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Wild things (Suzy)

Re: Wild things (Suzy)

The demonic tentacles fucked Suzy relentlessly, and fervently, the phallus in her pussy, if anything, only seeming to go faster, and faster with each passing second. And if that wasn't enough to make her eyeballs draw back into her head, one of the tentacles holding her legs slithered further along her skin, and quickly dipped into her anus, causing a painful sting where it pushed open her hole, and a strange pleasure as it slipped inside, going deeper, and deeper into her ass, until Suzy herself felt like a good portion of her insides were invaded by the tentacle, before beginning a slow, and very, very strange feeling movement inside her. It felt as if it was worming around inside her ass, causing her whole body to feel invaded, only serving to further weaken her soul, and allow the dark manifestation to absorb more of her energy.

Suzy was fucked in this manner for what seemed like forever, and during that time, she felt the effects of her soul being stolen away from her taking effect. She was feeling almost like the world was turning gray, like all the emotion, and energy had been sucked out of her, and replaced with obedience, and lust. And before those effects could truly take place within her mind, and mark her utter defeat, the tentacles suddenly stopped, and slowly began to unravel around her, freeing her from their grasp, until they returned from the pit from whence they came. The same went for the other tentacles, who were raping her friends, crew, and sister. And the next thing she knew, a look up revealed a large ball of energy in the sky that only an individual who is magically adept at the least could see, which seemed to be the collection of all of the energy that was sucked out of them all, massed into one large ball of pure power...

At that moment, various witches stepped forward from behind each of the men and women staked to the ground, already chanting an unknown, dark magic, gathering around the circle with the elves. And at the same time, they all lifted their staffs into the air, causing the ball of soul energy to spread into even pieces, each landing in front of one of the men and women of the elven race...

What came out of these odd, portal-like puddles of soul power that landed in front of them all, was what appeared to be very attractive women, each of very different appearances, but all maintaining an almost scary presences of beauty, and sexy appeal.

However, what appeared before Suzy was something else... Something, almost odd. Instead of a powerful looking, sexually appealing horned woman with a tail, what appeared before Suzy, and the witch who apparently was the one who was minding her, was what revealed herself to be a little girl at first sight, just like the witches. She was wearing a plain, white dress, with green ribbons, and lining. She had gold blond hair, and green eyes, as well as a carefree looking smile on her face, which almost seemed to be something she wore quite often.

"W... What is this?" the witch asked in a confused tone, "I call for a Succubus, and I get this? What's going on here?" she asks aloud, astonished by the tiny size of the demon she had summoned.

The small girl with small horns, not to mention a small tail, looked about her new surroundings curiously, giggling oddly as she did so, before her cute face fixed on Suzy's naked body. She walked over to her with an innocent trot, before reaching out, and poking one of Suzy's nipples playfully, first observing how the stiff nipple acted like a button, before poking it some more, giggling innocently.

Then, the little girl noticed the witch, her words apparently sinking in to the blithe appearing girl's mind. She seemed to forget all about Suzy, not even giving her a second glance, before trotting over to the witch in the same manner as before, "Hello!" the girl suddenly said to the witch, her voice filled with joy and excitement, "What are you all doing here? Are you playing a game? Can I play, please? " The girl waited for the answer as she looked to the girl, expecting to hear an invitation to play, while the witch herself looked like she didn't know what to say at all...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy's moans turned into a yip of pain as her rear entrance was penetrated by the demonic beast, but she could still do nothing, even as her vision dulled and blurred as she was fucked senseless by the tentacles. When they stopped Suzy collapsed, drooping as much as her bonds would allow her. She looked up at the demon women in front of her bretheren, then at the girl in front of her, too numb to do much as the child came over and poked her nipple, before turning to talk to the witch, seemingly forgetting the poor elf on the post...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

There was silence for some time after the small demon's request, before the witch behind Suzy gave a hesitant response, "My... My lady demon..." she regarded the little girl, as if uncertain if that's what she should call her, "She... She is your playmate..." she directed at Suzy, unsure as to the purpose of the demoness before her. She pulled out a knife, and quickly cut Suzy's bonds, letting her weak body fall to the ground, before backing away a little, wanting to watch what the tiny demon does with what was supposed to be a meal for the demon she summoned, as Suzy fell, and landed on her side, facing the demonic girl with horns and a tail.

The small demonic child simply looked innocently at the witch as she was being spoken to, then suddenly said; "Oh... Ok!" Her voice had quickly regained it's eagerness as she looked over to Suzy, a strange aura of excitement about her. She skipped over to her after the witch had freed her from the stake sticking out of the ground. The girl was looking her over eagerly. Because she wasn't standing up, the girl got down on her knees as she looked to Suzy's face, a cute smile stretched across her lips. "Hello. I'm Alice, what's your name? Can we play, pretty please?" Playfully, she reached out and placed her left hand on Suzy's face, her other hand reaching out to pinch the nipple she had been poking, giving a giggle as she pinched it between her fingers.
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy paid no attention to the conversation, oblivious to the world until her bonds were cut and she collapsed onto the floor, which snapped her back to reality. The little demoness approached her, and knelt in front of her. Suzy was taken aback by the way in which the demon addressed her, and gormed for a moment at her, while the child touched her face and pinched her nipple, slightly painfully, before answering "Ugh... I'm Suzy... And I don't suppose I have any choice whether or not play with you... So, ugh, sure? What do you want to do...?". Suzy couldn't really comprehend what was going on at the moment and it probably showed, but she was aware enough to know that it was probably best to go along with this, until she could find a way to get out of here, and rescue Reyth and the others...
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Re: Wild things (Suzy)

