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Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 60/85

The girl looked shocked that Cassandra would think she'd want to return right then. "N-not right now, goodness no! I need to meet my family in secret so I can tell them the truth." she said.

"To be honest," Lilith sighed. "He'll probably use your family as bait once he realizes you've left. Given how we're the only people gone, it isn't far fetched to say that he knows it was a rescue operation. Whether he can link that to Cassandra or not is another story." she said. "Regardless, returning to your home would be playing right into his hands."

The girl looked distressed. "B-but I-"

Houri spoke over her. "Shut up and understand why you got caught in the first place. Just listen to us and everything will work out." she said.

Then, they walked... Cassandra and her entourage arrived at the camp. The goblins alerted Elora to her arrival, who emerged wearing naught but string tied panties and a trail of saliva going own her chin and gave immediate alert to the sight of Houri and Lilith. Elora would restrain the two of them under command of the goblins unless Cassandra outed them and said they were not a danger. If she decided to let the two mercs be restrained, the goblins would commence their gang bang on them. "Good job, Cassandra. She looks healthy too." she commented.

"Elora..." the girl inquired with wide eyes. "You were here the whole time? I was told that you were taken out and killed like a dog!" she exclaimed.

"No, just more lies, Lauren." Elora replied simply. "I unfortunately had to become a goblin mistress while I was here..." she said, before looking to Cassandra and her four remaining goblins who were all looking up at her expectantly. "You did a great job, Cassandra. I can take it from here. I know you're in a bad way... And I kind of have a plan to help you if you'd trust me." she stated, before bringing Lauren into her tent. "I'm going to speak with Lauren and catch up, find out how we can exploit the fat man. Meanwhile, you should deal with those little goblins looking at you like pathetic pups." she instructed the mage, before vanishing into the tent with the victimized girl.

If Cassandra turned around to face the source of what became tugging on her skirt, the healer would see the four goblins looking at her with full expectance. Having completed their task, they sought her approval. "We do good? Did we please thee, boobie healer!?" one goblin inquired. "One of our brothers died for your beauty! You are pleased! You must be pleased!" a second insisted. "He died thinking of your pussy! His sacrifice for you!" a third announced that the goblin's death was entirely for Cassandra's favor. Meanwhile, the warriors minus one awaited Cassandra's decision.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

After a bit of talk, the rescued girl actually turned around, opting to go with the group instead, which was probably a smarter decision than heading to her home right afterwards. With that choice made, they departed with less haste this time, a thing that Cassandra would not mind in the least. She'd had enough running for a little while.

Back at the camp, Elora soon greeted them, not particularly keen on having the two mercs there apparently. Cassandra would state that she had hired them, not wanting them to be molested or worse, which would certainly happen if she did not call the capture off. The two different ladies appeared to know each other, which the healer had not picked up on earlier. But that didn't bother her, really making her feel a little better about herself as a result, having united these friends again. "I'm not going anywhere, so I'll be around to see what this plan of yours is. It's not a matter of trust." she told Elora before they retreated to the inside of her tent, leaving Cassandra with the two mercenaries and the goblin squad.

And oh dear did the goblin squad come at her afterwards with their begging. They had performed good, and one of them had indeed died along the way, which Cassandra had not liked in the least. Whatever they did on their free time, the fact remained that they had helped her pull off her little stunt. As much as she hated to, she had no real choice besides going along with them. After telling Lilith and Houri to find themselves some place to be at, she would ask the goblins to take the encounter to a more private place, where she would willingly follow them to, fully expecting the squad to take control as soon as they were there.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 85/85

Elora nodded, quietly retreating into her tent, while Lilith and Houri decided to stay outside of the tent that the goblins all took Cassandra to. Contrast to before, the goblins were a lot more respectful to Cassandra. Especially when she was inside the tent. They threw their loin cloths off, and looked to Cassandra, as if waiting for her to get naked as their thick goblin cocks steadily got harder the more she removed from her person. In more control than before, the goblins looked for Cassandra's sexual invitation before they'd move in and commence the gang bang.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Inside the tent, the goblins were fairly less assertive than Cassandra had been expecting. They tossed their own clothes, or what could be counted as such, aside when they reached the tent, but besides that they barely did anything besides look at the healer with their expectant gazes. "You aren't making this easy, you know. she told them as she unbuttoned her minidress, the garment getting set aside afterwards, followed by her underwear in short order. Removing her boots or gloves didn't seem relevant, so she skipped on that entirely. Finally she set her circlet on top of the clothing pile, wanting to avoid damaging it in case the gobbos started getting wilder than expected on her.

