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Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

The sister puts her hands on her shoulders shoulders and tries to get her to focus a bit. "Sen, your family has a demonic lineage, Count Dracula is awakening, as a descendant of one of his servants the power in your bloodline is arising. You have the power to take people's souls to empower yourself among other things. It is not a bad thing, there are many like you who have monsterous family trees. Please calm yourself child."
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Wh- I steal peoples souls?! Sen almost wails out. Is that what happened to Sarah? She continues, thinking of the lover she had that had fallen into a coma, prompting her to flee her school.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

"No that would have killed her, you only took part of it, she will recover in about a month. You will not be held responsible for anything. Now, I must go find those 5 you encountered. I believe I have an idea of where they are."
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Sen simply sits there whimpering. Wh-what do I do now? She asks, starting to regret having tried to find out what had been going wrong with her body.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

"Well I can arrange to find you a place to live until this passes, hopefully before you turn."
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Th-this will pass right? Someone will do s-something right? Sen asks, not wanting to turn into a monster and afraid of losing her mind to whatever the woman is talking about.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

"Hopefully....it all depends on how quickly the forces of good can react, the church can do little right now, we have our hands full keeping this all secret to keep the world from panicing. You actually have a better chance than we do being unburdened."
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

B-but, there's no way I can f-f-fight. I b-barely ran away from th-those four. Sen pushes out, terrified of what might happen if she went along with the woman's suggestion to fight. It would probably end a lot worse for her than simply waiting.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

"I think you sell yourself short dear...." The nun holds up Sen's hands to show her nails have grown some and become pointed like claws. "I think this was a reaction to you being in danger....I'm sure you can do even more."
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Wha...? Nononono! I can't f-fight. Those th-things are scary. I c-could n-never hope to be something like th-them Sen stutters out, alarmed by the fact that she has what is almost claws now.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

"Unfortunatly because you are connected to this you must either fight for your life, or hide and hope nothing happens. Just as I."
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

B-but, I don't know how to f-fight. Pl-plus th-those things are f-far stronger than m-me, even if I have the p-powers you say I h-have. Sen replies to the woman, pretty sure that the hide and hope choice is probably the better one given how inhumanly powerful the monsters are.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

"I understand, stay here for now, I have to go face those creatures. If I don't return someone else will come to get you to safety." She nods to the old man and leaves, he locks the door behind her and looks out the blinds grumbling. "I don't like this....she's strong but she isn't as strong as her mother yet..."
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Wh-who is she anyway...? Sen asks from her spot on the couch. If a woman like that, who seems to know what she's doing, can't beat the women, Sen will likely just flee the town. There's no way Sen can ever win in a fight: she doesn't know how to fight someone in the first place.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

"Back in the war me and my unit were patrolling the black forest, we figured we'd find the occasional vichy maybe a nazzie that got left befind. Something found us instead. I don't know what they were, it was dark, all I could tell was something was tearing my mates apart. Well we all hauled ass, up ahead we saw this woman, dressed like a.....a....gypsy or somethin'. We screamed at her to run, figured she'd get killed even faster. Well she raised her hands and did something, I'm not sure what but the things chasin' us just blew up or ran. We musta been a sight, 14 of the toughest grunts the army could make and we were cowering behind a woman with blue hair in a frilly outfit...." He grins and seems to zone out. "Anyways! That girl is her daughter, I don't think she's as strong her mother yet though. I wish I could go help her but I can barely walk down the street fast, I'm no monster killer. I guess all I can do is sit here and hope that poor girl doesn't die all alone out there..." He falls back into a recliner with a sad sigh.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Her eyes going wide at the thought of how powerful the woman must be, Sen speaks, If sh-she can do something like that and has trouble, th-then we wouldn't even have a chance of f-fighting. She says from the couch, guessing she would have to wait there until the woman came back. Or simply wait there for a few hours and then flee the town when it looks like the woman isn't coming back.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

The man suddenly gasps and walks into the bedroom and comes out holding a small box. "Damnit I could have given this to her and it might have helped. I...I hate to ask you but I need you to run after her and give her what's in this box. Please it might save her life..." He offers the box to Sen a desperate look in his eyes.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

B-but I might end up g-getting attacked again. Pl-plus I d-don't know where t-to go. Th-they were in the ch-church before, b-but she said they w-weren't when she ch-checked it. Sen says, terrified of the idea of going towards where the women might be as well as lost as to how to find the witch woman.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

"She walked off into the pine barrens, trust me if she's anything like her mother you'll be able to find her. Please, I'm not asking you to fight, just help her."
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

B-but... I don't even know where the barrens are... Pl-plus aren't there supposed to be a l-lot of monsters in there, t-too? Sen asks. Quite frankly, she has never been to this town before, so for all she knew, the barrens might extend in all directions away from the town. Plus, the man had already remarked before about how dangerous the barrens are.