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Wandered Astray (theguy09)

: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Excited, Aroused, 9/9 Willpower

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

Grapple: 54 vs 39

Aki can then start THE HARVEST! She'll orgasm on the completion of the last one.

Aki's more tempting bait - her own exposed folds - seemed to work more effectively in getting the bug to start pulling away from the resin structure; it wanted to lay its eggs into someplace warm and wet, as Haley had explained, and she was certainly warmer than the hive structure. It pulled back, removing its ovipositor more and more from the thing while reaching for her, planting its forelegs onto her body and gripping. It wasn't until she let it start climbing onto her that Aki would see it lift completely from the hole. She felt the beetle's ovipositor line up with her moist folds almost immediately, worming in easily in an effort to penetrate her, but at that point Aki had no trouble at all in pulling it away before it could actually get into her.

However tempting it might be to ride one of them and satisfy her curiosity as to how it would feel to have one of them lay their eggs inside of her, Aki had managed to pin one and secure four more; she had five egg laden workers to extract from, and the day wasn't getting any younger.

Fortunately for her, Aki had gotten used to the act of extracting their precious contents with her mouth. The bug that she'd lured off of the hive section squirmed a little as she got it into position, but it was already fully firm and once she started bobbing her lips and lapping at it the miner drone went still like those of the first batch. After a couple of minutes of rapidly bobbing her lips onto the drone's member the first egg was heading towards her mouth; she got to catch a half dozen eggs from that one alone, fully filling one bag and getting the next nearly half full. The next bug took a little bit longer for her to suck off, but fully filled her next bag with five more eggs; she was making good money now. The rest followed that pattern more or less completely, filling up the sacks that she'd been given to haul their eggs entirely, ensuring that she had a fairly solid bounty going for her already. Most of the jars weren't full yet, but.... That was something to think about after the spasms of yet another hands-free orgasm had passed, her lewd acts with the seemingly unintelligent bugs having spurred her back to a state in which she was so overexcited that she came again, this time all over the mine floor given that she hadn't yet put her underwear back on.

The workers she was done with wandered off as soon as they could, though the ones that she'd tied up had to be untied first. Whether she wished to continue harvesting or get out of this mine and start the journey back to town at this point was up to Aki, but while she'd filled her bags of eggs she'd barely gotten any of the jelly so far.
Aki was playing a dangerous game between her own arousal and the worker's natural tendency to lay their eggs in the warmest and wettest places they can find. If she let the bug actually penetrate her, she wasn't sure she would be able to resist, and that could lead to a tummy full of eggs. Her first children being Mining bugs! It was a terrifying thought, yet this newly discovered fetish for being claimed by animals made the thought much more arousing than scary! Thus she couldn't convince herself to not try and lure the bug away with her bare folds! And it looked like it was working! The bug was moving toward her as soon as it noticed her presented sex. It started to climb onto her, but its ovipositor was still barely inside of the egg sac so she couldnt move away without fear of hurting either. By the time the bug had freed itself from the resin structure, it was already high enough to immediately bring its ovipositor to the entrance of her pussy! With a gasp, Aki quickly grabbed the ovipositor to stop if from entering her and then pulled the bug off of her.

She did it! Five bugs filled to the brim with eggs were now hers to harvest! And harvest she did! With her skirt back in place but her panties still off, Aki got to work enveloping her latest catch's ovipositor with her warm and wet mouth. Her lips glided up and down the shaft and her tongue licked and curled around it! Only a few joy filled minutes of this and the first eggs started to flow down the tube. Six eggs ended up in her sacks, filling one completely and starting the next sack as well. She eagerly moved onto the next worker, one of the helpless ones she had tied up earlier. As she worked on blowing this bug, she felt the familiar sensation of a climax growing in her lower belly. In a pursuit of more pleasure, Aki experimented with how far down the bug cock she could push herself. She ended up almost two thirds of the way down before gagging on the tube and having to come back up for air. At the same time the walls of her pussy clenched in a vise grip around an imaginary partner. Oh why did this feel so good!

When the worker finally finished she ended up with five more eggs in her bags. The others continued to give her batches of eggs that were just as large as the first two, which actually ended up filling up all the sacks that Haley had given her! She had to lay back on the ground after that last blowjob. Shivers of orgasmic pleasure still rocking her body as she had reached another hands free climax just from servicing the bugs, her fem cum squirting all over the mine floor since she was still panty less. She had quite the bounty of materials now, but she didnt want to leave yet. True the sacks she had been given were full, but maybe she could fit a few more eggs in her own pouches and she still had plenty of jars to fill! The workers inside the hive were much more virile compared to the ones outside, so maybe if she found a group just like this one, but with jelly instead she would be set! ...Plus she had to admit it to herself, she felt really, really needy right now. Letting one of the jelly workers take her didn't seem to have the consequences of the egg workers, which made it alot less scary of an idea!

Horniness prevailing, Aki grabbed her stuff and stood, heading out in search of a group of jelly workers! Though not before untying the workers she had harvested. She couldn't be cruel to these innocent animals, especially after what they had done for her. She stalked off, her panties safely placed in her backpack!
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Excited, Aroused, 9/9 Willpower

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

The workers that Aki untied waddled off one by one, now bereft of the eggs they'd produced and intended to lay into the resin alcove. There were only a few in there, promising a thin next generation indeed for the hive, but she had managed to secure plenty of eggs to sell to the alchemist. She still hadn't gotten much of the jelly, however, and her libido had seemingly gotten the better of her for the moment.

The urge to mate raging in her belly after her depraved actions with the miner beetles, Aki was left wandering deeper into the mines, able to see only because of her goggles as she sought out another group of the bugs. Focused on finding some relief, she hadn't even bothered to put her panties back on, instead stowing them into her pack while she searched the mine. The supports didn't get any less shabby looking as she went deeper in, with signs that the bugs had tried to shore them up with resin. They only seemed to place their egg sacks where they were safest, at the points where the structures holding up the mine were most concentrated and most well reinforced by their resin. The tunnel narrowed as she advanced deeper into the mine, we a few branching paths breaking off from the main tunnel, though all of the ones that she passed initially seemed to have collapsed.

It wasn't long before the catgirl managed to find another group of miner bugs, a squad of eight drones that were heading towards the entrance. It was impossible to tell which, if any, were jelly carriers, but she had a bigger problem to deal with first; there were four soldier bugs arrayed around them, all of whom became agitated as soon as they'd detected her. The soldiers began herding the workers away from Aki, walking them around her and keeping themselves between her and the workers. Whether Aki wanted to deal with the soldiers somehow, try to get to the workers they were guarding or perhaps lure one of them over to her, or perhaps just let this squad go and seek out some easier prey was up to her.

With her bags now full of the eggs that had been intended for the now almost barren resin sac, Aki heads off into the dark tunnels for one last lewd encounter before she headed back to town! She would have to wait a while till she could come back here and harvest the eggs from this hive once again. She didn't want to kill off the hive because they didn't have enough new hatch lings. That was also assuming Haley would continue to offer this quest after Aki brought her the materials. This line of thought gradually faded into the back of Aki mind as she kept on traveling down the tunnels of the former mine. The arousal running through her body was strong, not overwhelming, but enough to let her rational side take a back seat for a little bit. She really got oh so hot and bothered just thinking about breaking such a taboo thing and letting of the bugs take her, but was that really what she wanted or was that just the arousal talking?

