of the Autumn Court were involved, and that Acrasia herself had taken possession of Arclan's soul. What else was there to say?

She could verify that whoever lay beneath the Arena was the one who set off the circle, but the only one who witnessed that was Angelle. And putting her on the stand didn't sound all that prudent. But it also felt wrong to leave that question open. "I have one more witness to call. I'd like to ask the court to recognize that she is still somewhat young and naive, and that her nature makes her somewhat confusing. Angelle Alistar, please step forward."
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

More logs!
Tass: Angelle gasped in surprise, but then hesitantly rose and walked over to the stand. She squirmed visibly while being sworn in, and sat down gingerly with a slightly frightened look on her face. "Objection. Your honor, is this a joke? It's the daughter of the accused and the defense for heaven's sake. Her testimony cannot honestly be considered in a case like-" the prosecutor said, but then the judge scowled at him and said; "Overruled. The girl may say her piece."

Termite: "Angelle, I wish to ask you about the Arena." As she asked this Alex stared at her daughter and nearly demanded the girl's attention. Hopefully this would get Angelle to focus solely on her and nothing else. "When Arclan was hurt, did you feel anything strange?"

Tass: Angelle focused solely on Alex without much apparent trouble, her obvious discomfort about being the center of attention helping a good bit with that. "Y....Yes."

Termite: "Can you explain it so everyone can understand what that was?"

Tass: "If.... I can try," she began, "Well... When that man that you were fighting.... Arclan.... Was hurt, just before it happened... I felt something reach across us, between us. Me and father I mean! We.... Well, it reached out, at you, and then the enchantment broke. And then.... His.... His soul, I guess, flew at us. I was in daddy's aura, so I could still feel it, and it got dragged down through the seats and vanished."

Termite: "When it vanished did you feel anything else beneath you?"

Tass: "Yes."

Termite: "What was it?"

Tass: "Something.... Like a pull. It was very... Weird. It pulled that man Arclan's soul right to it."

Termite: "This weird thing, how would you describe it?" Alex was hoping she'd mention the degree of daddies it would take to equal what Angell felt down there.

Tass: "It.... It was huge. Like, if it hadn't been directed at someone else, it would have been scary. Scarier. It was like... Whoever was down there made you and daddy look like... Like little lady bugs." A few chuckles came forth from the crowd at Angelle's phrasing, and she smiled a little at that.

Termite: Though Alex was mostly silent she chuckled as well. "This big scary thing, did it remind you of anyone?"

Tass: "Remind me? Uhhh..... N... No. I mean, maybe of the lady that kidnapped me... A little. But, she wasn't nearly as.... Big."

Termite: "That's perfectly fine, little one. But that part that reminded you of the lady, is it like the thing that both Haedrin and Albatross share?"

Tass: "Uhh.... No. Not at all, really."

Termite: Uh oh. That didn't sound good. Alex needed to figure out a way to rephrase that question so she herself could reveal the connection that Angelle made. "Let me put it this way. Haedrin and Albatross do share something right? Something that all the faeries back home have in common, right?"

Tass: "Yes."

Termite: "That spark you feel, that's because they all belong to Summer. You can even feel a bit of it in my ring." And the Signet Ring once again makes an appearance. "That same connection lies in all the faeries that belong to the same court. It may feel completely different, but it's still the same type of connection. Now, those faeries that kidnapped you, they had something similar between all them. And you said that thing down in the tunnels had that same thing, correct?"

Tass: "Y... Yes. They-" Angelle began, but then the prosecutor called out; "Objection! Your honor, the defense is guiding the witness to a conclusion."

Termite: "She's unfamiliar with the concepts that are involved. It's something that most people aren't familiar with. I'm having to explain this so she can follow what she sensed, and once she makes that connection I can reveal what I realized about the being that used that circle."

Tass: "Overruled," the judge stated as the prosecutor opened his mouth to object more. Angelle continued again after a moment of silence; "Yes. They all had.... Something. Something that tied them together, but it wasn't like what Mr. Haedrin and Lady Albatross had. The really big presence had it too."

Termite: "That's enough then." To this she turned toward the court at large. "As I implied earlier, all members of a specific faerie court have a spiritual mark that identifies them. Haedrin bears the mark of Summer, as do I, though mine is kept within my ring. Angelle was able to identify that in the being beneath the Arena, and that same mark was found in the woman who kidnapped her. That same woman was found to belong to Autumn. Now the being that Angelle felt was something large. Huge. Big enough to dwarf an angel. There's only one being in the Autumn Court that has that kind of power, and she was sitting at that circle the moment it was activated. Acrasia, Queen of Autumn was the one who facilitated Arclan's death, and she was the one who stole his soul."

Tass: Alex's statement took the attention away from Angelle, at least. The court was sent into whispers, and this time they were loud enough to cause the judge to slam his gavel down and shout; "Order in the court!" Once everything was settled, he looked to Alex and said; "Is that your closing argument, Lady Alistar?"

Termite: "Yes. The party responsible has been identified, the soul that was lost was retrieved by its patron, and the guilty party herself is under Winter's care. There should be no further reason to hold Aescila under guard."

Tass: "Very well," he turned to the prosecutor and said; "Do you have any further questions for the witness?" The man shook his head in response and rose to approach the bench. "No your honor," he said, "And for my closing argument, I would state that the defense has done exactly as I stated she would earlier. A story with just enough coherence to be possible has been presented to the court as truth, flying in the face of the simpler explanation. I trust that the court will see through this, and look at the things that we know for certain. The accused was at the scene of the crime, and has both motive as established by her nature and potential for doing the act."

"Very well then," the judge said, and then turned to the jury and said; "If the jury would recess and come up with their verdict, we shall get to the end of this." The group filed out, and when it came back a few minutes later, the judge polled them as soon as everyone was back at their seats. The first two said guilty.....

Then the next said innocent. And the next. And more after. When it came back, only three had said guilty. Aescila had been cleared by the majority, and after a moment the judge struck the gavel one last time and said; "Very well, the jury has spoken! Aescila Alistar is found.... Innocent of all charges, and is to be released at once." The guards released her chains, and then a magus unlocked her collar with an apologetic look that she responded to with a patient look. That expression vanished into a broad smile as Angelle lunged in and wrapped Aes in a tight hug that Alex was more than a little familiar with by that point.

Termite: With the verdict finally complete Alex gave the entire court a rather gracious bow, and following that she calmly waited until Aes was fully free before making her way over. Angelle beat her to the punch by a mile, the hybrid engulfing her father in a tight hug that had been far too familiar and far too common the last 24 hours, but once she arrived she tapped Angelle on her dark wing. "Hey, make room." And then she joined in. "Welcome back, Love."

