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Winter Night (thetwo)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine

It had been a busy two years. Working in the enchanting lab, defending the Academy from the orc assault, classes, her own private research into daemons and deities, and her own increasingly lewd social life had left Ashley with little time to herself. After her break up with Charles about a year ago, she'd ended up having what she might have thought initially was rebound-sex but what had blossomed into a relationship that had now ended up lasting a good deal longer than the first... With none other than her best friend, Jenn. Where Charles had been fairly clingy and somewhat possessive, Jenn had been more or less just the opposite, allowing Ashley to relax a great deal. They'd even worked out a practical way to seal their relationship, enchanting a pair of earrings and trading a single one of each, the enchantments on them protective in case of certain emergencies. She'd also recovered extremely well from their adventure into the woods, though for the first month or so she'd been a nervous wreck that didn't sleep unless she was utterly exhausted, and even then never without a fairly bright lightstone hanging over her head. She'd been weened off of the magical nightlight after their relationship began, however, and for all intents and purposes had been mentally stable ever since.

As such, when the water mage had presented her with a pair of fairly standard looking blue underpants, and told her with a mostly straight face that they were for protection, Ashley had taken the comment at face value. They were indeed enchanted, at least as far as Ashley could tell, and did provide for some fairly decent protection.... But the request that she wear them to her practicals, the exams that would see her graduate from the basic classes of the Academy and earn a vast number of privileges that she'd been mostly denied up until then despite her record in battle, was still a somewhat odd one. Even so, they'd been her only clean pair today, and as such Ashley hadn't had much choice but to wear the magically protective undergarments.

She and Jenn were both standing next to a table, finishing their alchemy practical. Neither of them were taking any of the advanced courses in the subject, and as such they didn't have a particularly difficult potion to make - a simple energy potion made from a premade base and a handful of ingredients. They were just about finished when Ashley spotted the teacher, a burly night elven man with an expression that was perpetually stuck in a scowl, heading toward them. The practicals generally had an oral portion as well, one delivered randomly, and it seemed likely that that was what she was about to be put through.

(I'm pretty sure that I forgot stuff, but I was in a rush. If you want to put anything in here recap-wise, go ahead.)
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

I think that's most of the important points.

Ashley tried not to take any note of the teacher as he approached. Alchemy had never been her favorite subject, and while she had been interested to take it as part of her general quest to broaden her education, she felt that the point where it had been interesting was long past. Perhaps the most advanced alchemists were trying new and interesting potions and methods that could yield exciting results, but even the high-level academy courses looked more like cookery then magic, once you understood the principles.

And while Ashley didn't mind eating a good meal, she didn't have any particular interest in making one. Certainly not as a profession. No, after this exam she was probably done with alchemy, unless she was required to continue to the advanced levels as a prerequisite for something more interesting. It meant a little more time to pursue her independent studies. Maybe once she graduated, she'd get more then the frustratingly vague and contradictory information she had found so far on gods and daemons. Possibly enchanting as well, though that seemed less likely. The information there was orderly and if there was anything hidden it wasn't something Ashley had tried to find.

While Alchemy had been a bit of a disappointment, the same could not be said of the other classes Ashley had recently taken to broaden her horizons. She didn't show any particular aptitude for Spiritual powers, but the lessons in how Spirit Wielders utilized and stored their energies seemed to have had surprisingly good results. Ashley was able to weave spells much longer before becoming exhausted, and was curious to see how much further that could be extended. Similarly with even the less obviously magical class, in using her pistol. She'd more or less taught herself to shoot after an unfortunate incident where her magic had failed her, but had neglected that side since coming to the Academy. A proper class had shown her how to use her talents much more effectively, and even how to combine gun and magic. Add the improvements made to her gun itself - far more then just a polishing - and suddenly she found herself with an alternative primary weapon rather then an inferior backup to raw magic.

She found herself thumbing her right ear, where a stylized water droplet sat, and glanced at Jenn to make sure she had noticed the approaching teacher. The earring was enchanted, automatically casting a water breathing spell should she find herself submerged. Jenn had done it. Ashley wore most of her enchanted equipment constantly, mostly to get used to the idea of wearing jewelry. In addition to Water, Wind was on her left ear, one of the first enchantments she done herself, with its twin adorning Jenn. The rings had come next, the frosty one from the fey and the clear one that she'd never had to use, practically at the same time. She had almost certainly saved her life - or at least her sanity - with invisibility once, and felt better knowing it was just a flick of her finger away even if she never did end up using it. Then there was the little pale stone around her neck. That one had taken the most getting used to, pressed against her throat as it had to be. A quick way out of any situation had felt like a good idea, after some of the things she had been through, and the stone's position made it difficult to imagine someone overhearing the command. Which left her dress, practically glowing with magical energy. She wouldn't usually wear that to class, but it did look stunning despite showing hardly any skin, and a little extra good impression wouldn't hurt during exams.

