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配校舎 walkthrough :
  • press W key can skip message
  • bad end H can't watch in H-scene room
  • if normal end don't has H, can ignore
Start (1-8 area) :
  1. press C key can change member, brown hair girl can picklock
  2. change blue hair girl, she can pick up rubble, then click switch
  3. change blonde hair girl, she can solve mystery
  4. click 2 picture then click quest board, get 2 picture to dead end of 2 corridor 2 picture.jpg
  5. pick up rubble then open locked locker.
    change blonde hair then use item 日記, choose 3nd choice then choose 2nd.
    click table table.jpg
  6. left open locked cabinet, then change blonde hair click shining object.
    pick up rubble to next area
  7. open locked box get silver key, pick up rubble to lower right, then open silver box
    back to room click clock then upper right click bath 2 times
    pick up rubble to next area
  8. open locked door, and open locked red box
    change blonde hair, use item ヒントの紙, choose 4th > 2nd > 1st > 3rd
    click yellow > blue > red > green > yellow switch
    click aquarium, then better make new save for different story
Right stair (blue hair girl route) :
  1. pick up rubble then change blonde hair click quest board, choose 3rd choice
    pass right door
  2. click doll has hidden switch then go down click doll has hidden switch too
    change blonde hair, go up click doll, choose 3rd choice
    go down click switch in left then right stair go up to jail get key
  3. pick up rubble in left wall
    click bone > click has ➡ table, click bone again > click has new ➡ table, then go down
    change blonde hair, click bone then choose 4th choice, then click has new ➡ table
    get pickaxe, change blue hair, go down click upper wall
    to upper corridor, if choose 3rd choice is safe, other to H and bad end
    click HATE locker has hidden switch for next area
  4. blue hair girl click switch then click right jail door
    if she get caught to H and bad end, (can ignore now because no more H) need go right road open red box and middle road for switch
  5. talk to blonde hair, choose 3rd choice then choose 2nd one
    click left mirror to ending
Left stair (brown hair girl route) :
  1. open locked door and box
    change blonde hair then use item 謎の紙, choose 3rd choice then 2nd one
    click red switch, then open locked door to next area
  2. get wood outside toilet toilet.jpg
    click left toilet, if choose 2nd > 2nd > 3rd choice will no H
  3. push 2 statue face to face, then has wood can pass to right
    talk to man in jail, choose 1st choice (if 2nd to ending), then choose 4 > 5 > 450651
    enter 450651 for open lock then talk to man has H and bad end
Start :
  1. right has inn, go to clothes shop in inn's lower right, upper right talk to healer
  2. lower left has pub, lower of pub talk to lady fighter lady fighter.jpg
  3. left to town exit
  4. go to town has H and can't enter
  5. left talk to boy who near hole
  6. right to house, talk to guard, inside has choice. If choose 1st choice to pub, if 2nd choice to guild
  7. pass road in basement to town
If go to pub :
  1. talk to barmaid, after change clothes talk to her again
  2. click 2 table then report to barmaid, then talk to pub master
  3. go to basement
  4. in brothel talk to manager then outside find customer customer.jpg
  5. move out from brothel
  6. to left start 2nd play
If go to guild (upper left of pub) :
  1. talk to manager in right counter then click notes
  2. talk to manager again, in town pick up 5 rubbish then report to manager
  3. to left start 2nd play
After any ending :
  1. go to town
  2. if go to pub or guild is same as upper route
  3. go to upper left mansion, talk to guard
  4. choose bath with master or maid, at night go to upper right room
  5. after 3 ending, go to clothes shop
  6. in inn 2F, go to upper right room
  7. go to right slum, to house in rightmost, inside talk to man
プリズム☆ファンタジー walkthrough
  • monster has red flashing and boss surely has GoR
  • this game has hidden item
  • if get 5 プリズムのかけら, menu choose 武器強化 can power up weapon
  • if get this type bad status bad status.jpg , need special item to cure, item can buy in slum's hidden shop. Or can cure in clinic プリジット治療院
  • 2nd play, H-scene room press 5 switch in upper can all H-scene on
Start > Little town ルエンテ > Hill cave ダラソナ山洞窟 :
  1. in forest (normal monster GoR), wood, pot and flower (after 3 thief) has hidden item east forest.jpg
  2. vs 3 thief
  3. go to little town ルエンテ, wood in right side of town has hidden item
  4. go to inn, 2F pot has hidden item, go bathroom 2 times and toilet, then click bed for sleep
  5. at night choose 1st choice, next time sleep better choice 一緒に寝る
  6. go up to temple, click crystal can Improve full ability in 5 battle
  7. upper left to guild, talk to aged, barrel in right has hidden item
  8. north to hill cave ダラソナ山洞窟
  9. vs boss, then back to village report to guild master, click PC can get 2 quest
  10. Quest 北の村で魔物退治 : go to north village クレンペル, inn talk to man can get item, upper left click wood can get item. Upper left house talk to village head, then north to hill road (normal monster has new GoR). Help girl then near hilltop vs big slime. Hilltop's house, drink tea then sleep 2 times has 2H for 2 heroine. Wood near house, flower in upper side of hilltop has hidden item. Back to village, temple talk to girl can get item, upper left house report to village head can get fishing rod
  11. Quest 平原でクロイモヤ退治 : go to ゴラル平原, defeat 10 darkness monster
Bridge サウスブリッジ/橋[東] > Space-time tower 時空の塔 :
  1. go to east of bridge サウスブリッジ[東], talk to man with carriage on the left
  2. NE to promenade walkway of forest, in road talk to woman. Forest's flower and wood that in boss area left side has hidden item
  3. vs flower monster
  4. pass bridge to west, then go to Space-time tower 時空の塔, entrance lower left wood has hidden item, lower right has hidden road
  5. tower top talk to Sage
  6. go down to shop area can buy magic book
  7. go to inn, click upper right room door has H, then click bed for sleep
Beach/Tunnel ナギア海岸/ナギア地下道 > Green temple 緑の神殿 > Seaside park 海浜公園 :
  1. go to beach/tunnel ナギア海岸/ナギア地下道 (normal monster has new GoR)
  2. shining stone in 2nd area has hidden item
  3. pass tunnel to green temple 緑の神殿 (normal monster has new GoR)
  4. white flashing door is from north to south only
  5. in temple can get ドクロ印のシロップ, this item for GoR
  6. vs robot and get green orb
  7. go to seaside park 海浜公園 (normal monster has new GoR). Red flashing thief has 2 type GoR for 2 heroine
  8. vs succubus
  9. if go to boss area again, deep to wood has hidden item
Fortified city プリエージュ > SW tunnel ヴェナデ地下道 > Blue temple 青の神殿 :
  1. go to fortified city プリエージュ, lower right barrel has hidden item
  2. city go east to training center, go to upper left for training can get gym clothes 体操服
  3. 2F go to bath and toilet, then sleep
  4. city go north to temple, right counter can buy 乙女シート. Item 乙女シート can Improve full ability, move 500 step will lost effect and change to 使用済みシート(name of heroine), can put it in rubbish bin that in toilet or when later go to town サンタンデイル, talk to man in upper left can sell it (each heroine needs 1 of this item). Left counter can get H skill, total 5 skill (need sleep together and use kiss skill [or new skill] a lot times)
  5. BAR outside talk to man, BAR talk to master can get job and bunny clothes
  6. east to slum area, can buy item after H in hidden shop. Click hole has 3H. Wood, box and broken pot has hidden item slum.jpg
  7. slum left side talk to man can up nasty degree only. 3 tent, sleep in slum's inn and go to toilet 3 times has H
  8. go to SW tunnel ヴェナデ地下道, barrel that near entrance has hidden item
  9. pass tunnel (normal monster has new GoR), then go to blue temple 青の神殿 (normal monster has new GoR)
  10. red flashing square is trap, has slime H
  11. vs robot and get blue orb
2 new quest :
  • in guild of little town ルエンテ > 平原でクロイモヤ退治[再] : go to ゴラル平原, defeat tree boss
  • in guild of fortified city プリエージュ > 海浜公園で魔物退治 : go to seaside park 海浜公園, area before succubus boss (has message), go lower to beach vs boss
H :
  • nasty degree (淫乱度) 10, any inn, click bed choice オナニー
  • nasty degree 20, small town ルエンテ, BAR talk to man in upper left
  • nasty degree 30, fortified city プリエージュ, BAR talk to 3 customer has 3H
  • nasty degree 30? and has bikini (when fortified city has new clothes sale), fortified city プリエージュ, wear bikini then talk to man behind clothes shop
  • nasty degree 30 and has ass fuck exp?, village クレンペル, talk to man outside bread shop
  • nasty degree 40, town サンタンデイル, left side talk to boy has 2H
  • nasty degree 40, fortified city プリエージュ, item shop 2F, dress gym clothes 体操服 talk to manager, after H go to shop again has another H
  • nasty degree 40? when go to town サンタンデイル and see woman move out from inn, go to inn talk to man
  • nasty degree 40? fortified city プリエージュ after succubus H in BAR 2F and see woman move out from BAR, wear cheerleader clothes, BAR talk to customer in right side
Space-time tower 時空の塔 > Town サンタンデイル > Abandoned mine リゴロザ山の廃坑 > Mountain ノルデ山 > Red temple 赤の神殿
  1. go to space-time tower 時空の塔, from hidden road to tower
  2. treasure box monster has 2 type GoR, pot has hidden item
  3. space-time tower talk to Sage
  4. go to town サンタンデイル, defeat all enemy, wood in left side has hidden item
  5. go up to temple talk to priest
  6. right side of town talk to girl
  7. go to abandoned mine リゴロザ山の廃坑
  8. in cross road go east , box and bookshelf has hidden item. If go west, wood box and bag has hidden item, go north has 4 hidden item
  9. vs minotaur, defeat it then get flower and ice ax (for material in wall)
  10. back to town サンタンデイル, talk to priest
  11. guild get 2 quest
  12. if go to fortified city プリエージュ has new clothes sale
  13. Quest 治療院で魔物退治 : go to clinic プリジット治療院, upper right flower has hidden item. After help girl, talk to her can cure 3 bad status (or room in right side click switch for 3 bad status) for 3H. Now go to inn, click H-scene room book choose 2nd choice can get this book, then go to H-scene room is item > 大事なもの > 回想の書
  14. Quest ノルデ山の山賊退治 : go to mountain ノルデ山 (normal monster has new GoR), 1st area upper left wood and 2nd area wood has hidden item. Go to thief hideout, broken barrel has hidden item, defeat all thief. Next area defeat all thief too, broken pot has hidden item. Vs thief boss, then click bookshelf has hidden switch
  15. back to hill, up to red temple 赤の神殿 (normal monster has new GoR)
  16. red temple.jpg has hidden switch
  17. vs robot, next H is virgin or not 2 type (another one can view in H-scene room), get red orb
  18. town サンタンデイル, temple talk to priest can get equip
2 new quest :
  • fortified city プリエージュ, guild get new quest 行方不明者の捜索 : go to west forest 西の森 (normal monster has new GoR), 1st area upper right wood and north area upper left flower has hidden item. After go to north, go to west has inn, drink tea then sleep has 2H. VS boss
