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Villain Dungeon Creation Rules


Jun 18, 2009
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The simplest method to begin with is the Energy Cost method of making a dungeon.

The basic submission for initial dungeons should be in this format, sent in PM to a GM (I'm the only GM at the moment).
Stage 1
Option 1
Primary Type(Stat, Difficulty, Cost)
Secondary Type(Stat, Difficulty, Cost)
Other types(Cost):
Simple descripton:

Option 2
Primary Type(Stat, Difficulty, Cost)
Secondary Type(Stat, Difficulty, Cost)
Other types(Cost):
Simple descripton:
etc... With Stage 6 (the end-boss) having "Part1" and "Part2" instead of option1 and option2.

Every room has a cost to make (in energy), and the characters must bust through the dungeon stage by stage.

Every "stage" of a dungeon will have (at least) 2 options to choose from. If a character chooses a stage, roll their attempt against the stage's Challenge Rating, and the character passes or takes damage accordingly.

Until the system's bugs are worked out, please keep dungeon to the following format:
6 stages, 2 options per stage, except for stage 6 which is the end-boss stage.

For this size dungeon, you have 250 energy to work with, plus 50 more for each level of the Adventurer. (If you want to play with a higher level heroine, that is.)

You spend this Energy to make 12 "rooms". These rooms are your dungeon. A player will get to choose between 2 rooms on each of the first 5 stages, and the last "boss" stage they must face both challenges together.

Each challenge (primary or secondary) must choose which stat to "attack". You must limit yourself to no more than 5 "primary" attacks against a stat, and 3 "secondary" attacks against a stat for each dungeon (with the current setup, this will be expanded as the game rules expand).

Each challenge may have a Primary effect and up to 5 additional effects, plus 1 additional modifier per level of the dungeon. (Secondary Challenge, Modifiers, Special Effects (hidden, dead end, encampment, etc.))

This system is designed to make dungeons easy to create, easy to balance, and easy to understand, so that you, as a Villain, do not need to take forever looking up stats or building your own system. It's designed to get dungeons out and running, so everyone can focus on the playing, instead of the struggling with stats.

Further Info on Dungeon Building:
In the event of adding the Tech Stats, this usual limit of 5 primary and 3 secondary becomes 4 Primary and 2 Secondary per stat. If Tech is merely replacing an existing stat, the limit is unaffected. If a stat is removed (say a non-magic dungeon), the limit is raised to 5 primary and 5 secondary.

If you would like to level-up the characters used, you get an additional 50 energy for every 1 level the characters gain, use this to your advantage in creative traps!

Using the information below, a dungeon with nothing but "Primary, Default" and "Secondary, tough" challenges, would cost 204 energy (238 including boss modifiers on stage 6).

But of course, no one wants such a bland dungeon, right? That's where Modifiers come in. Instead of just spamming every challenge with Primary and Secondary effects, mix it up. Make some challenges deceptively nasty seeming by adding two secondary effects, then weaken it a lot. Or make a Primary Challenge suddenly insanely tough. Even worse, make it a miniboss!

Instead of always trying to balance both paths, try making one path harder, unexpectedly, or trick players out by adding several hidden challenges.

The end-boss does NOT need to be the Villain. Make it some evil creation instead, or a guardian if you don't feel right having your villain constantly showing up. If you make a string of dungeons linked together one by one, you could have the Villain be a final challenge for Adventurers to strive for.

Above all: Roleplay, Roleplay, Roleplay! Win or lose, the goal is to have fun while presenting your dungeon and idea to everyone. And we all know Villains aren't supposed to win in the end after all, right? ... but no one said anything about not getting to rape the heroine a few times along the way ;)

List of Challenges and their Energy Costs. (Simple Dungeons)
Challenge Type: Primary, Default.
Triggers: Primary, Automatically when starting a stage choice.
Base Challenge Rating: 16
Cost to Set: 10 energy. Base Modifier is 0.
Effectiveness (Balanced): 50%
Damage: 1 per point failed by.
Modifying: +1 Challenge Rating costs 3 energy and +1 Base Modifier.
(reverseable to -1 challenge rating for -3 energy and -1 base modifier.)