The fact that she was also wearing Jenn's most recent gift was barely an afterthought. The little extra protection they provided was nice, but out of sight was out of mind, and Ashley's only thought about them was to wonder what she should get her friend in return. Something would occur to her.

The teacher was practically on top of them now, and Ashley finally looked up and gave him a confident smile. The hardest part of making the potion had been not getting distracted by working with Jenn. The oral portion almost had to be more difficult, but she was a good student even when she wasn't hugely interested, and she was as ready as she'd ever be.
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Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 52/72, EP = 76/78, Status = Fine

PP Damage: 2 + 6 + 6 + 2 + 4 = 20 PP damage.

Jenn smiled beside her as she took note of the instructor as well, but there was something strangely.... Mischievous, about it. Regardless, she didn't have any time to puzzle out why her lover was smirking so, as she grumpy elven teacher launched into questions pretty much as soon as he was close enough that no one else might think it was their turn; "You two... How long should one boil `shorn syrup before it can be deemed safe for consumption? Alternatively, what chemicals can be added to it that will neutralize its aphrodisiac effects?" As he waited impatiently for an answer, their healing potion began to bubble ominously, and Jenn quickly turned to it and said; "Oh dear! Ashley, can you handle this one? This potion will be such a distraction~"

The answers to the elf's questions were easy - being an hour and a long list of substances that included things as simple as salt. Making it safe for consumption and still palatable was another matter entirely of course, and required a fairly lengthy process involving a series of chemical baths that would cause the syrup to crystallize and then be reduced back down to a liquid, thus preserving the sugary flavor but removing its other less normally pleasant effects. All of this was then promptly knocked right out of her mind as a surge of sensation against her petals suddenly had her extremely excited...
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Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

It was a fairly easy question. Not that a difficult one would have necessarily have been a problem. Alchemy had turned out not to be especially interesting to Ashely, but she knew she needed the course to graduate so she had paid attention in class and done her required work. The real question at the moment was why he had lead with an easy question. It might have been part of a series of increasing difficulty, or simply chance, or it might have been easy questions for everyone. Less charitably, he might have fancied Ashley or Jenn, not knowing or not caring that they were together. Or - and Ashley considered this worse - he might have been trying to ensure that she graduated.

Maybe he was even fishing, giving them the chance to give the difficult answer instead of taking the easy way out. Well, that was the answer she'd go with. The wind mage was fairly confident that she could remember the steps, and certain that Jenn could - as a water mage alchemy seemed to come naturally to her, and she had seemed particularly interested in shorn syrup.

Ashley was a little bit surprised when her girlfriend transparently deflected the question to her, but not nearly as surprised as she was a second later. She tried play off the sudden inhalation as surprise at the change in the potion, and wasn't sure how successful she'd been. She tried to ignore the sudden heat beneath her dress and turned to face the professor. "To, ah... to make shorn syrup safe, I would..."

For a wild moment, Ashley wondered if it might have been the mention of Shorn that had set her off. They'd talked about the plants before in class and it hadn't been anything like this, but she'd lost her virginity to one of the vile weeds, and ever since then thinking about them had made her unaccountably... flustered. But this went beyond a passing fancy. And it was getting worse. She felt she could probably still recite the list of steps, but whatever was going on hadn't stopped, and if it kept going... well, it would be better if she was done with the oral quickly. The oral exam. The questions.

"I would add..." there were a dozen things that could be added. Some were better then others, but a subtle attempt to shift away from the maddening sensation between her thighs just made things worse. She shifted back quickly, trying with only limited success not to blush.

She tried again, this time more quickly. "Salt would work." What was going on? The leading candidate was Jenn doing something, but... Ashley could feel herself getting aroused, the physical changes impossible to stop. Her nipples hardening was bad enough, and would soon be visible through her dress if they weren't already. But worse was down below, where the increased bloodflow was bringing her sensitive parts into more prominence. The strange almost... buzzing... sensation increased. Her mind finally pushed its way through the increasing lust to put two and two together. The panties! Jenn had insisted that she wear them, and now they were vibrating. This was not a coincidence.

