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Vulpine Shrine - (Fox/Frog)


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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Even after the sun rose the mist had not departed. Leaving a heavy wet thickness the air as you trudged up the path to the monastery. The thick wet thud of boots in mud was all the company that you'd receive at least for the time being. That was ok, you had a map!
The task was simple enough. The head priest of a local temple wanted you to investigate why they'd not received word form one of there sister monasteries in well over a month. If there was a problem, you'd be expected to resolve it, but it shouldn't be anything outside of your capable hands!
Thud, shwip, thud. The mud seemed like it was trying to swallow you whole, with your boots sticking to the ground just a bit more with every step. The misty forest air wasn't all bad though, as hints of the early fall leaves mingled in with the muggy climate making a pleasant aromatic mash.
Just as it seemed it might be time to triple check the map the ivory walls of the monastery came into view, the gleaming cherry red pillars setting it off strongly against the background of turned leaves. As you approach, nothing seems out of place. The study gates show no signs of attack, the surrounding gardens all look recently tended...
"Oh, hello, do we have a visitor?" a soft female voice calls out from the other side of the walls. The voice is soon given a body, as a young girl opens the gate, trotting out. Her long black hair laying primly against her white priestess robs, the long red skirt associated with her order jostling noisily as she approaches... What might be most striking about the girl though, is her painted white face with a just a touch of black on the nose... no, maybe it's the pair of fuzzy white pointed ears attached to the side of her head? If not that it's certainly the mass of bushy fur poking out from just above her skirt lining. The priestess looked positively vulpine... This temple revered the fox, but maybe this was taking things a bit far... "Oh, hello ma'am. My name is sister-Ella. What brings you here?" The fox-ish girl grinned.
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Yari Darkbane moved with a calm, almost unearthly grace... which was definitly a necessity to keep her rather expensive looking kimono from becoming stained by the mud of the road. In hindsight, she is grateful for the robust and practical footwork recommended to her. If not for the boots and heavy looking bad slung over her shoulder, the woman might seem to come from an eastern fairytale, albeit none she ever allowed recounting. What the clergy employing her pierced together was that she was a capable warrior, on a determined, self exile and quest against evil itself, as if trying to attone for some grave sin.
She was also rather effective, carrying a magical sword by her side, despite being rumoured as a pacifist.
Yari Jing'shi is the daughter of a powerful eastern noble family filled with powerful conquerors, most of her ancestors unafraid of using unholy oni-magic to come to and stay in more power. Already an outlier among her siblings, a peasant uprising that brought the noble family to near ruin finally brought Yari, the white sheep of her family to flee, seeking redemption for the misdeeds of her ancestors by fighting evil at it's source. She loathes inflicting pain and violence.. but is a darker part of her is still quite apt as a brutal warrior, no matter how far she devotes herself to the path of the open hand.. or perhaps because she does.

She approached the monastery, a soft smile spreading on her lips as she noticed the places untouched and well-tended nature.
She nodded, waving her hand softly, giving a sufficent pause to her words. "Holy sister of this temple, I would be honored, to be welcomed by you, as a guest today."
She stated, inclining her head.
"Call me Yari, priestess-sister of the Fox. Send I was here, to assuage the worries of holy men known well and dear to you. I request you grant me permission to enter and quarter to stay and rest the night, so I may hear more of what strange silence has befallen this Monastery. Know that the suns light illuminating your marble walls seems twice brighter, seeing all seems well."

She bowed her head slowly.
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The sister's emerald eyes widened behind her painted face. "Such an auspicious guest!" She took a moment to shift in place, fixing her skirt as her eyes scanned over Yari's robbed form. "We will gladly host you Lady-Yari. Please, this way." She would escort Yari through the front gate, closing it behind them.
Inside of the monastery was the traditional wooden temple. Pillars of the cherry red supporting a roof of dark stone. Open walls, that had thin paper doors. Leading up to the main building was a row of paired fox statues, each with a red bib. "We shouldn't dally," Ella gently encouraged, pressing forward as her wooden shoes clacked against the flagstone path which wound between the fox statues. "Oh, umm... your boots are quiet filthy," She bent down, removing the wooden sandals from her feet. "I'd ask that you take them off while a guest here. I'll not let a guest walk barefoot, borrow mine," Ella insisted. She'd insist that the boots be left by the gate, though she'd not force Yari to ware her shoes.
"Before I take you to your quarters, the head Priestess would like to meet with you," Ella explained, hopping up the stairs as her tail brushes against each step after her. "She'll have the answers for you as well." Deeper into the shrine Yari would catch sight of a handful of sisters, each going about their rituals, cleaning, cleansing, praying, and prepping. Though each had the same vulpine features and painted faces as Ella, none yet had commented on it, those close enough to Yari merely smiled and waved.
In the center of the temple, a statue to a great fox sat. Though, this was unlike any that Yari might have seen before. The fox shrines had always... well been to foxes. This though, a carved marble woman sat on the pedestal. She had long white hair which mingled into her multiple chiseledtails. She looked down with two caring caved eyes, which set between the vulpine ears that all the acolytes of the temple had. The statue depicted the icon topless, her hard chest melons held up by one of her arms, the other perched between her legs, tastefully censoring the statues sex. Bowed before the status, was a white-haired woman, with features not unlike the others, however, she had forgone the traditional priest garb for something far more revealing. Wearing tight-fitting silk covering for her lower half, and the low cut robs showed off much of her swaying cleavage as she turned to greet the pair.
"Ah, sister Ella. I see you've brought a guest? My name is Mimi, I am the head priest, what brings you here traveler?" ... "So you'd like to stay the night Ms. Yari? How wonderful! Though if you're to stay with us, it would be wonderful if you'd observe our customs as well. Will you do us that kindness?"

