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What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Sparkle looked at Syn for a moment, then suddenly burst out laughing in hysterics. She seemed so amused in fact that she just couldn't stop laughing. "Oh my, are you insane? I trust you none, I pay you little. The amount you owe me is so massive that it'll take a dozen huge jobs like these before you start to see the light of being not in debt. You might as well consider yourself a permanent employee here until further notice. You're in it with me for a long time, and by the way? You're also being charged for your room, your armor, your living expenditures, and anything else you do. Did you not know that?" she inquired with amusement.

She then lifted a wine glass filled with white smooth liquid. "Welcome to Hell! Cheers!" Then she drank the glass outright.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn shrugged. "Was worth a shot. Can you blame me for trying?" Well, that changed things a bit. Pity, she liked Sparkle well enough and she respected her for being straight up with her, but if she was gonna hard ball her, it meant if a better opportunity arose she may have to take it. But hey, like she said. Welcome to hell. Regardless, that assumed such a position did open up. Right now she was just as wanted as Sparkle and it was in her best interest to help her pay it off.

Syn stood up and stretched a bit. "Well, trusting anyones a fools errand anyways. My questions are answered, let me know when we're heading out. I'm going to go find some rocks to smash for awhile. May as well make sure death hasn't made me rusty. If you'll excuse me."

Assuming Sparkle didn't stop her, she decided to head out to locate some things she could break without sinking herself further in debt. She'd be mad, but she honestly saw that coming. But she refused to be little more than a slave for long. She couldn't fight her way to freedom, so she'd just have to find a way to pay it off on the way. And like it or not, her life was very much tied to Sparkle's right now.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"Just don't get caught escaping or the guards will eradicate you!" Sparkle declared, being kind enough to suggest Syn might try escaping if she simply said not to do it, and alerting her that the guards are trained to kill.

And then Syn was free to go places and do things until it was time.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"I remember, don't worry.," says Syn with a smirk. She was warned one time before. She decided to work off some of her poor mood. As reluctant as she was to be around others, she decided to head back for that training room she passed before. They had dullahans, they'd certainly have things she could really slam her full power into. As well as practice some more with her firebolts.

Dying again on the job wasn't an option this time around. She'd have to do enough for two here. While she had little doubt Sparkle was far beyond her in power, she wasn't about to rely on her for backing her up. So that meant practicing til her armor was fixed. And holding little back when the time came.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Going into the training room, Syn would find that everyone spared a moment to stare at her. One dullahan in particular would watch her as she came up to one of the bobo dolls that always come back no matter how hard anyone hit them, with the faces of imps drawn on each one. Because no one likes imps. If Syn stayed a while, the other dullahan would approach, after having practiced maintaining five spherical balls of water rotating around her to exercise her sense of focus. "You, what was your original, human name?" the other dullahan inquired. One she'd recognize as the fallen heroes. Her beautiful long brown hair and piercing blue eyes pinned her as the Fair Maiden of Beerstone, Gerstid. "I know it's not Syn, no one would name their child that. You're a dullahan, meaning you were a hero, but I can't recall you at all. I know most of the other dullahan here." she explained. Syn being a blank spot in her memory apparently bugging her.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn grimaced a little at the attention she was getting as she started to pound the training dummies quite extensively to work off her mood. Sadly all the staring was making it somewhat... Less than satisfying.

Syn glanced over the dullahan, feeling intimidated already. Gerstid. While she had some trouble recalling the exact details of her exploits, her name came through loud and clear.

Her name. Boy, that hadn't come up in awhile.

