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What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"My god you're annoying." she sighed, quite literally bitch slapping the handsized fireball thrown at her away. "Even if that bitch of a demon lord gets what she wants, I'll ensure I do not make the mistake of letting you live twice." she declared, holding her hand up and forming an obsidian colored blade in her hand, and charging at Syn with intent. She showed enough speed that Syn couldn't keep away with her armor on.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"Not sure what you're on about, but way I see it I'll take the jerk I know compared to the jerk I'm pretty sure I know is worse. So honestly I don't have that much to lose.," says Syn wryly.

Her opponent was fast, faster than last time. And she wouldn't have bothered making a blade if it couldn't pierce hell armor. Still, Syn didn't have five minutes to strip out of it. So that left her only the option of fighting head on this time. Still, with her opponent slimmed down she might be able to match her strength. Maybe.

This was definitely a bad idea, since she didn't even exactly have a plan. And her ranged option didn't seem viable right now. But well... She was here now. Too late to regret it. Now she just had to make it work.

Her opponent couldn't be crippled in the way a human could. But even without bones to break or tendons to cut, an arm that was bending the wrong way still would take a moment to right itself. A moment that she could use.

She closed near her opponent, moving to avoid the initial strike. If her opponent thrusted or left an opening she tried to grab the demoness by the sword wrist and twisted her arm best she could while channeling fire through her hands. And if she could do it fast enough, maybe slam a flaming elbow down on the twisted arm to try and "break" it.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Moving in, Syn barely slipped past the first slice, and grabbed the demon's arm to execute her attack to 'break' the demon's arm with a flaming fist. An attack that sent the blade out of her hand... Before a sleight of wind sent the blade into her free hand, as if she expected it, or simply knew how to react when grabbed. The demoness twisted her body around to slam the blade directly into Syn's chest with such incredible force... The blade went in two inches, and her armor developed a single, long crack. The demon arched her brow, caught with momentary surprise. "... Nice armor." the demoness lamented.

She was wide open.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn grunted as she was swiftly out played by the demoness, her strike swiftly switching to a new hit. Of course she was ambidextrous. However her armor proved to be worth every penny it seemed. Syn had gotten lucky.

Either way she had to act quick and quickly grabbed the demoness by the mouth, squeezing to keep her jaw open before trying to channel all the fore she could down her throat while trying to twist her head off. Evidently she couldn't afford to be clean about this. Total brutal annihilation was the only way to handle a demon, so it's the route she had to go it seems. She didn't like it very much.

But wasn't like she could expect much mercy back either.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Straight through the protective core of the body, Syn filled the creature with magic, and exploded her body from inside out, and her soul along with it. In a brutal event, Syn watched as she forcefully made the demon's soul burst into a thousand weaves that would join the chaotic soil. She had destroyed the demon's body and soul.

Then, silenced followed. The whistle of the hellish wind blowing across the red dirt and black sand as Syn's hair flowed on the wind. The cyclop's armor allowing her to stand victorious over a vastly superior foe. It was only after some moments passed that the vault creaked, and slowly opened to behold the beautiful sparkle skipping out with glee, with seemingly nothing in her possession, and nothing but an empty vault behind her. "Syn..." she hummed with a grin, observing the shattered threads in the room. "... How would you like to work for me, without debt?" she inquired with a grin.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Annihilated. Syn stayed in position as she looked at where the existence she had just ended once was. Mmm. Pity. Now she couldn't use her soul for anything. She was surprised she could do that.

Hm. Windy today.

The moment was interrupted when Sparkle creaked the vault open with an offer. She glanced over.

"Okay. I think if I went my own way now I'd be without anyone at this point. And frankly you saved my life there again. So... Yeah. Guess I will.," she says, as she taps the big crack in her armor. "I think debt will happen anyways since I need to get this repaired, but honestly you're probably the best thing in my life that I remember right now. Well, you, Lock, Shock and Barrel. But all that is because of you."

She looked over into the Vault. "So... Was it full of soul energy you just inhaled? Or are you carrying everything in an inter dimensional purse or something? And we should probably help the other Dullahans, I think one got mana sickness from getting raped."
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"If they're not dead, they'll be fine." she chuckled. "And yes... Currency is as you know, this soul energy. I swallowed all of it. Though, I think Avarice knew this was a risky location to keep it, so she didn't put as much as I would've liked inside, but it was still enough to fill me, the extra would have just been hauled. My powers will grow tenfold now. This will allow me to continue my campaign." she nodded, before walking towards the exit. "Let us leave in case someone was on their way, they can be delighted to see the vault open and their precious energy absent."
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn nodded and followed along on the way out then. "Frankly I had a combination of good fortune and your armor there. I need way more training to be of any use clearly. And... Well need to fix this armor.," she hummed, running the scenario over in her head again and again.

"That wasn't just some brute strength opponent. Not entirely... I didn't think I would be worth sending someone like that after me. But I guess it's not greed if you let anything slide."