Description: A typical encounter for a level 0. These cost very little to put out and are your base attacks. A character with balanced stats has a 50%chance of success against this encounter. And even with a total fail (1), they would only take 10 damage. As a primary trap, it's cheap but slightly ineffective, should likely be used as filler for otherwise empty rooms.

Note on Secondary Challenges. If a negative modifier is in place, a challenge may be reduced to half of it's base cost, not below, this prevents exploitation of secondary challenges as a method of making costs negative to gain more points for a dungeon.

Challenge Type: Secondary, multiplier x1.
Triggers: when failing a primary challenge.
Base Challenge Rating: None, auto-scales to Primary Roll fail.
Cost to Set: 4 energy + (2x Base Modifier)
Effectiveness (Balanced): Same as Primary of the room.
Damage: Equal to Primary Damage.
Modifying: 50% more damage (rounded down) for +4 energy and + 1x Base Modifier. (can be taken multiple times)

Description: A typical additional challenge, useful for injuring stats with high Ability Score, as the ability score is ignored. The weakness of this trap type is that if the character is very tough in the primary stat, this will likely not do very much damage, if any at all.

Challenge Type: Secondary, Tough Roll.
Triggers: When failing a primary challenge.
Base Challenge Rating: 21
Cost to set: 7 energy + (2x Base Modifier)
Effectiveness (Balanced): 75%
Modifying: +1 Challenge Rating costs 1 energy + 1x Base Modifier.

Description: An advanced challenge doing more damage by having a tougher challenge roll. Due to it being a secondary challenge, it only activates if the Primary Challenge is failed, so the cost is substantially lowered compared to the Primary Challenge.

Challenge Type: After, Dead End.
Triggers: After defeating a challenge.
Base Challenge Rating: none.
Cost to Set: 5 energy. Hidden Cost 10. (Flat cost instead of using modifiers, net if hidden: 15 energy.)
Effectiveness (Balanced): None
Modifying: Costs an additional 5 energy per level of characters. (10 at level 1, 15 at level 2, etc. Hidden cost unchanged)

Description: A simple dead-end path. This kicks in after a challenge is completed, when the Adventurer realizes they must go back and complete a different challenge on this stage to continue. Useful for "encampments" to force the player to take a challenge after resting, but may be placed anywhere. Especially useful for making mazes with many branching options, but the high cost means it should be used sparingly.

Challenge Type: After, Encampment.
(EDITED! Encampment is now an after-effect on a challenge, forcing a player to defeat a challnge before entering the encampment area. Courtesty of Pheonix who indirectly alerted me that replacing a challenge entirely with an encampment seems unbalanced.)
Triggers: After defeating a challenge.
Base Challenge Rating: None.
Cost to set: Restores Gain 50 energy. Hidden costs 20. (Flat cost instead of using modifiers, net if hidden: Gain 30 energy.)
Notes: Encampment will not affect secondary challenge costs. If an encampment is hidden you must list a (Hidden) on that challenge, which may easily alert players to the presence of it.
Effectiveness (Balanced): None
Modifying: Gain an additional 10 energy per level of the character. (Example, 60 energy for level 1. 70 energy for level 2, etc.)

SPECIAL: A space with an encampment on it may have up to 2 additional modifiers on the challenge, forcing players to face a difficult task to reach the encampment's safety.

Description: A safe place for players to rest and recover. This "challenge" is typically added to larger dungeons with many branched paths in order to get more energy for higher range challenges. The rules for balancing encampments are still being worked out, but obvious attempts to abuse the system (such as placing encampments in the first stage so later stages can be super-powered), are not allowed. GM will rule if an encampment is valid or not.

Encampments restore up to 10 Points to a player (typically starting with Willpower), in any way the player sees fit, up to max points. Higher levels do not gain more points, however encampments are more tempting because it's easier to fully use a refill.

Challenge Type: Hidden (Single Trait, modified for hide-all).
(EDITED: This version of hidden may now be used to hide a single trait only (such as Encampment, or a particularly nasty 2nd challenge), but you still put "hidden" in for that trait. Cost reduced dramatically to scale for variation of encampment.)
Usage notes on Hidden:
If there are ANY Hidden traits in a challenge, you MUST add the *Hidden* tag (of some kind) on that challenge. However, no matter how many tasks are hidden, the "Hidden" trait only needs to be listed ONCE.

