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Re: Waterfall

Siphon's jaw cleched at the news of Isabella's kidnapping. He didn't really know her well, but still, anyone here was like another family to him. However his face registered complete shock as she began to describe the assailant.

"Alveran ... how in the ..."

He trailed off when she mentioned the tattoo and the true physical appearance of the person, his eyes suddenly voiding black, though he did not change.

"Merphok... That son of a bitch should be dead. Your sure about the accuracy of this Elissia?"
Re: Waterfall

"Well, I only have Grace's description and Harrel's readings to go on, but that is exactly what Grace described, and would be quite a coincidence for her to pluck that description out of her imagination. Harrel came to his conclusion on his own without any prior knowledge of who he was tracking." Ellisia replies standing arms crossed, "You sound like you may have a potential suspect. Would Merphok be a curse word or a name?"
Re: Waterfall

Jackson stepped aside from the group and leaned in to a tree as he started to look over the group. Most if not all of then had been involved with the fight a few nights ago. Weather or not they had been directly involved with the fight or the aftermath of cleaning things up. The only one who wasn't at the fight it seems to have been the girl that was worried about getting near the waterfall.

He starts to scratch the side of his face starting to wonder how many more "unique" students would show up. Jack then looked to Aloysius and remembered he was the one who had helped with the healing in the after math of the fight.

"You not interrupting anything... If anything.... You might be needed so being here is rather luck." He said. With the kidnapper being unknown to any them, none of them knew what might happened if another fight was to break out with the kidnapper.
Re: Waterfall

The dark-haired girl doesn't seem all that put off by the interruption, merely teasing. Sho listens to Elissia's recount of the events and as Siphon spits out the name, she glances over at him with a "Bless you" and her usual crooked grin. "Oh, it's a name, I'm fairly sure. Alveran curse words are much more interesting." Rolling her neck, she sighs and pushes herself to her feet. "Never a dull moment around here, is it?" Though the action should be the opposite, she offers a hand up to Siphon. If there was a group of them around, planning together would probably better than having to relate everything twice.

Ian inclines his head to the blonde as she excuses herself, his attention going to Grace's wave, which he returns with a little smile, giving a nod to Harrel as well. As the rest of the stragglers filter closer, he acknowledges them, remembering Al from the fight with Charles and Jackson more from interacting in the student lounge. Emily he isn't too sure of, though she seems familiar and has that "I've seen you around" look on his face as he studies her briefly, making note of her aversion to the waterfall. Maybe she can't swim.

"Tends ta be," he responds to Al. "Though not usually fer this reason," he adds with a bit of a chuckle.
Re: Waterfall

Jonathan ducked between the bushes, slithering from one place to another before stoping between a tree and morphing back to his human form. Even in shadow, staying too long in "dark" form during the day was not pleasant. He didn't understand much of the conversation. Jonathan briefly considered showing himself. On one hand, this could be better than tailing the group who might consider him an enemy. On the other hand, they could consider him an enemy anyway. He didn't know anyone here. Figuring that with his ability he had a good chance of survival, Jonathan decided to make his presence known and stepped out of the cover. "Excuse me... This a private party, or can anybody join?" He recognized some of the faces - and when he saw Siphon, he reconsidered his decision. The darkling still remembered what happened to the armed intruders that fought against the vampire.
Re: Waterfall

Looking round the group Grace recognized everyone from one place or another, but mostly from the fight with Charles. It was bizarre how they'd all come together like this. She was wondering whether she should just tell everyone what had happened, when Jonathan came out. This one she only briefly remembered from the fight with the band of hunters, when he had looked as if about to step in just as the fight suddenly ended. "Err, well we didn't make a reservation and I guess this is what happens huh?" She answers Jonathan with a small chuckle, though suddenly feeling guilty about laughing for some reason, and visibly distracted in her expression. "... Who are you?"

Harrel though seemed rather surprised to hear Jonathan as he turns to face the latest lurker emerging from the trees. He looks to him, then to the forest in the direction Gabriel was hiding, then back to Jonathan. "Oh, Jonathan. Hello again. Welcome aboard I guess." He says, also scolding himself mentally for having missed Jonathan altogether. 'Damnit, your a sneaky one. I never noticed...'
Re: Waterfall

At the sound of Jonathans voice Emily looks around, recognising it though not quite sure who's it was. Once spotting him she pushes through the group once more, not really paying attention to where her elbows go until she reaches the boy.

"Jonathan, right?" She asks him quietly as Emily gets to Jon. "Sorry about the other day, I'm not normally like that."
Re: Waterfall

Siphon deliberately took a moment before replying.

"Merphok was, and I stress the word was heavily, a member of the Alveran military. Some years ago, we were at war with a powerful alien race, the same one we believe may have ultimately started the undead epidemic that destroyed most of my people. Merphok claimed he had, after being given orders to conduct some recon, information that the two of us could use. That information led us to believe a band of hostages were open for rescue. Julia, my former commander, she sent Anthansaia's Father, who was host to Talvesh at the time, and myself to bring them home. Only the hostages were long dead, and it turned out Merphok had struck a deal with the enemy to spare his own stinking hide. In exchange, he'd lure as many soldiers into traps as he could to thin our lines, ensuring their victory."

