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Wandered Astray (theguy09)

: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 8, all fertilized

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

The pressure of her arm against her chest only caused Aki's sensitive bust to leak against it, leaving pearly strands leaking down the curves of her bosom and side of her arm. "Only when I'm excited! Which is usually around people, so there's usually someone to help me! Anyway, uhh... I'm a spider! I... Don't have a name though, I've never met a mortal before! Will... Will you give me one?" The spider replied, ending on a nervously hopeful note.
Love Catermelon.png
Aki had to bit her lower lip to stop a small moan as she pressed her arm against her heavy breasts as warm milk started to leak from them. Her breasts seemed permanently hyper sensitive ever since her time being bred by the insects, and that was especially so with her now being pregnant once again! She lens down slightly as she talks. "Hmmm, a name?... uh, Kira? How do you like that name Kira?"
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 8, all fertilized

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

The spider's eight eyes widened, almost impossibly so, and seemed to sparkle for a moment before it leaped up, doing a spin in place, landing facing mostly still in Aki's direction where it began to dance. "Name! I have a naaaaaame! I'm Kira! I'm Kira!" It bobbed from side to side, lowering and raising itself while going from side to side, and after a few seconds of that added occasional kicks of seemingly random legs. It would stop after a minute or so, and clear its arachnid throat, and reply; "Ahem... I love it! Thank you! Oh, uhhh... W-what's your name? They didn't tell me, they just told me to keep an eye on you for a while. Y'know, uhhh... After he was finished." Somehow, Aki got the distinct impression that the spider specifically meant the nymph when referring to the "they" rather than both of them.
Love Catermelon.png
Aki looked on with wonder at how the spider's eyes widened and sparkled. This... it didn't feel right to just call it a thing, but Aki didnt really know how else to refer to it at the moment other than its new name. Never-the-less, Kira was surprisingly expressive for a spider and Aki giggles as Kira jumps and dances around in joy. "A-ah, my name is Aki." She blushes as she wonder if Kira had watched her get bred like a... like a whore. There was a twitch from her snatch at that thought and she wonders if there were even more hidden spectators to her breeding. "We-were you watching... that? A-and where did the other two go? And if you don't mind... what are you, Kira? I don't think Ive met anything quite like you?" She shifts her arm around, accidentally squeezing more breast milk from her permanently heavy breasts.
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 8, all fertilized

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Nymph, the Springtender
Kira the GIFTS

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

"Naaah, I did hear it though. I was trying to take a nap! It's not your fault though, he's been a jerk to everyone ever since he got kicked out of his dad's grove," Kira replied, before straightening as much as a spider could and giving a little forward bow. "Aki... It is a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for your gracious gifting of a name." Their tone was oddly officious and stiff, as was the spider's body language, but it returned to their previously animated to the point of being nearly hyperactive nature after that; "I'm a spider! A giant, intelligent, friendly, talking spider! There aren't many of us left around here, so it makes sense that you've never seen any of us before. Are those giving you trouble?" One of their front legs raised to give the underside of one of Aki's engorged breasts a gentle poke, causing a bit more of her milk to leak out from her nipple.

"I'm supposed to get you to visit the sucker gourds if they're like that, the Springtender says she wants to collect it for her tea, and that you probably won't be doing anything with it for a few days."
Love Catermelon.png
The pregnant cattermelon turns even redder with embarrassment as Kira acknowledges that she heard the breeding happen! It was mostly mortifying to think about, but at the same time she was slightly aroused by the thought that she had been taken and her womb had been claimed in such a public manner. Just a small part though! She didn't know anything about the gruff, and so when Kira brought him up, Aki asks, "Do you know anything about that... man? A-all I got from him was that he was quite the dominant guy used to getting his way." Pregnant with a growing belly, Aki only returned Kira's bow with a bow of her head. "And it is nice to meet you too... and your welcome?" She grins as she watches Kira go hyper active again. She could imagine her like a small cute puppy... wait no, she could think. So a small child then. "Is there a reason you didn't have a name before?" Aki moaned and leaned back a little at Kira's touch. Her breasts were indeed especially heavy ever since she had woken up.

