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What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Syn's days, taking tolls for her bridge, would pass by for months without incident. The unwise who traveled through ended up paying her toll. The Overconfident challenged her, thinking her weak for taking up such an underwhelming profession, and the wise just found a different route past her. Taking up ownership of a popular road meant Syn wasn't without food. However, it also meant she was soon a hot topic among the nearby human villages. As much as she despised the 'factions' of the world around her, getting involved in the crossfire of their conflict was inevitable, especially as a demon harvesting human energy.

One day, early morning, Syn would feel an overwhelming sensation rush through her very soul. A special kind of presence approaching that wasn't like the normal human soul. It was something she'd be familiar with as a woman who fought against demons, blessed by her 'masters'. Indeed, the presence approaching happened to be an angelic one. Whether it meant angels or simply Heroes blessed was unable to be determined. Either way, it was no different than hearing the howl of hunting wolves in the distance. Given enough time, The Order had taken up the objective of hunting Syn down to eradicate her existence.

There was still time yet. Five minutes at most before they'd arrive at her bridge, and perhaps four minutes before she's likely to be seen, and sniped by a soul-eradicating Valkyrie spear.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

No good things ever lasted it seemed.

It had been a good time, fighting, fucking, occasionally getting distracted and escorting folks to their destinations instead. But clearly she had lingered a bit too long, and her rep had drawn those far more capable of taking her down.

Syn grimaced at the sensation, it had been a long time, it stirred something deep and forgotten inside her. She didn't like it. Made her neck itch.

While the prospect of facing down someone who would be a worthy challenge did excite her slightly, objectively speaking it just was not worth the risk to her existence. She had already got her head taken off once after all, she rather not have it become permanent.

It was time to bail out while she had a soul to speak of. This realm was great, but until the heat died down, maybe staying in the demon realm would be better. But she needed to get herself banished then, rather then cleansed and that meant she needed to get there alive.

Deciding on the better part of Valour, she bolted for cover and headed out and away, hoping to use it to conceal her escape as she made her way towards her chance at getting "home."
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

Beating a quick retreat would get her out of immediate danger, but she'd have to keep going if she wanted to evade the danger completely. A while after leaving the bridge, it'd take a quick duck into cover once more, hiding behind a rock and bush before a creature with white wings sailed by, scanning the forest vegetation for any traces of demon. Coming to a halt, or at least slowing down, the angel happened to park herself in the air, roughly above Syn's location, but not directly. She didn't know her exact location, but according to the words she spoke while pulling out a round, white orb, she was onto Syn's scent. "Traces of demon filth lead this way. Continue searching, there may be more than one. I'll tail this one." she announced, before scanning some more, putting Syn into a difficult position.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn mentally let out a stream of curses, pressed up against the rock. They definitely weren't giving up and sadly they were faster since they could fly. That she could still smell her while so high up was a testament to how well crafted those angelic curs were.

It looked like she was using that orb to communicate with her hunting party. Fortunately they weren't too bright and she had lingered in the region long enough that it must have thrown them off and made them split up. Downside was she couldn't really take advantage of that fact while she was in the air.

If she could get that orb away from her and subdued that angel she could probably buy herself more time. As it were though, that was a pipe dream, she couldn't reach that high up, and risking exposing herself to the angel would bring reinforcements long as she had that orb. One angel was risky enough.

Same time though, dragging a pack of angels to her banishers door, might be considered bad form. Though it probably couldn't be helped.

Pity it wasn't heroes. Mortals might actually accept if she surrendered, or at least put them in enough of a moral quandary to buy herself some time or an advantage. Angel's were far too inflexible.

She couldn't stay here though. Every moment she delayed gave them a chance to all rally onto her trail when they found no other demons. But at this angle there wasn't much chance to slink away. She'd give it a minute, hoping the angel would move ahead or start looking more intently in a different direction, before slipping into the thicker trees. Hopefully it would keep her safe until she reached the edge of the woods, or if she was lucky, drive the angel close enough for her to do something proactive.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

Choosing to wait and see if the angel would move elsewhere, Syn would find the the angel remaining in the airspace above her head for perhaps longer than her plan would have liked. That was when Syn felt a sharp burning sensation on her shoulder. An angelic thread searching about poked her shoulder, causing the pain she felt. It wasn't long after that when the rock Syn was hiding under loyally received an attack for Syn's sake. Bits of rock turning into pebbles on the ground as a flash of white light came, exploding the rock and exposing Syn's hiding place to the angel's vigilant eyes above.