  • town サンタンデイル, guild get new quest 廃坑の調査員 : go to abandoned mine リゴロザ山の廃坑, to the hole that block up by big rock before. VS boss
Space-time tower 時空の塔 > Lake マドネア湖 > Edge of chaos 混沌の淵
  1. go to space-time tower 時空の塔, enter tower vs succubus
  2. defeat all monster then vs little succubus
  3. go to basement of space-time tower
  4. small hole has hidden switch, another hole has item tower basement.jpg
  5. vs boss then set 3 orb to wall
  6. magic circle to lake マドネア湖 (normal monster has new GoR), wood and flower has hidden item, this area tentacle tentacle.jpg has new GoR. Right side of recover stele has shoal can pass, has nice equip
  7. down to edge of chaos 混沌の淵 (normal monster has new GoR)
  8. hole can pass and has H chaos hole.jpg
  9. vs boss
Ending :
  1. go to fortified city プリエージュ, BAR 2F watch succubus H
  2. fortified city's guild has new quest ケモノランドで魔物退治 : buy beast ear, go to west forest 西の森, keep go to north untill you see beast guard. Wear beast ear and wear off clothes can to north side of forest. 1st area upper right wood has hidden item, 2nd area has pee CG. In beast land, upper left wood has hidden item, talk to near beast has H. Talk to beast mayor, go to cave, vs boss then report to beast mayor
  3. go to town サンタンデイル, right side talk to little succubus
  4. go to lake マドネア湖, go to boss area of edge of chaos 混沌の淵, break magic barrier
  5. click door has H, then vs final boss
  6. go to space-time tower 時空の塔 talk to Sage, then go to teleport room to ending
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トランス・フィメール・ファンタジー レガシー walkthrough
  • if pot is open, maybe has hidden item
  • if cant start event, maybe need use magic up female exp
  • better go for patch of new version
Son of Duke side :
Start in City メイーブルの街 > Village イブの村 > Waterhead :
  1. go up floor, talk to maid
  2. in party talk to father and mother few times
  3. go to pub in lower right of city, up floor talk to Thomas (トマス)
  4. go to house in upper left of city, 2F talk to girl friend Mina (ミナ) has H
  5. go to Goddess tower in upper right of city, 2F talk to father
  6. go up to duke room, talk to father and mother home.jpg
  7. east to tower, click around but cant enter
  8. NW to village イブの村, middle has event, after event will go to house of village head
  9. talk to village head (better choose all choice) then talk to his wife for sleep, at night if choose 一度起きる can walk in town, if go to item shop from back door can get equip in pot
  10. tomorrow when leave has man come to house, talk to him
  11. go to waterhead that near SE of village, defeat boss then help child
  12. if go to dragon cave in north of village, talk to dragon choose 3rd choice 別の世界を知りたい can change protagonist
  13. back to city メイーブルの街 talk to father
  14. Sleep in inn, at night talk to Goddess then choose 一度起きる, home 2F right room talk to brother
  15. go to Goddess tower, 3F talk to brother
  16. back to home, 3F talk to maid then open red box
  17. go to house in upper left of city, 2F talk to Mina has H
Town フォレストタウン > East Tower :
  1. tomorrow go south to bridge, pass it to west side then NW to town フォレストタウン
  2. house in town right, talk to man 2 times, better choose all choice
  3. use more magic untill at night click mirror can change to female
  4. from city go east to tower, click stele
  5. click green orb can unlock door
  6. pass locked door, down to basement of tower for ritual
  7. at night talk to Thomas, choose 1st choice has H
  8. at night, click mirror for change clothes, then go to house in upper left of city, 2F talk to Mina
  9. at night, talk to Mina then talk to Thomas
  10. in city, at night, inn talk to Mina has H. At night can go to shop that behind of inn, right side can buy pants
Town フォレストタウン > Forest > Lake temple :
  1. go to town フォレストタウン, left house 2F click piano, then talk to man in right of town
  2. now in fight can up female level to 2
  3. at night, equip pants then click mirror has 2H (2nd times is tomorrow choose 2nd choice), talk to Mina and Thomas has H
  4. boat to north forest north forest.jpg , click magic circle
  5. north to lake temple, in basement, after save point click magic circle will vs boss
  6. click magic circle, go up for ritual
  7. tomorrow back to home, 2F meeting room talk to father and brother home.jpg
  8. now in fight can up femle level to 3
Dock town カーラの港町 > broken castle :
  1. city south to dock town カーラの港町, pub talk to soldier pub in dock town.jpg , then Prince will join
  2. at night, click mirror has H, talk to Mina has 2H (need use inn 2 times), talk to Thomas has 3H, talk to Prince 2 times
  3. west to broken castle, click stele can make magic circle appear
  4. stair that near king chair, go down can get key
  5. basement vs boss, after boss open golen box can get new magic
  6. open door in home's basement for item
  7. at two night talk to Prince 2 times
Stray village はぐれ者の村 > Ruins > Hill road :
  1. NW pass checking station and tunnel to stray village はぐれ者の村
  2. house in upper left, talk to baldness 2 times
  3. move out stray village from NE exit, then SE to ruins, click stele
  4. 1F magic circle in right need change to green, for left side can down to basement
  5. 2F magic circle in left need change to green, for right side can move to 3F
  6. 3F right change magic circle to green (need magic circle in left is red), then 3F left change magic circle to green
  7. down to basement, in deep of basement click 2 stele one by one 3 times (dont up stair or will reset), then go to middle for ritual
  8. now in fight can up female level to 4
  9. at night, click mirror, talk to Prince, Mina and Thomas has H
  10. go to lake temple that in forest, drop down from 3F can open golden box for equip
  11. back to city, upper right to Goddess tower, 3F open door to north, open golden box can get new skill
  12. back to home, meeting room talk to father
  13. go to hill road that in SW of broken castle, talk to soldier then click barrier
  14. better defeat soldier in tent?
  15. click crystal 2 times, choose 3rd choice カスミ x スカイ
  16. vs final boss
Fisherman side :
Start in Fishing village モウル > Pirate hideout :
  1. pub talk to Friend ヒュウ
  2. big house in up side, talk to village head in upper side
  3. lower left of village has boat, use it to upper right talk to sister
  4. pub talk to Friend 2 times
  5. back to home click sister's wardrobe
  6. go to big house, talk to village head
  7. beach talk to Friend then talk to pirate in middle
  8. talk to pirate boss, blue hair in left then pirate in lower right, then back to chair
  9. lower side has pirate who guard in dock, talk to him 2 times
  10. lower right stair to underground, talk to guard, then go up to upper left get drink to him
  11. back to ground then south to beach, go to lower right
  12. talk to blue hair Nina ニーナ
  13. back to room (better remove all equip), then talk to pirate boss
  14. pass underground to pirate's hidden road, back to fishing village モウル
  15. back to home, click bag in right side then talk to Nina
  16. when sister come back, click book in lower right then talk to sister
  17. back to pirate hideout then rest in room
  18. talk to pirate who guard in dock then rest in room
  19. at night, go underground talk to guard
  20. click door then go up stair but dont want move up, so click door again
  21. up to ground, talk to Nina and mercenary near her
Torkia Castle (トルキア城) > Desert > Fishing village モウル :
  1. in jail click door and talk to all ppl, then sit on chair
  2. talk to Nina then sit on chair again
  3. if help aged in upper side, talk to him again can recover
  4. if defeat soldier will make door close, better reload save and ignore them (if door closed, in apprentice soldier side, go to west exit need take a big round)
  5. pass castle to town, lower left to slum area, in house talk to man, pay 10$ to him
  6. rest in inn, at night click mirror, talk to all party member then sleep
  7. go to house in slum, talk to man then pass hidden road can move out castle town
  8. at night click mirror, choose 2nd choice has H
  9. east to desert desert.jpg
  10. pass desert to crossroad, south pass checking station
  11. back to fishing village, talk to man who near entrance
  12. big house talk to village head and 2F talk to pirate boss
  13. back to home but sister not here
Hot Spring Town コーネ > Source of Hot Spring Cave > Dragon Cave :
  1. crossroad north to hot spring town コーネ
  2. upper left to hot spring, talk to Friend (man near counter), follow him to house 2F and talk to him again
  3. talk to girl then talk to aged few times
  4. go to inn that in lower right of town, at night talk to Friend and Nina. Tomorrow night talk to them again
  5. after get new skill in fight, town upper house 2F talk to girl and aged
  6. town NE to source of hot spring cave, to source vs boss
  7. move out town, west dragon cave talk to girl (need she leave)
  8. go to source of hot spring cave, to dragon statue area
  9. at night talk to Nina has H
  10. tomorrow talk to pub master then talk to aged 2 times, after female level change to 2, go to magic circle can pot to fishing village then use it back to hot spring town
  11. at night click mirror has H, then sleep has H
  12. after has message in fight? at night talk to Nina has H
  13. at night talk to sister, go to pub talk to Friend in left
  14. at night go to hot spring, NW side talk to girl
  15. at night talk to Nina then talk to Friend
Tower 神綬の塔 :
  1. move out town from north exit, north to hillroad, pass it to NW tower 神綬の塔
  2. click upper left stele can teleport
  3. tower 3F vs boss and click orb
  4. click 2 more orb and stele that near water
  5. click orb that in wall, choose 3rd choice, then go up near water
  6. up to root for ritual
  7. in fight can female level up to 3
  8. if go to inn, Friend leave and Thomas (トマス) join
Ruins of fort 古き砦の遺跡 > Dock town デンの港町 :
  1. crossroad go east has dock town デンの港町, then SE to ruins of fort
  2. click upper right can make magic circle appear
  3. at night talk to party member has H
  4. at night talk to sister and Thomas has H
  5. use magic circle port to ruins of fort
  6. go to basement, open door then go down vs minotaur
  7. down to ruins has golden box for new magic, deep of ruins has event
  8. use magic circle back to fishing village, talk to Friend then go near pub
  9. go to inn for sleep
  10. go to dock town デンの港町, talk to man in left, choose 2nd choice. Talk to him again, choose 1st choice. Talk to him again and again
  11. dock in right talk to sailor
City メイーブルの街 > East Tower > Broken Castle :
  1. move out dock town then north to city メイーブルの街
  2. sleep in inn, tomorrow will up to female level 4
  3. at night talk to Thomas and Nina has H
  4. go to mansion of Duke that in middle of city, 2F Duke room talk to Duke home.jpg
  5. go east to tower, up to roof
  6. go to broken castle that in city SW
  7. near stele, choice inside castle (城内部へ), if 2nd choice back to hot spring town
