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Re: Waterfall

Siphon slowly nodded.

"Damn, she's right. There's no way his boat would fit all of us, not in one trip anyway. And the more trips needed, the more likely our approach is to be detected. We're going to need a larger, but quiet way of crossing."
Re: Waterfall

Jonathan glanced at Emily. Was she a fire elemental? Certain signs seemed to confirm this theory. Either way, the girl had a point. "You're right. We need to know exactly what we have available before we make our move... And if the boat is out of the question, what are our alternatives? We need at least two options for getting back, too. It's no use rushing off on a rescue mission if we end up stranded."
Re: Waterfall

Emily thinks for a moment before speaking again. "The town's a port town, right? Shouldn't there be some kind of boat big enough to ferry supplies over here? That would be able to carry us all, and should be stable enough for me not to have to worry about falling into the ocean."
Re: Waterfall

"I can handle the key problem so don't worry about it at all." Jackson said after the others started to talk among themselves. Being able to control Magnetism made things like locks or anything started with a key easy for him after all.

"Just point me at the boat we should take and I'll cover it.... but someone else might want to handle the wheel." He quickly added. If they didn't want to get stranded then Jackson was the last person they wanted to touch the wheel. After all the wheel did connect to the engine and with his powers being harder to control when in contact with any type of machine for too long would destroy the thing.
Re: Waterfall

Al had been standing at the edge of the crowd, picking up bits of information and generally getting an idea of the situation. He recognised most of these people from when he first arrived and guessed they all had powers of some kind, having seen a few in action. They didn't seem to mind him sticking around to help, so he decided he might as well try and be of some use.

"Even if one boat's not enough, what if there's more than one at the dock? Also... is there anyone who could freeze the water? Then we could make an ice path to walk across."
Re: Waterfall

"Thats not going to work," Emily says, turning to look towards Alyosius. "At least for me anyway. I'll end up melting the ice, which will lead me falling into the water. And as I've said that'll kill me."
Re: Waterfall

Siphon nodded slowly.

"Yes, it is a port town, and there are a few boats there that would be easily large enough to fit us. I think I might be able to 'convince' one of the owners to lend us their boat, if we promise to return it clean and all. I think we can all promise not to throw a wild alcohol party on board right? Oh ... hmm, I didn't catch your name ..."

He was directing the last part over to Emily, whom he hadn't met yet, but had most definitely felt heat surging off of her.

"How much water on you would pose a threat? Like, if you got splashed by a wave or something, how much danger would that pose to you?"
Re: Waterfall

Gabriel, being scared to death of hiding, decided to show his face and stand up from his hiding spot, his arms up by his head in surrender as he walks towards the group silently. "I'm guessing you all are still trying to rescue that student, are you not? If so, I feel like an idiot for sneaking around like this instead of approaching up front and stating that I feel a genuine concern for her safety. I may not have started teaching here yet, but I'd like to help you find her." he states, his tone very quiet and calm.
Re: Waterfall

Sho snorts. "Telling Matt that you might be doing damage to the school is just as likely to send him into a fit of blind rage as it is to get him to help us. Let's come up with something else, shall we?"

"Provided Ah can keep an eye on ya, Ah'll make sure ya don't hit the watah," Ian tells Emily. "Ya got mah word on that. But, she's right. We're might have ta find some way of gettin' us all across ta the mainland in one fell swoop."

"Well, how far is it from island to shore? Would Harrell here be able to sense him if we went to the port? Get an idea on where we need to go? Then maybe we can see what sort of transportation we'll need, maybe," Sho suggests. "I think we've all got good ideas, it's just which one will be best."

As Gabe reveals himself, she hides a grin at his gesture. Ian can be heard chuckling quietly. There's kind of a glance around to the others at the man's words, looking to see what they think about the situation and adding another newcomer into the situation.
Re: Waterfall

"If a wave splashed me? It would scald whatever part of my body it touched," Emily answers. "I take it you all know my brother Art, right? I'm a bit like him, but I can only cast fire magic. It would take a while to explain but basically because of that my body temperature it a lot higher than most peoples. If water touches me it instantly boils."

