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Winter Night (thetwo)

HP = 52/52, PP = 72, EP = 76/78, Status = Fine, Arcane Armor (+18 to all Resistance checks) Upkeep = 1 EP, Arcane Focus

Jenn: Naked, Exhausted
Karena Arselone: Exhausted
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: Injured

Sharog: Unhelpful orc captor, summoning demons

Daniella Boulay: ???
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Casting: Lots of success.

Jenn casts Drown at Dornhall.
Casting: 8 successes.
Attack: 66 on a terrible roll, vs 105, miss. Which is good.

When addressed, Jenn would gaze back at Ashley from her prone position blankly for a moment, before nodding. Dornhall and Karena would approach her, leaving able to Ashley to address them quickly. "We can deal with the chaff easily enough," Karena assured her. "No one is being abandoned," Dornhall stated bluntly, "It is not our way. If need be, we will cut down their hordes until they have no more power to draw on. They have not the advantages of surprise, terrain, or preparation on us this time."

However Ashley might respond to that, she could then turn to the faerie, who would nod in agreement. "I cannot distinguish which are summoned and which are in their true bodies from here, but there is one that we know is here in the flesh; the orc who started the cycle of conjuration in the first place. If we can take her out, we-" She was interrupted, then, as she swiftly swiveled her head in Jenn's direction. Ashley, on reflex, would be drawn that way as well as she felt the currents of power moving in the air under the water mage's will were most definitely not a healing spell. Dornhall, perhaps because he saw their reaction, twisted out of Jenn's grip just in time, moving out of the path of a sweeping burst of magical energy that splashed harmlessly against the cabin wall; had he not avoided that, her magic would have ruptured the blood vessels in his lungs by pulling the water portion of his blood through them, effectively drowning him on his own blood.

"What was that!?" Dornhall declared, raising his weapon in a defensive stance, while Karena still looked dumbfounded. A twisted, sadistic smile had come over Jenn's features, an expression that Ashley had most certainly never seen on her lover's features before, but before any real discussion could be had, the sound of rapid - far too rapid - footfalls crunching in the snow echoed from outside. The goblins, even without the storm's push slowing them, shouldn't have been able to cross that distance nearly that quickly. Something had given them an immense speed boost, as the nearest squad of six was practically already at the door, barreling forward with shields and primitive hand weapons as they sang a rowdy brawling song in their own fiendish tongue.
Ashley nodded acknowledgement to Dornhall. She appreciated the sentiment, even if it seemed a little wasteful to her. There wasn't time to better explain, not with battle imminent.

The faerie had more important information. And a good point. The orc would have to be the highest priority target. They would also have to rely on the faerie and her wolves to mark any others there in the flesh. But before she could work more on that, the wind mage felt her lover's magic. Familiar water magic. Not healing magic. Combat magic. Fortunately Dornhall twisted out of the way before it could tear into him, but... "what the hell?"

Was Jenn possessed? Under some form of mind control? Insane? Replaced with someone - or something - else? She'd been practically catatonic since they'd been released, and there had been plenty of time before then when Ashley had been unconscious, unable to use or sense magic, or both, where practically anything could have happened. There wasn't time to sort it out now. They would have to incapacitate her now, and work out what exactly happened later. "One of you tie her up, or make her sleep or... something!"

And in the mean time... that spell had been powerful enough to kill. So Ashley formed a counterspell, ready to stop whatever Jenn tried while her allies restrained her. She'd never fought against her lover in anything more than practice, but Ashley had chosen counter-magic as her main area of study at the Academy, and with the buff she'd just cast she didn't really believe any student at the academy could match her. Jenn included.

But even as that spell coalesced, she heard the sound of feet outside. Moving unnaturally quickly. The goblins were charging, with magically enhanced speed. That was... bad. She needed to move faster. So even while the first spell formed, Ashley pulled one hand away, and formed a second spell. Again, focused on her own mind. But this time it would enhance the speed of her thought. And particularly the speed with which she could form magic. Even with their incredible speed, the goblins would need time to batter down the door or otherwise enter, but when they did Ashley intended to be ready.