Having done all that, she looked for a more comfortabke spot than the ground was, like a hay pile or similar. If she had to get group fucked by the goblins, might just make it somewhat better for herself. Assuming she found such a spot, Cassandra would get down onto her knees to wait for the inevitable.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 85/85

Getting naked, and voicing her issue, the goblins looked a bit confused. "B-but, Elora says that this is the way we fuck people nicely! She was very angry when we last ruined her clothes! And unbuttoning a bra ourselves is too hard!" he stated. It seemed it was all for Cassandra's sake.

When she got naked and presented herself though, the goblins happily accepted her invitation. One immediately jumped on her ass, and stabbed his cock into her asshole. The goblin began moaning as he bucked his hips. His fat dick stretching out her asshole as she felt his green balls slap against her pussy. "Can we impregnate you, mistress! Can we use your pussy!?" a second goblin asked as he opened her pussy and began to tongue her clit. Meanwhile, a third goblin came up to her mouth, gripping her head with one hand and sitting down, encouraging her to bob her head down and suck his cock. If she allowed the third to rape her pussy, he would quickly stand up and join his brothers, all three fucking her at once. Otherwise he wouldn't and none would cum inside her pussy, possibly impregnating her.

The ball slapping sex would continue until the goblins would cum. Cum filling her ass, mouth, and optionally her pussy as well. The last goblin would jump on her and replace the other in her ass, and if she refused vaginal sex then the third goblin would ask her to blow him next and make him swallow his load to follow, as the other goblin did as the other did and fucked her ass raw and dumped a second load inside of her, filling her ass with so much cum that her anal ring explodes with corrupted seed from around his fat dick. Satisfied, the goblins would retreat, and all take to sleeping. Considering this seemed to be one of their rape tents, there were many small sleeping rolls, and one large one that Cassandra would fit on. She could sleep right there with the four goblins if she wished, and see what the morning had in store for her.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Assuming the position was an invitation to the goblin squad, who set upon Cassandra before she had barely even settled down. Getting one up the butt was not the most pleasant of experiences, but that was completely fine given the alternative. "No... leave my pussy alone... I don't want to be pregnant... like this... she denied the request to start nailing her flower, not wanting to risk getting pregnant and making things even harder than they alreasy were with the healer's weak physical condition. That was about as much as she could say though as one of the goblins plugged her face up with his cock, making Cassandra blow him in a fairly unenthusiastic manner. If the one guy molesting her clit had not been there, she would probably have gone through the whole ordeal without any enjoyment of her own. Salvaging what little joy she could from the experience, Cassandra obediently took all the dick she was given, not fighting back in any way as she endured the butt violations while sucking off the two insistent goblins, managing to get off herself just once as she swallowed the loads with both ends. Eventually the foblins were done, and left her behind just like that.

Slumping onto the floor, Cassandra looked around for something that was not her own clothing to use as a wipe, which she would use after trying to manually eject the cum from her ass. After a good wipe, she would retire to the bed, not keen on messing up her clothes as she still had stuff on her. Cleaning properly would have to wait until morning.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 85/85

Cassandra decided to not get pregnant, much to the sadness of the goblins who wished to replenish their numbers. Regardless, Cassandra would be allowed to sleep until morning. She'd come to find that she would sleep far longer than she intended. Noon was already in the sky and the tent was empty, leaving Cassandra alone, dirty with cum and with her wrinkles clothes.

She awoke seemingly to the sounds of someone approaching. That someone would be Elora coming into her tent. "Cassandra. I hope I didn't wake you." she declared. "I returned the girl to her home. Together, along with the aid of the two most valued guards, exposed the mayor's secret. It was rather unceremonious. We announced his false nature and the people didn't refuse it. He was taken and hung for his crimes of rampant rape and kidnapping, and now they are holding complicated discussions of who to make Mayor next." she announced. "Here's the thing, they are thinking about me... So this means I can no longer run this gig with the goblins. So, sorry for making things complicated for you, but... Can you lead the goblins while I leave? They were essential to my plans of revenge and catered to my wishes. I'd hate to see them just die off. Besides, I have no actual reward to give you. I can only hope that these little creatures might satisfy you enough." she shrugged. "After all, you could use the muscle. What do you say, Cass? Can I pass them onto you while I return to my old life?" she inquired. Refusing would seem to cause Elora to make the conscious decision to stay with the goblins and lead them, in addition to helping them breed. There'd be little doubt that she'd stay with her family, and would flee into the wilderness.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

After a good bit of sleep, Cassandra woke up, not feeling particularly great as she had just gone through a goblin gangbang and was still rather... crusty from all that bonking. She was not given much time to make things any better though as the late wakeup was interrupted by Elora bursting into the tent with explanations as to what had happened while she had been snoozing off.