He paused, rage visible in his eyes.

"Athanasia's father lost his life, Merphok murdered him. Wounded him gravely after we'd smashed our way towards the escape zone, through enemy lines. Before he died, he and I struck a deal. Talvesh needed a host to relay information he had uncovered in our time there, and they both knew the host would die. I agreed to host him, on the understanding that it be temporary. Ultimately, circumstances led to it becoming permanent, but one of the few things I learned was that Merphok had confronted him face to face, stabbing him just below the symbiote pouch several times. Merphok did this to ensure a slow, agonizing death, believing he could take me on by himself. That particular day, he did not get the chance. When I had the time after proper mourning and reports, I went after Merphok alone. We fought for gods know how long, in the end I destroyed the platform he was on with a spacial grenade, a technology lost to us now due to the dimension change. I saw that son of a bitch explode with my own eyes ... I don't understand how he could be alive. However, Grace was there when it happened, and you said that Harrel identified it as some form of Alveran but with a strange tint to it, similar to me. Which might mean he's undead. Something you need to know Elissia. Merphok is highly unstable mentally, and he's not afraid to slaughter millions if it will help him achieve his goals. He won't hesitate to kill Isabella if she proves to be no use to him. We have limited time to rescue her, for whatever it is he wants from her, once he has it and can control it himself ... her life will be forfeit. We must plan very carefully our next move, for if we make the wrong one ... Well, let us not think of that."

Sho and Elissia could both tell every fiber of him wanted to race off and rip this man apart ... again. However, with another life on the line other than his own, he was forcing himself to stay calm and rational. However, if he got the chance, there was no mistaking what he was willing to do, if it stopped this man once and for all.
Re: Waterfall

As Siphon starts talking, especially as he starts relating the battle, he feels Sho's hand come to rest on his arm, part support and part calming gesture.

"Great, another crazy," she mutters. "Well, it isn't like we don't have resources at our disposal. The question is, how do we find him and what do we do once we get there?"
Re: Waterfall

Ellisia listens carefully to Siphons account of their new prime suspect, glancing back to check the group for a second before turning back.

"Well that's at least certainly something to go on. And I agree with Shoni. Do you have any ideas or suggestions on a possible next move?" She asks directed at Siphon, "We know as much as he reached the sea and moved off fast at surface level, Isabella still with him at the time. If he were to come back into range, Harrel should be able to detect him, but alone it's hardly the swiftest way to conduct a search, and there are limitations to his senses."
Re: Waterfall

Jonathan nodded. He recognized more faces by that moment, altough he didn't expect to see some of them here. The whole sight was quite a suprise anyway "Jonathan Bird. Nice to meet ya all." He was suprised when Emily approached him, taking a moment to remember her and their previous meeting. While it could have gone better, it wasn't something that would be a reason to hold a grudge. "Eh... No harm was done. Don't worry about it." The boy scratched the back of his head, smiling. This approach seemed to go well.

Siphon's story puzzled Jonathan, who didn't understand many of the details. He was, however, smart enough to figure out he didn't need to understand them - as long as he managed to grasp the most important parts, it was fine. He could fill in the blanks later, once he got to know those people better. The problem was, it seemed he got himself into another fine mess. A crazed murderer? Lovely. A plan was necessary, and Jonathan wondered where to begin with one. "Putting the issue of tracking him down aside... Do we have any way of reaching his base? Some mode of transportation?"
Re: Waterfall

Siphon thought a moment.

"Well ... you said he went invisible? Chances are then he used an older style of Alveran cloak, since that's all he would have been able to get his hands on by now. That leaves a slight E.M residue, which can be tracked. Not a hundred percent accurate, but if I can pick up the trail on it, I can get us within say ... a hundred meters or so. Surface over the ocean he had to have had some kind of man made boat. I don't know much about Harrel's abilities, but my guess is if he'd been using anything highly advanced for speed, he'd have picked up on it by now."

Another pause.

"Assuming we do find his base, we'll need to move with stealth. If he gets spooked before he thinks he has a defense set up to stop us, he'll run again. If he does, it could take some time to track him again by just Harrel's abilities or by scent. First things first, we need to know where he's holed himself up. Know the site of your battle, for if you don't, you've already lost."
Re: Waterfall

((A quick list of who's here, for convenience and my own sake before I begin to forget.
> Ellisia, Grace, Harrel, Emily, Jackson, Gabriel, Jonathan, Ian, Aloysius, Siphon, Sho.

Where exactly this conversation is going on has become a little muddled, but we'll say that it moved closer to the rest of the group as Sho suggested and so Jonathan can join like he has. It's a slightly awkward scene, but oh well.))

Ellisia silently acknowledges Jonathan, recognising though not knowing him, but rolls with it and continues, "Hmm, I'm not sure about a method of transport yet, but if you can track that residue Siphon, that would be ideal. Though Grace believed it may be something other than plain invisibility."

"I threw a chair at where he should have been and it passed right through. Maybe he was just quick, I don't know. He just seemed to disappear." Grace explains.