  8. go to green magic circle that in basement, then go 2 side broken castle.jpg
  9. after save point, vs final boss
  10. back to city, go to mansion of Duke
Apprentice Soldier side :
Start in Military Facility > Trading City 交易都市ティスラ :
  1. move out military facility from west exit, west to trading city 交易都市ティスラ
  2. back to home in upper left (inn), 2F lower right room click bed for sleep
  3. tomorrow talk to mother then go to military facility
  4. middle trading center talk to classmate then talk to Kai ガイ
  5. go to headquarters that in right of pub
  6. 2F meeting room talk to military instructor who in left of table
  7. talk to black hair manager then down stair, but cant move out so back to room
  8. talk to all girl few times, when all girl up to stage, go up to stage
  9. talk to manager, ground talk to left soldier can pass, then back to home sleep
  10. if go to headquarters, 2F talk to military instructor can get 50$
  11. back to home, 2F open box can change clothes (click mirror can change back)
Stray Village はぐれ者の村 > West Cave :
  1. go to military facility, move out from south exit, SE to stray village はぐれ者の村, after few fights has message when sleep
  2. move out from south exit, west to cave
  3. ground floor door is d m s, B1 door is r f l music.jpg
  4. step this type ground step.jpg , B2 talk to Kai
  5. click wood box
Trading City 交易都市ティスラ > Snow Hill Road > Snow Town トーリスの街 :
  1. back to home, go 2F sleep
  2. move out city from west exit, north has dragon cave
  3. north to snow hill road, 2nd guideboard go left has fight, 3rd round Kai will join
  4. pass snow hill road to snow town トーリスの街
  5. at night, go to house in right side can find Kai
  6. in fight has message, then at night click mirror, choose 1st choice
  7. go to snow hill road, to mine use trolley
  8. change switch and use trolley can see Kai
  9. back to snow town, click mirror choose 2nd choice change male clothes
  10. go to mine that in NW of town, talk to Kai 2 times
  11. click wood box, then vs 3 group slime (if last fight not enough MP, better try again)
  12. back to town, at night, click mirror choose 3rd choice
  13. at night, click mirror choose 3rd choice (CG has little different)
Military Facility > Capital of Leusen ロイセン城 :
  1. go to military facility, go to headquarters 2F, move to meeting room
  2. talk to all girl in room
  3. move out from east exit, east to capital of Leusen ロイセン城, remove all equip on manager
  4. north to castle, go to audience with King
  5. at night, go north to church talk to Morian モリアン
  6. back to room, with other member talk to Prince then sit on chair
  7. talk to manager then move out room
  8. audience with King
  9. office talk to minister and Kai will join office.jpg
  10. at night click mirror has H, talk to Mina has H
  11. at night click mirror, choose 3rd choice has H, talk to Mina has H
Stray Village はぐれ者の村 > West Cave > Trading City 交易都市ティスラ :
  1. go to stray village はぐれ者の村, upper left house talk to baldness
  2. at night talk to Mina for concert and female level up to 2
  3. house in left of item shop, talk to girl 2 times
  4. go to west cave, vs a lot white radish then get flower to girl in stray village
  5. go to trading city, sleep in inn, tomorrow manager come to inn when leave from inn
  6. 2F talk to manager, talk to her again choose コンサートへGO!
  7. stage in middle of city, talk to manager
  8. inn 2F talk to Mina then go to stage
  9. inn 1F upper right room talk to Kai then city middle talk to him again
  10. go to house in upper right of city, kitchen talk to woman
  11. inn 2F talk to manager
  12. move out city from west exit, go to house in SW of trading city, talk to Kai
  13. back to inn sleep, tomorrow talk to Mina then talk to mother
  14. at night, go to Kai room has H
  15. at night talk to Kai has H
  16. in fight can up female level to 3
  17. click mirror choose 2nd choice, talk to Kai and Mina has H, tomorrow night talk to Kai has H
Snow Town トーリスの街 > Mine in Snow Hill Road > Stray Village はぐれ者の村 > Heresy Hideout :
  1. go to snow town, house in right side of inn, talk to man
  2. go to snow hill road, then go to mine from new entrance
  3. vs boss then open golden box and click notes
  4. go to stray village, upper left house talk to baldness 2 times (all choose 1st choice)
  5. click NE hill has hidden road
  6. pass hidden road to heresy hideout vs cult
  7. in house click notes
Capital of Leusen ロイセン城 > Torkia Castle トルキア城 > Dragon Hill > City メイーブルの街 :
  1. go to capital, then go to castle audience with King
  2. go to priess room, talk to manager
  3. move out castle from north exit, west to dock
  4. talk to man in house then in dock talk to him again
  5. SW to Torkia Castle トルキア城
  6. middle idol shop, right talk to girl can get pants
  7. go to castle, audience with King
  8. middle of castle town, talk to man 2 times
  9. go to castle, move out castle from west exit, then SW to dragon hill
  10. now in fight can up female level to 4, at night talk to Kai has new H
  11. hilltop vs dragon, must lose
  12. get dragon scales, back to castle town, report to man in middle of town
  13. at night talk to Mina then go to stage in middle of town
  14. go to castle, room in opposite side of audience room, talk to baldness general
  15. back to capital of Leusen ロイセン城
  16. talk to prince then audience with king
  17. go to stray village はぐれ者の村, move out from south exit, pass tunnel and checking station to city メイーブルの街
last part at least need wait March
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ルーナ・ザ・ファントムシーフ ~ Runa the Phantom Thief ~ walkthrough
  • Ctrl key can make game faster except in battle
  • monster, H in pub and brothel, will repop or redo again after sleep
  • アドネアリの翼 can back to town
  • 転移石, use it choose 2nd choice can set location in world map, then choose 1st choice can teleport to there
  • 斬る(弱) SLA or 斬る(中) SLLA + 回し蹴り MWSICK or other skill start with M will add small attack
  • 突く(弱) THR or 突く(中) THHR + 息継ぎ BRS or other skill start with B will add small attack
  • 殴る(弱) STR or 殴る(中) STTR + キック KICK or other skill start with K will add small attack
  • 射つ(弱) SHO or 射つ(中) SHHO + 深呼吸 SINKOK or other skill start S with will add small attack
  • if JKキック JKKIC + キック KICK > JKKICK, other has a lot compose
  • alot power up skill or defence skill is this round only skill.jpg
  • if lust degree (淫乱度) high but innocence degree (純真度) low will get 80SP.jpg status , effect is SP down to 80 when start fight, need use 精神安定剤 / day
  • clear quest can up innocence degree (純真度)
  • if conceived, church talk to sister, then go to east cave, east area click stele conceived.jpg . BTW conceived dont down any status
  • some corpse has hidden item
  • treasure box can loot
  • steal item in house will - innocence degree (純真度)
  • Lv up nude only up skill point, need other class Lv up for nude class status, thief up AGI, sailor up DEF, sister up MDEF, magic up INT, maid up HP and MP, sword girl up STR, phantom thief up LUK
  • if 2nd play, get new job can get special equip (all status +10%) except nude, thief equip can get in start
Start :
  1. click crystal, 4th choice can use skill point (1 Lv up 1 skill point), click crystal, 4th choice can use skill point, page 3 ポーナスリセット for reset skill point
  2. pub talk to master has H, total 3H
  3. talk to girl has fight (GoR)
  4. if take off armor few times can nude, if done 3 times pub dance can nude ASAP
  5. SE area has brothel, total 10H
  6. NW area, talk to item shop manager
  7. inn click book choose 1st choice to H-scene room, talk to ninja (banker) can 1: put in $, 2: take out $, 3: put in skill, 4: take out skill
  8. NE area, graveyard lower has hidden shop hidden shop.jpg , can buy sailor clothes (2nd play has sailor equip)
  9. church talk to sister in right can get quest
  10. guild that near church, talk to officer then click notes can get quest : town north defeat 🐺 wolf (GoR), for 5 オオカミの牙
  11. town east to cave, slime or slime boss has GoR, after defeat slime boss click waterfall can get water
  12. back to town report to sister can get sister clothes. If sister Lv15, church talk to sister can get quest, go to cave again click waterfall has H, then report to sister can get sister power up item (has this sister all status +5%)
  13. (need clear wolf quest) west pass bridge to valley area has Golem, escape only (その他 > 逃げる)
  14. guild talk to officer
  15. town north to snow area, house talk to Sage, talk to him again for magic clothes, choose 1st choice pay 50k or 2nd choice has H or 3rd vs him. If magic Lv15+ talk to Sage has H and magic power up item, if pay 50k or win him, need go to east cave use fire (ファイア) defeat 3 slime, get 3 item to him
New quest and horse can running on sea :
  1. valley SE to forest, plant can loot but sometime is plant monster, defeat it can get weapon
  2. new quest in guard : click blue stone can get ミルリス鉱石, to weapon manager or armor manger, after quest has new equip sale
  3. (this quest can redo) defeat 🐇 snow rubbit get 3 うさぎの毛皮 then report to officer
  4. (this quest can redo) defeat 🦎 lizards get 4 とかげの肉 then report to officer
  5. quest : town NW area, talk to woman outside well, in well defeat boss then report to her
  6. quest : talk to item manager from her right then go to forest defeat centipede get 4 毒液 to her. After his quest, in shop steal pants item shop.jpg then go to hidden shop sell it, talk to manager from her right has GoR, after GoR can go to shop basement
  7. (quest need forest get ミルリス鉱石?) guild has new quest, then town SE area talk to man in lower right. in forest click all monster corpse can get item, report to man
  8. use magic can defeat golem now (best is use magic Lv 14 ice magic フリーズ)
  9. (this quest can redo) defeat 🦘 kangaroo get 3 ふくろ
  10. pass valley then SW to heathenism temple, talk to guard choose 1st choice has fight (GoR), clear all soldier then middle room vs boss. If choose 2nd choice when talk to door guard > choose 6th choice > from 1 to 6 choice > 2nd one > all 1st choice has H
  11. NW to mansion, talk to man outside mansion, click board then talk to guard can inside and get maid clothes
  12. if maid Lv15, inn west to kitchen kitchen.jpg , talk to chef, then use kitchen choice 毒液 + other for make food, to chef can get maid power up item
  13. mansion north click horse
  14. change maid clothes, mansion NE talk to guard, 1st choice has fight or 2nd choice x2 has 2H
  15. room upper left can get map, click rich can get key
  16. mansion north get horse
New quest and pirate :
  1. use horse to forest forest.jpg can get another ミルリス鉱石, after quest has new equip sale
  2. after sleep, banker in inn is gone (if bank has 50k+), talk to inn manager then guild talk to officer, $ higher will faster, each day talk to officer untill can go to lake banker.jpg , mini game is not catch him is take a big round go to lower left. tomorrow, 2nd day and 3 day later, can run again for equip (has 4th day? 3th day cant win...)
