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Video Game Riddles

Re: Video Game Riddles

I'm pretty sure it starts and ends on novels, with a manga and an anime thrown in there somewhere. Like I said though, I never trust the continuity of things outside games, so they never really seem canon in my eyes.

So it's Darkfire then
Re: Video Game Riddles

Well, I know the first novel ends with the scene of Lady crashing into Dante's office which, if I'm not mistaken, is the beginning of DMC. It's very strange, the novel, the second one even moreso in that all the bigbads from the game near the end are apparently on *Dante's* side. I consider them a good read but they've not been named canon, no.
Re: Video Game Riddles

It's Devil May Cry 3. DMC4 would also be a good answer too though, given the series' looks given to its male leads. I'm gonna give it to Darkfire, since he answered first.

Its been awhile since I played the game, why is devil may cry 3 the one you picked for the riddle? Or should I say...what in the riddle references deivl may cry 3 versus the others? (obviously a big fan of DMC, Sparta obviously made me think of DMC.) lol Only riddle here that stood out for me. haha *remembers the opening fight scene/level in DMC3.* The pizza box, the reaper creatures and them going 'oh fuck he didn't die!' (haha..well not literally but I bet they were thinking it!)

[I know theres still one going and darkfire is next... but since we've had multiple riddles within this thread....but I suck at completing riddles anyways, so only chance is doing multiple haha.]

[From the main character's 'words' but looking for the game]
I am from the old age,
I live by the Bushido,
You may even know my enemy, from real history.
Orbs of power, brought to my hand.

My journey begins, with my companion and friend,
the kunoichi goes one way and I go the other.
Faced against demons,
I must save the crown girl.

[it may be lame and it may be easy... >.> probably for hard core gamers it will be easy. XD If so I'm gonna think of a harder one later haha -hopefully-]
Re: Video Game Riddles

I'm thinking either Onimusha or Godai (if I'm spelling that right.) Also, kickass avatar. Luv Dante!
Re: Video Game Riddles

I'm thinking either Onimusha or Godai (if I'm spelling that right.) Also, kickass avatar. Luv Dante!

Its a specific game referenced in the Onimusha series but, I'll say thats close enough cause you didn't say 2 or 3. :p

Its referencing Onimusha: Warlords (if the psx/ps2[forget which it was on]) and then Genma Onimusha (xbox version of the first one).

[to see why. I said it.]
[line1:] Game takes place in like 12-16th century (forget exact date)
[line2:] Bushido is the code of the samurai..Samanosuke Akechi is a samurai.
[line3:] Nobunaga Oda, or Oda Nobunaga, is a real history warlord or something along the lines. As well as his second in command and Samanosuke's father. Mitsuhide(sp?) Akechi.
[line4:] He absorbs orbs into his gauntlet to be powered up. (different color, different aspect)

[line4-5:]In the beginning of the game, they are at a fork in the road. Samanosuke and Kaede(his friend who is a Kunoichi[female ninja]) and she goes off in one direction towards I believe its the village but its been awhile. As well as Samanosuke goes the other.
[line6] The game pits the Genma(demons) versus the man character.
[line7:] You're trying to save Princess Yuki, she's called you to help due to the recent events. If I remember correctly.
Re: Video Game Riddles

Wraust why are you answering your own riddle?
Did copper already answered and your just showing why the yaoi fangirl is correct? Did I mention copper loves yaoi? I thank copper for this website. Its win.
Re: Video Game Riddles

Wraust why are you answering your own riddle?
Did copper already answered and your just showing why the yaoi fangirl is correct? Did I mention copper loves yaoi? I thank copper for this website. Its win.

yes she answered. lol shesh. >.> I was just saying to those who didn't know, did know, or whatever. So it was clear what it was saying. :p
Re: Video Game Riddles

Its a specific game referenced in the Onimusha series but, I'll say thats close enough cause you didn't say 2 or 3. :p

Its referencing Onimusha: Warlords (if the psx/ps2[forget which it was on]) and then Genma Onimusha (xbox version of the first one).

[line3:] Nobunaga Oda, or Oda Nobunaga, is a real history warlord or something along the lines. As well as his second in command and Samanosuke's father. Mitsuhide(sp?) Akechi.

Warlords was on the PS2. A little more "brawler" than the previous series, apparently. And yes, you spelled Mitsuhide correctly, unless Samurai Warriors gets it wrong, too.