  • Casting Quickened Counterspell on Jenn, consuming Arcane Focus.
    • Should require 6 successes, and 4 EP. Should have 19 casting dice for this one spell due to consuming my buff. Ashley rerolls 2's and 3's on casting checks.
    • 29 focus. +3 lucky, +5 equipment, and +18 arcane armor. Also +8 (countermage) and +12 (potent spells), for a total of 75.
  • Casting Haste on herself
    • Should require 5 successes, and 4 EP. Should have 17 casting dice. Ashley rerolls 2's and 3's on casting checks.
    • 2 upkeep going forward.
  • Maintaining Arcane Armor (level 3, 1 upkeep, +18 resistance).
My understanding is that Quicken Spell can be used for the free action either before or after my standard action, and Arcane Focus can be consumed at will for +2 dice on the next roll, so the order of the two spells shouldn't really matter.

Quicken Spell - the character may cast a single spell that round as a free action at a cost of an additional 2 EP with a casting DC increased by 3.
Counterspell (Utility) [Choose a target creature within line of sight. If the target of this spell attempts to cast a Spell or activate a Power, the target must win a Focus vs Resistance (the same rules as Dispel apply) check against the caster of the attempt fails. They still spend all costs required to use the Spell or Power.]
Arcane Focus (Utility) [The character may expend this spell at any time after casting, removing it completely, to gain a +2 die bonus to their next casting check or attack roll.]
Haste (Utility) [The caster can take two standard actions per round instead of one. These actions take no penalties from each other, but this spell does not grant additional grapple actions, only an additional standard action if they manage to escape from the grapple. Costs 2 EP upkeep.]
HP = 52/52, PP = 72, EP = 71/78, Status = Fine, Arcane Armor (+18 to all Resistance checks) Upkeep = 1 EP, Arcane Focus

Jenn: Naked, Exhausted
Karena Arselone: Exhausted
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: Injured

Sharog: Unhelpful orc captor, summoning demons

Daniella Boulay: ???
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Goblin Fighter 1: Taken 15 damage
Goblin Fighter 2: Taken 20 damage
Goblin Fighter 3: Taken 0 damage
Goblin Fighter 4: Taken 0 damage
Goblin Caster 1: Taken 20 damage
Goblin Caster 2: Taken 20 damage

Casting: 10 on Counterspell, 16 on Haste. 1 less EP on Counterspell, 3 less EP on Haste. Total cost of 5 EP this round.
A counterspell is ready on Jenn, and Ashley has Haste.

Two goblins smash in the door with the help of a third who blasted it to weaken it.

A goblin uses Puppeteer, X = 13, for 16 EP, on Ashley. She gets a total of +41 to the Willpower check, and must make a DC 52 check.
Willpower: Natural 20, total of 61, she is not Puppeteered.

Karina goes to smack Jenn in the head. Jenn tries to cast Chains of Water on her.
Casting: Enough, but just barely on a really bad roll on her part.
Counterspell check: Ashley wins, Jenn got a nat 1, lol.
Attack: Hit, even on a bad roll on Karina's part.
Damage: 55, enough to KO a naked Jenn.

The faerie mage uses Rimewind Blast, X = 8
Attack: 76 vs 67, 88, 88, 79, hit miss miss miss, only one of the warrior goblins takes full damage.
Damage: 5 x 8 = 40, 20 on all but one goblin. Some of them have armor though.

Dornhall makes to try and stab a goblin fighter.
Attack: 104, hits.
Damage: 55 - 20 = 35 damage.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Dornhall demanded, but Jenn was already casting another spell. Fortunately, Ashley was quick to react to her schoolmate and lover's sudden change of loyalties, and she rent the spell that Jenn had been preparing apart before it could fully take shape. Karena, at that point, simply slammed the hilt of her blade on the back of the water mage's head. That left Jenn seizing and flopping limply to the ground, but however Ashley might feel about that turn of events, she had other issues.

The door that she had expected to hold for a moment, didn't. A lance of power slammed into it, the light of the attack as it struck the door bleeding through the cracks, and it bowed inwards and cracked under the power of the strike. A physical blow followed a few seconds later, causing it to crack again, and then another had it breaking inwards as a goblin tumbled into the room. The diminutive demon, clad in light plating and bearing an axe, was on his feet almost as soon as he'd landed, and another armored one followed. Behind them came a third goblin, this one a busty female one, and she immediately turned upon Ashley and pointed.

The wind mage suddenly felt her muscles seize, going stiff, and it took a forceful effort of will to keep herself from going totally still. The goblin pointing at her giggled, but then pouted, throwing back their long red hair and giving a loud "harumph" as they realized that their power hadn't worked.