"I've found you, heretic." The angel growled.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

Damnit, why couldn't she move, or look in another direction just long enough? Syn grimaced in irritation when suddenly her shoulder burned a bit. She bit back a curse, figuring a horsefly had got in her armor or something, but as she looked over, and some sort of celestial search thread had prodded her.

"Oh sh-" The rock she was using as cover detonated quite dramatically as Syn dove into a roll to avoid the blast, the shrapnel clattering over her protective plates.

She glared up at the angel above her. "Y'know, it's kinda funny they'd send an entire squad to beat up folks at a bridge. Seriously, overkill much?" They thought there might be other demons around. So why not "accidentally" confirm their assumptions? Might buy her some time.

"Y'know, it's bad timing all considered, me personally, I was leaving anyhow. Why don't you let me go back to hell, and you go back to hunting actual threats to your war or something? Kind of a waste of resources on your guys part."

Either way she was ready to bolt for the trees, she couldn't fight something in the air. Maybe she'd get lucky and- hah no, if they were reasonable they wouldn't be angels. She was probably quite dead. Was a good run though. She would make the angel work for it though, had to keep her eyes open, turning her back would end in her being a smoking crater. Just had to dodge for the trees when she opened fire.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

And dodge for the trees she would have to. The angel opened fire, not a stranger to attacking one such as her it seemed as she began a relentless assault. Just barely, Syn would dodge a beam meant to remove Syn's arm entirely. But the pursuit wouldn't end there. "You've already been to Hell, I shall send your soul to oblivion!" the angel declared, giving chase to Syn. Her superior advantage of movement quickly made it clear that Syn would not be escaping this encounter easily.

Without warning, as Syn was led to desperately use the environment for cover, the angel released a barrage of weaker individual beams, firing rapidly in a wild assault. Three beams collided with Syn's armor, going deep enough to draw blood, but weak enough to be a survivable injury, even if she were human. It became clear that the angel's strategy changed to whittling her down as she ran, since Syn's speed couldn't beat the angel.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

Duck and weave, while she only had a vague recollection of humanity still, this was probably the more familiar. Humans didn't fly, but so many demons and mamono did. Kind of unfair really. She'd love to remember just how she actually managed to deal with this nonsense. Course, the problem with recollection was it was very very hard to do when you were trying not to melt.

Trees were bursting left and right from the rays, the angel being a bit haphazard in her method. Then she seemed to change tacts and just decided to screw aiming. Unfortunately that also led to a commensurate boost in sped as a few blasts pierced her body.

She hissed in pain, getting behind a tree to quickly check the damage. She was bleeding alright and her armor was compromised. Useful as rice paper it seemed, though it might have saved her lungs. Still, the angel obviously intended to run her down like a hunting dog. Which was an apt description of her all considered.

She was faster, and she had the range advantage, and the tree cover just was not thick enough to actually allow Syn to force the angel to come closer. She needed to actually drag her down or do something that would make the damn thing lose sight of her. Sadly that meant one thing only.

She had to get to the river again. This was probably going to end very very badly, and she definitely risked getting mauled by rocks or some crap but least she wasn't disintegrated by an angel like that and it was swift enough and deep enough that tracking her in it would be pure guesswork. Hopefully.

It was a bad plan but there was no real good plans down here, so there was only dodging about in cover and making her way through the woods for the river. Kind of ironic that even when she was trying to get away from one she was headed right back for it.

Maybe she could keep the angel's aim off as well if she had to dodge too. So running as she went she scooped a few good sized rocks up, and pelted them up at the Angel from around cover at various times. She aimed primarily for the angel's wings, hoping to knock her off balance or cripple her flight speed. She was certain if she could get her on the ground she could get away safe. Could probably win too, but if the angel dropped down she'd probably call for help rather than fight fair.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

When Syn made a bolt for the river, the angel sought to immediately cut her off. Luckily, the boulder made the angel change course and dodge to the side lest she get hit, allowing Syn the freedom to retreat back the way they came. "Enough of your games, demon!" The angel growled. "If you're not even going to try and fight back, then stay still so I can give you a clean death!" she declared angrily, firing more at Syn. Her weak bolts randomly hitting her no matter how much she dodged. Though all they did was draw blood, it was adding up. Syn was starting to feel the toll of her damage after the times she was hit went beyond a dozen. It began to slow her movement, allowing the angel to begin to more accurately aim her shots, and deliver more power.