A Primary (17), Secondary (tough, 23), Dead End. With Secondary and Dead End both hidden, would be listed as: Primary*HIDDEN*.
A Primary (13), Secondary (multiplier x1). With the Secondary hidden, would also be listed as: Primary *HIDDEN*.
While a Primary (16), Secondary (Tough, 21), Dead End, Encampment... with only the encampment hidden, would be marked as: Primary(Secondary), Dead End *HIDDEN*

So having only an obvious trait hidden is a bad thing :p Try to take advantage of Hidden to lure players into making wrong decisions.
Triggers: Pre-Battle.
Base Challenge Rating: None.
Cost to set: 5 energy, unless noted special in the other trait's cost.
Effectiveness (Balanced): None.
Modifier: None

Description: Sometimes challenges are just meant to not be seen. From a well placed trap, to an ambush party, or a sexual curse over an area. Hidden challenges are simply listed as (Hidden) in the choices, allowing for the Villain to make the player question wether or not it's the right way to go.

RP should still be leading up, but make the player think twice about what they may encounter. Having creative hints is encouraged, and making it seem like a good idea to take this path is always a fun thing to do. A hidden encampment is a common occurance, to make the player avoid taking the bonuses and restoring their life, but the balance is the cost of 20 energy to hide an encampment. Almost half of what you would gain from the encampment itself.

(One possible RP approach for a hidden encounter is to play it as if it was a safe encampment when the character enters, then hit her with the challenge the next post in, ruining her hopes of restoring lost points. :p )

Challenge Type: Miniboss
Triggers: Primary + Secondary Challenge modifier.
Base Challenge Rating: Special.
Cost to set: Special.
Effectiveness (Balanced): Special.

Description: Sometimes just ordinary challenges won't cut it. The Miniboss is a special challenge that players will occasionally run across.

To create a Miniboss, use the typical stats from above, but add 50% to the final cost to create (rounded up if necessary).

In order to beat this boss now, the player must actually Succeed at the roll. Meaning a failed roll will cause damage and the player is not able to pass the challenge as they would other challenges. However, the Miniboss will be given a -2 to their challenge rating for each attempt a player makes, which slowly adds up to their defeat, if the player can survive the attacks, that is.

After failing a miniboss challenge, the Adventurer may choose to flee and try the other challenge in the stage, thus avoiding the miniboss... However the damage is likely already done.

Challenge Type: End-Boss (May or may not be the Villain, but it will end a dungeon if defeated)
Triggers: Primary + Secondary Challenge modifier.
Base Challenge Rating: Special.
Cost to set: Special.
Effectiveness (Balanced): Special.

Description: Similar to the miniboss in every way, except add 100% to the final cost to create instead of 50%.

The boss has one extra, special quality. Since the End-Boss is always in the final stage, it can NOT be avoided, and it may have TWO Primary Challenges.

If both primary challenges are beaten, the boss is defeated.

If only one is beaten, the boss is considered weakened, but will continue to fight, using BOTH Primary Challenges as attacks, until the second one is cleared as well.

That means (as an example) no matter how many times someone beats the boss' combat challenge, if they can't clear the Lewd Challenge, they'll simply be fucked into submission anyhow!

Both challenges will be given the same -2 per round as the Miniboss though, so make sure your boss has decent stats if you don't want to be defeated too quickly!

List of Challenges, modifiers, and more. (Advanced Dungeons, still being balanced)
Stage Modifier: Extra Path
One additional path option is added to a stage. The Villain gets 10% of their dungeon's base points added to the dungeon (so 250 for level 0 would get +25 energy, while a level 5 dungeon, at 500 base, would get +50 energy).

Path Modifier: Long Path
A single path is given a second step, making the same path take two primary challenges instead of just one. This may be done at no cost and no gain, however it must be shown both steps of this kind of challenge up front.

stage 2, Path 1: Naughty(Naughty) Path 2: Combat(Explore) - Long Path - Explore.
This way the Adventurer can see and accept that a given task will have multiple tests.)

Miniboss/Boss Modifier: Second Wind
A boss encounter must be passed twice in order to clear it. The boss will still suffer a cumulative -2 penalty per round. This doubles the boss modifier cost.