  3. guild has new quest : forest defeat spider boss, fire weaon or skill work
  4. (this quest can redo) defeat orc get 3 木材
  5. town SW area talk to man can get quest (need sailor Lv15+) : town SES to snow island, defeat 🦀 crab (best is use magic Lv16 lighting magic サンダー) and get 2 かに to him, reward is sailor clothes power up item
  6. use horse to town, go to SE area can go to thief guild, need thief Lv15+ for enter
  7. thief guild upper left talk to woman can get quest : go to east cave, when vs slime boss, steal (盗む) boss item (if luck higher for easy steal), after report to woman will get another quest, go to valley click box will vs golem, then report to her can get thief power up item
  8. thief guild upper right can play mini game, choice is 1: ハイ (higher), 2: ロー(lower), 3: 左手札(+left card), 4: 右手札 (+right card), 5: 考える (thinking, then choose 降りる can give up for item), better win 9 times for sword girl clothes (2nd play has sword girl equip)
  9. if sword girl use skill 斬る (弱 or 中 or 強) defeat 100 monster, inn 2F click book can get sword girl power up item
  10. town south has pirate ship, enter ship has fight, 2nd fight must lose. After fight will go to south island and get phantom thief clothes
  11. in island cave, follow pirate to hideout pirate hideout.jpg , in hide out has 2 way to clear (defeat boss or lose)
  12. go boss room vs pirate boss, in fight need use steal (盗む), after fight lust degree (淫乱度) high (maybe need lost virgin?) and choose 2nd choice has H but cant get treasure
  13. If lose in pirate hideout, click door pirate boss will come, then H can find in jail guard, canteen, other guard and boss room, click door choose 2nd choice then click barrel can open jail door, if catch by pirate has H (jail guard, canteen and pirate in bed possible is NG) , then sleep in jail pirate boss will come again, sex with jail guard, sex in canteen then go to boss room can clear pirate hideout
Bad end and True end :
  1. after get phantom thief clothes and thief get power up item, guild right notes has new quest, click it then talk to officer
  2. go to thief guild talk to woman, 1st choice - innocence degree (純真度) 2nd choice has fight (after fight can get equip), after report to officer can get phantom thief power up item
  3. south of heathenism temple has island and lava cave, ogre has GoR
  4. after go to lava cave, guild has 2 new quest, defeat lava slime in lava cave 1st area lava slime.jpg can get metal (rare drop), or steal it
  5. pass lava cave can go to borken temple, talk to middle soldier has fight (GoR, lust degree lower or high has different H)
  6. vs founder of heathenism, now defeat him to bad end, before go to underground of broken town better choose 2nd play for all status +10% equip
  7. after bad end will save, can use this save for 2nd play, choice is 2nd play, 2nd play but enemy power x2, 2nd play but enemy power x3, power x5... then next choice is item and $ reset? (1: yes or 2: not), H exp reset?, Lv reset?
  8. if go snow island has broken town, go right side click tomb (left one) then go left side click well can go underground
  9. B1 defeat 4 boss. NE boss will reflect magic in 2nd seat, so better set magic start in 1st or 2nd seat for avoid refleat. Other boss better use skill 溜めまくる up Atk and Int because more hit to boss will make it power up, better use magic because all boss has 15k HP...
  10. B5 vs boss, defeat it can get item for true end
  11. now go to borken temple defeat founder of heathenism will go to true end
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ミスティのキラキラ繁盛記 walkthrough Page 1
  • hidden boss can ignore untill enough power and level
  • matal can get again in next day
  • 回想ルーム to H-scene room
  • H key can back to home
  • Q key use heroine's 10MP for recover all member
  • silver box need key (宝石の鍵)
  • in fight, Shift key can check enemy strength
Start > Shining Road (光差す道) :
  • start choice is 1: ATK INT up, 2: DEF MDEF up, 3: AGI LUCK up, 4: HP FP up, 5:$
  • then next choise is game level, 1:normal, 2: easy, 3: very easy (or home click 難易度変更)
  • menu choice 特技習得 can get skill, home click 特技リセット can reset skill
Investigator Guild (探索者ギルド) :
  • if get golden coin (ゲヘナ金貨), go to 探索者ギルド, talk to upper side counter, choose 1st choice can get $ and degree of contribution (貢献度)
  • degree of contribution over 1k is enough, because golden coin aslo for exchange item
  • if contributoin degree enough, 2nd choice can buy map for hidden treasure, if get all area treasure, talk to 財宝調査員 can get equip
  • upper left counter (支部長グラニェ) choose レシピを買う then buy cooking book for cooking, back to home make any food 1st time can strength up, next day effect off can make again
  • Lv4 and Lv5 cooking need food, talk to upper left counter, choose 2nd choice can buy, some can find in box or drop from monster
treasure map :
  1. start area 表層南, lower right
  2. north area 表層北, lower left of fountain
  3. east area 表層東, from north area 表層北 NE to east area表層東
  4. B1 north 深層北, near middle
  5. B1 south 深層南, upper left of boss
Merchant Guild (商人ギルド) :
  • start need chooce 借金を返す pay back 5k or cant up contribution degree (貢献度)
  • choose 1st choice can up contribution degree (貢献度), donate 10k can get ticket for upper box, item is random expect 1st one, so better denate 20k to 100k for random
  • when click treasure box choose 2nd choice can use all ticket
  • treasure box rare is 2.5% 飛躍の絵馬 (STR to LUCK +1) and 0.5% special (1st is shield, 2nd is ブーストシューズ for change move speed, 3rd is exp item, 4th is 50 golden coin ゲヘナ金貨)
  • if 200 times cant get special, 201 time must get special
  • contribution degree high can buy more type item
Defender Guild (防衛者ギル) :
  • finish quest can up degree of contribution (貢献度)
  • if degree of con tribution enough, choose 遠征を頼む can make dungeon no enemy
Lv 1 quest :
  1. hammer, choose とにかく軽く
  2. tableware, cooking 3 times then can open door and make 1EX weapon
  3. slender sword, choose 威力を上がる
  4. gun, choose 連射力を改造
  5. 装飾品 > 特殊効果をつける > ドハデな旗
Special Quest :
  • degree of contribution (貢献度) in 3 guild is high, NPC will come to home for speical quest, 1st quest is get ミスリル鉱石 10, 緑水晶 10, 赤水晶 5, then make item to 探索者ギルド (支部長グラニェ) :
Story :
  1. bathroom has H
  2. west area, lower left cave to dungeon area ゲヘナ大空洞, north to shining road 光差す道
  3. north vs boss, after boss rich girl join, can go to mansion in upper side of town middle area
  4. now sleep up 10 lust, if 50 has bad status make all strength down, 鎮静ポーション can down 50 lust, 興奮ポーション can up 50 lust (a lot H need lust)
  5. home has 2 new H, mansion has 2 H
  6. B1 northa area 深層北 has 2 hidden road Shining Road H1.jpg Shining Road H2.jpg , right side has treaure box and left side has hidden boss
  7. vs boss
  8. vs guardian and gunner join, upper talk to fairy
  9. home has new H
  10. now go town east can join arena fight
Red Dragon's Rock (紅鱗の龍) :
  1. west cave (south of dungeon entrance) talk to 案内人ミーネ 2 times can start question, choice is : 2nd > 2nd > 4th > 3th > 4th
  2. 外壁胴体 has H
  3. 内部上層 upper right has hidden room and boss Red Dragon's Rock H.jpg
  4. vs boss
  5. vs guardian then talk to fairy
treasure map :
  1. start area 外壁龍尾, near middle
  2. 2nd area 内部下層, upper left
  3. 3rd area 外壁胴体, upper side of station
  4. 4th area 内部上層, near middle
  5. guardian area 心臓部, after defeat guardian go left
quest in Defender Guild (防衛者ギル) Lv2 :
  1. hammer, choose 氷の力をこめる
  2. slender sword, choose アズマ風の剣
  3. gun, 2EX weapon
  4. 装飾品 > 状態異常を防ぐ > 毒を防ぐ
  5. 装飾品 > 魔法を使えるように > 回復魔法を覚える
special quest : get 鉄鉱石 50, ミスリル鉱石 30, アダマン鉱石 10, then make item to Defender Guild
Glacier Cave 流水洞 :
  1. Lv3 item 装飾品 > 特殊効果をつける > 素材をざくざく採取!, main heroine only, can get 1 more matel when harvesting
  2. 案内人ミーネ question : 3rd > 3rd > 4th > 1st > 4th
  3. home, right of home, mansion has new H, after home and mansion, sleep has new H
  4. no idea what time start : when sleep has event can go to ant cave, has boss, after defeat boss can buy item in ant cave
  5. Glacier cave 二重円環 has hidden room Glacier Cave H1.jpg
  6. vs mini boss
  7. small room in 氷壁外部 has H, then sleep in home has new H
  8. 5th area 水晶神殿 upper left has hidden room and boss Glacier Cave H2.jpg
  9. vs boss
  10. vs guardian then talk to fairy
treasure map :
  1. 円環内通路, middle
  2. 二重円環, upper side of 1st station
  3. 3th has a lot hole area 氷壁外部, has enemy guard it
  4. 4th area 凍った湖, upper side of switch
  5. 5th area 水晶神殿, upper left of station
quest in Defender Guild (防衛者ギル) Lv3 :
  1. tableware > 閃光を放つ食器に
  2. slender sword > 魔除けの力をこめる
  3. 守護石 > 炎を防ぐ(ルビーの腕輪)
  4. 装飾品 > 特殊効果をつける > 重力を無視する靴
  5. 装飾品 > 英雄ファングッズ > もふもふの尻尾
Deep And Stagnant Hole 闇底の淀み :
  1. 案内人ミーネ question : 2nd > 1st > 2nd > 4th > 4th
  2. home has new H, lower right of town east has H
  3. talk to rich girl, then go to mansion in town middle, 2F upper right room click left bookshelf can go to basement, after clear can get doll in home, if get 50 ゲヘナ金貨 can get reward, 3rd choice for super equip, 4th choice for all H-scene on, 5th choice for up 1000 名声値 (possible for last special quest, but reward not very good...)