The mine started to look overgrown with resin the further she walked. The wooden supports were covered in them, so although they looked just as shabby as the ones from the entrance, they had to be safer than the others. Surely there be more workers around here? It wasn't long after she entered this area that she finally ran across a group of workers! They were moving towards the entrance with a guard of four soldiers. Those guards made Aki hesitate, the danger they posed preventing her from making any rash and lusty decisions. They herded the workers to the far side of the tunnel and put themselves between the workers and herself. She eyed them while she wondered if it was worth attacking. They were heading out, so they obviously were not full, and there might not even be a jelly worker in the group. And the soldiers... As much as she wanted to try it, this lust wasn't enough for her to throw away all her training. She was at a disadvantage and she might not even get what she wanted.

While pouting and rubbing her thighs together, Aki let the group go. It was too much trouble to just satisfy a very lusty curiosity. She would try looking for one more group and if it was either too well defended or she just couldn't find another group soon, she would have to give up. Surely she could just rub away the sexual frustration. After the group left her sight, she proceeded down the path they had come from, hoping to get lucky before she ran into her self imposed time limit!
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Excited, Aroused, 9/9 Willpower

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

The soldiers guarding the group that Aki had opted to let go by kept between their drone charges and her, hissing threateningly but not opting to approach or spit at her. They were on their way more quickly once they were past her, allowing Aki to be on her way in turn.

As she went deeper into the mine, the signs of the miner bug's habitation grew more common. The steady downward sloping path led her past resin egg alcoves, many of which were decaying and broken open as if the bugs within had already hatched, and a few bulbous resin constructions that were partially transparent around the middle and seemed to be filled with some kind of jelly. It wasn't long before she came upon more bugs, however, and as she proceeded deeper into the mine Aki finally found a larger section of them; a crossroads forming at a wider chamber with a slightly higher ceiling. There was more than a foot of gap between the resin-reinforced supports and the actual ceiling, and a number of alcoves had been dug out along the walls and then filled with resin, creating alcoves that some of the bugs seemed to inhabit.

There were groups of bugs that seemed to be momentarily idle, sitting around on the floor, walls, and ceilings. There were ten of them that she spotted from where she'd entered, gathered in small clusters at various points in the chamber. There didn't seem to be any soldiers at a glance, but as Aki was completing her sweep of the room something dropped down in front of her.

It was another bug, this one bigger than either the drones or the soldiers... Much bigger. Where the worker drones were about the size of a housecat and the soldiers were about half again as large, being maybe as big as a medium sized dog, the miner bug that dropped in front of her was nearly level with her face as it landed in front of her from a hiding place on the ceiling. The thing's body was tiny compared to its height, only barely larger than a soldier bug's, with a very similar looking head to the hive defenders she'd encountered before with the large mandibles. It had absurdly long legs, giving it the height that didn't seem to fit properly with its body size, but there was a prehensile tail hanging under the bug's body with some sort of stinger that vaguely resembled the fluid injectors possessed by the jelly bearing drones.

Aki didn't have time enough to react to the bigger bug to do much more than gasp; the thing tilted its head as if curious about her, and then suddenly parted its mandibles and exhaled a burst of thin, green fluid that turned to mist as it hit the air. She was sprayed with something that made her light headed and, if anything, even more amorous than before. It wasn't like the lust inspired by her own depravity or when she swallowed some of the jelly and took in some of shorn-based aphrodisiacs, but more like she'd get when inhaling the scent of a familiar male partner but greatly magnified. It didn't harm her in any appreciable capacity, and as the mist settled on her the creature that had issued it backed up... While about half of the drones in the room started moving, crawling towards her from every direction save directly ahead and directly behind her.

Aki returned the soldier's hisses with some more frustrated pouting. It was a tad childish, but Aki didn't care at the moment.
Her decent deeper into the hive revealed what could probably be considered the hive proper. There was resin every where, and even the resin sacs from before. There were plenty of those around, with much of them looking like they had already been used at least once before. There were even resin sacs for the jelly as well, which honestly looked really tasty... Maybe if she got enough jelly she could keep a jar or two for herself.

She eventually came across what could only be one of the main chambers of the hive, a large chamber heavily reinforced by resin with multiple alcoves that seemed like sleeping places and plenty of workers milling around the area. No one seemed to be alarmed at her entry to the room, at least not right away. It came in the form of one of the bugs dropping down right in front of her, but this bug was different from all the other bugs she had seen so far. It was much taller than even soldiers and for some reason, Aki just immediately got the feeling that this bug was also smarter than the the other bugs she had seen so far. Was this a queen? Had she actually gone so far as to stumble into the queen's room in her search for a jelly worker!?

Aki was stunned by the sudden appearance of it, just staring at it as it did the same to her until it suddenly sprayed a mist that quickly spread all over her! Couching and waving her hands in front of her face as she took a step back. That heat in her lower belly seemed to slightly increase as she breathed in the mist but even with the increase, it wasn't enough to suppress the panic from seeing the mists effects. All the workers that had been milling around were suddenly coming at her! She instinctively had and idea of what was happening and it was more than she had bargained for!

The bug that had sprayed her backed up as the workers started to move towards her, which was the only reassuring thing about all of this. Aki back peddled a few feet more before turning around and running for where she had come from. There was a worker close by as she was running, and she suddenly had a reckless and stupid thought. She made a slight detour in her path, bent down and tried to scoop the worker and then continue to book it out of the room, trying to get away from all of this!

[Grapple = 6d10]
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Excited, Aroused, 9/9 Willpower

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

Grapple: 57 vs 34, Aki manages to nab a worker as she dashes out of the room.

She can move faster than the workers, so long as she keeps the one that she's manhandling under control. Failing a grapple check will slow her down to the point that some might catch up and try to start climbing around on her. Otherwise, it's up to you how far you want Aki to go before stopping.

Aki only had to divert slightly to scoop up one of the drones as she turned and hastened out of the chamber. The bug she'd grabbed was squirming in her grasp, trying to find purchase with its sticky feet, but for the moment Aki had it under control. The other miner bugs were still following after her, the first wave following as fast as their little legs could carry them. The bigger bug began to ascend back towards the ceiling, at least, but the other bugs - the ones that hadn't moved to follow her immediately - were chasing after her now, albeit with less enthusiasm than the first wave. That left five coming after her in the first wave and six more in the second, though they were only the drones. She'd already had her way with plenty of those so far today, and she just had to break from the ones pursuing her to continue that trend.

Going back up the tunnel with squirming bug in her arms, Aki spotted a side tunnel, a crack that she could squeeze through that hadn't been visible from her perspective when she'd been coming from the entrance. It might be a place to hide, or possibly bottleneck the workers coming towards her, but could also leave her cornering herself if she took it and there was nowhere else to go. Alternatively, she could continue towards the entrance and go more or less as far as she liked; so long as she didn't stop and the one she was holding didn't squirm enough to slow her down, the miner bugs likely wouldn't catch up with her.