"T-the sucker gourds?" Did she prehaps mean those wonderful tentacles the fae women had used on her before? She blushed once again and swayed slightly at the thought of her breast milk being drunk by the Springtender, but she might as well not let it all go to waste. "Umm, sure. I-I could use some help with emptying them out, though I have a feeling they wont stay empty for long."
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 8, all fertilized

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Nymph, the Springtender
Kira the GIFTS

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

The spider did a gesture roughly equivalent to a shrug, raising itself and lowering on its numerous legs. "Not much more than that, really. He got kicked out of wherever he used to live by his dad, and he's really mad about it. I guess it's because he... Well, he did exactly what he did to you to some guest, even though she'd asked him not to. I guess it sort of broke her and she ended up staying there as a breeder or something... But he was besmirched the host's honor, so he got exiled," Kira replied on the subject of the goatman who had inseminated her and left her as gravid as she was now.

"Oh, we faeries don't really have names or language like you mortals do! I know you can understand me right now just fine, but like... If I was talking to you, and someone who didn't speak your native language was listening, they'd be hearing what I'm saying in their native language too! So basically, we just kind of know who someone is talking about without needing a name, at least when we aren't talking to mortals. Neat, huh?" Kira explained, before turning on the spot, a leg rising and pointing in a direction.

"Don't worry! They usually leave someone drained for a good while, and you can always come back. Actually, that guy brought the seeds for them with him... I guess that girl he knocked up was feeding them, and they bloomed or something. C'mon!" The spider began skittering off into the woods, though its snowy fuzz would make it relatively easy to track through the underbrush. Fortunately for Aki, the ground was easy to navigate, even in her slightly off-balance state. The faerie offspring hadn't grown inside of her to the point that she was truly gravid, but her swollen breasts were heavier than they had been before.

After passing through a small grove of peach trees that she could snag a piece of fruit or two from if she liked, Aki would ultimately find herself on the edge of a field of wildflowers with several odd plants spaced out roughly equally in a circle. One of the variants on present resembled nothing if not a fibrous stump with a large, phallic stamen sticking from the top, at a height that would be easy to climb onto and of a width that she could easily squat or kneel on top of, with vines covered in small leaves emanating out from the base of it, each of which had a closed flower at the end. Aki, were she familiar with such things, would recognize them as shorn weeds, the pestilent plants that used humanoids for breeding as part of the alraune's life cycle. Most of the plants were shorn weeds, but the spider would lead her around them to one of the others, a plant that was essentially a bunch of gourds connected by thick, tuberous vines, with transparent, bowl-like suckers on the ends of some of the vines.

"Here it is! You've just gotta sort of... Crawl over to it and relax, the plant will take care of the rest," Kira explained as they settled onto the ground, watching Aki with their eight arachnid eyes.
Aki's eyes widened slightly as she listed to Kira talk about the goatman's past? Did he get tossed out because he fucked his guest when he wasn't supposed to? And it broke her enough that she became a permanent breeder? Aki worried for a moment about if that might happen to her but couldn't see that happening to her. It would all work out and she had enjoyed the goatman breeding her, though she didn't plan on becoming a breeder for him. She wanted to explore and be an adventurer helping out people! ...though maybe she might come back to visit every once in a while… her womb crest warmed up slightly at the thought of visiting both fae again after she had left, but she still strangely wasn't worried about the crest on her belly. She didn't know that it hadn't been activated by a Master either yet.

"Wow, that… that is neat!" The cat was surprised for a second about this new information about the fae, before she grinned and agreed that it was neat! Aki had always thought magic was cool and even tried to learn it when she was younger and didn't understand just how difficult it was when you didn't have the talent for it so she eventually gave up on it. On top of that, this sounded like some sort of uber magic if it permanently affected an entire species and could translate all that stuff in real time, which made it super neat!

“Are the plants small? Do you think I could possibly take one with me when I head back to town?” If her breasts were going to insist on being full and leaking all the time, maybe bringing one of these sucker plant with her would help her deal with it? She followed along with the energetic fae spider, managing to not long behind too far even with her already growing belly. The movements making her all the more aware of her heavy breasts and how they ached and just absolutely needed to be milked!

Passing under the peach trees, she felt a sudden craving for one and so she reached up and plucked one of the low hanging fruit and started to eat it as she continued on the way after the spider. Angela had given her a very embarrassing but now evidently necessary talk about pregnancy before she had left on her adventure. Was that craving for the peach one of her pregnancy cravings? Even now it was weird how fast her belly was growing to the kitty. The flowers around the area were pretty and she thought she recognized some of them as shorn weeds but wasn't too sure if they really were the weeds or not. These next plants she deffinatly didn't recognize but were supposedly the sucker gourds. Trusting Kira, Aki would nod and go "O-ok! I just crawl up and they do the rest?" She asked before doing just that. Getting close to them before softly lowering herself down to her hands and knees and crawling closer to the plants, waiting nervously for them to do something.
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 8, all fertilized

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Nymph, the Springtender
Kira the GIFTS

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

"Small? Oh, no... I mean, maybe you could get like... A cutting, but it wouldn't get big enough to keep you milked properly for a while, and when it did it wouldn't be portable anymore," Kira answered, "if you ask, you could get one of the mirrors from her though! They can open portals to here, that other lady.... I guess she was going to get one, but, y'know... Anyway, they'll let some milker vines through when you need to get emptied, and retract when they're done. Just uhhh... Make sure to do it when you're in private, I guess?"