"In any case, one-hundred meters would be more than enough for Harrel to locate him again. His senses are dampened by thick barriers of natural rock, forest and crowded areas, so depending on the surroundings the range will vary, but if we can get within a kilometer or two, that should be enough."

Grace who had been thinking about Jonathan's question, steps forward with one idea, "How about Matt's boat? The crazy janitor that just got back from wherever. I think he keeps some kind of boat down at the docks. Think we could use that?"
Re: Waterfall

Jackson lifted his head as the Ellisia came back into view with the one known as Siphon. It was in fact the man whom he was thinking about from the other day. Jack, however, just stayed still as he was still leaning into the tree. As Grace spoke about the janitor, Jackson returned to standing straight up.

"I wouldn't called him.... crazy. Odd but not crazy... to say the least. But that important... Even if usable dose anyone here know start the thing up with out the key?" He asked in a relaxed tone. He knew he would be a great help there if they planed on taking it without "him" knowing. And seeing as he was mostly a normal human compared to this group, they would need to be able to take it without him knowing.
Re: Waterfall

As Gabriel sat and listened to the conversation, his hand slips and hits a rock, which skips and begins to clatter among multiple other rocks, making multiple other noises as he says in a hushed tone to himself "Crap." then begins to look around the rock he had been hiding behind at the group gathered, hoping none of them had heard the rather distinct sounds he had just made.
Re: Waterfall

((yeah, with this group, good luck with that, Gabe...))

"Well, personally, I think our first order of business should be to get Isabella back and then worry about fruitcake," Sho interjects. "If he bolts, then, okay, loss, but we'll have Isabella back. Not like I like crazy running around, but I'd rather she be safe."

Ian chuckles. "If Ah weren't afraid of his drivin', Ah'd say we bribe Matt ta take us." He cants his head a little. "Ah figure Shoni an' me might be able ta get us over ta the mainland, but it'll be a rough trip an' not very subtle. Up ta you lot."

And yeah, that clatter doesn't really go unnoticed, but neither Sho or Ian make move to investigate it, just taking note of the source and figuring they've got one more eavesdropper in their midst.
Re: Waterfall

"Is there a way to take it secretly? That hot-wiring stuff in movies isn't really that easy is it? I figured we'd either ask him nicely, bribe him, or if all else fails, y'know, mug him, right? He's a cool guy, I'm sure he'd understand." Grace says, shuffling her feet a little at the end. "And yeah, that's all I want. Isabella back safe. I'd love to rip his head off if I got the chance, but Isa comes first."

Ellisia nods, "Agreed. If need be we can always hunt for him further on our own terms, getting people out of harms way comes first. And I don't want anyone else getting hurt or taking excessive risks during this either." Ellisia says firmly before pausing and looking to Ian and Sho. "We may be able to use that as a backup if needed."

Harrel who had been standing and listening to all that was said, couldn't help but sigh at the sound of the rock tumbling down. "Who is that anyway? Seems... that teacher maybe?" Harrel mutters to himself quietly, before turning to look directly at Gabriel's hiding spot and waving with a silly grin on his face.
Re: Waterfall

Jonathan noticed Harrel's weird gesture, but he dismissed it. If that guy could afford to joke around, it was nothing serious - at least, that's what common sense dictated. "You know, as far as getting the key goes, I could lend a hand. Unless the janitor is carrying it with him, I should be able to steal it. I might be not much of a fighter, but I'm rather good at sneaking around." It was true - the mist form lacked any kind of combat capabilities, but it could get him everywhere, while the liquid form was more useful in stealth operations despite being capable of dealing damage. "If we try to get the key out of him using other means, though, he will grow wary... Assuming he refuses. And that is possible - a large group of students suddenly asking to borrow his boat is a weird sight."
Re: Waterfall

A small frown came as a reply.

"Passed through him? OK, so if I have this straight, he went invisible, you threw something large enough to trip him up over a decent range, and nothing happened? Hmm ... Phase Shifting then. Although I have no idea how the hell he managed to get that kind of tech, maybe he refurbished one. Either way, it can't be capable of functioning for much longer if that's the case."

Siphon then shook his head.

"I'll ask him politely if I can, just telling him there's an emergency that needs attending to and it can't wait for another mode of transportation to become open to me. Worst comes to worse, all I have to tell him is that if he doesn't help, it might mean more damage to the school that he has to fix. He'll gripe, but he should bend a little. That failing ... well, there is always the idea of just ..."

His head snapped at the sound of Gabriel's 'accident'. If the man could see him, for just a second he'd swear that Siphon's eyes went pitch black, and that he'd seen a glint of sharp fang, but it was gone almost immediately.

"Sounds like another eavesdropper. Not a hunter though, so not much to worry about I don't think. Unless someone wants to call them out?"
Re: Waterfall

"Hang on a minute," Emily starts, slight worry in her voice. "I can get behind giving some villain a good beating, but using a boat to cross the ocean? Do we even know how big this boat is if it's just one man's boat? It might not support us all, and if I fall in the ocean...well, I'd rather not think about that." Jonathan would most likely feel a slight increase in temperature coming from the young girl.