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Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

As if a high class mistress, the demoness put the back of her hand to her cheek and hid part of her smirk as she giggled in a very haughty way. "And pass up on the chance to become royalty? Perish the thought! Once I capture your fragment, I will be treated like the goddess I am! There will be a beautiful jewel statue made of me, and it will be atop a fountain as I'm portrayed in all my lewd beauty~" she giggled. "Respect! Prestige! Minions! Slaves! And of course, all of the shiny jewels I could ask for! It's right in front of my eyes!" she declared with glee! "Now, to capture you!" she declared.

She dashed forth, and Clara dashed back with a gust of wind. "..." The demoness was silent for a moment, before giving chase again. "NOW, to capture you!" she declared, dashing forth and driving her blade forth in a stab!

Clara whisked herself away again, this time flying into the air. "..." The demoness stared up at Clara with her mouth stuck in the same grin she had before, but it was now more awkward. "NOW-TO CAPTURE YOU!" she roared, frustration on her voice as she charged into the air after Clara, before Clara's focus on dodging allowed her to fly over the demoness and land back on the ground as the demoness only hit air. Then, Clara saw a moment to fire forth a little ball of explosive energy that burst on the demon's back like a water balloon.

The demoness twitched, before charging at Clara, screaming. "NGAAAAH!" she howled, flailing wildly at Clara in relentless pursuit. Then, Clara saw a chance. Lifting her blade, she planted it right in the demon's breast. Right in the heart. The demoness blinked, and looked down at Clara's sword. Then she looked back up, lifted her sword, and planted it in Clara's chest in turn. "..." A silent moment was present yet again, but only due to the awkward nature that neither probably happened to think of.

Neither girl had vital organs. Neither girl was mortal.

Then, the demoness grinned. "Hah! You fool! Why would you stab at the heart! Supernatural beings don't have hearts, or any vital organs! So foolish!" she declared, while her sword was still stuck through Clara's own heart, if she had one.

In fact, neither girl did any damage to each other's soul. They just poke a coin sized hole in their bodies. They exchanged extremely light damage with each other. If anyone was watching, they'd probably be laughing at the two clearly incapable warriors failing to understand how each others anatomy works.

THe demoness withdrew her sword, before making an elegant motion with it. "I, the Great Zeta, elect to allow you to surrender!" she declared, putting a hand to her breast elegantly. "If you accept... I promise, I won't put you in a birdcage! How about it?" she inquired, opting to haggle with Clara while trying to keep her cool.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"Do you really think Pride would treat you like royalty? She'll kill you and take me for herself because she wasn't the one that got me. She's literally the embodiment of pride after all, and someone other than her capturing me would hurt her pride... a fucking lot," Clara asked bluntly, looking quite amused that this demon girl thought she'd be treated any differently.

Moving quickly and flitting through the air, Clara was easily dodging the demon girl's attacks without much effort. "Having trouble my dear?" Clara asked with a smirk after the second time the demon girl proclaimed she was going to capture her now. "Oh my, are you sure you're not a servant of Wrath? With that much rage inside of you, I'm beginning to wonder," Clara went on to ask, goading the demon girl some more.

Then, their blades were rammed into each others chests where their hearts... should have been. "You're one to talk. You did the same fucking thing I just did," Clara retorted at Zeta once the demon girl had shut up. "I'm just used to fighting beings that do have vital organs is all. It's been a while since I last fought one that didn't," she went on to say, feeling a twinge of annoyance at Zeta.