  4. if arena clear 3rd rank, lower side of town east can go to reverse side arena, then go to Investigator Guild (探索者ギルド) has H
  5. reverse side arena, in fight has GoR (win can get GoR hscene in H-scene room)
  6. Deep and stagnant hole 2nd area 闇蜘蛛の巣 middle has mini boss, upper right has H
  7. 3rd area 神殿中央, lower right has hidden room Deep And Stagnant Hole H1.jpg
  8. west of 3rd area 神殿左翼, a lot fake treasure box, lower side has hidden treasure Deep And Stagnant Hole H2.jpg , after mini boss break darkness crystal
  9. east of 3rd area 神殿右翼, upper right talk to man can get item, after mini boss break darkness crystal
  10. vs guardian
treasure map :
  1. start area 底への巨壁, near lower
  2. 2nd area 闇蜘蛛の巣, right of mini boss
  3. 3rd area 神殿中央, lower left
  4. west of 3rd area 神殿左翼, left of station
  5. east of 3rd area 神殿右翼, mini boss area
final treasue mpa :
  1. lower of town middle, near boy
  2. middle of town east
  3. lower of ant cave
  4. (after clear 4th dungeon) 大水晶鉱山, 初級坑道 (1st Lv area), lower right of upper stair
  5. 大水晶鉱山, 上級坑道 (3rd Lv area), near right
quest in Defender Guild (防衛者ギル) Lv4 :
  1. slender sword > 義手に剣をつける
  2. gun > 4EX gun
  3. 守護石 > 氷を防ぐ(サファイアの冠)
  4. 装飾品 > ミスティセレクション > 二刀流になる
  5. 装飾品 > 上位魔法オーブ > 闇の魔法を極める
quest in Defender Guild (防衛者ギル) Lv5 (need Lv5 or not enough contribution degree for this area no enemy) :
  1. hammer > 守護の力を宿す
  2. tableware > 天使の力を宿す
  3. 守護石 > 虹の守護光輪
  4. 装飾品 > 百発百中の指輪
  5. 装飾品 > 永久の歯車
special quest :
  1. go to town east, lower left to blacksmith (father), need item 黄水晶 10, 銀の粘糸 3 (spider), 不死の心臓 3 (undead). Make item then repair robot
  2. アダマン鉱石 30, 聖者のオーブ, 深淵のオーブ, make item then go to dungeon entrance report to グラントさん
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ミスティのキラキラ繁盛記 walkthrough Page 2

Great Altar 大いなる祭壇 and final area :
  1. 案内人ミーネ question : 2nd > 3rd > 2nd > 4th > 4th
  2. home talk to gunner > lower side of town east talk to write clothes > get 鉄鉱石 10, 黒水晶 5, ゴールドビーストの皮 2 (monster in Glacier Cave 流水洞 氷壁外部 golden beast.jpg ), make item then report to write clothes. After quest home has new H
  3. dungeon entrance lower right has H > town east, lower has H (need clear reverse side arena) > click tent has fight (GoR, win can get his H in H-scene room)
  4. if got hidden treasure then each dungeon click crystal can vs power up guardian, defeat 1st time can power up, if defeat 5 times guardian, click crystal choose 2nd choice can get hidden item in that dungeon (item near useless)
  5. go to Shining Road (光差す道), 1st area can go to Great Altar 大いなる祭壇
  6. vs boss
  7. click crystal can back to 1st area
  8. west side orb is physical attack only, east side orb is magic only, if no magic skill better equip magic book
  9. after H, before final area can get item for teleport (W key), now better move to king chair room then back to home or cant use new teleport item
  10. pass 4 area then vs final boss
After Ending :
  1. home and mansion has new H
  2. W key to プロジェクトFW, left side has H
  3. arena can join last fight (super hard), after clear, right side of home pass graveyard talk to fairy has H
  4. talk to father can make final Lv equip, if make weapon need 5EX weapon, material can find in Huge Crystal Mine (大水晶鉱山)
  5. Defender Guild (防衛者ギル) talk to Swordman, then town west to cave, then west can go to Huge Crystal Mine
  6. entrance talk to guard 案内人ミーネ, choose 1st choice can teleport to cave entrance
  7. 1st Lv area, left has hidden room mine Lv1.jpg
  8. 2nd Lv area, left has hidden room mine Lv2.jpg
  9. 3rd Lv area out side talk to ジェットクイーン, defeat 10 ジェットクイーン then report can get equip
  10. 3rd Lv area, middle has hidden room mine Lv3.jpg
  11. 4th Lv area, lower has hidden room mine Lv4.jpg , then back of monster has hidden stair, lower has hidden boss x2
  12. after 2nd hidden boss, W key to プロジェクトFW, left side has H
special quest :
  1. get メテオライト 30, アビスクリスタル 5, 火龍のオーブ (Lv4 装飾品), make item then report to magic final quest.jpg
  2. get ダークオリハルコン 5, 銀の粘糸 10, 宝石の鍵 5, make item then report to swordman
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プリンセス・ヴィオレット! ~始まりの姫君~ walkthrough
  • after true end, H-scene room has choice 全開放 for all H-scene on
  • shift key can skip message and message in game start
Start > Contract with Earth Element :
  1. start if choose 1st choice dont skip OP : talk to all ppl in town > town SW market area, left side talk to soldier
  2. better use menu's 移動 > 城下町・村 for teleport in town
  3. town entrance (城下町入口) talk to female soldier, choose 個人的なお願い has H
  4. church (教会前), outside talk to sister, 貢献度確認 click need how many contribution degree (貢献度), if enough can get new equip. Choose 貢献度変換 can change item to contribution degree (貢献度). Choose 輝章作成 can make equip. Choose 個人的なお願い has H
  5. inn 2F, upper room talk to man, then at night brothel has ☆ H
  6. item shop (薬局), choose 魔装作成 for make equip that can use magic. Choose 個人的なお願い can get quest : collect 薬草 10, アイロタイト鉱石 5, 香木材 (earth temple) to her shop has H
  7. in room click bed choose 夜まで待つ will move to brothel, click heart choose 1st choice can work in brothel, then choose 特別なお客様 > ☆ choice has H, other CG only. Room lower has box, inside has bomb オールカットボム for GoR
  8. commercial chairman room (商業区会長室) talk to chairman, choose 投資 can make more item sale.Choose 貢献度変換 can change item to contribution degree (貢献度). Choose 個人的なお願い has H
  9. SW market area, lower left talk to man has H
  10. go to pub (中央区酒場), talk to waitress near counter can work in pub. Talk to man who sitting in lower left table can see hidden road in monster forest
  11. if get ☆ item, castle talk to butler who near king chair, choose 1st choice can get $ and contribution degree (貢献度)
  12. east to monster forest (あやかしの森), any monster in there has same GoR (defeat golem can get this H too)
  13. temple outside vs golem (GoR, defeat it can get this H)
  14. enter earth temple (地の神殿), north room talk to earth element
  15. west stair to underground, thief has GoR (defeat thief leader can get this H)
  16. if get 木材 in earth temple, pub talk to magic girl who sitting in lower left table can see some hidden road in earth temple
  17. vs 2 thief and thief leader (GoR, defeat it can get this H)
  18. report to earth element
Contract with Wind Element :
  1. town entrance (城下町入口) talk to female soldier, choose 修行 can get new weapon
  2. pub (中央区酒場) talk to girl in lower table, pay 100$
  3. south to hill ロック山脈, enemy has GoR (defeat boss in wind temple can get this H)
  4. if get 暖か草 x5 in hill, pub (中央区酒場) talk to dwarf in lower right table can see hidden road in hill
  5. cave before wind temple has H (this cave no event now, if defeat plant boss can get this H)
  6. hilltop to wind temple (風の神殿), enemy has GoR (defeat boss in wind temple can get this H)
  7. temple roof vs boss (GoR, defeat it can get this H)
City under attack :
  1. town entrance (城下町入口) talk to female soldier, choose 修行 can get new weapon, choose 個人的なお願い has H
  2. church (教会前), outside talk to sister, choose 個人的なお願い has H
  3. item shop (薬局), choose 個人的なお願い can get quest : in hill collect クリア―ハーブ x3, ブロン銅鉱石x3, 癒やの花 to her shop has H
  4. commercial chairman room (商業区会長室) talk to chairman, can get quest : item shop choose 魔装作成 > 風属性 > 清浄なる風 and equip it, then go to cave that before wind temple, defeat plant boss to wonder forest 不思議の森 (monster in there has GoR), in house click book then go to cave in wonder forest has H
  5. if get ウィムルの翼 in hill, pub (中央区酒場) talk to bird monster in lower table can see hidden road in wind temple 2F
  6. go east to bridge, in middle talk to butler
  7. back to town will go to sewer, go up defeat all monster (GoR, after octopus king can this H)
  8. vs octopus king, 8th round will lose?