Running forward with the worker held to her chest, Aki outpaced the tide of workers behind her. The mix of adrenaline and some panic had managed to suppress her arousal but Aki still found herself really hoping that the worker she had in her arms was one of the jelly workers so she could have her fun before she had to leave. On that note, while still running from the small horde,keeping a firm hold on the worker, Aki turned it so its bottom was facing her and she could get a peak of which kind of worker she had kidnapped. Either way she couldn't stop and no point in letting go of the worker at this point. The first wave was close behind with the second wave of workers no too far behind the first.

Her skirt was fluttering in the air from how fast she was running, and there was a good chance she was flashing her bare and wet pink petals towards her pursuers. A short while after leaving the domed room, Aki spotted an unfamiliar path, which wasn't too surprising once she was that it was basically only a crack in the wall. The brief panic that had hit her from seeing something new faded as the relief of knowing she was probably still on the right path flooded in. She had gained enough space between her and the workers that she slightly slowed down to look at the crack. There was a good chance she had time to hide in there, but that choice held a lot of uncertainty in Aki's mind. It was unfamiliar territory, and Aki just wanted to get somewhere peaceful enough to have some final fun with her worker before leaving. Who knew what laid behind the crack in the wall?

Feeling more comfortable in just continuing to book it, Aki held the bug in her arms to her chest and took off at a sprint once more. If she was able to increase the distance between her and her pursuers till she couldn't hear them coming any more, than Aki would lightly toss the bug in her arms to the ground just a few feet away and unhooked her water from her belt, brought it up, and then proceeded to dump in over herself, hopefully cleaning away the hormones that were leading the bugs straight to her!
Last edited:
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Excited, Aroused, 9/9 Willpower

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

Grapple: 47 vs 35, Aki holds it as she does the gender check.

Grapple: 60 vs 39, she gets some distance.

Grapple: 45 vs 45, the bug wins the coinflip and slows Aki down. The first wave catches up, but only d6 of them get to try to grab her... It ends up being 6.
Dodge: 72, so it'll be versus 72, 67, 62, 57, 52, 47
Grapples: 33 misses, 42 misses, 35 misses, 37 misses, 33 misses, 36 misses. Lucky her!

Grapple: 36 vs 31, she manages to regain some distance.

Grapple: 46 vs 38, she manages to get a fair amount of distance.

Grapple: 44 vs 35, she seems to have lost her pursuers and is near the entrance of the mine.

Aki's examination revealed the half-extended ridged tendril that was starting to probe at her cleavage of the "male" versions of the drones, ensuring that she'd gotten a drone carrying the jelly like she wanted. That would mean no eggs in her belly, at least so long as she didn't get grabbed by the other works who were chasing her, but she had to get away from the group chasing her if she wanted to enjoy herself. The bug was still squirming, and as she resumed hurrying - giving the bugs behind her a view of her shapely rump and exposed sex up her skirt if they could see in the dark - she could feel its jelly depositor extending and squirming against her cleavage.

Ignoring the side passage, Aki would hasten back down the main tunnel that she'd traveled down to reach here, though as she passed it the squirming worker she'd nabbed managed to find purchase and suddenly pulled itself out of her hands. It crawled over her shoulder before she could grab it again, and was big enough to throw her off balance. As she scrambled to recapture it, the other workers caught up with her, ambling down the halls along the ground after her. The bug was on her back as the rest advanced, and Aki was momentarily unbalanced enough to stumble over, landing on all fours with her skirt hiked up high. A glance over her shoulder showed Aki that the squad of bugs was nearly upon her and that the bug she'd nabbed was hastening down her lower back, heading for her upraised rear while it's depositor wriggled excitedly along her back. Fortunately for her - unless for some reason she froze up there - she would be able to shake the bug off with a quick swing of her hips, leaving it lying on its back and easily scooped up into her arms again as she scrambled back to her feet.

Once she was on her way, however, Aki quickly left her followers behind. The bug in her arms continued to struggle vigorously for freedom, intent seemingly on doing exactly what she was going to do to it anyway, but it didn't manage to escape again before she'd left their pursuers well behind, or at least far enough that the night vision on her goggles wouldn't let her see them and she couldn't hear them skittering after her anymore. She was nearly back at the entrance by that point, and could see the circle of light sitting nearby as she tossed down the bug she'd picked up onto the floor. It rolled back and forth on its back, trying to right itself while she took out her canteen and dumped it over herself.

The cold water was a bit shocking as it splashed down her body, leaving her clothing clinging tightly to her torso. The scent that the bigger bug had spewed onto her was definitely lighter, though whether or not Aki had cleared up enough of it that they other miner bugs wouldn't recognize it and chase her anymore. That left her theoretically safe to do whatever she liked with her kidnapped bug, if she felt safe enough to do something more compromising than just use her mouth to harvest its jelly.

A grin of excitement spread across Aki's face, even as she continued to flee because she was able to confirm that she had gotten lucky and had actually nabbed a jelly worker! She could feel her snatch twitch in excitement from the discovery. It lasted for a second before she had to focus on getting away from the horde and had to keep the kidnapped worker under control. She kept a good hold on the worker, pinning it against her chest, but that didn't spot it's more flexible member from exploring her cleavage! She could feel the warm member squirming and running over her soft and sensitive flesh, leaving a faint trail of pleasure where ever it went. Gods, she had never actually let any of the guys she had ever been with cum inside of her so she didnt actually know what it was like, but the thought of letting this worker have its way with her sent her imagination wild!

Because of this, Aki kind of just spaced out for a moment as she ran, letting her body go on auto pilot. It was enough of a distraction for the bug in her arms to squirm free! It found purchase on her cloth covered breasts, climbing up onto her shoulder and then started to move down her back! The sudden change in her weight distribution was enough to make her lose her balance while she was sprinting! She fell over, catching herself with her hands and knees, her skirt pushed up her waist, fully revealing her nude pussy to the now quickly catching up horde! Shit! She could also feel her jelly worker making his way to her exposed ass as well, trying to fuck her there and then! Even though being practically raped by him and all of his brethren was an arousing thought, Aki bucked her body in an panic, thankfully throwing the bug off of her and onto its back right next to her!

Quickly standing up, she once again scooped up her bug and once again sprinted off into a tunnel, this time with a much reduced lead. Over the next couple of minutes her breath grew somewhat labored from all the running but she was able to grow her lead back to what it had been before the fall, and then to where she felt like she might have actually lost her pursers!

Still dripping wet from the impromptu shower, Aki tried to breathe deeply, catching her breath after the run. Her breaths were a little shaky from anticipation and a nervousness now that she was so close to doing this. "I'm really going to do this, aren't I?" She asked herself aloud, as a hand went below her skirt and petted her wet snatch. That arousal from before the incident with the big bug started to trickle back. Her nipples grew hard under the cloth of her shirt. "Come on, lets move a little farther before this happens." As she says this, she puts her canteen back on her belt and then picks up the worker once again, moving away from there because the strong trail of the hormones still lead to there even after she had washed away most of it from herself. She tried to keep the entrance close still and once she was satisfied, she softly laid the worker down onto his back, got onto all fours, grabbed the base of his member, and wrapped her lips around it, using her new experiences to bring it to full mast!