"How wonderful! We'll have plenty of time for talking about the temple once you've followed some of our cleansing traditions! Ella, will you see to our guest?" The Priest turned back to her duties, praying to the statue ending the conversation.
"Certainly" Ella nodded turning to Yari. "This way, please... Your travels must have been difficult, this fog has plagued us for days. We have a wonderful on sight spring if you would like a bath before we begin." Ella's tone was a more insistent then her words might seem. Already she was strolling off.

// Place holder, yes is the bad end, and I have more stuff for it right now :p
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"Do not trouble yourself.. but very well."
She nodded and accompanied the green eyed priestess, not missing a step as she nodded again in agreement. "I thought just about bringing it up, the path up here was quite ... natural."
She slipped out of her boots, wiggling a little to avoid -most- of her clothing being stained by the mud, but gently declined using the girls sandals. "I am sure you can find me a spare pair of shoes later, for now, I can walk as I am, I wouldn't want to impose."
She nodded, briefly enjoying the feeling of stone upon her bare soles, observing the girl with a calm smile. How uncanny.

"By no means do I wish to seem demanding, but a swift response I shall welcome all the more."
She indicated her hand, as if encouraging the priestess to proceed, following, her own arms demurely folded as she stepped into the temple, briefly, curiously admiering first the similiarities of the sisters and then the large statue, brushing back a strand her dark, long hair almost playfully.
Yari was the calm, observant type that didn't share everything she thought out loud, as to not offend anyone needlessly. Right now she thought that whilest a certain.. openness was healthy, this temple was taking both the fox-theme and the idea of vulpine sensuality among their priesthood, maybe just a little too far. Not enough to raise criticism, but enough to keep her somewhat wary, even as she nodded gracefully to the priestesses waving at her in greeting along the way.

Still, she approached the high-priestess with the respect she'd be due.. which was a formal bow, her hands folded, complicatedly, a polite smile on her lips, as she listened to the woman to the finish.

"Whilest my faith is not yours, far be it from me to be disrespectful, Lady High Priestess. I will try to observe your customs best as I can, within these halls."
She nodded. Whilest she still had several questions, she shouldn't judge these priestesses for having traditions more open than hers, plus there was a good chance there was a simple enough reason for a breaking of contact. With answers promised for later, she nodded... before noticing Ella rushed to move away already. Rather than ask for her to wait, Yari quickly stepped after her.

"Hmnn.. the road was muddy and the mist almost oddly persistant... perhaps a bath would not be unkind an idea, if it troubles you little." She nodded, as she accompanied the foxy priestess. "The travels were not that bothersome, water may grind the impatient stone to dust, but those same waterdrops build mighty stalagtites in caves.. it is how you approach these things.. oh, sorry, I do not wish to bore you with idle philosophy. Instead,...."

She mused, seeking to sate her curiosity, with the head-priestess denying her. So once she had caught up in step, arriving at the baths with calm, curious glances to take in her surroundings, she requested: "Tell me a little of your faith, this statue, it was, if you allow, a little unusual, was it not, Priestess? I've seen fox-temples before, at least not to my recollection.."

"Greetings, yes, Yari is my name. I'd like to stay the night before reporting back to the priest that sent me. While at it, let me be so bold as to question you already.. the priests of the nearest city are concerned, having heard nothing from this temple for over a month, unusual, to my understanding. Have you not recieved any visitors, so far? My task is also to deal with any ill that might have befallen your sisterhood, should you deem my aid worth taking."
She smiled, before considering...

After considering for a long moment, she shook her head. "My apologies, but I am here as a neutral observer, it would not befit my duty ot get involved here."
Not entirely true, but something about this place still had her nervous. Quickly, she sought to soothe any offense she might have caused. She wasn't worried, per say, but experience and instincts told her to observe on calmly, for now.

"I fear I could not do your customs justice, you see. Do not demand your dogs back to ride, or your horses nose to hunt. I could not bear marring your sacrity through my inexperience."
She nodded.
"If need be, I'll rest outside the templegates proper, I ask only a meal for my path then."
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Miko.jpg "Ah, thank you for your consideration!" The fox-faced priestess grinned stopping so Yari was able to remove her shoes. Tough the offer of shoes was turned down the priestess seemed to ponder for a long moment. "If that is your desire," She inclined her head, slipping the sandals back on before they continued there journey through the temple. The calming clack of wood on stone accompanied by the faint thud of Yari's feet.
With a full smile, and arms resting under her bust, pushing it up a bit, giving Yari a more than ample view of the fox-priestess's flawless bosom. "Just so! Do not fear offense, your open-mindedness towards our way is a great compliment already. Sister Ella will guide you, and attend to any wants should they arise during your stay." Taking a bow toward her guest the priestess returned to her practices leaving Ella to spirit Yari off.
"It would be no trouble at all!" The miko insisted energetically. "Cleansing of the body can help greatly with the cleansing of the spirit." She bounced up to the wooden walkway surrounding one of the buildings, leading Yari off towards the back corner of the convent. "Is it not the minerals of the impatient stone that builds up the patient stalagtight? Oh, such chatter is no bother at all!" Ella giggled, her smile showing behind her paint. "You wish to know of our doctrine? The Priestess Mimi would be able to explain things much better than a humble servant like me..." The girl nervously bit her lip. The soft fall breeze filling in the gap in the conversation. "We are not like the other fox-temples." She finally followed. "They seek the blessings of the fox for the harvest, for wealth. We wish to honor the fox for its true beauty and benevolence. The statue at our heart is our true goddess. Gracious and loving, we seek to emulate her in body and mind. It is in that emulation, that we find spiritual fulfillment!"
The duo had by this point come upon the baths. It was a steaming natural hot string, lined with heavy smooth stones. There was no privacy fence, but with only women allowed in the covent, there was little need. "Are you familiar with the communal bathing rituals?" She genuinely asked, taking a moment to start losing her robes, "I hope you don't mind if I join you, and if I may be so bold, I'd love the honor of cleaning you off before we enter the spring." Ella's tail started to flick softly back and forth, the first time that Yari had seen any of the vulpine appendages move...
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"Oh wonderful, you grasped the understandings of the teaching."
She chuckled ever so slightly to the fox-girl. "Stalagtites are build by patience, Stalagmites by persistance. There is quite a lot of wisdom in the teachings of Zu'lyeh, although I do believe some of his works tinted in tone by him secluding himself in a cave for a decade."
She mused, as she strode along.
"Huh.. yes, I can see that you try your best to emulate vulpine features."
She chuckled ever so slightly. Actually, she was kind of sure that foxes were revered, yes, but their primary credit was as magical tricksters..

