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Vulpine Shrine - (Fox/Frog)

Yari was, of course, free to look around before dinner. Sating any curiosities well enough, and getting a working understanding of the layout of the buildings and scenery within the walls. Her attendant, Ella the same girl from before, was more than eager to show off the hard work of the sisters, how they kept every inch spotless, toiling toward the goddess they'd seen fit to memorialize in stone, but not yet name to Yari... Dinner was a simple affair as well, leaving Yari full, but curious...
Later, guided by the courteous sister to a small dwelling, continuing a mat for sleeping, small table which had a glass and water pitcher and not much else. Yari was able to think through what she had seen. The various things the priest had said, it was a touch suspicious. The coincidences mounting one after another, it was surely the right move to investigate a bit further even if she'd been asked to stay quietly in her room.
Room secured, Yari had free reign. The water jug... well it seemed to have a strang clear liquid in it. Smelling it gave off a faint mineral scent.... yep it was just water... The other object in the room, the bedding, was a simple thin mat. Stuffed with enough down to be comfortable, but not so much to take up more room then was needed. In short... there was little all that suspicious in this room in particular. Maybe Yari was wrong about the sisters, maybe they where just a group of fanatical fox followers, that meant her no harm. Maybe it was Elza Swiftblade and her memory was just going bad!
No... she could hear it, the soft moaning chatting playing lightly outside her room. The strange sickeningly sweet presence that seemed to fill the air all at once, cloying and choking her. There was more, surely there was more! There was a sudden quiet whisper accompanying the smells, "Quiet the curious little kitten," The whisper was more a giggle, a thick saccharine mixture that clung to the air.

Wait, where was the voice coming from? It sounded like it was all around Yari, but still, it had to be near-by!

It sounded almost like the voice came from just outside the room! Prying open the sliding door Yari could hear the shredding of the seal that had protected her... whoops. Though she found the source of the voice. "Hello deary, the sisters mentioned we had a cute little kitten scurrying about my temple," A boxxum vixen stood a few feet from the doorway, her robs coming down only to the high thighs. Long bushy blond tail waving playfully at Yari, contrasting with the predatory smile of the statue made flesh. "I take it you wanted to come play with me too? That's why you opened the door even when you were told to say out of our business? Such a shame." She giggled, petting the mewling Mimi attached at their hip, giving Yari a dopy happy smile... the ears attached to her head seeming maybe just a bit more real then before... the head priestess's tail wagging along with the goddess's.

Just out of sight, Yari could make out a long slender black... tail? slipping around the corner of the building. That must have been what called to her! She'd have to jump out the window to give proper chase though. Slipping out the window, into the gardens she was able to round the corner, luckily it seemed to be heading away from the sisters gathering, so there was little chance of her being spotted in the dim light. As she round the corner, she was greeted with a... small black cat. "Reow?" It cocked it's head at her curiously.

Yari felt a mounting of coincidence, but nothing to raise any true alarm in her mind. Her room was.. simple enough, as expected, almost intentionally sparsly decorated, but she could respect that. She'd slept on silks in the past.. they were more comfortable, alright, but less so knowing her subjects slept far from as comfortable.

But then however, she first felt, before hearing someone. A sensual aura of.. whatever this was, she had been right after all, something was wrong within this temple!
She steps to the door, one hand calm, but firm at her blade as she opens it up, glancing outside... oh right the seal, she'd almost forgotten about it.. she inwardly cursed her carelessness as she glanced upon.. huh.

Yari took the scene in.. the figure before her, the mewling high-priestess by the fox-things side.. and exhaled. "Whoever you may be, no offense to your kind, but no goddess would manifest so directly. A fox-spirit that has corrupted the sisters worship?"
She mused, switching up her stance.. into something that revealed she was more than just a pretty lady, her kimono fluttering slightly with the blade readied to strike, eyes calm and steeled upon the blonde fox.
"I disdain violence, so know this is your only chance to explain yourself forthwith. Any trickery you try shall be judged upon the blade. What have you done to these priestesses?"
She demanded, with a dangerous, calm confidence.