Once there, she helped him get back on his feet and then turned her ass towards him, hiking her skirt up onto her hips, she waved her nude ass towards him. "Here's my apology for tossing you earlier~." Her voice shook from that same nervousness and arousal. This was happening!
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Excited, Aroused, 9/9 Willpower, Awaiting Ovums = 8, Grappled by 2 miner bugs.

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

Perception: 2 successes, which is exactly what she needed.

Dodge: 35, because penalties. Again, only d6 try to grab her, which ends up being two.
Attacks: 45 and 26, one hit, one miss.

It didn't take long for Aki's by now practiced oral efforts to have the bug's depositor at full mast, writhing in her throat and preparing to dump its precious contents into her mouth as several had before it... But this time, she had other plans. The miner bug that Aki had absconded with revolved in place after she released it, turning towards her, but hesitated as the catgirl bent over and presented herself for it, waving her backside. It would have undoubtedly been a strong enticement for any man she might have offered it to, but it wasn't a man - or even a person - that she was wiggling her hips at. It was a bug, a creature with the intelligence of an animal if she was being charitable, and probably far less than that... And she was inviting it to mate with her.

The creature's hesitation didn't last long, and after a few seconds it was crawling back towards her, clambering along her legs... Then up one of them... Then along the curve of her ass. Every moment brought it closer to her needy folds, closing the distance between her decision to let it and when she could go back on it. After a few seconds she felt the squirming, pointed tip pressing against her petals, producing an intense spike in her excitement that was surpassed only when the bug - now clinging to her backside - swung down and penetrated her. The beetle's jelly depositor sank from her entrance to well over halfway into her depths, the relative coolness of it compared to her hot folds only intensifying the sensation of having it inside of her.

The needy ache she'd been carrying since the first taste of the jelly became a surge of intense pleasure just from being filled, but as the depositor that had been plunged into her began to move that surge became a constant source of raw satisfaction. It didn't hesitate after the initial penetration, instead pressing its squirming tool deeper into her while swinging back and forth, trying to plunge deeper despite the resistance of her clenching folds. After a moment it began to retract only to push back in, going deeper than ever with every motion as its member perfectly mimicked the sensation of a thrusting cock but without moving its body nearly as much as it should have. It wasn't long before it hardened further, and the ridges stiffening along the bug's length felt even better as they plunged in and out of her.

What followed was a blissful few minutes, as physically satisfying as any encounter she'd had with a humanoid partner despite that it was with an animal, and that added kink to it may well have been enough to tip it past that point to surpass many of her prior experiences. The texture was certainly unique, the ridges not only allowing it to worm itself deeper into her moist hole but draging wonderfully against her inner walls. Deeper and deeper and deeper it went, until finally its pointed tip pressed into her cervix. That contact seemed to make it go wild, driving itself in and out of her and prodding at the gateway to her unprotected womb with every stroke. An orgasm was rapidly building in Aki's belly, and it only came on faster once the miner bug was deep inside of her. The very moment that it hit, Aki felt it thrum vibrantly inside of her, a familiar sensation that was followed by a brand new one as a burst of hot fluid erupted into her depths, injected directly into her uterus courtesy of the design of the bug's member.

The warm spurts of the bug's jelly, so sticky and thick inside of her, were a pleasure all of their own, ensuring that the tremors of her climax lasted until the bug had delivered every drop of its payload. A pleasant bubble of liquid heat lay within her, half filling her womb, and if for some reason the giant insect's jelly carried sperm with it she'd almost certainly have been carrying a litter of the creature's offspring. Fortunately that seemed not to be the case, though she had no way of being sure of that... But what she could be sure of, while still basking in the satisfying afterglow of her orgasm, was that the other bugs had caught up, and while they seemed initially more hesitant - perhaps the impromptu bath she'd taken had worked - a pair of the more aggressive group were approaching her while the miner bug that she'd allowed to plant its jelly in her was pulling out. A twitch of her leg kicked away one of them, but the other managed to start climbing up her thigh, making to replace the first one while the others began to close in on her.

Aki really loved the feeling of the worker's member wiggling in her mouth and even her throat as it was brought closer to orgasm, though that orgasm would have to be denied for now for Aki to get what she wanted. Lost in the moment, Aki felt a little silly as she tried to seduce this bug, but at the same time it did make her feel like she was a dirty girl doing it, which just made her even wetter. It might not be very intelligent but it clearly wanted to mate with her and that was all Aki cared about right now. She was starting to think that she might have to give the bug some motivation to fuck her as it hesitated but thankfully it started to move and climb onto her leg!

She shivered as she could feel the worker climbing up her nude leg and then up the curve of her firm ass cheek. It was so close, and as it got even closer her heart started to beat faster and faster in anticipation. Her time to change her mind was quickly closing, she no had no confidence that she would be able to stop the mating once she felt the worker pierce her! Just after the thought went through her head, she felt something wiggling touch the entrance to her petals! It sent her heart rate to even higher speeds and she released a small moan from the probing touch of her most sensitive parts! The search for her entrance was over almost immediately, she could feel it line itself up, and then with a quick thrust a warm and foreign member pressed into her folds! She was being penetrated by a bug! Aki had always been really sensitive, like so sensitive that it didn't feel she should be that sensitive. She often would find herself touching herself because of it. Thus when she felt the bug cock push its way into her, it was like a lighting bolt of pure joy hit her!

Aki immediately let out a sweet moan, letting out some more sweet noises as she could feel the bug cock inside of her start to wiggle and search the path that lead even deeper into her cunt! With that first thrust, the jelly depositor made it at least to the half way point of her depths. Even though she had already had quite a few of these depositors in her mouth, (what a slutty thought), its was surprisingly cool against the warm walls of her cunt, making its very presence stand out more than she expected! Having finally been penetrated, all of Aki's horny aches that had bothered her ever since she had first awakened to her new kink turned into this raw and primal joy as the bug started to move its cock in a way no human could every hope to do!

It managed to wiggle, squirm and push its way deeper into her, not waiting even a second after it's initial penetration. The exotic and erotic way that it moved allowed its hard ridges and unique shape to grind up against a lot of the hidden sensitive spots of Aki's pussy! It was just the first thrust and Aki already felt like she was experiencing ecstasy! Her folds clenched hard around the invader, trying desperately to keep it inside of her but the worker pulled its tool back till only the head was still left inside the catgirl. At that point, it swung itself forward, pressing itself into Aki's flesh as its cock rammed into her once again, making it even farther than it had the first time! The bug whore loudly gasped, a tremor of ecstasy ran through her as the thrusting didn't stop there! One, two, three, it just kept going, ramming itself a little farther into her cunt with each thrust!

Aki lost herself for the next few minutes as she experienced the best sex of her life, the worker managing to surpass her previous experiences with those few boys. By the time Aki jolted out of her whore trance by the feeling of the hard, pointed tip of the worker's tool pressing into her cervix, Aki's cunt was twitching constantly, right on the edge of a massive climax! "O-oh Gods..." She managed to moan out between her sultry gasps. It was there, at the entrance to her womb. At her baby chamber, her most important and sensitive place, and it was going to fill it up with its jelly!