Wrenching her sword free, Clara swung it again and clashed with Zeta's, where she then weaved her energy around her blade and lunged again, aiming for Zeta's center mass. If she hit, Clara would explode her energy out from her blade and damage Zeta's soul. Clara hoped she didn't overdo it and kill the demon girl, because she was rather cute and it'd be a shame to kill her, Clara thought. "I wonder how feisty you are in bed, if you're this feisty in a fight, hmhm," Clara chuckled as she attacked again.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

After breaking free of each other, the two women clashed, before Clara tried to unleash an attack to explode inside of the demon's protective body. With her sword going in, Clara was careful not to cause too much damage. Too careful in fact. Zeta quickly blew Clara away, along with her softened attack. "So, you reveal your TRUE FEELINGS!" she declared. "It's obvious now, your attacks have no backbone, and now you've come to flirting!" She let out a sigh, flourishing her hair which danced on a passing heavy breeze. "It's so difficult, being as popular and charismatic as I am. Even my enemies end up falling in love with me! I'm sorry though, fallen one." she apologized to Clara, adopting an apologetic smile. Though it was an arrogant smile too. "I'm afraid I do not swing that way. I can never love you as much as you love me right now. We're going to have to just be friends."

Suffering Zeta's next attack, Clara was delivered straight to the friend zone. It was a massive hit.

"You must be crushed." Zeta declared, giving Clara a chance to recover and react from being blown away without any follow up from Zeta as the woman was too into herself to stop talking. "I'm not a cruel person, you know. I've already done enough damage to you after denying your love at first sight. I will let you go, for now." she declared. "Not because of what you said about Pride, not at all." she insisted, though as she made a bit of worried shifting in her eyes, it seemed that was exactly the case. "I'm just going to steal a boy and leave. Call it a draw?" she inquired.

It seemed Clara was being spared.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"What? I like girls more than guys. Not that I don't like guys too though of course. What's the matter with that? Sometimes a girl just knows how to please another girl much better than a man ever could, though maybe you've never felt the touch of a woman to know. You may still be a little girl in that regard, hmhm," Clara replied with a chuckle as she inwardly cursed herself for softening her attack as much as she had, though it was true that she didn't want to hurt this lovely demoness, because she was pretty.

"Then why don't we be friends then? When I forsook my kin, I lost all of my old friends, and I'm pretty alone now," Clara said as she was blown back, grunting a little as she exerted her power to keep from being blown too far back.

Sighing as Zeta spoke some more, Clara shook her head. "No not crushed, just disappointed," Clara replied, rolling her eyes, as she hadn't really taken all that much damage really. "But if you insist, then I suppose that you can go. Or... you could forget about Pride, and have more of your own pride with us. So long as you don't hurt either of them, I might be willing to share one of my guys with you, I've got two after all. Although lady Pandora would likely reward you herself with your own man, or two, or more, who knows. It's up to you though. You might not be able to handle being on our side though, as it's a little taxing at times," Clara then said, waving a hand a little dismissively, as if she was unsure this servant of Pride could manage being with them in Pandemonium and protecting it and stuff, though that was kind of part of Clara's plan, to use Zeta's pride against her, because from the way she was reading Zeta, it would probably always work to get under her skin.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

The girl raised her brow in interest. "What's that, you're going to give me free rent, my own place to stay, and a token of apology in the form of your men as well!?" she inquired with amused shock, possibly suffering from selective hearing and hallucinations. "Why, you truly are a humble loser!" she went back to calling it her win instead of a draw. "I accept!" she declared.

Then, the victorious forces of Pandora all suddenly pointed their blades at Zeta. Seemed like Pride's march here was crushed. Zeta still had a confident smile, but she was sweating profusely. "Hey now... We had a draw, so..." she went back again, calling it a draw. "So... You have to tell them... Not to kill me... Okay, whatever-your-name-was?" she declared, more sounding like she was ordering Clara to order the women behind Zeta to release her. Though it was a very, very indirect plea for help. "I didn't forget your name, I swear. The Great Zeta forgets no one important, especially not a worthy rival! You just... Didn't tell me..."
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"Oh I won't be giving you free rent, that would be up to Pandora herself. And I'm not apologizing either, I'm being willing to share with a friend. And I didn't lose hon... look around you," Clara said as Zeta accepted her offer and smirking as Pandora's forces seemed to have routed Pride's.