"Can, uhh...." Ashley swallowed, stopping herself from either vocalizing her increasing arousal or yelling at Jenn, she wasn't sure which, and continued. "Can we hurry up? I know this is... important... but..." she shifted again, unable to hide it this time, "I really have to... uh... visit the, ah, ladies room."

There was a certain amount of desperation in her voice. If she got out now she'd be going commando for the rest of the exam, and her panties would have a little damp spot on them in her pack. Another question or two and that would be a big damp spot. If it was a long exam...
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 36/72, EP = 74/78, Status = Fine

PP Damage: 1 + 5 + 6 + 2 + 4 = 18 PP damage.

Her distraction didn't seem to sit well with her instructor, who scowled and said; "If you're too flustered by simple oral to remember your lessons, I'd hate to see you under pressure in the real thing!" He waited impatiently for her to answer as the buzzing against her petals didn't abate, though her uncomfortable shifting caused it to be somewhat more momentarily bearable. He nodded at her initial answer, "Good enough for par." He seemed ready to launch into another question when she asked him to hurry up, and that proved to be something of a mistake.

Fury tinged the elf's eyes, and he grunted; "You'll hold it as long as you damn need to! I've no tolerance for woman's troubles interrupting proper education! Now, poisons. You've just been fed a hallucinogen. It's already taking effect, and you're in a panic. What would you take if you didn't have time to mix a proper antitoxin?" The answer to that wasn't quite as clear, but also broad after a moment's thought. A sedative to put her under while the poison played itself out would work, but a sufficiently strong stimulant would work just as effectively to help her abate the effects while it worked itself through her. In truth, anything that would allow her to ignore the effects would work to help weaken the edge off the poison, and one of the simplest and the quickest that came to mind was intimately familiar to Ashley; the aphrodisiac effects of shorn pollen would help ease the effects, but would replace it with maddening lust instead.

Next to her, Jenn was smirking broadly as if very pleased with herself, and though their potion was now the dark red of the finished product the water mage continued to see to it rather than help with the oral exam. The teacher was rapidly growing impatient with her, but the distraction caused by her vibrating wasn't going away. If anything, it was starting to get worse as her arousal built towards she-knew-what, but there didn't seem to be any mercy coming from either direction.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley started to glare at the man - if she had had unexpected "woman's troubles" he'd regret making her wait - but it was too hard to both do that and ignore the distraction under her dress. She'd have to get Jenn back for this. She could... another shift brought buzzing pressure on her clit, and she resolved to think of an appropriate revenge after she got the maddening panties off.

She almost missed the second question. The buzzing just wouldn't stop! She was getting wet in the middle of class! She thumbed the clear ring on her left hand. She certainly wanted to disappear, but if she managed it then she'd probably be in trouble with regards to this test. And in the middle of a room, with dozens of people staring at her, and probably starting to smell like sex, she would probably be noticed anyway. It would be difficult to accidentally trigger the ring, but she stopped playing with it anyway.

The answer. The first thing that came to mind was Shorn Pollen. In her current state the side effects would hardly be noticeable. But probably not what he wanted to hear. "I would take..." she let out an aroused whimper. The panties were sticking to her sex now, making any amount of shifting about worthless. She was basically in a panic. If she couldn't remember the answer, then the man would be right... she wouldn't remember when the real thing happened either. Focus. Ignore your pussy. She pushed through. "A nap."

She stared at Jenn with a carefully blank face for a brief moment, then realized she'd skipped a step. "By using a... ohhh... sedative." Ashley took a deep breath, let it out, and spoke quickly. "You-know-this-is-your-exam-too-Jenn."
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 17/72, EP = 74/78, Status = Fine

PP Damage: 1 + 6 + 6 + 2 + 4 = 19 PP damage.

Ashley's slowness only seemed to irritate the teacher further, though he seemed to interpret the whimper with which she spoke as one of fear rather than arousal. When she delivered the first part of her answer, he grunted and immediately declared; "That is not correct, you-" She interrupted him quickly with her correction, and he grimaced while she turned to Jenn, who was grinning like a cat with a canary while stirring the already finished potion. "Oh, I suppose it is. This thing's almost done though, I'm sure you can get the next one!" the water mage replied, leaving Ashley to answer the next question issued by their increasingly irate instructor; "What would you mix together to make a cure for a common stomach illness?"