Tass: "It's good to be back~" Aescila replied, and despite her display of confidence she appeared quite relieved. Alex soon found herself wrapped in the feather wings of both her mate and her daughter as she joined the hug, and the three were left undisturbed for a time as the courtroom began to empty. Abariel, Haedrin, Aebard, and a few others who looked more like they were simply waiting for everyone else to leave so that they could close up were all that remained after a few moments left unless Alex opted to call out to someone in particular.

Termite: Alex would have simply let herself bask within her family's embrace, but the lack of noise from people filing caught her attention. Her head popped out of a sea of feathers, and once she realized everyone left was waiting on them she plunged back in. "All right, I think we should leave so we don't get arrested for loitering." With that she rose, and she wordlessly offered to push Aebard's chair along. Once they were all outside she turned to everyone who remained. "I want to thank you all for your help. Especially you, Aebard. This really does mean the world to me."

Tass: "That would be a shame, I've spent enough time in lockup!" Aes quipped, but would not escape from her mate without her sneaking a quick pinch of Alex's bottom while they were under the shield of feathers. Angelle clung to Aes as they walked out, Aebard nodding while Abariel and Haedrin followed after patiently. Once they were outdoors, Dingroria appeared from behind a building and walked up, a relieved smile on her face. "Ahhh, good! They found you innocent!" she said, and then joined them as they gathered outside of the courthouse. "Justice was served," Aebard said calmly, his voice wheezing a little less now that he was out of doors. "Just.... Helping you cost me, a lot. That prosecutor was a bastard, but he had a good point... So.... Don't make it so easy to frame you next time. I won't be going off to fight any more faeries any time soon," he croaked, and Aescila looked on sympathetically and asked; "Is there nothing more than can be done for you? I know magic can only do so much, but surely something can be done to make you more comfortable, at least."

Tass: Aebard shook his head, and after a moment replied; "No.... My lungs were damaged by the fire and by the arrows. Magic has done what it can, now all that's left is to see how well my body can heal the damage on its own." The man didn't sound particularly optimistic about that, but then Abariel walked over and said; "Incorrect. Mortal magic may have done what it can...." She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, and suddenly he straightened. Alex would feel the flow of power as the angel spent a power possessed only by her kind, the very same power that had been used to enchant her sword so that it would ignore any armor worn by its prey. It could also be used for healing when directed by its owner, she knew, and that was what she did with it now, pouring a magic into Aebard that mortal and immortal sorcery alike could not replicate. His flesh healed, and after a moment he drew in a clean breath of air once more as he looked on in amazement.

"But there are some things that can only be done, not understood~" the angel finished, and Aebard hesitantly rose onto slightly wobbly legs as he unwrapped his hands. They were unscarred, and when he took off his face wraps they were the same. "Thh.... Thank you.... Milady... If there's anything... Anything that I can do to..." the amazed archmage began, but Abariel simply smiled and said; "You have already repaid me by your actions, Archmage."

Termite: Alex nodded a little grimly at Aebard's response to her gratitude, and after he explained his injuries she felt like giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. And she would if it wouldn't have hurt him any further. The fact that she couldn't spawned another wave of guilt to flow through her, and when he mentioned that nothing further could be done her hand very gently landed on his shoulder.

But a few seconds later that hand was pulled back. She had seen Abariel stepping closer, and as the angel bent down to kiss the mage on his cheek Alex was suddenly reminded of their very first meeting when Abariel had descended from on high and filled Alex with a love and warmth that had only been matched by the embrace of her own mother. Aebard had to have felt the same thing, and as she watched the man rise and remove his bandages Alex waited. He would offer his surprised thanks, and that he did, and once he was done she gave the man that gentle yet firm slap on the shoulder she wanted to give him earlier.
And then she gave him a rather insidious grin. "Ready to go fight some more faeries?"

Tass: "Uhhh.... I think I'll still have to pass on that!" he replied cheerfully, and Ria quirked an eyebrow and said; "You sure about that? You look about ready to go dancing!" Grinning like a schoolboy, he said; "I might at that!" He started walking off, leaving his chair behind him, but then turned and bowed. "Miladies and milord.... Until next time!" And then, the archmage turned walked off down the street without just about the biggest smirk that Alex had ever seen.

Termite: Alex simply watched him go, a genuine grin following his refusal, and when he turned and offered his farewell she gave him a full bow. Once he disappeared she turned toward Abariel. "That was a beautiful thing you did for him. I probably would have asked for it if you hadn't. I'm sorry I had to call you out just for this, but I'm glad you showed. Thank you again for your help."

Tass: "Sometimes we don't need to fight horrible abominations to make the world a better place," the angel remarked with a sigh, and then turned to Alex and said; "It's quite alright, I don't mind helping you when and where I can. I won't be able to do anything like that for a while, but if you require more mundane help I'm still available when I can be. You do, however, owe me for the help.... Though I haven't thought up an adequate task for you just yet. I may later, so we'll call it an IOU for now."

Termite: "Of course. In the meantime how about a small celebration? Drinks are on me." At that a random thought drifted through Alex's mind. Has it been four hours yet?

Tass: "I like this plan!" Ria said, but Abariel simply chuckled and shook her head. "I'm afraid that I need to get home. Bielah's been a handful all day, and I don't want to leave poor Kimi with her for too long~" she said, a smile playing over her face as she mentioned her and Aescila's daughter. "Could I perhaps hitch a ride? I'm a bit tired and need to be home shortly as well," Haedrin said, and a slightly surprised Abariel nodded. Turning to Alex with a smile, the knight bowed and said; "My apologies, but I cannot celebrate with you this time. An urgent task awaits me back home, and one that I'd rather not leave for long." He paused a moment before seeming to remember something, and added; "Though, I suspect that the rest of your journey won't be so eventful. If it isn't, feel free to call upon me along the way, as I'm likely to have a great deal of free time pretty soon. We can continue your training in the martial arts, and perhaps catch up on some of the celebrations that I keep missing."

Termite: "I knew you would." At the mention of Bielah Alex broke into her own smile. "Give her a little kiss on the head for me when you get back." After that she didn't much react to anything, not when Haedrin asked for a ride home or when he had to apologize for leaving. But when he mentioned taking part in further celebrations she suddenly gave him a slightly nervous smile. Considering how some of the celebrations had ended over the past couple of years she wasn't sure if Haedrin knew what he was saying. "I'll let you know..."

Tass: Nodding with an appearance of total innocence, Haedrin said; "Good enough for me. Keep it in mind, at the very least." He bowed before turning to Abariel and saying; "Ready when you are." The angel nodded, and after exchanging goodbyes the two vanished as they teleported away. Alex would find Ria and Aescila grinning knowingly at Alex, while Angelle merely looked excited.
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Hm... Once the pair had vanished Alex sat and stared at that spot for a few seconds. Her mind was running on its own train of thought, and it didn't look like anyone was going to interrupt her just yet. More training... I actually wouldn't mind that. She was starting to understand more than just the basics of unarmed combat. But my grappling skills could use a little work... While her transformed state did allow her to wrestle with the best of them it didn't give her many options. And getting thrown by Ria had shown her that there were definitely some interesting techniques she could use there. I guess I'll be wrestling with Haedrin, soon...