Wraust why are you answering your own riddle?
Did copper already answered and your just showing why the yaoi fangirl is correct? Did I mention copper loves yaoi? I thank copper for this website. Its win.

Also, I did not originally post that link, though I've been commenting *about* the series. Although, if you want a good take on my personality, I'm soooo Zii (with a bit of Gary mixed in).

Gimme time to come up with something new. I can do riddles, but video game riddles take a bit longer.
Re: Video Game Riddles

I called it specifically as DMC3 because the riddle mentions that it's the game where Dante's work begins. And in DMC3, he's just moved into his shop and hasn't even named it yet until the end of the game. As for the Sparda bit, it may, admittedly, have taken a bit of a stretch of the imagination to reach where I was going with that, but the game revolves around the tower in which the portal to Hell had been before Sparda sealed it. Mostly, the reference to Sparda was just to specify which series I was talking about, since the rest was fairly generic to the genre.
Re: Video Game Riddles

I called it specifically as DMC3 because the riddle mentions that it's the game where Dante's work begins. And in DMC3, he's just moved into his shop and hasn't even named it yet until the end of the game. As for the Sparda bit, it may, admittedly, have taken a bit of a stretch of the imagination to reach where I was going with that, but the game revolves around the tower in which the portal to Hell had been before Sparda sealed it. Mostly, the reference to Sparda was just to specify which series I was talking about, since the rest was fairly generic to the genre.

bah completely forgot about that. :p That it was his start in the riddle. >.<
And I started backwards too.
Played dmc2, then dmc1, then dmc3. o_O I worked my way back instead of forward. hahaha. Which if I'm correct it goes. DMC3 > DMC1 > DMC2 > DMC4 (stupid prequels! XD Though the dmc3 was better than dmc2 in my opinion but both very good.) Not played dmc4
Re: Video Game Riddles

A flash of light,
A thrumming beat,
Narry a word is spoken.
On this quest, truly
Pictures are worth 1000 words.

This is either going to be super-vague or epicly easy. Let's see which.
Re: Video Game Riddles

pokemon snap? Idk
Re: Video Game Riddles

A flash of light,
A thrumming beat,
Narry a word is spoken.
On this quest, truly
Pictures are worth 1000 words.

This is either going to be super-vague or epicly easy. Let's see which.

If it wasn't for the part about picture, I'd guess Shadow of the Colossus...

Unless of course that was meant to talk about how epic everything was, in which case I'd have to guess Shadow of the Colossus
Re: Video Game Riddles

A flash of light,
A thrumming beat,
Narry a word is spoken.
On this quest, truly
Pictures are worth 1000 words.

This is either going to be super-vague or epicly easy. Let's see which.

I haven't a clue, so I'm just going to guess Mother 2, since it at least vaguely fits the hints.
Re: Video Game Riddles

A flash of light,
A thrumming beat,
Narry a word is spoken.
On this quest, truly
Pictures are worth 1000 words.

This is either going to be super-vague or epicly easy. Let's see which.

FF X-2?
Re: Video Game Riddles

Newbie got it. It's Shadow of the Colossus. The flash of light is the sword to find the beasts. The thruming beat is the horse's hooves. And the last bit is to convey the fact that the game doesn't use much (if any) dialogue. (Couldn't remember if there was any dialogue at the end. Never actually seen it, just read about it.)
Re: Video Game Riddles

Yeah.I'm not actually going to come up with a riddle because I'm a bum. So the first person to come up with something can have it. I will however continue to participate, so there.
Re: Video Game Riddles

Yeah.I'm not actually going to come up with a riddle because I'm a bum. So the first person to come up with something can have it. I will however continue to participate, so there.

Thanks Newbie, I will

Play your family
Rewind through history
Choose your god
Mind fuck your sanity
Re: Video Game Riddles

Here's one from me. A direct quote with names removed.

gate guard - "...I've heard that shrine maidens make for good eating..."
"visitor" - "Don't spread rumors like that!"
So, uh... what's the answer to this one?

Play your family
Rewind through history
Choose your god
Mind fuck your sanity
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.


Pit bullets against plasma,
Missiles against UFOs.
Sometimes the new enemies
Are weaker than oldschool foes.
Re: Video Game Riddles

That obvious that you don't even wait for the confirmation?