(So a miniboss would cost +100% instead of +50%. And the EndBoss would cost +200% instead of +100%.)

This may be used on one or both of the Endboss challenges, as each one is tallied seperately.

(Example of use: A 20 difficulty miniboss. Adventurer scores 21 first roll (win), the boss gets -2 and is now 18 for second round.
The adventurer gets 15 next round (loses, and suffers 3 damage, since 3 below 18), and the boss gets another -2. Making it a 16 for round 3.
When the adventurer gets a 22 on the third round (win) that is 2 successes, and the encounter is passed.)

Dungeon Modifier: Split Path.
The Villain may choose to create two (or more) branched paths in a dungeon. Each path must create a dungeon within the limits of the rules...

Recommended not to use, but will be allowed if dungeons are created that meet the simple requirement.

Dungeon Modifier: Hidden Path.
A special path available in certain stages. In order to access one of these paths, the player must pass (or fail) a challenge by a certain amount. When meeting this requirement, the Adventurer is given an additional option in the next challenge. Hidden Path's additional path is treated like the Extra Path ability, but only 8% of the dungeon's base cost, instead of 10%.
(250 would give 20 instead of 25. And +4 per level, instead of +5 per level.)

Unlike Extra Path though, these points must all be spent on the hidden path. Additional bonuses (such as encampments) put on a hidden path, must also all be spent on the path. You may spend more points on it, but no less.

Dungeon Modifier: Backtracking
Some dungeons, an Adventurer may just decide that they want to go back and re-attempt a task, or try a different path. This will happen especially often once inventory is added, and when Adventurers attempt to take advantage of encampments.

When backtracking, doing a same task over again, the player gets a +8 to attempting it, making completing a task a second time almost too easy. However, they automatically suffer 1 point of damage in re-completing a task, even on success. In the event of attempting to uncover a hidden path, or RP an attempt a second time, the player must declare which stage and which option they backtrack to (IF the dungeon allows backtracking).

Choosing an option you have NOT beaten yet in the same stage gives the challenge a +2 difficulty though!

If passing the challenge, the adventurer may take 3 damage (instead of 1) to adjust the roll to a 20 or a 1. Thus auto-unlock any hidden paths. (note, in the event of auto-rolling a 1, it is RPed as if they scored that badly, but they still only take 3 damage.)

NOTE! When backtracking is enabled, the Adventurer may return to an encampment location and restore lost points ONLY up to the 10 points they would gain normally. So a character that gains 5 points from taking an encampment, then only has 5 points left if they go to the encampment again. And if they use it up, the encampment is "used up" and cannot restore more life.

Dungeon Modifier: Inventory System!
Not yet ready/balanced. If you really want to test it out, then for now, Villains may add "stat gain potions". This potion costs -2 willpower (temp, not max), but gives +4 to one roll type. (IE, Combat, Naughty, Explore, Magic, Tech, etc.). The potion type is declared ahead of time, and is a one-shot item (That may be picked up multiple times if the player uses Backtrack), that gives 0 energy, but costs 0 energy to add to a dungeon. This is useful as "bait" for Adventurers.

Edit Log:
Secondary, Multiplier x1 - Cost reduced from 7 energy to 4 energy for base cost.
Encampment - Re-specced to an after-challenge modifier.
Hidden - Re-specced to hide only one challenge or type of effect. Cost reduced substantially.

Encampment restoration reduced from 20 to 10.
Modified the way Hidden Costs work on After-battle traits.
Expanded on the way Hidden functions, including a short usage example.
Dead Ends now cheaper too (but still cost 15 if they're hidden).

Futher edit today:
Changed cost of Hidden to a flat 5 energy, with exceptions noted for individual effects of Encampment and Dead End.

Modified Encampment and Dead End to scale with Adventurer/Dungeon level.
Adding suggested new room types for advanced rules set.

Overlooked part of the modifier rule that says each new level you may add 1 more modifier to each challenge stage. It's been added now.
You may have 5 modifiers per path, plus 1 per level of the dungeon.