Syn had just reached the river as the angel fired her first charged up bolt of yellow power. The bolt ran through Syn's midsection, perhaps mortal to a human, but to someone such as her, true death only meant the destruction of the soul. Syn merely reached a point where continuing to operate her body would become difficult due to the damage she was sustaining. Though perhaps thankfully, it seemed that the thin bolt was the most that the angel could muster. If her armor was rice paper, it was made from the best rice paper around, requiring thin and piercing shots in order to penetrate her armor.

Syn was now before the river, and with the angel overhead, charging the best spell she could weave. "THIS GAME IS OVER, YOU DIE!" the angel howled.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

"Yeah, cus I'm really equipped to fight cowardly snipers who come in giant groups to hunt lone demons. In other words, you're one to talk, angel!," smirked Syn. That may have been a poor idea since the angel was striking her left and right after. Maybe she hit a nerve.

The barrage was endless and taking it's toll. More pain than she had felt for a long time, and the frustration of a foe she couldn't fight not due to strength but due to being out of reach. She really wished she could remember how she dealt with such things in the past. Not much for it now.

She felt a hard shock as the bolt went right through her chest. She'd have coughed up blood if she actually breathed any more. It was mostly an inconvenience really now, but it was an inconvenience that was pure agony. Maybe her armor was some good here after all.

Still, she had reached the river once more. Unfortunately it seemed her time was up and the angel was throwing everything into this last attack. She wasn't certain the river would let her avoid it. No way of knowing for certain. The frustration of there being an opening and her being unable to exploit it reared once more.

If the angel was having such trouble piercing her armor though, she had one last desperate gambit. Pissed her off though. She yanked her helmet off as she snarled up at the angel and pelted it at her. "Go say it to someone who gives a fuck about your war!" She then dove into the river, staying low and using the current to try and carry her out of there fast enough to avoid the fallout. Hopefully they wouldn't be able to track her in the water. Sucked to lose her helm though.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

The angel had to block with the armor on her arm as the helmet was tossed at her. The result was an even angrier angel charging up the attack that would hopefully kill her target. But then, Syn took a dive into the river, causing the angel to fire prematurely so she couldn't get away so easily. The result, Syn sank rather quickly in her heavy armor. The lack of air that humans breathe didn't do much for the woman who had no connection from her head to her lungs. Her armor made it difficult for the current to carry her though. On that note, a rock sticking out of the bottom caught Syn's shoulder, stopping her in place from being drifted further. The angel seemed to try to compensate for where she would be by firing ahead, although she herself of course didn't see the rock Syn got stuck on, so she completely missed.

Syn would have to hold onto her head as she traveled through the river, even if she chose not to move. Meanwhile, the angle began firing a barrage of bolts into the water, trying to find Syn. But Syn did not bleed. There was no blood trail in the water to follow.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn grimaced at the loss of her helm, but it was worth it as she dove into the water. The cold of it all was quite the shock, and the water stung her eyes, but she persevered, she needed to watch. Fortunately, the dead had no need for breath. She hadn't factored her armor in though. It was lighter than the more heavy version most Dullahans wore, and any dullahan worth their title could swim in their armor, it didn't mean she wouldn't sink more than she would drift.

Worse, as she moved, a large rock jutted up and caught onto her shoulder as she moved, her grimacing in pain as it wrenched her arm. It was fortuitous in some ways though despite the pain of the pressure, as the water ahead of her filled with light and roiled ahead.

The river around started to fill with blasts as the angel began to guess where her target was. Fortunately her wounds had sealed up, so she wasn't leaking blood any more. She'd recover soon enough. But there was a problem, she was kind of stuck.

