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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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The valley has a large cliff running through the middle of it and when the river here it creates a 40ft high waterfall.

At the base of the waterfall there is a series of caves that extend deep into the cliffs.
Re: Waterfall

Simon steps into the clearing surounding the waterfall, and looks up to admire the natural torrent of water again for a short moment, before moving to sit beside the pool. He finds the small dry spot he knew and liked, where the spray of the fall was slightly sheltered by the rocks above. He takes his LED torch (/flashlight) and slides open the small cover that allowed it to function like a lantern. As always, his batteries were freshly charged, with spares after those. With a few books, a full bottle of water, and plenty of bread and butter sandwiches, he could wait out here as long as he needed. It wasn't a cold night, so if needed he could even sleep in the caves. He'd done it before. So with everything in order, he positions his lantern on a good rock to give a little elevation to the light, and sits leaning against the rocks to read.

[Has left]
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Re: Waterfall

''Finally here,the waterfall is just as always.Soothing,beautiful and relaxing.maybe i could actually try that tonight...''.After a little break he stood up to the falling water and closed his eyes for a few seconds.He then lifted his hands thowards the waterfall,hand movements didn't improve John's ability whatsoever but helped him to conentrate.The waterfall then stopped right in mid-air,forming a big ball of water absorbing the still going current.''Now i'l have to try to freeze it,in mid-air,and with the water still moving inside it...''.John concentrated as much as he could on the big sphere,and it actually began to gradually freeze from the bottom to the top.

After a minute the water was frozen into a big ball of ice ''Looks like my abilities are getting stronger each days,or maybe im just getting used to them.I wasn't able to do that a week ago and...Oh crap.".As he was thinking this,John lost his concentration due to another one of those sounds mentionned earlier.The sphere shattered in a multitude of ice shards and fell into the pond at the base of the waterfall,ending up in making a huge ruckus that was able to be heard from anyone or anything in the forest.''Goddamnit,now i better get out of here before someone get's here and see all that ice...''.He grabbed his sweater as fast as he could and began running away from the waterfall,heading for the boy's dorms.
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Re: Waterfall

A very short time after John left, Siphon arrived with Sho at the waterfall, looking down and blinking.

"The hell? There's ... ICE in the damn waterfall. I didn't think it was THAT cool out. Oh hell, may as well get rid of them. You said you wanted to know the changes well ... this is one of them."

Changing rapidly into vamp form, the eyes pitch black and his claws extended, he moved towards the ledge, then suddenly released several controlled blasts of lightning into the ice shards, breaking them up and melting them rapidly, returning the falls to their normal selves.

Just as quickly, he returned to normal, however the lingering charge of the energy blasts lingered in the air for a few more moments before fading. If John was still within a quarter mile, he would have suddenly felt the air take on a super charged, almost static feel to it, then feel it die down.

"Well ... problem solved. I think."

((If he's REALLY good at pin pointing, he might be able to tell it came from the falls he just vacated.))
Re: Waterfall

Having enjoyed the walk to get to the falls, Sho looks just as puzzled at the strange state of the water as Siphon is.

"Don't look at me. I haven't figured out how to do wind chill on that scale yet."

She watches Siphon as he steps up to the shore, brow arching at the physical change. It's the lightning, though, that really gets her. If he notices, when he turns back around, she looks like she might have been on edge for the entirety of that little outburst. She actually reaches down and lays a hand against the ground to help dispel the static, not really wanting to zap Siphon or get zapped for that matter, given the change in the air.

"Good thing we weren't planning on going for a swim," she chuckles. "Just remind me to never tick you off when I'm right out of the shower, huh?"
Re: Waterfall

Able to sense the state of the infinitely small water particules in the air,John stops right in the middle of his momentum.

''Electrecity...And the sky is completely clear.Maybe some kind of device...No the charge is way too powerful.It's originated near...The waterfall i was a second ago.''

After thinking what he would do through,he came to a decison.

''Even if used a great deal of my energy to accomplish what i did back there,I should be ok if anything bad happens.i'l only have to rest for a day...Or two.Anyways i should head over there right now before the source of this goes away or fade in some kind of way''
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Re: Waterfall

Getting closer to the waterfall,John goes for the subtle way.Proceeding in the thickest of the forest around the waterfall itself and crouching in the shadows.Finally reaching a specific tree,he sets a knee down and try to observe the two beings near the pond.

''Can't go any closer without revealing my presence.They could be the ones who emitted that charge not long ago...If so they may have some kind of advanced device or...''