Ashley's allies, thankfully, were far from idle at that point. The sidhe mage turned upon the goblins and made to blow them out of the door with a burst of icy wind, but as the blast washed over them the goblins seemed to largely shrug the brunt of it off, much to her surprise. Dornhall was quick to lunge forward, jabbing his spear at the first goblin to enter, but the demon shifted aside suddenly and caught only the edge of the spear on his side rather than simply being skewered. Three more of the fiends remained outside, ready to pile in at any moment, though Ashley was ready to react at that point...
Ashley felt the fabric of the world move at her command. She'd been a little nervous casting two spells at once so soon after her ordeal, but the rest she'd gotten seemed to have been enough. She could feel the world slow around her. Or more accurately, her own perception - and to a certain extent her whole body - speed up. And at the same time, felt the magical flux as Jenn once again turned hostile magic against her allies. Normally, she couldn't have reliably stopped her lover, who was after all quite a skilled mage. But just now, with her preparatory enhancements made it close to a sure thing. But... she wasn't sure if it was her accelerating perception, or Jenn's lack of rest, or some lingering resistance to whatever was making her attack her allies, but stilling the aura around the water mage and stopping her spell dead in its tracks felt like shooing away a fly.

But her perception wasn't the only thing moving more quickly than normal. Even as Karina knocked the hilt of her blade against Jenn's head, knocking her out, the door broke inward, followed immediately by three goblins, the final of whom pointed at Ashley, unleashing a blast of power.

The wind mage felt that power close around her entire body, like a second skin, sinking in, tightening. And a parallel tightening around her mind, a forceful feminine voice whispering in her ear. Ashley squeezed her fist, refusing even to hear the voice. And in her enhanced state managed it. Not by a small margin, but it was still strong enough that the third goblin could not be ignored. She raised her closed fist, then opened it, pointing right back at the goblin, returning the attempted mental magic with a blast of wind.

And then, for good measure, she raised her other fist and unleashed a second, taking a moment to aim this one through the now-open doorway.

  • Maintaining Arcane Armor (level 3, 1 upkeep, +18 resistance).
  • Maintaining Haste (2 upkeep, additional standard action per turn).
  • Casting Gust (level 3, 2 EP cost, needs 3 successes)
    • Targeting the female goblin who tried to Puppeteer Ashley.
    • Should deal damage as a Line spell of 4th level, plus a FvR check vs prone.
  • Casting Gust (level 3, 2 EP cost, needs 3 successes)
    • Aiming at the group out the door, but also hitting one of the inside goblins as well if possible.
    • Should deal damage as a Line spell of 4th level, plus a FvR check vs prone.
  • Total EP spent: 7

{F} Gust (Line) [This spell deals damage as a spell one level lower, but creatures affected by it must win a Focus vs Reflexes check against the caster or be knocked Prone. All hit creatures move at half Speed towards the caster or double Speed away from them until the caster’s next turn.]

Whenever the character casts a spell that deals damage, increase the effective spell level of that spell by 1 for the purpose of determining how much damage the spell does

Wind Caller:
Spells of the Wind element of the Line and Cone shapes deal damage as if they were one spell level higher

Focus in [Wind] - [...] they gain a +3 dice bonus to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, get a 1d10 bonus to attack rolls for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level [...]

Potent Spells:
Potent Spells - Whenever a spell cast by the character requires a Resistance check, the caster gets a +12 bonus to their roll. If a spell would cause an instance of a status that can be stacked, it causes an additional instance of that status if the target fails their check by 5 or more.
HP = 52/52, PP = 47/72, EP = 64/78, Status = Fine, Arcane Armor (+18 to all Resistance checks) Upkeep = 1 EP, Arcane Focus, Empathy to Goblin Caster 2, Excited, Grappled

Jenn: Naked, Exhausted, KOed
Karena Arselone: Exhausted, taken 3 damage
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: Injured, taken 53 damage

Sharog: Unhelpful orc captor, summoning demons

Daniella Boulay: ???
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Goblin Fighter 1: Taken 31 damage
Goblin Fighter 2: Taken 54 damage
Goblin Fighter 3: Taken 64 damage, grappling Ashley, Weakened x3
Goblin Fighter 4: Taken 16 damage, humping goblin caster 2.
Goblin Caster 1: Gone
Goblin Caster 2: Taken 20 damage, being humped, taken 25 PP damage