Yari then glanced to the woman, undressing herself. There was little need for modesty, although removing her several layers of expertly applied Kimono would not happen as swiftly as the sister stripping, below the red-and gold stitch pattern she wore another, white-orange one, and beneath that, a shorter one of dark green, each with individual meanings in themselves, to those that could read them.
"I am not familiar with the rituals, no, .. and.. it is a bit strange to have a well, a stranger do this.. I guess, if it is part of the temple rituals that have to be observed.."
She acknowledged, with a head nod, before glancing, briefly distracted, at the tail. She had sworn it had just moved, was it not just part of the uniform? "Did your tail just...?"
She asked, curiously, wearing now only a short white under-kimono, revealing slender, but muscular arms and a hint of cleavage, hesitating for the moment.
27011 Ella held the hem of her robe up to her mouth as she giggled. "That is quite a clever way of looking at things!" She agreed, "Though, I'd have to speak with priestess Mimi to see if his teaching conflict with our own..." Her final words where a bit more trailed off, as though contemplation was taking her.
Elle's eyes brightened at the mention of the features! "Yes! They are quite beautiful aren't they! Priestess Mimi fashioned them herself," She gently stroked the soft furred tail behind her. "Though it goes beyond even that, we seek to emulate the vulpine essence!" Her wide grin and giggle had somehow gotten even more excited, bordering on the mad for only a moment. Her face quickly calming, "Ahem, yes. Parden the... excitement." she hurried her steps as though moving past the topic.

Ella's robes had come down around her shoulders first. Showing off her slender arms, and part of her perky c-cups. Gracefully she had slipped out of the top, freely exposing herself down to the navel, she wore no wrap around her chest, the young perky flesh seemed content being free under her robes. Slowly she pulled the fox-tail out from a slit in the skirting, making the red skirt sag down around her waist. "Mmmh?" She looked over towards Yari, who by now had removed several layers of her kimono. "Very life-like, aren't they" She gently pulled on a leather belt letting the tail sag down with the rest of her skits. Her smooth, hairless body bending down to pick up her tangles of clothing before shaking it out and folding it up. "I hate being without it, but it'd be a shame to get it wet," she explained laying the fluffy fox tail on top of the folded clothing.
"Ah, I'm sure they are not unlike your own, but I shall guide you all the same" Ella smiled widely, her painted face and fox ears still fastened tightly to her head. Stooped down, picking up a wooden bucked, waiting for Yari to finish disrobing. Once she had, Ella directed her over to a pair of wooden stools. Low to the ground and a few feet away from the pool. "Please, have a seat..." She scooped up some of the crystal clear water from the spring before setting herself on the other stool. "I'm glad you allowed me to stay, it is traditional for us to bath in pairs. It is very practical to have another scrub spots you might have trouble with, and it builds a kindred intimacy. I will clean you, then you will cleanse me?" Even if Yari intended to answer she'd soon find a bucket of warm water tipping over the top of her head. Soaking her from head to toe in warm, clean-smelling waters. Shortly after the faint smells of lavender and oil tickled Yari's nose, as she'd feel the sister's delicate hands gently scrubbing her back. She cleansed in lazy circles, but kept a consistent rhythm, she seemed rather practiced as well, leaning forward to begin rubbing down Yari's legs. "The bath is a source of purity. If we cloud it with the dirt of our toils then we all suffer. That is why we must cleanse ourselves, before entering," Ella explained as she moved onto the last area, the torso. Starting from the top she used the lathered bar to massage into Yari's chest, boldly handling the foreign girl's delicate bosom, slowly drawing circle after circle, passing over her nipples. The calming scent of the soap, combined with the gentle massage eased any worries that Yari might have... In its place, she'd find a growing fondness for this cleansing ritual, maybe a growing fondness for the fox sister as well. She'd feel such a wonderful warmth building in her chest, that she'd find it hard to notice as Ella's hands went yet further south. Massaging the lather into the girl's private area. Any shame, or hesitation she might have felt floated away like bubbles in a stream. Once more the water poured over Yari, the cleansing soap running down into the soft stones of the ground. "Now, it's your turn," Ella grinned.

She raised her brows at the fox-priestess overeager excitement, brushing back her now opened dark hair and chuckling inwardly. Well, at least they were.. pious? although the tail was attached by a leather strap, just like a ...
She blushed and stopped her train of thought there. Must have been her imagination.

"Hmnn.. I see. I luckily managed to avoid almost all the mud of the road, but yes, washing my feet at the least is quite tempting right now."
She nodded, as she took a seat as instructed.
"I .. guess we can do that, sure, it is only fair I reciprocate."
She smiled, even if, secretly, she was a bit more comfortable bathing alone. Still, Ella seemed nice enough..
She startled just ever so slightly as the warm water ran, suprisingly nicely, over her smooth, feminine curves, larger than the priestess, albeit not by far, a scar or two of battle upon an otherwise beautiful body, dark pubic hair, unlike the priestess, and the tatoo of a Lots-flower upon one shoulder.