When Aki plucked the fruit from the tree, the branch would bounce, and the peach would prove wonderfully sweet and succulent and juicy as she munched on it on the way to her destination. Her spider guide would scuttle along before her, until finally she was before the afformentioned sucker-plants, and as she asked for clarity on the instructions for approaching the plant, Kira just replied; "Yup! That's all!" The fuzzy spider would watch her as she got onto her hands and knees, the lightly gravid catgirl crawling forward into range of the sucker gourds.

For the first few moments, nothing would happen. Slowly, however, the sound of shifting foliage would alert Aki to the movement going on around her, and a glance around would reveal that several vines were moving, shifting to coil around or over her limbs. "Just relax! They make sure to uhhh... Hold their... Prey down. Gosh, I wish I could think of a better way to word that...." The plant would very slowly slide over Aki's body, constraining her, but not forcibly changing her position in any real capacity. All too soon, the gourds would rise, the transparent suckers slowly but surely approaching her leaking bosom. When finally they reached it, their hesitation vanished, each of them clamping with firm suction onto one of her breasts, covering the surface of her bosom only to suck firmly. They would immediately begin to alternate, tugging and sucking only to largely relax, working to start extracting the catgirl's nourishing fluid into the transparent suckers that had clamped onto her bust.
Love Catermelon.png

Aki pouted a little as her idea for a portable milker was struck down by Kira but suddenly stopped in her tracks and looked at the spider with shock as she heard the next part! "W-wait, s-stuff like that actually is actually real!?" That would be so awesome! Having a mirror that could teleport her would be so useful! Aki starts to grin with excitement before continuing to ask Kira questions. "By her, you mean the maiden of the spring, right? If I ask do you think she'll really be able to get me one of those mirrors?" She blushes and nods, agreeing that it would be best if she was in private when she got milked!

The fruit was delicious, prehaps some of the best fruit she ever had and she moans as she tastes the juices of it! With it literally just being as simple as approaching the plants and letting them do the rest, Aki would carefully get down onto her hands and knees and crawl forward, taking her time with her gravid nature!

Aki could feel her heart start to beat faster in anticipation as nothing happened for the first few moments, though she didn't have to wait much longer for the leaves to start to move! She tensed for but a moment as the vines started to move towards her but quickly relaxed. These were just here to milk her! Kira would have definitely told her if there was something to worry about! "I-its fine! I uhhh, dont feel scared with them!" Aki tried to reassure Kira that she hadn't scared her with her word slip up. The vines of the plant wrapped around her limbs, slowly tying her down and restricting her, but as she told Kira, she wasn't feeling afraid of it... maybe a little nervous though. Who didn't get nervous trying new things?

"A-Aahhnn~" The kitty moaned as the transparent suckers attached to her breasts and a strong sucking force were applied to them! The alternation between sucking and then tugging on her milk filled breasts started to draw out beads of milk at first before the plant's efforts gradually worked its way up to full spurts of mother milk being extracted from Aki! As this all happened, Aki moaned pleasantly with each tug and suck, her pussy growing wet from the arousal of being milked! With the vines tying her down she couldn't move at all to try and satisfy her pussy, instead she was stuck there, a blush rapidly growing over her cheeks as she felt herself being pushed towards a climax through just the plant milking her!
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 8, all fertilized by goatbro

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Nymph, the Springtender
Kira the GIFTS

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

"I mean... Yeah?" The spider replied, sounding confused. "I'm a talking spider! Anything is possible! Probably!"

Later, when the catgirl had lowered herself into the embrace of the strange plants, she found that once it had her, it didn't hesitate further. Her milk was already flowing, the suction cups drawing it out in ever increasing spurts, and it quickly became an inescapable cycle. The harder they sucked, the more milk she released. The more milk she released, the harder they sucked, and the more stimulation she suffered. The more pleasurable it became, the more milk she seemed to produce...