Ashley's Gusts Casting: 7 successes on the first, 3 successes on the second
Attack: 103 vs goblin mage, 92 vs other gobbos, goblin mage has 79 Dodge so is hit, other gobbos have 93, 93, 97, all miss.
Resistance: Girl gobbo fails, and is knocked prone.
Damage: 8 + 5 + 1 + 4 = 18, 18 x 4 = 72 damage, the goblin spellcaster vanishes, the other goblins that were hit are hurt. 72/2 = 36, 36 - 10 = 16 damage.

Ashley must make a Willpower Check without her buff bonuses: 29 for her vs 47; Ashley has been afflicted with Empathy. She will take any damage, HP or PP, from Goblin Caster 2.
Goblin Caster 2 then bends over, and proceeds to get dick from one of the goblin fighters.
PP Damage: 10 + 13 = 25 to her... And to Ashley.

Dornhall goes for a goblin fighter, Karena for a different one.
Attacks: 84 and 78 vs 93 and 75, Dornhall misses but Karena hits.
Damage: 17 + 37 - 20 = 34 damage.

Goblins attack! The ones engaging Dornhall and Karena try to attack them.
Attacks: 86 and 95 vs 84 and 72, both are hit.
Damage: 5 + 22 - their shitton of armor, min 3 damage.
One goes for Ashley.
Attack: 97 vs 91, Ashley is grappled.

Faerie uses Blood Freeze on the offending goblin, X = 8.
Attack: 78 vs 64, hits.
Damage: 3 + 3 = 6, 6 x 8 = 48 damage, and three stacks of weakened.

Ashley's conjured gust picked up the offending goblin and carried them into the wall, where they crashed against it, bounced off, flopped bonelessly to the ground, and promptly vanished, their form disappearing into rapidly-drying gelatinous goo. That was one threat down, but her other gust, aimed at one of the goblins and out the door at several others, only washed across her targets as they crouched low. The fighters were only pushed back a step or two rather than sent tumbling away, and even if she had managed to hit three of them, they were still very much an immediate threat.

Karena and Dornhall advanced to confront them, but somehow, despite how absurdly proficient the orc warrior had proven himself so far, he stumbled his spear thrust, and the goblin responded by smacking him on his wounded leg and forcing him to stumble. Karena fared better, bashing past his shield to cut into the goblin, but he gave a pained his and fought on and returned the blow with one to her stomach; these were clearly stronger fodder than they had expected to face.

As that was happening, however, Ashley heard a voice suddenly spring up in her head, a low, slightly rhaspy feminine one that was unfamiliar to her. "Heheheh, ya got all kinds'ah fancy magics up tah 'fend yerself, don'tcha? Too bad I gots me tricks that dun' care 'bout none'o that!" The unfamiliar voice said, and Ashley briefly saw a goblin peaking out from around the corner at the doorway, one with blue eyes and a head of short, messy brown hair, before they pulled out of line of sight. Something extremely strange happened, at that point; It felt like she was simultaneously feeling her own body, and someone else's. "Heheheheh... Ya ain't ready fer this I'll bet!" Then, out of nowhere, a surge of pleasure roared up Ashley's spine. It felt like something had just been shoved into her pussy, and as the desperate seconds ticked by it felt very much like someone was giving her a vigorous, effective fucking that left her knees shaking.

While that was happening, one of the goblins that she had wind blasted came in through the door and launched himself at her, tackling the wind mage. She ended up on her back, and the goblin immediately started manhandling her while leering down at her, grunting; "Gonna put a whelp in yer belly, just you - hhrrrrrkkk!" Frost suddenly coated the goblin, and out of the corner of her eye Ashley could see the sidhe woman pointed an arm at him, her hand slowly closing and a look of utter contempt on her face. The goblin, miraculously, didn't die outright, however, though it was clear that a lot of the strength had left his grip...
Ashley trivially blasted one of the goblins back to ectoplasm - not terribly satisfying, given that her own *real* body was on the line. Even worse, the other three crouched down and avoided the main blast of wind that her left hand directed their way. She cursed at herself, too used to fighting foes her own height or higher, and generally at longer range. Still, she'd proved that she could take out this fodder if she could hit them, and with the others to back her up the fight was still well in hand.