"Huh.. makes sense."
She nodded to the preaching priestess.. they couldn't help it, could they?
She sighed softly, not minding the girls hands on her bossom and nipples, which hardened, with the relaxing massage and warmth.. but that was fine, as the circles wandered over her, Yari almost instinctually parted her legs and sighed in a more lustful tone..
until the warm water washed over her, she nodded to the priestess, reaching out for a bucket of her own, to reciprocate the washing of the kind priestess, a subtle blush of excitement still upon her cheeks, although her hands would of course be far less experienced.
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With a soft soothing voice, Ella assured, "We really should cleanse your whole body. Not just from the mud, but the sweat, the toil, the worries, and fears." That did sound lovely... such a deep cleansing would surely be worth it! Even if she was nervous, uncomfortable with a stranger helping her to bath she didn't need to worry. Even as it was her turn to wash the priest, she'd find her hands smoothly fitting into the motions. Still not as practiced as the sisters, but the natural feeling of cleansing another was still oddly striking...
After pouring the water over the fox priest for the second time, she'd swiftly rise. "Now we soak!" She giggled. That sounded really nice, soaking in some nice warm waters for a spell, letting herself calm, relax, forget. Ya... that sounded perfect right now! Ella gently grabbed Yari's hand leading her into the pool. The water was warm, very warm for an outdoor bath, perfect for easing any tensions and aches. Ella had sat down very close to Yari. Their skin rubbing up against each other in the warm herbal scented waters. That... was nice. "Now that we are cleansed of our worldly woes, we can truly bond. Binding our hearts together as they are bound to our Beautiful Goddess." Ella's painted face and Vulpine ears shone a bit in the reflected waters, her grin warm and inviting. Bonding, binding, maybe those words would sound scary normally, but in these calming waters, looking into Ella's piercing emerald eyes, there was nothing to worry about. She needed to follow the customs of the temple! Ella pulled closer, her warm supple red lips looking so delicious right now, "Come, let me share some of the goddess's love with you," She whispered, before plunging ahead, kissing Yari full on the lips. Warm tingles spreading through-out Yari's body, warmer even than the bath... was this the love of their goddess? It was so nice, inviting, comforting, no worries. It was ok that Ella's hand was now stroking Yari's snatch as they kiss, that was the goddess's love too. Ya... she should enjoy the goddess's love a bit more definitely.

"My gratitude but..."
She hesitated.. part of life was those toils of course, then, she felt too.. cordial and relaxed to actively point this out right now, for some reason. Perhaps she should just leave it be..
"Soak, huh."
She did question, with a gracious, if bemused smile. She was suprised at the ease with which this all happened.. and the warm comfort of the bathing water.
"Uh, I am not sure if this bonding-ritual is apropriate for non sisters of your order, holy priestess."
She did interject, even if a little lazily. It sounded strange, although Yari couldn't truly bring her heart to worry at the same time. Perhaps she should try what the priestess offered? Idly she noticed that that was some high quality face-paint, to stay through the washing and bathing.

"This sharing wi..ah..hamnnnn.." She gasped, as the priestess went ahead and kissed her, her eyes growing wide. Now that was.. unusual. This was so.. nice and warm, that she again, didn't find herself protesting, her lips yielding to the sensual fox, her eyelids lowering again in another relaxed sigh.. what was this nice, tingly warmth.. was there a hand upon her soft pussy, stroking her there? She wanted to bring it up.. but she also wanted some more of this nice, loving feeling to spread through her, so relaxingly... "I.. ah.. is this apropriate? It feels.. nice.."
She sighed, slightly parting her legs on instinct now..
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If Yari's protests affected the kitsune miko, it didn't seem to show. Her painted smile and green eyes looking over Yari's sensual body once more. "Oh don't be so modest, our customs apply to all within our walls." She nuzzled in a bit closer, the velvet skin of her breasts, running along Yari. So close... yes, they where close... there bodies rubbing against each other, Ella softly moaning in Yari's ears. The hot steamy waters stewing both girls. Soaking into every crevice and pore, herbal mixture stirring fresh scents between the two... Ella's sensual kiss, and another... and another. The fox miko mouth suckling on Yari's lip, her hand playing with the outsider's delicate womanhood. "Yes," She panted, her finger flexing up and down the length of Yari's lips. "This is part of our customs," She explained, finger parting the lips, stretching deeper inside of her. "Our goddess sees our moans of sexual delight as she sweetest song," She explained, panting a few times, before resuming her bestial kiss. "She wishes us to feel nice... she wishes you to feel nice," Ella continued now pressing hard against Yari. Their bodies slickly grinding and gyrating on each other, lubricated by the water. "There is no shame," smooch, "There is no worry," chuu, "There is only our vulpine goddess." Two of Ella's fingers dove deep into Yari's lady cave, rubbing, pulling, smothering. All the while the thick heady fumes filled Yari's mind, she should cum, she should embrace these customs. It was only right while staying as there guest after all.
Things would start to get blurry for Yari from there, Ella and she soaked in the tub, even after the fox-priestess made Yari climax she would keep aggressively kissing her. The fox-miko having a seemingly insatiable appetite. Though once done she seemed to revert back to her normal cheerful, if not more touchy, self. "There isn't that much better?" She smiled, drying off Yari with a towel, though once the girl went for her clothes, "Oh, those are dirty, we can ware clean uniforms instead," Ella nodded. Fetching two sets from a store-room. Wait, did Yari want to put that on? What a silly question, of course, she did! It was part of the customs of the temple! Even if she hesitated, Ella wrapped up Yari in the loose-fitting white robe of their order. It felt kind of nice... not like her stuff, heavy formal clothes, but light, and free! Next, she gently helped Yari into the skirt, well that only made sense she was already wearing the robe, why not the skirt as well!
"Wonderful, you look just like one of our sisters now!" Ella giggled, affectionately nuzzling with Yari, the soft vulpine ears brushing against her face... "Hmm, well almost," Ella smiled. "You said you'd follow our customs, and we have a mass tonight how fortunate! Our goddess will give us her teachings, you'll come wont you?"