Contract with Water Element :
  1. town entrance (城下町入口) talk to female soldier, choose 修行 can get new weapon
  2. castle 3F east room has new box
  3. town SW area market area, lower left talk to man, then at night go to brothel has new ☆ H
  4. go to monster forest from east entrance (あやかしの森東入口), talk to man has H
  5. pass bridge then west to farm village (農村イポラ or イボラ村)
  6. upper right house talk to man, then at night to brothel has new ☆ H
  7. from farm village to west to crystal cave クリスタルケイブ for collect item, normal monster has GoR (defeat boss in palace can get this H)
  8. from farm village go west to beach 穴場ビーチ, talk to man near entrance can buy swimsuit, then in room click bed choose 夜の穴場ビーチへ行く can go beach at night, man has 2 H and 3 guy has 4P beach.jpg
  9. beach in town, go to changing room change clothes, keep choose 1st choice untill nude, when nude choose 2nd choice then 1st one
  10. farm town click boat to north, then north to palace below zero 零下の宮殿, go up talk to water element, normal monster has GoR (defeat boss in palace can get this H)
  11. if get 生暖かいべと液 x3 and スライムレバー, go to pub (中央区酒場) talk to knight in left table can see hidden road in palace
  12. in roof of palace, click middle stele and choose 1st choice, enter 2334
  13. use lift in right, to 1F
  14. vs boss (GoR, defeat it can get this H)
  15. go up talk to water element
Contract with Fire Element :
  1. beach 穴場ビーチ south to desert スラム砂漠
  2. pub (中央区酒場), talk to man in upper right table has H
  3. town entrance (城下町入口) talk to female soldier, choose 修行 can get new weapon, choose 個人的なお願い has H
  4. church (教会前), outside talk to sister, choose 個人的なお願い can get quest : collect 薬草 x10, 解毒の実 x10, 癒しの花 x5, then choose 個人的なお願い again has H
  5. go to church, confessional room in basement has event
  6. item shop (薬局), choose 個人的なお願い can get quest : collect 氷割草 x3, マグマチリ (find in wasteland) x3, シルバリウム鉱石 and ゴルゴンド鉱石 to her shop has H
  7. commercial chairman room (商業区会長室) talk to chairman, choose 個人的なお願い can get quest : desert defeat sandworm for ワームの皮, if get it choose 個人的なお願い has H
  8. go to desert スラム砂漠 again, this area monster has GoR (desert and wasteland ha same GoR, pass wasteland can get this H)
  9. west south east east south can pass desert to wasteland (スラム荒野)
  10. pass wasteland has west dork (船着き場・西) and volcano (スラム火山)
  11. go to volcano will auto move to town in volcano
  12. right pub talk to man, later go to brothel has new ☆ H
  13. north to temple talk to fire element
  14. move out town to volcano, this area monster has GoR (after volcano boss can get this H-scene)
  15. if get ゴルゴンド鉱石, go to pub (中央区酒場) talk to girl in upper table can see hidden road in volcano
  16. click red switch for bridge
  17. vs boss (GoR, defeat it can get this H-scene)
Trap : 
  1. town entrance (城下町入口) talk to female soldier, choose 修行 can get new weapon
  2. castle click statue that behind king chair, all choose 2nd choice
  3. in castle, soldier has GoR (iwin in fairy fight can get this H-scene)
  4. go to library, click book then click upper side middle bookshelf, click it's left side
  5. down to hidden basement, talk to maid
  6. basement NW room click 4 element can get 4 hint?
  7. back to castle, vs fairy and monster, defeat monster only (GoR, win can get this H)
New Event and Quest in town :
  • talk to butler can get new skill, 3F east room has new box
  • 3F guarden click stele will make magic stone pop, click stele again will change magic stone color, click magic stone to area for item, door need contract with element again
  • inn talk to manager, better buy alot food that cost 1k for boss (can use 2 times) or recover
  • town entrance (城下町入口) talk to female soldier, choose 修行 can get new weapon, choose 個人的なお願い has H
  • barrack in left of female soldier, 3F talk to soldier, at night in brothel has ☆ H
  • church (教会前), outside talk to sister, choose 個人的なお願い can get quest : if get 薬草 x10, 解毒の実 x10, 癒しの花 x10 and 快癒華 x3 (new area) to her has H
  • go to church, confessional room in basement has event
  • item shop 薬局, choose 個人的なお願い can get quest : collect 妖精の羽 x2, エレメンタライト x2, 萌え立つ力 (060 stone monster in new hole of earth temple 土のカタクンべ), 渦巻く力 (065 air element in void sanctuary 虚空の聖域), 揺らめく力 (076 fire element in hellfire temple 獄熱の神殿), 流れる力 (072 water element in palace below zero 極寒の迷宮)
  • commercial chairman room 商業区会長室 talk to chairman, choose 個人的なお願い can get quest : collect 火の魔石, 水の魔石, 地の魔石, 風の魔石 and エナジーストーン then talk to her again, choose 個人的なお願い has H

pub (中央区酒場) pub.jpg :
  1. talk to Elf can see hidden road in monster forest (あやかしの森)
  2. talk to swordman, give him 黒塗りの刃 (057 undead knight in now hole of earth temple 土のカタクンべ) can see hidden road in 土のカタクンべ
  3. talk to magic girl, give her 魔塊 (049 dark elf or 051 clown monster) can see hidden road in hill (ロック山脈)
  4. talk to sword girl, give her 渦巻く力 (065 air element in void sanctuary 虚空の聖域) can see hidden road in void sanctuary
  5. talk to magic, give him 古の魚肉 (067 fish monster in frigid labyrinth 極寒の迷宮) can see hidden road in frigid labyrinth
  6. talk to warrior, give him 敗北者の石像 (078 medusa in hellfire temple 獄熱の神殿) can see hidden road in volcano temple
  7. talk to man has H, then go to wasteland (スラム荒野) from south entrance, 2nd area middle has hole to underground, this area monster has GoR (v1.0 bug? GoR same as worm king), go NW vs worm king (GoR, in fight catch by it better use フィジカルレスト). Defeat worm king back to pub report to man has H, then talk to him again, choose 2nd choice then 1st one can see all hidden road (hidden road in frigid labyrinth 極寒の迷宮 and final area need his help)
other :
  • monster forest from east entrance あやかしの森東入口, talk to man few times can see hidden road in this area
  • farm village (農村イポラ or イボラ村), right talk to man who sitting on chair few times can see hidden road in village, upper right house talk to man few times can see hidden road in village too
  • town in volcano, talk to hot spring manager few times can see hidden road in town
RE : Contract with Earth Element :
  1. go to monster forest (あやかしの森) or go to east entrance, pass forest to earth temple (地の神殿)
  2. north (earth element area) has hole to 土のカタクンべ, this area has GoR (defeat earth element can get this H)
  3. B2 upper left has switch for door in same area
  4. B3 has switch for door in same area
  5. B4 has switch for door in same area
  6. in B4 has road back to earth temple, in right of road has switch for treasure in earth temple's basement
  7. vs earth element (GoR, win can get this H)
  8. talk to earth element few times can see hidden road in earth temple (地の神殿)
RE : Contract with Wind Element :
  1. outside of wind temple (風の神殿), east pass bridge to void sanctuary (虚空の聖域), this area has GoR (defeat wind element can get this H)
  2. back of black stele has switch (if stepped switch in upper can ignore)
  3. darkness area, pass the road has green torch
  4. vs wind element (GoR, win can get this H-scene)
  5. go to wind temple, 2F east (go to where has 2 monster play card before, then go east) talk to bird monster, then brothel has new ☆ H
  6. item shop (薬局) has H
  7. commercial chairman room (商業区会長室) talk to chairman, choose 個人的なお願い has H
RE : Contract with Water Element and Fire Element:
  1. go to palace below zero (零下の宮殿), right down stair to frigid labyrinth (極寒の迷宮), this area has GoR (defeat water element can get this H)
  2. vs water element (GoR, win can get this H-scene)
  3. go to palace below zero (零下の宮殿) again, left talk to water monster girl few times, go north to 2F can see new hidden road, after chairman 5th H, pass door to hot sping has H (this H cant find in H-scene room? maybe need new version), then go to commercial chairman room (商業区会長室) talk to chairman, choose 個人的なお願い
  4. go to volcano スラム火山 will talk to fire element and can go to hellfire temple 獄熱の神殿, this area has GoR (defeat fire element can get this H)
  5. in big area, click 4 crystal to underground
  6. vs fire element (GoR, win can get this H-scene)
Ending and True End :
  1. castle click statue to altar again
  2. town entrance (城下町入口) talk to female soldier, choose 修行 can get new weapon, choose 個人的なお願い has H
  3. church (教会前), outside talk to sister, choose 個人的なお願い x2 has H
  4. go to church, confessional room in basement has CG
  5. go to lighthouse that in left of church, underground pass door to final dungeon, enemy has GoR (to final area can get this H?, after arrive final area will open 2H, but CG and message is same, maybe v1.0 bug)
  6. wind area need click orb for wind fairy
  7. vs boss
  8. after find boss has choose, better choose 1st choice for wait a moment
  9. go up again, 2nd choose 2nd choice 2 times to normal end, 3rd choice has final fight to true end (has H)
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はいてないRPG walkthrough

Start forest > North cave > Witch mansion > NE tunnel cave :
  1. start is choose game Lv, choice is 1: normal or 2: easy, if choose easy can get item ヌルゲースイッチ near statue, use it can change skip fight (1) or not (2)
  2. forest help fairy then go north to start village
  3. pub in lower right of village, talk to girl in upper right can make escape 100% success
  4. upper right to healer's home can get 妖精の笛 for teleport out from dungeon
  5. blacksmith shop talk to blacksmith 1st time can get hammer (can buy from girl in upper left), has it use weapon or armor can change them to metarial, then talk to blacksmith again can power up equip
  6. (sub-quest, Lv6+ better) village upper left talk to man can get quest : down stair to sewer, lower left has hidden road to well, deep vs slime boss
  7. go to forest again, only green box item inside not random, other color box can repop if enter dungeon again
  8. from game start area go west, defeat boss then open box
  9. back to healer home for cooking
  10. go to village head house that in upper of village, talk to village head
  11. (make new save) back to home talk to healer, in bathroom has choice 1: healer H, 2: fairy H (after H, save then reload for another H)
  12. tomorrow talk to village head, then go to basement can open treasure box
  13. north to cave, golden statue area has H
  14. altar talk to fairy and click stele
  15. back to 6F talk to fairy then go back to village vs boss, has 2 fight, 1st fight must lose
  16. village head house 2F, talk to boy can get quest : north cave, vs boss in altar