She needed one hand to keep her head on because she had thrown her helmet at the angel. But she needed a hand to get her shoulder dislodged. Losing her head here would be horrible, not to mention who knows where it'd end up. Her choker wasn't cutting it here.

She grunted and wriggled to try and get loose as the angel continued to try and depth charge her out of the water. It took a couple minutes, her sweating bullets the whole time. Now she had to guess. She had avoided getting shot thus far. The angel had three choices, to try and stay here and keep firing and hope Syn hadn't managed to get further downstream on her, or had juked her by going upstream, or run down one of those two sections.

Or she could call in help to cover the whole river instead, damn. While it was better odds she'd get chased, she needed to move fast before reinforcements were called in and made escape impossible. With that in mind she waited until the blasts started to look to be going more behind her before yanking free and hurrying fast as she could. Even with just her legs and one arm she could swim fast, though it made holding her head all the more important.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

With her armor, Syn was fairly stuck to the bottom of the river. While moving through, she'd be moving at more of a crawl on all fours than swimming. Still, the angel kept firing, as if hoping against hope that her blasts would somehow poke and detect Syn, or kill her. Or draw her out. Or destroy her head. Or she was doing it just for the sake of doing it. The latter actually was perhaps surprisingly the case, as Syn could hear the angel above shouting and getting rather excited about pummeling the river Syn was hiding in. "Dakka-dakka-dakka-dakka-dakka!" She exclaimed, while Syn managed to slip through the water, miraculously dodging the random hail of angelic fire.

Syn would eventually find the storm of magic faltering, and going away entirely. Meanwhile, it had been about half an hour since Syn had dove into the water, and had been remaining underwater ever since unless she decided to peek up and see what her situation was. Too early, and she'd be caught and chased again by the angel. Too late, and she'd get to enjoy the water a little more, as there was little fear of drowning given her body did not require oxygen. Such were the perks of being a beheaded undead demon.

Far down the river, Syn would feel the angelic presence still very much in the air. It would be naive to think that they'd give up on their hunt, as angels were notoriously ferocious and persistent when it came to demonic removal, even before many figured out the corruption behind angelic leadership following the new Demon Lord. So, it was her choice as to what path she should take next. The path back to the witch coven that allowed her into this world in the first place could be traveled by river or land, whichever she preferred.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

Far from the most graceful or proud method of travel, but those with pride ended up quite utterly dead generally. She'd rather crawl and live in this case. The hail continued from above, to the point Syn began to question the general sanity of the angel above. She seemed to be firing now just because she could. It almost made her want to lunge for her while she was out of energy, but frankly she was still out of reach and she'd rather just leave.

Eventually she managed to clear the general area of the angelic nutjob, though the region was thick with their presence. She had little desire to test her luck, as there wasn't much risk in remaining in the water like this beyond the general awkwardness and keeping hold of her head the whole way. She missed her helmet.

The coven was fortunately riverside, it made for easier escapes and hidden entrances, the sort of thing thieve's guilds often made good use of. Least she thought that's how it worked anyway, truth be told everything was so hazy that she could just be making things up now.

She favoured the river approach for now, since it was clear the angels could see her quite easily from the air, and it wasn't worth the chance of being spotted to just move along side the river on land. Maybe she'd get lucky and they'd get distracted by some unlucky demon who happened to be in the region as well.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

No matter how far along she drifted through the water, the angelic threat never truly left. Any moment that she might feel safe and secure, able to pop out and move on land while safely going through the water, she would catch a glimpse of a human figure with angelic wings and a glorious golden halo fly above her, in search of the demon who escaped so as to purge her. Syn spent so much time underwater that she'd have drowned fifty times over if she were still mortal. There were some kappa in the water too, though the unusual sight of a dullahan swimming by was enough to keep them and their anus violating ways away from Syn.

It eventually came to be that she'd end up reaching a member of the coven before the threat of the angels was fully gone. A lone witch, with curly red hair, freckles on her cheeks, and black gown, was sitting by the riverside with a fishing rod. Calmly, she seemed blissfully unaware of how close an angel was to her at that very moment.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

It was a long trip, and sadly not a pleasant one. She was cold, waterlogged, and frankly the company sucked. I mean, she wasn't entirely sure what Kappas were but she recalled something about violation and she really wasn't in the mood. Fortunately her nature seemed to make them think twice about it.