At the same time that the worker started to go crazy and started to batter down the door to her womb, Aki was finally pushed over the edge! She squealed like a pig in heat as she was flooded with mind numbing pleasure and her cunt seized up, gripping and milking at the exotic penis inside of her! That wasn't the end of it, not at all. Every time the worker thrusted into her, it felt like that orgasm was prolonged for a little bit longer, and when the familiar thrum of the bugs impending release hit her, her legs started to visibly shake!

The sudden hot rush of jelly into her womb drained the strength from Aki, her orgasm still somehow continuing, Aki's arms gave out, and she ended up just resting her head against her arms on the floor, leaving her ass high in the sky with a bug filling her deepest part riding her. A low moan echoed out into the room as Aki could feel the warm, heavy, and thick jelly shooting into her, filling her womb up and leaving her mind a clouded mess. She laid there, enjoying the feeling of the heat radiating out from her half filled womb and the afterglow of her finally finished orgasm, unnoticing of the sudden appearance of a horde of workers!

It took the rush of two of workers, the fast clicking of their limbs on the stone floor for Aki to notice. Reflexively, Aki leg twitched and lashed out, kicking one away, but the other started to climb her thigh, making its way to where the previous bug was pulling out of her, seeking to replace it and fill Aki's womb with even more jelly or with a clutch of eggs! Only barely being able to resist the temptation of letting it do just that, Aki tried sweeping it off of her with her hands while stumbling to stand up on unstable legs. If she wanted to avoid being turned into a incubation chamber for all of these workers, she needed to get away!

...Though was that really a bad thing? It would feel sooooo gooood, a voice in her head said. Just give in.... Aki was able to ignore it for now, but her very shaky will would no doubt shatter if she was penetrated once again. She had to get away! She tried to run, to escape!
Last edited:
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Excited, Aroused, 9/9 Willpower, definitely not being fertilized right now ovums = 8, Grappled by 6 miner bugs, being Bound, Weakened, Penetrated

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

Grapple: 46 for Aki, 41 for one bug and 28 for the other, but group grappling turns that into 46 vs 55 and 48; she makes no headway in her effort to escape the grapple, one pulls out of her, and the other immediately replaces it and slides right into her.

Pleasure Damage: 7 + 6 + 5 + 8 = 26.
Willpower Check: 21, she fails, becomes horny, will let that one finish.

Four more join the grapple while that one is having its way, and Aki is dragged to the wall. They begin to secrete rapidly hardening resin.

Next round, she gets filled up, orgasms again, takes Weakened from cumming when out of Orgasm Thresshold, and the horny clears. Then she spends the stun round having more resin applied to her, after which she can either try to scramble free, which will take a big grapple check, or just let it all happen.

Aki's legs felt like they were made of jelly as she tried to move them; she managed to slide one knee a bit forward, but couldn't get the strength together to actually get a foot under her. The sensation of the ridges lining the miner bug's depositor sliding across her sensitive folds, dragging wonderfully with every centimeter as it withdrew, didn't help her concentration given the tremors that it forced through her body, and by the time it had withdrawn completely the other was crawling along her upper thigh, ready to replace it with the similarly shaped member that she could already feel hardening against her skin. Her efforts to reach down and bat the two bugs away only caused her hands to glance against their shells, both of them clinging stubbornly to her while she batted ineffectually at them. They moved by inches, but soon enough the other one was lining its squirming member up with her unprotected folds, having crawled around to hang off of her belly upside down. Aki couldn't stop it, and when the textured appendage slipped into her sopping cunny, the catgirl was left paralyzed by the sensation of her being penetrated again.

It pushed in deep, even though it wasn't quite to full size just yet, but that only allowed it to push all the way to her cervix in one smooth motion. That prod against her inner gateway capped off an intense surge of pleasure that drove all remaining ability to think about anything other than feeling more of it out of Aki's brain, and when the bug started moving Aki's toes were curling with how intense the sensations were; the movement of her leg had put her legs wider apart, and that combined with its position hanging bellow her allowed it to not only go deep more easily than when the first bug had perched itself on her butt, but swing itself back and forth faster. The frenzy that the bugs seemingly entered when their depositors touched her inner gateway ensured that the second bug was pumping from tip to full depth even before it was full size, going harder and faster, and her moist folds were all too happy to admit it.

The other bugs closed in while the traitorous pleasure kept Aki paralyzed and her latest subject was wildly pumping its writhing tool into her, climbing onto her body. They collectively toppled her, pushing her onto her back before turning and pulling her. Within moments Aki found her shoulders and upper back pressed against the wall, and while she was staring down at the bug that was even more vigorously pumping into her cunny they shifted her position further; her legs were pushed up until her knees were beside her shoulders, and the front of her legs were pressing against the wall. She felt them starting to cover her legs from ankle to knee in a thick, sticky fluid - gluing her to the wall with their resin - but the change in her posture meant that the ridges lining the drone's depositor were sweeping across her clitoris every time they retracted and that sensation was a lot stronger.

Next, her arms were dragged up into the ever expanding bubbles of resin, leaving her wrists stuck next to her ankles and ensuring that once those pockets of resin hardened, Aki would be trapped in a position that left her sex in the perfect orientation for them to keep on giving her this wonderful but taboo pleasure... And for them to lay their eggs into her unprotected womb, using her as an incubator for their larvae.

Perilous though her current predicament might be, with the majority of the workers working to keep her arms and legs pinned in the resin while it hardened, it would be all but impossible for Aki to think about anything other than the fulfillment of the traitorous desire that had taken hold of her. The texture of the jelly depositors ensured that they dragged across her inner walls and sent every nerve that they touched singing in bliss, while the way their members squirmed inside of her ensured that they were hitting all of them at some point. It was far more intense in terms of sensation than any normal male partner she'd been with, albeit also far less intimate, and while her resin constraints grew and started to harden up she was treated to a rapid rise towards yet another orgasm. The very moment that it hit and her pussy started convulsing again, the bug's pointed tip pushed into her cervix and started injecting its jelly, unloading a constant stream of the stuff just like the first, and the sensation of that hot gooey substance being poured into her, expanding the pocket of heat glowing inside of her until she could feel that it had completed filled her uterus, only served to prolong her orgasm all over again.

The position she was in ensured that practically none of it was allowed to ooze out of her, but with the complete filling of her womb and how she'd been oriented when the first bug had been switched out with the second there was now a small ring of blue-green goo mixed with her ever-leaking love juices around her entrance. By the time she'd come down from her orgasm and got her breathing under control again, exhaustion was starting to set in; the string of intense orgasms, possibly the most that she'd ever had in a row before, were starting to sap her stamina as much as it was her will. Too many more, and she wouldn't be able to move OR think, but even as a bit of the haze cleared, Aki would realize that the former wouldn't be an option for much longer. The resin was starting to harden, and if she didn't pull her limbs out of it before it did she wouldn't be going anywhere for a while. The other group of bugs, following the sound of her moans or the scent she'd been marked with or some combination no doubt, appeared in her peripheral vision, and if they crawled onto her with the rest she would undoubtedly be overwhelmed by strength of numbers alone and kept in place while they had their way with her. One of the bugs making her resin prison started climbing down her body, going over her left shoulder towards her exposed flower while the one embedded inside of her began to pull out...