Even if there was someone by the door, she wouldn't risk tearing at her tag. Even if the talisman by itself was not powerful enough to keep everything out forever, the mere act of doing such would be a spiritual gesture weakening her, Yari knew. Luckily there was a small window by which to check what she was dealing with..

Something slipping away? Why would something retreat from her here? She hesitated.. the window was small, but she was dextrous. Plus, perhaps.. exploring a little on her own wouldn't be the worst idea..

Although, once she rounded the corner, there was no eldritch tentacle demon ready to fill her with it's spawn, no black magic wielding seductress, only a dark furred kitten.. she raised a brow, before chuckling and extending a gentle hand to brush through it's dark fur. Well, this didn't get her far,.. so what was that voice she'd heard? She briefly looked about...
==========================Door Path==============================================================================================
Tamamo.png The fox sudo-deity stood with her grin, her wide condicending grin firmly attached between long flowing golden locks. She took a step forward, two massive chest melons giggling as she did so, "Oh, our little detective thinks she's figured it out?" She giggled, making the two golden tails sway behind her low cut robes.
"Take that back!" Mimi narrowed her eyes as she stared down Yari, her offense radiating into the cool night air.
The fox just patted Mimi a few times on the head, "Now now, no need to be upset by the ignorant," She giggled. Her eyes now scanning Yari up and down, "I'm afraid you have a bit of a misunderstanding. I mean you no harm, my cute servants mean you no harm. It is as you say, I'm no deity. Allow me to introduce myself, Tamamo, guardian fox of this temple. I served quite quietly for many years, bound to my true form. Watching the sisters as they toiled for gods that do not hear. It crushed me," She smiled a little, running a hand along Mimi's face, "Such a cute little sister. Could you imagine her spending her whole life as a slave to some... concept? No, I'm not a deity. I'm these girls guardian, and they choose to love me back,"
"So, kitten. You've come to destroy me? To put the sisters back on the 'righteous' path? To save them from their fulfillment, is that it?"

"You're a two-tailed fox-spirit that has usurped the divine service of the sisters. While you sound as if you had good intend, your kind is well known for their deception. Even if all you said is true, how come the temple has broken all contact to the outside world, why the need for deception and secrecy? I cannot trust your account. I bear you no ill will but I have to stop you nonetheless."
Yari bowed her head, almost apologetically, before shifting her stance, kimono fluttering behind her as she drew her blade with deadly elegance.


"I heard rumours that the strength of a fox-spirit is relative to the amount of tails it has, which means beyond some illusiory trickster magic, you should not be able to face me in a direct physical confrontation. Even three or four tails I should be able to deal with easily enough, so please don't try anything untowards." Yari informed... but again, she was a pacifist, she didn't want to attack this fox, yet.

"Leave this place in peace and return to the wildernis, never to bother a human that does not entreat upon your dwelling first, free the sisters from your influence, and your deeds shall be cherry-blossoms upon the wind to me. I am sure you had good intentions, but you have to maintain on your rightful place within the celestial order."
She insisted, calmly. Even if the fox-mistress seemed reasonable, and kind, and reasonably kind there was more than one thing suspicious about all this...
Tamamo.png The fox woman wagged her two tails cautiously. Looking around to the sisters that had begun to gather so cheerfully, longingly around her... with one hand she pushed Mimi back adding, "Take the other sisters and stay out of this," she turned her attention back to Yari, her golden eyes meeting with Yari's. Behind her, Mimi had done just as she was told, disappearing from view along with all the other sisters. "Well I appreciate your concern," She grinned, holding out a slender hand palm facing the ceiling as a wisp of fire appeared in her hand. "It seems you are very knowledgeable about our kind," Her smile softened. "I'm afraid I can't give up my place with these sisters without a fight. Not after I've finally freed them. Rather, I'll ask you. Would you leave us? I'll make sure Mimi opens communications with the outside once more. You can report to the churches what you like... I see we'd rather not come to blow, yet, I will not abandon the sisters." She assured.