A couple of seconds later,John identified the source of the energy.

''It's the male individual itself...No human could carry that much electric signature without exploding,he definitely have some kind of naturally or syntheticly originatd ability.''

After he was done thinking,and making hypotheses,he felt a strange sensation in his stomach.

''Oh crap, i've used a lot more energy than i imagined,i should be pretty careful about how i intervene.''
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Re: Waterfall

Siphon had noticed her reaction and smiled lightly.

"Don't worry about getting shocked from that, the charge is far too weak now for you to feel, and you can't be zapped by me unless I wanted to zap you. The water is safe, albeit maybe a tad cooler than normal since I did just melt ice out of it and put more water into the thing. Besides which ..."

He suddenly trailed off as his senses detected another beating heart close by, and it wasn't Sho's.

"Holding that thought ... we're being watched. Get ready just in case, gonna try something."

He stretched slightly, then turned and directed a stare not far off from where the young man was, before speaking.

"Curious friend? If your fearing confrontation you need not fear us, unless of course you bode ill will towards us, then we have a problem. Come out and say hello, it's rude to spy. Name is Siphon."

He was half expecting either dead silence, or for whoever was out there to either attack or run. In any event, he was prepared inwardly to make a move if he had to, not knowing if their guest was a friend or a foe.
Re: Waterfall

Half surprised,John stood up and simply walked out of his hiding spot.He stopped just a few meters away from the two.

''He sensed me even when i was perfectly hidden,i better not try anything.''

He stood there a few seconds,inspecting the pair and finally talked.

''I am named John.And i guess we could have a little chat about...What happened here,and what you did.''
Re: Waterfall

Siphon nodded, his posture seeming to relax some, as if he'd been a bit worried John had been a hostile.

"Well, to make a complicated explanation long and simple, I used lightning to melt ice in the waterfall. I take it you sensed or saw it ... actually ... do you know anything about the ice that was here? Melted it to restore the falls to their proper glory and to prevent potential flooding and damming of it. As for how I can control energy that powerful ... let's just say you probably wouldn't believe me if I told you, or you'd run screaming. Oh, the lady here with me is my girlfriend in case your curious."

During the entire time he spoke, John would notice one glaring, disturbing sign if he paid enough attention. Never once did Siphon draw breath in his speech. For that matter, since he'd been watching him, he wouldn't have seen him breathe at all. Simply put, he wasn't breathing, yet he was speaking and talking just perfectly fine.
Re: Waterfall

"Yeah, the thing is, how'd the ice get there in the first place? And I'm not making any remarks about you and charges and tingling." She gives him a bit of a grin, arching a brow slightly. At his change, she gives him a wink in reply, following his lead and turning a bit when John makes his presence known.

My, aren't we feeling a bit possessive? Though she couldn't blame him for the declaration. If this kid did mean trouble, it was Siphon drawing a line, in his own way. And while she was going to say something about his chatting freely about his abilities, well, he had a point. This guy either saw it, so denying it would be moot, or sensed it, and same thing. Now the question was, how he was going to react to that information.
Re: Waterfall

John noted the fact that the man before him wasn't actually breathing,but his facial expressions surely didn't show any kind of surprise or astonishment.

''Finally,i have some kind of lead.Im not the only one with powers in this school...Maybe even that girl can do something of her own,i doubt he would actually use that kind of ability in front of a simple and normal schoolgirl.''

John mumbled to himself for a little moment before begining to explain on his own.

''You told me, rather directly,about how you posses these kinds of skills.I't would be only fitting that i showed to you what actually hapenned here earlier.Whatever i am going to do,don't feel threathened,it's only an exercise.''

He then placed his right hand into the air,he brutaly lowered it in a fast movement thowards the pond.At the same moment he was doing his movement,the pond acted like if a gigantic rock was violently tossed into it.Releasing an enormous amount of water into the air.Just before it fell on the couple,he reached it with both hands and the water just levitated right above them.Closing his eyes,seemingly concentrating,John massed the remaining liquid into a huge cube.He then closed his hands like he was trying to crush something and the cube just froze up right above them.

''This is what happened,only thing is: i lost my concentration due to something.I would have gladly disposed of what would have been left,but i feared the sound that occured would attract unnecessary attention.''

While saying those words,the cube slowly began to vaporize into the ambient air.