Loophole with negative modifiers and secondary challenges, closed. Secondary challenges now always have a cost.
Last edited:
Re: Villain Dungeon Creation Rules

The sample dungeon!
(Notes on each stage put in blue. The notes are things I'm posting here for explination and shouldn't be added on the sheet submitted.)
Dungeon Name: Forest of Insectoids.
Dungeon Level: 2 (players may be 1 to 3 in level range)
(GM Note: By opening a dungeon to Adventurers of higher or lower level, you can effectively let the player decide if they want to be more or less likely to beat a dungeon. In this case, a level 1 is more likely to lose, while a level 3 is more likely to win, and a level 2 is properly scaled to the dungeon.)

Stat focus: All stats will come into play, but spirit will be slightly below average. Heavy Combat and Explore.

Kinks/Fetishes: Bugsex/Bestiality, Egg impregnation, Unusual bondage
(GM Note: Although Stat Focus and Kinks/Fetishes aren't required, they're useful for hinting at what players are to expect.)

Simple description:
The adventurer is sent to the vast northern borders of the kingdom where an unusual group of bandits have began attacking caravans. Information is sketchy at best to the adventurer, but she knows many women returning are impregnated, and goods are being stolen, though strangely, often the most valuable goods are left on the caravans after the attackers have already clearly won and taken everything they desire.

Overall dungeon info:
This dungeon will allow backtracking.
Cost xx / 350
(GM Note: As a level 2 dungeon, it starts with 250 + 50 + 50 maximum cost. I put a "xx / 350" marker here while making the dungeon, and only after I finished did I go back and confirm the numbers. If you find your dungeon coming up way over or way under a value, you can easily upgrade (or sometimes downgrade) the level of a dungeon to better fit what you've created. The only trait that is a major concern when downgrading is to ensure only 5 + 1-per level modifiers are on every challenge.)

Explore: 3 (2)
Spirit: 2 (0)
Combat: 2 (2)
Naughty: 2 (2)

(GM Note: Similar to scoring cost, I started this with a simple "0 (0)" mark on each, and ass I added challenges, I tallied them up here, to make sure I didn't go over the 5 (3) usual limit.)

Stage 1 - Finding the attack site.
The options are limited for an adventurer without direction. She can either visit local taverns and hope for a lead, or search wildly with the sparse clues that she already has, taking caravan after caravan until one is attacked.
Option 1
Primary Type: Explore, default - Challenge 14 (Modified -2), Cost 4
Secondary Type: Explore, Multiplier x2 (Base 12 + x4 modifier), Cost 4 (minimum 6)
Other types(Cost): None
Simple description:
Explore(Explore) - Rather than going to a tavern and enduring the long, drunken night of debauchery to obtain information on the attack, the Adventurer uses what she knows thus far to guess at where the attacks are taking place, and sets out to find these attackers. This challenge is fairly easy to pass, but if she fails, she winds up lost for several days on the road until she finally stumbles across it, and suffers for it accordingly thanks to the x2 modifier.

(GM Note: Adding it up, the default has 2 modifiers, multiplier x2 is 3 modifiers, so this is 6 total. 1 below the maximum. Costs are clearly listed, description is fairly smooth and easy, but obviously not up to the final RP standards, it's just a basic idea of it. This is a good way to show each step.)

Option 2
Primary Type: Combat, default - Challenge 14 (Modified -2), Cost 4
Secondary Type: Naughty, tough - Challenge 25 (+4) (11 base + x6 modifier), Cost -1 (minimum 6)
Other types(Cost): None
Simple description:
Combat (Naughty) - Heading to the local taverns to get more information on where the attacks have been taking place at, the adventurer must put up with the everyday task of extracting information from a small town. Drinking, barfighting, intimidating, and just plain having the money to throw around will ensure that the information is good. Of course, such efforts always have a risk, and failing to get the information easily could lead to anything from a bad decision from drinking too much, to getting beat up (and more) from an angry thug she tried to intimidate, just to name a couple possibilities.

(GM Note: Here we see a fully maxed modifier, 2 modifiers for primary (the -2), secondary challenge (which counts as 1 modifier), and +4 difficulty on secondary (counts as another 4).

The total of 7 modifiers makes this maxed out. And the 11 base cost gets rounded up, making this have a minimum cost of 6.)