"That's cool and all... but what about my life..." Cassandra thought as she had gotten all there was to say about the happenings in town. But she didn't really want to make all the effort she had gone through to be completely worthless, so she probably had to go with this. "Yeah, sure..." she half-heartedly agreed to the proposition, not seeing many options to go for besides that. But more importantly, she wanted to get cleaned up, and would look for an opportunity to do that as soon as possible.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 85/85

"I don't know about your life, Cassandra. I believed you were a traveler, so why not keep traveling? If you're actually a maiden looking to settle down, there are respectable men in this town despite the mayor's reputation." Elora informed Cassandra. "What do you want to do, Cassandra?" she asked, making it sound like a rhetorical question. "If you're looking for the next adventure, there's still the mystery of what happened to the other women that went missing. As far as we can tell, only the biggest trouble makers were given the kind of treatment I was. The other girls, who went on trips and never even sent letters? I'm sure the fat bastard had something to do with it."

"He did," Lilith nodded, looking like she was fresh from having a bath while still donning her limited armor. "He had a deal with some slaver who liked nice, young women. He made himself rich and fat off of the people he sold. The slaver's name was Wenturn, a dark skinned man that rode from the direction of Anudor."

"There's a town in that direction." Houri added. "We never went there, but that's probably where the slaves went... Before they likely went somewhere else." she shrugged. "I will say though, don't even think about getting your hopes up for seeing those slaves again. It's been years. They could be anywhere in the world by now. They're gone." she stated firmly that whatever Cassandra decided, saving all the slaves was impossible. Or rather, it'd likely take her entire natural life to do it.

Elora nodded. "There you go. Ending that slave operation would be a blessing to us all. You can do that either with the goblins or not. I only suggest you take them as it'll only make things hard for the next person like you or me who fumbles upon them and gets raped. With you in control, you can avoid a disaster, or lead them to their deaths... Do whatever you want, Cassandra. Don't look at me as if I took something from you." she said with a frown, before pointing back to the town. "The inn owner has a gift for you, if you care to return to town. He apparently fancies you, and figures you'll stay while he acts as the man candidate to marry you." she let out a deep breath after all that. "Anyway, I have to hurry back, I said I'd only be away for a moment to speak with you. Your options are open, Cassandra. Only you can make them."
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

"Not sure how long I could travel with this financial situation..." Cassandra thought about her situation. She had not even paid the two girls yet, so it was unlikely that she could really make any moves without earning some further wealth to make it easier. "But yeah, that might be something to look into. In a bit." she agreed to hearing all the stuff about these slavers and their activities in the area. The mention of the inn owner was a curious thing, and intrigued the healer more than the talk about slavers. Considering the majority of the village had been treating her like she was gutter trash, it was refreshing to know that at least someone wanted to see her.

"I'll visit town first. Let's plan our next moves after that is done. If I come back, that is." she stated her intentions, feeling slightly better as she went to find the water for cleaning up. Only after she had cleaned up did Cassandra move, going by herself but not denying anyone from joining her if they wanted to as she made the trip to the town and the inn specifically to see the kindly keeper man and hear what he had to say.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 85/85

Making her way to the river to clean up, Cassandra would find that some goblins were peeping on her while she did so. They'd leave her be whether she chased them off or not, allowing her to get clean.

Making her way to the town, Elora would be walking out of the mansion with a bag in her hand. "You said you had a bad financial situation? The townspeople said they'd be happy to give you food, and the freed victims of the mayor's torture chambers are vouching for you." She said. Soon after, the rest of the town were realizing Cassandra had arrived. They came out in droves, apologizing and thanking her for saving their family when they had no idea they were suffering right under their noses. They had so many gifts of apology to bring that Elora fashioned a wooden crate, which became filled with jerky, water, and various fruit baskets. To help carry all that cargo, the wagon that the mayor apparently used to cart off victims was now without an owner. That was also given to Cassandra, along with the horse that pulled it.