"Thanks," Emily says to Ian as he offers to protect her from the water.
Re: Waterfall

Jonathan watched Gabriel carefully. He doubted that one man could do much damage against a large group like this, but he remained wary of the man. "So I guess that obtaining the means to reach our target isn't a problem... What we need to do now is find a way to lock on to the right location, right? As far as I understand, that's Harrel's specialty... But there's one thing that's bugging me." Jonathan looked at Siphon. "That guy you mentioned... It seems you know, or at least used to know, most of his abilities. Can you tell us more about him, just in case one of us ends up fighting him?"
Re: Waterfall

Harrel looks out towards the sea just visible from their elevated spot at the waterfall, spying the faint silhouette of the opposite shore on the very horizon. "I don't think I could sense him from the port, that looks a bit to far for picking something specific up. Once I lock onto someone, I can track them for further than I could initially detect them, but I'll need to get closer to find this guy again."

"Regarding the culprit, I've been thinking the same thing." Ellisia says in response to Jonathan, "Knowing our foe is crucial. We also need to understand what each of our own group is capable of if we're going to do this right."
Re: Waterfall

Siphon opened his mouth to speak, then stood there with a blank expression on his face for several moments. It was unclear why, until he spoke.

"Your ... Art's brother? Holy shit ... Well, welcome here then, and I'm sorry about what happened to him. That thing that took him over ... it didn't give us much choice, still don't know why it had it out for us so badly."

He stopped as Gabriel approached, looking at him, as if gauging him. Finally he nodded.

"Dunno how much you heard already, but hopefully I won't have to catch you up much. Long story short yes, a friend of ours has been kidnapped, and we're planning to go and get her back. If the opportunity presents itself with her safety in mind, we're taking the bastard that took her out."

He nods back to Emily.

"Alright, so first thing's first, we keep you far far away from any water getting on you. Being's I can't ... I can't use my healing ability on other people anymore. It's confined to myself now unfortunately."

A long pause as he considers things, then continued.

"Alright. I don't know what he's become now, or even how he's alive but assuming he remained even remotely the same ... Like myself, his strength will be enhanced beyond that of a normal human, and he never fights fair or without a combat weapon. For the majority of you, getting up close and personal with him is likely to be suicide. He'll likely use some form of Alveran technology, if he still has any of it working. If not, he'll almost certainly use some form of magic attacks, although I never did find out how much of our magic he knew. For those of you who knew me before my ... recent change... Consider it as if you were trying to fight me, only with less predictability and less honor. Actually ... does anyone even have an idea why he would have gone after Isabella, and not someone else?"
Re: Waterfall

"'Brother'?" Emily repeats, crossing her arms and frowning at Siphon. "You mean sister, right? Anyway, yeah I was pretty annoyed at what you all did to Art, but I've sorted things out with Ellisia now, and I know you couldn't have helped it. Not like any of you could've done anything about his illness anyway."

Dropping her arms to her side Emily then turns to Ellisia. "Well you know what I can do, but I guess I could let everyone else know. I'm a fire Caster, meaning I have control over the element of fire. There isn't much I can't do, from fire balls..." Emily stretches out her hand, and after a second a small ball of fire ignites in her palm. "...to blazing fire tornadoes which I wont demonstrate because it uses up too much Anima. And if I use up too much Anima I won't have enough to cool down my internal organs which means I roast to death from the inside. I've heard it's not pleasant and I don't want to experience it. I have one or two more things, but I'd rather keep some things a secret."
Re: Waterfall

Siphon grimaced lightly.

"I meant it as in Art's Brother, in a questioning way. Of course ... ah never mind, trivial matter at this point. Again though, I do apologize for damn near killing him."

He sighed, knowing a few folks here would likely freak at his next move, but it couldn't be helped.

"As for my abilities well ... a demonstration I think is more accurate to describe. Try not to be afraid ..."

A moment later, his features went from human, to very much not.

His eyes took on a demonic black void to them, becoming completely pitch black, but that was by far not the worst of it. His teeth sharpened, became pointy, to the point one might wonder how he didn't cut his own mouth open with them. His hands however, those were by far the worst. What had to be at least a foot long, razor sharp blades extended from his hands, without a doubt capable of rending even steel by the looks of it. When he spoke, his voice had a demonic tone to it.

"If you haven't guessed by the appearance, I'm a vampire now. Oh no worries, I don't feed on blood. Actually, does anyone have an electrical cable around, or able to manipulate electricity?"
Re: Waterfall

Sho takes a step or two away from Siphon as he shifts forms, from remotely human to his vampiric state. She's obviously not startled, seeming more to be giving him room than anything else. This being the first time he's seen it, though, Ian spits out a curse, though it's mostly under his breath. Mostly.