Stage 2 - Ambush on the road.
Discovering the ambush point (either by traveling with many caravans until attacked, or by learning where it is from a tavern and going with a caravan to that point) where caravans are often attacked, our adventurer and her traveling companions find themselves the next target of strange insect-like men, a brisk encounter showing she's on the right trail.

This stage is a simple ambush that after fighting them off (or losing) she can then track them back to where they came from.
Option 1
Primary Type: Combat, default. Challenge 17 (Modifier +1), cost 13
Secondary Type: None
Other types(Cost): None
Simple description:
Combat - This option involves direct fighting, weapons and fists flying, trying to stop them from stealing her things.

Option 2
Primary Type: Spirit, default. Challenge 16 (no modifier), cost 10
Secondary Type: None
Other types(Cost): None
Simple descripton:
Spirit - This option involves magically attacking or distracting them. A few quick spells hurled around will easily scatter them, it's just a question of if she sends them fleeing before or after they pillage her caravan.

(GM Note: These two paths are both fairly simplistic. A cheap, easy challenge to get through, so the later challenges have more points to stack onto it. Every dungeon should probably have a few weak points like this, just to make sure it balances out.)

Stage 3 - Through the Insectoid Forest.
Following the tracks left by the bandits, the adventurer heads through the forest well into the night, when she comes across a strange clearing and a magical pond... But something feels off.
Option 1
Primary Type: Spirit, default. Challenge 20 (+4 modifier), cost 22
Secondary Type: Naughty, Multiplier x2. (12 + x4 modifier), cost 28
Other types(Cost): Encampment, Hidden. (50 base, +20 for level. Cost: Gain 70
Other types(Cost): Miniboss, Second Wind (+100%), cost 50
Other types(Cost): Hidden Primary, Hidden Secondary, Hidden Miniboss. Cost 15
Simple description:
Hidden, Encampment - A deceptively calm clearing with a refreshing pond that ripples soft magical energies. It seems like it would be the perfect place to rest at for the evening and fully recover. All challenge types are hidden to help keep the adventurer in the dark about what will happen here, but many hints are set out. If she decides to take this option, she's ambushed by giant spiders, who will attack her relentlessly. Mere physical combat won't step the endless tides of spiders, and she must scare them off with magics. If she's captured, they will bind her in webbing and impregnate her over and over with large eggs until she escapes.

Just the act of approaching the pond triggers this option. Drinking from it will heal her, if she can get to it, that is. As with all minibosses, she can flee to the other option if she chooses.

(GM Note: Wow. This is a sample of a wild, insane string of bad challenges. The encampment here allows for 2 additional modifiers, and hidden doesn't count as normal modifiers. The very high costs make this a difficult challenge to beat, and all parts are hidden EXCEPT for the encampment, which lures adventurers to consider this option... What they won't know is that this one challenge is very likely to gameover them. VERY likely.

+4 difficulty, miniboss, with second wind, and a secondary x2 multiplier, in a skill the dungeon is otherwise weak in. This costs the full 9 modifiers available. (5 base, +2 for level, +2 for encampment.)

For any heroine who takes this... Good luck getting out. This kind of a challenge, the Villain should have a gameover in mind already.)

Option 2
Primary Type: Explore, Default. Challenge 15 (-1 modifier). Cost 7
Secondary Type: Explore, tough. Challenge 22 (+1) (8 base + x3 modifier), cost 5 (minimum 4)
Secondary Type: Combat, tough. Challenge 22 (+1) (8 base + x3 modifier), cost 5 (minimum 4)
Other types(Cost): None
Simple description:
Explore (Explore, Combat) Wary of the magical pond and staying near it for the night, the adventurer avoids it and continues deeper into the forest. Though it doesn't take a great amount of skill to avoid the spiders, if she finds herself discovered by them, fighting and searching for another way to flee will be of upmost importance, lest she becomes captured by them.

(GM Note: Here's a rarity. Though the primary is a weaker challenge, this path has TWO secondary challenges. And yes, this is perfectly legal. 1 modifiers for base, and 2 modifiers (1 for the challenge, 1 for the +1) for each secondary. This path comes up at 5 modifiers, well within the challenge range acceptable.)