Clara smirked at Zeta at her change of tone again when Pandora's forces turned their weapons on Zeta. Looking to Zeta, Clara waved them down and stepped forward a bit. "The name is Clara, by the way. And you all can stand down for now. She's decided to join us, just need to let lady Pandora speak with her first, and whatnot," Clara said, looking to the soldiers and waiting for them to stand down for now, as Zeta was pretty much alone against many hundreds of them. "For now though, Zeta... fight with us, and drive Pride's forces back and prove yourself. The greater you do to prove yourself, the greater your reward," Clara added with a grin before turning to the group around and nodding, following them to the next area of battle, where Clara prepared to unleash her might upon the forces of Pride to help drive them away from her new home, for she refused to let anything happen to it now that she had been accepted by Pandora.
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

A dullahan with short and spiky violet hair stepped forth to block Clara's line of thought. "Sorry, but we cannot let a PoW walk around freely. If you want, you can take her away yourself, otherwise, Lieutenant! Take her away to be questioned and sealed." she said. "We need to assist on the front! 3rd company, advance!" she declared, leading her forces onward, with or without Clara, who'd decide if she wished to imprison Zeta herself or allow her to be detained by the dullahan.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"Alright then, I'll take her back, and then meet you back on the front as soon as I can," Clara replied to the dullahan, knowing that she might be better off not trying to argue with her any about bringing Zeta with her. "Come on Zeta, I hate to do this, but I don't have a whole lot of pull here yet myself, as I only got here something... like... a couple of days ago or so. But, I'll make sure that you're not hurt," she added, heading back for now with Zeta.

Once back at the palace, Clara saw took Zeta to her room, where she asked a guard to be put outside of, and she also cuffed Zeta's hands for now so nobody would try and hurt her along the way for whatever reason. Clara did promise to talk to Pandora on her behalf though, and left Zeta in her chambers with a few guards, Yue, and Shimei. "Keep an eye on her for now, I'll return with Pandora shortly to question her a little more. Zeta, I trust that you'll remain here and not try to do anything without permission, so please don't betray the little trust I have placed in you," Clara said to Zeta, looking around at the guards and nodding to them.

With that, Clara would go back to the front, meeting back up with the dullahan's company and moving in to help them, blasting just behind Pride's front line and hitting as many as she could with a powerful blast of her powers as she weaved it and attacked, trying to incapacitate or kill as many as possible for the dullahan's company to push up further, acting as artillery of sorts for them, and anytime blasts came back at them, Clara would act as their shield and would weave as powerful a shield as she'd need to block any incoming attacks.
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

The dullahan Lieutenant would act as the guard. Though she said nothing, she seemed to find Clara leaving a prisoner just in her own room with sealing cuffs put on her. Normal cuffs would be useless, but these took a measure to sealing her soul from weaving. "Ah... Well, the pain part is covered! I am a demon, I do not feel pain." She said, as Clara would be reminded that pain was inconsequential while also perhaps Zeta missed her point about keeping her out of danger than pain. "Ah! I'm left with two sexy servants to wait on me? This is a nice start. I'll have a snack, please." she requested, before Shimei quietly snapped a banana off of a set that was on the table and tossed it to Zeta, who caught it in her bound arms and began eating it. "Splendid!" she cheered, before flopping onto the couch to enjoy herself while letting her legs hang over the arm of Clara's long couch.

Returning to the field, Clara saw from afar that a red haired demoness was actually helping do battle against Pride. While not the strongest presence of the bunch, the sheer mass of her soul actually outweighed Clara's own. That, and her presence wasn't like that of all the others who walked with Pandora's graceful aura. Her aura seemed confrontational, and didn't fit with the scheme of the world around her. Oddly enough, her chaotic aura seemed more fitting to those who came from Hell, however it seemed she wasn't on their side for now. Approaching the wall that was broken from the city streets, Clara was given a sight into the open fields outside the city wall, now filled with countless skirmishes going on. Duels, two on three, two on two. It seems like everything broke out into its own highly intense and intimate battle between select foes that would use their power and skills freely without fear of hitting an ally since each was like their own miniature super hero with the way they flung might and magic about. Clara was free to dive in as little or as deep as she wanted into the fights going on, helping those who were winning, helping those handling their own fight, or diving into the thick of it, taking on the largest concentration of enemy forces at the highest risk. It was all up to her. Either way, her opponents were the demons of Pride. They were not pushovers and seemed far less comical than Zeta.