That one was a little bit more in depth, and Ashley's panicked mind simply couldn't conjure a proper answer with any speed. Thankfully, however, Jenn opted to step in on this one; "Ginger, peppermint, cinnamon, and baking soda mixed together in a water solution will cure most minor stomach ills, but can also leave the body weak to certain infections. Ideally, one should eat properly and avoid such things altogether, though if one falls ill the above remedy will generally work." The teacher frowned at the water mage's intervention, giving Ashley a moment to collect herself, and then nodded in acceptance before turning back to her. By then the wind mage's panties were sealed to her nether lips by her own love juices, her pheromones were heavy in the air, and the garments had had the misfortune to congeal around her engorged clitoris, thus applying its dastardly stimulation right to the hypersensitive nub. She could almost swear that she could feel it moving...

"What are the alchemical properties of the blood of one of the sidhe?" the elf demanded, and at this Jenn's face fell somewhat. She wouldn't be getting any assists on this one. The elf had left out a number requirement, but she distinctly remembered that there were seven primary uses for sidhe blood in alchemy and enchanting. The first and simplest was its use as an enchantment for a blade, giving a sword added lightness as if possessed by the grace of the being from which the blood had been drawn and the frigid chill of deepest winter. It could also be applied to armor or clothing to grant the wearer limited protection against magical attacks and provide for increased reflexes. These protective properties could be enhanced if used with an angel's feather, allowing complete immunity to certain sorts of offensive magic, resistance to other forms of attack, and increased power for one's own magics.

More complexly, it could sometimes be used in certain rituals in place of energies or time, but such uses were rare. Used in alchemy, it was generally useful as an agent to increase the potency of a brew reliant on magic, and was fairly effective when used to create cures for freezer burns as well. Finally, they could also be used in a specific potion meant to grant extended life, though its use was forbidden given the rather dangerous side effects that it inspired. Remembering all of this might be a little bit easier than reciting all of it for Ashley, however, given the continued presence of her underwear steadily buzzing and writhing against her clitoris and nether lips.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

"The b-blood of a sidhe..." Ashley touched her other ring, a silver one that was always faintly chilly. She'd never asked whose blood went into that, or her dress. It probably would have been rude, and it wasn't like it took very much blood. "can be used to en-ooohhh..."

It was getting to be too much. The maddening panties felt like they were specifically seeking out her clit, which responded to all this attention by growing slightly larger. She was going to cum. Right in the middle of the classroom, during an exam. She felt a blush starting to rise. To miss the person you were talking to having an orgasm would be... difficult. The professor had seemed oblivious so far, but that...

She tried to focus on the question. And realized she had been making it too difficult. She took a couple of shallow breaths, then blurted out. "Faerie blood can be used to cure frostburn." Ashley shuddered with arousal, then continued. "Or magnify other magical potions." One more. "Or the... oh gods... the forbidden... potion... to extend... ooohhhhhh life..." The other uses - weapons, armor, other items, and rituals - weren't strictly alchemical properties of the blood, and in any case Ashley wasn't sure she'd be able to say them all.

The wind mage felt her breasts heaving, her nipples rubbing maddeningly against her dress while the panties continued their work between her legs. They felt like they were moving too much, but it hardly seemed to matter at this point. It would be a miracle if she got through another question without an orgasm, or even made it out of the room.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 70/78, Status = Fine, Orgasmed

PP Damage: 5 + 6 + 6 + 2 + 4 = 23 PP damage. Ashley hngs!

Hints of confusion crept into the instructor's expression, though annoyance continued to dominate his face as she stumbled over her answer. "Good enough, though your delivery will dock you a few points!" he spat grumpily, and then glanced at their finished potion, which Jenn was even then pouring into a bottle after taking their sample for grading. "Take the sample up and take care of... Whatever's wrong with you!" he grumbled, before stomping off to the next group he intended to examine. Jenn immediately wrapped an arm around Ashley's waist, beaming brilliantly, and took her up towards the front. Her panties were now literally squirming around her clit in addition to their vibrations, and they'd gotten up to the front and laid down their labeled sample just as the knot in her belly violently unwound, producing an orgasm that was not only embarrassing but actually quite good.

Ashley idly noted that Charles was staring at her from the back, taking the very same exam, a mild blush and a look of recognition both converging on his face as he watched Jenn half carry her out. Once they were out in the hall and far enough away from the door that they were out of earshot, Jenn said; "Well, that was easy! I could go for some private lunch~ What about you Ashley?" There was just a hint of lewd suggestion in her tone, and the buzz from her enchanted undergarments dropped from an insistent buzz down to one that was only distractingly pleasurable somewhere in the middle of what she said.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley found herself practically panting at the front of the classroom, trying desperately to hold off her orgasm for just a few more seconds. But the cursed panties were unrelenting, and she let out an audible and practically unmistakable moan of relief as she was pushed over into an intense orgasm. She found herself shaking slightly, and glad she had managed to remain standing, partly with the aid of Jenn, and flushed with satisfaction as much as embarrassment.