Out of the familiar tavern came the man with the red mohawk. He seemed very excited to speak with Cassandra. "Hey, w-welcome back!" he declared, as if a bit shy all of a sudden around her. "You've been busy, huh?" he asked, while Elora handed Cassandra a bag of 100 denarii. "I didn't think you were such an amazing person, to have done all that. But you certainly made a lot of people happy... So..." he cleared his throat. "If you ever need a place to sleep... The premium suite that I made for rich customers will always be open to you. Free of charge, so you'll always have a place to sleep, and a home to return to..." he trailed off at the last bit, turning deep red as if revealing perhaps too much that he wanted her to stay. Though, he was now searching for words, wanting to keep talking to Cassandra but unable to think of what to say.
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

For perhaps obvious reasons, Elora did come along with Cassandra, both of them making it back to town in short order. What awaited her was a little bit overkill in the healer's mind, but she was certainly not going to say no to these people, thanking them right back for their collective gifts. After having spent the recent months on the road in shady taverns and creaky caravans, she welcomed the chance to have something nice for a change. With the money and the supplies on that cart, she might actually get to move around in relative comfort for some time.

In the inn, Cassandra met with the keeper again, who was suddenly a fair bit more awkward than last time when they met. Amazing? Not so sure about that, I just do what I feel is right for my fellow man to have a better existence, with the abilities I have been given. And the people compensated me, maybe a little excessively to be honest. she spoke with him, accepting the guy's offer for the free room and possible home when it might be necessary for her needs. What followed was intriguing, and the healer liked this man enough, so she decided to stick around for a bit further as there was no real hurry to go right that minute. Taking a seat on the counter, Cassandra would take it easy and let the man gather himself if he wanted to ask her something more. Even if he didn't, she would order a glass of wine if he had any, just to have something to enjoy. After running through the forest repeatedly, being gangbanged twice by goblins and sneaking around sex dungeons, she wanted something to ease her tension with.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 85/85

He shook his head. "Excessively? You brought broken families back together! You're a hero by all standards!" the mohawk man declared, before noting that she wished to have a seat and order something. He poured her a glass of wine, one of his best bottles. It tasted delicious.

"Be modest as you may, Cassandra, you are amazing. There's no denying that. Elora told us she was trying to bust that man for a while, and we had all but forgotten about her after she was in his prison for almost a damned year, made to carry his young even! She went through Hell, but still had enough determination to stand up against him. On that note, you're both amazing. She just needed someone like you to come and finish the job." he declared.

He went into the back, and prepared Cassandra a fine meal. Cooked chicken, salted and peppered, with sliced carrots in butter, and mashed potatos that were moist and decently coated with butter. The carrots tasted perfect, and if she wished to salt them, she could. The potatos were creamy, and the chicken was rich with the flavor of onion. It was a divine meal for a traveler. "Is it good?" the man asked, looking quite happy Cassandra was enjoying it. "If you're not leaving, I can cook you many more meals like that..." he said. Then, he'd wait until she was done eating before he'd collect her plate, and place his hand over her own. "I'd be happy to support you... Whenever, really. You see... You probably get this a lot, but... I liked the look about you the moment I saw ya. I knew you were a good person just trying to get by and help people. I really think there needs to be more people like you in the world... So, naturally... I wouldn't want to see you go." he said, before letting go of her hand to scratch his head. "Ah, fuck. I guess what I'm trying to say is..."

He blushed. "Do you wanna come upstairs with me, and... Get a backrub or something? I'm pretty good at it."
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

"Maybe I just might be something like that..." Cassandra somewhat agreed as she took the initial sip of the wine she had asked for and heard all the stuff about Elora and her experiences in the past year or so. The man had decided to make something else for her too apparently, as she couldn't really even get to finishing the wine before a pleasant-looking meal was brought to her. The healer had not eaten yet during the day, so she was most thankful of the gesture. She was even more thankful for the fact that the food was good as hell, the simplicity not really making a difference as she had eaten all kinds of slop during the many days of travel she had gone through.

After finishing up the food, Cassandra was met with some more kind words by the man, who really appeared to fancy her. "I do have to leave for another task. But... I think I'll come back after seeing to that. I hope so at least." she told him, not going into specifics but basically telling him that they might have a future together. When he asked about them going upstairs for some private time, she actually decided to accept his offer. She was fairly sure that this fellow was a good man, but she wanted to see how he acted around her in a more intimate situation.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 85/85

Going upstairs, Cassandra and the man would find their way into his room, which looked full of his personality. He had one corner of his wall dedicated to what seemed to be plans for unique types of food. The combinations he had seemed to have the logic of combining several delicious things together to create something even more delicious. Granted, everything he seemed to want to make looked insanely unhealthy.

After bringing her up to the room, he offered her to sit or lay down wherever she liked. After she did so, provided she remained with her clothes on, he would go about getting into position to start giving her shoulders a firm massage. After all her trials, his massage worked to loosen up her muscles that had seen their fair share of travel. The relaxing sensation of his hands kneading her shoulders, and soon her upper back, came as the true job well done for completing her objective.