"It's short for Synclair. And it's my last name. Branimera was the first. Course, I don't remember much about me. I'm sure I wasn't anything special.," shrugs Syn, giving the doll another blow, "But if it helps, most of my memory is a blank spot. So I know how fun it is to endure a big dose of deja vu."
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"Synclair?" she inquired. "... How odd. You became a hero and I never knew about it. Or maybe your circumstances are odd." she theorized. "Or... Perhaps I don't remember you because you aren't from this time, but of the past. It's not unreasonable that a dullahan would have been dead for a while, as long as the soul is intact. If your soul was put into stasis for a while, that would explain the memory loss." she said, seemingly half talking to Syn and half thinking aloud.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn blinked and listened to the other dullahan's theorizing and musing. Once she was done, she shrugged. "You could be right. Or not. With no way of knowing, doesn't much matter. And with no way getting my memory back, doesn't do me much good either. Just little bits of deja vu here and there. And the one thing I can remember is beyond my reach long as I'm working down here."

She gives the dummy another hard smack with a grunt. "I am here. Busted and missing things of importance, but it's at least something I can say certainly on. I exist. And that's all that matters at the end of the day."

She pauses and hums a moment then shrugs. "But the main kink in the idea of me being from the past is I know of you, Gerstid. So I can't be that old."
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"You know my name? So you can remember things. Most heroes knew each others names. It helped eliminate imposters." she said. "Get that memory back, or at the very least, get your heroic abilities back. If I'm going to be fighting with you, I need you to be more reliable than a normal demon. I will not shed any tears if your soul is destroyed." she announced. "Half because I'm dead, and I cannot cry."

"Keep up the training." she said, before leaving Syn be. Syn was allowed to spend her time as she willed, until Sparkle declared that they were leaving following the repairs to her armor.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"Don't gotta tell me twice.," grunts Syn, "And you can't? Huh. I can. Weird. Hard not to when you get a soul ruining arrow through the chest."

She grunts and returns to her practice, mixing fire attacks into her strikes. May as well get used to mixing it into her fighting style. Strike, strike, open palm, kick. Pity she couldn't grab the dummy and slam it. Ah well.

She would practice both with magic and punches til her armor was ready and she was off to go. After all, Syn could not expect a second bail out. She was lucky to heave gotten a single one. Couldn't rely on anyone else. So she did have to get better.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

The day would pass however Syn wanted it to. Eventually, she'd be informed from a letter under her door that her armor was finished. When she got it back, she'd find it was remodeled and recolored. It looked like the more sexually appealing shape of the other dullahans, where the waist was thinner, and the armor had 'round slots' for her breasts to go into. On the outside, it would look perhaps lewd. In addition, on the back of her torso armor was a brand. It read "Sparkle" in cursive across the span of her upper back. It was in yellow, while her armor was purple with black lining.

Once Syn was dressed, there came a knock on her door. Sparkle stood outside with three other dullahan, each wearing armor similar to Syn's. "It's time to go, sunny!" she called out.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn looked her over, thanking the cyclops for her work, returning home to dress up. Well. She preferred black with gold lining personally but she supposed it was alright. The sparkle along her back certainly left no plausible deniability if she was captured alive on who had her. Though she wouldn't be surprised if the armor exploded or something if she was caught.

Overall it was much lewder indeed, her rolling her eyes a bit with a smirk. Fairly redundent, counter productive really. It just made it easier to pierce and guided blades towards more vital areas rather than away. Then again it was demon made steel, if something was going to pierce it, nothing was going to deflect it anyways.

Stepping out at the knock, she found sparkle waiting with three other Dullahan. Guess it was show time. "As you wish.," she says simply, stepping into position as she slides her helmet on, though kept the visor up for now. Depth perception mattered when watching for ambushes after all.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Sparkle arched a brow at Syn. "Well, that's not a very peppy attitude! If you're going to be in my company, you're going to be energetic and representative of my candy loving ways! To compliment that, here's your very own lolipop!" Sparkle announced, handing over Syn her lolipop to suck on. It was cherry flavored. If Sparkle looked closely, she'd see one of the other dullahan sucking on what seemed to be a plastic ring. Though when she took it out of her mouth, she was indeed wearing it on her finger like a ring, though the 'jewel' was just a blue block of candy made to look like a jewel. Another dullahan was downing a pixie stick, pouring pink dust into her mouth from a paper stick. They seemed to both be enjoying what they were doing while also considering it part of their duty.