And that was all she needed. Alex's mind instantly conjured a forest landscape, a road nearby largely ignored as the dragon and the faerie knight squared off against each other atop a dusting of snow. Alex would dash in, and in one deft maneuver she would find herself flipping over Haedrin's shoulder to land on her back while Haedrin pounced and secured yet another of his training victories. And she would look up, see his arms pinning hers off to the side while he himself was practically sitting on her pelvis, not a single bit of armor on either of them. She would feel that strength restraining her while his weight settled over her lower belly, and she would feel that faint heat that all of Summer's allies held, that heat made all the stronger for the winter weather all around them. And he would move closer. With his victory secured he would bend down, his face hovering only inches over her own, his look serene and strong and maybe even a little cocky as he asked her a simple question. "Ready for the next round?"

But there was something different in his voice, something that spoke of a playful wickedness she'd never seen in him before. And in the next moment his weight would shift, his legs coming down so he could properly straddle the dragon's stomach. Alex froze at that, partly because this was something different, partly because it was so familiar to what had happened oh so long ago, but mostly because she felt herself becoming warm. Her own fire was starting to ignite, the heat from his pelvis resting against her spreading only to gather into a familiar and pleasant warmth that smoldered within her core. And as that blaze started to bloom the knight would bend down even further, that friendly cockiness starting to grow as he looked his prize over, and Alex could only sit and wait as his lips descended, his very breath washing over her until the two finally met-

Oh gods, they're staring at me, aren't they? Alex didn't need to turn to feel both Aescila and Ria's expectant gaze settling over her, and she didn't need to turn to tell they could notice the telltale blush that was settling over her. But trying to hide her growing embarrassment wouldn't work. Ria had already seen Alex fantasizing about the Summer knight once before, and Aes was...well...Aes. She may be an angel now, but a succubus was always a succubus, and she always seemed to know when Alex's libido was demanding some attention. So Alex slowly turned and was welcomed to the sight she was expecting to see, and that instantly led to one thing. "Time for celebration! Good food! Good drink!" She centered her attention on the far more innocent Angelle, and in a flash Alex swept her daughter into her arms and started leading the girl off to who knew where. "So where do you think we should go, little one? Should we eat somewhere we've already been or try and find some place new?" Yup, Alex went straight for denial.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Angelle happily clung to Alex as the dragoness sought to avoid the knowing looks that Ria and Aes were giving her, the two continuing to hold broad smirks as she attempted to play off her fantasies about the freshly departed faerie knight. She heard the two chuckle behind her a moment later, and if Alex glanced back she would see Ria looking at Aes in surprise, while Aes turned back and gave the oni a quirked eyebrow that seemed to communicate a great deal. "Ooooh! Uhhhh...... I want to try someplace new! But they have to have those treats!" Angelle said excitedly, practically jumping up and down in her eagerness, and Aescila strolled up to walk beside them and said; "Oh of course you gave her treats! No wonder she's so hyper!" Turning to give Alex a very familiar look of her own, Aes slowly slid a hand over the give Alex's side a covert caress as she purred; "Though... I am absolutely... Famished~" Ria chuckled as she trundled along behind them, and... Well, it was hardly the first time that Angelle had appeared confused by somebody's amorous comments.

"Well, your armor won't be ready yet, I don't think," Ria said from behind them, "So a bite to eat to celebrate would be good before we go and pick that up. Benan doesn't like to hold on to other people's stuff for very long, so the sooner you can grab it the less sass you'll have to put up with for it."

They didn't end up going very far from the courthouse. It had been placed in one of the nicer districts, and Angelle soon picked out a restaurant for them. "There!" she said, and pointed to a place labeled; 'The Sapphire Lodge' It looked respectable enough, and was clearly open. "Looks good enough for me, though I'll have to make myself a change of dress!" Aes said, and with a wave of her hand conjured a glamor over her clothing to make herself appear as if she were clad in a fine red dress. The succubus needed no makeup to go with it, the color of her exposed skin shifting slowly until she looked the part of a noble lady ready for a night on the town. "And here I am in my battered up old armor," Ria grunted mirthfully, "Looking like some homeless slob! I'll bet they won't even let me in!" Her jest was made lightly, but Angelle nonetheless looked alarmed and said; "Of course they will! You're a hero just like my parents! They have to let you in!" The only one more taken aback by that statement, spoken in desperate hope by the inexperienced and often chaotic spirit wielder, than Ria was possibly Aescila, who gazed between the oni and their daughter first in surprise, and then with a bit of suspicion. "Or we'll.... We'll.... Do bad stuff!" Necro said, alarming Ria quite a bit and prompting her angel to guve Alex a searching look as they started toward the building, curious as to how Angelle could have adopted such a title for the brutish oni.

Before they entered she held up a hand for them to stop and turned to face Ria. "We... Haven't really been properly introduced, have we? I do remember you from the arena though.... When you were throwing my Alex around like a toy ball," she said, her smile genuine and her tone very light despite her choice of words. At the same time, Alex felt her lover reaching out to her, and a moment later heard Aescila's voice in her mind, asking; [What happened while I was in prison? I don't mind the company, but for little Angelle to make that sort of comparison, something very interesting must have happened!']

Ria, turning from her surprised examination of Angelle as she spouted a voice not her own without even moving her lips, smiled and jovially replied; "Yup! That's me! A regular dragon tosser I am! The name's Dingroria, Ria for short, and after that I got roped in by my own damned fool of a conscience into helping little Alex here get you out of the slammer. I had the whole jailbreak scenario planned and everything, but she had to be boring and go and prove your innocence instead!" Aescila let out a light, musical laugh at that, and replied; "Well, I'm certainly sorry that she spoiled your planning efforts by going and doing something as silly as that! I'm Aescila, Alex's mate. It's a pleasure to meet you." The two shook hands, and seemed to be on good terms from there.

Angelle led the charge excitedly into the restaurant that she had picked out, and after the waitress got over the surprise of seeing such an odd collection of people walk into her place of business and managed to pry her jaw off of the floor upon seeing Aes, she said; "Uhhh.... Hello! W... Welcome to The Sapphire Lodge! Will it just be you today, or are you waiting on any others?" Aescila quickly stepped up, freeing Alex from the duty of negotiating with her, and said; "It will just be us. A table for four, with as much room as you can give us in a table against a wall, if you please." The woman nodded and, after a glance to another man who nodded at her in turn, picked out a set of menus and headed over to the side of the room. The place was large but didn't have many people in it upon their entrance, and so they had a server to take their drinks and orders for appetizers pretty much immediately after they were seated. Angelle quite energetically ordered a glass of milk and a plate of pastries with shorn syrup filling, and Ria snickered for a moment before leaning in to whisper; "Does she even known what's in those?"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

The whispers between the two women were tease enough, especially since Alex was being distracted by a bouncing Angelle giddy with anticipation for even more of those shorn treats, but once Aes stepped over and delivered both innuendo and soft caress the dragon simply froze. She needed to do so to stifle the shiver that wanted to shimmy its way up and down her spine, and though she managed to keep that reaction in check there was no hiding the small curl that came to her tail. The entire thing lifted slightly, the last few inches raising even further, and though it was only a minor shift the fact that Alex's rear was on slight display would be sign enough that she wouldn't mind feeding her lover's hunger...