"W.. woah.. that is an.. intense ritual you have there, yes.." She mused, still smiling a bit woozily. Yes.. this was a nice ritual.. she panted slightly as the priestess leaned in for another kiss, parting her lips with a sighing and a glistening of saliva, her soft cheeks framed in red.


"Ahmnn...." she moan-'sang', with the fingers stretching her, allowing the priestess to get a little more forceful with her.. just because it felt rather nice..
she sighed and rocked her hips along with the lustful thrusting, her legs spread for the fox-priestess' invasion, her lips almost yearning for the next kiss already, a soft sigh accompanying her quickly building lust and arousal.. and before Yari knew it, her body had tensed up with a tingly, pleasure pulsing orgasm. Just what had she worried about again? She moaned out as her lips once more sought contact to the foxe's painted face.. luckily, she was all too happy to oblige as well. What a.. benevolent goddess, to make her feel such pleasurable joy..

The sensual, overwhelming, distracting moment passed, and the next thing Yari fully actively remembered was drying each other off, smiling to the clingy, but not as aggressive seeming priestess, uncertain on how to.. address what had just happened,.. and quickly it came to the matter of clothing instead.

"Ah? Errr, yes.. I feel quite a lot better, actually, thank you for this.. experience."She smiled and shrugged, rather relaxed and content, letting the fox-girl dress her up in the robe.. and then the red skirt, hesitating.. but her clothes had gotten a little muddy, and it felt kind of nice, to wear this, so.. free and.. "A mass? HUh, I mean.. I've gotten this far, so I guess.."
She nodded, blushsmiling and taking the presumed simliarity to one of the temple-sisters as a compliment. She was kind of feeling like she was getting a little too tied up in this, but she also didn't mind as much, gracefully adjusting the robes, rubbing over her sensitive nipples, with her just now realizing there hadn't really been any undergarments included.. should she ask about that, to the nice fox snuggling close to her?

But for some reason, she didn't feel all that ashamed about this at all. "Yes, I think I'd love to partake.."
She smiled and, following a sudden urge, reached out for the girls chin, only to plant another kiss upon those lips.
The uniform felt perfect on Yari. The pure white rob gently rubbing against her hard nipples, the red skirt hiding her excited pussy. The feeling of the fabric on her skin had a nice cool tingle as well. Helping her to calm herself and focus... focus on what? She wasn't really sure, but she could tell her thoughts were slowly being coraled in. Really, the undergarments would only be a distraction, keeping her most sensitive and attuned parts of her body away from the wonderful fabric of the miko clothing. No need for shame, she was among the faithful after all. None would judge her for following customs they held after all...
Meeting the kiss with enthusiastic grace, Ella gently lipped Yari, her hands sweeping around the outsider's waist, pulling her into an intimate embrace as the kiss held. Maybe longer then Yari had intended, but maybe she wanted such a passionate aside? "I see you cleansed body wishes to worship our goddess," She giggled softly in Yari's ear. Her hand cupping Yari's mound through her skirts. "Come, let us praise our goddess well we wait for her return," Ella sweetly intoned pulling on Yari gently.

Like a blur, the duo was whisked away to private quarters. Ella breaking their divine kiss only to push Yari onto the bed mat on the floor. She leaned over Yari, hunger in her smile and eyes. Like a predator that and finally cornered her prey. She lunged forward, connecting with Yari once more, pressing her into the mat. With skilled grace she disrobed, her skirt falling down, the leather strap holding up her swishing tail this time, but otherwise, the painted fox girl was once more in her freest form. The tail excitedly swished back and forth, signaling Ella pulling back. She leaned back on the mat, spreading her legs wide, her delicate coochy spread open by a pair fingers, "Come, sister, help me worship our beloved vixen goddess," She cooed, eyes begging for Yari's cleansed tongue.

It seemed you could throw a torn sack of potatoes upon Yari and she'd look calm and graceful.. just going by how the priestess robes fit her. Although her usual calm, concentrated stance was definitly a little interrupted by the feeling of the cloth still rubbing her distractingly... although she felt suprisingly less emberassed than expected, even going so far as to slightly rub her legs together when she thought her guide wasn't looking.. so.. tingly all over, still..

"I am not sur...haaah.." She tried to object, only to have the priestess grope at, and feel the warm wetness pulsating between her legs, a deeper blush wandering over her cheeks as she allowed herself to be pulled along.
"Wait for her return? You speak as if the godess was physically among you.."
That was, of course, impossible, no celestial would dwell among mortals, no matter how.. dedicated the priesthood was.. yes?

This time, Yari didn't mind the swishing tail.. nor did she bother to disrobe, as the lewd fox-priestess stripped before her.. definitly not because she liked the feeling of the fabric upon her.. she hesitated, briefly, to her credit.. but the pink pussy of the priestess was too tempting, and she nodded, extending her tongue and diving in, giving her a testing, curious lick along her outer folds, before dipping at her opening with her warm, wet tongue, on all fours between the priestess' legs.
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Ella purred, moaned really, between her delicate ministrations. Lightly teasing Yari's ears between kisses. Her soft, wet breath playing across the outsiders boring human ears. "Our mistress blesses us with her presence but once a fortnight. You're fortunate to be able to meet her... in... the... flesh..." She giggled nipping at the earlobe of her newest toy.