Sparkle would lead the way, with the dullahan forming a square around her with Syn at one of the corners. "What's the strongest thing you ever fought, Syn? Fought and won against, I add." she inquired. "Would it happen to be a hellhound? Or perhaps another dullahan? Maybe you faced off against a Royal Demon?" she inquired, a Royal Demon being a demon like Sparkle herself, far from a pushover.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn tilted her head a bit as she was handed a lollipop. Evidently all the other dullahans had been given candy as well. "Simply getting into the proper mindset, My lady. Can't afford losing focus once we begin after all." She did lick the lollipop, though she herself didn't really have a sense of taste, never having gotten that fixed from her death. It never seemed very important to her.

Syn swiftly moved into position as she moved with Sparkle, her frowning at the question, thinking back. "Mmm... Strongest... I got in a fight with a Wurm on the human plane. She was after my catch so we got into a big fight. Big waste of time, my marks escaped in the chaos and she refused to budge. I had to burn a bunch of energy getting her rolled into a ball and throwing her as far as I could away so she'd stop wasting my time and energy. Not much brains in those girls. But if we're specifying demons, I guess hellhound would be about right. Lot's of them in Wrath's demesne... But I generally try to avoid getting into fights I can't handle, unless I'm looking for a squire. Like you said yourself, it's a big waste of energy to burn on the small fries. And why risk death on something stronger if there's little to gain from it? And the squire hunts on hold for the time being..."

"So, is that answer sufficient? I'm sure it's all very pathetic by all standards, but I'm not going to lie about it.," says Syn, popping the lollipop back in her mouth.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

No taste, or so she believed. Her form, a revived body of her formerly dead self, wasn't beyond seeing repair to basic motor functions and the senses. It made just as much sense to say she could have no taste as it did to say she couldn't move because her head wasn't connected to her body. So, after having been victim to the angelic blade, her body was repaired by an unknown ally. So repaired was she that she was in better condition than before. Even something like taste was restored. Her tongue touched the lolipop, and could enjoy it's sugary goodness.

"Oh my, a wurm!" Sparkle said with shock. "You defeated it without any magical knowledge at all?" Everyone else flattened their gazes on her. Fighting a normal sword duel versus a wurm without using any method of boosting your normal combat capabilities was far fetched. "Come now, Syn~" she said, seeming to abandon the pretense of believing her. "The reason why magical ability is so important is so that your physical abilities can be enhanced. If none of us used weaving, all of our combative capabilities would plummet. Why, one of my own dullahan could kill me if I tied up my own weaving powers and fought with just a sword." she admitted. "Do not underestimate the power of weaving, my dear. I hope you are not as defenseless as you were before, when you died for the second time in your life~" she giggled, before moving to march forward, allowing Syn to take formation and reply however she wished.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn tilts her head in surprise but suckles on it, then looks at them as they stared at her. She shrugs a bit. " 'M strong. Just couldn't fly or anything, but neither could she. But don't need to believe me. Doesn't much matter to me either way. Wouldn't call it defeated really anyways. Didn't transform and I didn't kill it. Just threw it somewhere else, and it didn't come back over. Musta found some guy. Hence why I said hellhound."

She shrugs and moved forwards, "Do my best either way. But never underestimated weaving. Just couldn't remember how to do it. But I'm under no illusion that anything without magic can trump something that has it. Which is why I'm bothering playing catch up now. I'm not so prideful to not admit I'm far behind the curve in every way. I'm just doing what I can to fix it. We'll see if I live long enough to do so."
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

All of the other girls in the party giggled at Syn's words. "You remind me of a certain man I played with once." Sparkle stated. "His words always made me want to... Make a victim out of him~" she cooed.