With Ria confirming that the armor most likely wasn't quite ready Alex simply followed her daughter as the girl searched for lunch. And that search came to a sudden end when Angelle came to 'The Sapphire Lodge'. It seemed a satisfying match for the more well-to-do district they were wandering through, and a moment later Aes was shifting both her clothes and herself to make her appear quite the stunning lady ready to paint the town red. Alex smirked at that, even more so when Ria started playfully complaining at having to schlub it up, but when Angelle turned in all seriousness and nearly stated her devotion to Ria Alex was was naturally quite shocked. She hadn't expected the hybrid to think of the oni so highly, but she could also see why. The woman did save her life.

But then Necro made her appearance, and though Aes was probably questioning what exactly led to this Alex only gave her Mate an acknowledging glance before turning back. "Necro!" Her voice was firm, and it carried with it the promise of parental punishment if the girl didn't pay attention. "We do not attack civilians. They may anger or displease you, but you do not have the authority to punish people at your whim. If these people are too stuck up to wait on Ria then we'll simply find some other place that is more welcoming. Understood?" Alex waited for some acknowledgement, and then she turned her head up (I may never get used to looking up at someone...) toward Ria. "This will need some explaining. Come, I'll introduce you to my other daughters."

With that Alex led them to a quieter area that hopefully wouldn't attract much attention, and there she had Angelle step back. "You've already met Angelle, so let me properly introduce the other two. This lady here..." Alex motioned toward and even brushed the hybrid's darker wing. "...is Necro." As if on cue the face of Angelle's inner demon appeared. "Hello~" While she may never get used to those wings simply coming alive like that she had come to accept it, and that let her continue on despite the somewhat unsettling sensation that Necro was showing a rather certain interest in Ria. "And this lady..." Alex moved toward the other side and did the same to the white wing. "...is Undine." And just like her sister Undine appeared, her face more serene and poised, though unlike every other time this happened Undine appeared as a complete upper body with her arms held behind her back and her profile set at an angle so... "Hello!" Good lords, was Undine actually showing herself off? That thought was enough to momentarily shut Alex down, and this left it up to Angelle to speak more about herself.

With the giant and the hybrid assaulting each other with interest the dragon merely stepped back and let them have their fun while she tried to collect herself. It was during this that she noticed Aescila's voice, and with something else to focus on Alex managed to bring up an answer. ['That battle in the woods, the one I mentioned where we were trying to reclaim both Albatross and Angelle? The enemy had their own noble on their side. I managed to obliterate most of her specialist forces, but she captured Haedrin while her peons dealt with just about everyone else. It ended up being the Lady versus Ria and I, and the Lady started off by threatening to kill one of her hostages. She even had a spell ready for it, something that felt like it would rip both body and soul to shreds. She demanded that we surrender. I knew doing so would be worse than defeat, but I couldn't reach her before she had a chance to throw her spell, and I somehow knew she was going to attack our girl. So I asked Ria to help, and she did. She jumped in and took that spell right in the chest. She quite literally threw herself into the line of fire and saved our daughter's life.'] And this helped her realize why she was letting this continue. She trusted Ria because of this, and Angelle herself was coming to admire the oni. She even said she had a debt to pay. If this was how the girl wanted to repay it could Alex rightfully say no?

Despite all that happened during that exchange the group finally entered the restaurant, and once the staff finally managed to pull their jaws off the floor they were all seated per Aescila's request. And no sooner did they sit before Angelle was already ordering some pastries with that ever coveted shorn syrup filling. Alex found herself smiling at that, though Ria's question had her wondering. "I don't think so, but I'm not sure. We do have a number of alraune back home, and obviously some weeds are bound to show up, but we try to keep them far enough away that nobody's assaulted the moment they step into the forest. But...well...alraune..." That should have said enough, and following that Alex chose to forgo ordering anything at that moment. While it had been some time since breakfast it hadn't been enough. Even with all the lawyering she did she still wasn't all that hungry. But she would wait for a pastry, and she would order later once she'd had time to look over the menu and see how everyone else was faring.
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

If Alex wanted to avoid further embarrassment via her reactions, she would be sorely disappointed. Aes could read her like a book, and the slight curl made at the end of her tail as a sign she recognized instantly. Grinning slyly and stepping just a little bit closer as they walked down the street, the dark angel continued sliding her hand up and down Alex's side, roaming from just beneath her arm down to her hip and back repeatedly, but going a little further every now and then. Eventually her teasing prompted her to slide past the line of her hip and curl around her, a single finger making light contact with her robed body until the demon's hand took a gentle but firm pinch of the half-dragon's rump. Ria, no doubted watching this, chuckled as she followed along behind them, and Aes turned to glance at the oni with a grin as she opened her hand and took a more firm handful of Alex's clothed backside. The gentle kneading of the soft meat of her bottom that followed was issued in exactly the way that Alex liked, and Aes didn't stop until Alex demanded that she do so or until Angelle had finally picked out her destination.

When they did arrive and Alex issued her admonishing rebuttal to Necro, Angelle looked just as demure as her sentient wing, but it was the wing that issued a vocal reply; "We weren't gonna hurt anyone! Just.... Scare them a little bit!" Aes, frowning, joined Alex in reprimanding the rebellious wing while Alex turned toward Ria; "After all that, do you really want to cause more trouble with the locals? Your mother is right, if they're too stingy to serve someone just because of their appearance, then they don't deserve our patronage in the first place." The oni, in turn, said; "I'd certainly.... Wait, other daughters?"

Dingroria only seemed to grow more confused as they walked into a convenient alley, the space between buildings protecting them from the view of anyone walking down the streets save for a narrow sliver. After the two wings were introduced, Ria looked about as confused as before but simply nodded anyway. "Welp.... That's just about the weirdest thing I've ever seen," she began, causing Angelle to look hurt and prompting her to hastily add; "But it's really, uhhh.... Interesting! I imagine it must get pretty chaotic, having conversations with.... Does that count as yourself? I mean, I'd guess that it does, but.... I dunno." Angelle smiled as she nodded, a bright glimmer appearing in her eye, and she excitedly said; "Necro and Undine talk to me all the time! Sometimes they whisper, and sometimes they talk out loud! Auntie Abariel says that's because when mommy and daddy made me, there were a lot of things coming together! I'm a dragon and an angel and a demon all at once!" Ria quirked an eyebrow at that simplistic explanation, and let out a chuckle before replying; "That's certainly something.... You're a pretty unique kinda girl! I had to deal with a bit of that myself, growing up. You got a lot of friends back home besides your wings?" Angelle nodded, a true enough statement, and Ria went on to add; "Good! If anyone ever tries to talk bad about you just 'cuz yer different, you just let me know! I'll squash 'em for yah."