The angels were relentless. They were scouring the river, it able to mask her location but not her general presence it seemed. What a pain. Still, she was making decent time. It just sucked.

Eventually she spotted one of the coven! Great sight, terrible timing, the angels were real damn close. She didn't know if angels could sense witch's like they could demons, but there was a decent chance that the psychos would attack anyone by the river just under suspicion.

She'd be quick then. She surfaced her head just briefly near the girl and whispered to her. "Angels. Get out of here. And if you can warn the Coven I need to get banished or else this mess is never going to end." Then she;d go back under, hopefully before they were noticed.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

"Eh!?" The witch exclaimed when the dullahan head poked out of the water, as if it was the most outlandish thing she ever saw. Then, at the mention of angels, the witch panicked, grabbed her hat, and abandoned her fishing spot immediately to run directly into the woods. Syn would have to leave the river as well. The river only continued onwards while the witch encampment, if where the girl was running was to be relied on, was off to the side.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn raised an eyebrow as the witch stared at her but then a fire lit under her butt, figuratively speaking, and the witch bolted for the woods. Syn herself climbed out of the river, the water flowing out of her armor before she hurried after the witch girl.

If she hurried she might be gone before the angels even noticed and they might keep chasing the river. She somehow doubted her luck would hold out that long though.

Who knew, if it went ass maybe she and a witch could even the odds.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

Though the pressure of a possible angelic attack as she moved through the woods was a very real danger, Syn would find herself unmolested by angelic fire. No matter how diligent, the angels only had more ground to search as time went on, and as Syn went undiscovered. The witch was far ahead, so unfortunately Syn had no one to converse with, though it was likely for the best, as the coven was still getting their things prepared when Syn eventually arrived. It was a small coven in the middle of the woods, so it would be no shock to see that there was no Baphomet to lead them. It was just a distant branch of the main coven, doing the dirty work while the Baphomet's main coven took care of the most important tasks.

They were exclaiming to one another, and getting their things together while weaving up magical threads cooperatively. "Hurry... Hurry!" one of the weaving witches cried as she worked on the portal. The one Syn had spoken to, walking now with a cauldron tucked under her arm, scolded the crying witch. "Focus, idiot! Don't mess up the weave!" she lectured, before seeing Syn arrive. "Did you manage to collect a lot of energy?" she asked quickly. "It'll make the portal summoning go that much quicker." she declared, before another witch tripped over a root and spilled strange chemicals that turned the ground purple with corruption. The sight of which made the freckles witch stomp her foot in anger. "Are you fucking SERIOUS!? Why is everything going wrong!?" she swore and cursed, growling at the sudden clumsiness following the panic.
Re: Toll for the Bridge Troll (Syn;Zilrax)

It seemed luck was in her favour right now. Syn proceeded after the witch into the woods. The witch was in a rush, which meant a lack of conversation, but after a few years of sitting alone on a bridge with intermittent contacts she was quite used to the silence anyways. All the better, it'd let them prepare to send her back to that hellhole. She cringed at her own unintentional pun.

There was no Baphomet here, which on the upside, meant she didn't have to deal with a Baphomet. the downside meant if anything went wrong, she wouldn't have her for back up. Still a coven of witches at her back could do a lot if something went wrong. Least she hoped so.

When she arrived, it was clearly to a bit of a panic. There were witches all over, crying, working in a big mess. Syn was curious if this was normal state of affairs or angel panic. Probably the latter.

"Hm? Yeah, I was out there a long time. I wouldn't call it the most amazing amount ever but I wasn't really burning any of it either.," said Syn as one of the witches asked about the energy she had collected. It had been quite profitable all considered, and enjoyable. She didn't quite get what she wanted in the end, but still. Nice vacation.

One of the witches however at that moment spilt a bunch of chemicals, turning the ground tainted. Syn winced a bit, looking up towards the horizon in concern. "You think the angels can feel that?," she asked the witch who seemed to be in charge, quietly so as not to panic her coven further. A big sudden corruption might draw the angels eyes to here.

She was a bit concerned. Her and the witches may be able to beat one angel, but if it drew every one of them, they wouldn't stand a chance. She hoped they could hurry. "Just tell me what I need to do to help out."