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When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Before he could react, she was already on her way out.

Quickly he ran upstairs, gathering his things and grabbing Karin roughly by the hand, pulling her with him. "Karin we gotta go!" He shouted, quickly he pursued after the woman.

Chasing after her down the stairs, he called out. "Amy!? Amy!! Don't be stupid! Where are you going?! Your going to die if you go out by yourself!" The right direction? What did she mean?
"Amy! Where are you going? The right direction!? To where?! Is there a safe house or military camp?! Amy!!"

(Search for the girl.)
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

The street look much as it had when Gerran had taken shelter yesterday. Unfortunately, there were no signs of the girl, both because one lone person didn't leave much of a trail, and because there was enough of a mess on the street to provide visual distraction.

Gerran's ruckus attracted something else, though. His cries were echoed louder by rattling moans coming from down a nearby alley. It sounded much like the thing he'd found with Karin, though both voices in the in the mix were angry, unlike before. They were getting closer, and would round the corner soon. Karin tensed up and moved to hide behind Gerran.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Moaning. His ears picked up the sounds of moaning. Survival instincts now switched on, he could instantly tell how much of a idiot he had been.

Damnit! This is the kinda thing that happened to people in the movies! Yelling out loud, you fucking moron! She's most likely long gone, and you only exposed yourself!
The moans grew louder, he upholstered his pistol and flicked the safety as he readied from the encounter.
Well you've exposed yourself dumbass, but the least you can do is keep the attention on you and just hope she gets away... wherever she is.

It irritated him, he had been a good person and had been doing his best to provide for this random person, and she took off on him taking his close combat weapon and tool.

"Well sorry I couldn't protect you! Oh wait, I could if you had not TAKEN MY CROW BAR!" He emphasized that last bit in annoyance to nobody in particular, just himself.
If I find her later, she'd better be grateful as all hell.

(Glance about for a melee weapon, but ready for combat. Seriously though why did she take his crowbar?! T_T)
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(Because she needed a weapon too...)

There wasn't much in the way of obvious weaponry on the street. A few loose bits of a car, specifically a hub cap, was probably Gerran's best bet. A whole inadequate weapon if there ever was one, though with how badly the car was damaged, he may be able to pry a sharp piece of metal free if he really tried and used some other bits for leverage.

Karen continued to cower behind Gerran as the noise got closer. He had his weapon ready for when his attackers would round the corner, at least his reflexes were sharp.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

He'd given his position away plenty, so it didn't matter if he used his gun. The gunfire would probably be heard from ways away, but these zombies were luckily slow so it shouldn't be too much of a prob. He didn't have time to make a weapon, he'd need to use what he's got. Wasting ammo wasn't his favorite thing, but it seemed necessary this time. But he was going to use the car.

Grabbing Karin, he pulled her down behind the car with him. He harshly whispered under his breath.
"Stay here, don't make any noise unless you get in trouble."

The monsters still hadn't rounded the corner, so he might as well get a jump on them. He did his best to hide behind the wreckage, waiting for whatever it was to turn the corner to open fire upon.