Ria and Angelle chattered for a while about nothing of particular importance, Undine or Necro occasionally saying something as well in a display of fairly unusual sociability from their daughter's two strange wings, and Alex was given leave to hear and respond to her mate's mental voice. Were it not for their engrossment in one another, it would have been nearly impossible for Angelle and Ria to miss the look of astonishment that appeared on Aescila's face at Alex's report of what the oni had done for their daughter. The dark angel looked to the massive woman and examined her for a moment, leaving their mental conversation briefly silent, before she smiled and replied; ['That's a surprise, but I can't call it an unwelcome one. I assume you've offered to repay her in a manner that I can guess? I'm in on that if you have, but if you haven't I'll have to go and offer her a chance to join us tonight~ Also, if little Angelle is going to continue this, it's probably about time that we had.... The Talk. I hardly mind the idea, but I'd rather avoid having grandchildren at least until we can introduce our child to your parents, so teaching her how to regulate sooner rather than later might be a good idea.']

Once they arrived in the Sapphire Lodge and were seated, Ria shrugged and chuckled at Alex's response. "Not really, actually. The plantfolk aren't much of a trouble around here, and I've never met one myself. It just amuses me is all," she replied casually, and then straightened away from Alex with a grin. She took one of the pastries herself despite her amusement at the origin of their filling, and after they'd all taken one Angelle claimed the two left over from the basket of six even as she stuffed her face with the one she'd initially grabbed. The menu, in keeping with the oceanic aesthetic that the fine restaurant displayed, had a great deal of seafood to go along with the more standard Crolian and Badarian dishes that were on offer. Their waitress happily gave them more time to order, Ria being the only one prepared to order when she'd delivered their basket of pastries. Aes and Angelle had both gone for a cup of hot cocoa, while Ria ordered a mead to drink in the interim, leaving Alex to pick her favored beverage.

When it did come time to order, Ria asked for an order of ribs and offered to chip in on the price in exchange for her expensive dish, while a hungry Aescila asked for a plate of rice and chicken coated in a sweet sauce made with the same stuff that filled their pastries, and Angelle asked for grilled trout strips and vegetables. After Alex had ordered and the waitress was gone, Angelle perked up suddenly and turned to Alex, a hopeful look on her face as she said; "Daddy is back with us! Now you have to explain all that stuff that I didn't understand! Like the lady telling me I would have to eat cats and stuff!" Ria and Aes both snickered lightly at that, and the dark angel gave Alex an amused look and awaited her reaction.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

The walk leading to 'The Sapphire Lodge' proved to be rather interesting. Aes had instantly recognized the rather receptive stance Alex's tail had taken, and the angel took full advantage of it by moving closer and continually stroking the dragon's side as they followed their oblivious daughter. For a while Alex managed to keep herself contained, but once that hand started venturing a little lower to let that finger trace its way across her behind there was no mistaking the light hum that sounded in her throat. It left Alex blushing at how easily her body was being played with by her lover, and that blush only grew once Ria let out her chuckle. But before Alex could work up the nerve to say anything her rear was quickly palmed by her angel, and a moment later her ass was being expertly kneaded. That brought out a shuddering gasp, one that also had her faltering for a step or two, and once Alex managed to regain control over herself she whispered to her Mate. "Just had to give our guest a show..." But that wasn't enough to get Aescila to stop, and saying anything else risked getting Angelle involved, so Alex bore with it as best she could until her daughter finally brought her some mercy.

A little later the two were silently speaking with one another while Ria and Angelle were preoccupied. ['I did make my offer, and she said that she'd find an appropriate way to pay her back, but for now she wouldn't mind getting laid. And I think you're right. She asked me about something earlier, and I told her I'd explain once you were returned to us. Lords know I'm not ready to be a grandmother, either. I'm still too young to be somebody's hot grandma...'] That last bit came with a mental smile that mirrored the actual smile Alex held, and though it was said in jest and not the true reason why she wasn't ready for grandchildren the small kernel of truth it contained said that vanity was a small part of the problem.

Once they were seated and Ria admitted that she'd never met an alraune Alex gave the oni a somewhat measured look. "I think... that you should. Maybe not the wild alraune, they're mischievous little devils, but even then they're a completely honest people that truly only want one thing. I'm just glad the alraune back home understand discretion a little better than their cousins..."

When it came time to order Alex asked about the available wines. She wanted something light and airy, something that would go well with the fish she was contemplating for lunch. Ria's order did catch her attention, and Alex did ponder ordering herself some mead for later, but despite how much she enjoyed it too much of a good thing could ruin your palette. Better to order something else so she could enjoy her mead later.

With that in mind she ordered her wine and a salmon fillet. But once the waitress left Angelle spoke up and asked about cats and why she should eat them. It nearly caused the dragon to spit out her drink, but she held it in and carefully placed her glass down while Ria and Aes merely watched in their amusement. "I did say that, didn't I... All right then..." She looked around and found herself grateful that the restaurant was relatively quiet. "Angelle, I'll answer your question and even explain it a bit, but the full answer isn't something that should be said out in public like this. Understand?" Alex lowered her voice for this to show just how serious she was taking it, and it would be an example for the girl to follow.

"Before we start I need to know one thing. Did this faerie say she'll make you eat her cat, or did she use a different word?" Alex already knew the answer, she just wanted Angelle to admit it. "I think she said... um... pussy?" It was obvious that the girl was confused not only by what the faerie said but why that word would be important, and it looked like it was finally time to enlighten her. "Angelle, what that faerie meant was that she was going to force you to lick her... um... down there..." Well, at least we know where Angelle got that from...
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Aescila couldn't help but return that mental smile, as well as a fairly relaxed real one, and she concluded the mental conversation by saying; ['Wouldn't that be a sight, eh? You in your shining armor looking all warrior goddess, being somebody's grandmother~ You'd have to learn to bake cookies!'] With that mental image, Aescila would leave Alex a moment to offer some quip back before cutting off the mental contact, and by that point Angelle and Ria were faltering in their conversation slightly. It broke off when Aescila said; "Lets get into the restaurant, hrm? I actually am very hungry." The other two agreed with that sentiment even though they'd already eaten lunch earlier, and the group quickly proceeded to exit the alley and head in.

