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Waterfall Grove


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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This is a small, eerie grove in the forest where the terrain has created a small waterfall, the base of which has a calm pool of water. Although this place is quite beautiful people prefer to go to the hotsprings further up the mountain.

Unlike the hotsprings, the grove is very secluded. It is completely surrounded by forest, the only clearing being the sky above it.

Rumours state that many years ago a broken hearted lady drowned in the waters and haunts the grove at night, though none have claimed to see her ghost.
Re: Waterfall Grove

Siphon led Michelle to the waterfall, picking his way through the dense forest as if it was merely an annoyance and not really slowing him down, though perhaps he was used to this, it was difficult to tell for sure.

Either way, one moment there was forest, the next there was the fall just there, almost as if by magic.

"Try not to fall in, the current moves pretty quickly, and even one of our kind may find the swim to shore a bit more ... tedious than we would like."

His tone suggested no humor or mockery, but was rather dead flat serious, as if he knew something about the area he'd prefer not to share.
Re: Waterfall Grove

As she walked into the grove, Michelle tossed aside the remnants of her latest kill, a brown rabbit. She'd been butchering wildlife on the way to the grove, desperate to restore herself to full health on the blood, and was nearly there.

"Bah. I'd like to see it try. You're hiding something from me. I want to know what it is." Michelle scoffed, striding up to the side of the waterfall. Quickly, she slipped off her boots, socks, shirt and sash, revealing the crimson undergarments she was wearing, and halfway through pulling her trousers down she looked up at Siphon. "Staying to watch? I don't mind." she said tauntingly, flashing him a seductive grin, wiggling her shapely white ass behind her, playing with Siphon.

((To her, being naked is not something particularly private, even though her shapeshifting is. She did grow up in what was basically a harem of Succubi after all.))
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Re: Waterfall Grove

Siphon shrugged.

"Not much place for me to go without you completely losing sight of me. I have no doubt you would find your way back, though it would take far longer than you'd like I'm sure to just wander back. I don't make a habit of abandoning people when I'm giving them a tour."

There was a pause as he considered, then told her.

"Well, the rumor around here is that some years ago a woman drowned in this grove, and since then the rumor is her spirit haunts the grove. Now I don't believe in ghosts, however something I heard last year makes more sense. Tell me, what do you know of a process called ascension that involves becoming a pure energy being?"
Re: Waterfall Grove

"Hah. I could just fly back if I got lost, but fine." She said, continuing to strip as if it was a completely normal thing. Slipping off her trousers, followed quickly by her bra and panties, leaving her completely naked, Michelle considered Siphon. "Of course. My father meddles with this kind of thing all the time, I never approved, it was one of the things that made him hate me so much. He thought I could never become powerful without enslaving an army. I proved him wrong. You think she's still here?"

Turning on her heel, Michelle briskly strolled under the waterfall, spreading her arms as the water cascaded over her, slight red stains floating downstream. A couple of minutes later, she came out, her hairstyle still somehow holding in place, and picked up her clothes, which all stank of blood, except her boots, and walked back into the flow, gripping them tightly so they wouldn't get washed away.

When she was finished, she walked back out, and dumped them on the floor, picked up a large flat rock, and dumped it on the side. Gesturing, a large fire sprung forth on top of it, which she stood next to, drying herself and her clothes, both steaming as they started to dry, her body sparkling alluringly.
Re: Waterfall Grove

Siphon nodded.

"It's quite possible. Some millions of years ago this planet was inhabited by another race of human like people that called themselves the Ancients. At some point, they learned how to freely ascend and become pure energy beings, beings uncontrolled by any other force, and of incredible power. By some estimations of display I personally have seen, enough to obliterate entire galaxies with mere thought. We do know however that some weren't able to fully ascend, and some were somehow prevented from doing so by aliens that killed them. So, I can't ignore the possibility that a semi-ascended being is somehow trapped in this pocket of space-time and periodically crosses close enough to our own dimension that she ... manifests the same way a ghost legend would. I have a feeling all previous ghost sightings can be traced back to a similar issue, if one looks back far enough and has the resources to do so. For the last few years, I've been 'hunting' these ... 'ghosts' down, trying to determine who they may have been. Last year, I managed to figure out a specific frequency that would allow me to send them the rest of the way and find their eternal peace so to speak, and finish the ascension process. Unfortunately, if there is any truth to the rumor here, no one has ever lived to actually say they've seen her, nor have I ever seen her myself. I have however encountered other ones before, so I know they do exist. Some of the knowledge I gleaned about them ... well, let's just say I've been dead a few times over, become one of the ascended and then returned. From the sounds of what you've told me, this is nothing like how your father works with."
Re: Waterfall Grove

Michelle merely made a face, apparently unimpressed with Siphon's story, saying "So there's a powerful ghost here? Things that we cannot control, yet you hunt them to give them peace? How sweet. And that you can survive death, or something similar. That, at least, I am impressed with, though I will agree this sounds little like my fathers necromancy."