Trying to put any strength into her legs just made everything worse. They trembled as she tried to stand and then gave out before she could even push herself up more than a few inches. Any attempts to move were thwarted by her partner pulling out of her after having unloaded plenty of its jelly into her bare womb. The rough edges of the worker's cock dragging over her sensitive pussy walls on its way out drew out more moans from the catgirl slut. It felt sooooo good, too good. Her legs gave out once again during her latest attempt to stand. As if that wasn't bad enough, her attempts at swiping the newcomer from her upper thigh only resulted in some weak shoves that just slid over the worker's smooth shell, not even impeding it, not to mention stopping it. She could feel it steadily moving up her leg and then onto her belly even with her attempts to throw it off. It now hugged her, hanging upside down on her belly. At the same time, her previous partner finished removing himself, exiting Aki’s sloppy pussy with a wet pop. The new worker wasted no time, as once the first exited, his cock was already lining up to push into her, to be breed with her!

It pushed into her, penetrating her and stealing away any will to resist from Aki as a paralyzing pleasure hit her. Her folds had already been used and were already overflowing with love juices, and so in that one spearing, the worker's cock pushed all the way to her cervix! The feeling of another bug cock knocking at the entrance to her womb was too much for Aki. She shuddered, moaned sweetly, and then felt the last of her strength leave her, her mind and body helpless before the worker’s intention to breed her. She was starting to want this, to love this feeling of being raped by this bug till she couldn’t bring herself to stop it. “Ohhh, yessss…. Please, more.” She muttered in the budding euphoria. And it obliged her. Her legs were open wider than before with the kick and its position hanging under her belly seems to offer it a much easier time shoving its cock into her. Just like the last bug, as soon as the tip of his cock kissed her cervix, her rapist entered a fucking frenzy!

It was swinging itself back and forth, thrusting its cock from the entrance to her pussy to its deepest depths with each thrust! Aki’s toes curled in pleasure, her body shaking in mini orgasmic pleasure whenever the bug cock was sheathed fully into her. The cock was growing harder inside of her with each thrust, spreading those tight folds wider and wider, and Aki was too happy to feel that happening. Her cunt was wetter than ever before, so aroused by the accepted rape that any thoughts of resistance had already been fucked from her mind long ago. That pleasure addled acceptance also spread to the actions of the other workers who had finally caught up to her and reached her. The climbed onto her, pushing her over, onto her back where using the sheer force of the horde, Aki was forced to the nearest wall and then was pressed against it. Her shoulders and upper back were held against the wall and from her new viewpoint, she dreamily watched as the bug still hugging her belly ravaged her cunt. The horde continued to manipulate her body, pinning her knees up at the same height as her shoulders. If Aki had the mind to pay attention she would have noticed how the resin the started to cover her legs in looked alot like some incubators she had seen. But no, she didn't have the mind to do that. Her new position was letting the ridges on the worker’s cock to grind against her clit every time it pulled back to the entrance of her cunt. And it did that alot. “Oh, gods yes! M-more! Fu-mmhhhh! FUCK!” Aki’s eyes were starting to roll up at the mind melting sensation of being fucked by the worker and having her small button of pleasure being grinded against!

She didn’t even resist as her arms were pulled up into the glue that covered her legs and held her to the wall. That all didn't matter. What mattered was letting this incoming orgasm rock her entire being and for her amazing worker to do whatever he wanted to her as long as he kept fucking her. Every taste of this taboo pleasure was stronger than the last, it felt addicting to let this beast use her, for her to cum all over its cock was it fucked her. The first fuck had already been the best sex Aki ever had, but this second one was already there and was going to surpass it. She could feel the heat of another world shattering orgasm building in her belly as every nerve in her pussy sang of bliss and she wanted it, no, needed it! She didn't care if it wasn't intimate, she was being raped, being fucked and she felt ecstasy!

Her vision went white as the orgasm finally hit. In her pleasure drowned mind Aki floated in pure bliss as she came. Her body meanwhile was screaming her pleasure out into the world, whole body twitching in tandem with her pussy walls constricting against the invader, seeking to milk it of any and all seed it possessed. And oh, by the gods she got what she wanted. For the second time during this quest, Aki’s womb was invaded by the pointed tip of a bug’s cock. The hot, thick jelly being poured into her womb joining the previous load already sitting in there. A ball of warmth that was even stronger than last time lit up in Aki’s belly as her womb was plastered in jelly! Feeling her uterus being utterly filled with jelly was prolonging her orgasm, each time she thought about it, thought about how her womb was being claimed by these bugs, Aki’s pussy twitched in joy!

Her womb now full and her lover finished with defiling her baby room with its jelly, Aki lay there against the wall, held in her new position by rapidly hardening resin and heavy bugs. She enjoyed what had just happened. Bathing in the afterglow and the continuous warmth filling her entire body from that pocket of jelly in her. She watched as another horde of workers approached. If she wanted any chance at freedom, she needed out now…. But she couldn't summon the strength not enough will to struggle. No, instead anticipation was building inside of her. Even though she could later excuse it under her deprived side taking control or her tiredness from two absolutely amazing mating sessions, a small part of Aki truly like this. It got aroused at being bred by animals! Her heavy breaths filled the tunnel as she watched the new horde approach and a new rapist approached her inviting snatch. She was going to be filled with eggs and in her pleasure drunk state, she couldn't wait!
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Pregnant with 27 shorn pods and 30 miner bug eggs, Bound

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

With no resistance left to be offered on Aki's part, the catgirl was in the perfect position to watch as the rest of the bugs had their way with her. The second to flood her unprotected womb with its jelly hovered inside of her, giving a final few smaller squirts that swirled the hot bubble of fluid occupying her core, before pulling out with a motion that slid every ridge along its injector across her clitoris, only to be immediately replaced by the next. The six that had followed her all proved to be jelly workers, and her fall to the temptation of experimenting with them certainly left her with a lot of experience in what it felt like to mate with them; each and every one of them took a turn plugging her sex and injecting her with their jelly, flooding her baby chamber with the nourishing fluids and driving her through a string of orgasms in the process. Each in turn would mount her, push its writhing appendage into her depths until the pointed tip pressed into her cervix, and then squirmed fast and wild in her sex until they finally delivered their payload. By the time the third had flooded her womb, that tiny chamber was filled to capacity, and the next three only caused a noticeable bulge to appear in her formerly flat tummy.

Unbeknownst to her, the sweet jelly was made primarily from shorn weeds, the corrupted, mutant plants that were a pestilence across most of Badaria. The bugs had eaten the plants in their entirety, including the large quantities of nectar that the plants produced... As their seminal fluid. Some of that potency had remained, leaving Aki's own eggs flooded in plant sperm even as the next batch of miner bugs lined itself up. It was the smooth, soft feeling of one of their ovipositors that slid into Aki's sex next, and by that point she was so overwhelmed by exhaustion from the string of orgasms that she had suffered under the string of jelly-drones that Aki was likely almost completely incoherent.