"Once he's done showing off, I'll keep things going. Wind manipulation is my specialty. Flight, tornados, gusts, wee bit of weather manipulation, but not much. I lean a little more toward defense than anything else, but I can throw a body around now and again, when they're not cheating like Charles was." She chuckles a little.

The Australian chuckles. "That's because throwin' things around is mah job. Most folks call what Ah do telekinesis, mind over mattah. Suffice ta say, if there's heavy liftin' ta be done, I'm your mate. And if this fellah fights dirty, then we'll just have ta use our own tricks, won't we? Hope no one's got a problem with that." Funny how he didn't have an issue admitting his gift to the others gathered. He'd seen most of them fighting the night that they were dealing with Charles and he figured if any of them were normal, the newcomer included, someone would have said something by now. And even if they were, there was always that chance they'd wind up finding out sooner or later anyway, even if most of them tended to prefer later.
Re: Waterfall

Jonathan watched and listened to the descriptions, noting every detail he deemed important. After Ian finished, he felt it was his turn to demonstrate. Anything to get his mind of the horror that Siphon had become. "My ability is most suitable for infiltration or self-defence, I believe..." He took a step forward before transforming into a human-sized blob of pitch-black liquid, constantly changing form. After a few moments, he returned to human shape. "I can also turn into smoke-like form, but to be honest... I'm weakened by light, especially sunlight. It drains my strenght. During the night, however, or in darkness, I'm always at my best. Oh, and I can't be cut. No kind of slashing weapon can damage liquid, right?"
Re: Waterfall

As Jonathan takes his turn giving a demonstration, both Harrel's face and fingers click with realisation. "So that's why I couldn't see you. I've been wondering, ever since we met in the lunch hall yesterday. Since, well, my abilities have already been talked about a bit, but basically I can sense spirits." He says, pausing a moment and putting his hands in his pockets. He knew that the existence of spirits was still a vague and disputed thing on this world, but then these guys just saw a guy sprout giant claws, and another melt in front of their eyes, so it'd hardly be the strangest news today if anyone had their doubts before. "I can sense both the living and dead, and other stranger forms in between too. As long as it's carrying a life force of some kind. Though some are more challenging than others." Said with a shrug and a passing glance toward Jonathan. "I can help with keeping track of the location of our own group in-case we need to or are split up, and hopefully locate this villan. I've never met this Isabella, but I'm always up for helping a damsel in distress."

A pattern starting to emerge, it seemed like it was Ellisia's turn next. "Ellisia Alvante" She introduces herself, "I believe most of you saw me involved in fighting during either of the two incidents recently. Most of my skills involve close quarters fighting. When required I can draw on considerable extra endurance, strength and speed. I've got combat experience, and I'm used to dealing with non human entities." She says short and to the point though excluding the details on where her powers come from. Taking a step back she holds her hand out to her side, where a small glowing red glyph like portal fades into view, the hilt of a sword emerging from it. She grips the weapon, drawing it half way from the portal, before sliding it back. The portal closing behind it.

Despite the un-nerving and bizarre shows from Siphon and Jonathan, peering about at the group of interesting people that had sprung out of no where to help, Grace was starting to feel better. A small smile of gratitude showing on her face. With Ellisia done, Grace wastes no time giving her own intro. Starting simply by casting a spell. A small but vibrant magical barrier weaves itself in the space before her. "I specialise in barrier magic. I can do various types, strengths and sizes. I can block physical objects and forces, various energies such as electricity, magical energies, sound, light, and a few other things like sealing dimensional travel and stuff. And I can make some of them invisible if I want." She says placing a hand against the barrier as she speaks, dispelling it as she finishes.
Re: Waterfall

Al seems quite shocked to discover that Art's sister is present, though decides to put his own agenda aside for later.

"I'm a Caster too, but I do things a bit differently to normal Casters. I can isolate different elements of Anima and use them to power myself up, with several different effects. Strength, Speed, Healing and Fireballs are the four basic ones. There are two others, but I don't plan on using them unless I have to."

Al turns to Siphon.

"You asked about electricity? I can generate it as part of the speed power, but it's not that strong."
Re: Waterfall

Emily takes a step back as Siphon demonstrates his powers, her hands instinctively rising and begins to heat up as he takes on his monstrous form. While knowing that he's on their side Emily can't help but wonder if they should fully trust Siphon.

"Huh, I wonder how he does that differently..." Emily mutters quietly to herself as Al explains his powers, making a mental note to try and observe what he does differently to her and her family.