After their orders had been placed, Ria having merely chuckled and shrugged at Alex's suggestion that she ought to meet an alraune, Angelle did indeed bring up the words used by the faerie lord that had kidnapped her, and Alex's efforts to make her clarify them caused both Ria and Aescila to start snickering. When she actually said the word the two started openly giggling in an entirely childish manner, something that only seemed to confuse Angelle further, but when Alex clarified her statement she looked puzzled for a moment before adopting an alarmed look and loudly exclaimed; "Down there!? Ewwwww!" Ria and Aes just barely managed to keep from bursting out into laughter, and Aes managed to choke out a reprimand while the rest of the restaurant's patrons all looked their way in confusion; "Angelle.... Heheh.... Dear.... Heehee... You've got keep your voice down.... People are trying to eat!"

Angelle adopted an apologetic expression to go with her confused one, but she looked to Alex as if she was lost and mortified and said; "But... Mommy.... Why? Why would she want me to... To lick her... Down there!?" She had at least managed to keep her voice down this time, avoiding any further embarrassment beyond the reactions of her mate and Dingroria. Aes was still content to snicker and let Alex handle the answering part, her amusement at making the reserved half-dragon be the one to have this conversation too great for her to spoil it now by taking over.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

The scowl that was sent toward the snickering women was ruined by the rather embarrassed flush on Alex's face, but when Angelle nearly burst out of her chair and practically shouted her disgust the dragon immediately started grabbing her daughter's sleeve to urge her to calm down while Aes barely managed to reprimand the girl through a bout of barely contained laughter. Definitely not helping.

But, amazingly, Angelle looked apologetic. It was enough to get Alex to relax a little. But that ended when the hybrid turned her confusion back toward her mother. The question that followed had Alex's blush burning brightly on her cheeks, and a quick peek toward Aes revealed that she was getting no help from there. Her Mate was simply having too much fun watching Alex flounder through this. "W-Well... When... um... when someone touches you... down there... it feels really, uh... really good..." Oh good gods, could this get anymore awkward? The moment that thought passed through her mind she hoped none of them would answer.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

"It does?" Angelle said, seeming surprised. She glanced down at herself, and moved her hand down and into the waistband of her pants before a snickering Aes quickly said; "Not in public honey! It's not... Proper." Angelle looked even more confused, and turned to Alex and said; "But... If it feels good, why can't people do it anywhere? Is there something wrong with it? Is it.... Is it smelly, or something?"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alex looked mortified once Angelle decided to test that theory, and all she could do was nod her head slowly as Aes managed to keep the girl from being improper. "Smelly... No... Yes... but not in a bad way..." She really didn't want to say that, but it somehow worked its way out. And then inspiration! "You know how you don't go up to people you don't know and kiss them? Well doing things to... down there... is kinda the same thing!"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

"But.... Wait! I wouldn't be doing it.... To them... I want to know what it feels like!" Angelle said, still no less confused than before at her parent's dual refusal to allow her to start playing with herself in public. "It's just... Not somethin' yer supposed to do in public, lass! You'll get in trouble fer it," Ria said, trying to help between her snickers. "Why?" Angelle asked simply, looking to Alex for an answer.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

"Because we don't go around showing our nakedness like that!" It took a moment, maybe two, before Alex realized her own voice was growing and becoming far louder than she would ever have liked. "Oh gods..." At that she started sinking into her seat to hide as much of herself as she could should any of the other patrons or even the staff were taking an interest in all the commotion.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

So much as a glance behind and Alex would realize that her outcry had caught the entire room's attention, and Aescila and Ria started needing to hold back their snickering a lot more as she sunk down into her seat. Angelle at least seemed to accept that answer, however, and said; "Oh.... Okay! Can I do it later then?" Ria couldn't hold back a bark of laughter, and slapped her hand over her mouth to stop anything more from coming forth.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alex really didn't want to check, but compulsion led her to turn her stooping head and spy everyone and their mother looking at her. The crimson dragon offered an apologetic wave to everyone before turning around. "Yes. Please. Later." How the hell could Angelle be this naive?!
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Ria continued to snicker into her hand, prompting Angelle to look confused again, and in her mind Alex would hear Aes's voice again, this time with some hints of concern; ['I don't know. Usually demons are born with genetic memory of... Well, of the basics. Not the cultural stigmas, mind, but she should at least understand more than she seems to. Maybe... I don't know, maybe she just doesn't have those memories? Or maybe Necro has them, since she seems to be the one with the demonic portions that Angelle inherited from me?']

Angelle, in the meantime, said; "Will you show me how to do it? I don't want to mess it up and break anything down there!" Another bout of snickering from Ria, who looked a few shades redder now, was apparently the cue for their food to arrive. That, at least, seemed to divert the oni's attention elsewhere for a moment, and Aescila give their server a grateful and apologetic look before turning to her own meal and starting to eat.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Could that actually be possible? Could Angelle's existence be so divided that her memories and instincts would be split between the three? Was Necro actually hoarding the knowledge of more carnal pursuits? Could Undine be actively blocking them from Angelle's consciousness? ['This... This is a whole new kind of confusing that I wasn't prepared for...']

To go from nearly beet red to bleach white in the span of a second was a feat Alex never thought she would master, but Angelle's question proved her wrong. Now don't get her wrong. She loves her daughter. She'd do nearly anything for the girl. But THAT?! 'Momma, please teach me how to masturbate!'?! That was... That was just...

Salvation! The arrival of the food was a blessing that the dragon immediately took to wholeheartedly. She accepted it, the look of sincere gratitude practically beaming up at their server, and the moment everyone had been served she cut off a small piece of her fish and stuck it in her mouth. If Angelle wanted an answer Alex would point to her own cheek, and if the girl looked like she would wait and demand one then all Alex would say was, "We'll talk about this later! In private!"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Angelle did indeed demand an answer as Alex chewed her piece of fish, the salmon proving quite good but a little dry, and also lacking in taste beyond the basic one of the fish without the seasoning provided for her with her meal, the combination of sauces waiting for her to try set into small wooden bowls on her plate. The side of greens that came with her fish were likewise unseasoned, though their taste was more pleasant alone than that of the fish, and she would find the first of the three fairly sweet, the second also sweet but also sour, and the third having a slightly harsh bitter taste that wasn't unlike the pleasant portion of the taste of alcohol. Her daughter accepted that answer, however, and Alex was finally given a moment to recover from the embarrassing conversation as they all settled down to eat.

Aescila ate fairly ravenously, making no secret of her hunger, but even now she kept on playing the part of a noble lady and made skillful use of her utensils rather than just devour her meal with her fingers. Ria, displaying plainly her simplistic upbringing, had no such reserve as she tore into her sauce coated side of ribs. The sight was almost akin to some sort of primordial hunter of old tearing into their fresh kill, given the color and texture of the substance coating the meat and the generally wild aesthetic that Ria's armor and the clothing that she wore beneath it had. Angelle, as always, ate with practiced reserve that barely hid her hunger, as she obviously wanted to eat a little bit faster than she was. Even so, she finished before any of the rest of them, and gobbled down one of the pastries that were left over by the time even the obviously hungry Aescila has cleaned her own plate. Ria was content to savor her meal a bit more, however, and Alex was left to experiment with the sauces she'd gotten with her decently sized piece of salmon while Angelle and Aescila made small talk, their daughter largely catching Aes up on what had happened from her own perspective.