They meant business.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"They aren't here to wait on you hon, Yue, Shimei, this is Zeta, she's going to be staying here for now, until the battle is done. I'll return soon," Clara told them, before she headed back out to the wall.

Once she'd gotten back to the field of battle, Clara made her decision quickly after witnessing everything that was going on, and noticing what seemed to be a demoness on their side. She went to the areas closest to the city itself first, aiding the skirmishes that were taking place there with her power, and weaving her abilities around to help purge the demons of Pride that were the furthest in and less able to receive help quickly. She hoped that this would allow them to push back quickly, by closing any gaps that Pride's forces were making, and giving Pandora's forces the chance to turn the tide back against Pride's forces.

Clara thought back to her old fights against the demons when she was still a true angel, and she recalled how she had ended several demons in the past, and did the same things to these demons now, trying her best to end the demons as she came across them.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Coming in with her magic, Clara found a duel between dullahan. One wearing the proud purple armor of Pride's forces, and the other wearing the gray design of Pandora's relaxing realm. The two were mighty warriors, both defected from the Order, each carrying corrupted divine power and yet opposing each other. Though with one weave of attack from Clara, the allied dullahan slammed her blade through the other's chest, taking advantage of the distraction. Then, she quickly made a weave through her blade that promptly caused the opposing dullahan to explode from the inside, coating the ground in blood and casting a red mist into the air. Without a word, she gave a nod to Clara and kept fighting. Clara found herself steadily building a troop of demons and dullahan while helping their battles.

However, Clara wasn't the only one leading such a front, as she'd soon see one much like herself in this gathering of fallen individuals. Black wings, and a corrupted Halo filled with tainted angelic power. A fallen angel rousing her fellow demons, stepping over the corpse of a Dark Priestess as Clara followed with her allies. Wordlessly they began fighting with each other. The first Dullahan Clara saw was charging in towards the angel, before she summoned a blade of shimmering crystal that she used to deflect the dullahan's attack and cut her straight down the middle. With her senses, she could tell that the Dullahan's soul was split in half, and was unraveling into nothing. Her existence destroyed.

The angel was weaving her magic, single handedly exterminating Pandora's dullahan knights one by one. She was taking a more active approach to Clara's supporting desire, and was quickly eradicating the little troop of warriors she supported.

Meanwhile, Clara heard a shout from further away. "There! The bird came out!" announced a familiar voice. If Clara looked, she'd see a wounded looking Pride moving through the battlefield. Though the wounds didn't mean enough it seemed, as when a foolish priestess tried to fire a ball of pure fire at the Cadinal Sin, the monster of a woman simply caught the ball and wrapped it in her own threads in the blink of an eye, before handling it like it weighed nothing as she threw it back at the priestess, turning her and the ground around her in a 5 meter radius into ash. "Get out of my way, you worthless peons! I have a bird to cage!" she declared, distracted by the warriors of Pandora in her path, while making a bee line straight for Clara. All the while, Clara didn't even have to look in Pride's direction to feel her powerful presence approaching. But, oddly enough, she felt two powerful presences approaching. As if Clara was being flanked from both sides.

"Stand your ground." announced a woman approaching from behind Clara. Yet another new entry, Clara would notice her extremely . It seemed that somehow, everyone was more afraid of the latest appearance to the fight than Pride herself. Both the force Clara traveled with, and the angel's force were gravitating away from this woman. As the warriors of Pandora spread, all that left was Clara, the fiery haired dullahan, , and Pride, who was on her way. "My armor may be of Wrath's color, but I am on your side. If you're a chosen, act like it, and help me kill this God." she demanded, as both the angel and Pride looked extremely eager for a fight. The angel was already in the process of throwing her crystal weapon at Clara, while it seemed the Wrath Knight was ready to receive the attack for Clara. "My name is Erza Scarlet." she introduced herself.