Shaking her shirt, and satisfied it was dry, Michelle started to dress again, pulling her clothes on quickly, and when she was finished, flexed her shoulders. "Right. Where next? I don't have anything left to do here, I've had my fill. Though let's run through our agreement again, I'm allowed to play with the humans as long as I don't cause anything lasting, correct? And nothing too extravagant either?" She voiced to Siphon, throwing the rock back to the bank.
Re: Waterfall Grove

Siphon nodded.

"Yes, though I will note if you find a particular group or single person won't leave you alone, and believe me you will find burglars, rapists and murderers in this world, then an exception will be made on them. I have no pity whatsoever for assholes like that, so if one crosses your path and won't leave you alone ... well, they asked for it now didn't they? You'll know their type if and when you see it."

He paused a moment, considering.

"Well, how much of a tour around the non-school grounds area have you actually gotten? There's a number of things around and ... tell me, how interested are you in seeing technology from other worlds?"
Re: Waterfall Grove

Michelle giggled sadistically, her eyes sparkling red for a second. "Aww, now you've gotten me all excited over finding one of those! I'll have so much fun! Ehem..." She trailed off, clearing her throat as she composed herself. "No, I skipped the tour, did my own aerial one instead. Technology holds little interest for me, you're the only thing that's ever managed to stand in my way, and I didn't have my sword with me earlier. Humans with big guns can't stop me and my blade, no demon can stand against me until we get to something of my father's power or more, and they hold little interest in me now that I'm banished."
Re: Waterfall Grove

He nodded again.

"I see. Well if you decide to change your mind on the tech, you can always seek me out to show you the hidden passage in the springs area. Honestly though, these isn't all that much else to do now, classes have started though. As for me ... I'm sort of on leave from there, they don't know I'm still in the area. Most of the school isn't even aware of the supernatural powers inhabiting the area, though the majority of those with power know each other, or of each other. You stick around long enough, you'll learn who's human and who's more than human. I wonder though ... if you had the chance to return home and teach your parents a lesson, would you take that? Or would you prefer to never lay eyes upon them again?"

The question seemed serious enough.
Re: Waterfall Grove

"Hah. Without a doubt. My mother, I would have no problem with, she is no fighter, but my father, he tends to stay in his halls, meeting only with the other Dread Lords. I could reach him, but I couldn't beat all of them. Doubtless, if I could catch him alone, I could rip his chest open with ease. He might be almost 30 foot tall, but I can fly. He can't. Besides, he is useless in melee, as is the case with most of his race, but they are all powerful magicians. Far more so than me." Michelle said, a wistful look on her face as she envisioned her revenge on her family, grinning broadly.

"I hardly feel like returning now, not after what's happened today... Siphon, let me see this technology, it will provide something to do..." She said with a sigh, glancing up to the sky.
Re: Waterfall Grove

He nodded again.

"Very well. This way then, stay close, wouldn't want you getting lost now."

Whether this was intended sarcastically or not was hard to tell, but his tone suggested he wasn't being so.
Re: Waterfall Grove

Michelle narrowed her eyes at what she assumed was a snide comment, but chose to hold her tongue for once, instead tightening the sash around her waist.
Re: Waterfall Grove

Quite some time after his brief encounter with Michelle/Mirchelle, Siphon returned to the Waterfall Grove.

Here, he began to reflect on what had happened recently, and the changes he had undergone. He truly had no idea if he even fit in at the school anymore, it all seeming to have gone to total hell now that he was a vampire. He shook his head, wishing, ironically, that he wasn't like this now. However, he did have to admit he wasn't sure he'd have been able to take on the woman in his previous .... life. He knew for certain that ascension was out of the question for him, as was any chance of ever being reunited with Kara again in the ascended planes. Strangely enough, he didn't feel anguish or regret over this, but rather at peace. Perhaps he had finally learned to just accept things as they were, or perhaps he was simply too much in shock to care yet.

He would remain here for now, basking in the quiet calm of the area, allowing the rest of his changes to continue without resistance. He knew fighting it wouldn't help. What would happen would happen, and if he found himself unable to control himself ... well, he'd just have to find a way of obliterating himself without causing too much collateral damage in the process.

((Feel free if anyone wants to happen across him.))
Re: Waterfall Grove

Siphon stayed in the same spot for who knew how long when he sensed powerful beings approaching. Standing, and concealing himself, he watched as three hunters stepped into the open. How he knew what he suddenly did, he didn't know, but something inside of him warned him these were some form of demon hunters, and he doubted it was a coincidence they were here where he was. It then hit him he wasn't the only demon type here, Michelle was too.

He had read a lot into demon hunter history, and he knew these people wouldn't give up until they were dead. That left him with two choices right now. He could kill these three, then warn Michelle they might have more company, or, he could move now, make warning to her in the off chance this was a small branch of the hunters. The second seemed more palatable to him right now, and so he silently took off, heading for the school grounds proper, hoping to find her near the cafeteria.