The swishing tail soon coiled around Yari's upper body giving her a play tug as she started towards the fox-priestess's waiting pink lips. Ella started to moan sensually, running her hands through Yari's long black hair. "Yessss, just like that sisterrrrr..." She slurred happily, her lips quivering and swelling as Yari began her tender untrained ministrations to the priestess. She'd feel the slow embrace, legs, tail, and hands pulling her closer into the warm sex of her partner, her tongue dragging around the inside of Ella's vag, giving her the salty-sweet taste of another woman. Pleasant tingles ran up and down the priest's body, her nipples hardening, sex aching. Soft whispering in her ear, "Good girl Yari, just like that. Love you sister as you'll soon love me," Who was that, it didn't sound quite like Ella... but at the same time it was such a nice pleasant voice she really shouldn't worry. No, just keep loving her sister, getting all the good girl tingles she could!
"Ah, mmm, yes! C-cumming..." Ella panted pulling Yari yet closer, letting her indulge in the rush of feminine fluids. "Mmmmmm, hufff" she panted smiling as she brought Yari up, and into a playful embrace. "That was a delightful sister... You're quite good at our customs... I think you should consider staying with us..." Was that really so bad? Their customs were strange but pleasurable. "We can grant you higher purpose," yes... that sounded nice... spending her days in service of a greater being... "We will show you the depths of true intimacy..." Yes.... yes these priestesses must understand intimacy on a deeper level. That is why their sex-goddess blesses them so! "Ah, ah. Don't worry about it now, just think on it. You can give the answer later this evening. For now," Ella rolled over pressing her lips against Yari's once more, her knee lined up just right with Yari's tender slit. With guided motions, Yari was gently rocked back and forth on the sister's legs.

Yari was once more lulled into the bliss-filled passage of time. Her head floating, as Ella teased and guided her body. Both girls offering up sweet praise to the yet unnamed vixen goddess. In the hazy sweaty room Yari's mind would drift further from her goal, the affectionate words of her sister burrowing into her brain... She could stay here, in this heavenly Eden. Serving such a wonderous goddess, loving her futures sisters. Not just Ella, but he high Priestess Mimi, the other's she'd yet to meet. Such a paradise was undeniable.
It was soon enough time, Ella guided Yari up. Helping her to get dressed and look a bit more presentable. Leaving the private room they walked hand and hand, back towards the center of the temple. To that statue, they had seen Mimi at earlier. Once there it seems they might have been a bit late, each of the sisters, save Ella, sat in a neat row. Looking nearly identical with their white face paint, vulpine ears, and black hair. In pairs they sat across the path leading from the main building up to the statue, save one spot which Ella quickly filled. Leaving only Mimi, knelt submissively next to a bloond haired divine fox woman.

The blond vixen had a fixed smirk on her face as two tails swished happily behind her. she woke a robe coving only she smallest amount of skin necessary, much like Mimi's robe actually. With a soft chuckle, she beckoned Yari with a finger. "So you are the new sister? Tell me, what has my cute little pet Ella taught you?" The fox's voice was silken, soft but demanding. Yari could finally pledge herself to this wonderful creature! How wonderful!

"That sounds... unbelievable.." Yari mused. Quite literally so! A true divine being? But as was, the erotic haze around her head still had a hard time clearing itself up...
If Yari had any objections, she struggled to make them known past the tugging... and that alluring pinkness yearned for another lick from her..

She wasn't entirely sure what the fox-priestess ment with her words, but the strange-tasting arousal of her lover was quite distracting, so few could blame her, as she made slow, sensual lesbian love. "W.. woaah.."
She finished, licking her lips before hesitating.. "Staying with you? I do not know but.. haah.. it does feel. sound.. good..."
She shook her head.. why were her thoughts so hard to grasp and nice and fuzzy right now..

She blushed as she felt the fox-priestess kiss her and nuzzle into her, rocking with her, accompanied by a soft moan.. perhaps she didn't have to deliberate what to say just yet, yes.. it felt nice to relax with the softness of the priestesses warm womanly body up against her, Yari's legs parting, her snatch snuggling up and grinding against that leg.. she felt.. almost like she was in a dream-like state, right now. A strange, erotic, wet dream. She listened to the lewd fox-priestess, panting and writhing and nodding along.. had she spoken along with some of those things? She wasn't entirely sure, anymore.

... Yari followed the nice priestess, hand in hand and head happy and woozy. She had a good time with the kind, loving sisters. They had a good time with her. Why should she leave? she approached the meeting of the priestesses, and a two-tailed fox-girl, hesitating for but one moment, briefly glancing over to Ella, kneeling there.. almost hard to tell apart from the other fox-sisters, as the being, the beautiful fox-woman addressed her.

