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When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

The squid's skin, as well as whatever made up the meaty part of its body, was quite resistant. The first bullet went into the core, digging a deep drill hole in the monster. It screamed and flopped even more, seriously injured, spasming in pain. Fortunately, Gerran managed to retain enough sense to not empty his entire gun, instead stopping after four more bullets were shot into the squid's body. Each shot caused it to yelp and twitch more, but the final blow killed it nearly instantly, mid-scream.

After the echoing stopped, all was dead silent, except for the wind. A brief moment of loud chaos in the deserted city. If anyone or thing heard, there was no indication. Gerran was left on his own for a moment more.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

After letting loose 5 rounds into the thing, it finally died. Immediately afterwards, he stopped to listen, hearing nothing but dead silence of the wind. Still, zombies weren't exactly the loudest thing in the world so he still needed to remain cautious, but it was nice to at least relax just a tiny bit. Quickly gathering his pack and crowbar he stopped for a brief moment he hacked at one of the tentacles of this.. thing and put it in his backpack to check out later. He hadn't encountered this type of monster before, and it seemed like bullets and melee weapons didn't have exactly the greatest effect on this monster.

Looking up from the creature, he watched the door as he thought to himself, scratching his head.
Frustrating, it seemed like this thing was able to take hits like it was nothing. Seemed more like a jellyfish then a monster really. It absorbed almost the entire blow from my crowbar cause it just seemed to be a mass of meat without any bone structure. Bullets seemed more effective, but it took like 5 shots to bring it down. Being so close two or three shots is all it should have took. I'll have to try to figure out something about these things in case I run into them again.
After thinking it over, he quickly scanned the outside of the house to make sure everything was clear. As soon as he was convinced it was safe enough, he started to jog as quietly as he could, continuing in the direction he had wanted in the first place, out of the city.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Scanning outside, there still wasn't any movement, either front or back. Gerran could take either way, but the back allyways offered more cover. Might actually be faster, too, as the street was pretty clogged with debris. There was one advantage to taking the front exit though, Gerran would be able to see if anything was heading towards him long before he could in the cramped quarters out back. It was already hard to see if anything was lurking on a rooftop, it'd be even harder if he was actually out in the middle of it.

Also, the bicycle was still sitting out back, ready to ride, if Gerran so chose to use it. It might attract more attention though, fast moving objects not being very stealthy, plus it'd make a little noise. Even then, it might be hard to manuever with it.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

While others would of chosen what to do by now, he continued to examine the area and think. He needed a destination, yet didn't have one. He needed to get to a safe place, but doesn't know one. He needs to find friends or allies fast, and he doesn't have any.

The bike was still an option, and zombies most likely wouldn't hear or pay attention to the little amount of noise it would make. However, that squid thing he had never encountered, and he had no idea what else could be out there. Zombies were slow, so he had considered this to be a good choice at first, but now that evidence of other creatures and abominations had entirely messed up the rule book he had been sticking to up to this point. What if there were fast creatures? What if there were creatures that had projectiles? Everything was thrown out of place within his mind, until eventually he came across something in his thoughts.
Wait a sec... how come I haven't seen any of these zombies eating people? I've seen them, I know they exist. And I see the bodies littered in pieces.. but I've never seen zombies ever feasting on people. What do they do then? And then what is it that is tearing people apart to shreds?

Since he had no plan, the rules had changed, and everything he had come to understand he couldn't understand anymore, he might as well just flip a coin. But one thing was certain. He had to get out of the city, and fast. Testing the chains and the breaks on the bike to make sure they weren't worn or broken, he leaped ontop of it and rode off into the street....

((wait a sec are there monster girls? Just a question. If not, then no rape :p.... no gay stuff <_<. I don't swing that way.))
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(Yeah, there's infected human females. Most agressive, some passive ;) )

While the street was in bad shape and mostly blocked, Gerran could make it with a wide, sweeping path, at least for as far as he could see, which actually wasn't that far. Most of the debris here were vehicles with equal parts luggage, this had been a popular route of people fleeing the city. While there might be something useful mixed in with all of it, it would take time searching the stuff. There was also a bus, crashed longwise across the street, almost cutting it off, that had alot of suitcases on top, probably from tourists. Those would be full of entirely different supplies.

It was hard to navigate the city streets, but up ahead there were several clear choices. Gerran could either head straight, out of the city this way down main streets, or cut left, through the industrial district and out into the desert. It'd be faster that way, but the dangers would only be different, not lessened. The real advantage would be that a few blocks South from here, there was an onramp to the freeway, as advertsied by a large green sign at the end of this block. If clear, that'd be the quickest way to travel, with some added saftey from the solid fences on either side, but there was no way to tell before he actually went and checked it out.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

He continued to swerve around things left and right, the luggage was the biggest trouble to avoid because sometimes it would be small stuff like a simple bottle of shampoo, when he was usually concentrating on not running over the bodies of people that littered the road.

