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Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

The mermaid adopted a guilty face. "Undine cannot flee, she is bound to the temple she was created in. Even if it's awful, she has to stay there at the mercy of the angels invading." she explained.

Zeta replied immediately. "We can get there... By walking there! Or flying. Choices are nice." she said.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"I see... well, how far away is she? If it's other angels attacking her for no reason, then we should try and help her, if we can, or at least investigate and find out what's going on, and why they're attacking her," Clara asked Zeta, looking a bit depressed that her kin were attacking Undine for seemingly no reason whatsoever.

Clara unfurled her wings and prepared to fly, unless Zeta stopped her for whatever reason, and she'd lead the way as they flew out, hoping that they could at least learn why the angels were attacking Undine in the process.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Zeta seemed a bit surprised. "Well, angels hate mamono after all! I think killing them is normal for them! Not good, but normal! Definitely!" she said with a grin. "Should we help her? Maybe we should ask for a reward first! Best time to get some money is when people are desperate!" Zeta grew wings and flew as well, coming with her... And it'd be some time before they flew over the continent and made it to the temple. Forcing them to stay somewhere, but where would she look to stay overnight?
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"True, even I did up until not too long ago really. I won't lie. But seeing those kids, I just couldn't stand by any longer and condone the extermination of them. I know that not every mamono is evil and wants to hurt people. Some just want to live their lives in peace, away from anyone else," Clara said, smirking when Zeta mentioned asking Undine for a reward. "And maybe we could ask her for one. No reason why we couldn't I guess. Though if it looks too dicey then I say we run, because I know from experience, if there's one thing that an angel likes to attack more than anything, it's a fallen angel. But some extra gold and stuff would be good if we can... persuade her to part with some, hmhm," Clara chuckled a bit as they flew along, with her taking the lead.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

It would be quite a long flight to their destination. They were making quick progress but it'd be a day or so flying at top speed before they'd reach the other side of the continent. Their hair would get a bit frazzled from going so fast. The amount of energy they'd need to spend as well would be vast. "I'm getting hungry. I wonder if we can't prey on some men?" Zeta inquired. Looking around, they'd spot a humble little village. "Easy pickings! Wanna just swoop down and grab a couple, or sneak in and give some poor sap a wet dream~?" she inquired.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Flying quickly along with Zeta, Clara and the demoness were making good time, but she knew it'd be quite a while before they arrived. When Zeta mentioned stopping to feed, Clara nodded in agreement. "Aye, we probably should if we wanna be topped off when we arrive. And it'd probably be best if we were... discreet. Wouldn't be good to trail around our own angel hoard wanting to crucify us too. So... sneak in, give a couple of cute guys a wet dream or two, and feed as much as we need to to top off our reserves," Clara said, glancing down at the little village that Zeta had spotted, winking at her new demon friend as she veered down towards it, landing well outside to make sure nobody saw them first, figuring it best to use her magic to make whoever she chose to have a sweet dream of him and her in her high and mighty Not fallen angel form, because surely that's what many human men dreamed of from time to time, Clara told herself.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Zeta landed on the ground with her, taking the initiative to scan the houses lightly. "There's a man living alone in a cottage faaar to the side~ I don't know why humans ostracize each other, but it works out!" she declared with zeal. "It'll be simple, once we get inside. Then we just devour his heart and soul~" she cooed. The time of day was night, and the light of the moon inspired their succubus instincts to go hunt. Zeta made her way along the outskirts of the town, seeking to find a window to sneak into. And she did. "A window, right into the bedroom. Want to sneak in first?" she asked Clara if she wished to be the braver one.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"Hmm, I'd prefer not to drain him heart and soul both, Zeta, because while I am a fallen angel now, I don't think we should just be cruel and do that. Besides, it'll be safer for if we don't drain him completely. Don't want to coax any other angels that aren't fallen to come after us before we even get where we're going," Clara whispered softly, unsure if the two of them should both go after the lone man.

"How bout this, you go first with him, and I'll see if anyone else is about and keep an eye out for you in the process. I'm positive there'll be a couple of younger guys around not too far away, surely. Besides, in the darkness, I can still partially pass for a not fallen angel, so long as my wings are in the shadows... maybe," Clara whispered after that, winking at Zeta and helping her get in through the window, before creeping around to the next nearest house to seek another young man to feed on, so they didn't both feed on the same one and risk really hurting him.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Zeta chuckled. "I think white and black contrast too much to not tell the difference! But if you forfeit first go, I shall take it!" she declared, before summoning some weaves, altering her form to dissolve herself into what seemed to be black matter. It took a course of almost a whole minute, but she was then seen slowly oozing along the shadowed ground, to the point that someone might mistake it for a creature in the sky before she'd be gone. She slipped into the house through a crack between the two square panes of windows. Another long moment passed as she reformed herself, twice as long as before. Until she approached the window, unlocked it quietly and opened it up for Clara, giving a thumbs up before approaching the edge of the bed, weaving further as she crawled into the bed slowly. The man roused, before quickly giving a start at the sight of a demoness crawling into his bed. But before he could scream her weave brought forth an unknown black material to whip over his mouth, muffling him entirely. "Shh~" she shushed him, before flapping her wings once to get airborne, throwing the covers down, and mounting him as she gave a coo of surprise.

"You sleep in the nude? Perfect~" she cheered quietly, already gyrating her hips against his soft length to encourage it to grow big and full of energy.

Meanwhile, Clara found only more populated areas, the most favorable being a nearby house with a man, a woman, and three kids. Two of which were staying up late to talk to each other, a brother and sister, while the second brother slept in his room. It had two stories, and was basic in design, with windows all over, and a front and back door.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"Maybe, but still it might be best not to risk us both going into the same place. So feel free to go right ahead Zeta. I'm sure I can manage another on my own," Clara said, winking over at Zeta before watching her transform with her magical weaving, and watched as Zeta made her way inside of the man's house.

Clara continued to watch until Zeta was really getting into the deed and silenced the man with her magic. With that, Clara eased out and headed down through towards the town a tiny bit. Everything was really a bit too close to town just about it seemed, save one house that had a family of five within. Clara weaved herself a cloak of sorts similar to Zeta's, and flapped her wings lightly as she hovered near each window to get a good layout of the house, and make sure nobody would see her, and also to see if she could ease her way into the bedroom and give the husband a nice wet dream that she could feed from him off of, using her magics to weave a sleeping spell for both the husband and wife to make sure that they were very deep asleep, because she had to be more careful since they had children still awake elsewhere in the house.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Checking each room, she found the husband and wife asleep together in their own room. Though just as she peeked, the wife was throwing the covers off of herself and grumbling. "Damned children, go to sleep already..." she said under her breath as she timely left the room to go deal with the children she heard chuckling downstairs and get them to bed, thus left a rather tired looking husband alone in his bed. But for how long? Who knew.

The room was a simple one. The bed was near the middle, but against the wall, surrounded by open space. Along the perimeter was a wardrobe, a mirror complete with drawers and make up for the wife, and nightstands on either side of the bed along with a closet opposite. As if likely adding to the wife's awake behavior, the man seemed to have been sporting a length under the covers for Clara to see, which had to have been poking her as she slept. The man wore a loose grin, as if having a very nice dream even without Clara's aid. Just from the covers above, the man had short but clean combed brown hair and a lean face. He looked like your average yet handsome hard working farmer.