After she was thoroughly bound, the suction cup vines extracting her milk would be joined by grasping ones, which coiled around her breasts and began to squeeze. The sucking became constant, and the squeezes became the force alternating, massively increasing the rate at which she gave up her milk and ramping up the stimulation. Steadily but quickly, she was drained of her nourishing milk, the pressure in her bust gradually receding. Even after it was gone, however, Aki was still producing the same amount, her milk flowing in massive bursts. The reservoirs in the suckers filled with each pull of the vines, only to be drained away to a greater, ever growing container near the base of the plant. She was able to watch it bloat in real time over the twenty minute milking session, steadily filling with her milk, ultimately growing larger than her head before her milk production finally began to wane. Even then, the plant continued to tug, squeeze, and suck, draining her bosom to the very last drop that it was willing to produce and then some before it finally began to release her.

"Wow! You've got a lot more than I expected!" Kira remarked as the vines began to retract from around her, tapping Aki on the rump with one of their many legs. "That was more fun to watch than I expected.... Too bad you're already pregnant though. How are you feeling?"
Aki blushed furiously in embarrassment as she was reminded that magical doorway mirrors weren't the only surprisingly magical thing she had run into that day! "Y-yeah! Magic is so cool!... Sometimes I wished I could use it…" She wistfully admitted to the magical talking spider.

Aki couldn't help but let out a cute "Meep!", as the plant didn't waste a single second as soon as it had her in its grasp! Almost instantly her milk was flowing from her breasts as the plants hungrily milked her and made sure to drink *every* drop of her mothers milk before it could be wasted! With every suck from the transparent bulbs of the sucking vine, more and more milk flowed from her engorged tits, leading to the vines sucking even harder! This was Aki’s first ever proper pregnancy if you didn't include the egging she had just recently received, and so the feeling of being *milked* was completely new to the young mother!

She moaned and shuddered as she was pleasantly milked, her nethers growing slick with arousal~. Eventually, the cycle got bad enough that milk was *constantly* flowing from her breasts, and it was only about to grow even worse as new vines appeared and wound themselves around Aik’s breasts, giving them a squeeze! Instantly, the constant stream of milk turned into a short rush. With the new vines help, the pressure in Aki’s breasts rapidly dwindled until any remaining discomfort was gone, only leaving the pleasure from the act. The cat’s breath grew increasingly shaky and heavy with arousal, micro orgasms starting to wash over her as the almost 20 minute milking session grew close to the end! Her cunt twitched as she realized the plant’s storage sac she had watched grow was even larger than her head now! H-how did she have that much milk in her?!

A-ahhhh~” The cat let out a sweet moan as she felt the last drops of milk being sucked from her breasts, leaving her completely empty~, signaling the plant it was time to release its prey! With the vines to longer supporting her, Aki slowly collapsed to her knees after the butt tap from the spider, her legs having grown weak from the pleasure. “T-that…that was *a-amazing*...” Aki breathily admitted. “I-I didnt think it was possible to hold that much milk! No wonder I was so sore! I… w-wait what? I'm feeling good, just need a moment, but what did you mean that its a shame I was already pregnant?” Aki tilts her head cutely as she asks.
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 8, all fertilized by goatbro

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Nymph, the Springtender
Kira the GIFTS

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

"Oh.... Well, because if you weren't, I coulda laid eggs in you while you were getting milked! Uhhh... W-with your permission of course! There aren't a whole lot left of my race around, mortals don't seem to like us, and their weapons are good at killing us..." The spider replied sheepishly, before trailing off in a depressed sounding voice.
Aki's eyes go wide at that, her blush returning with a vengeance. "I-I u-uhh..." She gulps and her mind goes back to the egging she received at the mine... that had felt really good. "I'm uh sorry to hear that? A-and maybe in the future? We can t-talk about it...maybe!" If Kira really did prove to be a good friend, then maybe...just maybe! She would think about letting the spider fill her belly with eggs once more! "If its any consolation, I t-think you're pretty cool..." She adds awkwardly while unconsciously rubbing at her pregnant belly. "What next by the way?" She looked back towards the plants, wondering what was next after an experience like that!
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 8, all fertilized by goatbro

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Nymph, the Springtender
Kira the GIFTS

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

"Okay!" Kira replied merrily, before delightly dancing from side to side when complimented, their pedipalps moving rapidly. When asked what was next, however, the spider reached up with a leg to scratch the top of its head. "Uhhhh.... I dunno! I guess you can just... Relax! Until those all come out," they replied, lightly prodding Aki in her engorged belly. "Probably not here though.... We could head back to the spring! Or you could go lie down in the wildflower dens! Or go visit the satyr groves and listen to music for a while!"