When they were all finished and while waiting for the waitress to come with their bill, Aes turned to Alex and Ria with a questioning look, Angelle having ended her tale when she'd been taken by the Autumn faeries. How much she wanted to say about what had happened next, given that she'd already gone over the battle in short in the courtroom and again when mentioning how Ria had dove to save their daughter, was up to Alex. There had been portions that Angelle hadn't been present for, particularly downstairs in the arena and down in the catacombs beneath the structure in which Arclan had fallen, but those portions also weren't entirely important in the grand scheme of things revolving around the tale, and Ria had been present for most of it as well. There was, of course, also the matter of what had passed between her and Lady Albatross, but whether she wanted to make mention of that in public was also something that Alex would have to decide for herself.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Finally given the chance to calm herself Alex was free to focus on the fish she was currently chewing. It wasn't bad, at least as far as simple cooked salmon could go, but the inherent dryness and the lack of seasoning told her that it was obviously meant to be paired with one of those sauces. The only question was which. So the dragon tested each, a small sliver of salmon getting dipped into each bowl, and after her small sampling she decided to simply continue as such. There was no distinct favorite, so she simply cut the rest of the fish into bite size strips and dipped them into whichever one caught her fancy at that moment. It let her enjoy the food at a somewhat sedate pace, and that left her the last to finish even though she hadn't ordered as much as everyone else.

While Alex was still enjoying her meal Aes and Angelle finished early, and the two went to talking about what had happened from the young one's perspective. Alex listened, wanting to hear everything that happened from her daughter's view. She didn't interrupt or offer her own thoughts on anything that was said, but once they finished Aes turned her attention over toward the half-dragon and the half-demon. "Well, looks like it's our turn for story time, Ria." There was a bit of a pause to give Alex a chance to think. "Do you think we should mention what happened with Calkis?" It may not have been important, but it was definitely an event, and if Ria agreed Alex would let the oni tell that part as she finished the few last bites of her meal.

When Ria was done with that portion Alex would pick up from when she witnessed Albatross's abduction and found that note with the single bloody word written across it. And she would continue in a low but steady voice, working though the return to the sewers and the preparations for the march out, the confrontation with the faeries and how they tried to fool them all into thinking they were with Winter, Alex's first summoning of her ancestor, the Black Dragon of the Void, the final confrontation that pitted Alex and Ria against the unknown noblewoman, and the final burst of magics that ended it all.

And from that point on it was all Alex's story. "Once the dust settled I was completely shot. My body was nearly falling apart, and I was so exhausted that I felt disconnected, like my soul was only hanging onto my body by a thread. I could barely get myself to look in one direction, and that was when the satyrs stepped out. I wasn't sure what they would do to me, but I had a few guesses. But like I said in the trial Haedrin had been captured. With the bitch dead his chains vanished, and he simply walked right up to me and told the goats to flee. And they did. It was... impressive..." The small blush that rose probably revealed that this was when Alex finally took a more romantic note of the man. "But before he could check my injuries the Queen arrived. Acrasia simply appeared out of nowhere, and without any effort she simply froze Haedrin where he stood. And it wasn't with ice, not like that prison that held you, Angelle. He was surrounded by light, and it looked like time simply stopped where he stood.

"And then she turned her attention to me. I didn't know who she was then, but even as battered as I was I could feel her strength. It was frightening. And wrong. And... I couldn't do anything against it. She made me look at her, made me admire her, made me forget everything but this beautiful goddess that stood before me and stroked me like a favored pet. And that touch went deep. She touched ME. My identity. And when she did I felt myself changing. She was shaping me, turning me into something else completely, and worst of all she made me want it. She made me fall in love with her."
And despite the disgust her voice carried there was something else, some hint of disappointment as if some part of Alex still wanted to let herself drown in the presence of that mad queen.

"I was ready to devote myself to her. I very nearly did, but before I could someone else arrived. And that soul was Winter. In every conceivable way. I'm guessing you've heard the same stories about Winter's Queen as I have, right?" This was asked of Aes, but if anyone wanted to answer it then Alex would let them. "Those stories... They don't do her justice. I felt like I was being crushed simply sitting in her presence. And she wasn't paying me any mind. When she arrived Acrasia had been frozen in an exact replica of the prisons that held Angelle and Albatross, and that's where her attention was focused. But even then her power filled everything. It flew around me and through me. I was certain I had ice running through my veins, and I feared my own flame would simply be snuffed in an instant.

"I heard her speak, and it filled me with a terror even worse than what I knew as a child, but as I listened I was filled with hope. Mab..."
Having said that name just then as she was recalling what she'd seen and felt, it made Alex realize why Haedrin hesitated to state her name in court. One simply doesn't invoke her name at a whim. "She was chastising Acrasia, belittling her for acting so foolishly and in plain view of Winter's domain. It let me realize she knew the truth. She even proved it by pulling Arclan's soul from Acrasia's lips. So I tried to reach out. My spirit was drained and my body broken, but I still had a small reserve left in my ring. I wanted to reclaim it, so I could properly address her if nothing else.

"When I tried Acrasia bared her fangs. Even while she was imprisoned I felt tendrils of herself reach out, and she wrapped them around my identity and pulled. I resisted, but it was meager, the last desperate struggles of a soul not prepared to leave its body. She very nearly had me once again, but before I was lost Winter acted once more. She severed those tendrils pulling me into oblivion, and she admonished Autumn for not accepting her defeat with grace.

"So I was allowed to restore myself as best I could, and once I could speak I asked if I could see to my allies. She turned toward me. My face was down at that moment, but I could tell. I feared her very presence would knock me onto my back and squeeze what little life I held out of my fingers. But I was compelled to look into her eyes and when I did I learned something else that the stories don't reveal."
Alex paused for a moment to finish off the last of her wine, and once she was done she leaned in closer to keep this a guarded secret for those who had been touched by Mab's influence in one way or another. "She is not a threat." Another pause, this one to let that fact sink in. "That doesn't mean to say she isn't threatening. Her power is immense, the most powerful thing I have ever felt from any being, even when my father ventured out to speak with some of the older dragons. And just standing within it promises death. By looking into her eyes you can see her potential for cruelty and cold reason and ruthlessness, but that's her nature. That was how she was molded. She is the embodiment of her station, a reflection of that part of Nature's cycle that deals with death and consumption. She is a predator, maybe even the penultimate predator, and without her this world would never survive.