After Suzy asked what she wanted to play, the little demon folded her arms behind her back, seeming to be thinking of an answer. After less then a minute of thinking she suddenly clapped her hands together, a cute, childish grin appearing on her lips, "I know!" she said, her voice sounding excited." Let's play hide and go seek. Ill go hide and you can find me!" Then, the little demon got up from the ground, her green eyes looking at her playmate. "Are you ready to play?" she asked, her voice sounding excited and a little bit impatient as well.
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy glanced questioningly at the witch behind the little demon, before turning to face the demoness, pushing herself to a sitting position, wincing as her sore body moved along the rough floor. "Ok..." Suzy says, cautious about the strange behaviour exhibited in front of her. "Well, off you go...?"
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

"Close your eyes and count to ten!" the girl said in an excited voice, before suddenly running off in the opposite direction. She ran quickly away from Suzy, going past the witch, towards the many huts where the witches called a temporary home, and vanishing into the darkness of the night, the heavily cloudy sky blocking out the light from the moon...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy just did as she was told by the Demoness, she put her hands over her eyes and counted out loud to ten, blushing madly at the childish game this supposed demon was playing. Upon finishing she would look around at her companions, before going after the little demon, assuming the witches would allow it...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

The witch, although she didn't try to stop Suzy, certainly seemed to keep an eye on her in case she tried to escape, likely seeing to use the odd little demon's game as an excuse to escape. And in the meantime, after following the little demon in the direction she ran, and searching for a few minutes, she eventually saw something very odd. Within an arranged set of casks, Suzy could see a certain demon's heart shaped tail slightly poking out from a group of casks made from straw, the shape of the tail being more cute than demonic, and could only belong to the same little demon from before...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy glanced around at the tail sticking out from behind the caskets, and sighs a little, before deciding to humour the little demon. "Damn... where DID she go..." she says out loud, before wandering directly away from her, making sure to keep the caskets in sight, and not wandering too far away either to make sure the witches didn't attack her again...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

While Suzy had her back to the casket, she heard a faint giggle coming from behind her sounding like that of a little girl. Meanwhile, sounds of sex could be heard, or rather, rape, as in the corner of her eye, Suzy could make out several other demons, full grown women, mostly, fucking her elven kin, either by mounting the men's cocks, or by somehow growing their clits into cocks, and fucking the women vigorously.

Suzy's sister was among those women getting raped. The tiny elf, hardly having been an adult since recently, was on her back, laying on top of one of the deadly attractive demonesses. And the things that drew the most attention, was the cock inside the elf's pussy, and the sex-crazed moaned coming from Reyth herself as the demoness rammed her phallus into her, sucking the last ounce of her soul she had left as if it were food...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy turned to gawp at the orgy happening in front of her, and was consumed by sadness at what was happening... Worse than anything was how little she could do to help, and even that was assuming she could find a weapon. Tears flowed freely down her face, but even as she contemplated, she realised she had little choice but to "play" with this little demon... so she went across to the huts, in an attempt to sneak up behind the girl, and to hide herself from the horrible happenings...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy found that coming up along the side of the hut, where the casks were placed, and where the little demon was hiding, was not a difficult task, and easily snuck up along the side of the little demon, it's tail being a good indicator on which direction she was facing...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy would creep up on the girl and softly rest one arm around her shoulders and neck, pulling her in towards her bare chest, before whispering "Boo." in her ear. Her voice came out flatter than usual, but Suzy would not blame the little child-like demon for the happenings out there. It was the witches fault. They would be the ones to pay.
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

When Suzy put her arm around the little demon and whispered to her, the small demon let a small squeak of surprise out, before giggling, her voice sounding very amused. " You found me! " she said with a bright smile on her face. " Good job. Can... " she trailed off as she looked at Suzy, an odd look of concern washing over the little demon's face. " Hey... Is something wrong? " she asked softly, and innocently, her smile seeming to fade away as the look of concern came and replaced the one of amusement and joy.
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy sighs and lets go of the little demon wincing as she sits back down on her sore rump. "Well, you're 'friends' that came up with you, they were summoned by those witches. And they are defiling my friends and family over there..." She indicates back to where the sounds of sex can be heard "And there's nothing I can do to help them..."
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

"Oh..." the little demon said quietly, "I'm sorry... But, I'm sure your friend's will be okay. I think they will just have to do that weird thing with the other succubi a lot." she told Suzy, as if she thought, or hoped, that would calm her. Then, a moment later, the little demon snuggled up closer to Suzy. And at first, it seemed like she was going to hug her from behind in further attempt to calm her, but somehow, ended up grasping Suzy's breasts in her hands during the time she wrapped her arms under Suzy's armpits.

Then, the little demon's own elvish ears perked up, as if forgetting the grim situation, "Hey, can we play another game? Pleeease?" she begged.
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy sighed, the little demon obviously was a lesser being to the larger Succubi out on the mountaintop, but she still blushed when the girl grabbed her breasts. "Well... what did you have in mind...?" she says in response to the demon.
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Alice gave both of Suzy's large globes a squeeze as she grinned, having fun playing with the large breasts. Her lips parted and she seemed like she was about to saying something, but ended up stopping before saying anything. A thought had occurred to the girl. " Is there anything you wanna play? " she asked, thinking Suzy might cheer up if they play a game she likes.
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy gently prised the demons hands off of her bust, instead holding the soft little hands in her own, before responding "I can't say I'm exactly knowledgeable of games, might you recommend one for me?"