Not much would be said after that, just casual travel through the strange and supernatural world of Hell. The sky looked like it couldn't decide what color it wished to be. Various gaseous clouds above twisted and turned, not with wind, but with some odd influence of magic. They changed color, sometimes painting the world blue as they became an odd blue color and filled the world with chill, and blazing red as they seemed to spontaneously catch fire and truly paint the typical image of Hell. The state of the world was in constant flux, like some kind of dream or nightmare.

As they walked, they came across a bridge that had an occult circle with the symbol of money in the center. "We're entering Avarice's circle now." Sparkle declared, though before they could cross, a troop of three imps jumped from under the bridge that was built over bubbling, acidic green liquid, and faced the four dullahan and single demon lord. "Sparkle, Sparkle!" the imps called out. "Give us some candy! We're hungry!"

Sparkle nodded. "Make yourselves useful. Be my latest guard's punching bags so I can see how well she can fight." she stated, before pushing Syn forward. "Syn, you can handle basic imps, right?" she inquired, the other dullahan giggled.

"W-wait, what?" the imps said, suddenly scared, before realizing their sitation and each seeming to start weaving as their hands each began to glow with magic!

(Inspirational Music - )
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn moved quietly, having no response to the jabs and laughs at her expense. What else was new? This is why she kept clear of other Dullahan. Whatever. There was nothing for it now.

When the imps presented themselves, Syn was called up to face her opposition. Well, suppose she had no choice then. Chances were she;d make an ass of herself somehow, but she wouldn't let it be said she didn't try.

"Sorry. Orders are orders.," she said simply, "I'll try not to break you beyond repair." Imps were brats, and aggravating but she didn't much like the idea of wasting lives casually. Wasteful. But then she also wouldn't be too upset if an accident happened.

With them conjuring magic up, she had to move quick to cut the gap. They had the advantage of numbers, she couldn't afford to focus on a single target too much. She also couldn't afford to break the bridge, they needed that to cross and she;d have to pay for it.

Syn put her new glove to use, throwing forwards a blast of flame, since it was what the glove was designed to do swiftly. She darted forwards quickly, putting her actual strength to use to throw herself forwards swiftly after the ball, hoping to quickly grab one or two of the much smaller demonesses to subdue them.

She wasn't sure what magic she might need to face coming in response, but hopefully it would be something she could respond too.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

She charged forth, shooting fire and flames while carrying on towards the imps. Indeed, one had to dodge her lead-in and follow-up, and ended up right in Syn's hands, grasped firmly. Meanwhile, the other two imps split apart, and suddenly Syn felt her arms gripped by magic, and pulled apart. Freed, the third imp placed a kiss on Syn's lips, attacking her with a kind of magic that made her loins moisten and her nipples harden underneath her plate. Releasing the kiss, Syn couldn't help but react with an aroused voice.

"No defense against magic, huh?" one Dullahan observed. "That'll be a serious problem."

Then, as Syn's mind swam with lust, she'd have to decide what to do about this. The temptation to submit and be sexually played with by the evil imps existed in her mind, and was a powerful force. But it was up to her to decide if she wanted to brute force her way through their magical attacks or simply out perform them sexually.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

It started well, letting her swiftly get up and subdue one of the imps swiftly. Course that didn't last long as they used telekineses to immobilize her, then an aphrodisiac spell to rile her up, Syn giving a soft moan at the sensation involuntarily.

The running commentary put a bigger flush than anything the imps could do though, as she growled in aggravation, something for her to hold on over her urges. Plus her experience with women was somewhat lacking and she didn't think it'd be a fair playing field against the imps who likely had more magical tricks to use in bed. No, she wouldn't play to their strengths, she had to fight where they were weak. It was just a question of could she even reach their weaknesses.

Well, she had nothing to lose by trying, it's not like she could be seen as any more inferior and useless than before. So if her arms were locked outright, well... The glove let her channel magic to make fireballs. But did she need to make them just in her hand? May as well find out, deciding instead to manifest the fireball in one of the imps hair instead, targeting the one locking her main arm. If she could get her to drop the spell in a panic she could get a grip back on that imp again. Assuming it worked at all.