Seeing the sign to the free way, his first instinct was to immediately book it that way, but then a thought occurred to him. Most likely, everybody would have tried to take the freeway, and less people probably took the streets. So the streets should clear up, and the freeway was most likely clogged. Then again, everybody would be LEAVING the city. So the other side of the freeway, where people come into the city, should almost be entirely barren. But then there was the fact that zombies were probably all over the streets on both sides. And if he needed a rest, he'd have to bike until the next rest stop for truckers that are usually littered places.

He decided it was best to stick to the streets, keeping himself hidden moderately, but still open enough to find shelter if he needed to flee.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

This routine was kept for for several more blocks, before Gerran started to hear some strange noises from an ally. Two voices were moaning in pain and crying out, female, but something wrong with them. The ally in question was half a block up ahead, near a flaming barrel, but otherwise nothing stood out about it. There was an ally down the other side of the street that looked clear about 20 feet before it, offering a chance to avoid the whole situation.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

((To be rather cold, I probably would go right on pass IRL, but this is a game so heck might make an ally or an action scene!))

Screeching to a halt on his bike, he heard the odd noises from the alley way. Gazing towards the sound, he had to first logically think this over in his head.

Voices in an alleyway, a tight narrow area that doesn't provide much room to maneuver. Yet the voices are clearly human, but also in pain. Infected? Very likely. But that would only apply to the zombie rules of George A Romero. Yet this is something completely different. Seems like it's more from something like the T-Virus if closest to anything possible. Yet how this thing works is still unclear. Possibly the infection only takes over if they die? Ugh, this would be so much easier to figure out if the rules weren't so damn different. Zombies moan from what I know, but hell I fought a giant squid.

His conscious was getting the better of him, but that still didn't mean he was going to be careful about it. Once he learned how this thing worked, he'd be able to adjust the rules accordingly and again make solid progress..

He rode his bike up to entrance of the alleyway staying back a good 10 or so feet, but never entering as remained on his bike. Should be easy for him to make a getaway if things went bad. Checking his gun, he undid the safety and readied his aim. "Hey! If your human, say something? Otherwise I'm leaving you in there!" Glancing off to his sides he still wanted to be wary of an attack from somewhere else.
Let's just hope Hunters or Smokers still don't exist.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(Heh, well I wanted to show you some female "monsters")

The noises were coming from around a small bend in the ally, so Gerran couldn't exactly see what was back there, plus it was dark. When he called out there was an immediate response in the form of a loud snarl, the a clearly infected woman rounded the corner. Her clothes were ripped up alot, and it looked like she'd seen some recent violence, but she actually didn't seem like much of a threat. Her left foot was seriously hurt, and she drug it behind her, a little old lady could outrun her at her present rate. She was also alot more hunched over then visible damage would suggest nessisary.

As the thing lurched towards him, Gerran heard another one, but it was different somehow. It was also calling out, but its tone was different, as if it was hurt and full of sadness, and staying on the ground, back in the ally.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(heh, doesn't mean my guy is going to get stupid. Might have to do better. *grin* I'm guessing the first one has low hit points?)

Sure enough a zombie came around the corner of the alley. He'd been right to be careful. Even though she was slow though, she was still mobile. Best to kill it to prevent it infecting anybody else.

He put the safety back on his gun, this zombie clearly should be easy to take out in melee. Twirling the crowbar in his right hand, he approached the thing slowly before finally wielding it. He waited until she was just within reach and swung his crowbar downward onto her head.
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Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(You can't just kill a zombie like that... that isn't how fighting works x.x)
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

((Ok, fixed my post.))
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

The blow connected right in the center of the woman's skull with a sickening *crack*. The zombie colapsed to the ground, moaning in pain. Despite the force, she was still "alive", but clearly down and out. Still determined, she weakly reached out and tried to grab Gerran's ankle, but she was too far away and not able to slide closer. Her voice was quite weak, but she still let out a few angry snarls, as best as she could.

On the other hand, the other infected's moans grew more distressed, it was aware of the other woman, and knew something had just happened to her. Strangely, there was a clear undercurrent of sadness and fear in this zombie's voice. Gerran still couldn't see her, but she sounded to be right around the corner, near a dumpster.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

((so now I can kill it off like I want right?))

