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Wild Animals [Mission sign up]

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
This is the sign-up thread for, "Wild Animals"

Once three people post, they will form their own group. After that, if three more people post, they to, will form their own group.

Once I get two, or three groups, I'll start the mission.
Re: Wild Animals

Okay, fine, Melissa and Mina join up. Unless Mina decides she's afraid of animals or something.
Re: Wild Animals

Yop, as far as I'm concerned. I assume Simca's character Sera is ready; Melissa's grabbing a few more bullets from the Shop thread, and I dunno if Mina wants to grab anything (I presume not). Heck, maybe she'd want some brass knuckles or somesuch.
Re: Wild Animals

Okay, Melissa's locked and loaded - first party, ready to move out.
Re: Wild Animals

As Mina, Melissa, and Sera gather in the lobby, the Director, accompanied by Freyda, the maid sporting a broadsword everywhere she went, acting as if it wasn't there, came walking down the steps having heard mention of a party being ready to move out. The Director moved to the chair at the main desk, and lifted herself up due to her small height, the chair making her seem much larger than she really was.

"Thank you all for finally coming," she announced, sounding a tad irritated, "In this mission you are about to be sent out on, you will be scouting out the local zoo due to a large amount of strange activity. None of us even know what to say is going on over there, but I have reason to believe none other than the now infamous woman in white has her hand in this strange activity, and I want you-" she points her finger in general at the three girls, "to find out what she's up to over there."

She leaned back in her chair, "It's that simple, simply scout the area, remain vigilant, and report back what you find. And, I should warn you, the creatures there will have likely taken on many different mutations, so there will be many dangers awaiting you. Be careful."

She folded her fingers, and rested her head on her hands, "Any questions?" she asked the girls.
Re: Wild Animals

"Um, yeah, now that I think about it. Do you have a radio or something we can use to report in with? Since the zoo's so large, I guess we're not the only group going scouting, so if we run into things, we should have some way of letting other groups know what we've run into so they can be on the lookout for it."
Re: Wild Animals

"Due to the strange nature of many of the town's supplies disappearing, radios are not something we have a high supply of. One of you will be given a two way radio, it's partner going to the helicopter pilot, in case of emergencies," she took out a radio, likely the one she meant, and laid it on the table for one of the girls to take, "Try not to lose it," she reminded the three.
Re: Wild Animals

Jenn stared at the back of the director's head and bit her lip.


On one hand I don't think I trust the director enough to take her word that her "reasons" (for believing that woman is behind anything that might be going on at the zoo) are valid...

But on the other hand, a mission with 2 other girls and a radio link to some back-up is probably about the safest thing it's possible to do, and I could use a little confidence boost just now. Why not? And while she waited for a second group to be ready...

Jenn quietly makes her decision known:


"I'll join one of these groups, Director. Just send someone to come find me when enough people are committed to going - I'll be in the inn."
Re: Wild Animals

Without looking at Jenn, or even acknowledging her, she replied.

"Noted," she said to Jenn, not even acknowledging her after being interrupted.

Her eyes still fixed on the three she was addressing, she asked, "Any other questions? Or are you through?"
Re: Wild Animals

Melissa gives a nod, as she accepts the radio and starts stashing it inside her backpack. It'll take a minute to haul it out, if she wants to use it, but the only way it'd go missing is if a monster pulled the backpack off her raped body.

"Well, if we lose it, it won't be for lack of effort on our part... lemme think... it's been years since I went to the zoo... so I've forgotten what exhibits they have. Is it just land animals, or did they have a plant conservatory or an aquarium too?"
Re: Wild Animals

Jenn pauses on her way out, standing near the three girls who are about to leave, having thought of an important question.


"Oh, quick before the first group leaves: Somehow I have a 'feeling' the answer is no but...

Hotels often have pamphlets from nearby attractions - I don't suppose there's a stand full of those things somewhere in the inn that happens to include a few maps of the zoo or something? Might be nice to have a little coordination here, divvy up the different sections and whatnot..."
Re: Wild Animals

The Director answers both of their questions.

"The zoo's a good distance away, so the previous owner did not include such a pamphlet, although I have visited this zoo before."

"Mutated plants and animals will be your main concern for most of your scouting, but there is indeed an aquarium in the very back of the area. That area is likely very dangerous, as it contained many varieties of creatures that have doubtlessly taken on many ungodly transformations..." her eyes narrowed, "As I've been told, each creature has evolved in such a way that makes it easier to impregnate their victims, so you should be careful about going near dark water..."
Re: Wild Animals

Sera blinks. "You know those tentacles coming out of the grates...maybe those are mutated squid?"
Re: Wild Animals

"Just like the reported, gargoyles, we believe the strange things lurking in the sewers are from another plain, and are not mutated forms of animals that inhabited Earth."

The Director wiped her wrist across her forehead, taking some of the sweat off, "Is that all of your questions? Can we move on?" she asked Melissa, Sera, and Mina, getting irritated.
Re: Wild Animals

"'Don't go near dark water.' Okay, I think that's all my questions... um, I just remembered I have a knife in my room... I'll go get it, and then meet you two outside. We'll take my car and drive over. Easier than trying to walk all that way. Unless there's anything else you wanted to tell us, ma'am?"

(Add the combat knife to Melissa's inventory. Guns don't work so well underwater...)
Re: Wild Animals

The Director let out a slight chuckle of sarcasm at the question.

"Yes... Try not to lose your clothes..." she raises a finger, her face serious again, "Also, beware of the afore mentioned mutated animals. They were deadly before they mutated, so watch out for how that translated into the monsters we've come to know, that is all. Your helicopter is awaiting you above, good luck."

With that, the Director closed the briefing, getting down from her high chair, with her heels giving a loud click as she hit the floor, as she walked with Freyda, back up the stairs, disappearing to the 2nd floor.
Re: Wild Animals

After the Director leaves, Melissa turns to Mina and Sera.

"Well, I think it'd be better if we drove there instead of flying, so... visit the shop if you need to, I'll see you in the parking lot. Um, Jenn, is it? I'll be radioing back periodically, passing on whatever we've found... so listen to the radio, OK? Best to know what you're getting into..."

She then gets up herself, heading out the door. She'll pick up that knife, and her car keys, and then off they go.

(Oh, this is gonna be good... I just realized Sera's got a mental problem - she's got the drawback "Zealot: Refuses to harm an animal. AT ALL." And now we're going to a zoo full of rapist mutated animals. Get ready to be airlifted back home... why did Sera even sign up for this?)

(And I guess we should move to a new thread - "Wild Animals Group 1".)