  17. NE to tunnel cave, has barrier cant enter
  18. south to mansion of witch, go to dungeon that outside mansion
  19. in rest room, click tea set. Push lower left chair to upper right cabinet can get item
  20. defeat boss then witch join
  21. go to tunnel cave again, defeat boss and pass this cave
Capital > Wind tower :
  1. north to capital
  2. lower right house 2F, talk to man can get quest : capital south forest area chimera.jpg defeat 5 Chimera
  3. north to castle, 2F talk to soldier then go to audience room talk to queen
  4. back to town, go to base (mansion) in upper left
  5. now talk to heroine can up 5 favorability rating if choose [] choice, can up 5 times, after 5 fight and sleep can up 5 times again
  6. favorability rating 50, 150 and 350, sleep in base can status up or get new skill
  7. 2F talk to fairy then talk to healer, choose 1st choice has H, H need 穢れ値 (after fight can get), if over 100 hero will get bad situation, over 200 hero will confusion, set how many point will up how many favorability rating
  8. 2F click bed for sleep, choose sleep with who
  9. at night go east to graveyard has H and fight
  10. castle talk to queen
  11. south to wind tower, move out tower will switch reset, but use 妖精の笛 dont reset
  12. 2 side click 2 switch then go up from middle
  13. in jail click door cat girl will join, can open all door in tower
  14. east and west side find healer and witch, then go up from middle again
  15. 6F lower right stair to jail, can find lady warrior
  16. 8F vs boss, 2 fight. 2nd fight better healer equip 口封じの弓, or witch skill サイレンス make boss silence
  17. castle's audience room talk to queen
  18. now base can make new equip
  19. base can H with lady warrior and witch
  20. castle 1F right can join arena fight
Mountain > Ruins > Get ship :
  1. move out castle from north exit
  2. north to mountain, pass it to north, dargon can ignore
  3. NE has village for rest then NW to ruins
  4. 3F has hidden road hidden road.jpg , in small room click middle of upper wall has hidden entrance, (can ignore now : deep has locked door, if enter pass from left, wrong 2 times has fight)
  5. vs boss then get quest item, back to castle report to queen
  6. in base, healer and cat girl has new H, sleep has fairy H
  7. in base, talk to blacksmith 金ちゃん, choose 5th choice has CG
  8. west dock vs leviathan, if it has buff, better use lighting magic, if cant win can go to witch mansion, steal shield マジックガード from 31.jpg
  9. castle report to queen
  10. castle has new arena fight, if clear 2 type arena fight has queen H (need high Lv and equip... if 5 vs 5 lose in dragon, better use バーサークリキュール or healer magic バーサーク, item can steal from  152.jpg in chaos world, world map area)
  11. in base, lady warrior and witch has new H
Water tower and Earth tower > Pyramid > Get air ship > Repair stele > Sky tower :
  1. go to jail area in castle, lower can go to underground
  2. any town entrance talk to captain can make ship (air ship too when get it)near that town
  3. ship to NE island has water tower, tower roof vs boss
  4. ship to west side, has oasis town, town north is earth tower, tower roof vs boss (if position change, group magic or who attatck first is real, item メトロノーム work but condition dont change after position change), after boss get pyramid key
  5. south to pyramid, 2F click coffin has enemy and hidden switch for teleport room in basement
  6. roof vs Valkyrie, defeat her can get air ship
  7. in base, header and cat girl has new H, 金ちゃん has new CG
  8. go to church in capital town, talk to sister can get quest : repair stele in --- start forest (statue go west, then T road go west), cave (3F) in north of 1st village, tunnel cave (2F go NW), mountain (where has dragon) in capital north, ruins (4F) in NW of 2nd village, pyramid (4F right stair go down then NE), mine (boss area), castle jail's underground, SE island, repair 9 stele then back to church report to sister can get item for hero's equip
  9. NW to sky tower, tower roof vs boss, 2 fight, all attack has counter attack...
Lava cave > Demon king castle :
  1. talk to queen can get equip
  2. in base, lady warrior and witch has new H, 金ちゃん has new CG
  3. go to lava cave that in oasis town east, near exit vs boss
  4. pass lava cave to demon king castle, 3F click switch then 1F west room vs dragon
  5. roof vs demon king
  6. in base, 金ちゃん has new H
  7. go to audience room will vs final boss, boss HP down to helf only?
Chaos world and 2 Ending :
  1. go to jail, lower to underground, B5 click stele
  2. go to east room, talk to 2 heroine
  3. castle 2F north to 3F, talk to soldier can go to queen room
  4. back to base, cat girl has new H (if v1.0, this H cant watch in H-scene room)
  5. SW dungeon for equip, click torch can save
  6. north to ruins, enter number on invitation (招待状)
  7. vs final boss, has 2 fight, 1st fight few round only?
  8. after ending choose 1st choice for save, will back to before enter lave cave
  9. go to ruins, hidden road hidden road.jpg to door, enter number open door
  10. go to big orb room for another ending
  11. if defeat demon king and go to chaos world again, SW dungeon can go new area in NE
  12. clear new area in NE can go new area in NW
Hello everyone, I looked at the forum but did not find the walkthrough of Lilim Union: Dream Demon Zone, can throw off its full walkthrough.
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Hi everyone. Does anyone have a walkthrough for Bishop's Tokubetsu Jugyou 3 SLG?

So far I've max every character to 999 + what I believe their corruption rate at 255. I can't seem to get the other CGs that seems to appear at random or I need to do something specific during day time.
Can anyone help?
can anyone can post walkthrough of RJ161939 Made in Maiddog 4.06 please!
anyone can help me with i have no idea what to do in the game.
FULLNUDE ORDER《フルヌード オーダー》ー勇者レヴィとニルメス王国の陰謀ー Walkthrough
  • w key - message skip
  • This game or this version dont has H-scene replay
Start :
  1. Tomorrow, go to 2F talk to Rich Death (リッチデス)
  2. Go to pub that in NW area, talk to manager then try go to 2F (choose 2nd choice)
  3. Move back to mansion, 2F talk to secretary, choose 2nd choice
  4. Rest to night (click bed choose 2nd choice)
  5. Go to NW area, talk to sleeping drunk, choose pickpocket (スリ)
  6. Talk to pub manager, then go to 2F (choose 3rd choice)
  7. Talk to man in middle table
  8. Talk to blue hair Heroine in upper left then peek in her back
  9. Follow Heroine to toilet then get item in there
  10. Noon talk to Rich Death
Undress - to underwear olny :
Wednesday :
  1. Go to SE area, talk to man in lower right SE area.jpg , use 6800$ buy item
  2. Town south area (door area), talk to white hair Sage from her back, choose 2nd choice use item 超強力糸巻き機
  3. Report to Rich Death
Friday :
  1. Go to SE area, shop buy lure:worm (擬似餌:ワーム)
  2. Go to north area (has 2 fountain area), talk to Heroine from her back, use item lure:worm
  3. Report to Rich Death
Monday :
  1. Move out town, go to village in SE, go to shop in right side of village, buy 200k item 武装解除の巻物
  2. Back to town, north area talk to red hair Lady Warrior from her back, use item 武装解除の巻物
  3. Report to Rich Death
Undress - to pants only :
Wednesday :
  1. Go to village, talk to man who near 3 animal
  2. Move out village, go to forest in SW
  3. In forest, NW area click circle 3 times
  4. Back to village, talk to 3 animal
  5. Report to Rich Death
Friday :
  1. Shop in town SE, buy 310k item - 紙の着物
  2. Go to village, talk to aged who ouside shop, choose 1st choice > 1st choice > 2nd > 1st
  3. Report to Rich Death
Sunday :
  1. Go to north area, talk to man who near lower of pond get quest N area.jpg
  2. Go to pub talk to manager and buy 3 爆酸サワー, take them to man
  3. Go to armor shop in NW area, talk to man who outside changing room, choose 2nd choice armor shop.jpg
  4. Report to Rich Death
Full Nude Order A :
Monday :
  1. Go to shop buy ゾンビコスチューム
  2. Go to church in lower side of village
  3. Talk to Sage then talk to sister (choose 2nd choice)
  4. Click basket that Sage used church.jpg
  5. Go to lake in south of village, catch Sage 3 times
  6. Back to church
  7. Go to inn in upper right of village
  8. Report to Rich Death
Wednesday :
  1. Go to north area, talk to boy who sitting on chair in left side N area2.jpg
  2. Go to SE area, talk to soldier SE area2.jpg
  3. Back to north area, report to boy
  4. Go to pub that in NE area, talk to Lady Warrior (3rd choice is 5 or 6)
  5. Report to Rich Death
Saturday :
  1. Shop in village, use 600k buy mirror モノマネミラー
  2. In street, talk to soldier who guard in town entrance, can change to him
  3. Report to Rich Death
Full Nude Order B :
  1. At night, pub talk to man in right, choose 1st choice then 2nd one pub.jpg
  2. Noon back to masion, 2F talk to secretary
  3. North area, talk to soldier, pay 5k
  4. Talk to prisoner in 2nd jail from left
  5. Talk to judicial officer who sitting on sofa in right prison.jpg , pay 30k
  6. Report to prisoner
  7. At night, move out town, SW to cave
  8. In cave talk to man, choose 4th choice, pay 100k. In deep of cave, click corpse can get equip
  9. Back to town, go to NE area, enter house in upper right, choose 3rd choice can enter
  10. Down to dark market, buy 3 item
Friday :
  1. At night, pub talk to Lady Warrior then sit near counter
  2. Click her then go to armor shop
  3. Report to Rich Death
Sunday :
  1. Shop talk to Sage, then in lower right of shop talk to her again
  2. Go to north area, near 2 man in upper side
  3. Back to shop
  4. Go to north area again, near 2 man in upper side
  5. Report to Rich Death
Monday :
  1. Go to forest, in lake area choose 3rd choice
  2. Steal her bag
  3. Back to town
  4. Report to Rich Death
Ending :
  1. Back to room, click table for sleep
  2. Talk to Rich Death
  3. NE area, talk to black robe can go to dark market
  4. Talk to manager, pay 999999 for item
  5. Go to forest
  6. In fight use item 災禍の血晶魂
  7. Use skill - 業魔炎獄葬(from bottom 2nd one) to Sage
  8. オーバーロード (bottom one) can recover
  9. ヘルフレア(from bottom 3rd one) to Lady Warrior or 業魔炎獄葬 (from bottom 2nd one) to Heroine
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Any walkthrough for RJ402577 (Circle I'm moralist) I dont know how unlock the 5th tab and if the second tab is the only eroste register