Clara would recognize the name. The demoness who successfully killed another demon with the status of a Godly Cardinal. The previous demon of Envy. Her master was the Cardinal of Wrath, and Erza never cared about who her opponent was, if they were good or bad. As Clara would understand it, Erza simply killed for the sake of battle. Because she was extremely good at it. And now, she had her eyes set on Pride. "They released you? Are they THAT desperate!?" the angel exclaimed.

"I owe a debt to a little elf girl. I'm going to honor it by taking both of your skulls." Erza replied.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Helping a dullahan claim victory over another, and nodding to her ally that had won that duel, Clara continued to help her allies cut a bloody swath through Pride's forces. Another fallen angel from the other side was doing much the same as Clara was though, she noticed, and taking the fight to Pandora's troops. Clara grimaced and immediately took action, weaving a powerful bolt of lightning and striking down a dullahan from their side, and arcing it to chain through as many others as she could, to distract the enemy fallen angel long enough for Clara to weave another bolt, and strike her down too, to clear them a path.

Before she had thrown her second bolt out though, Clara heard Pride crying out, and glanced over that way as a shudder of fear ran through her for a moment. Clara was about to turn and run when she heard another voice behind her, and she felt another great power from it as well. Looking over her shoulder at the woman when she spoke, Clara nodded and took a deep breath and let it out slowly, steeling herself for the fight to come. As soon as the new dullahan stated her name to her, Clara gulped as her eyes widened. "Can you handle the big gal over there then, Erza? I'll handle this one," Clara asked Erza, dodging the weapon coming at her with a quick duck before launching another lightning bolt out at the enemy angel to blind her.

As she launched the lightning bolt out, Clara darted in as she weaved her magics to give her a boost of speed, where she'd slam her right foot directly into the enemy angel's chest, weaving another bit of magic through her leg to arc her energy through in another bolt of lightning aimed directly at the angel, in an effort to strike her soul as it was sent forth at point blank range, before she backed off, ready for a counter attack.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Moving quick, Clara didn't see if Erza responded, and didn't hear her either. All she saw was the angel, who was hit directly with the magical attack, and then slammed with a firm kick that send her flying backwards. The angel flew backwards, motionless at first, before her wings flared out and she summoned a spear of fiery, holy light in one hand, and then the other, taking to tossing them at Clara, each spear moving like an arrow. They soared through the air at high speed and with great force. The arrows they forged not only hit the soul, but the fires their weapons were made of were capable of killing demons. A single hit would be lethal, and Clara was best to dodge both of them, lest her story ended at this battle. It also helped that she knew all too well what the angels were capable of, having been one.

Meanwhile, the fight was going on behind Clara. From where she was, she couldn't tell much of what was happening, though a spear almost caught her from the waves of force coming from the battle to the side. Their swords clashing, made of their own extension of their souls, would send a crash that would make most take a step back as the two overwhelmingly powerful forces tried to destroy each other. "If it's a battle you seek, Erza, you can find it after I take that chosen! Fight with me!" Pride tried convincing Erza to defect. "The girl is meaningless. She'd have died the moment I arrived. If you're going to bait me, give me a better target than you." Erza said calmly, yet also with a menacing growl.

"Pandora, then!" Pride declared, nervous.

"She's too far away." Erza replied.

Pride replied by simply channeling magic to cause an explosion between them. While such force would have been enough to kill Clara, it simply made the two combatants fly back. "Fuck you then! You die here!"
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Seeing her foe struck by her attack gave Clara quite a bit of encouragement, and her follow up kick also struck, sending the other fallen angel back. Clara was quick to prepare for the counter attack, and just managed to dodge the spears of holy light as they flew towards her, ducking one and spinning and leaning out of the way of the other. Clara was wary of Erza's and Pride's fight going on behind her, but she knew that she couldn't focus on it, lest she let her guard down against this fallen angel she was dueling.

