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Violet Finster [Rule 34]


Dec 9, 2008
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Violet Finster [Rule 34]
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Violet is tall and slender, with jet black hair, fair skin and a set of pale blue eyes. Her body seems soft, but her calculating look betrays a sharp mind.
Bio: Violet is the offspring of a very powerful family. She is used to get what she wants, and if she doesn't she gets... unpleasant.

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Violet Finster slowly wakes with a drowsy feeling, but is soon jerked fast awake when she feels how cold the floor is against her nearly bare form. Only small rags covering her breasts and under region, it looked as if they were made for someone a few years younger than her though as they were barely covering her. It was as if the person or thing who put them here was specifically wanting them to be defenseless in most every way, leaving them with nothing. She quickly adjusted herself and stood up, out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw something blue hidden off in the dirt but she shrugged it off as she took a more strained glimpse and couldn't make out anything, as well as soon as she strained her eyes she heard a small purring coming from the other side of the room and then a giggle. The exit to this room is near the purring and giggling sound.

{Examine Noise} {Examine Room} {Wait} {Move On} {Call Out To Noise}
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Violet grits her teeth in anger. Who would dare to... "Hey you", she calls out. "What the fuck is going on here?" She tries to brush of the dirt from the floor and growls a bit as the motion exposes her bottom. Quickly she adjusts the rags again.
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Violet Finster
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

The purring doesn't stop but as you call out theres a small scuffle and the next thing you know, you can see the thing which is causing the noise, it is a cross between a young lady and a cat, most commonly known as the Neko. Her breasts are fully exposed and her tail was swiftly placed under her skirt, which was the cause of the purring and giggling. The tail was quickly removed once she came into view of you, her tail waved around behind her and she stared with her yellow cat eyes at you. "The fuck was me until you interupted." She purred out.

ENCOUNTER: Neko, Small Class, Level 3
Description: She looks similiar to a teenage female girl, around the young age of 18. The only difference from a female human girl and this Neko is that she has a long black furry tail, cat like ears versus human ears and a wet cat nose with wiskers. She also holds claw like fingernails and has nothing but a small cloth covering her under regions but she has nothing above, completely bare chested. Her eyes are also yellow like a cat.

The Neko stares at Violet as if it is about to pounce its pray.

{Attack} {Wait} {Run} {Examine Room} {Talk/Reason To The Neko}
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Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Violet stares at the girl dumbfounded for a moment before sighing. "No more japanese porn before bed. Alright!" She tries and talk to the girl. "Just tell me how I can get out of here, and you can go back to frigging yourself."

((It is VIOLET, by the way.))
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

(Bah, blame not sleeping and being sick. My bad, already edited. All my records its violet, just somehow an N slipped in in that post. o-O Sorry about that.)

Violet Finster
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

Status: Pinned (Against A Wall)

Level 3 {[Health:][135]}

The Neko listens to the girl, "You know you could always join me, its more fun to have a pal in such a situation." The Neko completely ignored her question of how to get out of the dungeon and with cat like agility she leapt towards Violet and shoved her against the wall, pinning her against the wall. "Come on, lets have alittle fun." She purred the words in Violet's ear. The Neko stared into Violet's pale blue eyes and awaited an anwser.

{Attack} {Wait(easier chance of escape next round, but also chance of being pulled in deeper)} {Try To Escape Pin}
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

The answer comes swiftly - in form of a headbutt. "Get your paws off me", the arrogant woman growls. Nobody has ever touched her that way and got away with it.
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

(Nice rolls XD beat down the Neko some and dodged the attack.)

Violet Finster
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Level 3 {[Health:][135-12=123]}

Violet takes a violent strike towards the enemy, and successfully hitting the perverse Neko back and away. The Neko literally did a backflip away after the hit connected to the Neko's head, she rubbed her head and her ears went down with a hiss. "I offer you a good time and you reward me with a hit on my head!" She bares her claws and lunges towards Violet but ends up sharpening her claws on the wall and narrowly missing Violet by inches. She hissed in even more anger at missing Violet and stared Violet down.

{Attack} {Run} {Examine Room}
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

"There's plenty more where that came from", Violet growls and swings a fist towards the girl's abdomen. She doesn't want to kill her, per se. But if it happens she won't be terribly heartbroken.
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Violet Finster
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Level 3 {[Health:][123]}

Violet swings her fist hard and connects to the Neko's abdomen with ease but Neko had braced herself for the hit and had taken no damage. Just was a bit winded, but nothing more than that. The Neko arched back a bit and got ready to pounce again, wanting to pin this annoying person down so she could have her way with it. The Neko lunges towards Violet but Violet counters quickly, pushing against the wall just enough that she pushes away from the Neko's grasp, making the Neko miss her pin. The Neko hisses as she steps back away from Violet, "You're starting to piss me off."