Jenn helped her out of the room. Charles had certainly recognized that for what it was, and she'd be surprised if half the class didn't know before she reached the end of the hallway. And the panties were still going! At least she could finally look forward to taking them off. When they were out of earshot, Jenn said something that changed the vibrations, not making them go away, but at least making them bearable. "Private, yes, lunch... sort of. That was a terrible thing you did, Jenn, and the least you can do is clean up your mess."

The wind mage was still horny, after all, and since she couldn't very well pull off her sodden panties in public, she'd be hornier still by the time they were alone. A little relief from Jenn, then she could start planning her revenge...
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 70/78, Status = Fine

Ashley, unsurprisingly, got a lot of stares from her peers as she was ushered out of the classroom by Jenn. The water mage merely giggled at Ashley's condemnation of her actions, leading her by her waist as the accursed panties continued to buzz steadily around her clit, not quite strong enough to start pushing her towards a second orgasm but more than was needed to keep Ashley in a state of sexual high. A few people seemed to notice the fairly obvious signs of her arousal as they passed her and Jenn in the halls, but they only seemed to want to gawk.

Her lover pulled her down a more narrow hallway with fewer people in it, grinning broadly, and after another few moments of travel they were in a section that was momentarily deserted. Jenn quickly opened a door and pushed Ashley somewhat roughly inside, shutting the door behind them and leaving them both shrouded in darkness. A soft blue light appeared over Jenn's head, and then Ashley found herself being pushed gently against the wall next to the chalkboard of an empty classroom. "You were so cute back there, I don't think I've ever seen you so flustered~ I hope the panties weren't too much of a distraction!" Jenn said softly, and the massage of her privates was suddenly taken up in full once more as the shorter girl leaned in and kissed Ashley hungrily on the lips.

She'd gotten fairly adept at undressing Ashley over the years, and within seconds the storm mage's magical dress was sliding down her waist, pooling around her feet and leaving Ashley clad in nothing but her shoes and those accursed undergarments. While Jenn was slightly shorter than Ashley, the gap wasn't that significant, and as such Jenn's larger bosom, still covered by her robes and her bra, was pancaked against Ashley's. One of the water mages moved in between those soft orbs, however, gripping at Ashley's breast and rubbing her nipple exactly how Ashley liked it. Unless Ashley had opted to pull away from the kiss at some point, Jenn's tongue started getting a lot more adventurous as well, readily invading Ashley's mouth and attacking her own tongue in an effort to set up their usual song and dance.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley gasped as the panties suddenly returned to their full power. By the time she'd had time to properly react - and to process the last word Jenn had said, the same as just before the last time the panties had started up - she found that she was standing in just the cursed panties, with Jenn trying to move things along.

Well, Ashley had a thing or two to say about that. And with the sodden piece of cloth still hugging her clit, they mostly involved sex. In this case, it started with rapidly reducing Jenn to the same state of undress as herself, and shuddering as the panties brought her closer to a second orgasm. She found herself leaning against the wall behind her as she tugged on the water mage's panties, indicating that it was time for them to come off. Once they did, she pulled Jenn in tight, making sure that her still-vibrating panties pressed firmly against their enchanter's clit as well as her own. Maybe not as strongly, but she held her friend there long enough to feel it.

Then - before it was time for Ashley's inevitable second orgasm - she pulled away from the kiss and put a hand on each of Jenn's shoulders, and pressed down. She kept going until Jenn got the hint and her head was face to face with her handiwork. She carefully peeled away the sodden panties, letting them fall down to her ankles, then stepping out of them with one foot, spreading her legs slightly. "Well?~"

Once Jenn had payed her back somewhat for the little prank they would probably end up a tangled mess on the floor, but the encounter would at least start with her friend apologizing to the offended part.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 70/78, Status = Fine

Pealing Jenn's clothing off wasn't a particularly difficult task, and when her robe slid down her body Ashley found that the water mage wasn't wearing anything underneath besides a bra to contain her fairly impressive bosom. Jenn, much like Ashley, was a fairly slim girl in most respects, with the sole exception of the heavy orbs that the wind mage quickly freed from their restraining lacy prison. Her lack of bottoms made the act of tugging them down unnecessary, and when Ashley pulled the water mage closer so that she could feel the effects of her handiwork, Jenn gave a low moan and pressed herself all the closer, rubbing herself against the vibrating undergarments.