Clara kept her eyes on her foe while Erza fought with Pride, and she narrowed her eyes slightly, before she hurled a spear of holy light similar to the other angel's, right back at her with her left hand, and she followed it in. As she closed the distance, Clara weaved a quick spell in her right hand, and flashed it before her, aiming outward towards the enemy fallen angel, this spell being a blinding one to give her that one or two second's worth of an edge, with which to weave up a sword of the same material and whatnot as the spear, which she would then slash up at her fallen angelic foe in an attempt to slash her with the incredibly powerful blade.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Throwing her spear, the other angel dodged it, then ascended high into the air. As Clara went to blind her, she found herself suddenly faced with the sun in the sky as the angel flew right in front of it. She was just as blind as she intended the other girl to be. Clara's attack flew, but it was hard to tell if it did it's job. Her summoning magic for the sword was cut short as Clara was unable to see a set of magical bolas come forth, and wrap around her body and wings. Their weight was overwhelmingly heavy, and brought her down quickly before she felt herself caught in someone's arms right before she landed. That someone was far from a savior, as Clara now had her back to the fallen angel, with her legs gripped from behind her knees, legs spread wide. "How nice of you to come straight at me~" she cooed, before the girls eyes glowed and Clara's clothes melted just enough to reveal her crotch, and her genitals. "A man's weakness. How foolish of you to make this so easy~" she chuckled, and before Clara could summon a spell to counter or break free, the fallen angel's demonic tail spade opened like a snake, and immediately swallowed Clara's cock. Indeed a weakness, any magic she tried to summon and then some was quickly swallowed away. Her soul was being drained out through her cock, and the fallen behind her seemed to have completely rendered Clara unable to cast magic.

The pleasure was overwhelming, and the woman's grip on her legs was tight, even going as far as to hook her arms around them to get a better hold while her tail violently pumped Clara's cock. "Don't struggle, little bird~ I'm going to suck the chosen out of you~" she whispered. All Clara could do is struggle with her legs as the bolas sapped her strength and left her upper body bound. Even then, the intense pleasure of the tail mouth devouring her quickly stiff cock left Clara stunned for over a minute. Despite this... Clara felt her energy drained very slowly. Much slower than to be expected. The succubus energies, devoured by another succubus, would chaos chaos in the others soul. From their connection, she could tell the other woman was quickly filling up on Clara's energy. "Shhh~" she whispered into Clara's ear, kissing it. "Just lie back, and think of... Heaven~" Her breath gently brushed along Clara's ear, stimulating her further and making her feel steadily building pleasure, an intense orgasm building and wanting to explode in her loins.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Clara, darting in after hurling her spear at her foe, was... quite taken aback by the fact her tactic hadn't worked quite as well as she'd wanted. Just as she'd blasted her blinding spell, and was about to form the magic sword in her right hand, as the bolas came out and bound her up, where she fell. Clara gasped as she was caught and laid down, where her clothes quickly were taken away, melting off of her body as the other fallen angel spoke.

Clara pulled against the bindings for only a couple of moments, and just as she was about to summon a spell to blast the bindings and the other fallen angel, off, she felt immense pleasure wash over her, sapping her strength, and the power she was forming. Her struggles were weakened severely from the sapping power of her foe, and Clara was getting incredibly frightened that she would lose here, and she didn't want to think of what would happen if she did. She had to hold out, she couldn't let herself be beaten here, not now, not after coming so far to be free.