Yari struggled for a moment, trying to come up with an answer, before instead deciding to step forward. There were so many things she could say. Or she could kneel down, lean forward, and place a soft kiss and lick upon the fox-gods clit.
Night had fallen on the gathering. Dim flickering candlelight was all that illuminated the sisters. Even still the grace of the blond goddess was easy to see. Her eyes followed Yari's like a predator examining choice prey. The wooden sandals of Yari's uniform clicked on the stone path as she wordlessly walked between the sisters. Each bowing their head in quiet approval of her actions. Only Mimi and the unnamed goddess held their heads high. Yari submitting before the goddess. Licking her lips the fox goddess smiled, parting her robes, sensing where this was headed. Exposing her warm, hungry slit for Yari. Dutifully the new convert kissed the goddess clit, tufts of blond hair tickling her nose as she did so.
"Ah, Ella taught you well," She cooed, allowing Yari a few minutes of wordless devotion to the divine sex. "Yes... mmmm," She took Yari by the hair, pressing her harder into her vag. "I'd never thought we'd see such a refined, yet, dangerous sister... Ah, ah, you're perfectly fine where you are Yari." The goddess's hands started to pet the girl gently, keeping her head pressed tightly between her legs, locked to the intoxicating honeypot. The goddess drew a deep breath, letting out a soft, supple moan as Yari continued her ministrations for several more seconds. "Enough" She commanded suddenly yanking Yari's head back. Looking down at the girl on her knees, between to pillowy breasts the goddess smirked. "You've learned well, that much I can see, don't be so presumptuous that you are worthy of your mistress's climax," She grinned grabbing Mimi around the bottom, making the head priestess release a delighted sigh. "You've not even been properly initiated yet, that won't do at all..." Now looking to the rows of sisters she grinned. "My Children, cleanse this girl thoroughly. Make her as you are, a vessel for the pure spirit of the fox. Your goddess has," She squeed Mimi once more, "Other matters to attend to." With that command, the duo of goddess and head priest sauntered off, latter clinging lusty to her goddess.

In and instant Yari could feel dozens of eyes on her. Still left kneeling on the stones before the carved vision of her goddess she couldn't so much as move as all around her, the fox-miko rose. Each approaching her slowly. Stroking her hair, cooing wordlessly, lovingly. She... she didn't need to fight this. This would make her closer to the nameless fox-goddess, she'd be able to please her properly, to give her satisfaction like she'd been unable to here.

She felt a sister slip something over her head. Even without looking she already knew what it was, the soft vulpine ears. That each true sister wore. Attached with a band, the covered her ears like cute little muffs. Damping sound... but only for a time. Soon she found her hearing improving, the soft moans of her sisters now louder, lewder! Each delicate racing heartbeat of her future companions filled her... A strange tingling on her scalp and she could almost swear that the ears began to shift, twitching flowing the sounds of the sisters scuffling. That was silly, of course, they did, they were her ears! Her pure, vixen ears, connecting her to her goddess! Soon enough she could feel a soft pair of hands gently rubbing her ears, the sensitive sensation of an object so near her ears, paired well with the intimate petting. It was hard to tell which sister had hold of her ears, but the message was clear. 'Your sisters know how to make you feel good. Your vulpine features are to be treasured.'


Next another sister, was this Ella? There painted faces made it hard to tell... Whichever sisters it was, took a powder brush, layered thick with white foundation and began to puff it gently on Yari. At first on the sides, but soon covering her whole face. The cooling chalk-ish powder feeling nice on her exposed skin, covering up brush, blemish, and scar. Leaving only a clean white sensation smell in their place. The sister's calm sedating smile eased Yari's as the sister's hands gently guided and directed her, leaving her little more than a docile sheep in the sister's hands.
She put aside the brush and finally spoke. "You're doing so well sisters Yari," It was Ella after all, "A few more details and you'll be just like us. Able to leave your old self fully behind. Devoting your body, mind, and soul to the works of our goddess. Just as each of us has." She nodded, taking a smaller brush dabbed in red paint. Carefully trailing it along the corners of Yari's eyes, and a single thin stroke on her bottom lip. "Beautiful, clean, loved, accepted," Taking a black-tipped brush. pressing it to Yari's nose, giving her a black dot nose... but as she pulled back Yari felt subtle shifts and clicks in her face, as it tried to follow the brush, pointing her nose out, extending her jaw, giving her a vulpine snout... in fact, ever sister had the same feature... did she... did she just not notice before? These were not priestess dressed as foxes. There where fox hybrids in the clothes of miko! but... the soft bussy brushing against her feet told her something. It told her. 'You are a fox-miko too. You serve your fox mistress in all things.'

On second thought, Yari wasn't entirely sure why she was doing it.. but she didn't mind doing this at all either.. licking at the fox-godess pussy, nuzzling into her furred sex it was all too.. wonderful. The sweet, sensual taste of that sex overwhelming, the close proximity of someone so powerful..
Although she blinked in suprise, before nodding in hesitant understanding when her goddess rebuked her. What was she talking about, actually? Should she be concerned about some of this? She looked at the other priestesses, confused for a moment, before they approached her for the foxy makeover!

She blinked a bit in confusion at the strange ear-clips, moreso when they actually seemed to improve her hearing.. at least, at a certain frequency. It felt oddly nice, almost as if those ears were a part of her..
She blushed -as if her prior kneeling and worhsip hadn't already made her so-, feeling a priestess-sister nuzzle up to her ears, which flicked in delighted reflex at the sensation before she turned a little, noticing another.. it was so hard to keep any of them apart, however..

When the sisters began working on her, she just.. let it happen, with a calm, empty smiling expression. They guided her along and she felt it all too easy to follow. The sisters smiles, their encouragement, their.. magic? Kept her calm and docile, as she waited for the sisters to work on her as they pleased.. it occured to her that she too was made to look just like the others right now. Yes.. it was nice to be calm and docile under her sisters guidance..
"Yes.. please.. I think I'd very much enjoy that.."
She responded to Ella, her seductres, dreamily. The beautiful fox-goddess would claim her completely..
She blinked, as the veil of the fox-magic was undone.. they were all foxes! She realized then and there.. just a little too late, perhaps, for she was a fox too. She smiled, and relaxed under the brush.. even as it was changing her mortal form.
"Ooh.. I am a Fox-priestess.. I serve my mistress in all things.."
She repeated with a soft moan and a happy, compliant smile, as she was made like all the other miko around her.
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Slowly, Yari's mind swirled and faded, the soft cooing of the sisters providing a nice relaxing tune for her to enjoy as the swelling feelings of being a fox-miko overtook her. Thoughts rooting themselves deep in her mind. Life outside the convent walls? It didn't matter. Her past? It didn't matter. All she was and all she ever wanted to be, was a fox-miko Lovingly serving her sisters as they served her. Praising the glorious perfection that was her goddess with her body and soul.