The water mage resisted Ashley's pushing for a moment and tried to reestablish the kiss, but eventually relented and dropped to her knees, nibbling softly on her lips while Ashley pulled down the damp garments. They became inert after being pulled away from her sex, but Ashley had barely gotten her words past her lips before a giggling Jenn's slowly lunged forward. The squirming and vibrations against her clit were replaced swiftly by her lover's tongue, which she flicked against her sensitive little nub just as an exhalation of breath sent an unbidden chill shooting up Ashley's spine. Placing one hand on her hip and slowly running the other upwards to play with one of Ashley's breasts, Jenn wasted no time with teasing as she started cleaning up after her mess, as she set about flicking her tongue swiftly over Ashley's engorged clitty.

Ashley was pushed gently against the blackboard as Jenn worked her tongue across the wind mage's sensitive jewel, largely for her own stability as her legs were rapidly starting to feel like so much jelly. Jenn was diligent and relentless in her attentions, and soon enough Ashley was worked up to the same point she'd reached back in the classroom, and this time she didn't have Jenn or her embarrassment holding her. Her legs buckled as she came, and just as she'd predicted, Ashley ended up on a heap on top of a giggling Jenn while she rode out the rest of her orgasm. The water mage managed to extricate herself from beneath Ashley's twitching body with a few moments of work, and then moved to a kneeling position next to her. "I thought you'd like the little hidden feature of my present~" she began, smirking, "So, how about you go lie down on the desk and get ready for the other half of my surprise!"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

When the orgasm was finally over, Ashley lay on her back for a moment, looking up at the kneeling Jenn. "Another half to your surprise, huh? Well, I suppose asking what it is would ruin the fun..." She offered her friend a hand to pull her back up, knees still a little shaky. Shen she'd managed to get to her feet, Ashley glanced nervously at the door. They were alone, but not exactly perfectly private. And while their relationship was neither exactly secret nor forbidden, having sex in an empty classroom wasn't quite smiled upon. And now that she wasn't being driven mad by her undergarments...

The wind mage went over to the desk. Well, she'd just have to be driven mad by something else. She pushed herself up on it, sitting on the edge for a moment. "Like this?" The naked mage leaned back until she was face up on the desk, her legs slowly spreading, tingling with anticipation.

The second half had best make up for the first half, or I'll have to get back at her... and it would take a lot to make up for making me cum during an exam. Maybe a dress that I can turn invisible, if I can work out how, or...
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 70/78, Status = Fine

"Just like that~" Jenn said, but rather than follow Ashley immediately, the water mage knelt down next to her discarded robes to retrieve something from one of the pockets. Ashley didn't catch what it was, but it was definitely very small, and she'd detected a metallic glint before Jenn hid it from her completely. Her lover casually sauntered over after straightening, a fairly alluring sight considering her ample assets, and placed her hands on the side of the desk as she drew near. Without so much as a second's hesitation once she was within range, Jenn's head dipped between Ashley's legs, giving the wind mage's lower lips a long, sensual kiss that involved a great deal of tongue.

Jenn drew circles slowly around Ashley's puffy sex, lapping up her juices and slowly pushing deeper even as her soft moans caused the water mage's lips to vibrate against Ashley's clit. She only licked Ashley for a few seconds, however, before giving her clit a few quick flicks of her tongue and then parting from her nethers, kissing her way up Ashley's front as Jenn slowly climbed onto the desk on top of Ashley. She paused again when her face was chest level, and her head dipped down so that she could give the wind mage's excited peaks a little bit of attention of their own, suckling and licking briefly at one nipple and then the other before starting back up. When she was face to face with Ashley at long last, their bodies pressed together while one hand was beside Ashley's head, the other next to her side, and with one knee up on the desk such that their nethers were just barely touching, Jenn leaned in and gave Ashley another long, lustful kiss, sending her tongue out to explore Ashley's mouth.