He sneered at the downed zombie, watching it draw a bit closer. Lifting his foot up high, he slammed it down into the monsters head crushing it further. Just to be sure though, he gripped his crowbar tightly as he swung a backhand blow with it, tearing the head off from the neck and rolling a trail of blood as it finally stopped when it hit the alleyway wall.
"Rule number 2. Double tap."

Finally looking up from the dead corpse, he heard the other one moaning as well. Yet it was rather odd. It had feeling in it. Emotion. Sadness? Despair? "That's not something a zombie would have. Zombies are mindless creatures. This one actually sounds like it's in pain..... could be a Witch. Last thing I need is a woman with sharp claws chasing me."

Peering down the alleyway, curiosity was starting to get the best of him. But logic brought him back to the current reality. Survival was necessary, curiosity only got you killed in such scenarios. Still, if this woman or zombie or whatever had coherent, it would be worth checking out. But not without precautions.
Only leaning slightly into the alley, but staying behind the dumpster he called out softly.
"Hey, I ain't coming in there unless you show you can understand me. You alive or one of them things? Answer quick or your getting left behind."
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(Yeah, not always, but in this case you can just end it)

Finishing off the zombie was a peice of cake, but doing so made the other person in the passageway more upset. It was becoming obvious it was also a zombie, but not a normal one, a quick glance confirmed it. A blonde woman, clutching he belly and laying next to a dumpster. It knew what Gerran just did, and was very afraid. Its moans and cries became more distressed
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

He couldn't help but raise his eyebrow, looking down at what seemed to be... a scared zombie?

Well this is new. Zombies shouldn't have fear. Is it possible some zombies retain enough humanity within them?

This again messed up with so many rules and messed with morals. The rules were always strictly black and white. Zombies must die. But the rules also stated they are mindless monsters without feelings or any sense of intelligence. This was so confusing.

His feelings got the best of him, he cautiously approached the women, looking from what he felt to be a safe distance. Crouching down, he studied the zombie, to get a closer and better look at this thing. Perhaps he had met somebody on the verge of mutation? Or in fact somebody with a gene more immune to it, allowing them to retain coherent thought?

Tapping the crowbar on the floor he tilted his head to the side, trying to see into the woman's eyes. "You can't speak it seems. Yet you seem to be actually scared of me. How come? You should be trying to kill me."
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Gerran's thoughts might have had some merit to them. The woman didn't look to be as far along as most of the zombies in her transformation. Her skin was only starting to lose color, and turn greenish, same could be said for her eyes. She had a long gash on her right arm, which she was holding close as she was curled up a bit. She also seemed to be feeling a bit sick, as she was clutching he belly a bit. Her eyes darted up to Gerran as he got closer, looking at him with fear.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Things have taken the turn for the weird, moreso then before. He noticed her constantly clutching her stomach. The large gash on her arm also seemed odd. Zombies never took time to transform, they either were a zombie or not. Seems like this one somehow got caught in between, unable to be a zombie yet not being human.

Feeling somehow more secure about the situation, the zombie/women being more afraid of him then vice versa, he inched closer, digging through his backpack and bringing out the little bit of antiseptic he had found earlier in his travels.

Unscrewing the top, he had to look at the women clutching her stomach again. he had a weird nagging feeling that he just couldn't let go unvoiced.
"Ok, that arm needs to be stitched up and cleaned immediately before it gets infected. Well, moreso then you already are."
Giving a small pause, he asked what had been bugging him.
"Your holding your stomach.. are you pregnant?"
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

The woman looked up at Gerran, at first trying to flinch away. When he did not just kill her she relaxed, but only slighty. Her green eyes peered up at him, suspiciously. She wouldn't let go of her arm, but if Gerran wanted to clean it up for her, she didn't seem inclined to really stop him. Upon looking closer, there didn't seem to be much wrong with her, besides the gash. Her belly was normal, and while someone could be pregnant and not showing, it really didn't seem like that was the case, more as if she was just feeling really sick and wanted to throw up.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(ok thanks for the clarification, you never said if the zombies stomach was like bloated or not, and I figured she had been impregnated by a monster or something. And probably we should of established what kind of antiseptic I found.)

Taking a closer look at the label it turned out to be hydrogen peroxide. Glancing back down the alleyway briefly, he unscrewed the top and sloshed the liquid around inside, looking at the women quite puzzled.

Weird, hasn't bit me yet. Clearly had a chance.

"Alright, if you can still understand me, this might sting a bit, but it's going to help heal that wound on your arm."

Thinking though, perhaps she wouldn't be able to understand him. He poured a bit onto his hand, hoping to show that it wasn't harming him in the process. Briefly wiping it off on his genes, he steadied the bottle and poured the liquid into her wound.