The first ovipositor slid easily into Aki's moist tunnel, having been readied for deep penetration already, and all too soon she felt the familiar pleasure of something repeatedly prodding at her inner gateway as it built into a steady pace of stroking into her. The ovipositors were thicker than the jelly injectors, making up for their smoothness with their sheer girth, and the bug itself moved more than the bugs with jelly injectors had. The mating was more akin to what she'd expect from a cock than the tentacle-like squirming she'd received from the jelly bearing drones, with the bug pistoning into her deep and hard until, suddenly, it plunged all the way in and pushed through her cervix. Then it started vibrating heavily, the sudden surge of pleasure enough to force Aki to enter a prolonged orgasm that didn't quite hide the sensation - or block out the brief sight - of the first of the eggs that were to be laid inside of her traveling down the ovipositor. The distinct bulge traveled down and into her until the added tightness of her cervix caused it to pause briefly, but that pause didn't last long. With a soft plop, the first egg was pushed into Aki's womb, into the soup that signaled to it that it was in a comfortable place to develop, and five more quickly followed.

Once its eggs were lain into her, the miner bug pulled out of Aki, but again it would be quickly replaced by the next. Her belly was no longer flat, instead sporting a minor bulge as her womb stretched - easily due to her womb's natural ability to bear an entire litter at once - to contain its new contents. The other four miner bugs would follow suit, ignoring any protests she might manage to deliver at this point; each would follow the exact same pattern, giving her taboo pleasure but also ensuring that she would be a host to their offspring. Each of the five laid a half dozen or so eggs into her, one by one, leaving her looking like she was several months pregnant by the time the last of them was retracting its ovipositor.

The prolonged sexual marathon on her part, though the enjoyment of it might not have been shared by the bugs who had just inflicted it on her, had left Aki exhausted to the point of passing out. Unfortunately for her, the perception of time would be hard to grasp for a while after that, as every time she woke up it would be to a bug crawling onto her face. It fed her another dose of the jelly, facefucking her and pouring the stuff directly down her throat, only for that to make her intensely drowsy and then leave her passing out with her jelly-mired drool coating her chin. This happened about a half dozen times, each time leaving her momentarily staring at a larger, more heavily pregnant belly. The wan light coming from the nearby mine entrance would fade to darkness across her awakenings, and when Aki awoke for the last time it had returned, now dim and gray.

This time, Aki had a bunch of the drones surrounding her, but none of them were climbing onto her face. The pressure in her belly was intense, and after a few moments she felt her muscles begin to contract, painfully. The two sets of offspring that had grown in her belly were ready to come out, and as fun as it had been to make them, it was likely to be equivalently unpleasant to go through their birthing.

(Gain 4 XP and 253 corruption.)

Aki's lack of resistance lead to one of the most mind melting experiences of her life. She was glued to the wall, freshly filled with a new batch of worker jelly when the next worker took her! He climbed up onto her and swiftly took the place of the last worker, shoving his jelly dispenser right onto her freshly used cunt, and began to stir the messy, sticky and wet pot that was Aki’s pussy! After alot of wild thrusting and grinding against her love button, and a few climaxes from the catgirl, the worker sheathed himself one last time! It started to shoot ropes of jelly into her, and she could feel the warm bubble of heat in her baby room expand and swirl. Once done using her as its cum-jelly dump, the worker left her with a completely full baby room thanks to the sheer amount of jelly in her womb and the next worker mounted her. One after another, the rest of the horde mounted her, fucking her to multiple climaxes as their flexible yet rigid cocks writhe and grinding against her pussy walls and clit, before pumping their hot jelly right into Aki's already full womb! Probably because of her race’s ability to have litters, rather than overflowing back out after her womb was filled by the third worker, the jelly-cum continued to pack into her womb, expanding it till there was a noticeable bump in her previously flat belly!

Aki probably should have done some more research on what the jelly was made of before she so eagerly took all of those creampies for without her knowledge, her eggs were being attacked and flooded by the shorn weed seed mixed into the jelly! The leftover shorn weed potency in the jelly was fueling that seemingly endless arousal for the breeding station that was Aki right now. She had lost count with how many workers had added their jelly to the soupy concoction that rested in her belly, but at some point, Aki suddenly felt a different sensation from her pussy than she was used to! A much thicker, yet softer member was pushing into her, an ovipositor! She moaned in both supreme arousal and dismay. In some distant part of the back of her mind, through the fog of the seemingly endless orgasms, Aki realized that there was no stopping the egging that was to come, and with the shear amount of jelly in her, those eggs would be fertilized without a doubt!

The ovipositor knocked on the gateway to her bloated womb, picking up pace at it stretched out Aki’s pussy with its greater girth. She dumbly moaned as it happened, mindlessly squeezing her sloppy walls around it as she was ravaged. Although it didn't have those same hard ridges that rubbed against all the sensitive places on her walls, the sheer size of it made up for it! She twitched and shuddered even as she was locked in place as she was plowed! It moved even quicker than the jelly workers had thrusting in and out of her like some tentacle cock. Just like the jelly workers, with a sudden sheathing into her cunt, the ovipositor started to wildly vibrate and a bulge spread the entrance to her pussy open and then traveled down the length of her cunt. It was enough to send her into another one of her many climaxes. Her eyes rolled up slightly in bliss, her throat too sore from her previous screams of ecstasy to make more than moans. She could see each of the dark eggs traveling through the transparent ovipositor till they entered her. When they hit her cervix, they would pause for a half a second before they pushed through. The climax was extended with each egg that popped into the fertile jelly of her womb, and with six eggs in total now inside of her, that orgasm lasted a while! Her post orgasm panting echoed out into the cavern. Her lips were dumbly open and her eyes half lidded as she basked in the afterglow.

The next worker started to mount her belly that was now slightly larger than before the egging. By the time he and the other remaining worker finished impregnating Aki with their eggs, Aki was already half passed out from pleasure. With a half a dozen or so eggs from each egg worker now sitting snugly in the impregnating jelly, Aki’s belly looked like she had been several months old already! She wanted to touch it, to feel her round belly, but the resin restraints easily negated the weak effort. Aki swiftly passed out after she accepted she couldn't do so. Aki had no sense of how much time had passed the next time she was awoken, only coming awake as a bug climbed onto her face and started to face fuck her! She could feel her pussy spasming as she swallowed against the intruding worker cock. She really couldn't help it! She was such a whore for these bugs! The worker fed her a large amount of jelly and promptly left her. Aki licked the small amount of excess jelly left on her lips and was about to start thinking of how she was going to get out of here pregnant as she was… She was pregnant...Whatever thoughts would have come next were quickly smothered under a sudden and intense drowsiness. Each time she awoke it followed a similar pattern, but she gradually grew to accept the consequences of being used and bred like the whore she was over the small periods between facefucking and sleep.

Each time she awoke, she also noticed her belly had grown larger compared to last time she woke up. She was looking heavily pregnant in the dim light coming from the nearby mine entrance. She had been so close…

The next time she awoke, the horde of workers had returned, surrounding her. Ok maybe it wasn't the same horde, but Aki liked the thought of it. There was a pang from her belly and the sudden acknowledgment of the intense pressure blew any other thoughts away. She was giving birth!~ Still unknowing of the two different sets of children in her womb, Aki started to try and push with the painful and sudden contractions. She needed to relieve this pressure in her!
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine...Ish, Eggs = 5

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

Aki's birthing would be a prolonged process; she had nearly sixty spawn inside of her after all. The first dozen or so to make their way out of her were some of her own, the pods that would eventually become alraune if allowed to germinate, and the orbs dragged themselves out of her with the pair of wriggly little tentacles on their sides one by one. The workers started grabbing them and ripping off the tendrils that they used for mobility in a practiced manner, but they didn't get all of them. The ones that got away dragged themselves off towards the mine entrance, but the rest would likely be eaten.