Parting from the kiss for a moment, the hand that Jenn had kept next to Ashley's side for balance suddenly moved down towards their crotches. "I think you're nice and ready~" she cooed, and then Ashley felt a small twinge of magic at work just as something started rubbing against her belly, leaving a trail of wetness along the way as it trailed down. Jenn leaned in and kissed her again as she slowly shifted her position, and the presence was pressed against her petals. A slight pressure increased until Ashley's nether lips parted, and Jenn slid what Ashley soon realized was a fully formed cock inch by inch into the wind mage's depths, its girth stretching her out nicely so that Ashley could feel every contour of the thick appendage as it spread her inner walls. Jenn hilted herself in her first thrust, moaning softly into Ashley's mouth all the while, and the pleasure of being penetrated was amplified by another sensation, one that she'd never experienced before but seemed to leave her muscles quivering with excitement. Having done her teasing, Jenn lifted herself back and then drove back into Ashley to the hilt with a soft mewl, an action that she repeated at a steadily increasing rate as the intensity of the kiss rapidly picked up.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley let out a gasp followed by an aroused sigh as the phallic object pushed into her. What had gotten into Jenn today? Where had she been carrying a strap... the wind mage realized how warm the object was, and remembered the feeling of wetness, and the pulse of magic that had preceded it. Her eyes widened slightly and she started to pull away from the kiss to open her mouth, but whatever she had intended to say turned into a moan of pleasure as Jenn stopped teasing and started really going at her. She pulled Jenn's head back into place and resumed the kiss with passion.

The orgasm took Ashley by surprise. Jenn had warmed her up considerably, with her hands, her tongue, even the sight of her walking across the room. And the water mage certainly hadn't skimped on the size of her imaginary member. As she finished and felt her lover's unfamiliar cock start to quiver inside her she was sure there was something important she was supposed to remember, but what exactly it was seemed to escape her. Something felt strange about this... different then with Charles. Well, the fact that it was a woman on top of her was different, and the magical nature of the penis might account for it.

She'd have to ask Jenn how she had done it... learning the ability herself, or getting someone to enchant the power onto something. If it was the latter, maybe she could try it out herself some- another thrust into her still-trembling pussy cut the thought off and brought another moan to her lips. Ashley's arms were wrapped tight about her partner, and she could feel the more familiar signs that the other woman was about to cum.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 10/78, Status = Fine

The higher the spikes of pleasure resulting from Jenn's thrusts became, the more the draining sensation that accompanied them rose to join it. Ashley could already feel every contour of Jenn's conjured cock, every vein and bump, but the nerves along her inner walls seemed to be stoked by the unfamiliar sensation. After only a few moments of her lover's wild pumping, every thrust felt nearly orgasmic in and of itself, and the knot of pleasure that was building inside of her had already grown beyond anything that she ever remembered feeling.... Until she recognized what that sensation felt like, and that she'd felt it before. It was the same sensation, albeit not nearly as strong and not nearly as foul, that had joined the pleasure that the alien lord had forced to feel. Jenn was draining her soul.

Whatever emotion this might inspire in Ashley, it was far too late for her to do anything about it now besides hold on. Her orgasm was coming, and quickly, and from the steady throbbing of her cock Ashley could feel that Jenn wasn't far behind her. Pumping into her soaking sex with long, quick thrusts, the water mage was already throbbing steadily against her soft folds when the knot in Ashley's belly suddenly and violently unwind. The forced orgasm from the alien that had raped her had been incredibly powerful, and the one that Jenn caused her to experience was no less potent, causing her muscles to tense and all over her body while the feeling of being drained intensified . The potent quaking of her inner walls caused Jenn to break suddenly from their kiss, letting out a long drawn out moan as her thrusts suddenly became frantic.

Whether she recognized the warning signs or not, there was nothing that Ashley could do to stop Jenn now. A few more thrusts later and her lover was throwing her head back just as the first eruption sprayed into her depths, reigniting the orgasm that had only just been dying down. Shooting wave after wave of hot spunk deep inside, Jenn gave a few slow deep pumps as she orgasmed, Ashley's own continued climax only serving to milk out her seed all the harder. Once she was done with her orgasm, Jenn slowly slid her cock out of Ashley's thoroughly filled pussy, causing their mixed release to leak out down the crack of her ass to stain the desk beneath her. Pressing her weight down onto Ashley's chest as she panted in her afterglow, Jenn gave a low, satisfied groan, her still erect cock pressing against Ashley's belly. Jenn (at least) had been fairly loud during her orgasm, and the water mage's backside was to the door. With Jenn basically lying on top of her, neither of them were able to tell whether anyone had noticed them.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley lay still below Jenn, feeling sated and tired. After a moment to rest, she spoke teasingly. "Wow. That was a... big... surprise." One hand wandered, running down the curve of her lover's body, then finding its way between the two women. And what was on further inspection absolutely a penis. With actual cum beaded on the tip. And still hard. The wind mage couldn't help tickling at it to see what sort of sensation her friend was getting from it. She had been perfectly happy sleeping with Jenn without this, but it could certainly be an interesting addition to the bedroom...