"N-No... please stop..." Clara whimpered softly, trying to summon the strength to break free, but not knowing what she could do really. She then thought of something that she could try and do, and that was feed right back, and so she did, reaching out to devour everything that her foe had.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Trying to feed back, Clara would indeed find purchase, but found herself making a similar foolish mistake as her opponent. Feeding and being fed upon, Clara's cock was trapped in the moist mouth of the enemy angel's tail until she built up and climaxed. The result of which caused a lot of her soul to be stolen, sustained only by the little bit she took back. The two merely swapped their energy, though with Clara more on the losing side. The result... Was both Clara and the enemy angle getting too woozy to keep moving well as their souls were thrown into chaotic sickness, and they collapsed into a heap together.

Clara wasn't as worse off. The angel had fallen onto her back, with Clara's back laying on her. The world was spinning as if Clara was heavily intoxicated. Meanwhile, Erza and Pride took a mere moment to acknowledge the fight behind them. "I swear, how much to I have to pay to get intelligent minions." Pride sighed. "Luckily, her opponent was equally foolish." Erza noted, before the too stared at each other for a moment.

"PINEAPPLE SURPRISE!" Pride suddenly threw a bomb-like spell at Erza, who dashed forward, backhanded it away and delivered a straight punch into Pride's face that hit her so hard she flew twenty feet backwards. Pride landed on her feet, holding her face as she used magic to fix a broken nose. "Why do I yell things..."

Erza chuckled. "I think your minions take their examples of idiocy from you."

Pride glared back, before summoning forth a blade to match what Erza was using, at least visually. "You're real fucking clever, but I have a retort!" she growled, before the two resumed their conflict of might and magic, their swords slamming together while light incantations of magic clashed with each other and cut into the earth, ruining the land.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Feeling that she was getting energy siphoned back into her. It was a stupid move, she knew, but since Clara was tied up, she wasn't thinking straight, and panicked. It lasted for a couple of minutes, her soul and her foe's, being drained by one another, until she had managed to win out apparently, though if this was winning, then Clara didn't wanna know what losing was, as her head spun, and she felt like she was drunk and very nauseous. Clara tried to roll off of her foe, groaning softly as she did, while Erza and Pride spoke.

"H-Hey... f-fuck you both," Clara mumbled softly in a drunken tone, though she doubted either of the two heard her.

While the two fought, Clara tried to crawl her way to the side to recover, though if she could manage to form herself some bindings of some sort, then she would bind and seal the other fallen angel, so that she could try and drag her away from the fighting between Erza and Pride, forcing herself to move as best she could in order to do so to get back to Pandora's lines.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Successfully sealing up the angel, before Clara could go anywhere, it seemed there came an issue of enemy forces nearby. stood overhead, smiling down at Clara. "Oh my~!" she cooed. "Look at you, miss fallen angel. You seem to have succumbed to sickness. Do you want me to suck all that energy out of you?" she inquired, before using the tip of her shoe to roll the limp Clara over onto her back, promptly getting to the task of kneeling between Clara's legs and putting her hands on Clara's cock and balls, massaging her sack while jerking her thick length. "Isn't it nice that your energy won't make me sick? That means I can take as muuuch as I want~" she cooed, getting Clara hard again, helpless to stop the witch from stroking her, and helpless to stop her from leaning her head down with a moan, and taking Clara's cock into her mouth, sucking on it diligently as Clara felt her energy rapidly leaving her body.

Nearby, Clara heard a loud clash, Erza giving out a shout, before she saw Pride summon a pillory seemingly out of nowhere, slamming Erza into a metal trap. Such a thing Erza looked ready to break in an instant, despite the large gouge Clara saw in her armor. That is, until Pride used her leg like an executioner's axe, and kicked Erza's dullahan head off. "Finally, this game is over!" she shouted, before snapping her fingers and picking up Erza's head victoriously. Pride's snap had called forth a nearby Nightmare, a half horse demon, with a large, dangling horse cock underneath her body. "Rape her! Fill her with your energy, while it spills out the other end! Reduce this insolent traitor to a fucked mess!" Pride roared, before Erza was promptly mounted, Clara able to see the entire horse cock quickly vanish into her folds, and pump back and forth, the nightmare girl moaning as she raped the caught dullahan. Erza's stomach violently inflating from the insertion.