Syn pauses a moment, blinking. "Wait, campaign? What campaign? Is this another thing you're going to bait and switch on me? Are you trying to become the new Avarice or something?"
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"No, it's just my little quest to become the eldest demon in Hell, and secure a little spot of fame for myself." she replied. "To that end, I need certain nuisances to be removed. To THAT end, I need currency. And to that final end... I need handy fighters capable of paving the way for my victory wagon." she said, pulling out a lolipop that seemed to extend from the very flesh of her palm, as she handed it to Syn, with a light blue color brimming with raw energy. "Eat it, it'll nourish your soul. Tastes sweet too."
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn accepted the lollipop, suckling as she considered. "I'm assuming oldest of the not sins and demon lord demons? I'm not too familiar with the overall history of it. So we're just knocking off everyone older than you then?"

"I guess lucky is a form of capable in a sense. And once you reach there you'll need warriors to stop someone from pulling the same thing on you. Makes sense overall. So next step is get home, then I go get the hole in my chestplate fixed... Then what?"
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"After that, I need to go pay Etna a visit. Currently operating under Jezebel, I need her to come around and aid me instead. As chaotic as she is, she gets work done. And I need people who can do work." she stated, heading outside, and leaving the fallen dullahan behind at first, before snapping her fingers so harshly that a thundrous roar was heard. "Stop lying around! Get up and let's return to base." she said. Shocked, yet still groggy, the dullahan popped their heads off, letting out their energy, before sluggishly following along.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"Never heard of them really.," says Syn as she walks, "But I've been out of touch awhile and was never really interested too much in the politics. It feels overcomplicated and seems like it mostly just undermines any potential long term success for short term gratification. But eh, not my job to worry about it I guess."

She looked about. "Lock, Shock, Barrel, you can come out now. We're heading back now."

"So we find this wild Etna person and get her to listen to you so I can replace myself?," chuckles Syn wryly, "Sounds fun. I'm going to assume this Jezebel person is not the type who takes defections lightly though. How much should I expect to have my soul torn to shreds?"
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Sparkle shook her head. "No, no, you fool. I need her to join me, and work for me, instead of Jezebel. Honestly." she sighed. Then, the three imps of three colors came, one sitting on Syn's head, and the two others on her shoulders pads. "I'm the one who's going to take her, you're just going to help. Helpers names aren't oft mentioned, so I'm somewhat sure you will be left alone, unless she attacks my entire home, then you might have your soul torn to shreds defending it. But I plan to side-step all that." she said with a nod.

Then, unless Syn had more to say, she'd enjoy a trip home... To Sparkle's Home.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"That is what I was saying, just implying in doing so you wouldn't need me anymore. Evidently I didn't come across clearly.," shrugs Syn as she walked.

And off they went to home base! Syn tracing the hole in her chestplate, paying little mind to the imps riding her along the way. Not like they weighed anything that mattered.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

And so they went home. Traveling across the bridge again, with some help from sparkle this time, and they returned to Sparkle's humble abode.

There, Sparkle let the group divide. "As you were. I'll fashion out your rewards when I can settle with all this lovely energy I just gathered~ Expect it at the doorsteps to your rooms next moon." she said, before leaving Syn to either wait, or visit some people she knew.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn bowed when they were dismissed, nodding a bit. She wouldn't be able to get her armor repaired til she got some funds. For now though, she considered. Her trio of imps had certainly earned their keep though. And she didn't know many people here, the witches mostly.

"Hm. Well, I've a little bit of funds from being used as a mounting post. Let's go find something to eat together, hm? You three certainly earned it. Couldn't have pulled it off without you.," says Syn, glancing up at the imps riding her.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"That sound great!" Shock said.

"Let's eat some grub!" Lock followed up.

Heading to the witches and their candy brewery, she met with a tiny witch with long pink braided hair. "Heya, would ya like some tasty candy?"
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn chuckled and nodded at the imps agreement as she headed down to see the witches once more. Seemed food was mostly in candy form here. Made sense. Everyone lived off energy so what form it was made into was kinda irrelevant. And well, not like Syn could taste it in any form anyways.

"Sure, one for each of us please.," says Syn with a smile, nodding to the witch, "Sure is peaceful around here. I'm used to seeing the chaos of Wrath's areas. Less cities, more warbands and usually if there's any structures still standing there's someone being thrown through it's walls."
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"Been to the circle of Wrath's warbands. There was a strange harmony to their chaos." the witch said, giving everyone their own choice of sweets in exchange for the currency of this place, which was essentially soul energy, usually exchanged through touch of hands in the form of a handshake. "They kill each other, they fight each other, they betray... Always fighting, but the ones in power maintain control. An odd sense of order that place has."
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn nods. "Those in power got there by being smarter and stronger than everyone else. We don't age so they just cement in and become so empowered that the effort to remove them directly is nigh impossible. Then they just spend some effort on getting some loyal, strong but not too strong lieutenants that can put the fear into the mob beneath them. After that it's easy. Let them fight their ways and try to impress enough to reach a favored spot. They step out of line, you crack down on em. And you tithe everyone under you protection tribute so you don't step on em and you get stronger and more stuff. Reaches the point the low end is a slavering horde desperate for approval and stuff they can take to get higher up, the higher ups try to keep em invested but take just enough to keep them from being too threatening and those that fuck up get replaced by the low end who were smart and strong enough to replace em. An endless food chain where the top tiers rarely change but the bottom is a piranha swarm. It's fascinating to watch from a distance. Being in it... Not so fun. Things are a lot more chill around here. More likely to get sold than to get stabbed."

She looked up towards her imps as she paid for the candy. "Enjoying the candy, girls?"