9fb61aa87e9ae54f000e007d9e4c485a.jpg It had been some time since sister Yari came to live at the convent. Every morning she woke in the soft embrace of her fellow lower-ranked sisters. There bond liking them to each other and their goddess. She'd spend the mornings with head sister Mimi, perfecting her fervent prayers to the fox-goddess. Afternoons where spend on diligent duty. Cleaning, cooking, and tending to other tasks. And every evening, after dinner she'd spend quality time with a sister, bathing then exploring each other's bodies. Each sister had a name, a personality, but they were all sisters. They where all fox-miko. They where all the loving willing slaves of their goddess, so Yari could feel nothing but affection for each...
One night, a night that their goddess would descend to commune with them once more... She stood before them. Yari joining the throng of sisters made the rows staggered where they had been even. That didn't seem to matter, as the blond goddess looked between the rows of sisters. Her ears flicking back and forth. "Well done my children," She cooed. The honied words soothing Yari, "You goddess has no sermon for you, not today. She is pleased by all of your continued dedication and wishes to show her gratefulness," Her lips curled into a grin. "Yari, I believe you are due for your reward. Such a diligent little pet you've become. Come, receive your reward." Yari would rise, her goddess had called her, giving her the promise of reward. With the quiet chirps of evening insects backing the scene, the dim smells of summer adding their approval the blond Goddess grabbed Yari. Pulling her into a passionate kiss. Her lips parted by warm rough bestial tongue. She could feel the grouping hand of the blond-deity, feeling each of her curves sliding under the pure white robes to get a better feel for her excited sex, and hard cherry nipples. "Mmmmm, magnificent. Such a strong body and soul... all mine..." she moaned rubbing Yari against her crotch, barely covered by the low cut robes. "Come my little fox-slut, your goddess is ready." She'd pull Yari along, licking her lips.

[Bad End]


Mimi.jpg The soft playful smile of the head priest seemed to harden, even if only slightly at the sudden line of questioning from Yari. "Ah," She giggled, holding one robbed sleeve to cover her mouth as she did so, eyer closing only slightly as the tufts of fur seemed to wiggle in time. "I'm so very sorry to have worried them needlessly." She gave a grave nod. "We'd been so busy as of late, our goddess's commands leaving no room for error, that we'd simply forgotten to send our latest check-up. Those big churches in the city, you see, are much more concerned with filling the tithe box, with numbers, image, and such trivial earthly things. They can't even devote themselves to one deity, pandering," She spat. Though it seems she caught herself mid diatribe, refocing her face into a slightly more genuine smile. "We worship one goddess here, devoting ourselves to her ways fully. Our mother church in the big city only ever seems to want taxes from us, you'll forgive my error in allowing my frustration to show...
Oh, we'd had a few travelers come through in the recent months. A couple of men, which our sect doesn't allow on the premises. We did offer them a blessing and some rations for their trip. A female adventurer as well, she stayed a night with us, then went on her way.
" Mimi drew a deep breath, cautiously crossing her arms as she studied Yari. "I see, I'd hoped you'd be open enough to enjoy our customs well examining us, but if you feel you cannot partake I will not force the issue. You've your own struggles after all." She nodded. "Oh! Please don't mistake my disappointment with the lack of hospitality! You are more than welcome to stay here until you are satisfied, we will gladly provide you with food and shelter, it is part of our teachings to shelter those in need after all. You may use the grounds as you please well our guests, don't worry about the cooking either you may join us at each meal. However..." The head priestess bit her lip, lost in thought for a few seconds. Her eyes finally wandered back to Yari's now filled with a strang determination. "Tonight is a special ceremony for our sect. It is not for outsiders to view, so I ask that you stay in your room following dinner." She nodded. "Ella will help you with anything you should need, or any of the sisters really. I will let them know you have my blessing, and our goddess's as well."

Yari listened to the high-priestess ranting with a calm smile. "I see. I hope my presence here will not be too troublesome. I will merely stay the night, disturbing you as little as possible, whilest preparing to report your well being back to the temples in the city."
She nodded with a bow, before letting one of the fox-priest sisters accompany her to ther designated room, where she knelt down and began carefully cleaning her robe...

Only when she was certain anyone watching her would have gotten bored, did she swiftly rush to spy outside of the small rooms sliding door.

Those who would deny others the tithes due were innately suspicious to her. The over-devotion to the imagery of a fox... but more than that something about what the priestess had said about an adventurer staying the night than leaving sounded.. off to Yari. Not in itself, but she could have sworn that there'd been an adventurer under the name of Ella Swiftblade.. not a close aquaintance of Yari, of course, but now that she thought about it, the temple-priestess Ella seemed quite athletic for the average Miko.

It was a blasphemous idea, that a whole holy temple could have been decieved by a demonic entity posing as a goddess.. but perhaps the temple had indeed been loyal to a goddess which had been corrupted by another influence?

After peering outside and making sure she was alone, she produced a small paper charm, placing it over the sliding door. Her theory was outlandish. Unlikely. But if one or more unholy creatures had managed to invade the temple, one of the first things they'd do after gaining control is to set up a guest room with some nasty trap or another just for folks like her.. but they likely didn't expect to be visited by a competent swords-woman and exorcist. So now it was time to look around for anything suspicious in her guest room...