Meanwhile, Clara had her own problems, her numb body allowed the witch to move up, and mount her, taking her entire cock into her folds. The Witch's white flesh and thin pink vaginal lips stretching apart to fit it inside, as her cock was entrapped in a strangling sea of warmth and lustful juices. "It looks like you've lost~" the witch declared. Her energy was being violently sucked out, but Clara felt she could last a while. Meanwhile, Pride threw down Erza's head, while Erza looked at Clara, before glancing back at her body. Erza looked pleading, but was silent. Whatever she may have wanted, Clara could only barely move a few threads. It'd be impossible to move the witch as well. She could probably only lift 20 pounds with such pathetic power. Meanwhile, the witch's beautiful flesh rippled as her pelvis struck Clara's crotch, her tan dick vanishing in and out of her folds while she smiled down at Clara happily. "S-such a nice dick~ Can I keep you, little angel? Do you want to be my slave? I'll milk you dry every day, and take good care of you~" she cooed.

Pride, meanwhile, looked ecstatic. "Bird... Tell me..." She grinned wide, showing teeth, before placing her foot upon Clara's face. "What does defeat taste like? Are you sad that you didn't listen to your master, and hide?" She ground her heel against Clara's face, while the witch kept bouncing on her cock, faster and faster, as her flesh was passionately milked for seed and energy. Erza meanwhile, was getting desperate. "Clara...!" she insisted nervously, letting out small moans of her own as the impossibly huge horse cock slammed into her headless body, while her body still reacted as if it was well alive, bucking and trying to stand and endure it. Pride distracted Clara from looking by grinding the sole of her foot against her face. "Jealous of the traitor? Oh, believe me, after I rip the fragment out of your soul, you'll be the royal cock sleeve of my palace. The slime pits, the minotaurs, the nightmare's equine cocks... Oh~ Do you think they're just dripping in anticipation for you right now? Or would you rather be millked of your cum? How ever shall I play with my prize?" she beckoned with her hand at Clara. "Come! Come! Give me ideas!" she invited.

And she'd keep talking, giving Clara time to do something while she was being taunted and raped, her energy fading fast.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Clara was able to seal the other fallen angel's powers up as she began to crawl away from the battle zone, while Erza and Pride fought on. Before she could get away though, Clara gasped softly as she saw the witch and tried to crawl faster, but was stopped obviously, before she could make much headway. Looking up at the witch, as she knelt down and grasped her still hard cock, and her sensitive balls, Clara gasped and groaned softly, squirming about in an effort to get away.

"F-Fuck... no it isn't. P-Piss off, I just want to live in peace," Clara said, panting softly, as she looked over while Erza was tricked into a pillory, while the witch began sucking Clara off, making the fallen angel gasp again.

Clara could only watch as Erza's head was knocked off by Pride, who then picked it up, and subsequently threw her head back down after declaring her victory. Barely able to think straight, from both the pleasure, and her throbbing aching head, Clara noticed Erza looking pleadingly at her, and grit her teeth, trying to hold back her climax and do something to get Erza's head back on her body, remembering how Dullahan's worked, and knowing that both her life, and Erza's would likely be over, if she gave in now.

When Pride moved over to her and planted a foot on her face, Clara's focus was broken for a split second, as her plan formed in her mind. Her cheeks flushed from the pleasure, the heat in her loins, and all that had happened thus far, Clara reached out with her energies that were left, and wove a quick little spell around Erza's head, likely using the last of her energies to do so, and either teleport it properly back on her body, or quickly levitate push it over, with a tiny extra spell to seal it back on for the time being so she didn't lose it again, and could fight.

"F-Fuck it... f-feels so good. G-Gonna c-cum soon, c-can't hold it much longer," Clara moaned aloud, while weaving her spell, using her lustful moans to distract the witch, and Pride as much as possible, while weaving her spells, her cock throbbing in anticipation for the release that was about to overtake her.