At which point an unfamiliar feminine voice - presumably another goblin caster - spoke in her head. She shook it, slightly perturbed that what was clearly a psychic or psionic ability had gotten through her mental augmentation. There was a moment of disorientation as her nerves suddenly tingled with the cold of the storm outdoors as well as the relative warmth of the cabin. And then, quite clearly, she felt a cock shove itself into her pussy. She gasped, eyes going wide, and looking down to see... her own shirt, and past it the rest of her fully-clothed body. The unseen cock pulled out and shoved in again, as easily as if she were dripping wet. Which she wasn't, though the feeling of being rapidly and skillfully fucked was starting to change that with alarming ease. It was the feeling of hands tight around her hips as the phantom cock thrust again that finally connected the dots between the mental intrusion, the oddly doubled sensation, and the female goblin she had seen briefly peek around the doorframe before retreating outside.

She was feeling a second body. The body of a female goblin. A female goblin who had cast something on her - slipping past her defenses - and then retreated back out in the storm. Apparently to get fucked. Quite hard, judging by the sharp moan the next thrust drew out of her. At which point one of the goblins that had dodged her gust jumped, and she was just distracted enough that rather than getting out of the way, she found herself flat on her back, a goblin with an obvious erection roughly groping her breast, even as another unseen one fucked her. Before he could go further, though, a blast of magic interrupted his gloating.

The instinct to reach up and slap him was strong, but she wasn't terribly strong. Physically. It was unlikely that she could dislodge this unwelcome visitor, though perhaps she had a chance in the moment after his own magical sucker punch. But lacking that, it seemed quite certain that he would disrobe her, rape her, and in all likelihood accomplish what he had just threatened. Fortunately, brute force was not all Ashley had at her disposal. Instead, she focused on getting one hand on the arm that was on her breast, and felt her hair start to stand on end as she focused her magic, letting it leap to her attacker just as they made skin-to-skin contact.

Hopefully that would teach him to touch people without their permission. And if he was as close to death as he seemed, give her an uncomfortable but harmless splash with ectoplasm. If not, she'd just have to give him a refresher course.

And once that was done, it would be time to deal with the other goblin sexually assaulting her. That would be trickier. Firstly because she didn't know exactly what the effect was. No spell she knew could do this, but it seemed in line with what she knew about those with psionic powers, though she wasn't familiar enough to say exactly what the limits were. Even so she didn't dare take hostile action against the caster for fear of what that would do to herself, until the effect was broken. And once it *was* broken, the next priority would definitely have to be to deal with that goblin, before she could get in her head again, or something worse. And, of course, this woman had somehow managed to overcome Ashley's considerable, heavily augmented mental defenses, which left open the question of if she even *could* break the link.

No way to know until she tried, of course. She extended her arcane senses just past her own skin, feeling the flow of magic. Her own, heigtening her mind and speeding her up. Various flows as other casters near and in the mid distance worked their own magic. And one more, tied between herself and an unseen entity. It would be easier if she knew the details of the magic, how it worked, and preferably had cast it herself - come to think of it, that would be pretty fun with Jenn, and she made a mental note to look into it - but with a little more effort and magic, she could... she frowned. Do nothing, unless she just completely cut off all spells affecting herself. Including her own. They were too blended together.

Of course, there were two ends to the spell. And if the physics were a little too metaphysical to attack the spell in the space between her and her attacker, the one place they were certain to be was at that other end. So the plan was simple. Scramble to the window. Hope like hell she could see a pair of goblins fucking. And then strip every bit of magic from the one in the receiving position. Then duck back out of sight. And if she couldn't see that horrible woman... take out her frustration on the nearest goblin anyway.

{EL} Shocking Grasp (Touch) [Deals +1 damage per spell level.] - level 2 lightning.
If the goblin somehow avoids it or doesn't die (or Ashley fails at casting), same thing again. If not:
Try to get line of sight on the goblin casting Empathy on her. Greater Dispel her (Arcane level 3)
If that isn't possible, Gust (Wind level 3) on as many unfortunate goblins in her sight as she can.

  • Maintaining Arcane Armor (level 3, 1 upkeep, +18 resistance).
  • Maintaining Haste (2 upkeep, additional standard action per turn).
The rest is kinda conditional?