The workers started ignoring the alraune pods more once the larvae started squirming their way out of her, each accompanied by a small gush of the leftover jelly that had fed them. The workers started grabbing them and carrying them off, forming a rotating caravan as the bugs that had impregnated her moved their offspring deeper into the mine. Their squirming down her moist passage produced a mix of discomfort and pleasure, forcing her to relive her impregnation twice over but in reverse, and the slightly larger and hard shorn pods were even worse. They were coming out in a mix now, with slightly more larvae than shorn pods, and the altering sensations only made it more disorienting. The nearly half hour long process was exhausting, leaving Aki as a shuddering mess by the time the final larvae pulled itself out of her and was carried off, after which the workers started taking the dismembered alraune pods. Another ten minutes later, and Aki was alone; once the last pod that hadn't escaped was gone, the workers didn't come back, and she was left bound up and sitting in a pool of fluids that had leaked out of her, her belly flat. Her breasts were now slightly swollen, and there were wet spots on her shirt.

The resin prison holding her limbs had, as she'd seen among the other resin egg holders, begun to weaken thankfully. A bit of struggling and the now brittle stuff would crack, and ultimately break, allowing Aki to free herself... Though what she did after that, she would have to figure out on her own. The workers hadn't taken any of her things, not even the bag containing her spoils, but she could try to get more like she'd planned to if she really wanted to... Though now she knew what the consequences would be if she got too into the extraction process.

What followed after those first initial pangs of pain coming from her womb was perhaps the longest half hour Aki had ever experienced in her life, and thats counting the initial breeding that had gotten her into this situation. She pushed and pushed, feeling something make its way down the length of her very used pussy. No it was several somethings. One by one, several of her spawn slid from her vagina, and if Aki had time to think about anything else than giving birth, she would have been startled that they were not little workers born from the eggs planted and fertilized inside of her womb! Rather she recognized them as little shorn pods that would grow up to be alraune if they survived long enough! She had learned about shorn pods before so she realized they were born from her own eggs! She noticed what the workers were doing to them but didn't have time to think further about anything as the next births were on their way!

Small larva started to come sliding out of Aki's pussy, each one coming with a spurt of jelly as they were birthed! The older workers, likely the fathers of her children, would pick up a larva and carry it deeper into the mine, while another would step forward to grab the next larva Aki would birth. She could feel the larva squirming and twisting inside of her as she was giving birth to them, which made for a weirdly pleasurable mix of uncomfortable and arousing. It was like they were trying to get back to the comfort of her womb, making it harder to push them out! Eventually more of her shorn pod babies started to come out in a mix of pods and larva. It would go from the smaller larva squirming and moving restlessly around in her love tunnel to larger round and bulbous shorn pods spreading her passage wide open with a girth the larva simply didn't possess! Aki was constantly having some mini orgasms that made keeping track of time even harder, and had her wishing for a real orgasm to wreck her! Eventually the end did come though, and when the last larva left her pussy in a burst of jelly, Aki was a twitching, shuddering mess! She was so close to an orgasm, yet too exhausted from the many, many births to do anything about it right away. She sat there, glued to the wall and in a puddle of jelly/fluids, resting. She had no idea how long she had been kept as a breeding toy, and to her dismay she felt a pang of arousal at the thought. The bugs had used her and impregnated her and she couldn't have done anything to stop them once they got her....

Once she had rested enough, and it was evident that no worker was on their way back to her, Aki started to strain against her shackles of glue! It took a surprisingly little amount of struggling to feel the brittle resin start to crack and break apart. She would eventually free herself completely but still sat there. Her hands felt at her now flat tummy. Even though she didn't know how long she had been pregnant for, it felt weird to not have a belly full of spawn. The movements also alerted her to something new to her body. At first she had simple thought that it was sweat, but now that she was free and not giving birth, Aki noticed that the front of her shirt was alot wetter than the rest of her! Her breasts felt swollen and feeling around sent a sharp pleasure through her. She was lactating! Unable to help herself, Aki gave one of her breasts a light squeeze! With a tired yet erotic moan, that same pleasure hit her again and she could feel milk spraying out and splashing against her shirt! "G-gods, what a slut Ive become..." She mumbled out loud to herself while she used the wall to help herself stand up. She still had everything with her, even the spoils of her adventure and she was in dire need of a bath. She was absolutely soaked and caked with sexual juices and dried jelly! Ready to just go back to the inn and get some sleep, Aki started to walk to the nearby entrance to the mine, hoping the soldiers there wouldn't give her any trouble!
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine...Ish, Eggs = 5

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

Unless she got cleaned up along the way, it would be hard to make her sluttiness any less obvious; there was still plenty of jelly visibly stuck to her thighs, and she still wasn't wearing any panties. There also hadn't been any baths back where she'd been staying, at least that she'd seen so far. Badarians often bathed communally, and going to a public bath would give anyone else there a pretty clear idea of what she'd been up to, even if the coloring might make them think that it was alraune or shorn weeds instead of the bugs that she'd essentially allowed to lay their eggs in her. Still, before she could figure out where she could clean up, she would have to get out of the mines.

Fortunately, that was easy; there was nothing between her and the entrance. The temperature and lighting as she stepped out, combined with the position of the sun, suggested that it was early morning. There was a small group of soldiers waiting by the entrance, but they just hissed at her as she edged around them to exit the mine. Whether she would go from there straight back to town, or try to find somewhere to bathe in the wilderness was up to her at that point, as was whether she wanted to just take the road or try to avoid being seen by any other travelers.

Aki felt so dirty, both because of the amount of jelly-cum still leaking from her pussy and still streaking down her thighs, and because of how much she had enjoyed being used. She was going to need try and find somewhere to wash herself before she went back to town. Going into the communal baths would be way too embarrassing if she still looked like a whore when she did so. She would need to check that rough sketch of Haley's map she had in her notebook once she got outside. She couldn't remember off the top of her head if she had seen any rivers or bodies of water that would be nearby.

She reached the mines entrance, and just like last time, there were two soldiers guarding it but they thankfully only hissed at her as she skirted around them. The sun was still rising in the early morning sky giving her plenty of time in the day to get back to the town, and enough sunlight for her to actually check her map. She dropped her backpack and keeled down to rummage through it to find the note book. The sudden movement made her heavy breasts ache, and she swore they suddenly felt slightly wetter! Distracted for a moment, a hand cupped one heavy tits. "Gods, I hope this will go away after a little else I'm going to have to buy a new set of bras..." Her bust had increased slightly from her newfound motherhood.

Putting the changes to her body behind her, Aki looked at the rough sketched map for anything that might have some water to clean up in. If she didn't have anything helpful sketched, she would take a longshot and take a minute to try and remember if she had seen anything else on Haley's map. Either way once done, Aki would set out for either the water she would find in the map or she would have to keep a look out for any place that looked like it could have a body of water on her trip back to the town! She would first backtrack through the rough paths that had taken her here before getting back on the main road. Hopefully she wouldnt run into anyone...