Stage 4 - The Insectoid City
Finally getting through the forests and past the beasts within, the Adventurer comes to an unusual city, built into a rocky valley, she looks over the area quietly, in awe of discovering an entire city just beyond the borders of her kingdom's lands. As she examines the area from afar, she realizes that there are others like her in the city, but they all seem to be enslaved, naked, and ordered around.

While looking over the area, she spots several of the thugs who attacked her caravan, recognizing some of their fresh injuries from the recent battle.

Option 1
Primary Type: Naughty, default. Challenge 17 (+1 modifier), cost 13
Secondary Type: none
Long Path, Primary: Naughty, default. Challenge 17 (+1 modifier), cost 13
Other types(Cost): none
Simple description:
Naughty, Long Path - Naughty - Looking over the slaves of the city, the adventurer decides that her best way to sneak in and learn more about this city is by trying to pass herself off as one of the slaves, stashing her gear somewhere and sneaking into the town nude, like the other slaves.

Option 2
Primary Type: Explore, default, challenge 18 (+2 modifier), Cost 16
Secondary Type: Explore, multiplier x2 (12 base + 4x modifier), cost 20
Other types(Cost): none
Simple description:
Explore (Explore) - Realizing the area is very dangerous to try to go into haphazardly, the adventurer attempts to use stealth as she moves through the city to figure out who or what is in charge of the city, and the attacks.

Option 3 (Extra Path! +35 energy)
Primary Type: Combat, default, challenge 20 (+4 modifier), cost 22
Secondary Type: Combat, multiplier x2 (12 base + 4x modifier), cost 28
Other types(Cost): Miniboss (50% cost), Cost 25
Simple description:
Combat (Combat), Miniboss (Split Path Unlocks) - Taking the hard way through, the adventurer chooses to attack the village head on, going after the same thugs that had attacked her caravan, trying to strike a noble blow against the raiders.

Notes: This challenge has 8 modifiers, which normally breaks the rules, but I'd like to have it allowed anyhow. I want to create a dual ending for the adventure. Characters taking this path will have a different stage 5 and Endboss, and lead to a different follow-up adventure.

(GM Note: Notice here that by asking in a very straightforward way, I see that the person is trying to create a specific approach to a challenge, making it a more difficult challenge than should exist. And judging by the split path expected, I would allow this, suggesting the note be added "unusually tough challenge". This way the Adventurer has the choice if they want to take this one on. This could actually create an interesting branch off, turning this into a level 3 or level 4 dungeon if you take the split. Just as some ideas.)

(WHEW. That's all I have time for arranging right now, I'll fill in the last of the info later on ;) )

(And Continued! After thinking about it for a bit, I've decided instead of making a split path, to change it to a Hidden Path.

I'm re-tallying the stats at this point to figure out how much I still have to work with. If there wasn't a split path, I wouldn't need to tally until the very end. But for now...

Energy Total (so far):
312 / 455

Explore: 3 (2)
Spirit: 2 (0)
Combat: 2 (2)
Naughty: 2 (2)

Here we see that the energy max has gone from 350 to 455. From the +35 on an extra path, and the +70 from an encampment. This leaves us with 143 points left to finish the already rather harsh dungeon. And just enough options on challenges left to make it interesting.

Stage 4-3 modifications
It now will only unlock a Hidden Path, instead of a split path. So Stage 5 will have a single hidden option, but there will be no split path.

Stage 5 - The impending war.

After successfully moving about the town, the adventurer discovers that the bandits attacking caravans are selling their captured goods to fund an ongoing war going on in their lands to the north. She learns quickly that after the war is settled, their attacks will turn to the south and her own lands... Something must be done.
Option 1
Primary Type: Explore, default. Challenge 14 (-2 modifier), cost 4
Secondary Type: none
Other types(Cost): none
Simple description:
Explore - The Adventurer decides that her best choice is to sneak back out of town and try to get back to her own lands, to warn the people and prepare a proper defense against the army that's already preparing their attacks.

Option 2
Primary Type: Spirit, default. Challenge 13 (-2 modifier), cost 1
Secondary Type: none
Other types(Cost): None
Simple description:
Spirit - Using simple magic, the adventurer creates distractions in order to leave town, hoping to return to her own lands and warn her people about the attack that is bound to come soon.