{Attack} {Run} {Examine Room}
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Violet manages a short laugh. "Then I'm doing something right", she says. She takes the brief pause to look around the room for something that may aid her.
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Violet Finster
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{Wearing Yellow Panties(+8 SPD booster)}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Level 3 {[Health:][123-1=122]}

Violet takes a look around and finally spots the item that was covered in the dirt before, she moves quickly over to it, picking it up to reveal that its a pair of yellow panties that are very dirty from the dirt around the dungeon but cleaning it off wouldn't be too hard.

Aquired Yellow Panties: SPD + 8, when worn.

Violet thought it'd be best to put them on quickly seeing as the Neko was coming at her once more for another leapt and at least it'd be some more coverage from the Neko's attacks, esspecially since the Neko seemed to be wanting her for that exact type of act. The Neko lunges to pin Violet once more but ends up slamming her head against the wall, due to her own stupidity, she lost 1 health. Neko hissed at Violet, "Will you hold still I'm starting to lose my horniness already!"

{Attack} {Run}
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Normally Violet wouldn't touch the panties with a ten feet pole, but in the current situation...
The pale girl takes a few quick steps up to the Neko and lowers her shoulder, trying to slam her into the wall again.
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Violet Finster
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80-3]=77]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{Wearing Yellow Panties(+8 SPD booster)}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Level 3 {[Health:][122-15=107]}

Violet quickly took the chance and slammed the Neko straight back into the wall causing much more damage than her first encounter with the wall. It was no surprise that when the Neko recovered she rubbed her head and even noted she had bled a bit on her forehead. The Neko readied itself once more baring its claws, it lunged towards Violet and struck her with an attack of its own, dealing her some damage by scratching her across her face. "I didn't wanna have to ruin that pretty little face but now you've left me with no choice!" She hissed as she got ready for a counter attack.

{Attack} {Run}
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Violet raises her hand and feels the scratches on her face. Pulling back her hand she stares at the droplets of blood, and her face changes to a snarl. "Little bitch, you're gonna pay for that!" Violet reaches back and tries to backhand the Neko with the bloody hand.
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Violet Finster
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][77/80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{Wearing Yellow Panties(+8 SPD booster)}
Status: Pinned (Against The Wall)

Level 3 {[Health:][107]}

Violet goes to back hand the Neko but almost like with cat-like reflexes the Neko grabs Violet's wrist, twists Violet's arm behind herself and pushes her against the wall. "Relax and you may even enjoy it!" The Neko said as she got into position to hold her firmly against the wall. Violet had missed her strike and also the Neko took the chance to pin her. She purred into Violet's ear while she surveyed Violet's backside, even brushing her tail up to reveal Violet's panty covered backside.

{Attack} {Try To Escape Pin} {Wait (higher chance to escape next round, but risk of falling in deeper)}
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Violet growls. "Wait 'til I get my hands on you, whore. No pimp in the world will take you in by the time I'm done with you."
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Violet Finster
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][77/80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{Wearing Yellow Panties(+8 SPD booster)}
Status: Pinned (Against The Wall)

Level 3 {[Health:][107]}

Violet stays still insulting the enemy, knowing that she could wait for the right chance to get her. While she waited successful she fended off any attempt to get her further into pleasure, The Neko went to feel Violet's breasts but even pinned she shrugged it away and The Neko just hissed as her hand was pushed away. "I'm a whore? If I'm a whore, you're a tease." She hissed as she kept Violet pinned firmly to the wall.

Wait Succeeded, +20 modifier through next action.

{Attack} {Try To Escape Pin}
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Violet hisses. "Please. Being a tease is a form of art." The tall woman puts her foot against the wall and pushes, trying to escape the grip of the cat woman.
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Violet Finster
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][77/80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{Wearing Yellow Panties(+8 SPD booster)}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Level 3 {[Health:][107]}

Violet easily escapes the Neko's grasp, stunning the Neko for a few seocnds before she bared her claws and went swinging wildly at Violet but just as wild as it was, was how much it missed Violet. Though soon as The Neko missed and readjusted herself, her breasts slowly coming to a stop seeing as there was no support for her breasts there was plenty of bouncing. Violet slowly seemed to lose her boost of energy.

{Attack} {Run}
Re: Violet Finster [Rule 34]

Violet takes a few deep breaths and growls once more. She starts to get winded, but she'd rather go to hell than admit defeat against that freak. She tries to punch the Neko in the gut again.