On the other hand, it did add complications. She grew more serious, insofar as this was possible in her current situation. "It also felt like it was draining my... energy." It had felt like it was pulling her soul out her cunt, but it wasn't like she didn't periodically use that energy herself, so there was no need to be dramatic. "I don't suppose you have any control over that?" If she did... well, the unexpected member's hardness suggested Jenn was still in the mood. And between the contact with her lover and the prospect of a new toy, Ashley couldn't deny a certain amount of arousal herself. But if Jenn couldn't control it, a second session would probably knock the wind mage out. Not exactly sexy.

Ashley's hand wandered a little further south, confirming that Jenn's natural bits were still in place, and then delicately pressing one finger against her own. It came away sticky, and she wiped it off on Jenn's stomach to press home her next question. "And do you know if you're, ah, fertile like this?" If she might be then there were steps to take. She didn't particularly want children at the moment.

A thought occurred to her, and Ashley tried to get her head up enough to glance around the classroom, to confirm that it was still empty. Things had gotten a little loud there at the end, and being found on her back and full of cum wouldn't exactly do much to detract from whatever reputation she'd earned from the prank with the panties earlier.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 10/78, Status = Fine

Jenn giggled into Ashley's neck at her sudden speech, "Haven't been fucked silly yet I see? I guess we'll have to go for another round!" The water mage started nipping and kissing playfully at Ashley's neck, leaving it up in the air whether she'd been serious about going again or not. Reaching between them, Ashley found that it was indeed a penis that Jenn had used on her, complete with some fairly thick ejaculate beading at the tip, and when she tickled her fingers along its length the organ and its owner both gave a twitch, the later giving another soft giggle.

Growing more serious drew a similar change from the water mage, albeit a less drastic one, as Jenn gave a soft sigh and nodded against her collar, a gesture that became an affectionate nuzzle as she said; "Yeah... I was told that that was going to happen... But I should be able to control it... So long as I get enough practice~ Not that I'd want to... I don't know how it felt on your end, but it was amazing for me!" As if to illustrate her point, Jenn slowly drew her hips back up, dragging her cock along the wind mage's belly until the tip was pressed against her damp slit. "Don't worry, we can't get each other pregnant with this!" she said, dismissing Ashley's concerns about her fertility, "Probably!"

Before she'd even managed to get her head high enough to start her scan of the room, Ashley found herself fully impaled on her lover's cock once more, raw physical pleasure joined and amplified by the erotic sensation of her soul being fed upon serving to knock a good deal of her returning clarity from her mind. If Ashley continued to raise her head, Jenn would simply rest hers against Ashley's collar again and start steadily pounding her onto the desk, moaning all the while. She did note that the draining sensation started to recede, her waning energy slowly trickling out of her rather than being sucked out in a torrent, but that revelation was likely pushed to the back of Ashley's mind when she finally managed to raise her head over Jenn's back to see the shapely (but fully clothed) feminine figure standing in the doorway. A few seconds later Ashley recognized that who she was looking at was Academy staff, a teacher and one of the subdirectors of the study of magical creatures section, and she quirked an eyebrow at Ashley and waved with one of her hands, though her arms remained folded over her chest as she watched Jenn start up fucking Ashley senseless once again.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

"Probably!? What do you -" the thought was cut off along with her attempt to look about the room by Jenn's reinsertion. Again the pleasure of her magical cock was magnified by the oddly erotic sensation of the energy drain, though this time the water mage seemed able to mitigate it somewhat.

Ashley was well on her way to another orgasm when she finally managed to raise her head up enough to look around the room. And saw that they weren't alone. The door was open. There was someone in the doorway. It was a teacher. Given what Jenn continued to do, this took a moment to process. The woman met Ashley's eyes and gave her a little wave while a woman with a magically-endowed cock continued to plow away at the wind mage. And the academy frowned on sex in public spaces.

Her lover had threatened to fuck her senseless, and as she tried to speak Ashley realized she was doing a pretty decent job of it. "J-Jenn... oh gods. We're not... you didn't lock the... teacher watching! Jenn!" She started pulling away, trying to get out from under her lover or at least pull back enough that penetration stopped, while the pleasure and their fast approaching mutual orgasm balanced the fear of whatever the punishment for getting caught might be.