Option 3 - The Hidden Path! Gain 28 energy
Primary Type: Combat, default. Challenge 17 (+1 modifier), cost 13
Secondary Type: Explore, multiplier x2. (12 base + 4x modifier), cost 16
Other types(Cost): none
Simple description:
Combat (Explore) - The Adventurer decides her best option is to try to take out the leader of the town's army, by defeating their leadership, it will send the entire army into turmoil as they struggle to find a replacement, giving her more time to go back and prepare her city for the impending attack. Failure to defeat the leadership clean and effectively will mean needing to escape the mess she's left in the aftermath of defeating the town guard's leader.

Special: Completing this task unlocks an additional follow up mission, but to get this far in tougher missions is very difficult compared to taking the easy route.

(GM Note: As a hidden path option, all 28 points must be spent on THIS mission only. As the cost of this challenge is now 29 points, it takes 1 point more than the challenge would be on its own, and meets the rules.)

Stage 6 - First Path, Endboss. The Captain.

Escaping the city (after killing the town guard leader or not), the Adventurer cautiously decides that it is not the best idea to go back through the woods, and to try to find another, safer path home, a path that could be used so her own army can attack, or at least know which roads the enemy army would use for their attack.

As she travels, she stumbles across an enemy army encampment, one of the squads spotting her and rushing to capture her. The leader of the squad pulling out a fistful of unusual smoke bombs and scattering them over the area as he marched forward to face off against the adventurer.

Endboss Challenge 1
Primary Type: Combat, default. Challenge 20 (+4 modifier), cost 22
Secondary Type: Naughty, tough. Challenge 20 (-1) (Base 6 + 1x Modifier), cost 10
Other types(Cost): Boss (+100%), cost 32
Simple description: The boss' direct combat, stepping in, beating up the adventurer, and gleefully tormenting her body between his vicious assault.

Endboss Challenge 2
Primary Type: Naughty, default. Challenge 18 (+2 modifier), cost 16
Secondary Type: Spirit, multiplier x2. (12 base + 4x modifier), cost 20
Other types(Cost): Boss (+100%), cost 36
Simple description: The boss' side attack, those smoke bombs causing a strange haze that makes the adventurer horny and starts to make her spiritual power falter.

Final Dungeon cost:
482 / 483 (Including Hidden Path values)

Challenges used - Primary(Secondary) :
Explore: 4 (3)
Spirit: 3 (1)
Combat: 4 (2)
Naughty: 3 (3)

(GM Note: This was a fairly complicated dungeon due to the excessive number of modifiers and side things I used. The aftermath remains hidden or customized per player based on how things played out. The GMs will give players any suggestions for improvement they can come up with, and then we'll see how it all plays out when the adventurers start getting into things.

A typical dungeon won't use anywhere near as many side-traits. I expect this dungeon to even stand a good chance of taking out level 3 characters going into it. ;) Usually, once you figure out the type of stats you enjoy running, you can simply copy and paste in different types for each challenge until you've worked everything out and then just give it a once over in the numbers.

I hope this gives everyone who's still curious about how dungeons work a clear impression of what's behind the scenes.

It does take a bit of effort and time as a Villain. But it's a lot easier than always creating new systems and managing dozens of rolls per encounter. And that was the entire point of this system. Good luck villains!)
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Re: Villain Dungeon Creation Rules

It would have to be for higher level dungeons but I think there should be rules for making teleport pads, false walls, trick door, and conveyor belts and the likes as well.
Re: Villain Dungeon Creation Rules

It would have to be for higher level dungeons but I think there should be rules for making teleport pads, false walls, trick door, and conveyor belts and the likes as well.

I'm keeping the system fairly simple for the moment to be tested a bit.

I have a huge amount of things waiting for the first trial games to work out and everyone to give a bit of feedback before more comes out. Most of your ideas could be applied with a simple challenge. False Walls, Trick Doors, and Conveyor Belts would easily fall under explore challenges, unless you're refering to something that moves a character deeper/further back in a dungeon. In that case, and Teleport Pads, it involves moving a character deeper (or earlier) in a dungeon, and due to the small size of dungeons thus far, it's not ready for them.

Thank you for the suggestions though. If you have some variation on the idea I don't see, please share though, I'd love to have new challenges to offer!
Re: Villain Dungeon Creation Rules

Updated! Sample dungeon added.