"So I was allowed to witness the truth of Winter's existence, and I'm sure she saw the truth of mine. She gave her consent to my desire to help my comrades, and after speaking with Albatross she vanished and pulled Acrasia with her. Angelle was out cold, and Ria looked dead, but I saw to them while Albatross helped everyone else. Aebard needed emergency care, but everyone survived, and we all returned to Therion once we were all stable."
At this point there were two other perspectives that could be called, from both Angelle and Ria, and Alex let either of them take over from there. She'd said enough, at least for the time being.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

"Well, after you were, uhm.... Arrested, mommy and me and a bunch of other people went and had drinks, and then we all went to where that man died. A soldier stopped us, but he was nice and went with us instead of trying to make things harder like all of the others did. When we got there, the man that let us in was there and helped us get below the arena. We wandered around trying to get to the spot below where we were sitting for a while, and when we found it monsters attacked us! Mommy, Ria, the knight who Mommy fought first, and the guard were all hurt really bad!"

It was about then that Angelle paused, an uncomfortable look on her face, but after a moment she continued; "Then the Lady Albatross and I ran away while everyone else stayed behind to fight the monsters, and when we were far enough away from them she grabbed me and we just vanished and appeared back on the street. A few minutes later Mommy and everyone else were back, but everyone was really badly hurt.

"Then, a little bit after that, Mommy was talking to Lady Albatross, and something.... Something just grabbed me. It was really cold, and it took me away. That was when I met the lady who talked to me about, uhhhh, cat eating. The cold really hurt, but when she saw that I was conscious she talked about making Mommy and I slaves, and... And a bunch of other bad stuff! After a while I fell asleep, but when I woke up Mommy was there, and so was Mr. Haedrin and Miss Ria and a bunch of other people. We walked back to Therion, and then got a room, and I heard Mommy making these weird noises for a long while in her room with Lady Albatross, but I guess she was healing her. She must have needed to do more too, because I heard the same noises in the morning!" Aescila offered Alex a knowing smirk at that part, and Ria quirked an eyebrow at the dragoness before shifting her gaze back to Angelle.

The hybrid only had a little bit more of her story to go, however, and on she went seemingly heedless of the reactions of the two demonblooded members of their party; "Then we went out and met some of Mommy's friends, who were friends of, uhhhh.... Roko! They were Roko's friends, or at least one of them was. The man that we met yesterday, before we went to the arena and all that other stuff happened! Anyway, we went to breakfast and had really good pastries, and then went to the man's house and met his wife, and they were really nice. Mommy and them talked for a while, and then we left and found miss Ria, and Mommy went to get her armor repaired by this rude guy. Then we went to a guard station and he told us to come here, and then we got here and got you back!"

After Angelle had fallen silent, Alex was able to turn to the oni and make her announcement, followed by her question. "Might as well," Ria grunted at the mention of Calkis, the oni's face twisting into a firm scowl. When it was clear that that portion of the story was up to her, Ria explained in an utterly blunt tone; "After the faerie took the little one to safety, we were in pretty dire straights. There was a swarm of these ugly black snake things, not very big but damn did they hit hard, and they were starting to surround us when the guard we'd been saddled with decided to get off the ground. This was after his throat had been torn out more or less down to the bone, mind you. He had a good bit more hair than when he'd gone down too, plus some fairly... Canine... Features, if you catch my drift."

Aescila and Angelle looked alarmed, and Aes quickly demanded clarification; "He was a werewolf!?" Ria nodded before continuing; "Yup. Tore a few of 'em apart, and gave us time to back off and kill a bunch of the things, which seemed to make them think twice about snacking on us. Unfortunately, then HE decided that he wanted to snack on us, and Alex here was barely standing at the time and needed a chance to prepare before she could make the dog heel. She had the man we had with us, Sir Andrast, try to hold the beast off, but that thing was faster than the poor bastard could handle. By the time Alex and I got him off, he'd taken Gregor's arm off at the elbow and crushed his collar like so much kindling. Alex knocked the wolf out and I carried both of them out while she tried to find a way back up into the street, and then we got harassed by the guards some more."

When Alex made it clear that she wanted to fill in the rest, Ria happily fell silent again and allowed the half-dragon to fill in everything after they'd left the catacombs beneath the arena. Aes gave her the same attention that she'd given Ria and Angelle during their portions of the storytelling, and those two listened attentively enough as well, Angelle having not yet known of much of this and Ria having missed portions of it after she'd been knocked out. The dark angel proved a very captive audience at this point, taking on a startled look when Alex spoke of the threat posed by the satyrs and a knowing smirk (which Ria shared) when she spoke of Haedrin's dramatic demand of the hostile goatmen. Her smirk vanished quickly when Alex moved on to Acrasia, and though Ria's did too she initially looked confused. The oni quickly adopted a look of horror far deeper than that of Aescila as Alex described the effects that the faerie queen's presence had had on her, while her mate offered her a sympathetic gaze that bespoke of knowing something of what that sensation might be. The two had been one in mind and soul many times, and the memories that Aescila had of her time in Hell before the invasion that had brought her to the mortal world contained instances similar to what Acrasia had done, albeit not nearly as potent and never made simply by being present.

In contrast to the first faerie queen's description, Aescila's look of fright and horror was far greater than Ria's as Alex went on to describe Mab's arrival, the oni likely unable to fathom that kind of power properly while Aescila certainly could. They had seen many things together, in one another's memories as well as over the course of their relationship, and for Alex to describe Mab as she did to Aescila meant things that Aescila was able to understand without Alex even having to mention them. Even so, going over Mab's reaction to Alex seemed to calm the angel, and after Alex was finished she nodded and said; "Well.... That's certainly quite a number of somethings. I can't say that I like any of them, nor that I missed all of it for that matter, but at least it all seems like it's over."

Ria, shrugging, said; "Seems that way, yeah. I guess she got a few clues from me about her brother on top of that," she gestured towards Alex with her head, "and your little one seems to think she owes me. I dunno about that, but I do know that I managed to get a decent batch of coin out of the spoils from that fight. Alex already got her share, and the faeries and the knights didn't make any issue out of not getting a piece of that, which sits fine in my mind. We probably ought to go and pick up her armor from Benan's though, like I said, he doesn't like to be kept waiting for long, and it's probably almost done right about now."

Assuming Alex had no complaints, as neither Aescila nor Angelle had any, Ria coughed up eight coins and then left Alex to pay the other seventeen on the bill, plus whatever she'd like to leave as a tip for the servers. Once their bill had been settled and the four of them had tromped outside, it was a decent walk back to Benan's Bones before Alex found herself once more faced with the wiry, unsociable blacksmith. He was sitting at his counter with a book in his hands, a frown upon his pinched face as he poured over its contents, and didn't seem to notice her as she walked in. The others had opted to wait outside unless she'd asked any of them come in with her, leaving the half-dragon to face the strange blacksmith alone.