walkthrough :

City map : map.jpg

Day 1 :
  1. after fight, go to item shop that in upper right
  2. back to home click crystal
  3. in real world, move out from home, go to house of Otany
  4. talk to Otany then sit on chair (next time talk to him again also sit on chair)
  5. go to shop talk to aged
  6. when sunset, go back to home, open toilet's door and talk to girl
  7. talk to princess, then go to 2F, upper right room click wardrobe get clothes
  8. talk to princess, change her new clothes, then talk to maid
  9. go to bathroom, after H, take a bath then go to sleep
Day 2 :
  1. sleep and bath only, to day 7 play game will has bad ending E, then restart in day 2 (can get double exp in later)
  2. play game, click treasure box in room then go upper right talk to shop manager and witch
  3. talk to man who near town entrance
  4. in real world, click new treasure box in room
  5. talk man in upper right of home and talk to soldier in south bridge
  6. shop talk to Choco can get coin, can use it in machine in her left. Now u can find coin in on ground, status up item can find in game's shop's treasure box. Item in random. Coin can find in (shop, home x4, H%Stock, school x3, park, house of Otany, city SW, north of home, left side of building site, near city SE)
  7. go to H&Stock talk to man, go to company talk to woman
  8. go to house of Otany, talk to woman and Otany
  9. talk to man in north side then go to school
  10. left side to classroom, talk to friend then talk ot girl
  11. north to building site, talk to man in left side, upper right side can find rope, get it to friend
  12. in game, left of castle, talk to man laying on floor
  13. talk to woman in right side of town
  14. move out from town, north to inn, talk to man in lower left room
  15. west to forest, talk to man in right side
  16. inn upper right room has merchant, if buy robe (汚れたロープ), back to room and put it into treasure box, in real world get it and put it into washing machine can get new robe, then put it in treasure box for game
  17. in real world, talk to princess then talk to maid
  18. take a bath
  19. go to 2F upper right room
  20. talk to maid has 2 H
  21. put new item (王女のなみだ) into treasure box
Day 3 :
  1. balcony click bat toy
  2. talk to maid, maid clothes and nude has 2H, other 1 H
  3. go to school, classroom talk to aged, then study in classroom (point for get magic)
  4. go to Pink Candy talk to man, park talk to man, talk to Otany
  5. city north talk to police, then go right side talk to man can get item
  6. in game, get item (王女のなみだ) from treasure box
  7. near lower right side, go to the house with magic circle, talk to man then step on red footprint
  8. talk to him again then go to magic circle, talk to ghost in upper side and get magic
  9. talk to witch, then talk to man in this house's upper right
  10. go to upper left hammer icon shop, talk to man 2 times
  11. if buy other equip in north inn, put that equip to treasure box
  12. , in real world take it out then use さびとりクリーナー to it can get new equip, put it to treasure box then get it in game
  13. go to cave in NE side, step on red footprint
  14. go to west forest, near ivy use 王女のなみだ
  15. upper left side of forest has red footprint (lower side has hidden room, talk to monster can get dubble exp)
  16. recover water in upper left side can use 5 times
  17. after step forest's red footprint, back to town talk to witch
  18. in real world talk to princess then talk to maid
  19. talk to princess then 2F talk to her again, after sex with princess, in few fight has power up
  20. talk to princess , princess clothes has 3H (2 is win), other chothes 1 H, talk to maid
  21. in game, go to pub from back door, talk to all ppl, go to store in right, click door few times can open door, inside click all barrel
  22. in real world, go to Pink Candy, in right side enter password 0745 open door, talk to succubus, click empty treasure box can go inside, click locker can get item and clothes, talk to customer 2 times then talk to girl
  23. new costume has H, then 2 girl dress in same costume can 3P
  24. in game, go to inn, upper left room talk to man 2 times
  25. defeat forest boss then talk to merchant
  26. in town, now armor shop open, if buy 皮頭巾, in real world click kitchen kitchen.jpg can get new helm, if buy swimming suit, put it to treasure box, use it in real world can get new costume, if both girl dress swimming suit too can 3P
  27. take a bath, talk to princess has 2H
  28. balcony talk to succubus, then open refrigerator get apple then click kitchen kitchen.jpg , take it to her
Day 4 :
  1. outside bathroom talk to man can get item
  2. go to school for study, then talk to man who near entrance
  3. talk to Otany, go to shop click upper side
  4. talk to police in north
  5. go to building site from hole, talk to 2 men and soldier and get key
  6. back to home, put key to treasure box
  7. in game, get key from treasure box
  8. talk to man in town lower right side
  9. use どこかの鍵 in door that in castle right side
  10. castle talk to all ppl
  11. hammer icon shop talk to man then outside talk to 2 guy
  12. weapon shop buy axe 木こりの斧 and equip it, defeat tree monster in forest can get wood
  13. get 10 wood, talk to 2 guy who outside hammer icon shop then talk to man inside
  14. hidden road to town HR.jpg , lower left treasure box get key then upper doll keep click it untill it disappear
  15. school talk to friend
  16. in park click lion, rabbit, panda then elephant can get new clothes, this costume maid has 2H and 3P
  17. princess nude has new H
  18. maid 3rd costume has new H
  19. take a bath then go bed to sleep
Day 5 :
  1. go to school, talk to girl then study in classroom
  2. talk to Otany
  3. talk to princess has H, then click toilet can get her shit (in game can use it for attack)
  4. in game, town upper right side talk to man
  5. in pub talk to new girl can get item, put it in treasure box, get it in real world, then click table can get new custume table.jpg , this costume maid has 2H and 3P
  6. in real world, city NE side has dog, catch it then put it to treasure box, in game take it out, talk to man in upper right can get $500
  7. go to clinic, pay $ for recover 2 times
  8. pass east bridge to demon castle, talk to soldier then talk to man in left side
  9. east to pirate hideout, barrel in upper right side can get item for shop, take it to shop has new item for sale
  10. if defeat pirates can get necklace (どくろの首飾り), after fight talk to all pirates
  11. in west side of town can get crab crab.jpg , take it to man in clinic, then click box 2 times
  12. in NE cave, middle door can use necklace to open it, can get lucky coin in treasure box
  13. back to home, put necklace and lucky coin to treasure box, get them in real world
  14. in real world, go to shop, use lucky coin in machine then talk to Choco
  15. near shop can get new costume costume.jpg , this one has 3P
  16. put necklace in microwave oven kitchen2.jpg , it will change color to red, put red necklace to treasure box
  17. in game, get red necklace in treasure box, go to north cave can open red door, can get key and equip, put necklace and key to treasure box
  18. in real world, take out 2 item from treasure box
  19. go to company can use key open door, inside can get new costume and coin, outside talk to man, new costume has 3P
  20. go to school, entrance talk to teacher
  21. put necklace to refrigerator 2 times kitchen2.jpg , change color to blue, then put it in treasure box
  22. in game, take out blue necklace from treasure box, talk to man in upper right can get dog
  23. go to north cave, use blue necklace open blue door, right box need use key
  24. has dog can enter Demon Castle, midde has letter, click it
  25. upper click switch
  26. go to room in lower left side, use vortex back to town
  27. go to castle, talk to captain who near king, choose all 1st choice
  28. upper right has hidden road when you see dog in other side HR2.jpg , in room click cabinet can get new costume, each girl has 2H
  29. town right side talk to girl, then go to shop talk to Choco
make a new Save A
Ending C and D :
  1. go to Demon Castle, go to lower right room, clcik white foodprint
  2. go to temple in south of Demon Castle, open box get item
  3. go to inn, talk to man in upper left room
  4. take a bath then sleep
  5. take a bath then sleep
  6. day 7, go to Demon Castle, near entrance talk to man
  7. click switch in upper side
  8. better make a new save
  9. vs boss (if lose to Ending D)
  10. in castle talk to captain
  11. go to upper right room talk to princess
  12. lower left talk to maid (Ending C)
  13. restart new game from Day 2
  14. take a bath then go to sleep
  15. Day 3, go to school, can find new costume in upper right, talk to princess and maid, make sure has new costume then save game
Reload Save A
Day 6 :
  1. study in school
  2. in game, shop talk to Choco can get key for house in east side
  3. in house click 2 cabinet get 2 key and letter, in red door use 小部屋の鍵
  4. back to home, put key and letter to treasure box
  5. in real world, take out 2 item from treasure box, click table and choice letter
  6. maid change to maid clothes, go to toilet and click it has H
  7. go to shop, pass door in upper side, near red cabinet use key, click cabinet can get costume, each girl has 2H, talk to maid, go park has H
  8. go to Otany's house, open toilet door then click toilet 2 times
  9. take a bath then go bed for sleep
Day 7, Ending S, A and B + after ending :
  1. in game, go to Demon Castle, to lower right room, talk to Otany
  2. upper side click switch
  3. back to real world, make a new Save B for ending A and B
  4. vs boss (if lose go to Ending B)
  5. talk to captain
  6. if talk to captain again, back to town (Ending A)
  7. back of chair has hidden road, inside vs final boss (Ending S)
  8. Ending S can get new costume
  9. reload Save A or B
  10. this 3 costume for princess sex.jpg , can sex with her. After 3 sex, change princess clothes to nude, maid clothes to maid, then go to 2F has H
  11. if get Ending S, A, B, C, D and E, in Hscene room, click game has 2H

Out of topio :
If u like card game, has in eyny
This game has multilingual support
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