''The only problem is,after a difficult and exhausting training such as this, i have to rest for...Oh shit not now''

John was interrupted by a piercing pain coming from his stomach,he held it with his arms but his condition didn't seem to go for the better.He stumbled and just fell like a rock,slamming rather violently his face to the ground.He would have, obviously ,passed out from exhaustion.
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Re: Waterfall

Stella briefly runs by the waterfall, intent on chasing what appears to be a small mammal which seemed to be evading her attempts until suddenly she gave out a cry and jumped forward, landing on top of it and scooping it up eagerly in her hands, ready for her next meal. She pauses as she sees the people around the waterfall, talking, as well as the ice where she had previously considered staying, then waves a hand at the group before running off back towards who knows where, her meal tightly clutched against her body.
Re: Waterfall

Sho turns, hearing the disruption hit the pond, instinctively turning her back and hunching a little as the water splashes in their direction. Not feeling drenched, she turns around again and studies the suspended liquid. As it takes form, she actually slides out from under it, not liking the notion of a large amount of water, and then ice, being over their heads. Once the ice starts to evaporate again, she relaxes.

Another elementalist. Interesting. Could make for some interesting talks later.

She lets out a bit of a yelp as he collapses, going over to see if he's all right. "Water manipulation. That's pretty handy stuff. Wonder if he's fine tuned it enough to make use of the fact that the human body is primarily water, too." She grins just a little.

Hearing Stella, she looks over in that direction, thinking it rather odd that she's out, but then, it's not really any stranger than the three of them being here. She returns the wave as an afterthought and then turns to look at Siphon. "Was she holding a rabbit?"
Re: Waterfall

With John suddenly passing out, Siphon had moved quickly to avoid him hitting the ground and rolling into the falls, grabbing him and hauling him to a safe spot before backing off slightly.

"Hmm, didn't see. Thought it a bit more prudent to be sure our friend here didn't go for a painful swim down there."

He thought for a few moments longer, then shook his head.

"Intriguing. He appears to have a grasp on the water element. Strange ... I'm lightning now, he's Water, Aya could be considered mostly fire, your Wind ... Those are the four primal elements right there. Strange, for somehow I don't believe all of them coming together so soon after a major battle bodes well for the future. Only time will tell I suppose."

((Sorry for the delay, surgery kicked my ass.))
Re: Waterfall

"Well, we're missing earth and heart, so I don't think we have to worry too much about megalomaniacs trying to corrupt Mother Earth, but you're right. Still probably best to be on guard."

For the time being, she shrugs off her trench coat and folds it up, letting John use it for a pillow so Siphon doesn't have to keep cradling him. "So, what do you want to do? It'll look funny if you carry him back to the dorms and I think the infirmary's all full of invalids right now." She chuckles.
Re: Waterfall

Siphon shrugged.

"Probably wait here until he wakes up. I don't think if he woke up to being carted off somewhere that it would go over too well."
Re: Waterfall

A hour or so went by since John lost consciousness.He slowly opened his eyes only to notice he was still at the waterfall.He sat down,looking incredibly refreshed and in shape.The young man faced the couple before him and began immediately to take off where he started before he hit the ground.

''As i was brutally interrupted before,i need to rest after a extensive use of my powers.However,i normally have within a day to sleep for a hour.As you have noticed this time,the delay was greatly reduced for a reason that still eludes me.''

John then got up,wiped off the dust he had on his black sweater and resumed his explanation.

''I can sleep only for a hour and feel like iv'e rested a whole night,enabling me to be active 23 hours a day.''

He then reached for the trench coat that was still lying on the ground and handed it to the girl,making a head gesture to show his gratitude.

''I thank you both for taking care of me for all this time,but now i must ask you some questions.To begin i would want to ask you if they are any other beings attending this school that posseses any kind of special traits,and if there are,is there a significant number of these individuals?''
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Re: Waterfall

"Eh, fair enough." Since it looks like they're going to be there for a bit of a haul, Sho tugs Siphon to a spot where they can sit comfortably while they wait for John to wake back up. Given the way she's sitting close to him, the same way she usually does, she's obviously got no issue with the changes he's gone through.

When John shows signs of waking, though, she shifts around a little, heading back over to give him a hand if needed. "I know kids who would kill for that ability about exam time," she chuckles as he mentions not needing that much sleep. Taking her coat back, she slides it on and settles the collar back into place.

At the question, though, she stills the movements of her hands. If he's astute enough, he might pick up on that and that might give him the answer that he's looking for, especially since she doesn't readily give him one. At least not right at the moment.
Re: Waterfall

((Kind of at a writers block on what to post, Kenny go ahead and post in reply to Copper's since it seems chronologically right, and off his reaction I think I can come up with something to post.))