The fire was doused within an instant. In the pale moonlight, Yari could make out a pained expression on the fox's face, followed by her slowly getting on both knees and kowtowing before the samurai. "Thank you. I'll not forget your kindness this night." She assured clearly with her head still towards the ground.
Yari was soon after given a small care package by the sisters. One that would help her on the way back to town... even at this late hour they understood she'd not want to remain at the temple any longer. The gates firmly shut behind the swordswoman. The sisters seeming concerned, but not willing to stop Yari either. The next day Yari would make her report, and if she lingered in the city, sure enough, one of the sister, a familiar-looking girl arrived with a letter from the monetary. A declaration of independence from the churches. It seemed that Yari's task was done, they'd been forthcoming in their communications... this was fine. Right?

=======================================================Neatral End============================================================

An angry frown crawled across Tamamo's face. "I see," She bit, "I will not let you take them from me!" In a single smooth motion, she lunged. Her right hand glowing in a crackling blue of fire. She ducked low, trying to avoid a strike from Yari. Her golden eyes were locked on Yari's right side as her hair billowed out in a large puff behind her. This fox spirit seemed committed to her attack.
Yari's sword whizzed through the air. Aimed squarely for a blow to stop the rushing fox spirit. As she anticipated her blad connecting with fox flesh it... it had no resistance, slipping right through the thin air as though nothing was there at all! The fox spirit stopped her attack, standing up her wild hair tumbling back into place. "Got ya," She giggled, as Yari felt soft warm hands slip around her from behind. Cupping her breasts and starting to undress her... she'd turn around to stop this at once... but she felt strangely at peace. Unable resiste the soft hands of Tamamo.
Even with the rushing fox spirit, Yari could sense something was wrong. This frontal assault was all wrong for a weaker creature. Sure enough, if Yari looked around she'd find the sneaky fox darting off behind her, setting up for some despicable trick no doubt as the illusionary double distracted her! The fox didn't seem aware she'd been found out yet, Yari was ready for a swift counter-attack!

"..your dedication to the priestesses seems genuine, although your desire to turn them from divine worship towards your own may be less benevolent than you admit.."
She nodded, watching the foxfire ascend cautiously. She was a pacifist at heart, but could she just allow this?

Yari sighed. Her task was not to take down a dangerous spirit in the temple, but to reopen communications, so this is what she would do. She nodded.. it would be up to the priests to determine the legitimacy of this .. faith.

She chuckled slightly when the fox-spirit bowed at her offer.. there were certainly worse creatures out there. Yes, maybe this was alright.. although she couldn't help but feel like she was missing (out) on something..


She exhaled heavily. Nothing would make her more happy than to simply turn away from conflict and leave this behind.. but clearly, the fox-spirit was manipulating, nay, controlling the sisterhood and just abandoning them here and now felt wrong.
"I would like to leave.. but I cannot. My apologies, Miss fox." She declared, always honorable..

In a blinding-quick motion, Yari drew her blade to cut at the fox. .. to hit an illusion!
She growled and.. and.. blinked, and shook her head. Soft hands on her kimono-clad bossom had her hesitate, eyes widened. She had to.. ready another strike, yes.. what was going on, why was the fox so easily opening up her dress? She had to do something.. she.. moaned softly under the touch...

Something wasn't -quite- right. Foxes were tricksters, and to attack whom the fox had to suspect a seasoned warrior so head on.. The fox-fire was there to distract her, propably, mostly harmless magic, so..

Her eyes darted around, finding the fox sneaking up on her.. and she waited to the last moment, to draw forth her sword, letting the illusion pass her as she drew her sword forth in a mercifully swift thrust. "I will not be decieved."