If she did so much as even removing her top, the man would blush deeply, but still keep to his promise. Although he would soon be sporting a tent in his pants as a result of Cassandra showing some more skin.

"Hey, Cassandra... Did you really mean what you said? That you'd come back? It's just..." he'd give an awkward clear of his throat. "I mean, if you really intend to come back, I wouldn't mind... Waiting for you, ya know?" he declared, giving suggestion that he'd ignore other women just to reserve himself for her.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Going along with the inn man, Cassandra was brought to his room, which was a nice enough place. There was a professional corner present, a food planning area of sorts in one side of the room. While the majority of the ideas there looked nice, eating them for extended amounts of time would probably make one fat in a hurry, the ingredients in most combinations looking like that or even a little bit worse.

Making her little test a little bit harder on the man, Cassandra actually took off her dress, which was less than her usual attire but not completely exposing her as she had her underwear around after the main article had been removed. This did not appear to make things too hard or make the guy do something out of place, which satisfied the healer and her expectations. The rub was certainly not bad either, and she appreciated it as there was a need for some tension release in her current shape. With the rub done, she got back into her clothes again, not missing out on the tent pitching but not making a statement about it either.

"Yeah, of course. While I do feel that my talents would be at their best if shared around the world, I don't think I have it in me to be some kind of wandering hero. So, I think why not try to see what happens if I settle down? Which I can't do just yet, as unfortunate as that is." she would give him her honest mind.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 85/85

Upon putting her clothes back on, and announcing that she was indeed thinking about settling down at some point, the innsman beamed with a smile. Before Cass could finish the last of her sentence, she'd find his hands placed upon her own, and the man leaning in. He placed his lips upon hers, and kissed her right then and there before pulling away, looking like someone who just won the jackpot at the end of the rainbow. "I'll be looking forward to your return. I'll have a nice meal ready for you, and a hot bath, and the best massage in Badaria." he declared heartily. Though, as he tried to impress upon her, she was impressing upon him as his eyes were visibly straining to not just sink into the huge orbs resting on Cassandra's chest. It looked like it was killing him that she put her outfit back on.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

The reply she gave appeared to make the man rather joyful, and Cassandra found herself being grabbed and kissed in a rather hasty manner, as if she had already wed herself to him or something. She could understand him though, as she had heard all kinds of compliments about herself, and now she had practically promised to become his wife , which was certainly something that a possibly lonely man like him would like. "Sounds good, hmm. she admitted to liking the prospect.

But as was the usual way with basically every man she met, the attention quickly shifted to Cassandra's chest, the size of it serving as a particularly powerful attraction to them. "Somethng on my chest?"
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 40/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 85/85

"Y-yeah, something..." He nodded. "It's your shirt, it's not done up all the way," he declared, though there was a very good reason for that. Still, to cover up his lewd stare, he tried to fix her shirt. Though even as she may try to stop him from buttoning up what couldn't possibly be buttoned, it was too late. He was pulling the shirt together, and created the worst case scenario.

The most important parts of the shirt, that held the foundation together for her large breasts, all broke one at a time, until her shirt parted open to make way for the bounty of a chest she had, which bounced and greeted the first thing they saw, the mohawked man.

Whether it was due to the clothes being old, or simply too small. It seemed they reached their limit just in that moment. Swallowing a lump in his throat, the man's face was deep red. "We... need to get you new clothes..." he said slowly, though now his eyes were locked on her breasts. Like a medusa's stare, her nipples seemed to turn his muscle control into stone. Unless Cassandra took action, it seemed like the man would move his thumbs up to try and slowly slide her bra off too, to reveal the flesh of her chest.
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

"Really now? Alright then..." Cassandra questioned the intention to button her shirt/dress, which she knew was a lie as her clothing was not exactly buttoned. But there still was the whole clip to attach the upper trim of the cloth onto, so maybe it was that. But before she could point out the needlessly forceful approach that might not end well, the worst did happen as the worn garment gave out under stress, which it had already endured a fair amount of in the healer's use. And just like that, she was only a bra away from being exposed again. She did have the belt on the lower area of her torso, but that would do little to cover up unless she strapped it directly over her tits, which was not something that the belt would be capable of doing.

"Yeah... I really can't go out in this..." she agreed as the man managed to come out with the words. As much as she wanted to stop what was happening, Cassandra was feeling the moment in a good way, and thus did not stop what was about to happen. She wanted to see the man's actions further, how he would treat her and such.